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carnetandroid's Issues

Intempestive saving makes naming a note difficult

When I want to name or rename a note in the side panel of an opened note, if I wait for a too long time (2sec) before typing the next letter, the app will save the note, and close the keyboard. It is thus a painful process as I'm not a fast writer on mobile.
Perhaps you should either wait for a longer time or wait until the field is not active anymore, or find a way so that the keyboard is not hidden each time.

Feature request

Hi Carnet is looking to be the perfect Google Keep replacement for Nextcloud as it can add text and images but seems to be lacking a way to add links ( url ) on the Linux desktop, Nextcloud app and android.
It would be fantastic if there was a button like for making text bold and maybe you could also paste the url into the note too when it was copied from a browser ?
Would you consider adding this feature ?

Crash by using ":"

A ":" as part of a title of a note seams to crash the application. Reopening the application results also in a crash. The only solution is to remove the QuickNote folder.

features and a bug


I like the carnet app! But there are some questions as well.


  1. Is there a way to sync via owncloud?
    If not, will it be possible, soon?
  2. Can you add the possibility to delete keywords?
  3. What do you think about a dark theme?
  4. And what about the possibility to give notes different colours? (As backgroundcolour or framecolour on "recents", for example.)

A bug, I guess:
When I paste a text into a (text-)note carnet shows me the upper part of the file. The same happens when I mark a word (or more) and click some format-button.
If I use the cursor keys carnet returns to the correct part of the file and I can continue writing my text. But if I do something else instead of using the cursor keys first (for lack of concentration or time) I have to search through the whole text to find the passage I want to work on. That's really annoying!

Is there another way to donate?

Can Create folder but Cannot delete it.


So i am testing all carnet functionalities and it's awesome.
But when I delete a folder, the deletion does not replicate across the cloud sync.
So when i reopen the app, it syncs and the folder reappear.

Changelog too fast to read

When the app is updated, we only have 5sec to read the changelog, with no way to display it again.

On tap, the timer should stop, and the settings menu should have a button to open it again.

Allow notes to have a date set in addition to default created/modified date

I'm hoping to use Carnet as a replacement for the Android App Journey, which aims to make a Markdown based photojournal recording onto cloud storage.

Since journey is both proprietary and uses Google Drive, I was trying Carnet as an alternative, and it is generally a sufficient replacement except for the fact that it does not allow an event date to be set.

Journey allows notes to have an Event Date so I can make notes about a certain time long after it has happened, and then it sorts notes by the Event Date. This is different from the current created/modified date, which can be retained as not modifiable.

In addition, Journey detects the Event Date from photos using exif data. This would also be a great feature to have.

Markdown Notes not shown in app

I installed and synced my Nextcloud account and all the notes are shown up in the directory but the notes are not listed in the app.

Syncthing support

It would be great to have the option to use Syncthing to synchronize notes across devices instead of cloud services. Since Syncthing can sync anything that can be represented as a file on the file system, I believe it could be done with the following two changes:

  • Add the ability to set an arbitrary database location on disk
  • Automatically scan for changes to the local database files periodically and when opening the app

PDF support

It would be helpful to attach also pdf documents (not only pictures). Pdf annotation would be even more helpful.

it stopped

I try to start the application and it tells me that "it stopped".
Have I lost all my annotations?

Last update version 0.3 from F-Droid

Browser not updating after sync

Hello and good day,

when a note was changed on the desktop and synced and I'm in the browser view on the other device the changes won't be seen until I go to the browser again.
There is a chance of overwriting the latest changes:

  • both devices in browser view
  • one device changes a note
  • both devices sync
  • the changes are only seen when going explicitly to the browser again, if not the old version opens
    • if I then hit exit to exit the note, the changes are overwritten with the older version and synced again

expected behavior: the changes are seen immediatley on the other device

EDIT: this was in the F-DROID version. I installed the version from the playstore and the problem does not exist there
The Browser view does indeed not update automatically but the corresponding note was the new one when I opened it.

