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bep001's Issues

Add T2starw suffix

For legacy and logical purposes it makes sense to add a T2starw suffix. This will push T2star into the legacy section of suffix table (see #55) and hopefully make the standard a little more internally consistent.

Assigned to @Gilles86

Include `indexable_metadata` in the specification

In we have a 'meta'-key (belonging to a value), defined as [_indexable_metadata-]. This is not ok since it hat an underscore (_). We should replace it with fa, inv, echo and tsl.

What metadata fields do we want to request for the specification

I have such a list from the last time I dived into the code:

FieldnamesOriginal	FieldnamesBIDS	                Scaling
RepetitionTime	        ExcitationRepetitionTime	1
EchoTime	        EchoTime	                1
FlipAngle	        FlipAngle	                1
B1mapNominalFAValues	B1mapNominalFAValues	        1
B1mapMixingTime	        MixingTime	                1
epiReadoutDuration	epiReadoutDuration	        1
PhaseEncodingDirectionSign	PhaseEncodingDirectionSign	NaN
ScanningSequence	ScanningSequence	        NaN
SequenceName	        SequenceName	                NaN
ProtocolName	        ProtocolName	                NaN
RFSpoilingPhaseIncrement	RFSpoilingPhaseIncrement	1
spoilingGradientMoment	spoilingGradientMoment	       1
spoilingGradientDuration	spoilingGradientDuration	1

These are a bit outdated but can be easily updated, such that the DICOM-to-NIFTI conversion produces the right BIDS-fields.
Then variable names can easily be updated in the main code, as number crunching routines typically use shorter names and simply 'import' the required parameters at the beginning.

Agenda for April call | Wed 17 6pm / 5pm / 12noon / 9am

Next dev call: Wednesday 17 April at 6pm CEST / 5pm BST / 12noon EDT / 9am PDT

All welcome, please see BIDS mailing list for zoom link (or ping @KirstieJane!)


This agenda is built from the March call (#31) minutes. @KirstieJane has had a little rearrange to hopefull make the meeting flow sensibly πŸ˜„

Indexable metadata -- #26

From last month's action list

πŸ‘‰ @agahkarakuzu merged PR #37 πŸš€ ✨ πŸ’―

Proposed changes to specification -- #41

  • Key discussion had in the call about why we have justified collecting different scans together under one suffix (eg: MP2RAGE and MPM)

Update examples -- issue #34

  • There are a couple of inconsistencies with the examples -- specifically that FLASH is currently used as a suffix --- action @alazari
  • MPM examples use a bunch of different suffices:
    • Rename sub-01_echo-1_part-mag_MTw.nii.gz --> sub-01_echo-1_aqc-MTon_part-mag_MPM.nii.gz
    • Rename sub-01_echo-1_part-mag_PDw.nii.gz --> sub-01_echo-1_aqc-MToff_part-mag_MPM.nii.gz
    • Rename sub-01_echo-1_part-mag_T1w.nii.gz --> sub-01_echo-1_aqc-T1w_part-mag_MPM.nii.gz
  • Outputs for MPM processing should be in a derivatives folder.

See PR #38

Symlink - issue #8

  • Need to add to the specification something about being able to symlink derivatives files to raw --- @KirstieJane
    • Specifically to allow outputs to be used with current BIDS-Apps.
    • In the future, hopefully the BIDS-Apps will be able to take inputs from the derivatives, so this linking is a band-aid to help qMRI researchers get into the BIDS-App ecosystem, not a long term plan πŸ˜„
  • Current WIP #25 - this is just a bit of a mess because I have too many other files in this branch 😬
    • But if anyone can reveiw what I've written for the common principles section that would be great!

Add examples to specification

Tidy up

  • Tidy up the issues and fix a few "little" points --- @Gilles86

Looking forwards

What are the next steps we need to take?

MPM vs hmri

Do we want to call data _MPM or _hmri?

Answer: MPM is an acquisition while hmri is a pipeline.

