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spec's Issues

Can we make one region consisting of all beacons?

I am trying to get all beacons those are in my range, and for that I am using the "beaconManager.getRangingNotifier().didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection arg0, arg1);" method. I am trying to use arg1 parameter as a region consisting of all the beacons so that I get the 'beacons' collection filled up with just the beacons that are in proximity.

But I am not able to create a region with multiple beacons. When I use the region constructor with three ideantifiers and fill up those values with UUID, Major & Minor values of a particular beacon it is able to match. But whenever I am using the constructor with List version, and pass all the UUIDs, no matching happens. Please provide some guidance.

questions regarding to newer library

Hi I am new to developing this technology. I am struggling to whether to use the old library or the now one. As I see the older library code I can understand some of it but when I tried to transfer to newer version of library, I encounter problems and I have been looking for answer lately but no luck with it.

first, at the older version there is a function that you can get "getProximity" but I can't find by new.
secondly, to get the beacon's name, at the older version, you can use "getProximityUUID" where at the newer library, "getId1" can be printed out as string?

I am using android to develop. These are the questions that is in my mind for long time.. If possible please help me out these questions.

parse data

i have in my logcat :

08-05 17:21:45.171: D/BeaconParser(15973): This is not a matching Beacon advertisement. (Was expecting be ac. The bytes I see are: 0201061aff4c000215da56717d0e334712b3ede61802d24b18256e0c4fb604086e39361106a6da37dec19afc80944ad8a80262c2be020a00000000000000

How i can parse this data, with the class that you provides:

BeaconManager.getBeaconParsers().add(new BeaconParser()

i dont understand.

Please help.


API limited to 1 Beacon per second?

We have hardware that is transmitting 4-6 Beacons per second (confirmed with BLE sniffer) which we are using for undisclosed purposes. I have written an App using this AltBeacon API, however, I only receive 1-2 broadcasts per second. Even when I use the "Locate" Android App written by radius Networks, I see the same results, 1-2 broadcasts per second.

My question is: Is this a limitation in the AltBeacon API? Is there any way to adjust this or receive 4 beacons per second with the same ID1 (but different ID2 & ID3)?

Won't work without OS integration

While having an open standard would be great, the true brilliance of iBeacon is the integration into the OS. Maybe if you can get Android to integrate this will have a chance, but I'm afraid that's the only way.

Distance equation wrong?

Testing Android and iOS devices side by side, using 7 beacons on their "loudest" setting (-63 Tx), we find that -

  • Both Android and iOS devices show similar RSSI signal readings at various distances
  • With the formula used on Android version the same RSSI reading is converted to a very different distance on Android as compared to IOS (see table below)
  • RSSI readings were similar on 3 Android devices used for testing (Nexus 5, Nexus 4, Samsung Galaxy S5)
  • In fact Android device never showed distance further then 5 meters away for any RSSI which is logical based on the trend you see for Android in the table below

Distance, iOS (RSSI)
0m (-35), 1m (-63 = Tx), 2m (-70), 4.5m (-75), 10m (-80), 25 (-90)

Distance, Android (RSSI)
0m (-35), 1m (-63 = Tx), 1.2m (-70), 1.6m (-75), 2.7m (-80), 4 (-90)

Is it possible to either find a way to adjust parameter in the formula to mach iOS calculations closer or use liner approximation based on the experimental data above

What is "AD Flags"

What is the "AD Flags" field depicted "BLE Advertising PDU" picture?
I cannot find any information regarding this data field in neither the Bluetooth specification or via internet searches.

As i read the picture, it seems like it is part of the ADV_IND PDU packet but no information points to ADV Flags being a part of this packet.

Raspberry - very slow scanning

I would like to report that the link to the Raspberry library does not work. A few months ago I downloaded a version and unfortunately I am scanning the device very slowly. As if buffer in Raspberry 3 blocked. Does anyone have a similar problem?

Beacon code


Just wondering what the purpose of the "Beacon code" is. Why is the big endian representation of a seemingly random hex needed in the advert packets?


AltBeacon Library in Service

I would like to have a UI and a Service to detect beacons. AltBeacon library will be implemented in Service.
Can I get the Beacons notification to UI when UI is in foreground and background?

Can the library handle many beacons?


Do you have any experience with passing hundreds of beacons to BeaconService using startMonitoringBeaconInRegion or startRangingBeaconInRegion for each? Does it produce ANRs and is impossible to handle or should it work fine according to your tests?

Best Regards

Turn off BluetoothLeScanner logs

Not sure if I'm the only one with this issue, but it would be awesome if I could turn off the onClientRegistered() and onScanResult() logs. Or just all logging associated with the library. It makes debugging other features nearly impossible with the logs constantly filling up.