Fake Notes

I wanted to test Carnet but I was discouraged immediately after I installed it. I have tested and used scores of note-taking programs both on desktop and mobile devices but I have never seen such an absurd and meaningless 'feature' like Fake notes. The program may have some virtues (especially the Android version since for me Electron is the worst thing I have ever seen on desktop) but I could not explore them since I do not tolerate useless and fake stuff. I do not regret uninstalling Carnet- there are many alternatives, I regret that the developer did harm to its own creation by adding such a nuisance. I hope that the developer will reconsider the Fake notes 'feature' and eventually discard it.

can't open Carnet

Hey there!
I used carnet a few hours today but then it closed, I don't know why. I tried "wipe cache partition", restarted my phone, deleted the carnet cache, restarted my phone again, but carnet doesn't start.

I'm using Oreo 8.0 on Samsung S7.


Why is document not removed from browser after restored?

Hey PO, good day and Well-done for adding more features to the latest version.

While using one of the features, I decided to open this issue.
After restoring a document from browser to the latest fragment, the document is still visible in the browser's window, making it duplicate.



I'd love to know if this was intended or not.

The Cancel button in the environment for setting a password does not work

Greetings @PhieF

Going to the settings tab, I clicked on the “set a password” feature. However, because I wasn’t sure of a password to use that I could easily remember, I decided to cancel so as not to end up locking myself out.

The cancel button did not work and since I don’t have the revert button on my phone, I had to first stop the app and re-open Carnet before I could use it again.

To Reproduce:

  1. Click on the settings button
  2. Click on set password
  3. Click on the cancel button to exit
  4. See error (You can’t exit until you click the revert button or stop the app entirely)

Expected Behaviour

I expected that after I had clicked on the cancel button, I would be able to go back to continue with my notes. However, it got stuck there until I forcefully stopped and restarted the app.

Test Environment:

Device: Tecno Pouvoir Pro
OS: Android 8.1
Software version: Carnet 0.13.0

Screen Recording

Feature request - Lists with check boxes


One of the useful features (for me) in Google Keep is the ability to create lists with check boxes, which is quite handy for to-do, shopping and other things. Would you consider adding this to the application ?

Android app not syncing with nextcloud app

I've got an issue similar to the one reported here: #29
I've installed the NC app (NC 13 , Carnet 0.14.0) and created a note 'From Web'.
I then installed the Android app (0.14.0, from F-droid), connected to my NC app by accepting the default username and address, which looked correct. I didn't have to enter my NC credentials.

I created a couple of notes from the Android app but I can't see them from NC and I can't see the note 'From Web' on Android.

Documents/QuickNote on NC only shows the 'From Web' note (as an .sqd file)

If I go to 'AccountConfigActivity' on the Android app, it shows the remote folder to be Documents/QuickNote, which seems correct. I'm beginning to think that it doesn't have the permission to access the folder because if I try to set it manually and click on the folder Documents, it tells me that the folder is empty.

Thank you in advance

Android Pie can't create/open item, cleartext not permitted

Dev, great app! This is exactly what I was missing.

When creating an item, or opening an existing item, it just shows "Loading..." indefinitely. I found that I can select invisible text on the page, which says the following:

Webpage not available
The webpage at http://localhost:39586/tmp/reader.html" could not be loaded because: 

I'm assuming this is due to changes in android API 28 .
See this post for a possible workaround.

Change text on app

This isn't anything major just a small suggestion for the android app to put it inline with the Linux , and Nextcloud apps. Change the Recents tab to Recent

The auto refresh when changing the title too fast.

When I try to rename the title, the screen refreshes so quickly if I don't type fast enough that the soft keyboard disappears and I have to tap on the title line again to continue typing. Often this happens so many times just trying to finish typing a single word.

"bug/idea" link does not work

In the F-Droid version at least, the buttons in the settings contains : "About Quicknote"
It also seems that it is not a link as it does not try to open a web browser and seems to ask to share a link (I can add it as bookmark, or send it by sms or any other app)

Crash on start

I tried version 0.14 from F-Droid on my Jolla C device. It runs Sailfish OS which is not android, but I successfully use dozens of android applications on it via aliendalvik which emulates android 4.4.

