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buble's Issues

[BUG] Classes are compiled to put `this` before `super()` calls.

I added my own support number based on ie:10, so it looks like this:

		    10: 0b1000000000000000000000000000010,

I wanted to leave classes alone, to compile those with Babel afterword.

It turns out, Buble is modifying the classes, and putting this before super() which turns into an error in Babel because this isn't allowed to be used before super(). The output look like this:

        constructor (options) {
            var this$1 = this;
            if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};


            // use options

Oddly, this$1 is never used for anything. Not sure why Buble would put that there.

Using spread on an object method generates breaking syntax

Here's a minimal representation of the original code, which works well on the browser:

const foo = { bar: [] }
const baz = true ? [1,2,3] : []

// [1,2,3]

When transpiled, the entire push operation appears to be ignored.

var foo = { bar: [] }
var baz = true ? [1,2,3] : []
(ref =, [1,2,3])

// []
var ref;

The current workaround is to add ; at the end of the ternary, breaking off the second and third line:

const foo = { bar: [] }
const baz = true ? [1,2,3] : [];

// [1,2,3]

Buble should automatically add the ; because it added the parens. The consumer should not be aware about adding ; due to implementation, especially when the code works without it before transpilation.

Add missing semicolon after do-while

The spec says:

In ECMAScript 2015, Automatic Semicolon Insertion adds a semicolon at the end of a do-while statement if the semicolon is missing. This change aligns the specification with the actual behaviour of most existing implementations.

See ASI spec. This if for example not implemented by IE 9, so transpiling it could actually provide some benefit.

Support for async functions

It would be useful to transpile async functions, they're a valid part of the language.

See here for previous discussion:

The fast-async package provides a leaner/faster result than regenerator (let's not use regenerator), and I think it can be further optimized because when I convert async functions to Promise-based equivalents manually, they always come out with the leanest result. The new Promise.finally will help with this.

This may require a Promise polyfill to be supplied by the user, and that should be documented.

Extending Error is flaky because `` returns a new object

I.e. let x = {}; == x produces false, at least on Firefox and Chrome. This is preventing Error subclasses compiled with Bublé from getting stack and message properties, making them rather useless.

Babel works around this by creating a new binding to replace this inside the constructor, storing the result of the super constructor call in that, and returning it at the end. Would that be something that Bublé would be interested in adding? I might be able to create a PR.

[bug] `q.a = class {}` resolves to undefined

Here is an example.


const q = {};

q.a = class {
  c () {}


var q = {};

q.a = (function () {
  function undefined () {}

  undefined.prototype.c = function c () {};

  return undefined;

This way it is working fine.

const q = {};

Object.assign(q, {a: class {
	c () {}

TypeError: Cannot read property 'magicString' of undefined

When building with Rollup 0.50.0, using rollup-plugin-buble and buble both at 0.16.0, I get an error like this:

[!] TypeError: Cannot read property 'magicString' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'magicString' of undefined
    at new CompileError (/home/trusktr/Downloads/src/trusktr+infamous/node_modules/buble/src/utils/CompileError.js:8:30)
    at error (/home/trusktr/Downloads/src/trusktr+infamous/node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:185:14)
    at Object.error (/home/trusktr/Downloads/src/trusktr+infamous/node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:9407:6)
    at promise.then.previous (/home/trusktr/Downloads/src/trusktr+infamous/node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:9416:32)
    at <anonymous>

The line where it happens is like follows

import locate from './locate.js';
import getSnippet from './getSnippet.js';

export default class CompileError extends Error {
	constructor ( node, message ) {

		const source = node.program.magicString.original; // RIGHT HERE
		const loc = locate( source, node.start ); = 'CompileError';
		this.message = message + ` (${loc.line}:${loc.column})`;

		this.stack = new Error().stack.replace( new RegExp( `.+new ${}.+\\n`, 'm' ), '' );

		this.loc = loc;
		this.snippet = getSnippet( source, loc, node.end - node.start );

	toString () {
		return `${}: ${this.message}\n${this.snippet}`;

So, it looks like I have a compile error, but I can't see what it actually is because the error is not able to be thrown properly.

[bug] Edge 12 or 13 targets don't transpile destructuring.

According to MDN, destructuring is supported on Edge 14+, but setting the target to edge:12 or edge:13 doesn't transpile the following:


I was expecting it to use Function.prototype.apply.

Invalid output when returning a object with a computed property key

When a object that uses a computed property key ({[key]: value}) is returned in a function, the output is invalid.

