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broadlink-rm-smartthings-alexa's Issues

Swap router and not working

Hi Becky,

I manage to connect my Alexa and broadlink mini with Dlink router using cloud code, no issues and everything are working fine..
When i switch the router to Asus, port forwarding no problem, Broadlink mini can transmit signal through RM bridge, Smartthings can recognized the command but when i say "Alexa, turn on TV", Alexa reply ok but no signal from broadlink. I really can't figure out what's wrong with it, i had change line 48 to my ddns account. Is it anything to do with Asus firewall? i tried to turn on and off the firewall but still the same. I appreciate if you can help me with this.

FYI, i'm not using hub, i'm using android box as a bridge and using cloud code.

Attach is the screenshot of smartthings when receive the command.

Thank You

Smarthings Hub not linking to Alexa correctly

This was an amazing guide, and taught me a bunch of new skills that I have never tried before! Naturally, I ran into a few problems along the way and at this point I am stumped. I have browsed so many forms for this topic and have tried all of the solutions mentioned but still cannot seem to get it to work. For whatever reason, I cannot get the Smarthings hub to connect to my Alexa with the new skill. After updating my firmware on my new Broadlink rm pro, I was able to access the bridge and create some codes that worked when I tested them. I followed the guide and created the device handler and changed the information for the ip address (local because I am using the physical hub instead of the cloud) and the security. I went over to devices, entered the name of the device exactly as it appeared on the code (excluding the on/off words), entered in a custom device network id, found the RM Bridge Switch LAN option for the type, and linked the location and hub to my physical hub. It added successfully and was discovered by Alexa, but when I said the command ("Projector on"), she responded with "ok," but nothing actually happened. I must be missing something in the code or device information on the smarthings page, but I cannot figure out where I went wrong. Here's some (probably unnecessary) information:
I have the Broadlink rm Pro with s/n starting with RM09.
It currently has firmware v20028 (I updated it manually to work with the Bridge app)
I am using the RM Bridge version 1.3.1
The codes work perfectly on the RM Bridge website
I copied and pasted the code that was in the guide into the device handlers (changing the necessary values, of course)
My Smarthings hub works correctly with my other smart devices in my home (ie Ring Doorbell)
I enabled the Alexa skill in the app and the device showed up.
I wasn't quite sure what to put for the device network id and somewhere it said that the name should be unique but it doesn't matter what you enter for it.
(I also tried getting Alexa to control my Broadlink through the RM Plugin, but Alexa did not discover the devices that were saved in my app...)
There wasn't really any error logs that I could have included in this forum.
Sorry if this topic has been addressed recently. I tried my best to find solutions on my own, and i am using this as a last resort.
Thank you so much!

Some of the devices not working from Smartthings

Hi Becky,

Thanks for creating this wonderful device type for smartthings and the detailed instruction. I have setup the RM Bridge on an Android TV box and configured 2 devices, 1 RF based and 1 IR based. They both have been working well when added in Smartthings.

This weekend I wanted to add one more device. It is a RF controlled plug. I created added the commands to the e-control app and the RM bridge. I am able to control the plug fine when controlled from e-control app or the website.

Now I added a new device to Smartthings with devicetype RM Bridge Switch LAN which I already had installed and working well with two other devices.

I have named the two commands "Cooker on" and "Cooker off" in RM-Bridge and the switch is called "Cooker" in Smartthings.

The two old devices I had continue to work, but this newly added device doesn't work through Smartthings. I restarted the Android TV box and RM Bridge app, but no luck. I also tried deleting and re learning the on off commands. But still no luck.

I checked live logging under smartthings and there is nothing displayed for this device. I could only see on and off commands in the event logs, but can't find any errors any where.

Can you please help me troubleshoot this problem? I don't understand what I am doing wrong as some of my devices are working fine using the same approach.

announcement not an issue

This is more of an announcement, but I know some of you are following the issue thread so placing it here for now.

I have now posted the channel adder I have been mentioning, in a beta form for testing. Check it out at

Note that I also have migrated a version of these projects to a web site, to make it easier for those who are not GitHub familiar to get the info. Sorry for those of you who got spammed by my process at first. I moved the site to another repo, so you should not get alerts to every maintenance edit. I'll still track the issues here, but there is also a forum specifically to discuss these projects as there will soon be 6 or 7 of them if I finish all my half-done code and brewing ideas. Next up is hopefully an Alexa skill to chain Smartthings commands together. Stay tuned. There is an announcement thread in the forum you can subscribe to if you want to know about it.

