Git Product home page Git Product logo's Introduction API is a service developed and hosted by Google to help developers better understand the structure, construction, and security of open source software packages.

The API can be accessed in two ways: as JSON over HTTP, as well as via gRPC. This repository contains the service definition for the gRPC API, along with example applications for both APIs.

There are two versions of the API:

  • v3, proto: Core features with a stability guarantee and deprecation policy. Recommended for most users.
  • v3alpha, proto: All the features of v3, with additional experimental features. May change in incompatible ways from time to time.

Using the HTTP API

The HTTP API can be accessed using any HTTP client. To quickly get started, you can use the curl command-line tool. Example:

curl ''

Note that the @ and / in the package name have been percent-encoded.

For complete documentation on the HTTP API, please visit

Using the gRPC API

The gRPC API can be accessed using any gRPC client. The service definition, which describes the methods of the API along with their request and response messages, can be found in api/v3/api.proto

To quickly get started exploring the API, you can use the grpcurl command-line tool. Example:

grpcurl \
  -d '{"package_key":{"system":"NPM","name":"@colors/colors"}}' \ \

Example applications

Example applications written in Go can be found in the examples directory:

  • artifact_query shows how to query the HTTP API by file content hash.
  • dependencies_dot fetches a resolved dependency graph from the HTTP API and renders it in the DOT language used by Graphviz.
  • package_lock_licenses and package_lock_licenses_batch read dependencies from an npm package-lock.json file and fetch their licenses from, using concurrent requests to the gRPC API or batch requests to the HTTP API, respectively.

Third party tools and integrations

Note that these are community built tools and unsupported by the core maintainers.

Data aggregates data from a number of sources:

For details on using the data from these sources, please consult their documentation.

As well as aggregating data, generates additional data, including resolved dependencies, advisory statistics, associations between entities, etc. This generated data is available under a CC-BY 4.0 license.


Use of the API is subject to the Google API Terms of Service.

Clients are expressly permitted to cache data served by the API.

Contact us

If you have questions about the API, or want to report a problem, please create an issue or contact us at [email protected].'s People


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GetRequirements API call does not return version in case of maven

As per the documentation , this API should return

maven.dependencies[].version: string
The version requirement of the dependency.

When calling , version is always empty:

    "maven": {
    "parent": {
    "system": "MAVEN",
    "name": "org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5-parent",
    "version": "5.3.1"
    "dependencies": [
            "name": "org.apache.httpcomponents.core5:httpcore5",
            "version": "",
            "classifier": "",
            "type": "",
            "scope": "",
            "optional": "false",
            "exclusions": []
            "name": "org.apache.httpcomponents.core5:httpcore5-h2",
            "version": "",
            "classifier": "",
            "type": "",
            "scope": "",
            "optional": "false",
            "exclusions": []
        }, ...

Request gitoid:sha1 and gitoid:sha256 as hash types for query api

There's a standing problem with folks using scanners to try to determine SBOMs. They produces lots of false positives. False positives lead to lots of wasted effort trying to rule out CVEs from those false positives. OmniBOR would allow capturing the precise artifact dependency graph from source files up. What would be needed to convert this into an SBOM would be the ability to map the hash of the 'leaves' (source files) to (component name, version, supplier) tuples. Naturally,'s query API looks like a great solution to that. OmniBOR uses gitoids as identifiers, because the most interesting artifacts in the artifact dependency graph, the leaf source code files, are typically stored in git, and indexed by gitoid.

Currently supports many different hash types. This is good :)

It would be very useful if it could support Git Object IDs (gitoids) as a hash type.

Today git supports two kinds of gitoids - gitoid:sha1 and gitoid:sha256. gitoid:sha256 was recently introduced, with the option per repo to use it. As of yet it has seen little use. Therefore its important to support both gitoid:sha1 and gitoid:sha256

gitoid for blobs are easy to compute. You simply prepend the 'git object header' to the file contents and compute the hash (either sha1 or sha256) over the result. A 'git object header' for a blob is 'blob␣${size}\0'. Where '␣' represents the UTF-8 character 0x20 and '\0' represents the null character 0. ${size} is the number bytes of ${content} represented as a string base 10.