Here's an example:


const deepifyKeys = (key, val) => {    
  return { [key]: val }


var deepifyKeys = function (key, val) {    
  return ( obj = {}
  var obj;, obj[key] = val, obj )

A more complex example with the actual code that hit this bug can be found here.

comma in a comment is eaten

buble 0.18.0

class A {
  b (xy/*:[number,number]*/) {

is translated to this

var A = function A () {};

A.prototype.b = function b (xy/*:[numbernumber]*/) {

Note that the comma from /*:[number,number]*/ gets removed.
(The comment is an annotation for flow.)

Not a big problem, but I thought I better let you know about it.

Computed Object property generates broken syntax

Hi and thanks for such great products @Rich-Harris,

there is a small issue depending on how the computed properties are ordered:

// this is well transpiled
const ref = {
  'foo': bar,
  [`foo-${bar}`]: fooBar

// becomes
var ref = {
  'foo': bar
ref[("foo-" + bar)] = fooBar
// this is is not
const ref = {
  [`foo-${bar}`]: fooBar,
  'foo': bar

// becomes
var ref = {};
ref[("foo-" + bar)] = fooBar;
ref.'foo' = bar // where this is unvalid JS syntax

As temporal workaround is to keep the computed properties always last, but it would be nice if this could be solved. I don't have much experience with this project, sorry for not having any PR instead.

IE10 - TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'initialise'

Hey there,

I'm using React Styleguidist which uses buble behind the scenes.

It seems that buble is the cause of this issue that was closed a while ago. I believe this only occurs in IE10 (and probably less).

It seems that the cause of the issue is this line, though I'm not entirely sure how this all works.

It may be due to an error in this file, but I haven't had too long to look into this.

Here's a shot of the minified stacktrace.

screen shot 2018-01-02 at 22 44 29

Additional info:

scope bug: read-only error

$ bin/buble -v
Bublé version 0.18.0
$ cat scope_bug.js
const bar = "FAIL";
!function() {
    function foo() {
        bar = ["fail", "PASS", "Fail"][bar];
    var bar = 2;
$ cat scope_bug.js | node
$ cat scope_bug.js | bin/buble 
1 : const bar = "FAIL";
2 : !function() {
3 :     function foo() {
4 :         --bar;
bar is read-only (4:8)

Related sources:


Support for transpiling Array.fill?

(Search didn't turn up anything useful)

Buble doesn't currently support Array.fill as a feature, I'm curious as to the rationale behind this? I recently ran into an issue where my code broke because of Array.fill not being transpiled into compatible code with my browser environment.

My code looked like this:

// constant to show example
const count = 10; 

const segments = Array(count - 1).fill(0);

Obviously my usage of fill here is to populate a dynamically determined array length with dummy values so I can eventually populate it using map, as sparse arrays are ignored by array methods.

Turns out, this actually worked with buble in its place

const count = 10

const segments = Array(...Array(count - 1)).map(() => 0);

Which is effectively Array.apply(null, Array(count -1)).map(function(){ return 0 });

I understand it's an additional compilation step if you were to transpile it from fill(0) to use the spread operator, so I'm aware that that might be a limitation.

There might be something I'm missing here, but is there a reason we can't statically analyze Array.fill calls to map to an Array.apply call followed by .map() which would pass in the current array being worked on?

e.g. if I have some arbitrary array of values and I want to call fill

[1, 2, true, false, "lol"].fill(2) // -> [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

couldn't it just transpile into this?

let a = [1, 2, true, false, "lol"]
Array.apply(a, Array(a.length)).map(() => 2);

This is a fill that should work even for sparse arrays.

Note: The longer I write this the more I become aware that yes, fill doesn't always have an arity of one argument, so supporting filling subsections of the array might take more finesse or be more complicated, but I figured it was worth starting a dialog.

[bug] super constructors don't work with Custom Elements v1

Buble compiles super() calls to something like

This causes any and all Custom Elements (v1) to not work because they require the use of new (ES2015 classes), with an error like the following in Chrome:

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'HTMLElement': Please use the 'new' operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function

For example, see this output.

Try to run the output code in your browser, and you'll get the error.

