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altv-js-module's Issues

DynamicImport doesn't work before connectionComplete

Description of the problem

await import( './file' )

or import( './file' ).then().catch().finally()

only works after the connectionComplete event got fired.

Reproduction steps

import * as alt from 'alt-client';

async function loadBeforeConnectionComplete() {
    alt.log( "You can see me" );
    await import( './lib/utils' );
    alt.log( "You will never see me" );

async function loadAfterConnectionComplete() {
    alt.log( "Hey, are you ok?" );
    await import( './lib/utils' ); // if set to a const you can use any export
    alt.log( "I'm fine!" );


alt.on("connectionComplete", () => {

File 2 can be just empty. The import/exports are working, as soon the event got triggered.

Expected behaviour

Make it work on startup.

Additional context

No response

Operating system






setInterval destroy after long time run server

Describe the bug
when you set a setInterval this destroy after long time run server (4 - 5 hour)
(only tested on server)

To Reproduce
make setInterval and wait a long time without interaction with you game or server

My interval

import { onClient, setInterval, emitClient } from 'alt-server'
setInterval(() => {
    moduleAntiSpam = {}
}, 3500)


  • OS: Debian 11
  • alt:V server version: 3.0-dev6
  • Other installed modules: csharp-module
  • JS module version: idk

Worker: game freeze with huge process on workers

Description of the problem

When there's some huge processes on the workers, the game freeze completely.

They're correctly working on other threads:

[00:51:16] generator 0 done
[00:51:16] generator 1 done
[00:51:16] generator 4 done
[00:51:16] generator 2 done
[00:51:16] generator 3 done
[00:51:30] worker 5 done
[00:51:37] worker 8 done
[00:51:46] worker 6 done
[00:51:57] worker 7 done
[00:52:09] worker 9 done

When workers are done, the game is no longer freeze

Reproduction steps


alt.on('sort', (array, id) => {
    alt.log('worker', id, 'done');

alt.on('generate', (length, id) => {
    let numbers = [];
    for (let n = 0; n < length; n++) {
        numbers.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 500000));
    alt.log('generator', id, 'done');
    alt.emit('numbers', numbers);


const NB_WORKERS: number = 10;
let workers: any[] = [];

for (let i = 0; i < NB_WORKERS; i++) {
    workers.push(await this.createWorker(i));

for (let index = 0; index < workers.length / 2; index++) {
    const generatorId = index;
    const generator = workers[generatorId];
    const workerId = index + workers.length / 2;
    const worker = workers[workerId];
    generator.on('numbers', (numbers: number[]) => {
        worker.emit('sort', numbers, workerId);
    generator.emit('generate', 5000000, generatorId)

createWorker(i) create a worker and start it, then a promise is resolved when it loaded

Expected behaviour

Game not freeze and the main thread can work

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 11





Crash on resource stop with a webview instanciated

Description of the problem

The client crash on when stopping a resource containing a webview instanciated.
Destroying the webview before stopping the resource doesn't make the client crash.

Reproduction steps

import * as alt from 'alt-client';

new alt.WebView('');

type the following in the server console

stop resourceName

Expected behaviour

The client shouldn't crash

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10.0.19042



Worker events are called for no reason

Description of the problem

Worker events are called for no reason if event subscribers were registered in the load event

Reproduction steps

import * as alt from "alt-client"

// can be empty file
const worker = new alt.Worker("./worker.js") 

worker.on("load", () => {
  alt.log("worker ~gl~load")

  worker.on("im called for no reason", (data) => {
    alt.log("im called for no reason data:", JSON.stringify(data))

Expected behaviour

These events should not be triggered for no reason

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10





Interrupt long running synchronous code

Description of the problem

E.g. a while(true) loop can easily crash the client currently, because it will just block the main thread forever.
After a timeout of e.g. 5 seconds of synchronous code running it should be interrupted, and then resumed in the next tick (And show a warning / error)

Desired solution for the problem

Use RequestInterrupt from the V8 API.

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

No response


No response



Sending alt:V objects using raw methods crashes server/client

Description of the problem

Sending alt:V objects that can only exist on one side to the other side (for e.g. send alt.VoiceChannel server->client) leads to a crash

Reproduction steps

alt.emitClientRaw(player, 'test', new alt.VoiceChannel(false, 0))
alt.emitRaw('test', new alt.VoiceChannel(false, 0)) // dont crash btw


Expected behaviour

Just a error in console without crash would be more user-friendly xd

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10





Client crashes with syntax error in top-level code

Description of the problem

The client crashes if you write code like the one below.