Code length limit


Thanks a lot for the guide, it is great.
I am facing an issue with one of the remotes. When I record it, and trying to test it from "Manage codes" screen, I am getting the message "Error sending code: data error! length = 908, must be less then 900 bytes". Do you know how this can be fixed? Needless to say, the code does not perform any action.

Would you know how to resolve it?

P.S. For the cloud version you haven't mentioned anywhere how to setup Location that is mandatory field on the new device screen.


MultiKeys Issue(Found a workaround) and a Tip for RM2 Disconnections

I'm new to GitHub but have used your repository extensively over the last few weeks. First I want to say I appreciate the work you put into this Becky as I would have been lost without your guidance.

Everything was straight forward except I could not get the current Multikeys code to function (Smartthings reports an error in the code but removing the error on that line allows you to add it). However I could not get it to work as no signals would pass through to the RM2. I did use your previous revision and have not had any issues (I think it had the line 17 error as well though).

A tip I wanted to add for something I have struggled with regarding the RM2. It seems that after 4-5 hours of no usage my RM2 would stop working. It exhibits very strange behavior. I have a full Meraki setup so I did a lot of going through logs and packet sniffing to figure out what was going on. In the logs there would be next to nothing and it actually will show connected and I can ping it from the Meraki cloud. However on my local network I cannot ping the RM2 when this happens and it will not function unless I restart the AP or the RM2 itself. Then it's right back to working. I wondered if others encountered this with the RM2 or if maybe I have a faulty one.

I was discussing this with one of my employees and he had a great idea after we talked for a few minutes that has seemed to solve the disconnection issue. What I did was setup a dummy code in RM Bridge and then used the automation function in Smartthings to send this dummy code every 4 hours (I have 6 automatons setup with the dummy code occurring every 4 hours). I first tried 6 hours but ran into the same issue however dropping it to 4 it has been rock solid stable for a few days now. Hope this helps and once again I appreciate all your work Becky!

Bridge LAN adding devices

using the rm bridge LAN , is there any way to add my devices to smartthings account without having a hub? , the bridge, the codes, the handler are fine but i dont have any hub in my location

RM Bridge not working?

Anyone else having problems? Mine was working fine up until about an hour ago... Smartthings is unable to turn any of my Broadlink switches on? Tried turning it on and off? Hopefully it'll just start working again!

RM Bridge not finding hub

Over the last week or 2, several users reported purchasing a hub, but can't get the RM Bridge to find it. In order to understand whether this is a change to the new Broadlink devices, please post if you have recently purchased one and it works fine. Please include your model and firmware version. At first I assumed it was something in the users' network setup, which still may be, but at least 4 people reported the issue in the last 2 weeks so something seems to be amiss.

I have also contacted the RM Bridge developer to inquire whether he is getting similar feedback.

For those who have encountered this issue, please advise whether using the Tasker app as a bridge resolved it.

For those having the issue, using the "add hub manually" button on the setup page seems to always return an error that reads "not an RM2" or something like that, for everyone. It does this for hubs that otherwise work fine, so seems to be a more general issue with the setup interface for all RM Pro devices, and not an additional symptom of your problem.

Please feel free to add anything here that you think may be of diagnostic value. I also recommend only purchasing hubs with a nice return policy until we ascertain the cause and any resolution. You may also do OK with a used hub with older firmware but that is only a guess.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Text must not be null or empty @line 66 (lanResponseHandler)

I followed the guide for the RM plugin and hub version to the letter and this project doesn't work at all when i get to step 12 in the IDE after hitting "code" i do not see "location" and "install" i have to hit a button next to "app settings" that says "simulator" then i see the location ,i set it to home (my only hub) the android device is running and the RM plugin app is running the bridge is running
but when i hit install i get all kinds of error like this below and when i go to my classic app and go to things i see nothing new in there

0c0472a5-878e-48dc-9ec1-fcbaf2203459 12:37:10 PM: error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Text must not be null or empty @line 66 (lanResponseHandler)
0c0472a5-878e-48dc-9ec1-fcbaf2203459 12:37:10 PM: debug In response handler
0c0472a5-878e-48dc-9ec1-fcbaf2203459 12:37:10 PM: debug hub id is e98854ed-9cc4-4f9b-8e16-19f68146439e
0c0472a5-878e-48dc-9ec1-fcbaf2203459 12:36:19 PM: error java.lang.RuntimeException: bad character in base64 value @line 64 (lanResponseHandler)
0c0472a5-878e-48dc-9ec1-fcbaf2203459 12:36:19 PM: debug In response handler
0c0472a5-878e-48dc-9ec1-fcbaf2203459 12:36:19 PM: debug hub id is e98854ed-9cc4-4f9b-8e16-19f68146439e

Issue with handler


I am following your instruction however can't understand what is the issue.

