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ict2x01-p4-6's Introduction


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BOTster is a gamified feedback system used to engage primary school students on the topics of problem solving and computational thinking skills through block-based logical programming. Students will control a robotic car to complete challenges using a web interface.

This documentation is mirrored on the project's GitHub Wiki page. You may use the Wiki version for a more organised look and feel of the documentation.

Table of Contents

Repository Structure

├── .github             # Directory containing GitHub workflow files.
├── config              # Directory containing PHP configuration files used for running BOTster.
├── docs                # Directory containing resources for project documentation.
├── src                 # Directory containing project source code.
├── tests               # Directory containing files related to testing and coverage.
├──           # This README file. Contains the key project documentation.
├── codeception.yml     # Codeception test suite configuration.
├── start.bat           # Used to run BOTster on Windows systems.
└──            # Used to run BOTster on Linux systems.

Setup Instructions

This section will cover the setup instructions for BOTster.


The following software are required to be installed on the machine running BOTster:

  • PHP 7.4
  • SQLite3

The machine running BOTster shall also be connected to a network that has wireless connection capabilities (WiFi) for the Robotic Car to be able to communicate with the web component of this application.

Installing Dependencies for Windows

On Windows, dependencies must be installed using XAMPP with default settings. Click here to download the correct version.

Installing Dependencies for Linux

Ensure the user used for setting up BOTster is able to access root privileges via sudo.

For Debian-based GNU/Linux systems, the dependencies can be installed using the following commands:

dev@p4-6:~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y php7.4-cli php7.4-common php7.4-curl php7.4-fpm php7.4-json php7.4-mbstring php7.4-readline php7.4-sqlite3 sqlite3

Running BOTster (For Windows)

  1. Download the latest project files (Source code (zip)) from here and extract the contents to a folder.

  2. Open the folder containing the extracted project files using File Explorer by double-clicking it in the respective directory.

  3. Double-click on start.bat to start BOTster. A Command Prompt window will open with output similar to the following:

[*] Press Ctrl+C to stop BOTster Web.
[*] Document root is: C:\Users\dev\ICT2x01-p4-6\src
[Fri Nov 19 12:58:19 2021] PHP 7.4.25 Development Server ( started
  1. Access BOTster by opening a web browser on the same machine and going to the URL The default credentials for Facilitator is P@ssw0rd

Running BOTster (For Linux)

  1. Download the latest project files (Source code (zip)) from here and extract the contents to a folder.

  2. In a terminal, set your current working directory to the repository on your local file system.

dev@botster:~$ cd ICT2x01-p4-6
  1. Run to start BOTster.
dev@botster:~/ICT2x01-p4-6$ ./
PHP 7.4.26 Development Server started at Fri Nov 19 00:00:00 2021
Listening on
Document root is /home/dev/ICT2x01-p4-6/src
Press Ctrl-C to quit.
  1. Access BOTster by opening a web browser on the same machine and going to the URL The default credentials for Facilitator is P@ssw0rd

Development Workflow

This section will contain the necessary information for the project development workflow.

Summary of Workflow

  1. No one shall directly commit into master or dev branch.
  2. New features and bug fixes shall only be made in feature/ or bugfix/ branches respectively, which shall be derived from the dev branch.
  3. Hotfixes shall only be made in a hotfix/ branch, which shall be derived from the master branch.
  4. Documentation, workflow and test-suites shall only be made in a docs-testsuite branch, which shall be derived from the dev branch.
  5. Commits shall only be introduced into the master or dev branches via Pull Requests (PR).
  6. PR authors are not allowed to review or approve their own changes.
  7. PRs that involve the master branch can only be created by the Team Lead, unless it is a hotfix. Only the Team Lead is allowed to perform a merge into master branch after approval is given by the assigned reviewer(s).
  8. No branches shall be deleted without the approval of the Team Lead.


Naming and Terminology

  • master: Contains production-ready code and/or other "critical" resources (Important for the progression of the project).
  • dev: Contains code and resources that are of "release-candidate" standards and ready to be staged for production.
  • feature/x: Contains development code for a feature x as described in a related GitHub Issue. Branch will be merged into dev when feature is deemed complete.
  • bugfix/x: Contains development code for a bug fix x as described in a related GitHub Issue. Branch will be merged into dev when bug fix is deemed complete.
  • hotfix/x: Contains development code for an urgent bug fix x as described in a related GitHub Issue. A bug is defined as "urgent" if it severely degrades the functionality of the application in production (E.g. Causes the application to crash).
  • docs-testsuite/x: Contains documentation, workflow or test-suite code for an Issue x as described in a related GitHub Issue. Branch will be merged into dev when Issue is deemed resolved.

Branch Protection

Branch protection is enforced on the following branches:

  • master
    • Pull Request required: Commits must be made to another branch first, then merged via a PR to this protected branch.
    • Approval required: 1 reviewer is required to approve the PR for the merge feature to be available.
  • dev
    • Pull Request required: Commits must be made to another branch first, then merged via a PR to this protected branch.
    • Approval required: 2 reviewers are required to approve the PR for the merge feature to be available.
    • Require conversation resolution before merging: Conversations arising from code reviews must be resolved prior to merging.