Reproduction steps

alt.onServer('text', ...arr => { });

Expected behaviour

Im not sure if it is syntactically correct to write it like this, but at least the client should not crash.

Additional context

alt.onServer('text', (...arr) => { });
Is totally fine.

Operating system

Windows 10





Implement the V8 debugger

Description of the problem

Implement the V8 debugger in the client to allow the users to debug client scripts

Desired solution for the problem

Add the whole V8 debugger to the client so e.g. the Chrome DevTools can connect to it to debug clientside scripts

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

An old implementation I did can be found in my fork in the debugger branch here
(The code for this is horrendous, but it shows how it works)


No response



Clientside Worker API

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently, you are limited to a single thread on clientside. (As normal in an JS environment)
For performance heavy clientside usages, like an entity streamer or similiar, it may be very useful to be able to run JS code on an external thread, to not block the main thread where the main script logic is running.

Describe the solution you'd like
API proposal (unfinished)

// alt-client
class Worker {
    static readonly maxWorkers: number;

    readonly valid: boolean;
    readonly filePath: string;
    readonly isPaused: boolean;

    constructor(file: string);

    // Event based messages between main thread and worker thread
    emit(eventName: string, ...args: any[]): void;
    on(eventName: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
    once(eventName: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): void;

    // Built-in events
    on(eventName: "load", handler: () => void): void;
    on(eventName: "error", handler: (error: string) => void): void;

    // Async based messages between main thread and worker thread
    //send(messageName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>;
    //receive(messageName: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => any | Promise<any>): void;

    start(): void;
    destroy(): void;

    pause(): void;
    resume(): void;

// Globally available functions in worker thread
interface AltWorker {
    // Event based messages
    emit(eventName: string, ...args: any[]): void;
    on(eventName: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
    once(eventName: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => void): void;

    // Logging
    log(...args: any[]): void;
    logWarning(...args: any[]): void;
    logError(...args: any[]): void;

    // Timers
    setTimeout(handler: (...args: any[]) => void, miliseconds: number): number;
    setInterval(handler: (...args: any[]) => void, miliseconds: number): number;
    nextTick(handler: (...args: any[]) => void): number;
    clearTimeout(id: number): void;
    clearInterval(id: number): void;
    clearNextTick(id: number): void;

    // Async based messages
    //send(messageName: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>;
    //receive(messageName: string, handler: (...args: any[]) => any | Promise<any>): void;
declare var alt: AltWorker;

Describe alternatives you've considered
The current alternative is to use the WebView JS thread as an external thread, this is highly unpractical and as every WebView is its own CEF process, very wasteful.

Additional context
Every worker would be run in it's own C++ thread, with its own associated V8 isolate.
When a worker sends an event to the main thread, it should be added to a queue, which is emptied in the resource OnTick, and the appropriate handler callbacks for it should be called.
In a similiar fashion, when a callback is sent from the main thread to the worker, the workers tick (which will probably just be a while(true) loop) will execute the callback from its queue in the worker thread.

When this is fully working and implemented, I also suggest adding an async API to send messages with return values, instead of the event based approach as used everywhere. But this is just a little sugarcoating for the API, that can be added in the future after this API is fully fleshed out.
Every message should always only have one handler, and if more than one handler is added to a single message, an error should be thrown.

The total amount of available workers should be capped, because too many isolates will also decrease the performance of the main thread isolate, so a static property on the Worker class should be available, indicating the maximum amount of workers. A good value for that, can be researched later.

Each worker should be able to set a callback that is called right before it is destroyed, to clean up resources / send unfinished data to the main thread. Right after this callback is called, the whole worker thread isolate is shut down, and the thread is exited.

When the worker is created, a new thread is started to execute the worker, as this runs independently from the main thread, the worker may not be fully loaded when the class instance is created, as such the worker should emit the load event (similiar to how it works for WebViews) once it is fully loaded and accepts events, if an event is sent before the worker is fully loaded, an error should be thrown telling the user to wait for the load event before sending events to the worker.

Like the BaseObject valid property, the worker should have the same property, which is true by default, and is only changed to false when .destroy() is called on the worker and it has been shut down.