  1. I am using RM bridge. I have all codes configured, I opened my router ports and I can switch on/off light using my web browser.
  2. I created a Device Handler - beckyricha : RM Bridge Switch Cloud. I have changed login, password and ip address.
  3. I have created one of the devices to switch on bar light.
  4. I added the devices on the Alexa app. Alexa recognises the device and I can even see the code is being sent by Alexa and received by smartthings.

Problem: The light does not get turned on.

Here is what I have in my device setting:
Bar light Device
Name Bar light
Type RM Bridge Switch Cloud
Version Published
Device Network Id Bar light
Last Activity At 2017-01-19 10:57 PM UTC
Date Created 2017-01-19 10:57 PM UTC
Last Updated 2017-01-19 10:57 PM UTC
Data No data found for device
Current States
switch: on
Events List Events
In Use By

Event List:
Bar light (Device) Events โ€” displayed | all | from device
Date Source Type Name Value User Displayed Text
2017-01-19 11:56:36.163 PM UTC
12 minutes ago DEVICE switch on Bar light switch is on
2017-01-19 11:56:35.962 PM UTC
12 minutes ago APP_COMMAND on
2017-01-19 11:55:57.650 PM UTC
12 minutes ago APP_COMMAND off
2017-01-19 11:30:43.580 PM UTC
38 minutes ago DEVICE switch off Bar light switch is off
2017-01-19 11:30:43.442 PM UTC
38 minutes ago APP_COMMAND off
2017-01-19 11:26:42.062 PM UTC
42 minutes ago DEVICE switch on Bar light switch is on
2017-01-19 11:26:42.043 PM UTC
42 minutes ago APP_COMMAND on

This shows that Alexa sends the command correctly. IP address is configured correctly. Smartthings received the command. If I send the same command via web browser URL it does the action. But I am not sure why smartthings don't send the code through.


Cannot connect smartthings to RM bridge

Hi there,

First of all, thank you so much for putting the codes/files here so that other people can use it for free.

Just a quick introduction, I have a Boradlink RM that I control my blinds with, I have a google home that I want to control my Broadlink with !

I've installed the RM Bridge on an android device already and got the 192.168 urls that could control my blinds if I'm on a local network (same subnet)

I also bought a Samsung smart things to use it as a hub and connect the RM bridge to google home!

I was going step by step from this " RM Bridge LAN " file ... I created the new device handler via the "RM Bridge Switch LAN" and changed the xxx's to the RM bridges local ip ... WITHOUT the http://

I then added a device on smartthings via this device handler, but it doesn't work !!! I was wondering if I'm putting the wrong name/label/device network id or if there is a glitch in the handler code !

I would be grateful if you could kindly help me setting this up ! I've spent hours and hours and wasn't able to get it fixed !

What's the best/easiest way to set the Broadlink with google home !?


Only the off command is working

Hi, becky! I don't even know if you're still answering questions, but I've been trying to set up my broadlink RM3Mini with my smartthings hub and I finally did it! At least 50% of it...
I configure both codes (on and off) for an Air Conditioner device, but for some reason only the off function works.

When I try to turn it OFF on the smartthings app on my phone, it responds to the IR, turns off, but the switch on the app starts to load for a few seconds and just go back to the ON position. Then, when I try to turn the air con back ON, it sends the OFF signal.

I'm currently using the RM Tasker Bridge and a Nvidia Shield as Android Box. Hope you can help me with this

Thanks for the attention!

RM bridge with alexa

Hello, I have the RM bridge on a old samsung galaxy S3 working well with broadlink and Alexa to control several etekcity modules. However, I always have to say a command to alexa twice and the devices respond only on the second command even though alexa says 'ok' both times. I need to say the command twice only if about an hour or more has elapsed since the last command to broadlink otherwise it works the first time I say the command. Is it possible to fix this issue?

