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lmsa's Introduction

Let's Make Something Awesome?

This repository is a list of Ruby projects I (Victor Shepelev aka @zverok) am willing to mentor, and invite anybody willing to be mentored and create a usable opensource project in process.

You will:

  • work on one of the projects started or invented by me,
  • following the plan we'll make together,
  • through GitHub issues and PRs,
  • with extensive and regular code reviews, advice and hints.

In a process, you'll have practical experience of writing good code, structuring it, optimizing, testing and documenting, as well as an overall experience of real-world gem development participation — and something to add to your CV as a project you've created, maintained or participated in.


Projects are described by GitHub issues of this repository.

Note: The project list is not a "collaborative pool of ideas," it is a list of projects I feel to be involved in.


Commercial programming since 2003, Ruby programming since 2005. Ruby Association Grant-2015, several maintained gems, one of core maintainer of SciRuby organization, creator of Molybdenum project. Several years of mentoring experience, both offline and online, paid, volunteer and opensource, including Google Summer of Code. Several international meetups and conferences participation, including RubyKaigi-2017.

In other words, I am a passionate and experienced developer and mentor, and I have a lot of opensource projects and ideas and not enough time to implement them all. The way of this proposal, I see a possibility of interesting things to be done and thrive.


  • Have some experience with Ruby and enjoy it;
  • Have some (at least theoretical) understanding of testing with RSpec;
  • Ready to learn by yourself and question everything you learn;
  • Find yourself deeply interested in one of the projects listed above;
  • Going to spend time on a project on a regular basis.

The proposal is not for you if you:

  • know nothing about Ruby or programming, but "really want to learn";
  • already know your way of doing things, structuring code, writing tests (or avoid them), and just poking around;
  • don't give a damn about particular project, just want a free mentor;
  • will "try to do something" eventually, probably next month, or next year.

I believe that the only way to learn is being ready to learn, take a lot of responsibility on yourself and be excited but what you are about to do.

Some rules

How our interaction will look

  • You apply to some of the projects (by writing to the corresponding issue in this GitHub repository), and we discuss the project, your vision of it and your expectation of mentorship for some time;
    • Note: for an already started project, you don't need to apply through issues, you can start immediately from GitHub PR!
  • We start (or continue) to work on project, communicating mostly through GitHub issues and PRs, and (for bigger vision) through email or Gitter (my contacts are at the bottom of this README);
  • I provide you with extensive PR reviews, discussion of further steps, new GitHub issues, coding advice and so on;
  • Collaboration is stopped when you are bored or when the project is ready (for smaller projects).

On multiple mentees

  • I am willing to accept as many mentees as there would be joining, I have a lot of experience on multitasking while mentoring.
  • If several people are starting to work on the same project, it should work as a regular OSS collaboration: the more visible you presence is (communication in Gitter, project issues and so on), the more probable that everything will work well. But just because you said "OK, I'll do something in a few weeks" 3 months ago, the project is not "booked" by you exclusively.
  • Conflicts happen. Please don't be agitated if there are two competing pull requests in the same project, implementing the same feature, and yours is not the one "winning." It is not about winning; it is about understanding the things and trying to do the best.

On project's authorship

  • For already existing projects, the work continues in their GitHub repos, you are listed in "Authors" section after the very first non-trivial PR, and listed in it as close to top as your contribution allows (including "main author/maintainer").
  • I'll add you as a repo collaborator after the several PRs and an established rhythm of collaboration, and never drop from collaborators after this (unless some serious misbehavior).
  • For future project, I require them to be done in molybdenum-99 GitHub organization; you'll be project's collaborator and listed as its primary author from the very beginning, I give credit as "initial idea and mentorship" (or whatever it would be in future);
    • The exceptions are projects labeled "site", they should go to separate GitHub orgs to have separate GitHub Pages sites;
  • My initial "idea ownership" and authority for projects evolution's "big picture" is preserved forever (but nobody can stop you from forking project and make a turn in its development on your own if our visions will seriously diverge).

Notice on conflict of interests

My current employer ( doesn't plan to use any of the above tools (though I hope to integrate yard-junk in our CI somewhere in future, but as an in-house volunteer effort). So, it is not a call to "do for free the work I am paid for".

What it is not

  • It is not a grant program (for your work, I'll give you nothing... except for my time, attention and skill as a mentor)
  • It is not a direct opportunity to find a work (I am not representing anybody except myself, and my current employer is pretty small company, so no, I am not "selecting the bests to hire them")
  • It is not an official internship (I can't fill any papers for your university)
  • It is not a scam (I swear)


Start by exploring and discussing project issues!


Contact me at [email protected], Gitter, Skype zver_ok or Telegram zverok. Of all chatting apps, Gitter is preferred (because it is integrated with GitHub, highlights code, and have group-per-repository chats).