Is this an AltBeacon?

I am receiving signals from an unknown Bluetooth device with the transmission looking like this:


It APPEARS to be an AltBeacon - it has 1B FF at the beginning and also has the correct number of characters.
However, the Tx Power (Reference RSSI) value is always zero. This message is transmitted about once per second and no bits ever change at all.

The manufacturer code corresponds to Samsung but I guess it is coming from an office nearby as we haven't been able to locate it. Signal strength is pretty constant between -93 & -98dBm so it doesn't appear to be moving like a mobile phone would.

Is there anything in this message format that means it ISN'T an AltBeacon? We would like to exclude it based on some parameter but from what I can see in the spec is does match, with the problem of not giving us any Tx Power in order to calculate distance.

iBeacon feature parity on iOS


could you provide a brief summary on how you plan to provide feature parity with iBeacons on iOS? To clarify, I mean feature parity between an iOS app using iBeacons and an iOS app using AltBeacons. Sorry if I missed this but I haven't seen anything on this on your web site... In particular, I'd like to know how you plan to access the raw advertising data (or how will you do without it, if you don't plan to) and how will the restart-into-background feature work.

As a side note, you might want to clarify on your "Examples" page that the CharruaLab project is just an unfortunate name collision, not a weirdly different 3rd party implementation of your beacon spec. It took me a while to figure this out, especially since that's the only iOS related link I could find...


Scanning stops when lock screen. Starts when opening

When running app, its looks good and scanning.
Pushing lock-screen it stops scanning. (Not killing the App)

Open App:
[log] {"region":{"identifier":""},"beacons":[{"proximityUUID":"E2C56DB5-DFFB-48D2-B060-D0F5A71096E3","major":0,"minor":0,"rssi":-71,"accuracy":1.68,"proximity":"near","txPower":-59,"macAddress":"AC:23:3F:A9:21:7B"}

Lock Screen:
[log] {"region":{"identifier":""},"beacons":[]}

It must work in lock-screen for my usage.
Any idea?

Glossary of Beacon Data

I'm finding a glossary with the detail / description of each data that can be retrieve when a beacon is detected. Do you know a good one?

Vendor/Mfg code


My question is - should you use a SIG organizational identifier for the mfg code if you are generating ALT packets using Bluez?

For example, I have a Broadcom BT4.0 adapter - its MAC state that it is part of the Broadcom OU. I obviously don't manufacture the BT chip, but the device will be distributed under another company. Should that company apply for a CIC and use that in the mfg field?


iOS background transmission & scan

Hi there,

Is there a way to perform a scan & a transmission while the screen is off knowing that the app will not be on the AppStore and i have a DB with all the UUID used?


App Killed, service starts but no beacon detection

Hi, I have an app derived from the beacon reference app, neither of which detect beacons when the app has been killed despite the service starting (I can see that in the application manager). It all works great with the app running in the background it is simply if the app is killed that the notification that I want to display is not. The manifest is all set up as I can see the service start and stop on the intent actions. Is there something else that needs doing to get this to work. The reference app doesn't seem to do this either. I am running a Galaxy Alpha (4.4).



public void didEnterRegion(Region arg0) {
if (mMonitoringActivity != null) {
showNotification() ; //this function is supposed to put a notification in the notification tray and does so if app in background running but not if app killed.

Manifest (merged)

Is AltBeacon suitable for all three platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone)?

Will this allow a flavour of beacon to be broadcast from iOS as well as Windows phone and Android? Although I see the Windows and Android libraries, is an iOS library under development?

As a developer, I want all three phone platforms to be capable of broadcasting a beacon so that I can use a Raspberry Pi to detect them - so if Apple are playing up with the iBeacon spec, I'd be happy to move to this spec if it supports all three platforms.

Will AltBeacon do this, also be adding an iOS library?
I'd also like it to work using Xamarin on all three libraries, so will a Nuget package be created for Xamarin Forms?

*** If someone creates three C Sharp libraries (one for each platform), with an example of each, I'd be happy to help by taking those and creating a Nuget package for Xamarin Forms

How to get the Advertising Flags using Altbeacon lib?

Using Altbeacon lib, I can see the beacons that I am looking for.
public void didEnterRegion(Region region) { ...}

But I also need to read AD Flags such as following, for example:
02 # Number of bytes that follow in first AD structure
01 # Flags AD type
1A # Flags value 0x1A = 000011010
bit 0 (OFF) LE Limited Discoverable Mode
bit 1 (ON) LE General Discoverable Mode
bit 2 (OFF) BR/EDR Not Supported
bit 3 (ON) Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (controller)
bit 4 (ON) Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (Host)

Is there an API in Altbeacon lib to read the Flags?


