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cleanmgrplus's Issues

Please fix "Windows Shadow Copies" script and Windows.old script

Hi Belim ,

When I run Cleanmgr+, I see many windows popping up for short period of time.
But still two of them requires to interact with them.
Please fix these 2 scripts:

  • Windows Shadow Copies. In my machine I disabled this service and because of this I get a window in CMD generated by the command "vssadmin - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool" with this message No items found that satisfy the query. The script should first check if the service is activated and only then could run the command vssadmin list shadows.
  • Windows.old script that performs this command-line cacls %SystemDrive%\Windows.old\*.* /C /T /grant administrators:F is popping up the following message Are you sure (Y/N)?. This script should have a parameter or switch to not display this message. I guess File1=Detect|%SystemDrive%\windows.old don't work properly because I do not have the folder C:\Windows.old on my system.

Also, after I updated to a new version I discovered that "Windows Downloads" is enabled by default despite being disabled previously.

Cleanup of Downloads folder not offered

Hi Belim

I found out about Cleanmgr+ when faced with the need to preview the files suggested for deletion in the Downloads folder:

However, when running Cleanmgr+ as administrator (or otherwise) the option to delete anything from the Downloads folder is not offered at all.

A thing to note is that the Downloads folder in this case is not in its default location, therefore %homepath%\Downloads and %username%\Downloads do not work — hence it'd might make more sense to use something like this:

From reading here, I was expecting to see the Downloads folder among the places being offered but because in fact I didn't that's why I made the thought above.

P.S. In an effort to get comparison results, I've also tried running Burnbytes as an administrator — but unfortunately that app did not work at all (I'm opening a separate issue there).

Windows Shadow script preview command Echo stops processing of futher scripts until the therefore opened command line window is manually closed.

Forget about everything at the end. I now see the real problem. I read through #Rules.txt and came to this conclusion that everything at the end is bullshit. I just wondered why running the preview, leaves a command line window open. Couldn't it be change like this:

When preview is run, the preview executes each TaskX=Echo|blabla command with cmd /k and therefore leaves the command line window open so one can read the output, but this interrupts the whole process of running all previews one after another until the command line window is closed. couldn't this be done like Exec with an optional SHOWCLI at the end? So the command could be normally cmd /k command line here but if it's TaskX=Echo|command line here|SHOWCLI, it's executed with cmd /c and the output is redirected and printed in the preview window of clearmgr+? So one get's the command line output, but the process continues?


Old Title: I have a problem with Windows Shadow on Windows 11 and the search lead me to #18.

The current file seems updated and says

Task1=Echo|%WinDir%\SysNative\vssadmin list shadows
Task2=Exec|%WinDir%\SysNative\vssadmin delete shadows /all|SHOWCLI

I searched a bit and starting Windows Vista x64 the folder C:\Windows\SysNative was introduced as a link to C:\Windows\System32. System32 contained all 64-bit files, while SysWOW64 contained the 32-bit files and 32-bit programs where redirected there. A bit unreasonable to me, but okay...

In case a 32-bit program wanted access to a 64-bit file, it could use the redirect via C:\Windows\SysNative

But on Windows 11 x64:

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Installieren Sie die neueste PowerShell für neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen!

PS C:\Users\ladik> C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Installieren Sie die neueste PowerShell für neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen!

PS C:\Users\ladik> cmd
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.258]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

C:\Users\ladik>dir /AD %WINDIR%\System*
 Datenträger in Laufwerk C: ist SYSTEM
 Volumeseriennummer: 1089-3CDD

 Verzeichnis von C:\Windows

05.06.2021  14:10    <DIR>          System
14.10.2021  15:42    <DIR>          System32
05.06.2021  20:00    <DIR>          SystemApps
12.10.2021  22:52    <DIR>          SystemResources
14.10.2021  09:44    <DIR>          SystemTemp
               0 Datei(en),              0 Bytes
               5 Verzeichnis(se), 301.610.512.384 Bytes frei

It seems like this redirect mechanism doesn't exist anymore in Windows 11. No idea how to handle this for all OS version. other than changing it by hand wont work for me atm.

Cleanmgr+, get "stuck" while cleaning, crashed, task had to be ended by task manager

Thank for this valuable tool. Long time user.

In a past version, Cleanmgr+,exhibited this behavior of arriving at a certain point in the cleaning process, whereupon the notification about"This nay take a while to complete" would appear. That could take 5-10 minutes, in my experienced

I think it occurred around this point in the cleanup process.


Then the next version was released, I think it was v1.38.1200, and that seem to be fixed.

But in v1.50.1300 the delay has reemerged. Yesterday, it eventually crashed, causing difficulty and compromised my ability to navigate on my machine, so I had no choice but to interrupt the operation thru Task Manager.