Simple golang gitoid computation code can be found here for reference. Further checks can be done using the git hash-object command.

Dependent information storage

I would like to ask if graph database should be used to store massive dependency information and dependency topology information? What do we use to store this data?

Support for more Maven registries


I'm working on the XWiki project, and while checking for security issues on, I noticed that some of our maven modules are not listed on

For instance, or are correctly found.
But, org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-attachment-api cannot be found.

Can you confirm that the later is not found because we upload the release on our own public repository instead of the central repository?

And if so, is there some way to make our artifacts indexed in

Manuel Leduc

Serve "observed at" times for Go modules

"Published" is empty for GO package versions on the website :

Same for the REST API:


I checked all systems and GO and NUGET seem to be incomplete? The REST API documentation does not mention why some attributes are missing in these systems.

available: versions + published_at + dependents


available: versions + dependents


available: versions + published_at


Is it possible to add the published timestamp?

The underlying source has timestamp so I am wondering why that aren't available on I need this information to be available in my project to be able to build package timelines.

Details for non-standard licenses

The FAQ page says:

We identify licenses as SPDX expressions. When there is no associated SPDX identifier, we indicate the license is non-standard. When we are unable to obtain license information, we indicate the license is unknown.

Is there a way, via the APIs, to see which identified license values were the reason for the tool to indicate non-standard ?

Or could the API be enhanced, instead of:

"licenses": [

it would return

  "licenses": {
      "spdx" : [],
      "non-standard" : ["Apache License 2"]

In case of an identified SPDX id it would return

  "licenses": {
      "spdx" : ["Apache-2.0"],
      "non-standard" : []

LLM Dependency chatbot

Hi team,

This work is very interesting and useful. To boost its benefits, I've recently developed and implemented an LLM dependency chatbot for Python packages based on the cool DepsDev API.
For a given Python package, the dependency graph will be constructed as a knowledge graph in Neo4j. I implemented several tools to automate the generation of Cypher queries to read/write from and to the knowledge graph.

Here you can find the details of my LinkedIn post.

Curious about seeing a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) app on top of Knowledge Graphs in the software supply chain domain, I'm excited to share our Python Dependency Chatbot. 
Thanks to [Langroid]( framework for facilitating the development of this application by enabling multi-agent and supporting neo4j graph database.

The chatbot in action, a gif recording shows how to use the app:

More details:

Try it in this Colab Notebook: 

Or run it as a script:

What's next:
- Adding more agents to handle vulnerabilities, version conflicts, and licensing.
- Considering other languages.


GetDependencies API endpoint docs includes NUGET

I noticed the docs for the API mention that GetDependencies versionKey.system can be one of GO, NPM, CARGO, MAVEN, PYPI, NUGET

However, the docs mention that this endpoint is not available for nuget

GetDependencies returns a resolved dependency graph for the given package version. Dependencies are currently available for Go, npm, Cargo, Maven and PyPI.

The API gives a 404 for any nuget, so it's just the docs that need to be updated

404 ->

show available "Security Advisories" and "Licenses" when "Failed to fetch dependencies."

This is a request to enhance the package information pages on when dependency information is not available.

For example:

The "Dependencies" box shows "Failed to fetch dependencies" which is true. This currently returns a 404:

However, what is problematic or unexpected is that both "Security Advisories" and "Licenses" also show "Failed to fetch dependencies" even though that information is available:

  "versionKey": {
    "system": "MAVEN",
    "name": "org.apache.activemq:activemq-broker",
    "version": "5.18.1"
  "isDefault": true,
  "licenses": [
  "advisoryKeys": [],
  "links": [
      "label": "SOURCE_REPO",
      "url": ""
      "label": "ISSUE_TRACKER",
      "url": ""
      "label": "HOMEPAGE",
      "url": ""

As a user, I would still expect to see the license and any security advisories.

Wrong response type: string should be int

Hi google team.

@zaibon just opened an issue in my repo (edoardottt/depsdev#51) pointing out that the fields lineCount and lineCoverCount are strings now, but they should be integers following the docs (

Try this:

curl "" | grep -i linecount

What are your thoughts on this? Will you change the docs or the APIs?


