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proton's Introduction


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spacemacs and sublimious style editing in Atom.


What is it?

Proton (name subject to change) brings the modal editing style of Spacemacs and Sublimious with all its superpowers to Atom.

We get rid of the annoying part of Atom โ€” that being the configuration and package management โ€” and concentrate on the cool bits: its full customization capabilities.


While not ready yet, a manual is slowly getting created here


๐Ÿ‘œ dotfile friendly configuration

Proton will take care of setting up Atom for you. All you need to do is configure your ~/.proton file โ€” your central configuration point โ€” and Proton will do the rest.

๐Ÿ‘Œ easy to remember keybindings

No one has time to remember a ton of keybindings and then learn another ton for a new tool. Proton leverages Spacemacs mnemonics in which each keybinding is assigned to a specific category:

  • SPC g s will execute [g]it [s]tatus
  • SPC p t will toggle the [p]rojects [t]ree-view

You get the idea!

๐Ÿ” discoverable

No time to read through the docs? No problem. Proton is very easily discoverable through the keybindings helper. Just hit SPC and it will pop up:


๐Ÿ”‹ batteries included

Atom has a ton of packages but only a subset of them are actually useful. Instead of finding all the good bits yourself, rely on a crowd-configured layer system that does it for you! Every bit of functionality of Proton is encapsulated in layers. Enable what you want and don't care about the rest.

Check out all available layers here.

๐Ÿ“ฆ layer based configuration

Imagine you want to do some JavaScript in Atom but you have no idea what to install and what to set up. Instead of just installing random packages by yourself, you include the :javascript layer and boom! Proton installs all the good packages and configuration for you.


There are 2 ways of installing Proton: You can compile the latest master (which should be fairly stable) or use the apm-published version.


Proton tries to be your unified configuration system. Please use a fresh Atom installation or backup your existing config as Proton will very likely wipe your settings and packages. Alternatively make sure your ~/.proton file contains your current configuration or add ["proton.core.wipeUserConfigs" false] to your ~/.proton. The template is available for download here.

Going full Proton

apm install proton-mode

or through the package manager here:



Running it

lein run -m build/release

# or if you want auto-compile on change:
lein run -m build/dev-repl

will compile the ClojureScript code into JavaScript. Once that's done, go into the plugin/ folder and run

apm install
apm link

Proton should now be installed inside Atom under proton-mode.


Join us on the clojurians slack, channel #proton.



proton's People


agustif avatar apaleslimghost avatar austincrft avatar boogie666 avatar danpolanco avatar dvcrn avatar fastmover avatar garrettm avatar geksilla avatar jackcasey avatar jamrizzi avatar jessejanderson avatar jpinnix avatar paulombcosta avatar richarddewit avatar robbyoconnor avatar sglyon avatar srijs avatar swt30 avatar tggreene avatar tristil avatar xtian avatar


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proton's Issues

Proton enables packages that should be disabled

Another oversight when I implemented this feature.

Besides themes getting applied, I noticed that proton also force-activates packages that layers want to be disabled. As a test, just disable "relativeLineNumbers" inside .proton. The layer deactivates it but proton core activates it again.

We need to find a solution in which we force-activate all packages that are needed but still allow layers to disable packages

Initial package installation randomly aborts

I'm not sure why or when this happens but I had it twice that when a lot of packages are due to be installed, it only installs a few of them, reports 'success' and on the next start installs the rest. Maybe we have a timeout somewhere?

Implement better pane management system

The options for pane management in atom (especially the default ones) are less than stellar.

A great feature from spacemacs is the numbered panes that allow you to easily navigate between open files with spc # where # is the pane number.

Something like this in proton would be amazing!

Split proton into smaller standalone packages

This was an idea from a discussion on

Proton has a few things that could stand on it's own for people that don't want to use everything at the same time.

  • dotfile loader: This would probably the easiest part, a package that just loads a specific file (maybe ~/.atom by default), loads it and puts it into the atom object. (edn? cson? json?)
  • dotfile mode: Leverages above plugin but sets / removes config keys. The wipe and install mechanism that proton currently uses, just as a standalone thing.
  • chain mode: The proton prefix tree. User can specify keybindings and summon the chain overlay (what proton does when you hit space). When hitting a leaf, execute the editor action.

Proton itself is then requiring these packages, adds its layer system on top and glues everything together.

Can't use spaces in iex

Currently, the iex package is impossible to use since you can't type spaces without pulling up the proton keymap menu.

Create template on first start if not existent

We should copy the default template to ~/.proton if the user doesn't have it yet.