New issue with RM frequency learning

I have been using this solution to great effect (combined with Google Home to control all house shades). However, I was missing one RF remote controller, and at the time, I just programmed two shades to the same remote. Now however, I do have another RF remote, and I thought about putting it to good use. However, I have been encountering this problem:
I successfully managed to program up, down, and stop keys in android app for Broadlink, meaning I can open and close the shades from my phone with the use of the app. However, for the life of me, I am unable to program "down" key in the RM bridge app website. It is really weird, and at first I blamed the RF remote, but I have tried with 2 of my remotes and while it takes one minute to program "up" button in RM bridge app website, I can't make it program the down button.
The error message I get is "Error sending code: rm2 check data failed.
Has anyone had a similar problem? Any possible solutions?

send multinuber "134" with smarthings->broadlink

can i send to the tv channel 128 (multi numbers) /combo like Device name "HBO" which is on schedule/number "134" ? i use RM Bridge. (by the way Google home->smarthings->Rm Bridge->broadlink It works well )

Bridge not talking to SmartThings (with Alexa & RMPro)

Hi - I've gone down the RMPro / RM Bridge / SmartThings / Alexa route but can't seem to get everything working together. The gap seems to be between SmartThings and RM Bridge and sure I've probably missed a step. I've successfully added TV to devices on SmartThings and Alexa recognises my simple addition 'TV'. I've successfully added the TV on & off codes to RM Bridge. What I'm not fully able to figure is how SmartThings communicates with RMPro - this is the bit I think is not working and struggling to figure why. If i say 'TV ON' Alexa responds 'Okay' so that side is 'working'. One thing I noticed is that TV doesn't appear in eControl - shouldnt it pick this up having added to RM Bridge? I think once I overcome this hurdle then the logic will fall together and hopefully have a 'ah-ha' moment. Thanks!
(Previously asked on ST with no response)

Google home

How can i link google home to broadlink? can you help me?

RM MINI 3 cant connect to internet

hi have just got the RM MINI 3 black bean ..but it will not connect to my router have used both apps ..
but with no luck both cant find the devices ..have tried to use second method again both apps with the hotspot shows up brodlinlkprov conect to it then says below it internet may not be available go back to rejoin my own network ..ok guys not sure why but it just connected after 2 hours of trying not sure what is different this time will get back to this post it was to good to be true managed to make a remote but now it just shows a picture of a cloud in the devises and not connected ..error code 10000 ..

Almost certainly something I am missing. Can't get ST to control the RM2

I have the remote code programmed using the RM.
rm bridge

The code is listed as tvswitch and works from the test button. (I'm not concerned about posting a class C internal IP)
The code I am using is the LAN version and seems to be configured as suggested.


`The device seems to be set up, but no communication to the RM2 or output from ST.



The configuration SHOULD toggle the TV on / off when used, but no output from the RM. No debug info when using the switch under a simulator.


I get the nagging feeling I am missing something which should be obvious but just can't seem to get there. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. The switch shows up in the ST app, just doesn't do anything. RM firmware is 20025, the RM works fine with everything else, including visiting the http address in the first image at which point I get the response "{"code":0,"msg":"rm2 send data success"}" and the TV mode toggles (on or off) .

EDIT - ignore the transposed port address, I did change it to the correct one of 7474 and still nothing. Been working on this for two days.

Oh, and the app says it's controlling the switch.

device events

Location - Create device

Hello Becky,
My first time ever on github - looking for a solution for the failing RMTasker(Pro) - Alexa can't discover devices published through it anymore, even though RMTasker can control them, eControl works fine, ihc as well. Your code seems to be doing the trick, so if this works you've got all my praise! :)

I got stuck at step #12 on your guide. I created Device Handlers, SmartApp, I have a location called "Home" with the Samsung TV in it. I am aware I need to create a device (which I can see you created a code for) but I guess this functionality (from code) has been removed.

So now I go to "Create Device" manually, select "broadlinkswitch" as Type, "Home" as location, but I don't know what to chose for "Device Network ID* ". Is this the Wifi SSID or something else ? And once this is done with "Create" - your guide ends. What would be the next step? How would I "run" this code on the bridge (old Samsung phone where RMTasker is also running)?

Thank you very much for this work! Fingers crossed it works!


I wish to use IFTTT to connect to smartthings and control devices on my Broadlink. I can't port forward and I don't want to spend money on the hub. What should I do? Everything worked all right until I got to the location part (which I believe needs a hub). I really want to get everything working as soon as possible!



Connecting from smartthings to broadlink-RM

Hi becky,

really like the idea of this project but struggling to get the switchcloud working using the RM bridge.

When I run via the controls are fine. But when I try through the smartthings site I get no response. Looking at the simulator I get an
org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to [/] failed: connect timed out @ line 47

Any ideas what could be causing this?