Nuget packages missing repositories

For example this nuget package:

Has the Homepage: but no Repo

The Repo should be

Another example is this package:

Which contains in the description "This package was built from the source code at" but doesn't contain Repo metadata

Include advisories and licenses in dependency graphs?

(Originally requested by @agmond in #3.)

Currently, to get a list of the advisories that affect a package version or one of its dependencies, a client:

  1. Calls GetDependencies.
  2. For each node in the response, calls GetVersion, ideally making many requests concurrently as in the package_lock_licenses example.

If the response from GetDependencies included advisories, only a single call would be needed. The same applies to licenses.

The downside is that the response would be larger (and slower to serve) for all clients, regardless of whether they are interested in advisories (or licenses).

Parse and expose changelog

Some package ecosystems expose less information out-of-the-box (e.g. Dart exposes changelogs automatically, while NPM does not).

It would be cool if would write an abstract parser for this information that takes the information from various possible places (GitHub releases, files, ...) and exposes it for all ecosystems (briding the gap for ones that don't have that)

GetProjectPackageVersions returns no data

Sorry, maybe I'm doing something wrong...

I'm trying to pull some data using this endpoint:

curl ''

Same for other projects

curl ''

However I always get a 404 no matter which package / project I choose...

How should I use this API?

Missing links for Go package versions

Is there an issue where the API is not properly querying for GO packages?

For example, I am querying this go package via the API and I am not getting field Links []*pb.Link back from the *pb.Version even though it shows it on

my pb.VersionKey is as follows:

	versionReq := &pb.GetVersionRequest{
		VersionKey: &pb.VersionKey{
			System:  System_GO (1),
			Name:    "",
			Version: "v1.1.1",

Querying with the same pb.VersionKey for the dependencies works but specifically, I am looking to get the link that contains the "SOURCE_REPO" such that I can use that in GetProjectRequest to find the scorecard information.

Querying pkg:pypi/[email protected] via the same method works without an issue.

New API endpoint to get specific dependent versions

Hello! I would love to have a API endpoint for the following scenario.

Scenario: I'm using the package xmlbuilder v4.1.0. It has the indirect dependency lodash v3.10.1 which contains the vulnerability GHSA-29mw-wpgm-hmr9.

Given I know that the vulnerability is fixed in lodash v4.17.21 because of the advisory, I'd like to search the dependents of lodash for all versions of xmlbuilder to see which version of xmlbuilder is using v4.17.21 so that I can upgrade to that version.

The equivalent bigquery would look something like this

    Dependent.System AS DependentSystem,
    Dependent.Name AS DependentName,
    Dependent.Version AS DependentVersion,
FROM `bigquery-public-data.deps_dev_v1.Dependents`
WHERE Name = 'lodash' 
AND Version = '4.17.21' 
AND Dependent.Name = 'xmlbuilder';

Would this be feasible?

Issue with Published Dates Retrieval for Pywin32 on

We are currently encountering an issue with retrieving published dates for the pywin32 package through the API. Upon investigation, we noticed that the versions page ( ) displays an error message: Error: We encountered an error when processing the source data.

In an effort to understand the root cause of this issue, we observed a potential discrepancy in versioning between and PyPI. Specifically, we noticed that pywin32 on PyPI ( ) does not use decimal places in its versions. We would greatly appreciate your insights and assistance in resolving this matter.

Cross-language dependencies?

Currently, only shows dependencies that are in the same language as the project. However, it's increasingly common for projects to be multi-lingual.

For example, lists the python dependencies of cryptography, but cryptography also contains rust code which depends on various crates.

could not find module for package import

this page:

shows this:

We found errors while resolving dependencies that may result in an incomplete or inaccurate dependency graph.
could not find module for package import:

which is not valid:

> curl
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta name="go-import" content=" git">

Software signatures and upcoming standards about remote attestation

Hi y'all, I work on Google Cloud's confidential computing and am particularly focused on security the software supply chain. I'm interested in protecting customers from Google as computer operators, and not the other way around, i.e., end user device DRM.

I'm here to ask about collaboration on standards for the API to participate in a federated future.

The IETF has a few work streams that all synergize to make the entirety of a VM's firmware, OS, middleware, and application stack remotely attestable (RATS for remote attestation, and WIMSE for workload identity) in a manner such that every digest can be tied back to the source bits and builder container (SCITT).

