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victoryplugin's Issues

utilities>array>sort does not do anything

I tried using the sort function to sort a struct and it doesn't seem to do anything or perhaps the sorted array isn't outputed? I tried looking through the code and it seems like there isn't anything there aside from a comment saying that you should just call the generic function instead. I can't access that in blueprint obviously. Am I doing something incorrectly with this?

Texts saved contains special characters

I'm trying to use the File IO Save String Text to File node to work with the Json Blueprint plugin, which means saving the Json strings into a text file. The Json strings contains formatting characters, i.e. \r\n and \t which are invisible during debugging (when I hover the cursor on specific nodes). However, when the strings are saved into a text file, these characters becomes literal strings and additionally a \is inserted before the double quote. An example:

{\"key_1\": value_1, \r\n\t\"key_2": value_2}

I've tried to use regex-replace function to replace these characters, but it didn't work.

"Load Texture 2D from File" Node is not calculating the Mip Map correctly

I'm trying to set material onto object at run-time.

I'm creating material from texture & displacement map image file. These image files are loading from folder using Victory Plugin's "Load Texture 2D from File" Node.

I'm creating the material instance dynamic of the "test material". Now I'm setting the texture and displacement parameter as shown in figure [4](My texture and displacement map image resolution is 512x512).
After creating material instance dynamic, I'm setting this material to the object.

figure[1] test material:
figure[2] texture:
figure[3] displacement map:
figure[4] Method:

Now here is the problem.

When I directly create material in material editor from texture and displacement map and set it onto object. It doesn't generate** moiré pattern.**

But when I run-time set the material onto object using figure [4]. It will generate moiré pattern.

Here are the sample screen shots of both.

figure[5]: Material Editor result:
figure[6]: Runtime result:

I think the "Load Texture 2D from File" Node is not calculating the Mip Map correctly.

i am getting a deprecated function error

VictoryPlugin422/Source/VictoryBPLibrary/Private/VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp(4098): warning C4996: 'operator new': Placement new on TIndirectArray has been deprecated - users should call Add() passing a pointer to an object created with new. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.

4.18 Compile

2>E:\myproj (2)\myproj\Plugins\VictoryPlugin\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\VictoryBPLibrary\VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.gen.cpp(258): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
2>E:\myproj(2)\myproj\Plugins\VictoryPlugin\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\VictoryBPLibrary\VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.gen.cpp(258): error C2146: syntax error: missing ';' before identifier 'UClass'
2>E:\myproj (2)\myproj\Plugins\VictoryPlugin\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\VictoryBPLibrary\VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.gen.cpp(8006): error C2065: 'Z_Construct_UClass_UDestructibleComponent_NoRegister': undeclared identifier


linux compatibility possible?

Problem with GetSoundWaveFromFile


I need to play sound from files (dynamic data for my games), but each times i try to use this method (GetSoundWaveFromFile), the Return Value is None.

  • I debbuged the filepath to be sure i give a correct param.
  • I tried to put a literal string into
  • I tried to make it relative to the project directory, then to the content directory.
    But nothing works.
    Is there something i missed on this function ?

Thank you in advance for your help, i really need it :(
And thank you for your plugin it help a lot.

Plugin failed to work on 4.14

i have downloaded your victory plugin ,when i tried it on 4.14 it shows incompatible ,when i tried to rebuild using VS it shows msb 3705 error,what the fix?
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2660 'UPrimitiveComponent::K2_LineTraceComponent': function does not take 8 arguments Pluginnn D:\Pluginnn\Plugins\VictoryPlugin-master\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Private\VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp 3230 Error C2660 'UPrimitiveComponent::K2_LineTraceComponent': function does not take 8 arguments Pluginnn D:\Pluginnn\Plugins\VictoryPlugin-master\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Private\VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp 3302 Error Failed to produce item: D:\Pluginnn\Plugins\VictoryPlugin-master\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-VictoryBPLibrary-283.dll Pluginnn D:\Pluginnn\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR 1 Error MSB3075 The command "D:\4.14\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat PluginnnEditor Win64 Development "D:\Pluginnn\Pluginnn.uproject" -waitmutex" exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command. Pluginnn C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 41

Are there plans for an ue5 build in the near future?

I have several personal projects that would benefit from upgrading to ue5, even in early access, and I am unable to do so because I use this plugin.
(I tried to count on the auto rebuild but as usual, it does not help, and I am unable to understand half the errors I have when building with the source)

Spawn Actor URL

anyone had this issue with 4.27 version? is this class deprecated/removed from this version? This class works on 4.26.2...

Invalid Referenced directory

I have install Victory plugin but i have an warning like #54.