Hmm, I don't think this is a bug with Buble. It's just not possible to compile anything for Custom Elements v1 to ES5 it seems. :(

This is a bug with Custom Elements v1 and it being designed for future browsers in a way that is impossible to transpile downward.

missing chalk dependency

➜  2017-11-07-tax-table git:(master) ✗ yarn add buble
➜  2017-11-07-tax-table git:(master) ✗ node_modules/.bin/buble public/_assets/build-es6.js
    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'chalk'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:527:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:476:23)
    at Module.require (module.js:568:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/207342/Desktop/2017-11-07-tax-table/node_modules/buble/bin/handleError.js:1:75)
    at Module._compile (module.js:624:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:635:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:545:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:508:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:500:3)
➜  2017-11-07-tax-table git:(master) ✗ yarn add chalk
➜  2017-11-07-tax-table git:(master) ✗ node_modules/.bin/buble public/_assets/build-es6.js
// works now

This is with version 0.17.0.

It looks like chalk is currently in devDependencies; not sure if it being called inadvertently or if it should be in dependencies .

Clarify what environments are targeted by buble's codebase

react-styleguidist uses buble in the browser, but unfortunately buble ships to npm codebase containing some es6 features.

I'd only want to clarify what environments buble is targeting - in which node/browser versions it should run out of the box? Would you consider transpiling more features to support older browsers like IE11 or should we fix this in a tool like react-styleguidist by transpiling buble on our own?

Status of this project?

I found this Bublé as a light-weight alternative to babel and I like the concept. However I'm very confused about the GitLab and GitHub repos. From the FAQ It looks like you prefer GitLab?

From the status of the GitLab repo I thought the project was dead with the last commit being 9 months old. I only found this repository here by chance. Since there is a newer release here I take it the project is not dead after all and you sometime recently changed your mind about GitLab vs GitHub?

If this repo is the intended future of this project could you add a note to readme of the old repo and update the guide to link here and remove confusing question from FAQ? Or is there some repository for the guide where I could send a PR?

And maybe you should consider creating a buble organization on GH. It's generally a better practice for open-source projects than to have the repo under your personal account.

feat: don't completely bail if support data does not exist

I'm currently working on dynamically transpiling resources with the minimum set of transformations required by that browser, and it would be useful to not bail if a version is specified for which there is no support data. Defaulting to either bitmask is fine (or perhaps by specifying a "fallback" option).

@Rich-Harris, I'm happy to open a PR just wanted to run this by you first. Let me know what you think..

Which acorn-object-spread?


I'm trying to package bublé in Debian, but I'm hitting a problem with acorn-object-spread : there's UXtemple's one, which is outdated. There is Adrian Heine's acorn5-object-spread, which is more up to date. And finally, you seem to have your own fork.

What am I supposed to do?

Should we detect whether classes are used in strict mode for Node 4, 5 and Chrome 48?

Node 4, 5 and Chrome 48 only support classes in strict mode. Currently, we think Chrome 48 does not support classes and Node 4 and 5 do. Should we introduce separate support matrix entries for classes in strict mode and everywhere and do all the work to distinguish them?

This is relevant because @Rich-Harris decided in #43 to only support Node 4 and upwards to work around #40 when self-transpiling. Since we are using modules, all our code is in strict mode, so we could continue keeping classes as they are for Node 4 and 5 if bublé were clever enough to distinguish between strict and sloppy mode and know about Node's and Chrome's peculiarity.

bug: arrow function with computed property producing wrong result

Edited once bug was found. See bug in following comment.

This is just a case of suboptimal code generation. The temporary variable used by computed properties within an arrow function is not in the correct scope which can lead to slower code:

$ bin/buble -v
Bublé version 0.18.0
$ echo 'var f = (x) => ({ [x]: 1 });' | bin/buble | uglifyjs -b
var obj;

var f = function(x) {
    return obj = {}, obj[x] = 1, obj;

compared to:

$ buble -v
Bublé version 0.15.2
$ echo 'var f = (x) => ({ [x]: 1 });' | buble | uglifyjs -b
var f = function(x) {
    return obj = {}, obj[x] = 1, obj;
    var obj;


$ echo 'var f = (x) => ({ [x]: 1 });' | babel -L
"use strict";

var f = function f(x) {
  var _ref;

  return _ref = {}, _ref[x] = 1, _ref;

Error transpiling spread Array factory

Bublé parses [ ...Array(length) ] as [].concat( Array(length) ) witch is not equivalent.

Spreading Array factory returns an array with undefined values.

[ ...Array(2) ] === [undefined, undefined]
[ ...Array(2) ].length === 2

Concating Array factory returns an empty array with defined length.

[].concat( Array(2) ) === []
[].concat( Array(2) ).length === 2

What I get?

[].concat( Array(length) )

What I expected?

Array.apply( null, Array(length) )


Array.prototype.concat.apply( [], Array(length) )


[].concat.apply( [], Array(length) )

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