The project allows software vendors to tie their build provenance to a trusted append-only log for authentication and non-repudiation. This log combined with the carrier format of build provenance in is a potential implementation of SCITT. Microsoft's CACM article "Why should I trust your code?" describes a Code Transparency Service that is also a potential implementation.

Whereas SLSA uses in-toto attestations that can be rather bulky, the IETF RATS working group is proposing concise representations in the form of CWT for attestation tokens representing checked claims and CoRIM for software digests and endorsed claims of their properties.

All of the RATS draft specifications are getting co-designed with reference implementations in the project. The primary software outside of parsers is the Verifier. There is a provisioning service that allows reference value providers to inform the Verifier of values, but it's not designed to be database that cooperates with other verifier implementations

I see as a potential implementation of a reference value service. I also don't think that should be a monolith. Instead we can have multiple providers operating within the fediverse. The working group has only focused on the carrier format for endorsements and reference values (CoRIM), but to be truly successful I think that all the elements of productionizing the components conceptualized in RFC9334 should be available as open source projects.

I invite y'all to come on over to and for discussions so we can converge on a happy open ecosystem where we can all make software more provably secure in real systems.

Case-sensitive Maven package names lead to 404s

Similar to #7, I'm seeing 404s when the package name doesn't match some canonical form:

% curl -i
HTTP/2 200 
content-type: application/json
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 17
strict-transport-security: max-age=2592000; includeSubDomains
grpc-status: 0
content-length: 3794
vary: Accept-Encoding
date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 16:45:06 GMT
server: envoy
via: 1.1 google
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000

{"nodes":[{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.codenarc:CodeNarc","version":"3.3.0"},"bundled":false,"relation":"SELF","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"com.github.javaparser:javaparser-core","version":"3.23.0"},"bundled":false,"relation":"INDIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox","version":"1.12.1"},"bundled":false,"relation":"INDIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.apache.ant:ant","version":"1.10.11"},"bundled":false,"relation":"INDIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.apache.ant:ant-antlr","version":"1.10.11"},"bundled":false,"relation":"INDIRECT","errors":["could not find a version that satisfies requirement 1.8.0 for package com.sun:tools"]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.apache.ant:ant-junit","version":"1.10.11"},"bundled":false,"relation":"INDIRECT","errors":["could not find a version that satisfies requirement 1.8.0 for package com.sun:tools"]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.apache.ant:ant-launcher","version":"1.10.11"},"bundled":false,"relation":"INDIRECT","errors":["could not find a version that satisfies requirement 1.8.0 for package com.sun:tools"]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.codehaus.groovy:groovy","version":"3.0.9"},"bundled":false,"relation":"DIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-ant","version":"3.0.9"},"bundled":false,"relation":"DIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-docgenerator","version":"3.0.9"},"bundled":false,"relation":"INDIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-groovydoc","version":"3.0.9"},"bundled":false,"relation":"DIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-json","version":"3.0.9"},"bundled":false,"relation":"DIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-templates","version":"3.0.9"},"bundled":false,"relation":"DIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-xml","version":"3.0.9"},"bundled":false,"relation":"DIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.gmetrics:GMetrics","version":"2.1.0"},"bundled":false,"relation":"DIRECT","errors":[]},{"versionKey":{"system":"MAVEN","name":"org.slf4j:slf4j-api","version":"1.7.35"},"bundled":false,"relation":"DIRECT","errors":[]}],"edges":[{"fromNode":0,"toNode":7,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":0,"toNode":8,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":0,"toNode":10,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":0,"toNode":11,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":0,"toNode":12,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":0,"toNode":13,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":0,"toNode":14,"requirement":"2.1.0"},{"fromNode":0,"toNode":15,"requirement":"1.7.35"},{"fromNode":5,"toNode":3,"requirement":"1.10.11"},{"fromNode":8,"toNode":3,"requirement":"1.10.11"},{"fromNode":8,"toNode":4,"requirement":"1.10.11"},{"fromNode":8,"toNode":5,"requirement":"1.10.11"},{"fromNode":8,"toNode":6,"requirement":"1.10.11"},{"fromNode":8,"toNode":7,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":8,"toNode":10,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":9,"toNode":2,"requirement":"1.12.1"},{"fromNode":9,"toNode":7,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":9,"toNode":12,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":10,"toNode":1,"requirement":"3.23.0"},{"fromNode":10,"toNode":7,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":10,"toNode":9,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":10,"toNode":12,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":11,"toNode":7,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":12,"toNode":7,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":12,"toNode":13,"requirement":"3.0.9"},{"fromNode":13,"toNode":7,"requirement":"3.0.9"}],"error":""}
% curl -i
HTTP/2 404 
content-type: application/grpc
grpc-status: 5
grpc-message: dependencies not found
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 9
strict-transport-security: max-age=2592000; includeSubDomains
content-length: 0
date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 16:45:15 GMT
server: envoy
via: 1.1 google
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000