But carnet managed to only show welcome wizard and then stopped. Now it crashes whenever I try to start carnet. Relevant portion from logs:

sync issue causing deleted files to come back

I have an issue that when i delete a file on the Android app it comes straight back. I tested in aeroplane mode on my mobile so it couldn't sync with my nextcloud server and the file deletes ok although it does not delete the copies in the keywords folder or the recentdb folder.
If i turn my wifi back on the android app is fine. But if I then create a new file and let it sync to nextcloud then delete it, the file deletes from the android folder but it returns when the nextcloud instance. It's like the android app does not delete the file on the nextcloud before it rersyncs.

Encryption and attachments?


I love the beginning of this app (especially having NextCloud sync). Is there any chance that you might add (in the future) these three things.

  1. Encrypted notes (see Joplin as an example what I mean)
  2. Adding attachments (and encrypt these as well)
  3. This is more a nice to have, markdown writing support

I guess these two features would break if you had the NC web client, but at least personally I would sacrife that as long as my notes stay encrypted. :) Or maybe there is a way to decrypt them in that app as well.

Image insert bugs

This bug isn't just on the Android app it appears on the appimage too.
You can see my note called Test 2 then i click to add a picture and i cannot insert it from android. I then insert it using the linux app or web app on nextcloud and it only displays the image in the editor on the web version . On android you see no preview in the browser and in the editor you just see blank image icons. Also in the android app i cannot get rid of the image i tried to insert. it stays all the time but only for that note. Surely once add it should be cleared ?



Once a note has been created when you click the three dots and chose rename it renames the file but also leaves behind the original too called untitled. So you end up with duplicates.
This only seems to happen if done on the Android app only.
Also would it not be better when creating a new note to have an input section for the user to add a title rather than having them have to go back and rename ?


It seems that this version will not allow me to delete the Keep folder that was made with the linux app importing google keep. It deletes then comes back. I removed the folder manualy from my NC server but it came back. I think it may be the Android version doing it. I did delete all the folders locally on my android .

Sync doesn't work with nextcloud

Now list feature is working on 0.12.0, I was trying to use Carnet as my main note-taking application.

I installed CarnetNextcloud and Carnet for android, then, I created a test note on Nextcloud and configured Carnet on Android to connect to my Nextcloud instance. So far, no problem or error, but I cannot see the note on Carnet on Android.

I tapped on "Sync with cloud storage" on Android app, but it does not seems to sync nor returns any error. Don't know if I'm doing something wrong or that message in Nextcloud logs have some meaning for you

[PHP] Error: fclose(): supplied resource is not a valid stream resource at /var/www/html/custom_apps/carnet/lib/Controller/NoteController.php#416

POST /index.php/apps/carnet/notes/metadata
from by malevolent at 2019-01-05T18:16:18+00:00

PS: Pulling down to refresh doesn't do anything.

Massive amount of background data

Using Carnet configured to use NextCloud sync on Android, the app uses huge amounts of background data (>1.2GiB) in a very short time-frame (2 days). I don't think this is expected behavior.

  • Android 7.1
  • Carnet 0.12

Project description is empty

I know this seems laughable but I would argue that a simple description might be more important than a working app.

"Add media" should allow taking photo with camera

The Android app (tested with version 0.12.6, installed from F-Droid) allows the attachment of "File/Photo" and "Recording" (audio), but currently lacks a way to have Carnet directly open the camera viewfinder and save the captured photo to the note.

It is indeed possible to capture a photo with the regular camera app, and then go back to Carnet and attach it using the "File/Photo" button (after locating the photo in the file directory). But avoiding that extra step would make for a smoother user experience, I think.

Translation for Android app

I'm new at github, I don't know where I need to leave some comments, so wrote here.
If you want to translate your Android app, I can help you with translation to Russian.

Stuck loading

I installed the app, skipped the sync part, granted the permission and clicked on the plus button. A loading screen pops up and nothing else happens. Logcat Reader shows nothing and I'm on Fairphone Open 18.04.1 (Android 6.0.1).

