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0x-launch-kit-backend's Issues

Launch kit does not support proxy id besides ERC20 and ERC721

If an SRA pull orders from mesh to their local database can get orders with proxy id's different than ERC20 and ERC721, this causes the endpoint get v2/asset_pairs to fail because mesh orders could be AssetProxyId.MultiAsset, AssetProxyId.StaticCall, AssetProxyId.ERC1155. We can solve this filtering the orders which have non-supported proxy's

public static async getAssetPairsAsync(
      page: number,
      perPage: number,
      assetDataA: string,
      assetDataB: string,
  ): Promise<PaginatedCollection<AssetPairsItem>> {
      const connection = getDBConnection();
      const signedOrderModels = (await connection.manager.find(SignedOrderModel)) as Array<

      const assetPairsItems: AssetPairsItem[] =;

using this function:

const filterNonAsset = (signedOrder: SignedOrder): boolean => {
    const assetProxyId = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetProxyId(signedOrder.makerAssetData);

    switch (assetProxyId) {
        case AssetProxyId.MultiAsset:
            return false;
        case AssetProxyId.StaticCall:
            return false;
        case AssetProxyId.ERC1155:
            return false;
           return true;

rm cached .env files from git

Accidentally leaked my database passwords because even though its in .gitignore, it appears to have been included in the git cache. Was lucky to catch it on the test database, but could be bad if others don't notice

Getting "Tokens Unavailable" in instant

I have deployed both 0x-launch-kit-backend and 0x-launch-kit-frontend in my local system
I can able to create a sell order. It is listed in orders
I am running things in Ropsten Testnet

In 0X Instant Html code . I replace my relayer URL in orderSource and mention networkId:3

I can get values in record in asset_pairs api

While run instant in-browser got "Tokens Unavailable".

Thanks in advance
Sorry for my bad English.

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '%PARENT_PATH%/metadata.json'

When I try to run Launch Kit backend, I get the following issue: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '%PARENT_PATH%/metadata.json' where %PARENT_PATH% is the folder above the one where Launch Kit is installed.

To reproduce:

  1. git clone 0x-backend
  2. cd 0x-backend
  3. yarn
  4. yarn start:js

I fixed locally by changing path.join(__dirname, '../../metadata.json'); to path.join(__dirname, '../metadata.json'); in js/config.js.

Retrieve order partial filled values from Relay

Right now, the relay does not retrieve the partially filled value of each order on the orderbook. This is necessary to the UX to not display the full amount on the orderbook or to show to the user that they have less balance locked on the order, as the order was already filled.

Three approaches can be done here to help solve this:

  • Add the partial value on the meta object of signed orders using orderWatcher
  • Create an endpoint that retrieves the partially filled order values, this helps to create an endpoint for market history
  • Create a Post endpoint where we post the order that was filled from frontend, and then it calls orderWatcher for that specific order hash.

/v2/fee_recipients: validation error on feeRecipients

Querying this endpoint via curl is fine but returns a schema error when queried via 0x Connect:

Error: Expected feeRecipients to conform to schema /relayerApiFeeRecipientsResponseSchema
Encountered: {
	"total": 1,
	"page": 0,
	"perPage": 20,
	"records": [
Validation errors: instance does not match allOf schema [subschema 1] with 1 error[s]:, instance.records[0] does not match pattern "^0x[0-9a-f]{40}$"
    at Object.assert (/Users/lauren/github/0x-hackathon/node_modules/@0x/assert/lib/src/index.js:76:19)
    at Object.doesConformToSchema (/Users/lauren/github/0x-hackathon/node_modules/@0x/assert/lib/src/index.js:64:24)

curl queries are fine:
curl 'http://localhost:3000/v2/fee_recipients' {"total":1,"page":0,"perPage":20,"records":["0x4448FC893284740551a5F776b4EC42cA0B010a1B"]}

Admin Panel + BuildPack

Hey, I'm working on adding an admin panel and heroku buildpack to 0x-launch-kit in a fork. Wondering if I should keep it as a separate fork, or merge into 0x-launch-kit.

Persistent database re-initialization is slow

When re-starting the backend service with a database containing a number of orders, the re-initialization is slow as orders are validated before adding to orderwatcher. The validation is per order and can take some time (and become rate limited).

