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formik's Issues

Using Formik Autosuggest component

hi, I have autosuggest component that needs to be part of the form, Formik has no way of knowing it.
So I got another text field that changes via state when auto suggest is selected, but since this Formik aware text field which also required has not been touched, Formik sees as invalid even though the field has value via state triggered by the autosuggest component. Any idea how can I make Formik aware of the field changes via state?

[0.8] Update Codesandbox examples

This is kind of an annoying chore, especially as our list of examples grows. We may want to consider moving to a Lerna monorepo just so we can version the examples together much more easily (and keep them in source code).

Uncaught TypeError: (0 , _formik2.default) is not a function

I have been unable to get this to work. I'm importing Formik and exporting it as a HOC to my form component. Am I doing something wrong?

I get the following error:


client.bundle.js:18089 Uncaught TypeError: (0 , _formik2.default) is not a function
    at Object.defineProperty.value (client.bundle.js:18089)
    at __webpack_require__ (client.bundle.js:20)
    at Object.defineProperty.value (client.bundle.js:18390)
    at __webpack_require__ (client.bundle.js:20)
    at Object.<anonymous> (client.bundle.js:16873)
    at __webpack_require__ (client.bundle.js:20)
    at Object.defineProperty.value (client.bundle.js:19112)
    at __webpack_require__ (client.bundle.js:20)
    at validateFormat (client.bundle.js:66)
    at client.bundle.js:69


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Formik from 'formik';
import Yup from 'yup';
import Grid from 'client/components/shared/grid';
import Form from 'client/components/shared/form';

class DonationForm extends Component {
  render() {
    const { values = {} } = this.props;
    return (
        <Grid width="50" mobile="100">
            label="First Name"
        <Grid width="50" mobile="100">
            label="Last Name"
        <Grid width="50" mobile="100">
            label="Email Address"
        <Grid width="50" mobile="100">
            label="Phone Number"

const validationSchema = Yup.object().shape({
  first_name: Yup.string().required(),
  last_name: Yup.string().required(),
  email_address: Yup.string().email().required(),
  phone_number: Yup.string().required()
export default Formik({ validationSchema })(DonationForm);

handleBlur not firing

I'm trying to build a validation process where errors don't show up before the first blur for each input (i.e no visible errors when the user is typing for the first time). But I'm not able to fire handleBlur on the blur event.


[Docs] Add testing recipes / guide

Reference: #68,


As user of Formik, I want to know how to test my Formik forms and inputs with popular test frameworks.

Rough Outline

  • Using Jest snapshots
    • This is a quick way to test mapPropsToValues
  • Using Enzyme
    • Explain when/how to use mount and shallow
    • Explain ways to simulate and test change, blur, and submit events
    • Explain how to use submitForm() to test async handleSubmit's
    • Add tips about using data-test-id=".." attributes
  • Using Karma / Selenium / Nightmare / Headless Chrome idk??
    • (may need help with this)

How to handle array of fields

Hi, so say my user API had a nested array like this:

   id: string,
   email: string,
   pets: [
     { type: string, name: string }

Is there a way to implement this kind of form, where i'll be able to add 0-many pets?

passing form errors from outside

Hi :)

What's the best way to pass the errors from outside?
What I'm trying to do is to get network errors from the redux store.

Change form values based on other form siblings.

I have a dropdown select where selecting one of its values changes the options for next sibling select. Both of the selects also have required validations. Not sure if there is a Formik way internally managing via its callbacks like handleChange or handleChangeValue?


handleChangeValue doesn't handle array with object paths

I have a field that is an array of objects that can have many items.

facies: Yup.array()
      .required('Please fill the facies modeling table')
          LowerLimit: Yup.number().required('Please enter a low value.'),
          UpperLimit: Yup.number().required('Please enter a upper value.'),

When i use

// just an example
handleChangeValue('facies[0].LowerLimit', event.currentTarget.value )

to update the LowerLimit of the first item of facies
it creates a new property in values with this name "facies[0][LowerLimit]"
when it should have updated the LowerLimit property of the first element of facies.

