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ts-relayer's People


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ts-relayer's Issues

Implement query all pending acks

Depends on #43

Perform a similar query set and return equivalent metadata.

Note we also need the original packet when submitting an acknowledgement. I am open for suggestions if this function should do it, or if we should have a second function to take the (filtered) list of acks and get the packet data for them. If the data is easily available here, add it. If it involves queries to a second chain, then don't include it in this query.

Add logger support to library

We should accept a winstonjs compatible logger interface in Link, Endpoint, and IbcClient and produce debug/info/warn/error logging. Verbose should be every rpc call we make (debug with the entire payload), info the general actions token ("create connection musselnet {07-tendermint-5:connection-3} <=> bifrost {07-tendermint-2:connection-1}"), and warn/error only when there are problems.

Question whether the logger should be passed in every method call, or we should set it in the constructors.

Interface should be a subset of winstonjs.Logger. We can expand over time, but harder to reduce. My proposal is something like this (taking only one aspect of LeveledLogMethod):

interface Logger {
  error: (message: string, ...meta: any[]) => Logger,
  warn: (message: string, ...meta: any[]) => Logger,
  info: (message: string, ...meta: any[]) => Logger,
  verbose: (message: string, ...meta: any[]) => Logger,
  debug: (message: string, ...meta: any[]) => Logger,

Maybe we want to expose the isDebugEnabled(): boolean... methods as well to avoid doing unneeded calculations for the logger?

Implement client/connection logic in Link

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  • Summary

Builds on #6

Implement findConnection and CreateConnection, findOrCreateConnection on Link and test it. Tune API so it works well with pre-existing data as well as a fresh chain. Also implement updateClient and test handling error messages on client timeout

  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.)

Make configurable fees for the ibc transactions

In ibcclient.ts I created a prebuilt fee table with hardcoded values

// TODO: replace this with buildFees in IbcClient constructor to take custom gasPrice, override gas needed
const fees = {
  initClient: {
    amount: coins(2500, 'ucosm'),
    gas: '100000',
  // ...

We should:

  1. Allow these to be configurable in IbcClient, like the other options on SigningStargateClient. They can be a separate member of Options for just the ibc-related default gas if that is easier way to extend the options.
  2. Provide sensible default gas for each transaction - take the current values and see if you can lower them a bit
  3. Store the values in IbcClient and use them (remove the global fees object)

Implement transfer message and relay packet


  • Add support for ibc-transfer Msg (to start send)
  • Add support to parse all packets from tx logs
  • Add support for sendPacket Msg (to submit on other side)

Test cases:

  • Submit normal token send msg, parse events, 0 packets
  • Submit IBC token transfer, parse events, 1 packet
  • Submit 3 msg tx - 1 send, 2 ibc transfer, 2 packets
  • Take parsed packets (above), submit to remote chain with updateClient and matching proofs. Ensure success and check receiver balance on remote chain

Add multi-node integration tests

This is a series of slower tests in a more realistic environment that can be run occasionally (eg. only on master merges, not by default in yarn test).

Somehow setup 4 node testnets with docker (compose?) and connect them. Use staking to create wildly changing validator sets, and add/remove/stop a node. Ensure we can update light clients even when the validator set changes quickly and handle "real world" issues

Add auto-paginating variants of ibc queries

Part of #24

There are some queries which hit their limit quickly, and if running many tests on a chain will fail to list all items, leading to test failures. Worse, they will cause the relayer to misbehave on highly loaded chains.

To solve this, let's add some query variants that get all the data using pagination. And ensure any grpc query that does accept PageRequest / paginationKey exposes that in the query interface. In particular, at least the following variants should be added:

  • => allChannels
  • => allConnectionChannels
  • ibc.client.states => allStates, also allStatesTm which maps the above result with the decoding as in stateTm
  • ibc.connection.connections => allConnections
  • ibc.connection.clientConnections => allClientConnections
  • => allPacketCommitments
  • => allPacketAcknowledgements
  • => allUnreceivedPackets
  • => allUnreceivedAcks

Commit yarn.lock to the repo


โš ๏ธ It seems that all the future builds with no cache are broken because yarn build is failing. It's related to a different dependency tree than in the previous build. It seems like some dependency (types) released a new version with breaking change and since we don't lock the versions, it exploded:

To reproduce the error locally:

  • remove yarn.lock and node_modules on your machine
  • run
    yarn build

Simply, committing yarn.lock would help.

Add Channel setup functionality

Builds on #53

The following just need the registry (should work if mnemonic is not provided):

  • Implement ibc-setup ports --chain=ABC
  • Implement ibc-setup connections --chain=ABC
  • Implement ibc-setup channels --chain=ABC [--port=transfer]

The following needs the mnemonic as well, and will reuse an existing connection via Link.createWithExistingConnections

  • Implement ibc-setup channel --src=ABC --dest=XYZ --src_connection=connection-3 --dest_connection=connection-4 ...

(All commands defined in spec)

Please add a test: create connection as in #53, query channels with nothing, make new channel on existing connection, query channels that it is there

Test with CosmWasm contracts

This depends on a wasmd``v0.16.0-alpha1 release based on cosmwasm v0.14.