During this time the http service has not been started and will not respond to any requests.

Once the backend is updated with mesh we can bulk add orders and bootstrap efficiently.

EIP-55 checksummed addresses not supported

In publishing the latest versions of the 0x Python packages, we're migrating from v4 to v5 of v5 will not accept any non-checksummed addresses for any inputs to any contracts.

We have an end-to-end tested example of the Python SRA client, which creates an order, posts it to the Launch Kit backend, retrieves the order from the order book, and then fills the order. After migrating this example to v5 of, this test is failing with the following output:

131 ...     expirationTimeSeconds=round(
132 ...         (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1)).timestamp()
133 ...     )
134 ... )
136 >>> from zero_ex.order_utils import generate_order_hash_hex
137 >>> order_hash_hex = generate_order_hash_hex(
138 ...     order,
139 ... )
140 >>> relayer.post_order_with_http_info(
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/gene/.pythonz/pythons/CPython-3.7.2/lib/python3.7/", line 1329, in __run
    compileflags, 1), test.globs)

  File "<doctest zero_ex.sra_client[21]>", line 7, in <module>

  File "/home/gene/dev/0x-monorepo/python-packages/sra_client/src/zero_ex/sra_client/api/", line 1096, in post_order_with_http_info

  File "/home/gene/dev/0x-monorepo/python-packages/sra_client/src/zero_ex/sra_client/", line 385, in call_api

  File "/home/gene/dev/0x-monorepo/python-packages/sra_client/src/zero_ex/sra_client/", line 183, in __call_api

  File "/home/gene/dev/0x-monorepo/python-packages/sra_client/src/zero_ex/sra_client/", line 455, in request

  File "/home/gene/dev/0x-monorepo/python-packages/sra_client/src/zero_ex/sra_client/", line 349, in POST

  File "/home/gene/dev/0x-monorepo/python-packages/sra_client/src/zero_ex/sra_client/", line 253, in request
    raise ApiException(http_resp=r) (400)
Reason: Bad Request
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'X-Powered-By': 'Express', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Content-Length': '267', 'ETag': 'W/"10b-nhI1Hv/zADdsZ/uIGTlKZ6WiCIo"', 'Date': 'Wed, 07 Aug 2019 23:32:56 GMT', 'Connection': 'keep-alive'})
HTTP response body: {"code":100,"reason":"Validation Failed","validationErrors":[{"field":"instance","code":1001,"reason":"does not match allOf schema </orderSchema> with 1 error[s]:"},{"field":"instance.makerAddress","code":1001,"reason":"does not match pattern \"^0x[0-9a-f]{40}$\""}]}

/home/gene/dev/0x-monorepo/python-packages/sra_client/src/zero_ex/sra_client/ UnexpectedException

The reason for the failure is that the example is sending a checksummed (mixed case) address for the makerAddress, and this build of Launch Kit is verifying that address against an old version of @0x/json-schemas. In version the schemas were updated to allow for mixed case addresses.

However, simply accepting mixed case addresses in posting an order will not be sufficient to get these Python SRA client example working, because after posting an order, the example retrieves the order and fills it. So Launch Kit must also be changed to store the orders in mixed case as well, such that the retrieval will yield the case given in the posting.

asset_pairs question

Hey, is asset_pairs supposed to give a list of supported asset pairs, or a list of asset_pairs which currently have maker orders

har-validator not found

When running yarn or yarn install:

error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"404 Not Found\"".

Scrypt issue while running on Windows

Sometimes when you try running 0x-launch-kit on Windows you'll get an error like this:

Error: Cannot find module './build/Release/scrypt'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:603:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:529:25)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:658:17)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:22:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\leonidlogvinov\0x-launch-kit\node_modules\scrypt\index.js:3:20)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:722:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:733:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:620:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:560:12)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:552:3)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

We are aware of that problem but it seems to stem from one of our dependencies, and is an issue shared across many Ethereum dev tools.

Here is the list of issues on other projects related to it that might help you resolve it:

ERC721 asset pairs

The token id should be stripped out of the asset pairs endpoint so that only a single asset pair per contract is returned.

Current Behaviour

Adding 10 ERC721 Axie orders would result in 10 different asset pairs.