I have seen the code of handleChangeValue and this is because

handleChangeValue = (field: string, value: any) => {
        const { touched, values } = this.state;
        // Set touched and form fields by name
        this.setState(state => ({
          values: {
            ...values as object,
            [field]: value, // <--- in here
          touched: {
            ...touched as object,
            [field]: true, // <--- in here
       // Validate against schema
        validateFormData<Values>({ ...values as any, [field]: value /* <-- in here */}, validationSchema).then(
          () => this.setState({ errors: {} }),
          (err: any) => this.setState({ errors: yupToFormErrors(err) })

This can be resolve with something similar like the set method from lodash from the FP package

Am i missing some other way to update values from arrays or deep nested object?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Yup validation dependency has no typings

Formik is written in TS (great), but your only validation option is yup, which has no typings in the main repo and there is no externally provided @types/yup package either.

Makes it difficult to try and adopt Formik while staying purely TS.

[0.8] Have setX accept a path to key

Continuing #58 .

@pauloabmiranda suggested having setXX's accept a path to field to be updated a la Lodash's _.set method.

Currently _.set is mutative, an so we either need to copy state first and then call it on the copy or come up with a different implementation


  • Makes handling arrays much more elegant
  • Backwards compatible


  • More magical: This would tighten an already pretty tight API and make its implementation even more specific to Formik (a specialized setState).

[Discussion] Whole form validation

I really enjoy this library. Yup works great and I haven't experienced any performance issues validating the entire form when an individual field changes. I did experience an interesting side effect of validating the entire form on field change: setErrors. Let's say my backend returns {username: 'already taken', field1: 'other error', field2: 'another'}. I use setErrors to add those to the individual fields, but when someone changes the username then all of the errors clear because there is no definitions for them in yup, as they were returned in the response. The result is a loss of error visibility.

For now, I'm just going to collect these errors and present them in one giant error box at the top of the form using setError.

Question about validation - Casting an input value to 'number'

I have an input that is supposed to contain a number. If I set the validation schema for this field to be yup.number().required(), when I go to edit the field it complains, likely since it is treating the input value as a string. I see from the yup docs that they have a cast method, but I'm not sure how to have formik attempt to cast values before/during validation.

Is there something I'm missing? Am I meant to manually specify this cast in mapValuesToPayload?

[0.8] Validation Options Config API

Current Behavior
Formik validates only during onChange events

Desired Behavior
As a user of the library, I'd like to be able to configure whether validation runs during onChange or onBlur events and their respective imperative functions ( setFieldValue and setFieldTouched).


// Single option
export interface FormikConfig<Props, Values, Payload> {
   *   Tells Formik to validate the form on each input's onChange 
   *   event INSTEAD of the onBlur event 
  validateOnChange?: boolean;
// Two options
export interface FormikConfig<Props, Values, Payload> {
   *   Tells Formik to validate the form on each input's onChange 
   *   event. Default is `false`
  validateOnChange?: boolean;
   *   Tells Formik to validate the form on each input's onBlur
   *   event. Default is `true`
  validateOnBlur?: boolean;

Call onSubmit in container

At the moment, if I want to pass my form values to a container, I can do this:

const SubmitForm = ({ handleSubmit ... ) => <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>...</form>
const enhancer = Formik({
   handleSubmit (form, {props}) {
export default enhacner(SubmitForm)

Just wondering if it might make sense to support something like this,

const SubmitForm = ({ validateAll, onSubmit... ) => <form onSubmit={() => {
   validateAll(onSubmit) // validates form and calls onSubmit only if form is valid
const enhancer = Formik({
export default enhacner(SubmitForm)

In my opinion, this approach is more readable as the logic is located closer to the form (lexically),

validate values method

Is it possible to expose a validate fields/values method that can be run within the hoc? Right now it looks like validation is run on all fields when a value changes or on submit and it would be nice to run it whenever.

[Discussion] Field-level vs. Form-level validation option

I discovered a Yup method Yup.reach() that would allow (in theory) for independent field-level validation. Formik currently validates against the entire schema. This has pros and cons. Validating the entire schema allows you to build forms with interdependent fields and conditional validations with just Yup schemas, validating against a field (on the deltas) may be faster (depending on how fast reach actually is). Regardless, Formik would still validate the whole schema on handleSubmit, so interdependent schemas would still see their day in court. Error messages could get weird though. Hmmm....