Incorporate work done on INCF in extension proposal

A group of people have done some great work on INCF and we talked about it during a BIDS meeting.

See here for the original document:

I think there are some great suggestions, such as using the suffix _MPM for MPM acquisitions and the acq-field to indicate which acquisition is mostly weighted like what.

There are also some nice examples for VFA, MT, B1...

I think it would be good to include them in the current draft. Any opinions on this? Anyone wants to make a commit for this?

See also:

Suffix of MPRAGE becomes MP2RAGE

I think in the November call we decided that the suffixes of (ME-)MP2RAGEs should be _MP2RAGE, even though there are two inversion times and there could be more and this is implied by the number of inv-{}-tags.

The reason we came to this decision was that what people currently tag as _t1w in BIDS datasets are very often MPRAGES. MP2RAGES are in a way very different, because they have very different, 'white noise' contrast in regions of low/no signal. This should be very clearly marked for any anatomical processing pipelines.

However, it is currently not yet implemented in the maintext-branch.

Include additional metadata fields

From August call:

Suggestion from CP (for MPM & hMRI toolbox):

  • Got a list of stuff to add and have provisionally inserted them in BEP001 document… may not be entirely related to MT scans.
  • Here they are
  • MixingTime (TM) in seconds.
  • In a STEAM (Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode) experiment, three consecutive RF pulses are applied to generate a simulated echo (STE). The mixing time is the time interval between the second and third pulses. [Ref: Frahm J, Merboldt KD, HΓ€nicke W, Haase A. Stimulated echo imaging. J Magn Reson 1985;64:81-93]
  • RFSpoilingPhaseIncrement.
  • in RF-spoiled gradient echo sequences (e.g. FLASH), RFSpoilingPhaseIncrement (in degrees) is the increase in the phase difference between consecutive pulses. This parameter, together with the spoilingGradientMoment and the spoilingGradientDuration, is required to calculate imperfect spoiling correction coefficients (Preibisch & Deichmann 2009). If not available, no imperfect spoiling correction will be applied.
  • spoilingGradientMoment.
  • in gradient-spoiled gradient echo sequences (e.g. FLASH), spoilingGradientMoment is the zeroth moment (in T*s/m) of the spoiler gradient applied at the end of each repetition. This parameter, together with the RFSpoilingPhaseIncrement and the spoilingGradientDuration, is required to calculate imperfect spoiling correction coefficients (Preibisch & Deichmann 2009). If not available, no imperfect spoiling correction will be applied.
  • spoilingGradientDuration:
  • in gradient-spoiled gradient echo sequences (e.g. FLASH), spoilingGradientDuration is the duration (in s) of the spoiler gradient applied at the end of each repetition. For a trapezoidal gradient, the duration is defined as the ramp-up duration + flat-top duration. This parameter, together with the RFSpoilingPhaseIncrement and the spoilingGradientMoment, is required to calculate imperfect spoiling correction coefficients (Preibisch & Deichmann 2009). If not available, no imperfect spoiling correction will be applied.

Suggestion from AKar

  • MT Pulse shape (eg. gaussian, gaussian-hann, fermi, etc)
  • Duration of the MT pulse
  • Bandwidth of the MT pulse
  • Off-resonance frequency of the MT pulse
  • Spoiler gradient moment between the MT pulse and the readout

Justification text for suffix

I drafted a text for explaining _suffix in the proposed changes file. You can find it here.

I want to keep working on it more once ISMRM annual meeting is over. But I hope there is enough material to discuss if this is the right way to approach it.

Transfer of issues from original google doc BEP-001 file

As discussed in the January call, I would have a look at the old Google Doc to see if any issues were raised there that we have not tackled or discussed in the github repo yet.

Rename RepetitionTimeInversion
Mathieu Boudreau suggested to rename the RepetitionTimeInversion, to make it also apply to other preparation pulses.
We decided to do so and @agahkarakuzu implemented it in the curren text (this commit).

part- tag
Michael P Harms asked whether we should really incorporate the part-tag. We decided to do so and have done so.