Expected Behaviour

1 Asset pair per ERC721 contract

Unknown fee token: 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2 if FEE_ACCET_DATA set to wETH

Im getting Unknown fee token: 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2 error when trying to use this settings:

MAKER_FEE_ASSET_DATA: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'
TAKER_FEE_ASSET_DATA: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2'
MAKER_FEE_UNIT_AMOUNT: '100000000000000'
TAKER_FEE_UNIT_AMOUNT: '100000000000000'

/v2/orderbook: Pagination defaults to page 0. SRA spec defines page 1.

@dekz - Found another one:

When I hit local Launch Kit (.ts version) endpoint via curl /v2/orderbook it is properly returning bids and asks.

But when i use the 0x Connect client for the exact same query it doesn't return the actual records with the rest of the response. Records field is always empty in the response:

  { "baseAssetData": baseAssetData,
    "quoteAssetData": quoteAssetData
    (r) => console.log(r),
    (e) => console.log(e)

// query returns empty records:
{ bids: { total: 0, page: 1, perPage: 10, records: [] },
  asks: { total: 5, page: 1, perPage: 10, records: [] } }

Here's what the curl response for same exact query looks like, seems correct:

curl 'http://localhost:3000/v2/orderbook?baseAssetData=0xf47261b00000000000000000000000002002d3812f58e35f0ea1ffbf80a75a38c32175fa&quoteAssetData=0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000d0a1e359811322d97991e03f863a0c30c2cf029c'

Service crash

The service crash on Debian, after minutes running

Error: Failed to fetch parent block.
at Object. (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:106:27)
at step (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:32:23)
at (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:13:53)
at fulfilled (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:4:58)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
{ code: -32000, message: 'unknown block' }
Error: Failed to fetch parent block.
at Object. (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:106:27)
at step (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:32:23)
at (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:13:53)
at fulfilled (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:4:58)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
Error: Failed to fetch parent block.
at Object. (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:106:27)
at step (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:32:23)
at (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:13:53)
at fulfilled (/root/0x/0x-launch-kit/node_modules/ethereumjs-blockstream/output/source/block-reconciler.js:4:58)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

OrderWatcher issue

I add order using /v2/order api and i fill the order from my application but the order is still returned from /v2/orderbook API

failed to get price of currency pair - UI not accepting orders

getting quite a few error message like failed to get price of currency pair mkr/wethin Chrome console and UI does not accept (show?) any orders using wETH on Kovan and infura/Kovan with my project ID.

backend.js:6 0x-launch-kit-frontend::Market::Actions Failed to get price of currency pair zrx/weth

Sort orderbook by price

SRA Docs:

Bids will be sorted in descending order by price, and asks will be sorted in ascending order by price. Within the price sorted orders, the orders are further sorted by taker fee price which is defined as the takerFee divided by takerTokenAmount. After taker fee price, orders are to be sorted by expiration in ascending order.

WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed

Although I git the 0x-lauch-kit package (backend + frontend) to work out of the box, whenever I try just to run the backend, it fails to accept ws connections and to retrieve price data.
The Chrome console is filled with error messages like :

