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JavaScript image viewer.

Table of contents


  • Supports 53 options
  • Supports 23 methods
  • Supports 17 events
  • Supports modal and inline modes
  • Supports touch
  • Supports move
  • Supports zoom
  • Supports rotation
  • Supports scale (flip)
  • Supports keyboard
  • Cross-browser support

Main files

├── viewer.css
├── viewer.min.css   (compressed)
├── viewer.js        (UMD)
├── viewer.min.js    (UMD, compressed)
├── viewer.common.js (CommonJS, default)
└── viewer.esm.js    (ES Module)

Getting started


npm install viewerjs

In browser:

<link  href="/path/to/viewer.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/path/to/viewer.js"></script>

The cdnjs provides CDN support for Viewer.js's CSS and JavaScript. You can find the links here.



new Viewer(element[, options])
  • element

    • Type: HTMLElement
    • The target image or container of images for viewing.
  • options (optional)

    • Type: Object
    • The options for viewing. Check out the available options.


<!-- a block container is required -->
  <img id="image" src="picture.jpg" alt="Picture">

  <ul id="images">
    <li><img src="picture-1.jpg" alt="Picture 1"></li>
    <li><img src="picture-2.jpg" alt="Picture 2"></li>
    <li><img src="picture-3.jpg" alt="Picture 3"></li>
// You should import the CSS file.
// import 'viewerjs/dist/viewer.css';
import Viewer from 'viewerjs';

// View an image.
const viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById('image'), {
  inline: true,
  viewed() {
// Then, show the image by clicking it, or call ``.

// View a list of images.
// Note: All images within the container will be found by calling `element.querySelectorAll('img')`.
const gallery = new Viewer(document.getElementById('images'));
// Then, show one image by click it, or call ``.

Keyboard support

Only available in modal mode.

  • Esc: Exit full screen or close the viewer or exit modal mode or stop play.
  • Space: Stop play.
  • Tab: Switch the focus state on the buttons in the viewer.
  • Enter: Trigger the click event handler on the button.
  • : View the previous image.
  • : View the next image.
  • : Zoom in the image.
  • : Zoom out the image.
  • Ctrl + 0: Zoom out to initial size.
  • Ctrl + 1: Zoom in to natural size.

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You may set viewer options with new Viewer(image, options). If you want to change the global default options, You may use Viewer.setDefaults(options).


  • Type: Boolean or String
  • Default: true

Enable the modal backdrop, specify static for the backdrop that will not close the modal on click.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Show the button on the top-right of the viewer.


  • Type: Boolean or Number
  • Default: true
  • Options:
    • 0 or false: hide the navbar
    • 1 or true: show the navbar
    • 2: show the navbar only when the screen width is greater than 768 pixels
    • 3: show the navbar only when the screen width is greater than 992 pixels
    • 4: show the navbar only when the screen width is greater than 1200 pixels

Specify the visibility of the navbar.


  • Type: Boolean or Number or Function or Array
  • Default: true
  • Options:
    • 0 or false: hide the title
    • 1 or true or Function or Array: show the title
    • 2: show the title only when the screen width is greater than 768 pixels
    • 3: show the title only when the screen width is greater than 992 pixels
    • 4: show the title only when the screen width is greater than 1200 pixels
    • Function: customize the title content
    • [Number, Function]: the first element indicate the visibility, the second element customize the title content

Specify the visibility and the content of the title.

The name comes from the alt attribute of an image element or the image name parsed from its URL.

For example, title: 4 equals to:

new Viewer(image, {
  title: [4, (image, imageData) => `${image.alt} (${imageData.naturalWidth} × ${imageData.naturalHeight})`]


  • Type: Boolean or Number or Object
  • Default: true
  • Options:
    • 0 or false: hide the toolbar.
    • 1 or true: show the toolbar.
    • 2: show the toolbar only when the screen width is greater than 768 pixels.
    • 3: show the toolbar only when the screen width is greater than 992 pixels.
    • 4: show the toolbar only when the screen width is greater than 1200 pixels.
    • { key: Boolean | Number }: show or hide the toolbar.
    • { key: String }: customize the size of the button.
    • { key: Function }: customize the click handler of the button.
    • { key: { show: Boolean | Number, size: String, click: Function }: customize each property of the button.
    • Available built-in keys: "zoomIn", "zoomOut", "oneToOne", "reset", "prev", "play", "next", "rotateLeft", "rotateRight", "flipHorizontal", "flipVertical".
    • Available built-in sizes: "small", "medium" (default) and "large".