Not another vendor specific standard please

The Bluetooth SIG has a process called New Work Proposal (NWP) and that should be used to create a beacon standard. It will allow to define Extended Inquiry Response (EIR) and Advertising Data (AD) types for beacon data.

Using the EIR and AD manufacturer field is not helping since you need to fill in Bluetooth SIG assigned manufacturer ID. If everybody fills in their own this is still not interoperable.

How to make a difference compared to iBeacon

Provide the same semantics as in NFC and QR Codes: A free text string (e.g. 100 bytes) for URLs (http:, https:), phone numbers (tel:), SMS (sms:, smsto:), location (geo:), e-mail (mailto:) etc.

The most important would be URLs. Shortened URLs would easily fit in the 20 bytes payload.


Increasing Advertisement TxPower?

What is the difference between Beacon.Builder.setTxPower and BeaconTransmitter.advertiseTxPowerLevel? I did not see any value vanges for these properties in the documentation. How do you go about increasing the Tx power of the advertisement beacon?

Unable to detect Beacons When app is killed

When app swipes from task switcher I am unable to get the Beacon ENTER/EXIT NOTIFICATION. I have implemented BootstrapNotifier in Application class & made an launcher activity as 'singleInstance'..Please let me know Is this library will work when app is killed or not?

Android api 24 background beacon monitoring does not work

Hi, I've an app working stable on android 6.0 and 5.0, it detects beacons in region even if the app is killed. But when i install the application on Sony Z5 that has android N version, it only detects on foreground. Below is the logs when application is killed. Scan started but no detection occurs. Is there a known bug on api 24?

04-12 15:52:20.978 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: starting a new scan cycle
04-12 15:52:20.981 15256-15274/com.workzonemobile D/BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON
04-12 15:52:20.985 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: starting a new bluetooth le scan
04-12 15:52:20.989 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScannerForLollipop: starting non-filtered scan in SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY
04-12 15:52:20.990 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 10000 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:20.990 15256-15274/com.workzonemobile D/BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON
04-12 15:52:20.994 15256-15268/com.workzonemobile D/BluetoothLeScanner: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5 mClientIf=0
04-12 15:52:20.994 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:20.994 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Scan started
04-12 15:52:22.024 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 8966 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:22.039 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:23.077 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 7912 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:23.083 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:24.124 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 6866 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:24.140 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:25.181 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 5809 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:25.199 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:26.240 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 4749 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:26.254 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:27.278 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 3712 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:27.286 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:28.327 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 2663 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:28.340 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:29.367 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1623 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:29.385 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:30.418 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 572 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:30.434 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}
04-12 15:52:31.047 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Done with scan cycle
04-12 15:52:31.051 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: stopping bluetooth le scan
04-12 15:52:31.051 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScannerForLollipop: Stopping scan
04-12 15:52:31.057 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Normalizing between scan period from 30000 to 29878
04-12 15:52:31.058 15256-15274/com.workzonemobile D/BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON
04-12 15:52:31.060 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScannerForLollipop: This is Android L. Doing a filtered scan for the background.
04-12 15:52:31.062 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScannerForLollipop: starting filtered scan in SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER
04-12 15:52:31.063 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/ScanFilterUtils: Set up a scan filter: BluetoothLeScanFilter [mDeviceName=null, mDeviceAddress=null, mUuid=null, mUuidMask=null, mServiceDataUuid=null, mServiceData=null, mServiceDataMask=null, mManufacturerId=76, mManufacturerData=[2, 21], mManufacturerDataMask=[-1, -1]]
04-12 15:52:31.064 15256-15274/com.workzonemobile D/BluetoothAdapter: STATE_ON
04-12 15:52:31.069 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScannerForLollipop: Waiting to start full Bluetooth scan for another 29878 milliseconds
04-12 15:52:31.070 15256-15269/com.workzonemobile D/BluetoothLeScanner: onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5 mClientIf=0
04-12 15:52:31.075 15256-15256/com.workzonemobile D/CycledLeScanner: Set a wakeup alarm to go off in 300000 ms: PendingIntent{ff43481: android.os.BinderProxy@fbfd926}

Extra Byte Received

I am trying to analyse the packet data I am receiving from two different AltBeacons (RadBeacon and easiBeacon). I have compared the received data with the sepcification and can match all except one byte.There seems to be one more byte than expected between the BLE header and the AltBeacon Advertisment. Since both beacons send the same format I could just ignore it I know, but it would be nice to know what the issue is. See below for the data packets. Any help would be appreciated.




