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jupyter-scatter's Issues

Allow defining the point reference

Currently, selected point are referenced by their index. E.g., scatter.selection([0, 1, 2]) selects the first three points of a dataframe. While this approach works fine, it'd be nice to reference points by some other column of the dataframe as well.

Use Case

Imagine you want to synchronously explore two embeddings with shared point references but non-matching indices. E.g.:

# DataFrame A
| x | y | id  |
| - | - | --- |
| 1 | 0 | 'a' |
| 1 | 1 | 'b' |
| 9 | 9 | 'c' |

# DataFrame B
| x | y | id  |
| - | - | --- |
| 2 | 1 | 'c' |
| 5 | 0 | 'b' |
| 0 | 7 | 'a' |

To synchronously explore the two datasets we'd have to tell jscatter to reference points by the id column


Add a new property (called point_id) and method (called id()) that can either be a string referencing a column in the data or an array_like list of point IDs.


Assuming we have the two data frames from above, with the new property/method we could synchronously explore the two dataset as follows:

from jscatter import Scatter, compose

config = dict(x='x', y='y', id='id')

jsc_a = Scatter(data=df_a, **config)
jsc_b = Scatter(data=df_b, **config)

compose([jsc_a, jsc_b], sync_selection=True, sync_hover=True)

Assuming we select the first point in first scatter plot instance, calling jsc_b.selection() would return 'c' (the ID of the first point in data frame B).

@manzt What do you think of this idea?

Feature request: customizable controls

(or maybe this is possible and I was just unable to find it)

In the applications I'm interested in the "rotation" tool is not really necessary, and I find it a little confusing in how it treats the axis ticks (they seem to change in some strange, not-data-based way). So it would be preferable to disable that tool from the interactive widget.

From reading the code I think this would be fairly simple, just an additional option that changes how mouse_mode_widget is created?

Thanks for developing this tool, it is very cool!

The x/y axis scale domain is bound to the x/y data domain and not the x/y scale domain

While investigating #104 I noticed that the x/y domain of the axes are incorrectly bound to x/y data domain instead of the x/y scale domain. This is a problem as it makes the axis show the data domain while the x/y scale function might have re-scaled the data.

For instance, in the following the x data domain is [-10, 10] and the y data domain is [-1, 1]. To render the points on a common range, e.g., [-10, 10], we would pass (-10, 10) to x_scale and y_scale. Internally, the data is normalized to [0, 1] using the scale functions. By default, jscatter uses a linear scale that maps [min, max] linearly to [0, 1] but here we enforce the mapping to be [-10, 10] to [0, 1]. Now the issue is that on the JS kernel, the x/y axis would use the pre-normalized data domain (i.e., [-10, 10] for x and [-1, 1] for y). But this is incorrect. The x/y axis should use the post-normalized data domain, i.e., [-10, 10] for both: x and y.

The code below leads to the following issue:

import jscatter
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "x": np.concatenate((np.linspace(start=-10, stop=10, num=50), np.linspace(start=-10, stop=10, num=50))),
    "y": np.concatenate((np.linspace(start=-1, stop=1, num=50), np.linspace(start=1, stop=-1, num=50))),

min_max = (df[['x', 'y']].min().min(), df[['x', 'y']].max().max())

scatter = jscatter.Scatter(

Screenshot 2024-01-20 at 3 29 59 PM

The data is appropriated rendered at the common [-10, 10] range but the y axis reports [-0.1, 0.1]

By manually assigning the correct x/y domain, as follows, we get the correct y axis:

scatter = jscatter.Scatter(
scatter.widget.x_domain = common_scale
scatter.widget.y_domain = common_scale

Screenshot 2024-01-20 at 3 30 12 PM

Add ability to show a legend

It'd be nice to be able to show a legend explaining the color, opacity, or size encoding. We could likely use for this.

API-wise I'm imagining this too look as follows

jscatter.Scatter(legend=True, legend_position='top-right')
# or
scatter.legend(True, position='top-right')

We could support the following positions:

  • top (or top-center)
  • top-left
  • top-right
  • bottom (or bottom-center)
  • bottom-left
  • bottom-right
  • left (or center-left)
  • right (or center-right)
  • center (or center-center)

Since in some cases, the number of categories could be quite high (e.g., for cell embeddings with lots of cell types). There should be an option to show the legend in a separate widget.