Specify the visibility and layout of the toolbar its buttons.

For example, toolbar: 4 equals to:

new Viewer(image, {
  toolbar: {
    zoomIn: 4,
    zoomOut: 4,
    oneToOne: 4,
    reset: 4,
    prev: 4,
    play: {
      show: 4,
      size: 'large',
    next: 4,
    rotateLeft: 4,
    rotateRight: 4,
    flipHorizontal: 4,
    flipVertical: 4,

see more for custom toolbar.


  • Type: String
  • Default: ''

Custom class name(s) to add to the viewer's root element.


Container to place the viewer in the modal mode.

Only available when the inline option is set to false.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Filter the images for viewing (should return true if the image is viewable, return false to ignore the image).

For example:

new Viewer(image, {
  filter(image) {
    return image.complete;

Note that images without the src attribute set will be ignored by default.


Enable to request full screen when play.

Requires the browser supports Fullscreen API.


  • Type: Array
  • Default: ['crossOrigin', 'decoding', 'isMap', 'loading', 'referrerPolicy', 'sizes', 'srcset', 'useMap']

Define the extra attributes to inherit from the original image.

Note that the basic attributes src and alt will always inherit from the original image.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 0.9

Define the initial coverage of the viewing image. It must a positive number between 0 (0%) and 1 (100%).


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 0

Define the initial index of the image for viewing.

Also used as the default parameter value of the view method.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Enable inline mode.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 5000

The amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an image when playing.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Enable keyboard support.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Focus the active item in the navbar when initialized.

Requires the keyboard option set to true.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Indicate if showing a loading spinner when loading the image or not.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Indicate if enabling loop viewing or not.

If the current image is the last one, then the next one to view is the first one, and vice versa.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 200

Define the minimum width of the viewer.

Only available in inline mode (set the inline option to true).


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 100

Define the minimum height of the viewer.

Only available in inline mode (set the inline option to true).


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Enable to move the image.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Enable to rotate the image.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Enable to scale the image.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Enable to zoom the image.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Enable to zoom the current image by dragging on the touch screen.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Enable to zoom the image by wheeling the mouse.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Enable to slide to the next or previous image by swiping on the touch screen.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Indicate if toggle the image size between its natural size and initial size when double click on the image or not.

In other words, call the toggle method automatically when double click on the image.

Requires dblclick event support.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Show the tooltip with image ratio (percentage) when zooming in or zooming out.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

Enable CSS3 Transition for some special elements.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 2015

Define the CSS z-index value of the viewer in modal mode.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 0

Define the CSS z-index value of the viewer in inline mode.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 0.1

Define the ratio when zooming the image by wheeling the mouse.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 0.01

Define the min ratio of the image when zooming out.


  • Type: Number
  • Default: 100

Define the max ratio of the image when zooming in.


  • Type: String or Function
  • Default: 'src'

Define where to get the original image URL for viewing.

If it is a string, it should be one of the attributes of each image element. If it is a function, it should return a valid image URL.

For example:

<img src="picture.jpg?size=160">
new Viewer(image, {
  url(image) {
    return image.src.replace('?size=160', '');


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the ready event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the show event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the shown event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the hide event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the hidden event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the view event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the viewed event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the move event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the moved event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the rotate event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the rotated event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the scale event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the scaled event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the zoom event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the zoomed event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the play event.


  • Type: Function
  • Default: null

Shortcut of the stop event.

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All methods allow chain composition.

As there are some asynchronous processes when start the viewer, you should call a method only when it is available, see the following lifecycle:

new Viewer(image, {
  ready() {
    // 2 methods are available here: "show" and "destroy".
  shown() {
    // 9 methods are available here: "hide", "view", "prev", "next", "play", "stop", "full", "exit" and "destroy".
  viewed() {
    // All methods are available here except "show".


  • immediate (optional):
    • Type: Boolean
    • Default: false
    • Indicates if show the viewer immediately or not.

Show the viewer.

Only available in modal mode.


  • immediate (optional):
    • Type: Boolean
    • Default: false
    • Indicates if hide the viewer immediately or not.

Hide the viewer.

Only available in modal mode.


  • index (optional):
    • Type: Number
    • Default: 0 (inherits from the initialViewIndex option)
    • The index of the image for viewing

View one of the images with the image index. If the viewer is hidden, it will be shown first.

viewer.view(1); // View the second image


  • loop (optional):
    • Type: Boolean
    • Default: false
    • Indicate if turn to view the last one when it is the first one at present.