I am open to hear suggestions and discussion about this feature in this issue

Clientside dynamic import is broken

Description of the problem

See repro steps

Reproduction steps

console.log('start import')
// this promise will never be resolved
const kek = await import('whatever')
console.log('end import')

Expected behaviour


Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 11





Add support for JS Source Maps

Description of the problem

JS source maps do not work

Desired solution for the problem

For Source maps to work

Alternatives you considered


Additional context






[dev] workers broke

Description of the problem

If you try to start a worker, the game will crash.

Reproduction steps

switch to dev branch

client js

import * as alt from 'alt-client'; const worker = new alt.Worker('./worker.js'); worker.start();


import * as alt from 'alt-worker'; console.log('hello');

Expected behaviour

The game shouldn't crash.

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10





everytick stop after a while

Describe the bug
everytick stop after a while
(only tested on server)

To Reproduce
make everytick and wait

My everytick

let lastTime =
everyTick(() => {
    const newTime =
    if (newTime - lastTime >= 3500) {
        moduleAntiSpam = {}
        lastTime =

OS: Debian 11
alt:V server version: 3.0-dev14
Other installed modules: csharp-module
JS module version: 3.0-dev14

resourceStop event bugged with multiple resources

Describe the bug
The resourceStop event emitted by the JS module when the resource stops, seems to stop working when there are multiple resources active.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Just test the event with a single resource active and with multiple resources active.

Expected behavior
The event should be emitted correctly.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Happens everywhere.

Additional context
CNodeResourceImpl.cpp Line 126 in Stop()
V8ResourceImpl.h (helpers) Line 94 in DispatchStopEvent()

Prototype overwrite is broken after resource restart

Description of the problem

See reproduction steps

Reproduction steps

import * as alt from 'alt-server'

class MyVehicle extends alt.Vehicle {
  test () {
    return true

// this breaks the prototype after resource restart

alt.Vehicle.prototype = MyVehicle.prototype

const veh = new alt.Vehicle('sultan2', 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

// undefined after resource restart
console.log('veh.test():', veh.test?.())
// false after resource restart
console.log('veh instanceof MyVehicle:', veh instanceof MyVehicle)
// will be false too
console.log('veh instanceof alt.Vehicle:', veh instanceof alt.Vehicle)
// [ Entity {}, Entity {} ] after resource restart
  1. Restart resource

Expected behaviour

Prototype overwrite should work as usual after each restart

Additional context

Possible workaround

alt.on('resourceStop', () => {
  alt.Vehicle.all.forEach(v => v.destroy())

or set prototype explicitly on each object:

alt.Vehicle.all.forEach(v => Object.setPrototypeOf(v, alt.Vehicle.prototype))

Operating system

Windows 10





`style` on rmlElement doesn't work

Description of the problem

If you define a style property on a RmlElement by using .style['property'], it affects the whole document.

Reproduction steps

On any rmlElement:

function setColor(id: string, color: string) {
  let rmlElement = this.textDocument.getElementByID(id);
  if (rmlElement != null) {['color'] = color;

Expected behaviour

Ability to access and set a css property by using .style

Additional context

Using setProperty works

Operating system

Manjaro 21.2.1





Worker event arguments deserialization is broken

Description of the problem

When sending an array client->worker or worker->client an error may occur in the console and the game will freeze and crash a little later without a crashdump

[Error] Failed to deserialize worker event argument
[worker] received data: undefined
[Error] [Worker] [undefined:0] Error: Unable to deserialize cloned data due to invalid or unsupported version.

Reproduction steps

// client
import * as alt from "alt-client"

const worker = new alt.Worker("./worker.js")

worker.on("load", () => worker.emit("test", [1, 2, 3]))

// worker
import * as alt from "alt-worker"

alt.on("test", (data) => {
  alt.log("[worker] received data:", data)

Expected behaviour

No errors and crashes

Additional context

This problem may apply to all binary serialization

Operating system

Windows 10





alt Worker load event is broken

Description of the problem

The "load" event is called before the worker is actually loaded/ready. When you try to emit something to the worker inside the load event, it won't send it.

When waiting for a few seconds with eg a timeout, it works fine.

Reproduction steps

Create a worker, emit in load event.

Expected behaviour

The worker to be ready when it sends load event.

Additional context

No response

Operating system



release 8.8


shared, client

Optimize asynchronous functions from the alt:V API

Description of the problem

Optimize the functions that use a callback and thus need a Locker to work.
Instead of creating a locker, the promise should be resolved with the result in the next tick.