Error displaying widget: model not found

My JupyterLab version is 3.1.12
I cannot seem to get the example code to work on my system. I get the error as follows -

import jscatter
import numpy as np
# Just some random float and int values
data = np.random.rand(500, 4)
tf = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['mass', 'speed', 'pval', 'group'])
# We'll convert the `group` column to strings to ensure it's recognized as
# categorical data. This will come in handy in the advanced example.
tf['group'] = tf['group'].map(lambda c: chr(65 + round(c)), na_action=None)
jscatter.plot(data=tf, x='mass', y='speed')
Error displaying widget: model not found

Enable pure JS linking of the view, selection, and hover state

When exporting a notebook to HTML via the following snippet, the resulting HTML file properly renders the scatter plot instance and data but the view, selection, and hover linking do not work as they currently require a Python kernel. However, this is not necessary. By using jslink() we can ensure that the linking works with and without a Python kernel. Therefore, we should switch jslink() over observe().

jupyter nbconvert --execute --to html notebooks/get-started.ipynb

Improve Python API

This is work in progress but I want to document it somewhere:

After discussions with @nvictus I am thinking to change the Python API of plot() to be more intuitive and support dataframes out of the box. The API is inspired by

  x = str or ndarray,
  y = str or ndarray,
  # Optional:
  data = dataframe, # a dataframe
  color = str or ndarray, # a single color
  color_by = str or ndarray, # color encoding
  color_norm = tuple or matplotlib.colors.Normalize, # normalization strategy for color_by
  color_order = list, # in case of categorical color encoding this specifies the color order
  color_map = list or ndarray, # a list of colors to map color_by to
  size = int or float, # a single point size
  size_by = str or ndarray, # size encoding
  size_norm = tuple or matplotlib.colors.Normalize, # normalization strategy for size_by
  size_order = list, # in case of categorical size encoding this specifies the size order
  size_map = list or ndarray, # a list of size to map size_by to
  connect_by = str or ndarray, # a categorical 
  connect_order = str or ndarray, # order in which the points are to be connected
  opacity = float or str, # a static opacity value that overrides the color's alpha value or 'auto'

Plots won't display when using jupyter notebook in vscode

I use VSCode when developing and running jupyter notebooks. However, I'm not able to get jupyter-scatter plots to display here. They do work when running a jupyter notebook in the browser. I have not tested jupyterlab functionality.

Here's a small reproducible test case:

from IPython.display import display
import jscatter
import numpy as np

x = np.random.randn(100)
y = np.random.randn(100)
fig = jscatter.Scatter(x, y)

This will return an empty cell. When printing the fig variable, it seems to have been created properly, but does not display. print( produces:

HBox(children=(VBox(children=(Button(button_style='primary', icon='arrows', layout=Layout(width='36px'), style=ButtonStyle(), tooltip='Activate pan & zoom'), Button(icon='....

To verify that ipywidgets still work, I made and displayed the following simple widget. This worked as expected.

import ipywidgets
out = ipywidgets.Dropdown(options=['1', '2', '3'], value='2', description='Number')

Demo fails on load

When I try the tool, I keep hitting this error.

CleanShot 2022-10-06 at 16 47 07

[Open Browser Console for more detailed log - Double click to close this message]
Model class 'JupyterScatterModel' from module 'jupyter-scatter' is loaded but can not be instantiated
TypeError: r._deserialize_state is not a function
    at f._make_model (http://localhost:8888/lab/extensions/@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager/static/150.3e1e5adfd821b9b96340.js?v=3e1e5adfd821b9b96340:1:7933)

Any idea what might cause it? Here are my versions:


I'm running Python 3.9.9, should that be relevant.

jupyter-scatter 0.10.0 doesn't work for me

After upgrading to jupyter-scatter==0.10.0 JupyterLab prints the following error:

Error displaying widget: model not found

Rolling back to jupyter-scatter==0.9.0 fixes the issue.
I'm using JupyterLab 3.4.8, jupyterlab_widgets 1.1.1, ipywidgets 7.7.2

[Feature Request] Text Overlays

The ability to overlay text layers for labelling / annotation would be very useful. Some examples include in ThisNotThat (see the plot at the bottom of this page) or Atlas from Nomic eg this example. Looking through the regl-scatterplot examples it looks like this is relatively tractable. Some questions remain as to the exact API that would work well.

Javascript is not a language I know well, but I would be willing to try and get a version working and try to make a PR if you feel like this would be a useful addition. I'm also happy to discuss options on what the API/options exposed on the python end should be.

Using symbols other than circles in scatter plot

You have an idea how to enhance Jupyter Scatter? That's awesome!