Sequences with different TRs
Dylan Nielson suggested to add a tag for identical scans with different TRs. Chris Gorgolewski suggested to use the acq-tag for that.

βœ… I think Chris's suggestion makes a lot of sense, since unlike multi-echo or -inversion sequences, the different TRs really belong to different acquisitions.

What ordering of key-value tags

If used, must increasing correspond in a one-to-one fashion with increasing values in the underlying parameter?

β˜‘οΈ This has never really been resolved. We should discuss this in the next call.

What about SPACE sequence
Michael P Harms:

Where does Siemens "SPACE" sequence fall into this?

βœ… This has been incorporated in the main text now.

Tobias Wood:

DESPOT1 and DESPOT2 are NOT sequence names. They are "techniques" or "experiment" names. The most general sequence names are Gradient Echo / Gradient Recalled Echo / GRE and balanced Steady-State Free Precession / bSSFP respectively

Ali Khan:

I am all for using the more general name when possible, but also pointing out that in many cases for DESPOT1/2 the GRE/SSFP sequence code is customized to some degree, and one could imagine a DESPOT fitting app should ideally have some easy way of locating input images

Β :ballot_box_with_check: This has never really been resolved, although Ali Khan's argument makes sense and no one objected again. Also, we let data set maintainers somewhat free in choosing their sequence_label (now: suffix).

FLASH is a proprieaty, vendor-specific name?
Gilles de Hollander:

Some people have suggested that this term is vendor (Siemens)-specific. However, I think this is the term that I most often encounter in the literature. Anyone has a non-vendor specific alternative? Or maybe we should use an ever broader term like just "GRE"?

Tobias Wood:

FLASH is indeed Siemens & Bruker specific. Siemens just happens to have the largest share of the research market currently.
FLASH is called SPGR on GE and Fast-Field Echo or FFE on Phillips.
GRE is the most general name. And it's shorter.

βœ… No explicit decision was made I think. However, again, there is some flexibility in choosing a suffix.

What about MPnRAGE
Some people argued both the suffix MPRAGE with two inv-tags or the suffix MP2RAGE are defendable.

βœ… In November call we decided for the suffix MP2RAGE, since the contrast of these images can be very different. See also this issue

Quantitative maps are different
Daniel Handwerker:

I think it's critical to distinguish the images reconstructed from k-space from images that are some type of combination of images reconstructed from k-space, such as a quantitative T1 map. This will be a big deal because I think the number of "post-processed" images generated right of the scanner will expand much faster than the orig recon images. Categorizing "T1map" as a postprocessed image would be a good foundational step for this. My add-on suggestion is that, in the JSON file for any post-processed image, the math underlying how images are combined is part of that file. The "equation" could be: The method published in X" or, less ideally, "The method built into this pulse sequence (With the sequence version info definitively also in the JSON file)

βœ… quantitative data should be in derivatives-folder, but can be symlinked to souredata to ease processing.

Different B1 maps
Tobias Wood:

There needs to be two labels, one for a 'true' B1+ map (non-selective/transmit inhomogeneity) and one incorporating the slab-profile.

β˜‘οΈ Not sure about this one. Can't it be handled with a acq-label?

Mathieu Boudreau:

Is MT-map MTsat? If so I think it should be named that way, as it should be clearly differentiated from MTR and qMT maps, which other people may also consider to be "MT-maps".

βœ… Solved

NumberShots is ambivalent
Michael P Harms:

Is this linked to any particular DICOM field? I'm concerned that the initial choice for this name of this variable may be vendor specific. e.g., Siemens lists a "Turbo Factor" for its MPRAGE and SPACE scans -- is that the same thing? And "EPIFactor" for its EPI sequences.

Β :ballot_box_with_check: Original BIDS spec doesn't really care about difference between ExcitationPulses and PreparationPulses. Not sure how to improve though.