browser.js:19 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
W3CWebSocket @ browser.js:19
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:168
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:167
step @ orders_channel_factory.js:125
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:55
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:27
push../node_modules/@0x/connect/lib/src/orders_channel_factory.js.__awaiter @ orders_channel_factory.js:4
createWebSocketOrdersChannelAsync @ orders_channel_factory.js:161
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:603
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:69
push../node_modules/@0x/orderbook/lib/src/order_provider/sra_websocket_order_provider.js.__awaiter @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:46
SRAWebsocketOrderProvider._createOrdersChannelAsync @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:526
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:359
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
fulfilled @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:49
index.js:1437 0x-launch-kit-frontend::Market::Actions Failed to get price of currency pair zrx/weth
console.<computed> @ index.js:1437
r @ backend.js:6
t.<computed> @ logdown.min.js:149
_callee2$ @ actions.ts:91
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_throw @ asyncToGenerator.js:29
logdown.min.js:149 0x-launch-kit-frontend::gas_price_estimation  {gasPriceInWei: BigNumber, estimatedTimeMs: 30000}
browser.js:19 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
W3CWebSocket @ browser.js:19
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:168
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:167
step @ orders_channel_factory.js:125
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:55
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:27
push../node_modules/@0x/connect/lib/src/orders_channel_factory.js.__awaiter @ orders_channel_factory.js:4
createWebSocketOrdersChannelAsync @ orders_channel_factory.js:161
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:603
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:69
push../node_modules/@0x/orderbook/lib/src/order_provider/sra_websocket_order_provider.js.__awaiter @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:46
SRAWebsocketOrderProvider._createOrdersChannelAsync @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:526
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:359
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
fulfilled @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:49
index.js:1437 0x-launch-kit-frontend::Store::Market::Actions getUserOrders: fetch orders from the relayer failed. Error: Creating websocket connection to ws://
    at SRAWebsocketOrderProvider.<anonymous> (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:612)
    at step (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167)
    at Object.throw (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97)
    at rejected (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:57)
console.<computed> @ index.js:1437
r @ backend.js:6
t.<computed> @ logdown.min.js:149
_callee2$ @ actions.ts:104
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_throw @ asyncToGenerator.js:29
browser.js:19 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
W3CWebSocket @ browser.js:19
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:168
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:167
step @ orders_channel_factory.js:125
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:55
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:27
push../node_modules/@0x/connect/lib/src/orders_channel_factory.js.__awaiter @ orders_channel_factory.js:4
createWebSocketOrdersChannelAsync @ orders_channel_factory.js:161
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:603
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:69
push../node_modules/@0x/orderbook/lib/src/order_provider/sra_websocket_order_provider.js.__awaiter @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:46
SRAWebsocketOrderProvider._createOrdersChannelAsync @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:526
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:359
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
fulfilled @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:49
index.js:1437 0x-launch-kit-frontend::Store::Market::Actions getAllOrders: fetch orders from the relayer failed. Error: Creating websocket connection to ws://
    at SRAWebsocketOrderProvider.<anonymous> (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:612)
    at step (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167)
    at Object.throw (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97)
    at rejected (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:57)
console.<computed> @ index.js:1437
r @ backend.js:6
t.<computed> @ logdown.min.js:149
_callee$ @ actions.ts:83
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_throw @ asyncToGenerator.js:29
Promise.then (async)
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:13
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
(anonymous) @ actions.ts:66
(anonymous) @ index.js:8
dispatch @ redux.js:613
_callee7$ @ actions.ts:300
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
(anonymous) @ actions.ts:298
(anonymous) @ index.js:8
dispatch @ redux.js:613
_callee3$ @ actions.ts:54
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
(anonymous) @ actions.ts:45
(anonymous) @ index.js:8
dispatch @ redux.js:613
_callee$ @ actions.ts:31
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
Promise.then (async)
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:13
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
Promise.then (async)
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:13
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
(anonymous) @ actions.ts:20
(anonymous) @ index.js:8
onUpdateStore @ app.tsx:103
_callee2$ @ app.tsx:66
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