Edit: Logcat Reader showed nothing because I looked for Carnet. Here is the log:

[08-17 20:25:25.624 2554:2700 W/PackageManager]
Not granting permission android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to package com.spisoft.quicknote (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x3808be44)

[08-17 20:25:25.624 2554:2700 W/PackageManager]
Unknown permission in package com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:25:25.768 2554:2700 V/BackupManagerService]
restoreAtInstall pkg=com.spisoft.quicknote token=3 restoreSet=0

[08-17 20:25:26.132 3911:3911 D/GmsGcmUnregisterRcvr]
Package changed: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED dat=package:com.spisoft.quicknote flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }

[08-17 20:25:26.233 5851:6476 D/InstalledAppProviderSer]
insertAppIntoDb com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:25:42.517 2554:3924 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10000000 pkg=com.spisoft.quicknote cmp=com.spisoft.quicknote/.MainActivity} from uid 10117 on display 0

[08-17 20:25:42.597 2554:2571 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 20327:com.spisoft.quicknote/u0a156 for activity com.spisoft.quicknote/.MainActivity

[08-17 20:25:42.679 20327:20327 W/System]
ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.spisoft.quicknote-1/lib/arm

[08-17 20:25:42.751 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.MyApplication.attachBaseContext(

[08-17 20:25:42.751 20327:20327 W/System.err]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.spisoft.gsync.wrappers.googledrive.GDriveWrapper" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.spisoft.quicknote-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.spisoft.quicknote-1/lib/arm, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]

[08-17 20:25:42.892 2554:4063 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {cmp=com.spisoft.quicknote/.intro.HelpActivity} from uid 10156 on display 0

[08-17 20:25:43.008 20327:20355 W/System.err] /storage/emulated/0/QuickNote/quickdoc/keywords/e4ebed03-18ae-4c11-a393-88de6e1b77b7: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

[08-17 20:25:43.009 20327:20355 W/System.err]

[08-17 20:25:43.011 20327:20355 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.KeywordsHelper.getJson(

[08-17 20:25:43.011 20327:20355 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.KeywordsHelper.getFlattenDB(

[08-17 20:25:43.011 20327:20355 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.MainFragment$KeywordRefreshTask.doInBackground(

[08-17 20:25:43.011 20327:20355 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.MainFragment$KeywordRefreshTask.doInBackground(

[08-17 20:25:43.013 2554:4087 D/VoldConnector]
SND -> {16 volume mkdirs /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.spisoft.quicknote/cache/}

[08-17 20:25:43.022 2554:11454 D/VoldConnector]
SND -> {17 volume mkdirs /storage/2476-1CF3/Android/data/com.spisoft.quicknote/cache/}

[08-17 20:25:43.398 2554:2678 W/ActivityManager]
Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{6bc218e u0 com.spisoft.quicknote/.MainActivity t296}

[08-17 20:25:43.535 2554:11454 E/VoldConnector]
NDC Command {17 volume mkdirs /storage/2476-1CF3/Android/data/com.spisoft.quicknote/cache/} took too long (513ms)

[08-17 20:25:43.587 20327:20327 W/System.err] /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/cache/noteinfo.json: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

[08-17 20:25:43.587 20327:20327 W/System.err]

[08-17 20:25:43.587 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.CacheManager.getJson(

[08-17 20:25:43.587 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.CacheManager.loadCache(

[08-17 20:25:43.587 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.RecentHelper.getLatestNotes(

[08-17 20:25:43.587 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.browser.RecentNoteListFragment.getNotes(

[08-17 20:25:43.587 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.browser.NoteListFragment$

[08-17 20:25:43.588 20327:20327 W/System.err] /storage/emulated/0/QuickNote/quickdoc/recentdb/e4ebed03-18ae-4c11-a393-88de6e1b77b7: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

[08-17 20:25:43.589 20327:20327 W/System.err]

[08-17 20:25:43.589 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.RecentHelper.getJson(

[08-17 20:25:43.589 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.RecentHelper.getLatestNotes(

[08-17 20:25:43.589 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.browser.RecentNoteListFragment.getNotes(

[08-17 20:25:43.589 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.browser.NoteListFragment$

[08-17 20:25:43.840 2554:2689 I/ActivityManager]
Displayed com.spisoft.quicknote/.intro.HelpActivity: +441ms (total +1s267ms)

[08-17 20:25:47.837 20327:20404 W/System.err] /storage/emulated/0/QuickNote/quickdoc/keywords/e4ebed03-18ae-4c11-a393-88de6e1b77b7: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

[08-17 20:25:47.837 20327:20404 W/System.err]

[08-17 20:25:47.837 20327:20404 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.KeywordsHelper.getJson(