Before you file your idea, please:

  • Check for duplicate issues.
  • Describe the feature's goal, motivating use cases, its expected behavior, and impact.
  • If you are proposing a new API, please explain how the current APIs fail to support your goal.
  • If you are proposing to change an existing API, please explain if your proposed is backward compatible or incompatible.
  • If applicable, include screenshots, GIFs, videos, or working examples.

You are encouraged to prototype multiple alternative APIs or implementation approaches for your proposed feature. Doing so often leads to a better solution.

Thanks a lot for this great widget!
I wanted to as whether it's currently possible to use different symbols in the scatter plot based on the values of a column of the dataframe or not. A bit like the symbol option in plotly (

I couldn't find anything in the documentation, hence I'm wondering whether there's some workaround or the feature simply does not exist at the moment.


Set aspect ratio to 'equal'

I would like to ensure that the x and y axis are scaled such that data is shown with equal aspect ratio (similar to matplotlib: ax.set_aspect('equal'). I thought of using the width() and height() function to figure out the dimensions of the scatter widget and use that for scaling. However, width() return auto, and I am not sure I am on the right track.

Reversing the size map is not properly reflected in the legend

Note how the size map is reversed in the two examples below. The scatter plot reflects this change. However, the size legend is identical in both cases!

import jscatter
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

data = np.random.rand(500, 4)

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['mass', 'speed', 'pval', 'group'])
df['group'] = df['group'].map(lambda c: chr(65 + round(c)), na_action=None)

sc = jscatter.Scatter(data=df, x='mass', y='speed', legend=True)
sc.size(by='pval', norm=[0, 1], map=[2, 4, 6, 8, 10], order='reverse')

Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 4 04 07 PM

sc2 = jscatter.Scatter(data=df, x='mass', y='speed', legend=True)
sc2.size(by='pval', norm=[0, 1], map=[2, 4, 6, 8, 10])

Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 4 04 16 PM

The behavior of opacity_by is inconsistent with documentation

Let's say I have this data frame:

data = pd.DataFrame({
    "x": [1, 2, 3],
    "y": [8, 3, 0],
    "color": [0, 0, 1],

According to the documentation (and this indirect clue), the opacity_by property should be settable like this:

ppp = Scatter(
    opacity_by=[1, 1, 0],
    opacity_map=(.25, 1, 2)

However, this raises a TypeError with the following traceback:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[28], line 1
----> 1 ppp = Scatter(
      2     data=data,
      3     x="x",
      4     y="y",
      5     color_by="color",
      6     color_map=glasbey_light,
      7     size=10,
      8     opacity_by=[1, 1, 0],
      9     opacity_map=(.25, 1, 2)
     10 )

File ~/cloud-label-propagation/.conda-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jscatter/, in Scatter.__init__(self, x, y, data, **kwargs)
    271 self.selection(
    272     kwargs.get('selection', UNDEF),
    273 )
    274 self.color(
    275     kwargs.get('color', UNDEF),
    276     kwargs.get('color_selected', UNDEF),
    282     kwargs.get('color_labeling', UNDEF),
    283 )
--> 284 self.opacity(
    285     kwargs.get('opacity', UNDEF),
    286     kwargs.get('opacity_unselected', UNDEF),
    287     kwargs.get('opacity_by', UNDEF),
    288     kwargs.get('opacity_map', UNDEF),
    289     kwargs.get('opacity_norm', UNDEF),
    290     kwargs.get('opacity_order', UNDEF),
    291     kwargs.get('opacity_labeling', UNDEF),
    292 )
    293 self.size(
    294     kwargs.get('size', UNDEF),
    295     kwargs.get('size_by', UNDEF),
    299     kwargs.get('size_labeling', UNDEF),
    300 )
    301 self.connect(
    302     kwargs.get('connect_by', UNDEF),
    303     kwargs.get('connect_order', UNDEF)
    304 )

File ~/cloud-label-propagation/.conda-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jscatter/, in Scatter.opacity(self, default, unselected, by, map, norm, order, labeling, **kwargs)
   1217     self._encodings.delete('opacity')
   1219 else:
-> 1220     self._encodings.set('opacity', by)
   1222     component =[by].component
   1223     try:

File ~/cloud-label-propagation/.conda-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jscatter/, in Encodings.set(self, channel, dimension)
    121 if self.is_unique(channel):
    122     self.delete(channel)
--> 124 if dimension not in
    125     assert not self.components.full, f'Only {self.max} data encodings are supported'
    126     # The first value specifies the component
    127     # The second value

TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

(Fortunately, setting opacity_by as a field of the data frame works as expected.)

Is the documentation wrong, and all data associated to the scatter points expected to be sourced out of the data frame? Or is this a bug?