Maybe specify a opt-in before proton activates in case he just installed it randomly so we don't wipe his entire settings by accident.

Better default experience

When I think about proton, I'm more thinking about a complete package: Something that you install that makes your editor instantly better while getting rid of annoying things. Similar to nuclide.

We should go over all settings atom provides and check which ones are useful by default and which ones don't make sense. Plus maybe adding toggles for them inside the core layer.

I think including themes / fonts could also fall under this category. A beginning would be to ship Hack / Source Code Pro with proton and install a fresh template by default (thinking about

Consistency with Spacemacs' evil-leader bindings?

What are thoughts on keeping the keybindings close to what spacemacs has already done? It seems possible that someone may want to occasionally switch between using proton and spacemacs. Keeping the keybindings similar could keep the transition smoother.

That being said, not all of spacemac's bindings are necessarily ideal either.

Force-activate all layer packages

Right now the user can deactivate packages which could mess up how proton works. Plus once a package is disabled, it no longer shows up inside the atom API and is invisible to proton.

One problem we have with this is, that when proton uninstalls a package, it adds it to disabledPackages. If the user enables the layer again, proton installs the package again but it is still disabled.

I think we should add a logic that force-activates all packages that all layers need to operate.

Speed up package installations

Maybe something like this:

  1. Take package list
  2. If under 5, install all in parallel
  3. If over 5, take 5, install parallel and repeat

Right now it installs sequentially. I tried the all parallel approach before but that didn't end so well.

Allow setting settings by syntax

In my config I have things like:

    tabLength: 2
    tabLength: 2
    tabLength: 2
    columns: [

If I try to add something like [".julia.source.editor.tabLength" 2] in my ~/.proton I get

          tabLength: 2

I think we just need to special case a leading . in the config string when parsing configs

Question, figwheel worklfow?

Hi @dvcrn, do you use figwheel during development? I've succeed on figwheel activation and got hot code reload and another nice features, but it's a bit hacky. Could you please share your dev workflow with figwheel? Thanks.

Add linters layer.

Propose to add linters support within :tools/linters or :tools/error-check.

Setting "core" options in `~/.atom/config.cson`

I'm trying to apply the theme/syntax highlighting I had in my atom config from within proton and am having problems.

I've added the proper packages to the :additional-packages section and in :configuration I have included

    ["core.themes" ["isotope-ui"

When I launch a new atom (proton) window the console tells me

Setting core.themes to ["isotope-ui" "tomorrow-night-eighties-syntax"]

But then when I do cat ~/.atom/config.cson I see core: {}

Is there supposed to be another way to do this?

CTRL-J/K broken

Not sure how that happened but I can't manage to navigate with these anymore

Atomatigit for git integration

I recently discovered this project through a Spacemacs tweet and I have to say it looks very promising. I'm an Emacs (and Vim) fanatic but I would also like to move into more modern software, specially for a text editor, so I'll see what I can do to help out with this project.

Anyways, after looking through Atom packages I found atomatigit which seems to be a form of git integration based on magit, being proton heavily influenced by spacemacs, I thought it would be a good choice ๐Ÿ‘

GPL license

Why did you choose the GPL3 license? Most of the Atom ecosystem is MIT, so this choice limits sharing options. As an example, I'll avoid looking at your code for fear of "tainting" other packages.

Mode compilation warnings

I noticed these warnings during compile:

WARN: WARNINGS: proton/lib/keymap.cljs (4)
WARN: Use of undeclared Var proton.lib.mode/get-current-editor-mode at line 8
WARN: Use of undeclared Var proton.lib.mode/get-current-editor-mode at line 8
WARN: Use of undeclared Var proton.core/mode-keys at line 34
WARN: Use of undeclared Var proton.core/mode-keys at line 34

pinging @geksilla. That is something you worked on I think

Allow extension (merging) of keybidings

We should allow layers to extend keybindings defined in core or other layers.

Here's an example layer that could utilize this:

(ns proton.layers.pomodoro.core
  (:use [proton.layers.base :only [init-layer! get-initial-config get-keybindings get-packages get-keymaps]]))

(defmethod get-initial-config :pomodoro

(defmethod init-layer! :pomodoro
  [_ config]
  (println "init pomodoro"))

(defmethod get-keybindings :pomodoro
  {:t {:category "toggles"}
     :p {:category "pomodoro"
         :s {:action "pomodoro:start"
             :title "Start Timer"}
         :a {:action "pomodoro:abort"
             :title "Abort Timer"}}})

(defmethod get-packages :pomodoro

(defmethod get-keymaps :pomodoro

What I am going for here is to add another category under the t chain defined in core so that I can toggle my pomodoro timer. So what I'd like to see is that SPC t has all the existing options, but now has one more option for pomodoro that will drop me one layer lower in the chain and have options for a and s.