_FLASH or suffix for MPM data?
For the MPM examples that Kirstie made, she used suffixe _T1w, _PDw and MTw. Myself, Agah and Mathie argued that _FLASH might be more appropriate, since the only difference between these sequences are the acquisition parameters.

Β :ballot_box_with_check: Not sure. I think the 'some freedom for the data set maintainer in which suffix to choose for which data set, depending on context'-approach might solve this.

Include symlinked derivatives in the main text

In August 2018 it was agreed that 'derived' quantitative maps should be exported to the /derivatives-folder, but if the user wants, it can always make a symlink to the sourcedata-folder. This is useful for example for T1-weighted images derived from two MP2RAGE volumes.

Keep track of everyone involved in building BEP001

We'll need to acknowledge everyone who helps incorporate this extension into BIDS at some point. I'd very much like to keep track of people prospectively (from August 2018) so if you know of someone who has contributed to BEP001 please add their name to this issue.

⚠️Note⚠️ : This initial list has been created by @KirstieJane simply by reading through the comment boxes on the google doc. It is very likely to be missing key people. If your name is not here - or you see someone whose name should be please add it!

Note also that being on this list does not automatically mean you will be an author on any publications associated with BEP001. We aren't at the write up stage yet, and so we aren't having that conversation yet. Any contribution is good enough to be added to this list, authorship will likely require a minimum commitment or sustained contribution to the project.

  • Tibor Auer
  • Suyash Bhogawar
  • Mathieu Boudreau
  • Julien Cohen-Adad
  • Gilles de Hollander
  • Chris Gorgolewski
  • Daniel Handwerker
  • Michael Harms
  • AgΓ’h Karakuzu
  • Ali Khan
  • Ilana Leppert
  • Tobias Leutritz
  • Martijn Mulder
  • Dylan Nielson
  • Christophe Phillips
  • Julien Sein
  • Isla Staden
  • Wietske van der Zwaag
  • Kirstie Whitaker
  • Tobias Wood

Be precise about B1plusmap, B1minusmap and B1map.


I notice that there are some inconsistencies in the spec right now. So in general, people seem to use B1map and B1plusmap interchangeably. But for the MPM examples, we use B1minusmap. What should we do here? Replace everything with B1plusmap?


Notes from Sept 4 call, plan for Sept 18 call

Call on 4 September 2019

  • @agahkarakuzu apologises for not updating the inheritance principle as planned - he's going to keep working on #59 & tag in @KirstieJane for a review
  • we made a few small fixes and merged a couple of PRs
  • @lazaral is going to keep working on #38 including making sure that the inheritance principle isn't violated (ie: one json file per nifti file).

Next call: 18 September 2019

The next call is on 18 September at 8am PDT / 10am EDT / 3pm BST / 4pm CEST.

Here's a link to get your local time:

We haven't been really explicit about the metadata fields that have to accompany certain qMRI acquisitions. That's our goal for the next call.


We need to clarify in the specification the difference between using the _FLASH suffix and the _MEGRE suffix.

We're leaving _FLASH in the specification to maintain backwards compatibility but we recommend that it is superceded by the vender non-specific _MEGRE suffix (multi-echo gradient echo) suffix.

Note that _GRE is probably going to be used for a _T1w, _T2star or _PDw or one of the other suffices which is why we aren't adding it.

Merge update | fieldmap

I'm currently merging changes to the bids specification into our repository to keep us in sync with those changes.

The point of this issue is to note where there are conceptual merge conflicts (rather than just git not knowing which line information should be on!) so we can review and discuss them.

The Fieldmap data section needs reviewing for a way to combine the updates. Mostly gramatically as there aren't really any conceptual conflicts.

The final sentence of this section doesn't actually flow on to the four examples - recommend reading through and double checking the grammar etc.

Data acquired to correct for B0 inhomogeneities can come in different forms.
B0 (static magnetic field strength pattern), B1+ (transmit field pattern),
and B1- (receive field pattern; not yet supported) maps can be useful in
post-processing both raw functional and anatomical data.

B0 maps are primarily used to correct for spatial distortions in functional
data acquired with EPI sequences.