RM Plugin Lite issue


I tried to connect my Broadlink RM pro+ to my Amazon echo dot using the RM plugin lite app.
I registered a RF remote (Switch on and off) in the e-control app of the Broadlink RM pro + device.
The RF remote works properly in the e-control app but cannot be found in the RM plugin lite app. When I tried to add an Alexa device I can name the device but when clicking on "on command" and "single device"
I recieve the error message "you have not configured any broadlink device. Please use broadlink app to configure at least one and return here."
I already had more than one RF remote inside the e-control app and all of them werde working (in e-control) but the problem stayed the same in the RM plugin app.
Please let me know if you have a solution for this problem.
Many Thanks

change 'on' to 'play' & 'off' to 'pause'

I want to play/pause my Android TV rather than turn 'on' or 'off'

I changed 'on' to play in the code and its not working. What do I need to change?

What I have now:

metadata {
definition (name: "RM Bridge Pause Cloud", namespace: "smartthings", author: "BeckyR") {
capability "Switch"

// tile definitions
tiles {
	standardTile("switch", "device.switch", width: 2, height: 2, canChangeIcon: true) {
		state "play", label: '${name}', action: "switch.pause", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#79b821"
		state "pause", label: '${name}', action: "", icon: "st.switches.switch.pause", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"

	main "switch"
	details "switch"


def play() {


def pause() {

private put(toggle) {
def toReplace =
def replaced = toReplace.replaceAll(' ', '%20')
def params = [
uri: "http://xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:7474/code/$replaced%20$toggle"

Example for RF switch

I have a RF switch button (push on/off) and work well with rm pro.
I started learn code for 2 state on/off with name "Night Light on", "Night Light off" in rm bridge.
2 codes word well. (test code)
When I put it in SmartThing, I use same name "Night Light" and same ID "nightlight", it come with 2 button in SmartThing app, each button has on/off.
How can I combine theme?
smartthing web
rm bridge code
smartthing web 2

Downgrade of RM pro+ can brick the device

Based on advise of ez smart ( developer of broadlink voice control app, i have downgrade my new rm pro+ from FW v51 to v20025. They told me to try it as my rm pro+ not workes with broadlink rm voice app....
I followed this link:

After downgrade the firmware version i got message fw succesfully updated and current version is v0 and app shows v49 is the new version.

After that i tried to connect the device to the wifi but not works. I tried reset but no blue led and no light at all it seems it is dead or bricked. Is it possible some how to reboot it or reflash the firmware. I have ftdi and arduino nano cam i use it to reflash the FW.
Is it possible that the developer suggestion to downgrade it bricked the Rm pro + device?

Becky :) I need your help: Stuck in connecting Smartthing with RMBridge.

Hi Becky,

I do need your help as I spent hours but can not find why.
I) Method: RM Bridge Cloud
II) Add some devices to control:

Name MAC Address URL
Bed aircon off b4:43:0d:f9:28:35 aircon off test delete
Bed aircon on b4:43:0d:f9:28:35 aircon on test delete

Run the link outside is OK => showed like that:

"code 0
msg "rm2 send data success"

III) Install this app into SmartThings:

I stuck there:
Used: RM Bridge Switch Cloud
Changed only in line 74 for the add:

def params = [
uri: "$replaced%20$toggle"

And I created a Device name:

Display Name Type Location Hub Zigbee Id Device Network Id Status Last Activity
Bed aircon RM Bridge Switch Cloud CT3C Bed aircon ACTIVE 17 minutes ag

But fail to run in mobile app: The icon is changed from on to off, change colour, but the device doesn't respond.

I run simulation, the result show that:

1ad28461-6feb-4371-a369-b038d94a1310 22:15:21: error org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to [/] failed: connect timed out @ line 73

=> I don't know what's the issues. I tryed to remove and install around 5 times, but the results are the same.

Please give me few minutes and give me some clue to solve that.