Right now, this is now what I'm seeing. Here are some screenshots to demonstrate the problem:

When I do just SPC I get this:

screen shot 2015-12-08 at 11 08 26 am

When I do SPC t it appears that everything was wiped out:

screen shot 2015-12-08 at 11 08 53 am

It also appears that SPC p has replaced the "project" section from core with my pomodoro section defined here:

screen shot 2015-12-08 at 11 08 59 am

Proton Throws on installation

The existence of proton convinced me to give Atom a try, I just downloaded the latest atom, and tried to install proton. I receive the following error report any time I try to start atom. It looks to me like some part of proton's config process is failing, but I'm not sure where to start debugging.

Atom Version: 1.3.2
System: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
Thrown From: proton-mode package, v0.3.0

Stack Trace

Uncaught Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, write

At C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2132

Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, write
    at Error (native)
    at Object.fs.writeSync (fs.js:663:20)
    at SyncWriteStream.write (fs.js:1981:6)
    at Object.execSync (child_process.js:491:20)
    at Object.proton.lib.proton.create_default_config_BANG_ (C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2003:284)
    at Object.proton.lib.proton.load_config (C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2004:114)
    at C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2610:410
    at d (C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2608:164)
    at b (C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2609:17)
    at Object.cljs.core.async.impl.ioc_helpers.run_state_machine (C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2131:198)
    at Object.cljs.core.async.impl.ioc_helpers.run_state_machine_wrapped (C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2132:116)
    at C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2635:153
    at Immediate.cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch.process_messages [as _onImmediate] (C:\Users\awh\.atom\packages\proton-mode\lib\proton.js:2088:298)
    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:374:17)



  "core": {
    "themes": [

Installed Packages

# User
proton-mode, v0.3.0

# Dev
No dev packages

Auto-generate READMEs

This idea got sparked by a conversation on slack. It would be ideal if we could just generate READMEs for each layer.

With the changes we made inside the doc-helper branch, we can already generate a list of options and keybindings

So to summarize:

  • Keybindings: We can generate
  • Options: We can generate as well
  • Package list: Should be no problem. Just construct the URL with{{package-name}}
  • Install instructions is a no brainer

We need to add a description to each layer and a script for re-generating all READMEs

Change way layers receive settings

Right now we do something like this:


To set config we do

    ;; stuff for proton
    ["proton.core.showTabBar" false]
    ["proton.core.relativeLineNumbers" true]

Maybe we should think about going the spacemacs way and doing something like

    [:python {"showTabBar" false
              "relativeLineNumbers" true}

instead. This would make it more clear that a config is for a layer only. 

Command search with keybindings listed

Perhaps when the user presses SPC + ? it pulls up the command palette (default CTRL + SHIFT + P) search bar. The other part would be to list the proton keybindings in the command palette instead of the atom provided keybindings.

nuclide-quick-open aborts installation process

Not sure how that happens but every time proton proceeds to install nuclide-quick-open, all packages after won't install. Need to restart the editor to continue package installations

Using `SPC h/j/k/l` limits mnemonic categories

In Spacemacs these pane:focus keys are simply preceded with a w for a window category (SPC w h for 'focus left pane'.

There's an interesting problem right now with Proton in that you have to try and think ahead with categorizing so that you aren't having to change shortcuts all the time, messing with people who have learned them.

It would be great if categories could be planned out somewhat. For example - Spacemacs uses SPC x as the category for all text manipulation commands. I want to add a feature to sort lines of text so I was considering the following options:

  1. SPC x l s (leader => text manipulation => lines => sort)
    This matches Spacemacs, but feels slightly weird at this point since there is nothing else in the lines category or even the text manipulation category.
  2. SPC l s (leader => lines => sort)
    This makes a little more sense I think at this point, but SPC l is currently used for pane:focus

Maybe coming up with a future keybinding categories guide or something would be worthwhile so that keybindings don't end up getting changed as more features are added?

Find a better name

Proton is like the first thing everyone thinks of when they try to name a atom extension. Need something more creative :)

(Most of the stuff in this list just comes from random words from wikipedia)

  • etom (emacs atom)
  • spacetom (spacemacs atom)
  • helium / proton / neutron / {{something else atom related}}
  • quantum-mode
  • exotic-mode
  • ???

Submit to atom packages

We might need a new name first since proton is already taken. Plus we need to check how we can submit a compiled version.