B1+ and B1- maps are mostly used in anatomical imaging, especially when
applying quantitative MRI (qMRI) techniques.

The current version of this standard considers four different scenarios. Please
note that in all cases fieldmap data can be linked to a specific scan(s) it was
acquired for by filling the IntendedFor field in the corresponding JSON file.

Fieldmap, B0 vs. B1(+/-)

As mentioned in this reply to issue #67 , B1+ maps do have a specific suffix and there should be one for B1- maps too.

Still originally (and in the current BIDS release) the fmap was intended to host only B0 maps, therefore no suffix was proposed and the template looks like


For the (Siemens) case of 1 phase difference and 2 magnitude images.

On the other hand the B1 maps will look like


Key question

With the addition of the B1+ and B1- fieldmaps in the fmap folder, wouldn't it make sense to give the B0 map a specific suffix, e.g. _B0map?

Option 1

The template could thus be updated like this


In the common cases where only the B0 map are present, typically with fMRI studies, one could skip the _b0map suffix, i.e. use the original specs.
Drawback: this may break some back compatibility!

Option 2

Another possibility would be to put the B1+/B1- maps altogether in a different folder? For example B1map. This will ensure backward compatibility regarding the content of fmap and let the B1 maps live on their own.

This makes sense in a way since B1 maps are fundamentally different from the B0 maps, and with the avent of UHF MRI, pTX imaging, etc. B1 mapping may actually become more complex.


I was originally in favour of putting B0 and B1 maps in the same fmap folder, in order to avoid the multiplicity of folders...
Now though, I am a bit uncomfortable with this because:

  • if B0 map do not carry a specific suffix, that is not consistent with the B1 maps
  • if we try to add a specific B0 map suffix, it will break back compatibility (to some extent)
  • anatomical (MPM) and functional are commonly processed separately. With the B1 maps not (AFAIK) used for functional data, why carry them along (with a risk of confusion) if one is only interested in functional data.
    So I would be in favour of a separate folder for the B1 maps.

Explain `_suffix` has _some_ flexibility

The text should make clear that there are recommendations for standard suffixes for standard sequences (MP2RAGE, FLASH, T1w), but depending on context, one can change the suffix. This is to make sure the standard remains extensible.

Relationship of new modality labels to existing for proton density acquisitions

Jumping in here without having been involved much... hope this is isn't annoyingly obvious/redundant...

In reviewing bep001's 04-modality-specific-files/ I noticed there is

Name _suffix Description
Proton density weighted images PDw Denotes images with predominant PD contrast.

while in the current standard we have in 04-modality-specific-files/ we currently have

Name _suffix Description
Proton density PD Β 

Is the proposal to remove PD and replace it with PDw? While that is most logical, it represents a non-backwards compatible change; also, it suggests that current modality label PDT2 should also be revised to PDT2w (or PDwT2w?).

As this looks rather mature, seems sensible to think about how this will merge with the existing standard.

Merge update | "acq" description

I'm currently merging changes to the bids specification into our repository to keep us in sync with those changes.

The point of this issue is to note where there are conceptual merge conflicts (rather than just git not knowing which line information should be on!) so we can review and discuss them.

Specifically, we need to review the section The acq entity in src/04-modality-specific-files/ which I've created in the sync-bids branch as a combo of the current bids specification and our proposed updates.

Transfer ownership to new bids-standard organisation

Hi @chrisfilo - please could you transfer this repository into the bids-standard organisation? Then we're all nicely lined up with the other repositories.

If you'd like to re-name it to bep001 that's totally fine with me (and I don't think @Gilles86 will be super mad...although I've tagged him now to double check!)

Enforce phase images within certain range?

I think it would be good to enforce within BIDS that phase images are always constrained to (0, 2pi] radians (including 0, excluding 2 pi). This makes it easier to, e.g., fit qMRI models. What do you guys think?