Show 14 more frames
logdown.min.js:149 0x-launch-kit-frontend::gas_price_estimation  {gasPriceInWei: BigNumber, estimatedTimeMs: 30000}
browser.js:19 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
W3CWebSocket @ browser.js:19
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:168
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:167
step @ orders_channel_factory.js:125
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:55
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:27
push../node_modules/@0x/connect/lib/src/orders_channel_factory.js.__awaiter @ orders_channel_factory.js:4
createWebSocketOrdersChannelAsync @ orders_channel_factory.js:161
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:603
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:69
push../node_modules/@0x/orderbook/lib/src/order_provider/sra_websocket_order_provider.js.__awaiter @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:46
SRAWebsocketOrderProvider._createOrdersChannelAsync @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:526
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:359
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
fulfilled @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:49
index.js:1437 0x-launch-kit-frontend::Store::Market::Actions getUserOrders: fetch orders from the relayer failed. Error: Creating websocket connection to ws://
    at SRAWebsocketOrderProvider.<anonymous> (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:612)
    at step (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167)
    at Object.throw (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97)
    at rejected (sra_websocket_order_provider.js:57)
console.<computed> @ index.js:1437
r @ backend.js:6
t.<computed> @ logdown.min.js:149
_callee2$ @ actions.ts:104
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_throw @ asyncToGenerator.js:29
logdown.min.js:149 0x-launch-kit-frontend::gas_price_estimation  {gasPriceInWei: BigNumber, estimatedTimeMs: 30000}
browser.js:19 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
W3CWebSocket @ browser.js:19
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:168
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:167
step @ orders_channel_factory.js:125
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:55
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:27
push../node_modules/@0x/connect/lib/src/orders_channel_factory.js.__awaiter @ orders_channel_factory.js:4
createWebSocketOrdersChannelAsync @ orders_channel_factory.js:161
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:603
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:69
push../node_modules/@0x/orderbook/lib/src/order_provider/sra_websocket_order_provider.js.__awaiter @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:46
SRAWebsocketOrderProvider._createOrdersChannelAsync @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:526
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:359
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
fulfilled @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:49
index.js:1437 0x-launch-kit-frontend::Market::Actions Failed to get price of currency pair mkr/weth
console.<computed> @ index.js:1437
r @ backend.js:6
t.<computed> @ logdown.min.js:149
_callee2$ @ actions.ts:91
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_throw @ asyncToGenerator.js:29
browser.js:19 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
W3CWebSocket @ browser.js:19
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:168
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:167
step @ orders_channel_factory.js:125
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:55
(anonymous) @ orders_channel_factory.js:27
push../node_modules/@0x/connect/lib/src/orders_channel_factory.js.__awaiter @ orders_channel_factory.js:4
createWebSocketOrdersChannelAsync @ orders_channel_factory.js:161
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:603
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:69
push../node_modules/@0x/orderbook/lib/src/order_provider/sra_websocket_order_provider.js.__awaiter @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:46
SRAWebsocketOrderProvider._createOrdersChannelAsync @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:526
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:359
step @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:167
(anonymous) @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:97
fulfilled @ sra_websocket_order_provider.js:49
index.js:1437 0x-launch-kit-frontend::Market::Actions Failed to get price of currency pair feo1/weth
console.<computed> @ index.js:1437
r @ backend.js:6
t.<computed> @ logdown.min.js:149
_callee2$ @ actions.ts:91
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_throw @ asyncToGenerator.js:29
Promise.then (async)
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:13
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
(anonymous) @ actions.ts:79
_callee3$ @ actions.ts:74
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
(anonymous) @ actions.ts:74
(anonymous) @ index.js:8
dispatch @ redux.js:613
_callee3$ @ actions.ts:45
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
(anonymous) @ actions.ts:45
(anonymous) @ index.js:8
dispatch @ redux.js:613
_callee$ @ actions.ts:31
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
Promise.then (async)
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:13
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
Promise.then (async)
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:13
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
(anonymous) @ actions.ts:20
(anonymous) @ index.js:8
onUpdateStore @ app.tsx:103
_callee2$ @ app.tsx:66
tryCatch @ runtime.js:45
invoke @ runtime.js:264
prototype.<computed> @ runtime.js:98
asyncGeneratorStep @ asyncToGenerator.js:3
_next @ asyncToGenerator.js:25
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:32
(anonymous) @ asyncToGenerator.js:21
Show 12 more frames
browser.js:19 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404

