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advanced-post-list's Issues

Delete database setting not saving

When I click on 'yes' for Delete database option, hit save settings, then refresh the admin page, the option reverts back to 'no'. I'm not sure if the option is actually being set properly.

Change Class Variable Names to a valid snake_case

In the past, there was little to no standard set in place by WordPress. This will clear many of the poor practices found by Code Sniffer.

  • public variables need the underscore removed. $_variable to $variable.
  • public variable need underscore spacing. $varName to $var_name.

These need to be carried out across all other files that are dependent.

Create Menu in Admin Menu

Currently the plugin is in the Settings sub-menu. This would give APL it's own menu to navigate from, allowing sub-menus; which would prevent having to design everything in one page, and prevent having to implement a tab design ( which many had disagreed on ).

  • Advanced Post List
    • Dashboard ( Possibly delay until there is more purpose ).
    • All Presets
    • New Preset
      • ( Preview )
    • ( ?Filter? )
    • ( Extensions )
    • Settings

Shortcode in widgets and news

Hello from Russia!
I have a problem. If I past shortcode in page - it's work. But if I past shortcode in news or text widget - it isn't work. How can I fix this problem?

Advance Post do not generate any record

I've installed Advanced post plugin and Event Manager (Event registration and booking management for WordPress. Recurring events, locations, google maps, rss, ical, booking registration and more!
Version | Di Marcus Sykes).
Event manager allow a new post tassonomy called event. I setup a rule to show Event postings, ma the result is that no event is taken into account by advanced post ... any suggestion?

bug: save button text incorrect

When I hit the save button it changes to say "saving...". It saves properly but the button text never reverts back to its original text.

Any / All option not working?

Great plugin, chosen for the ability to be responsive.

I have tried setting up a post list that includes the Any / All option and then excluding several categories. This does not seem to work. I have to include every category other than the ones I want to exclude in order to generate a list. I am setting this up for a client and don't want them messing with the settings each time they add a new category.

Can you please provide help?


Request - snippet size setting

I mentioned earlier my request for a date range setting for post selections, eg. 'the past 30 days', etc. Here's another!

It would be great to have a snippet size setting as well. Currently APL seems to grab 195 to 200 characters from post content.

I'm using APL to generate HTML code for a monthly newsletter, eg. with the page generated at, I view the source, copy all the APL-generated content, and paste it into a newsletter template containing the CSS code that gives it finer formatting.

Again, thank you for a plugin that's going to save me a lot of time!

<span> </span> not recognized inside the text

I use Transposh plugin (semi-automatic translation of posts) and for words that should not be translated e.g. names, it is needed insert words between ...
Your (btw GREAT!) plugin does not recognize it.
Some others like built in into Headway themes - seems to be wroking fine, so I find it usefull to let you know...

Here is the list generated with wp-advanced-post-list:

Tłocznia gazu ziemnego Bogata
Tłocznia gazu ziemnego Bordosiu


Problem with Preset

Curiously, a list i have been using for several months now has just stopped working coming up with default exit message . Any thoughts as to how might rectify using WP 3.9.1

{"version":"0.3.b8","presetDbObj":{"_preset_db":{"Library":{"_postParents":[],"_postTax":{"post":{"taxonomies":{"category":{"require_taxonomy":false,"require_terms":false,"include_terms":false,"terms":[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,101,102,105,117,135,148]}}}},"_listCount":-1,"_listOrderBy":"date","_listOrder":"DESC","_postVisibility":["public"],"_postStatus":["publish"],"_userPerm":"readable","_postAuthorOperator":"none","_postAuthorIDs":[],"_listIgnoreSticky":true,"_listExcludePosts":[],"_listExcludeDuplicates":false,"_listExcludeCurrent":true,"_exit":"","_before":"<p><select id=\"postList_dropdown\" style=\"width:200px; margin-right:20px\">","_content":"<option value=\"[post_permalink]\">[post_title], Date: [post_date format=\"d-m-Y\"]<\/option>","_after":"<\/ select> <input type=\"button\" id=\"postList_goBtn\" value=\"SELECT\" onClick=\"javascript:window.location=document.getElementById('postList_dropdown').value\" \/><\/p>"}}}}

Add Extension Support

Add support for extensions to APL. WordPress offers filter and action hooks where needed.
Note: Could be better organized by adding them to a single file intended to be accessed by others and readable/documented.