New Feature or Bug Fix

Feature/Bug Fix Workflow Diagram

1. Open a new Issue on GitHub

  • Describe the issue that is being worked on.
  • Assign it to the relevant people (the "Issue Owner").
  • Label the Issue accordingly (Is this a bugfix or feature?).
  • Add the Issue to the ICT2101/2201 Team Project Project Board and set the appropriate column depending on the Issue status.
  • Add the Issue to the Milestone 3 (Project Development) Milestone.

2. Branch off from dev branch on GitHub
Create a new branch off from the dev branch with a descriptive name starting with bugfix/ or feature/ (E.g. bugfix/command-parsing-issue or feature/login)

3. Work on the Issue in the new branch
Commit all additions or changes to the newly created branch. Only work within the scope of the described Issue (Do not make changes that are irrelevant to the Issue).

4. Create a Pull Request (PR) on GitHub
Once all the necessary commits are pushed, open a new PR (From feature/ or bugfix/ into dev) and perform the following:

  • Summarise the changes made.
  • Assign it to the Issue Owner.
  • Label the PR accordingly (Is this a bugfix or feature?).
  • Add the PR to the ICT2101/2201 Team Project Project Board and move it to the In-Progress column.
  • Add the PR to the Milestone 3 (Project Development) Milestone.

5. Request for review and wait for Approval
When ready for code review, label the PR with the review-requested label. 2 reviewers are to check and verify the changes before approving the PR. Reviewers have the right to request for changes to the PR by providing comments to support their justification.

6. Perform merge commit via GitHub
Once approval requirements have been met, use the Merge Commit feature on the respective PR page to merge the approved changes into the dev branch. Merging can be done by any of the code reviewers or the PR author. Only perform merging using the GitHub web interface! Once merged, do not delete the branch.

Merging into master branch

Only production-ready code (Meant for release) and other critical resources shall be merged into master from dev. Only the Team Lead is allowed to create such PRs and complete the merge as these processes involes the master branch.

1. Create a Pull Request on GitHub
The Team Lead will open a new PR (dev into master), labelling it with the review-requested label and provide a summary of the features introduced. The Team Lead must assign a minimum of 1 reviewer to this PR.

2. Wait for PR approval
The assigned reviewer(s) are required to check and verify the changes before approving the PR. The reviewer have the right to request for changes to the PR by providing comments to support their justification.

3. Perform merge commit via GitHub
Once approval requirements have been met, the Team Lead will perform a merge from the dev branch onto the master branch.

Deploying Hotfixes

Hotfixes are code that will be deployed to both dev and master branches to fix urgent issues that are present in production (master). Hotfix deployment PRs requires the involvement of the Team Lead as it involves merging into the master branch.

Hotfix Workflow Diagram

1. Open a new Issue on GitHub

  • Describe the issue that is being worked on.
  • Assign it to the relevant people (the "Issue Owner").
  • Label the Issue with the hotfix label.
  • Add the Issue to the ICT2101/2201 Team Project Project Board and set the appropriate column depending on Issue status.
  • Add the Issue to the Milestone 3 (Project Development) Milestone.

2. Branch off from master branch on GitHub
Create a new branch off from the master branch with a descriptive name starting with hotfix/ (E.g. hotfix/connection-string-typo)

3. Work on the hotfix in the new branch
Commit all additons or changes to the newly created branch. Only work within the scope of the described hotfix (Do not make changes that are irrelevant to the hotfix).

4. Create a Pull Request on GitHub
Open 2 new PRs (From hotfix into dev and hotfix into master) and perform the following:

  • Summarise the changes made.
  • Assign it to the Issue Owner.
  • Label the PR as hotfix.
  • Add the PR to the ICT2101/2201 Team Project Project Board and move it to the In-Progress column.
  • Add the PR to the Milestone 3 (Project Development) Milestone.

5. Request for review and wait for approval
When ready for code review, label the PR with the review-requested label. 2 reviewers are to check and verify the changes before approving the PRs. One of the reviewers must be the Team Lead. Reviewers have the right to request for changes to the PRs by providing comments to support their justification.

6. Perform merge commits via GitHub
Once approval requirements have been met, the Team Lead will perform a merge from the hotfix/ branch onto the dev and master branches.

Documentation, Workflow or Test-Suite Development

This process is similar to how new Features or Bug Fixes are introduced into the project.

1. Open a new Issue on GitHub

  • Describe the issue that is being worked on.
  • Assign it to the relevant people (the "Issue Owner").
  • Label the Issue with the docs-testsuite label.
  • Add the Issue to the ICT2101/2201 Team Project Project Board and set the appropriate column depending on the Issue status.
  • Add the Issue to the Milestone 3 (Project Development) Milestone.

2. Branch off from dev branch on GitHub
Create a new branch off from the dev branch with a descriptive name starting with docs-testsuite/ (E.g. docs-testsuite/readme)

3. Work on the Issue in the new branch
Commit all additions or changes to the newly created branch. Only work within the scope of the described Issue (Do not make changes that are irrelevant to the Issue).