Desired solution for the problem

Use either RunOnNextTick helper from the module or try looking into the Microtask API from V8 (e.g. EnqueueMicrotask)

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

No response


No response



Allow base64 string as dynamic import path / worker path

Description of the problem

Add the ability to use a base64 string in file paths for workers / dynamic imports, that loads that base64 string as code, instead of a file.
Should also be available for alt.evalModule

Desired solution for the problem

let result = alt.evalModule("data:text/javascript;base64,J2EnIDwgJ2In"); // "'a' < 'b'" as base64

Check if string starts with data:text/javascript;base64,, then the text after that is the actual base64 string.

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

This is particularly useful for the usage with bundlers.


No response



Terminal frozen when stopping the server process

Description of the problem

Since the nodeJS 17 update (tested and doesn't happen on release) when you stop the server via CTRL + C the terminal is frozen and you have to kill the terminal.

Reproduction steps

start an alt:V server in a terminal and stop the server process with CTRL + C

Expected behaviour

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10





Logging of long strings is broken

Description of the problem

[21:03:31] [854] test log string: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[21:03:31] [855] test log string: H�
[21:03:31] [856] test log string: H�
[21:03:31] [857] test log string: H�
[21:03:31] [858] test log string: H�
[21:03:31] [859] test log string: H�

Reproduction steps

let logStr = ''

for (let i = 0; i < 860; i++) {
  logStr += '1'
  if (i > 853) {
    alt.log(`[${i}] test log string:`, logStr)

Expected behaviour

Logging should be fine, as in the release branch

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10





(RELEASE) alt.Player:getMeta returns empty array as empty object

Description of the problem


so when I set the player meta serverside using alt.Player:setMeta to be an empty array [] and get it using alt.Player:getMeta it returns an empty object {} instead of an empty array.


Reproduction steps

For Testing:

  1. Set player meta on join -> player.setMeta('myMeta', []);
  2. Read the meta next step and print it somewhere -> player.getMeta('myMeta');
  3. See it returns {} instead of []

Expected behaviour

It should return an empty array when an empty array was set on this key.

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10





Cannot send minimum long value (-2^63) with emit

Description of the problem

When trying to send the minimum int64/long value -2^63 via alt.emitServer in client code or IPlayer.Emit in server code, the other end just receives a 0.

The same thing happens when sending the uint64/ulong value 2^63 from the js client to the server, but sending the same value from server to client works as expected (this asymmetrical behaviour is probably explained by the fact that the js client does not check whether it should use MValueInt or MValueUInt, it just always converts a BigInt to MValueInt).

Reproduction steps

alt.emitServer('test', BigInt("-9223372036854775808"), BigInt("-9223372036854775807"), BigInt("9223372036854775808"), BigInt("9223372036854775809"));
public void TestEvent(User user, long a, long b, ulong c, ulong d)
        Console.WriteLine(a); // "0"
        Console.WriteLine(b); // "-9223372036854775807"
        Console.WriteLine(c); // "0"
        Console.WriteLine(d); // "9223372036854775809"

Expected behaviour

Sending -2^63 and 2^63 should work as they are a valid values for long or ulong respectively.

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10



Make possible to call natives from Worker Thread

Description of the problem

Currently it's not possible to call natives from a Worker Thread

Desired solution for the problem

Call native method asynchronously from a Worker Thread via the use of proxys to run the native on the main thread and return the value

The drawback would not be huge as there is a very little overhead emitting between the main thread and a worker thread

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

No response


No response



Serverside alt.Blip.routeColor throws invalid baseobject error

Description of the problem

Serverside static getter alt.Blip.routeColor throws baseobject error

Reproduction steps

try{ alt.Blip.routeColor } catch(e) { console.error(e) }

Expected behaviour

No error.