These filter/action hooks may include...

  • Adding Internal Shortcodes.
  • Compatibility with 3rd party Post Type/Taxonomy .
  • Add/Modify Query Filter.
  • Adding Custom PHP Shortcodes (hook inside PHP_Function shortcode).
  • Inject custom PHP shortcodes.

Add Shortcode Class including Internal

Move shortcode functions from Core file to a Class file, including callback functions (internal shortcodes).


  • WP Provides a Shortcode API/codex.
  • Instead of filtering variable in RegEx, just grab the data, and filter in PHP.
  • Create an INIT function that can also handle extension support for custom shortcodes.

custom presets post_title shortcode

I have a few custom presets that are not working.

For example:

  • [post_title]
  • . It only works when there is only 1 post.

    This one:

  • [post_title] by [php_function name="myUser_name" param="[post_author]"]
  • should display post title with a by line and only works sometimes.

    These presets were working with wordpress 3.6 and 2010 theme. They have not work correctly with 3.7.x or 3.8.x or with any other themes.

    FUTURE POSTS / DRAFTS not showing up on front end, but show as previews in Admin

    For some reason I cannot figure out, if I try to generate a list of FUTURE POSTS, or DRAFTS, the list is properly generated in the Admin PREVIEW section, but the list does not appear on the front end.

    I tried the shortcode on a page, and also the sidebar widget, with same result.

    I also tried adding PAST PUBLISHED posts in the list, and those display correctly on the front end, but the FUTURE POSTS, and DRAFTS are still missing from the list...

    NOTE: if I try to generate a list of FUTURE POSTS and/or DRAFTS, even though they appear correctly in the preview admin, on the front end only the EXIT MESSAGE appears. The EXIT MESSAGE disappears if I add already PUBLISHED posts to the same list (as those will properly be displayed on the front end).

    Organize/Redesign and clean the APLQuery class.

    The plugin currently has little to no known issues related to this The issues relating to this were more profound than originally thought, and caused a heavy load on the memory. The code initially was design just to get the job done. The idea in mind is to use the same concept that themes generally use as the end result.

    Things to keep in mind when editing:

    • Use the WP_Query Class to hold posts instead of storing the posts/pages in an array. Look for ways to minimize the amount of variables.
    • A max of 2 variables will be used for WP_Query.
    • Repeating functions.
    • May be a fix for shortcodes not working within shortcodes.


    The class now has repeating functions for setting multiple query_str, and will inject any dynamics beforehand. Before the array of query_str is used for WP_Query, there is a method to slim/consolidate any query_str that compatably match each other. Which reduces the amount of queries.

    References, Examples, and/or Links
    Design Patterns for WordPress

    Add Widget Support

    The widget class file was withdrawn from the code to focus on more relative code that was being modified and/or upgraded. However, the shortcodes have been know to still work within the sidebars.

    This should be an easy addition considering the file containing the widget code is just sitting dormant.

    Fixed in the enable_widget branch

    Dynamic Author ID for Filter

    Add Author from Current Post for displaying related author posts. Intended as a dynamic method for the sidebars/widgets, and a simpler way to maintain content feed from various Author's content.

    This would be within the author filter with the rest of the author list, and the current author would be included or excluded depending on the author operator.

    List Amount: -1 RETURN NOTHING!

    WP 3.9.1
    Plugin 0.3.b8
    Site language Italian

    After recent updates, it seems infinite settings doesn't work

    List Amount: -1
    return nothing!

    I'm using your wonderfull plugin for months and this happen for the first time.


    Set List Amount to a greater number than the number of posts.

    Developer Notes

    For some reason WP_Query doesn't handle posts_per_page = -1 like it should. I suspect it is partially due to the pagination being disabled. Pagination is a WIP

    Which was the case. When combining posts_per_page = -1 and nopaging = FALSE, WP_Query didn't seem to handle it very well. Technically, there were 2 bugs. Majority experienced a skip bug with empty() vs isset(), but after looking into the matter, I found a ticket which explained the problem in the concept and why it produces errors.