4. Create a Pull Request (PR) on GitHub
Once all the necessary commits are pushed, open a new PR (From docs-testsuite/ into dev) and perform the following:

  • Summarise the changes made.
  • Assign it to the Issue Owner.
  • Label the PR as docs-testsuite.
  • Add the PR to the ICT2101/2201 Team Project Project Board and move it to the In-Progress column.
  • Add the PR to the Milestone 3 (Project Development) Milestone.

5. Request for review and wait for Approval
When ready for code review, label the PR with the review-requested label. 2 reviewers are to check and verify the changes before approving the PR. Reviewers have the right to request for changes to the PR by providing comments to support their justification.

6. Perform merge commit via GitHub
Once approval requirements have been met, use the Merge Commit feature on the respective PR page to merge the approved changes into the dev branch. Merging can be done by any of the code reviewers or the PR author. Only perform merging using the GitHub web interface! Once merged, do not delete the branch.

User Acceptance Test (UAT)

System State Diagram

Changes have been made to the System State Diagram for Milestone 3 project deliverables. Refer to Section 1.2 of the latest UAT documentation for more details.

Video of System Test Run

Click here to view the latest UAT documentation.


Whitebox Testing

Testing is done on all Model classes (Entity/Control) and statement coverage is performed to ensure that adequete test cases have been written. Testing is done using Codeception, which wraps around PHPUnit and PCOV to automate unit testing as well as generation of code coverage statistics.

GitHub Actions are used to automate the execution of the test suite and publish code coverage statistics when Pull Requests are opened to merge into either the dev or master branches. See .github/workflows/testsuite.yml for the deployed GitHub Action workflow.

For the purpose of this project, the test suite for the ChallengeManagement control class will be the main focus. The following table contains test cases for the ChallengeManagement class (Click here to view the test case source code).

S/N Test Description Test Case
1 There are no challenges yet testThereAreNoChallengesYet()
2 Valid challenge max command block values testValidChallengeMaxCommandBlockValues()
3 Max command block must be an integer testMaxCommandBlockMustBeAnInteger()
4 Max command block cannot be less than zero testMaxCommandBlockCannotBeLessThanZero()
5 Max command block limit constant check testMaxCommandBlockLimitConstantCheck()
6 Valid map file testValidMapFile()
7 Specified file is not an image file thus not a valid map file testSpecifiedFileIsNotAnImageFileThusNotAValidMapFile()
8 Specified file has wrong extension thus not a valid map file testSpecifiedFileHasWrongExtensionThusNotAValidMapFile()
9 Create two new challenges testCreateTwoNewChallenges()
10 There are now two challenges testThereAreNowTwoChallenges()
11 Valid challenge names testValidChallengeNames()
12 Cannot use names belonging to existing challenges testCannotUseNamesBelongingToExistingChallenges()
13 Challenge name cannot be empty testChallengeNameCannotBeEmpty()
14 Delete challenges testDeleteChallenges()
15 Deleting non existent challenge will throw exception testDeletingNonExistentChallengeWillThrowException()
16 There should be no challenges remaining testThereShouldBeNoChallengesRemaining()

Click here to view the code coverage report for the ChallengeManagement control class.

Test Environment Preparation

The test suite for this project is executed on a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal) system. To setup a test environment, run the following commands on a root terminal shell:

# Install PHP 7.4 and other test dependencies.
root@botster:~$ apt-get install -y curl php7.4-cli php7.4-curl php7.4-dev php7.4-fpm php7.4-json php7.4-mbstring php7.4-readline php7.4-sqlite3 php-pcov sqlite3

# Install Codeception.
root@botster:~$ curl -LsS -o /usr/local/bin/codecept
root@botster:~$ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/codecept

Running Unit Tests and Generating Code Coverage Statistics

Open a terminal shell in the repository directory and run the following command:

dev@botster:~/ICT2x01-p4-6$ codecept run unit --coverage --coverage-html

Code coverage statistics summary will be displayed on the console at the end. To view the complete report, open the file tests/_output/coverage/index.html in a web browser.

Video of Test Suite Run

Click here to view the latest code coverage report.


ict2x01-p4-6's People


zxlim avatar irfannian avatar zhengjie69 avatar jerlome avatar


Chek Tan avatar thiru avatar  avatar

ict2x01-p4-6's Issues

Assemble car

The car is provided in multiple pieces and needs to be assembled for it to work.

Setup Database Server

The following services will be set up for the web-based system to store persistent data:

  • MariaDB SQL Server (Latest stable version)

Wireframe (Layout) of web portal

We should come up with a wireframe of the web portal so that we can have a rough idea on how the view will look like to ease web development

Work Distribution

Discusses the work breakdown concept that the team will be adopting.

Cost Estimation

Using the excel sheet from labtorial to calculate the use case point to estimate the scale of the project

Project Management

Discusses how the development team will tackle the project (Mainly SDLC)

Setup Web Server

The following services shall be set up for the web-based system to function:

  • Nginx Web Server
  • PHP 7

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