This package name is derived from the purl in the below SBOM from the GitHub API, taken from, located at

I don't believe that Maven packages are case-sensitive.

Support hex packages (Erlang/Elixir)

The idea would be to add support for

Let's be honest, there are just little to no APIs that give support for Erlang and Elixir packages.
A use case could be periodic dependency scanning looking for vulnerabilities.

[data quality] npm/nyc v11.4.1

I noticed some odd dependency versionKy names seemingly only on version 11.4.1 of the npm package nyc with > symbols

versionKey": {
  "system": "NPM",
  "name": "nyc>11.4.1>align-text",
  "version": "0.1.4"

later versions of nyc such a 15.1.0 have normal versionKey names

versionKey": {
  "system": "NPM",
  "name": "color-convert",
  "version": "2.0.1"

Include advisories in package response

Currently in order to get any known advisories for a specific package you have to first look up the package to identify all known package versions there request the data for each version to get the advisory keys. It would be nice to be able to get all keys for all versions within the response for the package.

Can we get whole list of a certain system?

Thanks for the great work.

I am a Ph.D student from China and focus on software data analysis. We are very interested in analysis from global network with collaboration or dependency relationships.

So surely provides a very good data source, so I am curious that is there an interface to get a whole list of a certain system like maven? Just like for PyPI, for npm and for Composer.

It will be great help to get the list and we will be carefully design the program to avoid redundant API calls for history data.

Clarify license for data from API

The documentation mentions the terms under which the API can be used, but links to the generic Google API terms I don't see a specific reference to the license under which the data is made available? Could this be made explicit? A suitable creative commons license would be ideal (with attribution if preferred), but any explicit license would be better than none.

Getting release / publish date for versions

Is there any way of fetching the release / publish date for versions? Seems like it's listed on the website as the publish date, but I don't see a way of getting it through the API or the BigQuery dataset.


Querying '' using Fetch API

It's probably more of a question than an issue, but I'm trying to query the API using Fetch API (i.e. from a javascript code) and I encounter a CORS problem.

For example, I'm trying to run this code:
const response = await fetch('') but I got blocked by the browser.

Is there any header/parameter i'm missing here, or there's any other way in which I can query the API from a client application?


RubyGems support

Looking forward to seeing Ruby gems support integrated into
Is there any plan for this?

API to access dependents for a specific version


I am trying to do some analysis on package usage especially with PyPI packages. I know there are APIs that are present for viewing the dependencies of packages - but is there a way to parse the dependents of a package given the version via the api?

Handle requests for different spellings of a given version

I've been recently working on tooling to improve visibility of internal + Open Source projects at and have just integrated into my tooling, and noticed a bug.

For instance, when trying to resolve via the API, you'll notice that it fails unless we add the .0 suffix

% curl -i
HTTP/2 404
content-type: application/grpc
grpc-status: 5
grpc-message: version not found
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 9
strict-transport-security: max-age=2592000; includeSubDomains
content-length: 0
date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 18:05:56 GMT
server: envoy
via: 1.1 google
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000

% curl -i
HTTP/2 200
content-type: application/json
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 13
strict-transport-security: max-age=2592000; includeSubDomains
grpc-status: 0
content-length: 324
vary: Accept-Encoding
date: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 18:06:00 GMT
server: envoy
via: 1.1 google
alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000


However, this shouldn't be required, as the version itself is set to 2.7.

I've been tracking this issue in my project in, if that's of use.

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