    Other Related Issues

    Additional Shortcode for Custom Taxonomy


    I've created an own Post Type (Testimonials) and there are 2 Taxonomies.
    It would be great if I could output the "Categories" from the 2 Custom Taxonomies.

    Any solution for this?

    Thanks, Chris

    Post Status "Pending Review" Does not yield results via Shortcode

    When I specify Post Status "Public", "Pending Review" I get correct results in the preview, but they do not appear in the post list of the page with the shortcode. Is there something I need to do?

    Note: They will appear if I specify a Post Status of "Published" and I change the status of the target pages to "Published".

    Thanks and BTW - I really like this plugin! So powerful!

    Featured Content

    Summary: This is used to Include posts to display in Preset Post Lists.

    Ideas and Thoughts

    Any key features that could be included

    • Custom Sticky Support - Lists featured content at the top of the list.
    • Control Panel for maintaining Featured Content.
      • (Enhancement) Add an overview table of featured content post lists.
      • Add / Remove post to include as Featured Content in Presets.
      • Control the Amount OR Ratio ( Sticky / Normal ).
    • Should Featured Content have their own created preset / post_list Object?
      • Could just be a simple include method, but this does open up more filter options ( Dynamic Filter Settings for Related Featured Posts ) which could work off a hidden catelog system for maintaining featured content.
    • (Enhancement) Add Global Meta Box Sidebar to set featured content while creating/editing a post.
    • Add Global Table section to "All POST_TYPE" admin pages.

    Featured Content Mockup
    Featured Content Core Plugin Update
    Featured Content Mock Ups

    References, Examples, and/or Links
    WP Query $args References


    Class for the Design and Style for Preset Post Lists.

    • Store Before, Content, After, & Empty string variables.
    • [Prep Feature] Option to change Designs with Filters (OR ?Vice Versa? OR ?Both?)
    • Inherit, or show, styles available from WP, themes, etc. ( Can already use styles )
    • Separate file/data for CSS, JS, & PHP that can be stored (Impossible?).
    • Support/Simplify UI designs like jQuery UI
    • Enable Internal [Post List] Shortcode Support (Max Memory Limit)
      • Hide Preset Shortcodes
      • Limit the number of Stacks to prevent infinite loops (Alert Message?)
    • [Prep] Internalization & Localization #6.
      • What about Internal Shortcodes?

    Change Admin Page for 0.4

    Redesign the admin page top-down following many of the standards and styles already set in place by WordPress. Eliminate any outside code ( jQuery UI & MultiSelect ).

    Design UI/UX as Follows

    • Hide Post Type & Taxonomy until clicked/check.
    • Hide Empty Message Design.
    • Collapse Before and After.

    Mock-up submitted by user.

    Improve Error Handling


    Create a method for handling errors and exceptions within classes/objects. This will handle both known practical errors, as well as catching exceptions (especially when using AJAX, which tends to leave errors hidden).

    Thoughts & Ideas (Brainstorming)

    • Create a PHP Class
    • Improve JavaScript for Error Handling
      • Error Handling only exists in a few functions.
    • Separate Instance to Throw Errors in.
      • Action Hooks or Filters?
    • Use Separate File for Message Strings (Translation Purposes)
    • Implement WordPress Alert Concepts

    Areas of Interest

    • AJAX Functions
    • Alert Dialogs
    • Shortcodes?

    (Optional) References, Examples, and/or Links [1] Title/Link - Summary of the information gathered. Example-of-doing-something - Summary of the information gathered. Title-and-link - Summary of other links included.

    Post Parents is breaking in APL_Query and throwing Errors.

    Post Parents is breaking in APL_Query and throwing Errors.

    WordPress Version: Unknown
    Plugin Version: Possibly 0.3.b8
    Theme: Unknown
    (Optional) PHP Version: Unknown
    (Optional) MySQL Version: Unknown
    (Optional) List of Installed Plugins/Dependencies: Unknown

    Came across a few websites[1] that APL is breaking and producing an error. It looks like an Issue with the Post Parents, and how the array is handled.