Use the cw20-ics20 contract and make a unit test to send tokens with that to/from a normal ibctransfer module on the other chain.

Note: this has been manually tested as it became urgent and I had no time to set this up, this should still be done soon, but is not the most urgent.

Bump blockchain images to SDK v0.41.1

This provides an event attribute connection_id on the packet and receipt events. We can use that for filtering and querying across all channels on a connection much easier.

Implement Timeouts Submission

After #43 and #44

If a packet is pending, but it is too late to submit it, we should relay a timeout to the original chain (with a non-existence proof from the intended recipient). This is similar to submitting acks, but the queries are a bit different.

Implement query all pending packets

Depends on #40

Use the new connection_id attribute for the searches.

  • Get list of packets since last query height H (or 0) filtered by connection_id
  • Check receiving chain which ones have not yet been received.
  • Return list of packets:

The packets should be returned in a list with metadata:

  packet: Packet,
  sender: string, // who signed the message to send it
  height: number, // which block height was it on

Height is important to check which headers we need. Signer may be interesting later for filtering in the application (only relay packets of people that paid their relayer service fees)

Add ibc-setup ics20

Performs the same work as #53 and #54 but automated. You can do those first to get a feel for the steps, or do this first with just one workflow. Ensure the flow is tested, both with creating a new connection, and reusing an existing connection. (Queries from #54 are helpful for testing, but can be done in TS as well)

Implement the workflow defined here

log.debug is unusable in integration tests

It dumps out way too much info and all the binary data is encoded like [34, 72, 143, ...]

Let us:
(1) print this out in base64 in TestLogger (and see if this effects winstonjs as well)
(2) allow enabling info, verbose, or debug levels in test logger

Update: I made a workaround that debug is never logger in TestLogger. verbose or more only.

We still need to make debug usable. I think pre-processing the msgs before writing to logs would be better than just dumping the message and hoping base64 makes it readable

Support non-zero RevisionNumber in IBC packets

I assume this is 0 everywhere in the code and it worked in the CI. I wondered where/when it would be set. This came up recently on the cosmos discord, and here was the resolution:

Doing some testing here with relayer debug turned on, I think the above statement has it in the wrong direction.  The last statement should read: IBC packets destined to the chain (as opposed to originating from) must have their "revision_number" field set to the chain id suffix.

In testing, I have two chains: "gaiad-microtick-testnet" which is revision number = 0, and "microtick-testnet-rc3-1" which would be revision number = 1.  In order for the packet commitments to verify correctly, IBC packets from gaiad -> microtick need the revision number set to "1".  In the other direction, packets from microtick -> gaiad need the revision number set to "0".

Using these values, everything seems to be working correctly again.  I wanted to post the solution here in case anyone else comes across this.

Thanks for your help guys!

So, it is based on the chain-id, and we will need that to connect to most networks. It is easy to add a suffix in the CI chains to enforce this. Then we need to ensure support throughout the stack until all tests pass again.

Encode header timestamps with nanoseconds

This is needed to make the hashes match.

The default implementation of ts-proto returns Date for the protobuf.Timestamp fields. This is nice to work with, but only has millisecond precision, not nanosecond. When we serialize this, the header is different than the signed header (we set 6 digits to 0). Thus, we cannot submit valid SignedHeader to ibc to update the client.

I found this on the ts-proto README:

With --ts_proto_opt=useDate=false, fields of type google.protobuf.Timestamp will not be mapped to type Date in the generated types.

Will try that.

Set up 2 nodes for CI

  • Summary

We should have simple setup scripts to get two chains up and running to run CI (and local) tests against. I would like to use different chains with different prefixes, tokens to ensure everything handles this (normal case)

  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.)

We can base on the wasmd and simapp setup scripts from
We should start with wasmd v0.15.0 and simapp v0.41.0. Maybe make patch updates, but these should be compatible with the Cosmos Hub on upgrade, so let's not support any newer features coming in the sdk.

Implement find existing client/connection in Endpoint/IbcClient

This only needs the supposed connection id on both sides.

It should check to see if they really do point to the other side. Most of the logic is here:

Once that works, you could also check the header for the chains and make sure they match what is stored in the client on the remote chain

  • Search for $connection
  • Ensure it is open
  • Get the client for that connection
    • Ensure it is tendermint client and active
    • Ensure the remote chain_id in client matches the other chain's chain_id
    • (optional) check the header in latest consensus state, ensure it matches remote chain
    • Return the last update time/height

Define binary distribution channel

How do we share with people who will run the relayer?

We could push to npm, we could just share a link to the repo and say "build from source", we could provide a docker image with compiled code. Or maybe there are other ideas.

This issue is to define and document such a process. We can implement it in another issue

Implement Channel Handshake in Link

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  • Summary

Builds on #7

  • Implement listPorts, listChannels(port?: string) on Endpoint
  • Implement createChannel on Link

We should be able to create multiple ics20 channels between two chains, as well as find and reuse exisiting channels. Do tests that cover error handling (eg. put an invalid version so one call will fail... how to handle cleanup?)