Add ability to show axes labels

I can think of three ways to activate axes labels:

  1. Using the column names of the dataframe (this would only if the user passing in the dataframe via data)

    scatter.axes(True, labels=True)
  2. Using custom labels

    scatter.axes(True, labels=['x', 'y'])
    scatter.axes(True, labels=dict(x='x', y='y'))

Thank you for making this!

The ability to visualize large amounts of embeddings in 2D was missing from the Python ecosystem for awhile. Thank you so much for making this - it will really improve a lot of downstream functionality related to NLP/CV visualizations.

Axis tick values not accurate

Hi, thanks so much for developing this wonderful package! It's been extremely helpful, and I'd like to report some bug that I encountered.

I often find the tick label value is different from what I get from the selection. Moreover, the tick label value is not properly adjusted as I zoom in and out.
For example, the following point which should be close to (0, 0) would move further from the origin when I zoomed out.


I'm using the following code to generate above plot.

# scatterplot 
scatter = jscatter.Scatter(data=plot_df, x='A', y='B', color_by="group", 
                 width=500, height=500, opacity=0.5)
# output area to display dataframe
out = widgets.Output()

# handler for when "selection" changes from scatterplot
def on_change(change):
    with out:
        indicies = change["new"]
        subset = plot_df.iloc[indicies]
# add change handler to scatterplot widget. 
# `on_change` runs every time the `scatterplot.widget.selection` changes

scatter.size(by='rate', norm=(-0.2, 1))
scatter.color(map = {"NegCtrl":"grey", "PosCtrl_inc":"red",
                         "PosCtrl_dec":"blue", "Variant":"green"})
scatter.widget.observe(on_change, names='selection')
scatter.axes(True, True, labels=True)
scatter.legend(True, position='top-left')
display(, out)

Add the ability to visually filter points and update the data

As pointed out by @manzt, it'd be nice to allow filtering out points. Currently, this requires re-initializing the scatter plot instance. However, re-initialization will reset the current camera position etc. which is annoying.

I am proposing a new method for dynamic filtering:

scatter = Scatter(data=df, x='x', y='y')
scatter.filter([1,2,3]) # only show points 1, 2, and 3

@manzt What do yo think of this?

Unable to reproduce simple example in Jupyter lab

I tried the initial example:

import jscatter

x = np.random.rand(500)
y = np.random.rand(500)

jscatter.plot(x, y)

This is what it looks like


After clicking on box:

The text reads: 
[Open Browser Console for more detailed log - Double click to close this message]
Failed to load model class 'JupyterScatterModel' from module 'jupyter-scatter'
Error: No version of module jupyter-scatter is registered
    at f.loadClass (http://fry:8888/lab/extensions/@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager/static/134.402424ef4079078b2e0e.js?v=402424ef4079078b2e0e:1:74855)
    at f.loadModelClass (http://fry:8888/lab/extensions/@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager/static/150.1a6d6a3a0542a41bec5a.js?v=1a6d6a3a0542a41bec5a:1:10729)
    at f._make_model (http://fry:8888/lab/extensions/@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager/static/150.1a6d6a3a0542a41bec5a.js?v=1a6d6a3a0542a41bec5a:1:7517)
    at f.new_model (http://fry:8888/lab/extensions/@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager/static/150.1a6d6a3a0542a41bec5a.js?v=1a6d6a3a0542a41bec5a:1:5137)
    at f.handle_comm_open (http://fry:8888/lab/extensions/@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager/static/150.1a6d6a3a0542a41bec5a.js?v=1a6d6a3a0542a41bec5a:1:3894)
    at _handleCommOpen (http://fry:8888/lab/extensions/@jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager/static/134.402424ef4079078b2e0e.js?v=402424ef4079078b2e0e:1:73392)
    at y._handleCommOpen (http://fry:8888/static/lab/jlab_core.f68a597bc4700114bad4.js?v=f68a597bc4700114bad4:1:1233317)
    at async y._handleMessage (http://fry:8888/static/lab/jlab_core.f68a597bc4700114bad4.js?v=f68a597bc4700114bad4:1:1235307)

Here are my package versions:

 name         : jupyter-scatter                                       
 version      : 0.12.4                                                
 description  : A scatter plot extension for Jupyter Notebook and Lab 

 - ipython *
 - ipywidgets >=7.6,<9
 - jupyter-packaging *
 - jupyterlab-widgets >=1.0,<4
 - matplotlib *
 - numpy *
 - pandas *
 - traittypes >=0.2.1
 - typing-extensions *

 name         : jupyter                                                            
 version      : 1.0.0                                                              
 description  : Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go. 