The warning :

Referenced directory 'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.23\Engine\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Public' does not exist.

The file origin of warning : C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.23\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VictoryPlugin\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\VictoryBPLibrary.Build.cs


Is GetSoundWaveFromFile() still works on Android?

Hello Rama, your plugin is very useful, But I met a problem.
I use GetSoundWaveFromFile() to dynamic load ogg, It works fine several months ago, Both Windows and Android work fine(With UE 4.15, or 4.16). but recently I use the function, It can only work on Windows, Android cannot play the dynamically loaded soundwave(UE4.21). It really confused me. So I want to ask if you have any idea about that?

Here may have some useful information from logcat:

SublevelComponent - merging into upstream UE code

Hi there! I've written a SublevelComponent which allows developers to have dynamic streaming sublevels working in multiplayer.

Previously we tried using the "Load Level Instance" functionality currently in UE, but this doesn't work in multiplayer as the sublevel doesn't get replicated properly. So I worked on a way to get sublevel instances working in multiplayer and this is what I came up with:

It's still undergoing testing, but it appears to work in all multiplayer scenarios including Play in Editor and separate processes. I want to get this SublevelComponent merged into the UE4 engine at some point in the future when it's stable enough, because I feel like having level instances in multiplayer is probably useful to a lot of other UE developers.

The SublevelComponent however uses the AddToStreamingLevels and RemoveFromStreamingLevels functions from this BP library in order to get the level instance setup/teardown working as expected. Before I can send a pull request to Epic, I'll need permission from you to actually include these functions in the PR since the engine doesn't currently include them from what I can see.

If it's okay to license these functions for inclusion into the Unreal Engine itself as part of a PR, please let me know.

Integration Unreal 5.1 Lit Scene not working


After integrating the plugin into my project, the lights in the lit perspective are not working.
If I remove the plugin the lights are working again. I have tried different plugin versions: 5.1 & 5.2, but nothing has changed.
Has anyone else encountered the problem?


Is it working on android?

I had try to package in android.It is not giving any error.

But whenever I set image path to load image at run time in material.It is not working like windows.

Compile Problem.

Plugins/VictoryPlugin/Source/VictoryBPLibrary/Public/VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.h(1800): error : 'GetTimeAlive' conflicts with 'Function /Script/VictoryBPLibrary.VictoryBPFunctionLibrary:GetTimeAlive'.

The error should tell you enough. I fixed it by renaming the function to something else.

Problem with VictoryPlugin 4.20

Hi, i downloaded the plugin and i did everything right but i can't use the plugin. Error message is like "not the good version". I'm on UE4 4.20.2. Can you help me ?

Error UPrimitiveComponent

I try to compile this plugin in UE4.14.3 but get this error
UPrimitiveComponent::K2_LineTraceComponent': function does not take 8 arguments

Is posible make a new branch for 4.14 and 4.15 or what is the commit compatible with that version?


Incorrect directory referenced?

I've not had this issue with victory library yet, but I am on a source engine build now. For some reason, even though the victory library is in my project plugins folder, it thinks it's trying to reference "U:\Engines\UnrealEngine-4.21\UnrealEngine-4.21\Engine\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Public"
instead of

Maybe we should get the path similarly to how the VR Expansion library does for the run time folder, example below:

private string PluginsPath
get { return Path.GetFullPath(Target.RelativeEnginePath) + "Plugins/Runtime/"; }

This seems like a safer solution. Just my two cents. Maybe I'll do a pull request.

Error compiling 4.18 Preview 2, VS 2017

Error compiling header:
Unrecognized type 'UDestructibleComponent' - type must be a UCLASS, USTRUCT or UENUM UE_Expresome E:\Expresome\UE_Expresome\Plugins\VictoryPlugin\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Public\VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.h 401

WidgetGetParentOfClass fails if immediate parent is UserWidget

Steps to reproduce:
Create a UserWidget called MyWidget
Create another UserWidget called MyWidget2
Remove the default canvas panel from MyWidget2 and add MyWidget to it
Inside Graph of MyWidget2, use WidgetGetParentOfClass(MyWidget2, UserWidget)

Expected results: WidgetGetParentOfClass should return MyWidget
Actual results: WidgetGetParentOfClass returns null

Cause: On line 5109, ChildWidget->GetParent() returns null since the parent is a UserWidget hence the loop on line 5113 is never entered hence never using GetOuter() to reach MyWidget

Suggested fix has been submited with pull request can be found at #10

Plugin will not work with 4.19.2

Pulled the latest version from github repo and installed into the plugins on the project, tried starting the project and said the plugin was not compatible did I want to disable it. I answered "NO" then said, project could not load because "Victory Plugin" was missing files

Package fail on Android using C++

Hi reporting,
I'm using the plugin in C++, I include as a dependency, works and packs fine on Windows. On packing on Android, it fails, I notice 2 things.