    Website[1] displays the following error...

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/cabinetdw/www/wp-content/plugins/advanced-post-list/includes/class/APLQuery.php on line 592

    Warning: array_unique() [function.array-unique]: The argument should be an array in /home/cabinetdw/www/wp-content/plugins/advanced-post-list/includes/class/APLQuery.php on line 613

    Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/cabinetdw/www/wp-content/plugins/advanced-post-list/includes/class/APLQuery.php on line 613

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/cabinetdw/www/wp-content/plugins/advanced-post-list/includes/class/APLQuery.php on line 624

    Fatal error: __clone method called on non-object in /home/cabinetdw/www/wp-content/plugins/advanced-post-list/includes/class/APLQuery.php on line 178

    Website[2] displays the following error...

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ on line 592

    Warning: array_unique() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/ on line 613

    Warning: array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/ on line 613

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ on line 624

    Fatal error: __clone method called on non-object in /home/ on line 178


            //STEP 1 - Clone the param object (REQUIRED).
            //Found out that relying on the param to be seperate from the call
            // stack produces the param to be the same object; acing like a pointer?
            $preset = clone $presetObj;
            //Error Line 178
            $preset->_postTax = clone $presetObj->_postTax;
            //Used for collecting and returning an array of $query_str; Multi-Dimensional.
            $query_str_arrays = array();


            //// PAGE PARENTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            //STEP 3 - If the post parent dynamic/'current page' option is checked. Then
            //          see if the post is hierarchical and add it to post parents array.
            $post_post_type = get_post_type($post_ID);
            $post_hierarchical = is_post_type_hierarchical($post_post_type);
            //Error Line 592
            foreach ($presetObj->_postParents as $key => $value)
                //If dynamic/current post is enabled, zero (0)
                if (intval($value) === 0)
                    //If the post is a valid page parent (hierarchical), then 
                    // replace 0 with page ID
                    if ($post_hierarchical && !empty($post_ID))
                        //Replace Current Page Parent indicator with the (real) page ID 
                        $presetObj->_postParents[$key] = $post_ID;
                    //Otherwise remove the invalid entry (value 0)
                        $presetObj->_postParents = array_values($presetObj->_postParents);
            //Removes any duplicates by using array_unique()
            //Error Line 613
            $presetObj->_postParents = array_values(array_unique($presetObj->_postParents));
            //// POST TYPE & TAXONOMIES -> TERMS ///////////////////////////////////
            //STEP 4 - If any include/dynamic taxonomy terms are selected, then add
            // the (global) post's values.
            $post_taxonomies = get_post_taxonomies($post_ID);
            $args_post_terms = array('orderby'  => 'term_id', 
                                     'order'    => 'ASC', 
                                     'fields'   => 'ids');
            //Error Line 624
            foreach($presetObj->_postTax as $preset_post_type => $preset_pt_value)
                if ($post_post_type === $preset_post_type)
                    foreach ($preset_pt_value->taxonomies as $preset_taxonomy => $preset_tax_value)
                        if ($preset_tax_value->include_terms === TRUE)
                            foreach ($post_taxonomies as $post_taxonomy_value)
                                if ($preset_taxonomy === $post_taxonomy_value && !empty($post_ID))
                                    //ALTERNATE FOR NEXT 3(5) LINES - Shorter but complex
                                    //$preset_tax_value->terms = array_unique(
                                    //    array_merge(
                                    //        $preset_tax_value->terms, 
                                    //        wp_get_object_terms(
                                    //            $post_ID, 
                                    //            $post_taxonomy_value, 
                                    //            $args_post_terms
                                    //        )
                                    //    )
                                    $post_taxonomy_terms = wp_get_object_terms($post_ID, 
                                    $preset_tax_value->terms = array_merge($preset_tax_value->terms, 
                                                                           (array) $post_taxonomy_terms);
                                    $preset_tax_value->terms = array_unique($preset_tax_value->terms);

    How to (Possibly) Reproduce
    It looks like the Page Parent functionality is being used with one or more Page Parents, but it is unclear what is being handled (whether it's a native page, or data from a plugin).