I restarted Cleanmgr+, whereupon it finished the job fairly quickly.

Is there some way I can avoid this?


CleanMgr+ opens 'blank' on Win11 regardless of admin- and directory-rights, settings not saving


This is how CleanMgr+ opens on my Win11 Pro 22000.282 machine, with or without admin-rights doesn't make any difference and the directory access rights are set to Full Access for Everyone for the sake of troubleshooting.

If I change settings they do not appear to save after exiting and re-opening the .exe (or at all) and any profiles I exported after setting my settings fail to import with this error.


I would have posted logs but it does not seem like CM+ produces logs in this state.

Sageset / Sagerun

Is this tool meant to act as a full replacement for the original %systemroot%\cleanmgr (Let's assume I'd always used sageset with all options selected).

I'm looking for a way to clean up all old data on the disk, as though I'd used sagerun with all options selected to be run after hours and silently at my organization via scheduled task running as System.

when running the GUI version of Cleanmgr+, the default checkbox to "Include Windows Disk Clean-up" in Settings appears to call the original %Systemroot%\Cleanmgr.exe with the sageset option once the other tasks are completed.
Running the command line options for (auto / nowindow) wouldn't necessarily make much sense with sageset considering it is interactive and I've already checked all my boxes in sageset. I'm curious if cleanmgr+ could then call cleanmgr /sagerun:0001 instead. In my experience, however, cleanmgr /sagerun doesn't run at all if it's called by System via Scheduled Task. I've noticed
that when running silently, cleanmgr+ seems to simply ignore the cleanmgr checkbox altogether.

When run with /auto or /nowindow, is Cleanmgr+ intended to clear all files that cleanmgr /sagerun: with all checkboxes would normally clear? I'm not sure I see that happening with my testing.

Add option to clean other users recycle bin


it would be nice if you could add an option to clean the recycle bin not only for the signed in users but for everyone else. Like this script dose. (maybe with an option if file deleted after x days)

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work

Windows Update cleanup not working?

Maybe I have the wrong impression of Cleanmgr+ capabilities. I've had this problem for a while now.

For instance, I just installed the latest Windows Updates, including "2022-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 20H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5009543)", but after running a Cleanmgr+, which included Windows Update Cleanup, it only found about 10mb of stuff to remove.

I had to go to my Storage setting >Temporary Files, where there was still over 4gb of stuff to get rid of, including 3.22gb of Windows Update Files. and about 700mb of delivery optimization files.

[Feature request] Add German localization for Data sets to repacked German version

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Since release 1.30.953 you also offer a repacked German version with every new release. This repacked version only contains the localization for GUI, but not for Data sets.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add German localization for Data sets to repacked German version.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Add localization options to the GUI.

Thanks in advance.

Incorrect detection of TEMP folders


I'm reporting this issue for Cleanmgr+ version 1.50.1300.

Upon asking to clean up the "Temporary Files" category, Cleanmgr+ attempts to clean the contents of the following folders:

  1. C:\User\Skycommand\AppData\Local\Temp
  2. C:\Windows\Temp

Those are wrong folders!

A long time ago, I observed that my TEMP folders attract much disk I/O, which was detrimental to the lifespan of my SSD. Therefore, I moved the TEMP folders to an older HDD by updating the TEMP environment variables.


I just downloaded Cleanmgr+ v1.34.1080 and Windows Defender flagged your ZIP file as Trojan:Win32/Azden.A!cl which is rated as threat level "Severe". This needs to be resolved because users should not be told to ignore/bypass/allow any threat labeled "Severe".


VirusTotal says "No engines detected this file" so it might be a false positive but if that's the case it needs to be addressed from the Microsoft end.

Is anyone else seeing this?

64-bit CleanmgrPlus

Where are native 64-bit CleanmgrPlus binaries? If none, when are they expected to be available?

Thanks in advance!

EmptyVolumeCache API ?

Hi does this project use the same idea as burnbytes / comet e.g. the EmptyVolumeCache API ?

If so then can you explain how you can add additional locations to the standard "disk cleanup" locations, as you are doing with the use of script files?

I am very interested in learning more and contributing to the project but perhaps if it was open source then it would be a lot easier for us to see how it works and work towards creating a great community driven cleaner

Settings Panel Doesn't Always Close

The Settings panel doesn't always close. I often need to quit and relaunch for the Settings panel to be closed. Then, if I reopen Settings, it will usually still remain open. I'm using Windows 10 v.1809 b.17763.737.