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10





Can't serialize an array of alt:V Entities when using emitRaw

Description of the problem

alt.emitRaw with an array of alt:V entities as arguments will result in the following error:

Error: Failed to serialize value at eval (eval at <anonymous> (client.js:11:2), <anonymous>:1:5)

when using this code:

alt.emitServerRaw("test", alt.Player.all);

Reproduction steps

alt.emitServerRaw("test", alt.Player.all);

Expected behaviour


Additional context

No response

Operating system

windows 10





Clientside dynamic imports doesn't work

Description of the problem

Reproduction steps




export {}

Expected behaviour

1 then 2 should be logged

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10





Broken on & onClient

Description of the problem

Subscribing to all Events on Client/Server will crash the Client/Server

Reproduction steps


import * as alt from "alt-client";

//client crash
alt.on((name, ...args) => {


import * as alt from "alt-server";

//server crash
alt.onClient((event, player, args) => {

Expected behaviour

dont crash

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10 (21H2 - 19044.1486)


9.0-rc2 (rc)

Place profiler samples

Description of the problem


Desired solution for the problem


Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

No response


No response



blip constructors not working

Describe the bug
pointblip in runtime expecting 4 paramter.

radiusblip in runtime giving error: TypeError: alt.RadiusBlip is not a constructor

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create Pointblip or Radiusblip
  2. Run server and test

Expected behavior
Giving error output



  • OS: Windows 10
  • alt:V server version: 6.0
  • Other installed modules: nothing
  • JS module version: 6.0

Additional context

Split up V8Helpers.cpp/h into multiple files

Description of the problem

Currently, the V8Helpers.h header includes almost all shared helper functions, this is highly unpractical because you can't include only some things and also changing this header causes almost the whole project to recompile.

Desired solution for the problem

Instead of using this giant header file, split it up into more smaller header files.

  • Split up into multiple files
  • Move everything into V8Helpers namespace (don't use V8, its easy to be confused with the v8 namespace)
  • Move into sub-namespaces (e.g. V8Helpers::Serialization::Serializer)
  • Don't include all sub-files in main V8Helpers file

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

No response


No response



[WIP] Built-in events rework

Description of the problem

The current system of handling built-in alt:V events is prone to issues and name collisions because the system just registers these events under a pre-defined name.
To work around this issue, alt.on should ONLY be for custom events, and the built-in events are handled in some other way, for example something like this alt.onPlayerConnect(() => {}) (This idea is still being worked on)

Also, the event arguments are passed individually to the function, which means: Its impossible to add new parameters to somewhere except the end, because it otherwise breaks all existing code.
Instead the event arguments of built-in events should be passed to the function as a single object containing all the event data. This may seem like it would complicate things, but because we are using modern JavaScript, we can use e.g. the object destructuring syntax, allowing code to look almost the same as before, but being a lot more flexible.

By doing this we will have to completely seperate the handling of built-in and custom events in the module, which will on one hand be a big change to the codebase, but on the other hand will also make the code more understandable (Seriously, try understanding how events currently work in the module by just looking at the source, it's all over the place) and easier to maintain.

When we first implement this new system, we will have to keep the old event system as it is but completely deprecate it for AT LEAST 2 release versions, because this change is breaking probably every script that was ever written for alt:V. Hell, maybe we are going to keep the old system forever just for compatibility sake, but this is something that has to be properly thought out once the implementation is finished and the new events system has been thoroughly tested.

Desired solution for the problem

Proposed typings:

// wip

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

No response


No response



Refactor clientside resource script load

Description of the problem

Currently, we just execute the main file of that resource and run it. This causes the problem that we can not load any custom code before the resource code is executed.

Desired solution for the problem

Add bootstrapper code similar to serverside. There, load and run the main script after e.g. injecting custom code into the global context.

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

Needed to move utility classes like Vector3 to JS code, instead of C++ bindings.


No response



WebView events sometimes are not queue up correctly

Description of the problem

When creating a WebView, only events which are emitted in a short timeframe right after the WebView has been created are queued up. All events which are emitted after this timeframe expired (but before an event handler has been registered in the WebView) are lost forever.

Reproduction steps

Create a WebView, emit an event right after WebView creation and another event with some delay (but before the WebView has loaded). The first event will get delivered as soon as the WebView has fully been loaded, the seconds event (if delay is big enough) will never be delivered.

I created a resource that sends a few events after WebView creation and logs them to the console as soon as they are received by the event listener:

You can see that some events are never delivered:
Grand Theft Auto V Screenshot 2021 12 10 - 20 03 35 59

Expected behaviour

All events that got emitted before the WebView has loaded would be delivered (in correct order) as soon as the WebView has loaded.