View the previous image.


  • loop (optional):
    • Type: Boolean
    • Default: false
    • Indicate if turn to view the first one when it is the last one at present.

View the next image.

move(x[, y = x])

  • x:

    • Type: Number
    • The moving distance in the horizontal direction.
  • y (optional):

    • Type: Number
    • The moving distance in the vertical direction.
    • If not present, its default value is x

Move the image with relative offsets.

viewer.move(-1, 0); // Move left
viewer.move(1, 0);  // Move right
viewer.move(0, -1); // Move up
viewer.move(0, 1);  // Move down

moveTo(x[, y = x])

  • x:

    • Type: Number
    • The new position in the horizontal direction.
  • y (optional):

    • Type: Number
    • The new position in the vertical direction.
    • If not present, its default value is x.

Move the image to an absolute point.


  • degree:
    • Type: Number
    • Rotate right: requires a positive number (degree > 0)
    • Rotate left: requires a negative number (degree < 0)

Rotate the image with a relative degree.



  • degree:
    • Type: Number

Rotate the image to an absolute degree.

viewer.rotateTo(0); // Reset to zero degree
viewer.rotateTo(360); // Rotate a full round

scale(scaleX[, scaleY])

  • scaleX:

    • Type: Number
    • Default: 1
    • The scaling factor to apply on the abscissa of the image
    • When equal to 1 it does nothing.
  • scaleY (optional):

    • Type: Number
    • The scaling factor to apply on the ordinate of the image
    • If not present, its default value is scaleX.

Scale the image.

viewer.scale(-1); // Flip both horizontal and vertical
viewer.scale(-1, 1); // Flip horizontal
viewer.scale(1, -1); // Flip vertical


  • scaleX:
    • Type: Number
    • Default: 1
    • The scaling factor to apply on the abscissa of the image
    • When equal to 1 it does nothing

Scale the abscissa of the image.

viewer.scaleX(-1); // Flip horizontal


  • scaleY:
    • Type: Number
    • Default: 1
    • The scaling factor to apply on the ordinate of the image
    • When equal to 1 it does nothing

Scale the ordinate of the image.

viewer.scaleY(-1); // Flip vertical

zoom(ratio[, showTooltip[, pivot]])

  • ratio:

    • Type: Number
    • Zoom in: requires a positive number (ratio > 0)
    • Zoom out: requires a negative number (ratio < 0)
  • showTooltip (optional):

    • Type: Boolean
    • Default: false
    • Indicates whether to show the tooltip.
  • pivot (optional):

    • Type: Object
    • Default: null
    • Schema: { x: Number, y: Number }
    • The pivot point coordinate for zooming.

Zoom the image with a relative ratio


zoomTo(ratio[, showTooltip[, pivot]])

  • ratio:

    • Type: Number
    • Requires a positive number (ratio > 0)
  • showTooltip (optional):

    • Type: Boolean
    • Default: false
    • Indicates whether to show the tooltip.
  • pivot (optional):

    • Type: Object
    • Default: null
    • Schema: { x: Number, y: Number }
    • The pivot point coordinate for zooming.

Zoom the image to an absolute ratio.

viewer.zoomTo(0); // Zoom to zero size (0%)
viewer.zoomTo(1); // Zoom to natural size (100%)

// Zoom to 50% from the center of the window.
viewer.zoomTo(.5, {
  x: window.innerWidth / 2,
  y: viewer.innerHeight / 2,


  • fullscreen (optional):
    • Type: Boolean or FullscreenOptions
    • Default: false
    • Indicate if request fullscreen or not.

Play the images.


Stop play.


Enter the modal mode.

Only available in inline mode.


Exit the modal mode.

Only available in inline mode.


Show the current ratio of the image by percentage.

Requires the tooltip option set to true.


Toggle the image size between its current size and natural size.

Used by the toggleOnDblclick option.


Reset the image to its initial state.


Update the viewer instance when the source images changed (added, removed, or sorted).

If you load images dynamically (with XMLHTTPRequest), you can use this method to add the new images to the viewer instance.


Destroy the viewer and remove the instance.

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All events can access the viewer instance with this.viewer in its handler.