I also wanted to thank you for making this app as I am also wary of the deprecation to Disk Cleanup. I've recently discovered this app so I haven't used it much. I appreciate the dark themes available, too!
Edit: Request: Can the dark themes be present in the Settings panel as well? =]

Cleanmgr+ less than MS Cleanmgr?

Cleanmgr+ with shown 1.15GB has less than MS Cleanmgr with 3.9GB.
But in your Cleanmgr+ i can not click "Windows Komponentenstore" what could explain the difference?
What does this mean? :)

Cleanmgr+ 1.50 doesnt clean old installations of windows

I have 2 old installations of windows 7 here (due to problems i got here), after finishing installing the latest installation i used cleanmgr+ to clean the old installations but it didnt work, i had to use the cleaner tool from windows 7 to remove them.

Unable to detect hiberfile.sys

Hi first of all thanks for this excellent program.

I noticed if I tick the system hibernation file box and refresh the list, it says not found. Maybe this is a safety feature as it is enabled and I should keep the file, but it may be a bug which is why i am making this post, I have confirmed the file exists by command prompt and running dir /a in C:.

Please update the scripts also from the archive file

Hi Belim,

You updated the "Windows Shadow Copies" script from the "Community scripts" (located, but the script in the main archive file is not updated (\scripts\Windows Shadow

Also, I'm puzzled why do maintain duplicate scripts in "Community scripts" if they are already included in your main release (archive) - like Google Chrome and Windows Shadow files.

'Windows Defender' cleanup option doesn't delete log files.

From what I have deduced the 'Windows Defender' cleanup option deletes the log files located at "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Support". Based on the size of the files in this folder it appears to be the same folder that Disk Cleanup has in it's list called 'Microsoft Defender Antivirus.' Both programs fail to delete the files within this folder. It probably has to do with permissions as I can't delete any of the log files manually. I tried running both programs as Admin to no avail. The owner of the folder is NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

Can you look into this matter please? Thanks.

Issue when cleaning Temporary Files

Every time I use Cleanmgr+ to clean my Temporary Files it creates an empty folder under my C:\Users folder. My user account is called 'Gary Shapiro'. The new empty folder is called 'Gary'. Obviously there is a glitch somewhere when cleaning the Temp Files.

Issues with cleaning recent documents and System Hibernation File

1)Cleaning recent documents unpins the pinned folders in quick access bar.
2)And cleaning System Hibernation disables the fast boot option(cause hibernation turns off) and BSOD happens frequently.
Enabled the hibernation using following command in command prompt and everything's okay now
powercfg -hibernate on

Just a ask ...

Just a ask ...

Is it (no new version yet) or (stop development)?


in addition ...

Is there a Traditional Chinese interface?




Add other folders and add color to buttons

If possible, add the Installer folder in the Windows folder as well as the files in the Software Distribution folder. They save files from different installers and windows updates and aren't required after.

Also if possible to perhaps change the color of the cleanup button, it looks confusing how you tell the program to start cleaning.
Many thanks for your awesome software!


When will you make us happy with Unicode support and English translation templates? )

Silent (/cp) run not silent (enough)

If you run "cleanmgr+.exe /cp:.cleanup" from a script, it will still display a "Cleanmgr+ command line mode has been successfully completed" prompt at the end of the run. This only closes when "OK" is clicked, while the program stays open. This inhibits using it in an automated fashion and contradicts the "completely silent run" explanation of the "cp" command line switch. Please make it either configurable wether the summary is shown or add a timeout to the "ok" button.

Negative numbers and themes

As you can see the pic i have negative numbers about the data to be cleaned (even when they werent negative they never showed the true value to be shown after the cleaning)

Negative numbers

Also, we arent able to choose themes if we disable the launcher deleting the bin data as it's shown.

Script fail


I have tried the following script but could not get it to work. Could you tell me why?

Title=Windows Temp Files ALL USERS
Description= Elimina los ficheros temporales de todos los usuarios
Author=Tomas Platero

Task1=Exec|for /F "delims=" %i in ('dir C:\Users /ad /b ^| findstr /V /I "User" ^| findstr /V /I "default" ^| findstr /V /I "public" ^| findstr /V /I ".NET"' ^| findstr /V /I "MSSQL"') do del /F /Q /S "C:\Users%i\AppData\Local\Temp*.*"|SHOWCLI

Windows SxS cleanup doesn't work

Windows SxS cleanup doesn't work. Error:

"Error 11. You cannot service a 64-bit operating system with a 32-bit version of DISM."

OS: Windows Server 2012 64-bit

Reflecting multibyte characters

Will multibyte characters be garbled? It is saved in UTF-8.
I don't know if I will translate it. But, nobody can't translate it.
This garbled character is common to Cleanmgr+ and CloneApp.

This is a garbled image of the inserted Japanese test string:

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