Thanks you very much indeed.

error groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException

Hi, I bought the broadlink last month and now I'm trying to connect it with my smartthings hub.I'm using th tasker plug-in methode. I setted up everything and the controller appear on my smartthings app but if i push the button on nothing happen. on the website appear this:

1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:37: error groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: name for class: java.util.HashMap$Entry
Possible solutions: value @line 68 (doCall)
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:37: debug In response handler
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:37: debug hub id is b6a41049-6430-41fe-839e-14371e57251b
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:31: error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The JSON input text should neither be null nor empty. @line 66 (lanResponseHandler)
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:31: debug In response handler
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:31: debug hub id is b6a41049-6430-41fe-839e-14371e57251b
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:30: error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The JSON input text should neither be null nor empty. @line 66 (lanResponseHandler)
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:30: debug In response handler
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:30: debug hub id is b6a41049-6430-41fe-839e-14371e57251b
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:30: debug device name: dolby, URL:, mac: 34:ea:34:43:1f:a5, onCodeID: l1522674911237), offCodeID: null
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:30: debug getChildDevices(false), children=1
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:29: debug adding device dolby with on
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:29: debug In response handler
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:29: debug hub id is b6a41049-6430-41fe-839e-14371e57251b
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:30: error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The JSON input text should neither be null nor empty. @line 66 (lanResponseHandler)
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:30: debug In response handler
1466c373-57d5-409e-98c9-8f31607930c8 16:24:30: debug hub id is b6a41049-6430-41fe-839e-14371e57251b

I've noticed that now the tasker app and rm plugin are two different app and I tried as well to set up both app to work toghether but still I have the same error

rm pro + no permissions

hi guys using the IHC and after turning of 5g and taking most things of the network finally got it to find my rm pro ..but now i cant add it to the home or any room it just keeps saying no permission
i can fine it with e -controle and name it so its defanetly something to do with the app have uninstalled it tried older version with no luck so if any of you out there can think of something let me no cheers as there are a few of us with the same problem

Broadlink TC2 swich with smarthings fix switch status replay

Hello beckyricha , do you have a Switch code to do ex: ALEXA turn ON the LIGHT! the switch code will turn off them turn on again and vice-versa ? this will resolve the problem we all have using smarthings with RM2 to control the broadlink TC2 switch u dont replay status
this will fix this tipe of event ex: if LIGHT is OFF, but ON on smarthings , we say alexa turn on the LIGHT! the LIGHT will not turn ON becouse is ON on smarthings !

regards John

Button in ST app doesn't reflect state, always shows On

Once a RM Bridge LAN/Cloud switch is added to ST and shows up in app it always shows as ON with one exception: if you turn it off it will show as off but will return to on(green) if app si closed or if you move from "My Things" pane.

Doesnt work! Please Help onRM Bridge LAN

Dear beckyricha

I really appreciate what you have done. I think it would be awsome to have it running.

But unfortunately, I have followed every instructions and steps on your "RM Bridge LAN" And I have tried it 3 times. It doesnt work!!

I can see my device show up on my Smartthings App on my Android, but when I press the button on/off (green icon) it didnt do anything.

Please find attached
photo on 8-12-16 at 8 20 pm

Eventhough it works on the "test the result" on RM Bridge site

screen shot 2016-08-12 at 8 26 14 pm

Please let me know what am I missing. I really appreciate it

Thank you

using rm bridge cloud

hi im staying in singapore. after trying rm tasker for a while it is extremely unstable.

im now trying out yr rm bridge cloud but doesnt seems to work. trying to discover devices on alexa didnt bring out any of the devices that i saved. trying them out on smartthings also doesnt seems to work.

Different codes while learning... normal?

First of all Thank you!
I really appreciate all you hard work and this is way cool to play around with! :)

So, to my question... I have everything setup and it works for all IR stuff (this far) and some RF stuff.
I do have issues with my sunshades and projector lift though (433 MHz RF). The RM Pro learns the codes and seems to "get" the remotes. The sunshades works sometimes directly from the RM (but not through the Tasker).

I setup a few identical buttons in RM App and learned the same RF code for the Projector lift and then exported the codes from the App to be able to view them.
I can them see that the codes differ a lot, out of the 5 "learnings" I did all codes are different and the shortest is 120 characters (hex) while the longest is 1100 characters and the rest somewhere in between.
Is this normal?
Or would it indicate that the Projector lift is using some "coded" signal that is altered each time?

The same happens for the sunshades but the strange thing is that they sometimes (1 of maybe 100 attempts) works from the RM App (but never through Tasker/Alexa).

LAN SmartApp: error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

Hi - This is fantastic! Thank you for your hard work.

In the log for the Broadlink LAN SmartApp, the following error is thrown every minute or two:

10:37:46 PM: error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The JSON input text should neither be null nor empty. @ line 66

Line 66 is:

def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(text)

Is this a problem or normal?


Rm Tasker cloud version

Hi Becky,

Really appreciate your work here.

I have a bunch of SP mini plugs that unfortunately does not work with Rmbridge. I wonder if you could send me the working file for your Rm Tasker Cloud version?


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