[08-17 20:25:47.837 20327:20404 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.KeywordsHelper.getFlattenDB(

[08-17 20:25:47.837 20327:20404 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.MainFragment$KeywordRefreshTask.doInBackground(

[08-17 20:25:47.837 20327:20404 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.MainFragment$KeywordRefreshTask.doInBackground(

[08-17 20:25:50.858 20327:20489 W/System.err] /storage/emulated/0/QuickNote/quickdoc/keywords/e4ebed03-18ae-4c11-a393-88de6e1b77b7: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

[08-17 20:25:50.859 20327:20489 W/System.err]

[08-17 20:25:50.859 20327:20489 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.KeywordsHelper.getJson(

[08-17 20:25:50.859 20327:20489 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.KeywordsHelper.getFlattenDB(

[08-17 20:25:50.859 20327:20489 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.MainFragment$KeywordRefreshTask.doInBackground(

[08-17 20:25:50.859 20327:20489 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.MainFragment$KeywordRefreshTask.doInBackground(

[08-17 20:25:51.345 20327:20327 W/System.err] /storage/emulated/0/QuickNote/quickdoc/recentdb/e4ebed03-18ae-4c11-a393-88de6e1b77b7: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

[08-17 20:25:51.345 20327:20327 W/System.err]

[08-17 20:25:51.345 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.RecentHelper.getJson(

[08-17 20:25:51.345 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.RecentHelper.getLatestNotes(

[08-17 20:25:51.345 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.browser.RecentNoteListFragment.getNotes(

[08-17 20:25:51.345 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.browser.NoteListFragment.reload(

[08-17 20:25:51.345 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.browser.NoteListFragment$2$

[08-17 20:25:51.683 20327:20327 W/System.err] /storage/emulated/0/QuickNote/quickdoc/recentdb/e4ebed03-18ae-4c11-a393-88de6e1b77b7: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

[08-17 20:25:51.684 20327:20327 W/System.err]

[08-17 20:25:51.684 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.RecentHelper.getJson(

[08-17 20:25:51.684 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.databases.RecentHelper.addNote(

[08-17 20:25:51.684 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.browser.NoteListFragment.createAndOpenNewNote(

[08-17 20:25:51.684 20327:20327 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.browser.NoteListFragment.onClick(

[08-17 20:26:08.006 20327:20672 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.007 20327:20672 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/tmp/reader.html

[08-17 20:26:08.096 20327:20675 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.096 20327:20675 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/assets/design/icon.css

[08-17 20:26:08.100 20327:20674 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.100 20327:20674 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/compatibility/fs.js

[08-17 20:26:08.106 20327:20676 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.107 20327:20676 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/libs/material.indigo-pink.min.css

[08-17 20:26:08.122 20327:20677 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.122 20327:20677 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/assets/design/standalone.css

[08-17 20:26:08.132 20327:20678 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.132 20327:20678 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/libs/simplecolorpicker/simple-color-picker.css

[08-17 20:26:08.143 20327:20679 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.143 20327:20679 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/compatibility/mkdirp.js

[08-17 20:26:08.147 20327:20680 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.147 20327:20680 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/libs/jquery-ui.css

[08-17 20:26:08.152 20327:20686 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.152 20327:20686 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/compatibility/archiver.js

[08-17 20:26:08.165 20327:20688 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.165 20327:20688 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/compatibility/path.js

[08-17 20:26:08.175 20327:20689 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.175 20327:20689 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/compatibility/file-opener.js

[08-17 20:26:08.185 20327:20690 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.185 20327:20690 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/compatibility/keywords_db_manager.js

[08-17 20:26:08.192 20327:20691 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.193 20327:20691 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/libs/jquery.min.js

[08-17 20:26:08.208 20327:20692 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.208 20327:20692 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/compatibility.js

[08-17 20:26:08.210 20327:20693 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.210 20327:20693 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/reader.js

[08-17 20:26:08.223 20327:20695 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.224 20327:20695 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/note/note-opener.js

[08-17 20:26:08.239 20327:20696 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.239 20327:20696 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/compatibility/note-opener.js

[08-17 20:26:08.248 20327:20697 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.248 20327:20697 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/browsers/note.js

[08-17 20:26:08.254 20327:20698 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.254 20327:20698 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/browsers/file-browser.js