File not found issue on first install

On a fresh atom if I execute apm install proton-mode and then launch atom, I get the following error:

Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '/Users/dave/.proton'

Add syntax aware keybindings

One of the really cool things about spacemacs is that some keybindings (in their case <spc> m or ,) change according to what the current syntax is like.

<spc> m = in python executes yapf while in js executes js-beautify.

We should think about porting this to proton as well

Micro lagg on first save

One of the plugins we integrate is probably hooking on the save event. Right now, the first save on a new file takes around 1-2s. Saves after the first one are back to instant.

Contributor guidelines

Proton should have some :)

Possibly utilize PR and issue templates - for instance a checklist of steps to take before submitting an issue, and what information to include in an issue
For example:

  • Have you tried running proton with a minimal .proton file, and if so, what are the minimal settings required to reproduce the issue?

On a similar train of thought, I highly recommend using something like git-flow.

Error loading


I am getting this error when atom starts:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'addBottomPanel' of null
at Object. (/Users/raguay/Documents/proton/plugin/lib/proton.js:1806:80)
at Module._compile (module.js:428:26)
at Object.defineProperty.value as .js
at Module.load (module.js:353:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:308:12)
at Module.require (module.js:363:17)
at require (module.js:382:17)
at Package.module.exports.Package.requireMainModule (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at Package.module.exports.Package.measure (/Applications/

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null

Not sure what's going on - now getting this error on every launch, gets stuck with the Proton modal up at "Initializing proton... Just a moment!"

Atom Version: 1.5.3
System: Mac OS X 10.11.3
Thrown From: proton-mode package, v0.8.0

Stack Trace

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null

At /Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2008

TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
    at cljs.reader.read_keyword (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2575:161)
    at Object.cljs.reader.read_delimited_list (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2563:74)
    at cljs.reader.read_map (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2567:142)
    at Object.cljs.reader.read_delimited_list (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2563:74)
    at cljs.reader.read_map (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2567:142)
    at [as read] (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2584:72)
    at Object.cljs.reader.read_string (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2584:368)
    at Object.proton.lib.proton.load_config (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2612:163)
    at /Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2975:21
    at d (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2972:199)
    at b (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2973:17)
    at Object.cljs.core.async.impl.ioc_helpers.run_state_machine (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2007:198)
    at Object.cljs.core.async.impl.ioc_helpers.run_state_machine_wrapped (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:2008:116)
    at /Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:3002:408
    at Immediate.cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch.process_messages [as _onImmediate] (/Users/Jesse/.atom/packages/proton-mode/lib/proton.js:1964:298)
    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:374:17)



  "core": {
    "audioBeep": false,
    "destroyEmptyPanes": false,
    "disabledPackages": [
    "themes": [

Installed Packages

# User
Parinfer, v1.11.0
aligner, v0.19.1
atom-ternjs, v0.13.2
atomatigit, v1.5.5
autoclose-html, v0.21.0
autocomplete-elixir, v1.5.13
autocomplete-html-entities, v0.1.0
autocomplete-modules, v1.4.1
autocomplete-paths, v1.0.2
autocomplete-sass, v0.1.0
autoupdate-packages, v1.3.1
chester-atom-syntax, v0.1.1
css-snippets, v0.9.0
docblockr, v0.7.3
easy-motion-redux, v1.0.0
emmet, v2.4.1
environment, v1.1.1
file-icons, v1.6.14
highlight-line, v0.11.1
iex, v0.9.27
indent-guide-improved, v1.4.5
isotope-ui, v2.7.1
javascript-snippets, v1.2.1
language-diff, v0.4.0
language-elixir, v0.11.1
language-haml, v0.23.15
language-slim, v0.5.0
linter, v1.11.3
linter-bootlint, v1.0.0
linter-clojure, v1.1.2
linter-csslint, v1.3.1
linter-elixirc, v1.1.5
linter-eslint, v6.0.0
linter-haml, v1.1.0
linter-rubocop, v0.4.7
linter-sass-lint, v1.1.0
linter-slim, v1.0.0
linter-xmllint, v1.3.3
markdown-scroll-sync, v2.1.2
minimap, v4.19.0
pigments, v0.24.1
project-manager, v2.7.6
proton-mode, v0.8.0
react, v0.14.1
react-snippets, v0.3.0
recent-files-fuzzy-finder, v0.2.4
relative-numbers, v0.5.0
release-notes, v0.53.0
terminal-plus, v0.14.5
vim-mode, v0.64.0
vim-surround, v0.8.1
zentabs, v0.8.7

# Dev
No dev packages

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