 - ipykernel *
 - ipywidgets *
 - jupyter-console *
 - nbconvert *
 - notebook *
 - qtconsole *

 name         : jupyterlab                           
 version      : 4.0.2                                
 description  : JupyterLab computational environment 

 - async-lru >=1.0.0
 - importlib-metadata >=4.8.3
 - ipykernel *
 - jinja2 >=3.0.3
 - jupyter-core *
 - jupyter-lsp >=2.0.0
 - jupyter-server >=2.4.0,<3
 - jupyterlab-server >=2.19.0,<3
 - notebook-shim >=0.2
 - packaging *
 - tomli *
 - tornado >=6.2.0
 - traitlets *

jupyter server --version #2.6.0

streamlit integration

As a suggestion: think about integrating into streamlit.

I previously used notebooks for scrnaseq and a bit for flow cytometry, but that's too problematic to share with bio folks.

Streamlit provides a better ground for 'shareable interactive visualization'. I currently use a streamlit component based on plotly (it is very scalable too, and provides just selections), but linked plots are much more responsive than my current solution.

Expose setLassoLongPressTime to python

Hi, any plans to xpose setLassoLongPressTime to python? I think the current timeout of 750 ms is way too long and would want it to be much shorter.

Also it seems like the animation has changed? Now it's a circle arc increasing in angle, before it was a circle increasing in size. Any reason why it was changed?


how to get selected points after linking?

I found the linked plots does not supply the .selection() method. How can I get the selected points?

given, );result, I tried result.children[0].selection() but failed

scatter.selection() returns empty list after lasso selection - need help debugging

I couldn't get the scatter_instace.selection() to work with the fresh install of jupyter-scatter (tried different browsers) ...
It looks like the issue is on the javascript side :
Screenshot from 2023-04-12 18-23-06

Could you help me debug it ?

here is an output of pip freeze just in case:

contourpy @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/contourpy_1673633659350/work
cycler @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/cycler_1635519461629/work
fonttools @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/fonttools_1680021155848/work
importlib-resources @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/importlib_resources_1676919000169/work
kiwisolver @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/kiwisolver_1666805784128/work
matplotlib @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/matplotlib-suite_1678135567769/work
numpy @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/numpy_1675642561072/work
packaging @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/packaging_1673482170163/work
Pillow @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/pillow_1675487166627/work
pyparsing @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/pyparsing_1652235407899/work
python-dateutil @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/python-dateutil_1626286286081/work
pytz @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/pytz_1680088766131/work
six @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/six_1620240208055/work
tornado @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/tornado_1666788587690/work
tzdata @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/python-tzdata_1680081134351/work
unicodedata2 @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/unicodedata2_1667239485250/work
zipp @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/zipp_1677313463193/work

Add custom validator for `JupyterScatter.points` and `JupyterScatter.selection`

After #11, we use traittypes.Array to annotate JupyterScatter.points and JupyterScatter.selection.

However, traittypes.Array is valid for any numpy array and the shape/dtype for points and selection are more strict. We should add custom validators for these attributes, which will raise an exception if an array of the wrong shape/dtype is assigned on the python side.

This isn't urgent, since jscatter.Scatter for the most part ensures the data are correct, but this would probably help with tracking down weird bugs of where dtypes aren't what are expected.

Warning in colab

When I use the widget in colab, I get this warning

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/anywidget/ UserWarning: anywidget: Live-reloading feature is disabled. To enable, please install the 'watchfiles' package.


import jscatter
import numpy as np

x = np.random.rand(500)
y = np.random.rand(500)

jscatter.plot(x, y)

The `otions` argument is not used during the creation of a `Scatter` instance

As I was investigating #104 I noticed that the options argument, which allows setting any regl-scatterplot option, isn't used during the creation of a Scatter instance.

For instance, the following does not work

scatter = jscatter.Scatter(data=df, x="x", y="y", options={"aspectRatio": 2})
scatter.widget.other_options = {"aspectRatio": 2}

Instead one has to update the options after initializing the Scatter instance as follows:

scatter = jscatter.Scatter(data=df, x="x", y="y")
scatter.widget.other_options = {"aspectRatio": 2} # this circumvents the issue

Resizing the cell doesn't properly update the x axis

Investigating #107, I noticed that upon resizing the cell, the x axis wouldn't properly update.

As you can see in the video, the left most point, which is located at x equals -10 appears to be located at -20 after the resize. (Also noticed how zooming even just a tiny bit at the end properly re-renders the x axis. This indicates that the resize-related axis updater isn't updating the axis scale correctly.)

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  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

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    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.