MPM example

Regarding the examples, the current version contains a template
so the MPM example should be:

  • sub-01_echo-1_acq-MTon_part-mag_MPM.nii.gz
  • sub-01_echo-1_acq-MToff_part-mag_MPM.nii.gz
  • sub-01_echo-1_acq-T1w_part-mag_MPM.nii.gz
    (i.e. "acq" before "part")

OHBM abstract | Deadline Dec 19

As suggested by @ChristophePhillips in #75 (comment) we should submit an abstract to OHBM 2020.

@Gilles86 has said that he can make a shortened version of the doc - stay tuned here for a version of the ISMRM abstract. Update here it is!


  • Please check the author list and comment here if anyone is missing who should be included
  • Please have a read through of the abstract and add comments and suggestions....but if you want to add something please suggest somewhere to βœ‚οΈ cut βœ‚οΈ too because we're very close to the 4000 character word limit.
  • All authors, please make an account at the OHBM abstract submission page:
    • This might feel strange strange because it means clicking the "submit here" button at the bottom of this page. You aren't going to submit anything, you're just making it easier for @Gilles86 to submit next week!
  • Please comment on this post whether you're planning to be at OHBM in person or not πŸ‘‹

Please add the πŸš€ reaction to this post when you've made your account and the ❀️ reaction when you're happy with the abstract!

Thank you @Gilles86 and @agahkarakuzu for writing it!!

Merge update | "rec" & "mod" descriptions

I'm currently merging changes to the bids specification into our repository to keep us in sync with those changes.

The point of this issue is to note where there are conceptual merge conflicts (rather than just git not knowing which line information should be on!) so we can review and discuss them.

Specifically, we need to review the section The rec entity in src/04-modality-specific-files/ which I've created in the sync-bids branch as a combo of the current bids specification and our proposed updates.

I think this section should be moved out of the rec- section to a new heading for mod- entity. What do you think?

If the structural images included in the dataset were defaced (to protect
identity of participants) one CAN provide the binary mask that was used to
remove facial features in the form of _defacemask files. In such cases the
OPTIONAL mod-<label> key/value pair corresponds to the modality (as stored in
the suffix) of the acquisition eg: T1w, inplaneT1, referenced by a
defacemask image. E.g., sub-01_mod-T1w_defacemask.nii.gz where T1w is the
scan suffix which becomes the value for the mod- entity.

Merge update | additional metadata table

I'm currently merging changes to the bids specification into our repository to keep us in sync with those changes.

The point of this issue is to note where there are conceptual merge conflicts (rather than just git not knowing which line information should be on!) so we can review and discuss them.

The paragraph below comes kinda out of nowhere in the main specification at the moment - it seems to be nested under the rec entitity but I don't think it is really related to that point. I think it probably needs its own heading. "Additional metadata"?? What's a good heading?

Some meta information about the acquisition MAY be provided in an additional
JSON file. See Common metadata fields for a
list of terms and their definitions. There are also some OPTIONAL JSON
fields specific to anatomical scans:

(Table not shown, but we have added two rows to it in BEP001)

ISMRM Abstract | Action required from co-authors

Hi BEP001 folks!

@agahkarakuzu has written a really fantastic abstract to present BEP001 at ISMRM in 2020.

The link to the text is here:

We've put the following authors on the document - please add your affiliations and comment here if you're ok with being named on the abstract.

@effigies & @chrisgorgo - would you like to be in the list? We're not sure what you'd prefer and you're very welcome!

If you are not named and think you should be please let me know! @Gilles86 and I have a very strong inclusion policy! We're very sorry if we've forgotten you 😭

I think we're slightly over the word count at the moment but @Gilles86 and I figured there was no point in getting it absolutely perfect before you had the chance to comment πŸ˜†

Having said that....