Naive implementation

handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<any>) => {
   this.setState(state => ({ ... })
   if (validateOnChange) {
      Yup.reach(schema,{ ... })
          // ... process errors

Example where Form Component isn't stateless

Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹

I love the work you've done so far! However, all your examples make use of stateless components for the form components that are passed into formik as Formik({})(FormComponent).

How would one go about passing React components with state into formik? ๐Ÿค”

Also, if it's not too much, can you add examples as to how to use the in-built handleChange method?

EDIT: Whoops, I missed a whole section of the documentation. Maybe you could make it so that your basic example shows how to use a stateless component and otherwise? Or maybe add this at the very top:

// Formik props are available on `this.props`

High level explanation

I've built a few React and React Native apps, but am still relatively new to the platform. In what cases would Formik be relevant/applicable for React Native projects? I saw in the readme that a lot of React forms are a bit over-the-top and can cause performance issues. By what factor does Formik improve rendering times/[insert tangible performance metric here]? I'm sorry if creating an issue here is an inappropriate medium for asking this question -- but would appreciate any responses. Thanks!

Typescript examples

It would be nice to have typescript examples to show how the interfaces and generics are supposed to be used.

Conditional validation

@jaredpalmer : Thanks for this great library. It's much better than redux-form.

Btw, I have one question for the following form:

screenshot from 2017-07-09 22-05-17

Each state has a name and a bool field named no_cost. If no_cost = true, there's no incurring cost.

I know Yup support conditional validation, but would you pls tell me how to apply it with formik?

uncontrolled to controlled switch warning

I'm just trying this library and I get the following warning:

proxyConsole.js:56 Warning: LoginForm is changing an uncontrolled input of type text to be controlled. Input elements should not switch from uncontrolled to controlled (or vice versa). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component. More info:

Am I doing anything wrong?

import React from 'react';
import { Formik, InjectedFormikProps } from 'formik';
import Yup from 'yup';

interface IValues {
  email: string;
  password: string;

interface ILoginFormProps {
  onSubmit(payload: IValues): void;

const LoginForm: React.StatelessComponent<
  InjectedFormikProps<ILoginFormProps, IValues>
> = ({ values, handleChange, handleSubmit, errors, error, isSubmitting }) =>
  <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      placeholder="[email protected]"
    { &&
    {errors.password &&
    {error &&
      error.message &&
      <div style={{ color: 'red' }}>
        Top Level Error: {error.message}
    <button type="submit" disabled={isSubmitting}>

export default Formik<ILoginFormProps, IValues, IValues>({
  validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({
    email: Yup.string().email().required(),
    password: Yup.string().required()

  handleSubmit: (payload, { props, setError, setSubmitting }) => {

Handling file input

Is there a way of handling a file input, whenever I try and do it I just get returned a C:/fakepath/... as the value. Am I missing something how do I access the file data

[Question] Compatibility with preact/preact-compat


I'm using formik in a project that uses preact with preact-compat (preact-cli). I noticed that issue #16 says preact is supported.

It looks like formik is returning <undefined /> (when looking in React devtools).

I've had a look at the example on codesandbox as well look through the current/closed issues but I can't see what I am doing incorrectly ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ.

Here is the code I'm trying to use:

import { h } from 'preact';
import { Formik } from 'formik';
import yup from 'yup';

const Input = ({ id, name, label, type, value, onChange, error }) => (
    <label for={id} style={{ display: 'block' }}>
    {error && (
      <div style={{ color: 'red' }}>

const PersonalDetailsForm = ({ values, handleChange, handleSubmit, errors }) => (
  <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>

      label="First name"

      label="Last name"

      label="Address line 1"

      label="Address line 2"


      label="County / State"

      label="Postcode / Zip"

    <button type="submit" style={{ display: 'block' }}>Submit</button>

const formikEnhancer = Formik({
  validationSchema: yup.object().shape({
    email: yup.string(),
    firstName: yup.string(),
    lastName: yup.string(),
    addressLine1: yup.string(),
    addressLine2: yup.string(),
    addressCity: yup.string(),
    addressState: yup.string(),
    addressZip: yup.string(),
    addressCountry: yup.string()
  mapPropsToValues: props => ({
    firstName: props.firstName,
    lastName: props.lastName,
    addressLine1: props.addressLine1,
    addressLine2: props.addressLine2,
    addressCity: props.addressCity,
    addressState: props.addressState,
    addressZip: props.addressZip,
    addressCountry: props.addressCountry
  handleSubmit: (payload, { props, setError, setSubmitting }) => {

export default formikEnhancer(PersonalDetailsForm);

Thank you in advance.