  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.)

Create relay loop

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  • Summary

Builds on #9 and #10

See Loop from spec, and implement with polling:

  • Sleep N seconds
  • Query the current block height/time
    • If too far from last client update -> Update Client
  • Query src, dest for all send_packet events since H1 and add to Pending Packets
    • Set H1 to new height
    • Relay on opposite chain
  • Query src, dest for all acknowledge_packet events since H2 and add to Pending Packets
    • Set H2 to new height
    • Relay on opposite chain
  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.)

Implement relay ack

Builds on #34


  • Add support for IbcAcknowledgementMsg
  • Add support for IbcTimeoutMsg


Base on test from #34 submitting a tx with multiple packets

  • Parse acknowledgements from tx events: ensure cases where there are 0, 1, 2
  • Submit acknowledgements from received packets, ensure success

Add support for Packet Delay (on connection)

This one is tricky. We need to allow the option when creating a connection, and read the option when using an existing connection.

If delay=0, then the general behavior we have everywhere works.

If delay > 0, then we must do the following to relay packets.

  • SendPacket available at height H on chain A
  • Submit A header of H+1 on chain B (to prove H)
  • Store proof of packet pointing to this header (H+1)
  • Wait delay seconds after update client
  • Submit the SendPacket proof pointing to header (H+1), not a newer header

This means there is a delay between updating a client and being able to use that client header to prove anything. As a potential protection against byzantine networks.

Compile IBC protobuf types / services

  • Summary

Both queries and messages.

  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.)

Handle multiple channels with ack/packet queries

Follow up from #65

Let's do this for acks also. Need test cases

We can create 2 ics20 channels (different IDs) on the same connection. Send some packets on each, then try the getPendingPackets and relayPackets commands to ensure this works.

Evidence handling and submission

If you try to update the client to header H, but a different header was previously submitted, we have a clear case of a byzantine network (> 2/3 voting for different blocks at the same height). In this case, the relayer should be able to repackage it's knowledge into evidence of cheating on the source chain (the one who's header we were submitting, not the chain we were submitting to).

This will be hard to test without a real Byzantine testnet, so this is mainly a placeholder until there is a good test environment for this.

Implement querying and relay acks

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  • Summary

Like #9 but for acknowledgements

  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.)

Support Ordered Channels

Depends on #46 (blocked)

Not so sure what is needed to be done here. In the normal case, I think we will relay all packets in order. Let's ensure they are sorted by (channel, sequence).

However, we will need to be careful (1) we filter out packets - we cannot skip on ordered channels and (2) if a packet is timed-out, we need to submit that before the packet to relay. So, most low-level primitives should work the same, but the higher-level ones may need some adjustment

Set log-level and basic logger in binary

Requires #57

It should implement the logger spec. The only needed transports are to console/stdout and to file. Assuming a human-readable format on console, JSON if written to file (so we can send it to Kibana, etc)

This should be enough for the first release, we can revisit more transports and format options in v2 based on user feedback

Add high-level bootstrap logic

Given two rpc endpoints, chain ids, and proposed existing connection_ids...

  • connect to the chains
  • ensure the connections exist, are open, and point to each other
  • check the current client state (timeouts)
  • list all open channels on this connection

Provide IBC client implementation

  • Summary

Builds on #5

  • Implement the IbcClient, providing simple methods for queries as well as building messages.
  • Add an integration test to create a new client and query it, compatible with CI #4
  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.)

Ensure we have an API to manually override the sequence, or provide N tx and each gets an auto-incremented sequence. If we submit 10 packets, we don't want to do this over 10 blocks, but rather in 1.

Implement querying and relay packets

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  • Summary

Builds on #8

  • Query pending packets on a connection (in Endpoint) - since height H
  • Query opposite chain for which have been relayed
  • Relay packets returned from above call (in Link)
  • Don't handle ack yet.
  • Test with ics20
  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stack traces, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, eg. StackOverflow, personal fork, etc.)

Add test with different src and dest port, channel

To ensure #8 is closed properly and there is no accidental src/dest mixup, we need to try a case where the source and dest connections use different channel ids and different ports. For ports, we can reconfigure what the default ics20 port is on one app. For channels, we need to init a channel on one side, then forget it. This will auto-increment one number on one side and not on the other.

Extend and Reorganize queries/ibc.ts

The file was copied over from @cosmjs as a starting point, but the organization doesn't match what we need. It only has about half the exposed queries as well.

I propose:

  1. Use queryRawProof in the verified queries and make a separate subsection for them (eg. ibc.proofs). clientStateWithProof should also go in there (which is more of what we will want)
  2. Remove the unverified namespace (that is default), and reorganize them. Some ideas: ibc.clientState(), client.clientState(), ibc.client.clientState(). Or if you really want to rename them to remove stutter: ibc.client.state() - these all would call clientQueryService.ClientState()
  3. Add all the other grpc queries listed in the various codec/ibc/core/*/queries.ts files as direct grpc queries following whatever format you choose in 2

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