[08-17 20:26:08.270 20327:20700 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.270 20327:20700 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/assets/scripts/jquery.webkitresize.js

[08-17 20:26:08.281 20327:20701 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.282 20327:20701 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/assets/scripts/jquery-ui.min.js

[08-17 20:26:08.293 20327:20705 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.294 20327:20705 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/libs/

[08-17 20:26:08.309 20327:20712 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.309 20327:20712 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/assets/scripts/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js

[08-17 20:26:08.315 20327:20709 D/NewHttpProxy]
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[08-17 20:26:08.315 20327:20709 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/libs/jszip.min.js

[08-17 20:26:08.333 20327:20710 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.333 20327:20710 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/assets/scripts/Countable.js

[08-17 20:26:08.341 20327:20711 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.341 20327:20711 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/utils/file_utils.js

[08-17 20:26:08.351 20327:20708 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.351 20327:20708 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/libs/jscolor.js

[08-17 20:26:08.365 20327:20713 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.365 20327:20713 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/libs/hammer.min.js

[08-17 20:26:08.372 20327:20715 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.373 20327:20715 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/libs/jquery.hammer.js

[08-17 20:26:08.386 20327:20716 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.387 20327:20716 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/libs/jquery.mousewheel.min.js

[08-17 20:26:08.394 20327:20717 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.394 20327:20717 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/libs/imgViewer.js

[08-17 20:26:08.404 20327:20718 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.405 20327:20718 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/libs/material.js

[08-17 20:26:08.440 20327:20719 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.440 20327:20719 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_search_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.449 20327:20720 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.449 20327:20720 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_add_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.455 20327:20724 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.455 20327:20724 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_color_text_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.462 20327:20723 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.462 20327:20723 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_underlined_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.469 20327:20721 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.469 20327:20721 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_bold_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.480 20327:20722 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.480 20327:20722 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_italic_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.484 20327:20725 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.484 20327:20725 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_color_fill_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.489 20327:20726 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.489 20327:20726 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_size_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.497 20327:20727 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.497 20327:20727 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_align_left_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.502 20327:20728 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.502 20327:20728 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_align_center_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.507 20327:20729 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.508 20327:20729 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_align_right_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:08.524 20327:20730 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:08.524 20327:20730 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/img/ic_format_align_justify_white_24px.svg

[08-17 20:26:09.608 20327:20749 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/reader/reader/reader.js

[08-17 20:26:09.738 20327:20751 D/NewHttpProxy]
decodeHeader X-Requested-With: com.spisoft.quicknote

[08-17 20:26:09.738 20327:20751 D/pathdebug]
path: /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/favicon.ico

[08-17 20:26:09.738 20327:20751 W/System.err] /data/user/0/com.spisoft.quicknote/files/favicon.ico: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

[08-17 20:26:09.738 20327:20751 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.server.NewHttpProxy$HttpSession.openInputStream(

[08-17 20:26:09.738 20327:20751 W/System.err]
	at com.spisoft.quicknote.server.NewHttpProxy$

remote folder not same as nextcloud server config

first of all, i just want to thank devs for this. finally have a real alternative to google keep! very excited for this project


  • install carnet app on nextcloud server
  • change data directory from "Documents/QuickNote" to "notes/quicknote"
  • install android app
  • set sync with cloud storage > other sync options > connect with nextcloud > connect with nextcloud app > select account
  • sync doesn't work properly
  • go to app setting "Remote Folder". app is pointing to "Documents/Quicknote"
  • click on Remote Folder settings to change

result: app crashes

expected behaviour:

  1. app should automatically take the same data directory as configured in nextcloud
  2. app should be able to change data directory without crash

carnet app: ver 0.1-20190210.2226
android 8.0.0
nextcloud server 15.0.4

Android - In app Carnet happened error

I have error in Carnet on Android.
Phone: ONE E1001
Android: 6.0.1

No matter I installed Carnet from Fdroid or from your message in previous tread, and I have the same issue.
I sign in into my Nextcloud, when go to Settings-Sync with cloud storage-Clicked to NextCloud and received "In app Carnet happened error"
Syncronization between Carnet app in NextCloud and Android goes ok, but this error is strange.
How can I help you to solve this issie?

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