The submission deadline is 6 November but the real deadline is this Sunday 3 November due to scheduling challenges next week. So please have a look through as quickly as possible - thank you so much πŸ’–

Make sure BEP001 developers contribute to question of introducing "phase" for EPI acquisitions

The discussion is happening at: bids-standard/bids-specification#128

My (@KirstieJane's) view is that this is another "BIDS 2.0" challenge (aka "I wish I had a time machine"). It would make more sense to use part-mag or part-phase for the EPI data, but as _bold is already a very widely used suffix (as @chrisfilo says in his comment bids-standard/bids-specification#128 (review)) it would break backwards compatibility.

I commented (bids-standard/bids-specification#128 (comment)) that we'd try to get a BEP001 consensus comment back by the end of 24 Jan, so please have a think about this before our meeting on Thursday. Thank you! ✨

Update text in specification for field map

The section in the main specification that describes field maps is written for fMRI folks by fMRI folks πŸ˜‰

This section needs some re-arranging so that it clearly describes a broader use of field maps.

We also need to be clear - through using a few examples - where the field maps need to go (derivatives or raw folders?)

  • What processing is done to create these maps? What additional json metadata do we need to include?

Adjust definition of `RepetitionTime` in section 8.3.3 and add two new fields in section 8.3.2

PROPOSAL: Adjust the definition of RepetitionTime in section 8.3.3 Task (including resting state) imaging data and add two new fields to section 8.3.2 Anatomy imaging data.

Justification: RepetitionTime is currently defined very specifically as relating to functional imaging data. However there are structural scans that collect multiple volumes during an acquisition. Here we adjust the definition of RepetitionTime in section 8.3.3 and add RepetitionTimeExcitation and RepetitionTimeInversion as two additional terms for structural acquisitions that include multiple contrasts.

See for details.

Should/could fa- (flip angle) contain a <value> not an <index>?

Our use case: We are doing period QA (data is available from, and in the past had some scans with standard flip angles with no indication of flip angle in the file name. Now we (in particular @kodiweera) experimenting with different flip angles. If we resort to _fa-<index>, we could potentially have confusingly identical filenames across sessions when actual flip angle would be different. Moreover it is not immediately clear from the filename how any two files (e.g. _fa-1 and _fa-2) are different, and would require lookups into .json files, decreasing the usefulness from BIDS convention.

I wondered what was the rationale (besides may be inability/difficulty of reflecting floating point values? did you see any of those in over 10% (100-90% of the use cases? ;)) for storing indexes and not the actual values?

Drop the 2 in MESET2

In our call we decided to remove the 2 in the suffix MESET2, since it is more consistent with the suffix _MEGRE and, for example, you might want to have both a PDw and a T2w image from this acquisition.

Discussion of "groupping suffixes"

Originates from #71 but taken into a separate issue since largely orthogonal. I am quoting here #71 (comment) by @tiborauer :

Modality-specific suffixes answer why rather than what


2. Grouping suffix helps tools to identify images belonging to an/a compound acquisition

how often it would be necessary (i.e. % of the use-cases)? As I have argued in a comment I think grouping might be less frequently used, and custom suffixes would render those files not usable by standard analysis pipelines (e.g. fmriprep).

Update entity table in the appendix

We need to make sure that the additional entities (key-value pairs) that we introduce in BEP001 are in the Appendix IV: Entity table in file 99-appendices/

Agenda for (second) May call | Wed 29 4pm / 3pm / 10noon / 7am

Next dev call: Wednesday 29 May at 4pm CEST / 3pm BST / 10am EDT / 7am PDT

All welcome, please see BIDS mailing list for zoom link (or ping @KirstieJane!)


The following points are put in place by @KirstieJane after the call on 15 May....they might move around as we develop and discuss the extension 😸

Document merged changes: @KirstieJane & @agahkarakuzu

There are a few changes that are already merged to master but that aren't reflected in the file.

  • indexable metadata merged in PR #37 but issue #26 open until the PCTS doc is updated
  • there are a few changes merged in PR #30 but not captured in the PCTS doc
    • Discussion about why we have justified collecting different scans together under one suffix (eg: MP2RAGE and MPM) needs to be added....for example.

Update the examples: @lazaral, @tiborauer, @ChristophePhillips & @Gilles86

General driving principle is that for each new concept in the specification we have an example in the text (and maybe as a dataset?)