Be careful to use these events with other components which have the same event names, e.g.: Bootstrap's modal.

let viewer;

image.addEventListener('viewed', function () {
  console.log(this.viewer === viewer);
  // > true

viewer = new Viewer(image);


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail: null

This event fires when a viewer instance is ready for viewing.

In modal mode, this event will not be triggered until you click on one of the images.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail: null

This event fires when the viewer modal starts to show.

Only available in modal mode.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail: null

This event fires when the viewer modal has shown.

Only available in modal mode.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail: null

This event fires when the viewer modal starts to hide.

Only available in modal mode.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: false
  • event.detail: null

This event fires when the viewer modal has hidden.

Only available in modal mode.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail.index:
    • Type: Number
    • The index of the original image.
  • event.detail.image:
    • Type: HTMLImageElement
    • The current image (a clone of the original image).
  • event.detail.originalImage:
    • Type: HTMLImageElement
    • The original image.

This event fires when a viewer starts to show (view) an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: false
  • event.detail: the same as the view event.

This event fires when a viewer has shown (viewed) an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail.x:
    • Type: Number
    • The new position in the horizontal direction.
  • event.detail.y:
    • Type: Number
    • The new position in the vertical direction.
  • event.detail.oldX:
    • Type: Number
    • The old position in the horizontal direction.
  • event.detail.oldY:
    • Type: Number
    • The old position in the vertical direction.
  • event.detail.originalEvent:
    • Type: Event or null
    • Options: pointermove, touchmove, and mousemove.

This event fires when a viewer starts to move an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: false
  • event.detail: the same as the move event.

This event fires when a viewer has moved an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
    • Type: Number
    • The new rotation degrees.
  • event.detail.oldDegree:
    • Type: Number
    • The old rotation degrees.

This event fires when a viewer starts to rotate an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: false
  • event.detail: the same as the rotate event.

This event fires when a viewer has rotated an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail.scaleX:
    • Type: Number
    • The new scaling factor in the horizontal direction.
  • event.detail.scaleY:
    • Type: Number
    • The new scaling factor in the vertical direction.
  • event.detail.oldScaleX:
    • Type: Number
    • The old scaling factor in the horizontal direction.
  • event.detail.oldScaleY:
    • Type: Number
    • The old scaling factor in the vertical direction.

This event fires when a viewer starts to scale an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: false
  • event.detail: the same as the scale event.

This event fires when a viewer has scaled an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail.ratio:
    • Type: Number
    • The new (next) ratio of the image (imageData.width / imageData.naturalWidth).
  • event.detail.oldRatio:
    • Type: Number
    • The old (current) ratio of the image.
  • event.detail.originalEvent:
    • Type: Event or null
    • Options: wheel, pointermove, touchmove, and mousemove.

This event fires when a viewer starts to zoom (in or out) an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: false
  • event.detail: the same as the zoom event.

This event fires when a viewer has zoomed (in or out) an image.


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail: null

This event fires when the viewer starts to play.

You can abort the playing process by calling event.preventDefault().


  • event.bubbles: true
  • event.cancelable: true
  • event.detail: null

This event fires when the viewer starts to stop.

You can abort the stopping process by calling event.preventDefault().

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No conflict

If you have to use another viewer with the same namespace, call the Viewer.noConflict static method to revert to it.

<script src="other-viewer.js"></script>
<script src="viewer.js"></script>
  // Code that uses other `Viewer` can follow here.

Browser support

  • Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Safari (latest)
  • Opera (latest)
  • Edge (latest)
  • Internet Explorer 9+


Please read through our contributing guidelines.


Maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.


MIT © Chen Fengyuan

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viewerjs's People


aminbahrabadi avatar andoshin11 avatar ankeetmaini avatar cevaris avatar chenlang0311 avatar dependabot[bot] avatar fengyuanchen avatar gdh1995 avatar jeazun avatar joelgallant avatar mirari avatar mzkmzk avatar richex-cn avatar seahindeniz avatar sorskoot avatar technopahadi avatar warplan avatar wggit2020 avatar xianyongwen avatar


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viewerjs's Issues

Changing the sample pictures to make the demo page more welcoming

Hi! I was just introduced to viewer.js and it seems like a really cool tool. The page I was introduced to was the demo page and I have to admit, I was a little concerned that a wall of 9 glamour-shot-style pictures of Emma Watson might make some people feel less welcome/included to the project than a mix of different types of pictures or pictures with a more neutral theme (landscapes, etc.)