  1. I get linker errors with private dependencies modules like AIModule in VictoryBPLibrary.Build.cs, I had to move them to public dependencies

  2. I see you exclude Apex dependency for Android/IOS, you should exclude them from c++ code too like so

No compatible with ue4.13

Now VictoryPlugin isn't compatible with the latest version of UE4

This version have some improvements for vr so will be great if could fix it

Write to pipe

Hey! Thank you for your plugin!
I have a question about writing to pipe and getting output from programm.
I read the data from the "readPipe" without any problems. But when I try to send data something through "writePipe", I get the same in the response in "readPipe" instead of the real output from the programm.


I created a new function "WriteToPipe" using the example of other code

bool UExecutableProcessPipe::CreatePipe()
		//Ignore repeat creates without a close inbetween <3 Rama
		return true;
	return FPlatformProcess::CreatePipe( ReadPipe, WritePipe);
void UExecutableProcessPipe::ClosePipe()
		FPlatformProcess::ClosePipe(ReadPipe, WritePipe);
		ReadPipe = nullptr;
		WritePipe = nullptr;
bool UExecutableProcessPipe::ReadFromPipe(FString& PipeContents)
	PipeContents = "";
		return false;
	PipeContents = FPlatformProcess::ReadPipe(ReadPipe);
	return true;

bool UExecutableProcessPipe::WriteToPipe(FString InputString)
		return FPlatformProcess::WritePipe(WritePipe, InputString);
	return false;

Load String from File Problem

Hi, thanks for your great work!
I have a code that opens a webcam and take the results into a txt file then I try to read it from UE4 23.1 Version with your code. It reads the file when I just started the code but if i use webcam again to create another txt file, (it has same direction with the previous one) it cannot read it even it has same path and same file name. I have to restart Unreal Engine to be able to read the file again.

I feel like it doesn't catch the changed file in runtime, would there any other way to read the file during runtime? or would there a way to fix this problem?

I'm using Window 10
python 3.6.8 version

I'd like to hear reply as soon as possible, thank you

Asynchronous Loading

Hi Rama, gr8 work.

The Image Load from file plugin is loading the image synchronously, thus, the application pauses for few frames until the image is loaded.
I would be very glad if you change it to an asynchronous image loader with a finished loading condition to pass to the static object material.

Import file as Texture 2D inside unreal is already doing the same function....
Is there any setting or anything I have to do to load asynchronously ??
(I am a c# programmer, thus still I don't know c++ , but learning)
thx in advance....

I hope you can this favor for us ! thx.

Compile Error

Hi. When I compile the latest (4.17) Victory Plugin I am getting the error in the screenshot. Also attached is the RunUAT.bat file that I used to compile. I do this so when I create new projects the plugin is available and ready... No need to compile or add per-project.. allows for BP only projects.. FYI, this method worked for the previous version.

Please let me know if you want me to try anything... Thanks.


How to install?

So, I extract the folder, and put it into the directory E:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.22\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace And then I load up the Epic Games launcher, and see nothing. Is that the wrong directory? And I have looked around and I see no guide on where to put the folder in, or how to install it. Help would be appreciated! Thanks.


Unable to get the nodes of Plugin in MAC.

I put the VictoryPlugin in the Plugins Folder. After that I compiled it from the XCode.
When I open the project, I'm able to see the plugin in the plugin window. But I'm not able to get any nodes of plugin in Level Blueprint. Even I did't find VictoryBPLibrary Category in the Level Blueprint.

Here are the @Screenshots.

Not work with UE4.23

1> Creating library E:\UE4\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\VictoryBPLibrary\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\VictoryBPLibrary\UE4Editor-VictoryBPLibrary.suppressed.lib and object E:\UE4\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\VictoryBPLibrary\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\VictoryBPLibrary\UE4Editor-VictoryBPLibrary.suppressed.exp
1>Module.VictoryBPLibrary.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) struct FThreadSafeStaticStat StatPtr_STAT_PhysSceneWriteLock" (_imp?StatPtr_STAT_PhysSceneWriteLock@@3u?$FThreadSafeStaticStat@UFStat_STAT_PhysSceneWriteLock@@@@A)
1>E:\UE4\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\VictoryBPLibrary\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-VictoryBPLibrary.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(44,5): error MSB3075: The command "....\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat -Target="UE4Editor Win64 Development" -Target="ShaderCompileWorker Win64 Development" -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild" exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command.
1>Done building project "UE4.vcxproj" -- FAILED.

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