typeorm error on curl http://localhost:3000/v2/orders (js codebase)

After running yarn start:js and curl http://localhost:3000/v2/orders, the following error is displayed.

EntityMetadataNotFound: No metadata for "SignedOrderModel" was found.

This error is only an issue when using the js codebase. When using the ts codebase there are no typeorm errors.

yarn upgrade needed

root@9fcc641df655:/usr/src/app# yarn outdated
yarn outdated v1.12.1
info Color legend : 
 "<red>"    : Major Update backward-incompatible updates 
 "<yellow>" : Minor Update backward-compatible features 
 "<green>"  : Patch Update backward-compatible bug fixes
Package                Current  Wanted   Latest   Package Type    URL                                                                           
@0x/assert             2.0.1    2.0.7    2.0.7    dependencies            
@0x/connect            4.0.1    4.0.4    5.0.3    dependencies           
@0x/contract-addresses 2.2.1    2.2.3    2.2.3    dependencies
@0x/json-schemas       3.0.1    3.0.7    3.0.7    dependencies      
@0x/order-watcher      3.0.1    3.0.4    4.0.4    dependencies                                      
@0x/subproviders       3.0.1    3.0.3    4.0.3    dependencies                                                                                  
@0x/types              2.0.1    2.2.0    2.2.0    dependencies             
@0x/typescript-typings 4.0.0    4.2.0    4.2.0    dependencies   
@0x/utils              4.0.2    4.2.3    4.2.3    dependencies             
@0x/web3-wrapper       4.0.1    4.0.2    6.0.3    dependencies      
@babel/polyfill        7.0.0    7.4.0    7.4.0    dependencies                                                           
@types/express         4.16.0   4.16.1   4.16.1   devDependencies                        
@types/lodash          4.14.118 4.14.123 4.14.123 devDependencies                        
0x.js                  4.0.1    4.0.3    6.0.4    dependencies                                      
dotenv                 6.2.0    6.2.0    7.0.0    dependencies                                     
http-status-codes      1.3.0    1.3.2    1.3.2    dependencies                    
prettier               1.15.2   1.16.4   1.16.4   devDependencies                                                           
reflect-metadata       0.1.12   0.1.13   0.1.13   dependencies                                    
sqlite3                4.0.4    4.0.6    4.0.6    dependencies                                         
tslint                 5.11.0   5.14.0   5.14.0   devDependencies                                             
typeorm                0.2.7    0.2.7    0.2.15   dependencies                                     
typescript             3.1.6    3.3.4000 3.3.4000 devDependencies        

The colors got lost in copy/pasting. @0x/connect, @0x/order-watcher, @0x/subproviders, @0x/web3-wrapper, 0x.js, and dotenv, are all red and so will need to be upgraded manually. The others can be easily upgraded with yarn upgrade

The changes for 0x.js look like they should be compatible. I haven't looked at the other changelogs.

Add all orders to OrderWatcher on startup

It appears that OrderWatcher isn't getting the orders in the database when restarted. This means expired orders and invalid orders aren't pruned if the service goes down.

Error: schema /relayerApiOrderSchema on /v2/order/:orderHash queries

Hi @dekz,

Following up on our video chat earlier...
Pasted my console output below.
(Context: Running 0x Launch Kit locally in .ts mode and generating signed orders via CodeSandbox)

Steps to reproduce:

1/ Generate signed order (in this case, from CodeSandbox w/ Metamask)
2/ Use 0x Connect to .submitOrderAsync() to local Launch Kit Relayer
3/ Query local Launch Kit via CLI GET request, see that it returns order data properly. example:
curl http://localhost:3000/v2/order/0xc29a9d9b797f0071b80aacf66369d866f2ddabff1a91dddbfe5fcd954158ec25

4/ Query local Launch Kit with 0x Connect via .getOrderAsync() and get error from /relayerApiOrderSchema, example:


Error: Expected relayerApiOrder to conform to schema /relayerApiOrderSchema
Encountered: {
	"signature": "0x1b462e392e6008295fa29adb32d68427b7835969eca098942a585422682793f1ed67ad7f5caaa281b4852dd7e9c3acffb8fe123bb36ae62adf4cce71f9e5cef7b402",
	"senderAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
	"makerAddress": "0xb78f09d705dedaca26dc99e9ee7d789be7b38fcc",
	"takerAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
	"makerFee": "0",
	"takerFee": "0",
	"makerAssetAmount": "1000000000000000000",
	"takerAssetAmount": "10000000000000",
	"makerAssetData": "0xf47261b00000000000000000000000002002d3812f58e35f0ea1ffbf80a75a38c32175fa",
	"takerAssetData": "0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000d0a1e359811322d97991e03f863a0c30c2cf029c",
	"salt": "57718887633272621300663749607971996856877233498333220590130402684590306265495",
	"exchangeAddress": "0x35dd2932454449b14cee11a94d3674a936d5d7b2",
	"feeRecipientAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
	"expirationTimeSeconds": "1547684162302"
Validation errors: instance requires property "order", instance requires property "metaData"
    at Object.assert (/Users/lauren/github/0x-hackathon/node_modules/@0x/assert/lib/src/index.js:76:19)
    at Object.doesConformToSchema (/Users/lauren/github/0x-hackathon/node_modules/@0x/assert/lib/src/index.js:64:24)...


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