Testing problem with Enzyme, validationSchema ignored?

first the ball, thanks for nice form library.
I'm struggling with enzyme. I want to test that bad input values are properly validated.
After simulate submit on <form> with enzyme, Formik component have state isSubmitting == true, and my validationSchema is ignored.
Here is the code of my form component:

// component/form/index.js
import React from "react";
import { Formik } from "formik";
import Yup from "yup";

const SimpleForm = ({
}) => (
  <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
    <div className="basic-grey">
      {errors.firstname && <div className="error-msg">{errors.firstname}</div>}
      <div className="center buttons">
          className="button button-reset"
          className="button button-submit"

export default Formik({
  displayName: "validationFAIL",
  validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({
    firstname: Yup.string().required()
  mapPropsToValues: props => ({
    firstname: props.firstname || ""

and here is test for component, jest framework, (project is created using create-react-app):

// component/form/index.test.js
import React from "react";
import MyUserForm from "./index.js";
import { shallow, mount, render } from "enzyme";
import { expect } from "chai";

describe("MyUserForm", () => {
  describe("validate", () => {
    it("validate correctly", () => {
      const myUserForm = mount(<MyUserForm />);
      expect(myUserForm.state().isSubmitting).to.equal(false); //ok false == false
      expect(myUserForm.state().isSubmitting).to.equal(false); //FAIL true == false WHY? :C

[Example] Add remote async inline validation example

Here's the gist of how to do it:

handleChange = (e) => {
   // do something async
        () => this.props.handleChangeValue('username',,
        err => this.props.setError({ ...this.props.errors, username: err.message })

Document "displayName" Better

Firstly, this looks like a great library. Well done, and the documentation looks pretty good as well. But...


The description does nothing to help someone understand how the displayName is used or why they'd care to set it. In fact, it doesn't tell me anything I couldn't already infer from the variable name itself. This is a common mistake I find in lots of documentation.

It's optional, so it would be more helpful if you told me why it exists. When would I want to bother setting this value? How is it useful? Why does this option exist? And if I set it, is it's value completely arbitrary, must it match my component's name, or what?

Escape hatch to validate without yup

Really cool library you guys came up with! Especially the first class typescript support is something i really appreciate!

Only thing i don't like is the tight coupling between formik and yup. yup has no real localization support (see jquense/yup/issues/71), so it makes it really hard right now to provide custom and translatable error messages.
Also i have to learn yet another DSL language, instead of simply composing functions together.

Would it be possible to provide a custom validation function, so people could use whatever library and approach they prefer? Here an example, close to your handleSubmit signature

import isEmail from 'validator/lib/isEmail';

handleValidation: (payload, { props, setErrors }) => {
   let errors = {};
   if (!isEmail( {
      // Hey, now i can have custom error messages! = `${} is no valid email address!`
   return setErrors(errors);

Maybe useful for #51 too!

return a Promise from handleSubmit

If I return a promise from handleSubmit I'd like setSubmitting(false) to be called for me. So the example from the doc could be:

  handleSubmit: (payload, { props, setError }) => {
    return CallMyApi(, payload)
        res => {
          // do something to show success
          // MyToaster.showSuccess({ message: 'Success!' })
        err => {
          // do something to show a rejected api submission
          // MyToaster.showError({ message: 'Shit!', error: err })

If the returned Promise is rejected, you could also consider calling setError(promiseError)

handleChangeValue on Array

First of all, great work!

After seeing issue #11 I tried to accomplish what @eonwhite suggested, as in creating a Component that would receive all the values from an array and the handleChangeValue function.

I couldn't find a way to update just a particular instance of the array, but instead I had to 'recreate' the entire emails array with the changed value.

Is this the way I'm supposed to be using handleChangeValue or is it something I'm missing?

const Emails = ({ handleChangeValue, emails }) =>
  {, i) => 
        onChange={(e) => {
          const { name, value } = e.currentTarget;
          let newEmails = [...emails];
          newEmails[i] = value;
          handleChangeValue('emails', newEmails)} 

The entire sandbox


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