As currently the Library offers only kind of a Beacon mode, how can I actually publish services? Is there intention to build up GATT mode in the library?


Scan period for devices that support multiple advertisements callbacks in single scan

Is there any advantage to using scan periods on devices that invoke callbacks for every advertisement? That is to say, if I'm not worried about power consumption. I've noticed the stack getting into an error state (can't find callback) and beacons are not getting discovered so I figure less frequently we toggle start/stop scanning less likely to encounter issues.

For example, Android Things on Intel Edison, the stack provides every callback. Technically, per Android API you can tell the stack you want all callbacks in your ScanSettings, but having developed with Android Bluetooth for a while I've learned better. It's the wild west and observed behavior frequently contradicts documentation official.

Beacons at Google I/O 2015

Attending Google I/O 2015? Radius Networks CEO Marc Wallace and Chief Engineer David G. Young will be on site. If you're there, too, we'd love to get together to hear your ideas and experiences using beacons on the Android platform. Please send us a note at [email protected] or via Twitter @RadiusNetworks.

Any support for Windows Phone 8.1

I just implemented the Android SDK in our app for a proof of concept but am now wondering about what the Beacon or BEL story is on Windows Phone 8.1?

Bluetooth intermittently crashes after several hours of AltBeacon broadcasts...

We are seeing the following Fatal Exception after hours of broadcasting an AltBeacon every 10s. Not sure if this is related to the AltBeacon Native Libraries?

09-18 03:14:25.320 I/ActivityManager(27950): Process (pid 31684) has died
09-18 03:14:25.320 W/ActivityManager(27950): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
09-18 03:14:25.325 W/ActivityManager(27950): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
09-18 03:14:25.325 W/ActivityManager(27950): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 11000ms
09-18 03:14:25.325 W/ActivityManager(27950): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 11000ms
09-18 03:14:25.327 W/ActivityManager(27950): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 10998ms
09-18 03:14:25.327 W/ActivityManager(27950): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 10998ms
09-18 03:14:25.328 W/ActivityManager(27950): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 10997ms
09-18 03:14:25.328 W/ActivityManager(27950): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 20997ms
09-18 03:14:25.328 W/ActivityManager(27950): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 20997ms
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: main
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): java.lang.IllegalStateException: beginBroadcast() called while already in a broadcast
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at android.os.RemoteCallbackList.beginBroadcast(
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at$ProfileServiceConnections.onServiceDisconnected(
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at$ServiceDispatcher.doDeath(
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at$ServiceDispatcher$
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at$
09-18 03:14:25.329 E/AndroidRuntime(27950): at

Inaccurate Bluetooth Specification 4.0 Reference

The reference to
Bluetooth Specification Version 4.0, Volume 1, Section 1.2 Overview of Bluetooth Low Energy Operation
should be
Bluetooth Specification Version 4.0, Volume 1, Part A, Section 1.2 Overview of Bluetooth Low Energy Operation
Bluetooth Specification Version 4.0, Volume 3, Part C, Section 2.3 Advertising Channel PDU
should be
Bluetooth Specification Version 4.0, Volume 6, Part B, Section 2.3 Advertising Channel PDU

org.altbeacon.beacon.service.BeaconService$1.onLeScan FATAL EXCEPTION

Fellow AltBeacon Developers,

I'm seeing the following AndroidRuntime FATAL EXCEPTION: main in ADB Logcat after I RangeBeacons for approximately 8 hours. It appears to only happen when my app is in an area of high beacon congestion, IE in a lab etc. If it sits in a quiet area, we do not see this exception...


I'm not seeing any Exceptions in my code elseware nor am I seeing the above Exception. The App just dies and falls out of the sky without any warning.

Anybody have an insight as to what the problem could be?



What else needs to be done to get the Locate app working?

I have updated Android to 4.3 and manage to run the Locate app on my phone with phone bluetooth on.
Also I have a RadBeacon USB device plugged into a laptop (running windows) USB socket.

When I try to locate beacons on the app it just returns no result. (Visible beacons. None.....)
So what else do I need to set up to get it running?

Background Beacon data is broken?

AltBeacon is great, thanks for the work.

But I am facing a problem that the foreground beacon data is good,
but when app goes to background the beacon data is kind of broken.

Here is my test result, the test device is an iPad App and using AltBeacon.

when the App is foreground, the beacon detail is like this:

and after the App go to background, the beacon detail:

BTW, the service table is unbroken.

So, did I miss to setting something or Apple changed the BLE beacon data at system level?

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