    (Optional) References, Links, and/or Files
    [1] Website - The website that contains the produced error.
    [2] Website1 & Website2 - The website that contains the produced error.

    Advanced Post List not working on one site but works fine on another

    I have 2 sites and installed the exact same plugin on both. In one, everything works fine. in the other, when I click on save, the save button says "Saving" but nothing happens and I never get a preview. The only differences are, the one that doesn't work has many post (about 1600) and is in a folder on the site, where the one that works is on the root of the site.

    Use wordpress default UI style

    Could we add a theme or something to use the default wordpress theme ?

    When installing this plugins some other plugins get the same styles of this plugin : contact forms 7 for exemple :

    And by default shoudl look like this :


    I think the admin UI needs a UI refactor and not be able to use different jquery themes i don't this is usefull !

    Admin UI - Custom Taxonomy Tabs not displaying correctly.

    I (EkoJr) don't remember seeing this bug any time recently until now. It could be an issue with other plugins modifying or switching the jQuery UI file. Luckily when I found this, I was running on barebones with plugins on a localhost. The taxonomies can still be used, but may be a little difficult to select or see. Plus, it's plain ugly.

    One solution that I moved away from is using Google's API database to load jQuery UI and it's CSS file, and I almost decided to add the physical file to APL, but decided not to because I didn't want the plugin's data size to be bulky.

    I thought switching the plugin to the platform's jQuery & jQuery UI would be ideal, but ever since then I've seen issues surface from an external source. Plus, using Google's API kept the version the same.

    May not be the solution, but it is a thought looking into first. There could still be the same code used previously commented out.

    Active Plugins:

    Advanced Post List (of course)
    Custom Post Type UI
    WordPress, jQuery UI CSS Files?


    bug - tabs displaying incorrectly

    CSS doesn't load if admin in httpS

    Version 0.3.b7 - admin panel unusable in https - we have our whole site forced to https so admin panel post-type accordion is not properly styled (very hard to use)
    in wp-content/plugins/advanced-post-list/includes/class/APLCore.php
    line 363 remove 'http:', leaving '//'

    and maybe??
    in wp-content/plugins/advanced-post-list/includes/js/APL-admin.js
    line 782 remove 'http:', leaving loadjscssfile('//'

    Adds "yet another broken thing"™ in IE7 (and maybe IE8?) <-- no sympathy, however.
    Seems to work in several other browsers.



    • After list shortcodes [prev] and [next].
      • AJAX & Custom CSS
    • Add Max Number of Pages filter setting.
      • General Settings & Post_List.

    issues when debug=true

    I found that if debug is set to true in wp_config, the plugin has a number of errors: The save button does not revert to its correct text and the preview does not work in the admin page. This likely is why my lists were not displaying correctly on the site and was the source of the problem that caused me to make the admin_fix branch.

    404 Page Error - Undefined index

    • WordPress Version: 4.6
    • Plugin Version: 0.3.0

    An error occurs on a 404 page when APL is being utilized on a sidebar.

    Notice: Undefined index: post__not_in in ...\advanced-post-list\includes\class\APLQuery.php on line 437

    ( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: post__not_in in C:\wamp64\www\APL\wp-content\plugins\advanced-post-list\includes\class\APLQuery.php on line 437
    Call Stack
    #   Time    Memory  Function    Location
    1   0.0000  234800  {main}( )   ...\index.php:0
    2   0.0000  237872  require( 'C:\wamp64\www\APL\wp-blog-header.php' )   ...\index.php:17
    3   0.2760  26408064    require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\APL\wp-includes\template-loader.php' ) ...\wp-blog-header.php:19
    4   0.2830  26470152    include( 'C:\wamp64\www\APL\wp-content\themes\customizr\index.php' )    ...\template-loader.php:75
    5   0.4480  27068176    do_action( )    ...\index.php:18
    6   0.4480  27070232    call_user_func_array:{C:\wamp64\www\APL\wp-includes\plugin.php:525} ( ) ...\plugin.php:525
    7   0.4480  27070504    TC_sidebar->tc_sidebar_display( )   ...\plugin.php:525
    8   0.4490  27095080    get_sidebar( )  ...\class-content-sidebar.php:98
    9   0.4490  27095888    locate_template( )  ...\general-template.php:122
    10  0.4500  27096064    load_template( )    ...\template.php:531
    11  0.4540  27109752    require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\APL\wp-content\themes\customizr\sidebar-left.php' )    ...\template.php:572
    12  0.4540  27110024    dynamic_sidebar( )  ...\sidebar-left.php:10
    13  0.4570  27115000    call_user_func_array:{C:\wamp64\www\APL\wp-includes\widgets.php:738} ( )    ...\widgets.php:738
    14  0.4570  27115584    WP_Widget->display_callback( )  ...\widgets.php:738
    15  0.4570  27116840    APLWidget->widget( )    ...\class-wp-widget.php:376
    16  0.4570  27120368    APLCore->APL_display( ) ...\APLWidget.php:25
    17  0.4570  27120792    APLCore->APL_run( ) ...\APLCore.php:1893
    18  0.4580  27194112    APLQuery->__construct( )    ...\APLCore.php:1973
    19  0.4580  27195128    APLQuery->set_query( )  ...\APLQuery.php:87
    20  0.4580  27201320    APLQuery->set_query_base_val( ) ...\APLQuery.php:299

    How to (Possibly) Reproduce

    1. Create and add an APL Preset to the Sidebar/Widget.
    2. Go to a Page that produces a 404 Error.

    Conflict with MagicMembers

    I decided to provide this info, as there is no new version, so perhaps it may help in taking into account this problem before it is released.

    Please, see attached screenshots. While Advanced Post List is active, Magic Memebers control panel is destroyed... It looks like some formatting issue...

    Here it is like it should look like (plugin turned off):
    advanced post list plugin not active

    And here is how it looks:
    advanced post list plugin active

    advanced post list plugin version

    Overall your plugin is GREAT and I cannot replace it, so your suport would be nicely welcome...

    [email protected]

    Importing Google APIs in https

    I am using this plugin on a secured hosting (https), and it was giving me an error about some content not being delivered securely.

    I came to find out that the content that is not being delivered as https is the Google API for the admin stylesheet (apl-admin-ui-css-css).

    I was able to fix this issue on my installation by changing line 363 in APLCore.php to https instead of http, but it would be nice if you can change it in the plugin files so that it won't be lost when updated.

    '' . $APLOptions['jquery_ui_theme'] . '/jquery-ui.css',


    Can't show Chinese in the title

    Hi There,

    It's great plugin! however it has 2 problems for Chinese now.

    1. The post title won't be showed up if it is Chinese.
    2. The content excerpt will show up such strange character as below
      一.雅思4个7分(10分) 如果你的英语水平良好(雅思四�...

    Hope you can fix it.


    Un-defined variables and non-objects

    Hello, EkoJr,

    Upgraded, today (23JUN2014), to version 0.3.b8 after upgrading my WP to version 3.9.1. We are using a custom theme.

    Now we are seeing these notices on our home page:

    Notice: Undefined variable: tax_match_found in /home/swvafb/ on line 537

    Notice: Undefined variable: APL_post in /home/swvafb/ on line 1994

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/swvafb/ on line 1994

    Notice: Undefined variable: APL_post in /home/swvafb/ on line 1994

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/swvafb/ on line 1994

    Notice: Undefined variable: APL_post in /home/swvafb/ on line 1994

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/swvafb/ on line 1994

    Is this a result of the new APL version, some incompatibility with our custom theme, or something else?

    Many thanks for a very useful plugin and for your assistance.

    • Erich

    Developer Notes

    Undefined variable: tax_match_found in .../advanced-post-list/includes/class/APLQuery.php on line 537

    if (!$tax_match_found)//APLQuery.php on line 537
        return FALSE;

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in .../advanced-post-list/includes/class/APLCore.php on line 1994

    while ( $wp_query_class->have_posts() ) 
        $this->_remove_duplicates[] = $APL_post->ID; //APLCore.php on line 1994
        $output .= APLInternalShortcodeReplace($presetObj->_content,

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    • Microsoft photo Microsoft

      Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

    • Google photo Google

      Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

    • D3 photo D3

      Data-Driven Documents codes.