It's just a suggestion if you can empathize with this perspective and want to make everyone feel welcome to engaging with the project.

close on click

First, thanks for great plugin.

Can you implement closed by clicking on the picture or outside?

Thanks :)

a striped back version of the demo

Do you have a striped back version of the demo and with everything set to minimal?
i.e your demo, white page just the images which when you click they open in a light-box.
I am struggling to do this myself can you help??

Google maps within a marker - Define parent feature request.

Firstly thanks for taking the time to put this together its great!.

If you try to use code within a google maps 'InfoWindow' although the viewerjs opens its not visible to the user (this can be proven it opens and loads by registering events).

This is due to the size of the parent tag from within the InfoWindow which is has a limited size. (the width of 'viewer-container' is zero so you see nothing)

Basically the hack to get it to work is changing:

_this.parent = parent = element.parentNode;

to become;

_this.parent = parent = document.getElementById('photoGallery');

(The 'photoGallery' div is within the body of the page:). On a later version it would be good if you could specify the parent or it renders it at document level.


Trouble rotating images programmatically (this.image undefined)

I'm load images with jquery to test whether they are wider than they are tall. As they load, I'm setting an attribute on the original img tags. I wire up viewer after all images are loaded and in the viewed.viewer event handler, I'm trying to apply the rotation automatically.

My goal is to render them 90 degrees clockwise rotated so they are always taller than they are wide (convert landscape to portrait). When I call rotate, I either get this.image is undefined. When I try 'rotateTo', it never performs the rotation because _this.isViewed is false in the rotateTo handler (method.js).


So, what's the point of the fancy keyboard support if i can't navigate to the gallery and it's items with the keyboard?

can not call viewer in my javascript file

viewer works best on static image src of in html but when i try to use the class name of in main js where tag is in item.push of javascript it does not zoom image at all please let me know how it works in item.push img tag

viewer on tablet

Hi there

Love the popup by the way, does everything I would like it to do and more.

one question when viewing on a tablet when you click play and go full screen how do you escape from fullscreen and go to normal view?

Free Rotation and Custom Controls

It will be a great feature if there will be free rotate buttons on the toolbar which will do ++degree or --degree rotation on both sides. It seems the plugin already has the appropriate API to achieve this but I couldn't figure out to add these kind of custom buttons on the toolbar.

Also if button customization will be allowed users can easily design such features with this kind of powerful API. Great work!

No event.detail value for viewed event

I use following codes to bind "viewed" event,


<div id="gallary">
    <ul id="images" style="display:none;">
    <li><img src="welcome.jpg" alt="欢迎使用"></li>


var g_viewerOptions = { 
    inline: true, 
    viewed: onViewed

$("#images").on({ 'viewed.viewer' : onViewed }).viewer(g_viewerOptions);

function onViewed(e) {

the onViewed() can be called after viewed one image, but the e.detail is undefined??
Can you help me?

From a Chinese user ^_^

Viewer can't open in IE when on a page with 90 images

Hi there,
Thank you for creating such an awesome library. However, I found that when there are many images, such as my application which has 90 images on one page, the viewer just seems to stuck in IE 11 (no image is shown). Works fine in Chrome. Any ideas?

the error I am getting in IE is "Not enough storage is available to complete this operation."

Additional options


Viewer.js is awesome 👍

But ... would it be possible to have some options for which transitions it allows? For example, when I'm changing through images, I don't like zooming out then back in again, I just want it to go from one, to the next, to the next, ... but the rest of the time, I think the transitions add some niceness to it (particularly in zooming), so would it be possible to state which ones I can do that?

Also, I don't know if this is already posssible (I thought 'scalable' would do it, but no ...), but I'd like to disable the ability to flip the image? I have some images with text on, so they become useless if flipped (in fact worse, because some of the data - they are graphs - will be wrong and might be misinterpretted), so I'd rather not offer the option to do it!

Great work by the way!

Multiple Galleries on the same page


Is it possible to have multiple galleries on the same page? I have one working but can't seem to get more than that?
Please describe as detailed as possible.

I know that
new Viewer(gallery1);
new Viewer(gallery2);
new Viewer(gallery3);
new Viewer(galleryN);

I can not introduce


Using ViewerJS in React

Im using a componentDidMount and the only way to get viewer to work is by setTimeout. Is that not advised? Should I use another method? Heres a sample of the code:

componentDidMount: function(){
var viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById('slideshow'), {button: true});
}, 2000)
var elems = document.getElementById('slideshow');
console.log("elems are ", elems);

Angular directive

I really like your work on images! Awesome. Is there any plan to create Angular directive for Viewer.js? I have an Angular project and I like to use your plugin to display images. Please let me know.