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 10



Server process.on events handling is broken

Description of the problem

process.on events are duplicated (rarely on server startup) and server freezes after resource restart

Reproduction steps

process.on("uncaughtException", (error) => {
  console.log("uncaughtException", error.stack);
setTimeout(() => { throw new Error("test") }, 0);
  1. restart resource

Expected behaviour


Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 11





Slow MySQL queries

Describe the bug
MySQL queries in the alt:V environment are way slower than in a normal NodeJS environment.

To Reproduce
Do a MySQL query and log the time it takes, you will see that a simple query takes about 100ms, while in normal NodeJS it doesn't even take a single ms.

Expected behavior
MySQL queries should be the same as in normal NodeJS:



  • OS: Windows 10 / Ubuntu 20.04 (WSL2) (Both have the same problem)
  • alt:V server version: 2,2-rc12
  • Other installed modules: N/A
  • JS module version: 1.2-rc4

Additional context
This problem was described here already: altmp/altv-issues#453

alt.log doesn't log arrays properly

Description of the problem

See repro steps

Reproduction steps

alt.log([{a: 10}, 1, 2, 3])

current output: [object Object],1,2,3

Expected behaviour

Arrays must be logged properly, just like objects

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 11





Configure Atomics.wait for worker threads

Description of the problem

As worker threads run independent from the main thread it is allowed to use the Atomics.wait API inside them, unfortunately the embedder has to implement the logic for it themselves though.

Desired solution for the problem

Implement the Atomics.wait API with the V8 methods provided.

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context



No response



Move blip class to shared

Description of the problem

The Blip class is currently duplicated on both sides, instead of being in shared bindings

Desired solution for the problem

Move the Blip class to shared

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

No response


No response


shared, server, client

Redirect console.log to our logger

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
When using the NodeJS built-in console.log it a) does not display the log in our wanted format (without timestamp) and b) heavy usage of console.log's causes freezes (some issue with printing to stdout maybe?)

Describe the solution you'd like
Redirect the console.log calls to our own logger.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
It is important to make sure that it is not just overwritten as done on clientside. The NodeJS console.log does several things under the hood that our logger does not do. Take a look into the NodeJS source to find out exactly what it does and replicate it will still logging it with our logger. (Could we overwrite the global logger with another logger instance that sends it to a custom stream?)

Add MValueDict and MValueList bindings

Description of the problem

Implement MValueDict and MValueList bindings, so you can directly create these from JS.
They are meant to be used from applications where big arrays/objects are sent via events, and the serialization of a raw JS object would be much slower than directly creating the MValue when creating your object.

Desired solution for the problem

API proposal

// wip

Alternatives you considered


Additional context

No response


No response



Update NodeJS version to newest LTS

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Describe the solution you'd like
The NodeJS version of the module should be updated to the current LTS.
Current module version is v12.4.0, newest LTS is v12.18.4

The module could even be updated to NodeJS v14+, but sticking with LTS will probably be safer.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

Add support for shared Array Buffers in workers

Description of the problem

Allow workers to use the SharedArrayBuffer API from v8, to share raw data across multiple threads.

Desired solution for the problem

Main thread

// Assume a worker is already created somewhere and stored
// in the variable 'worker'

// Create a new shared array buffer
let buffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(200);

// Add the buffer to the worker
// Returns an index that can be used inside the worker to retrieve that buffer
let index = worker.addSharedBuffer(buffer);

// Send an event to the worker to get the buffer
worker.emit("getMyBuffer", index);

Worker thread

let myArrayBuffer = null;

alt.on("getMyBuffer", (index) => {
  // Gets the shared buffer at the specified index
  myArrayBuffer = alt.getSharedBuffer(index);
  // Now the shared buffer can be interacted with as you normally would

Alternatives you considered

No response

Additional context

No response


No response



Date object not passed correctly by emitClient

Fetching a DATE data type value from a MySQL table and sending it to the client via emitClient does not work. The Date object is converted to a [Object object] and is empty.

Client side:


Outputs: [23:04:48] DATE CREATED: [object Object]

Server side:



How to use source Map on the server side

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Raw emit sends object that can only exist on one side

Description of the problem

Raw emit sends object that can only exist on one side (e.g. serverside blip) and then we get an array buffer with error log on the other side?

Reproduction steps


import alt from "alt-client";
const player = alt.Player.all[0];
player.emitRaw("test", new alt.PointBlip(player));


import alt from "alt-server";
alt.onServer("test", (data) => {
  alt.log("test", data);

Expected behaviour

Raw emit should throw an error before sending the data

Additional context

No response

Operating system

Windows 11





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