Empty files correctly named: @lazaral

Issues #34 & #46.

Real data in BIDS format: @tiborauer, @ChristophePhillips & @Gilles86

Issue #11.

List of metadata terms

Do the metadata terms that we have listed contain the information needed to run the processing pipelines? Are there any missing?

Run hmri toolbox on BIDS formatted data: @ChristophePhillips

Specifically, can we run the hmri toolbox on BEP001 formatted data? (And get out BEP001 formatted data!)

Field maps: @agahkarakuzu

Expand definition of field maps in specification. Issue #44.

Symbolic links: @KirstieJane

Need to add to the specification something about being able to symlink derivatives files to raw. See #25

  • Specifically to allow outputs to be used with current BIDS-Apps.
  • In the future, hopefully the BIDS-Apps will be able to take inputs from the derivatives, so this linking is a band-aid to help qMRI researchers get into the BIDS-App ecosystem, not a long term plan πŸ˜„


It would be GREAT to get a PR open to the main specification before OHBM. Documenting what we have done (and why we have done it) is one of the big steps in getting there.... πŸ’ͺ Keep up the hard work πŸ‹οΈ πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ πŸ‘Ύ

We'll plan to meet in person at OHBM in the Open Science Room: ohbm/OpenScienceRoom2019#18

Make a legacy part of the suffix table

Discussed in the meeting: we need to move some of the suffixes in the table of the current spec (_FLAIR, _FLASH, PD...) to a "legacy" part of the table with instructions of what we reccomend to use instead.

Assigned to @Gilles86.

November call

Hi folks! I can't remember if we set a time for the next call πŸ€¦β€

The next Wednesday at 4pm (UK) that I'm available is November 13. Shall we do that?

Alternatively I could do Tuesday 5 November at 4pm (UK)?

Can you react to this issue with a πŸš€ for 5 November and πŸ‘€ for 13 November? (You can respond twice) and I'll go with the majority ✨

Agenda for May call | Wed 15 6pm / 5pm / 12noon / 9am

Next dev call: Wednesday 15 May at 6pm CEST / 5pm BST / 12noon EDT / 9am PDT

All welcome, please see BIDS mailing list for zoom link (or ping @KirstieJane!)


The following points are put in place by @KirstieJane after the March call....they might move around as we develop and discuss the extension 😸

Document merged changes

There are a few changes that are already merged to master but that aren't reflected in the file.

  • indexable metadata merged in PR #37 but issue #26 open until the PCTS doc is updated
  • there are a few changes merged in PR #30 but not captured in the PCTS doc
    • Discussion about why we have justified collecting different scans together under one suffix (eg: MP2RAGE and MPM) needs to be added....for example.

Update the examples

We have some nice example folder structures at the moment, but there are a couple more tasks that should be done. See #34 & #35, #46.

General driving principle is that for each new concept in the specification we have an example in the text (and maybe as a dataset?)

There's the open issue #11 which hasn't moved forwards in a while - lets see where that goes.

Field maps

We need to update the specification (and maybe some of the examples - the files might be in the wrong folders) to generalise the use of field maps. See #44

Symbolic links

Need to add to the specification something about being able to symlink derivatives files to raw. See #25

  • Specifically to allow outputs to be used with current BIDS-Apps.
  • In the future, hopefully the BIDS-Apps will be able to take inputs from the derivatives, so this linking is a band-aid to help qMRI researchers get into the BIDS-App ecosystem, not a long term plan πŸ˜„


It would be GREAT to get a PR open to the main specification before OHBM. Documenting what we have done (and why we have done it) is one of the big steps in getting there.... πŸ’ͺ Keep up the hard work πŸ‹οΈ πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ πŸ‘Ύ

We'll plan to meet on Wednesday 29 May at 4pm CEST / 3pm BST / 10am EDT / 7am PDT and also in person at OHBM in the Open Science Room. Stay tuned πŸš€

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