Thank you

Lack of scrollbar shifting the page

It's a small thing, but when you open an image in a modal, the scrollbar of the main page disappears, and everything shifts/stretches to the right. It just feels a little weird, is all. Maybe something can be done to keep the main pages scrollbar present, even when modal is open.

Issue with angular ng-repeat

First of all i would like to thank you for your awesome work on viewerjs.
Works like charm everywhere.
I have implemented viewerjs in my angular application using directives. It is working good.
But when i am trying to call viewer on images having ngreapeat tag on them, viewer is not popping up. no errors thrown. But images are not popping up.

html as
<div id="viewerjs" class="preview content" style="float: left;"> <img ng-repeat="item in arr" src="{{item}}" alt="1" class="editImage"> </div>

var image = document.getElementById('viewerjs'); var options = {}; var vwr = new Viewer(image, options);

This is not working.

I have found 2 packes to install using bower
pls suggest the difference between

bower install imageviewer
bower install fengyuanchen/viewerjs

Both are installing different packages.

Viewer in modal

Hi, first of all, you build an amazing component.

I have your component in a modal, inside the modal I use the inline mode (needed that way). When I click to fullscreen the modal became the full screen and not the complete window, how can I do to the componen use full window and not the modal context?

Enhance Controls

A couple suggestions on the navigation controls in modal mode especially...

If the display area is a landscape ratio and width / height is at least 1.25, then display the controls along the left side of the display. If the browser is touch capable (mobile or desktop), then use larger icons for the navigation controls... perhaps hidden behind a menu on the top-left, similar to the close button on the top right... Not sure if there is a common remote-control glyph that could be used for said menu (since the hamburger/dots glyphs may not be appropriate).

I just want to say this looks like a really nice control, and appreciate your effort... I also want to say I like how clean the UI is for it, moving away from the additions of lightbox style viewers.

mousedown event on canvas is not triggered

mousedown event on canvas is not triggered on my Android 5.1 phone.
addClass(canvas, CLASS_INVISIBLE)
It hides the canvas so it won't respond to any event. Removing this line did the trick for me.

Almost perfect on mobile

Is there a way (in case I show a single image) to make the image draftable in the view using mobile events?

Right now, swipe switches between pgotos and that's weird on a single image

Add endless mode

Hi! How about add endless mode for viewer?
It seems as if you on last image, the next image is first image
Please, add that feautere, or some event for this. Thanks

that on russian (sorry for my bad english, maybee some program can translate it from russian better than me):
Привет! Как насчёт добавить бесконечный режим для viewer'а?
Это должно быть так: когда ты доходишь до последнего изображения, нажатие на стрелку "дальше" должно отправлять на первое изображение (так, чтобы они повторялись по кругу)
Пожалуйста, добавьте возможность включить такой режим (например, какой-то флаг в опциях), или какой-то event, когда пользователь достигает последнего изображения.

Viewer as independent image viewer

Right now viewer works on top <img tag to get initialized. To get viewer load image, it needs original image to be loaded first. Do you have any plan to make this as independent viewer? I like viewer and like to make this to load images from a link, rather loading image in a image tag then load viewer. Do you have any suggestion for that?

Toolbar customization

1st of all thanks for the awesome and lightweight lib. I have implemented viewerjs and works fine. I would like to customize toolbar. eg: I don't want rotate and flip option in a toolbar. Can viewerjs provide this option from next realise?

Is there a way to retain rotate zoom and pan attibute

When you rotate zoom and pan on a page and go to another page, the rotate zoom and pan attributes gets reset. Is there a way to retain those attributes so that they don't have to do that again and again on same page,same picture..?



<ul id="images">
var viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById('images'), options);



JS报错, update方法里面的 _this.images 为 undefined.

PS:我为什么不在Ajax请求后new Viewer()?因为这个是对话页面,Ajax轮循获取消息,不保证每次请求都有返回,不保证每次返回都是图片消息。所以只能先初始化。

Instantly zoom in to 9000% when pinching.

As the title says.
When I try to pinch on any device, it instantly zooms in to 9000%.
I tried both viewer.js and viewer.min.js.
Still happens with both.

EDIT: Viewer version, Viewer v0.5.1

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