If you are interested in some of the projects, but don't need any mentorship

  • If it is some of established projects, and you just want to send a PR or discuss a feature, always feel free to!
  • If it is just project idea, and you find it nice, and will just start to work on it by yourself, nobody can stop you, of course. But it would be nice if you could notify me if you'll make a large progress on the idea, for not duplicating our efforts.

lmsa's People


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lmsa's Issues

yard-junk: Yard documentation quality checks


yard-junk is already established and production-used solution for checking the quality of YARD documentation of Ruby projects.

The current version only checks for errors is documentation (misused tags and such), but the next step would be to introduce Rubocop-style flexible quality checks, allowing to establish and maintain per-project preferred documentation style.


The plan is briefly discussed in this GitHub issue.

  1. Establish some "plugin architecture" for checks.
  2. Develop several new documentation quality checks incrementally.
  3. Work on configuratibility of checks.
  4. Work on usability of command-line tool and flexibility of its output.


YARD is the de-facto standard of Ruby documentation (alongside with RDoc, but yard as a tool supports RDoc too, so yard-junk can be useful for checking virtually any Ruby project's docs). Establishing a tool for docs quality checking (and auto-fixing if possible) seems to be of general use.

Skills and domains

While working on it, you'll need dive really deep into YARD tool internals, and create modular and pluggable architecture like Rubocop with its cops.

magic_cloud: Ruby word cloud


magic_cloud is somewhat outdated, yet production-used pretty word cloud generator. It can be made faster, more configurable, with cleaner API.


Just some semi-random thoughts:

  • Faster layouting (maybe with C or Rust extension, millions of bit operations aren't cheap);
  • More flexible API to configure sizes, fonts, colors, layouting randomness and so on;
  • Docs and specs (spec for random layouting, and for graphics are both incredibly challenging).


While most of the today's visualizations are indeed done in a browser with D3.js or something like it, server-side generation still can be useful (for PDF reports, including in emails, visualizing simple scripting experiments, this kind of things).

Skills and domains

This task will include a lot of tinkering with image libraries (maybe porting to vips?) and optimization (calculating precise word positions in "pretty randomness" is slooow).

RUDE: RUby Documentation Effort


The idea is pretty rough yet clean: parse docs from Ruby's official Repo (and from all tags, starting from 2.0) and format it in one informative static site (published with GitHub pages), auto-updated on new versions. Proposed differences from existing projects (say,

  • Ruby-version agnostic URLs (instead of having .../2.4.2/Enumerable.html, have /Enumerable.html and effectively render all version-dependent differences there);
  • Better representation of "language core" docs (which are currently in doc/*.rdoc files of language repo);
  • more compact, easily browsable, modern representation.


  1. Parse ruby docs from source into RDoc or YARD internal structures;
  2. Store those structures into human-readable YAML for caching and investigating;
  3. Setup custom rendering for those structures, including handmade TOC for generic Ruby documentation from doc/ folder.
  4. Setup ruby/ruby repo as a submodule of docs repo, and, switching between version tags, generate YAML from each version;
  5. Render all versions docs into the same HTML files (like core/Enumerable.html), with version tags besides methods and JS switches to "show only version X".
  6. Wrap everything into a nicely documented set of Rake tasks and publish to GitHub pages, so anybody can fork, republish and play with styles and logic.


Current existing Ruby docs ( and are not Googlable in a good way, due to conflicting versions:


Also, it is unclear from docs of some method, whether it is present in your Ruby version, so typical online browsing of some doc is like "Google for <class> <method> → go to URL → manually replace /2.5.0/ in URL with /2.3.1/ → ...)

Finally, really detailed and good written base Ruby docs (like Syntax guide) is not really visible and navigable through documentation sites.

Skills and domains

You'll do a lot of text parsing, preprocessing and formatting, probably hacking with RDoc and/or YARD internals, some basic UI design.

hunspell port to Ruby


Port Hunspell opensource spellchecker to pure Ruby.

Proposed code name: spelleology.


  1. Understand hunspell dictionaries format.
  2. Create Hunspell dictionary reader, using Hunspell's code & docs as a reference and its dictionary samples
  3. Create simplistic spell-checking solution (split text into words → remove punctuations → run against dictionary)
  4. Wrap into proper Ruby gem, with executable and library usage (ver. ~0.0.1)
  5. Further development directions:
    • profiling and optimization
    • CI-readiness (different output formats, Rake task)
    • supplementary tools (dictionary downloader from OO repository)
    • pluggable integration with Markdown parsers and other markups, for proper reporting of spelling problems positions in marked files.


Hunspell is currently the most popular open source spellchecking tool, having most of the actual dictionaries in its format. But the tool itself is pretty complicated C++ software, that is hard to integrate and use from Ruby.

Pure-Ruby Hunspell port can be easily integrated with other Ruby tools, like Markdown parsers (or even Ruby parser, imagine you can spellcheck your Rake task descriptions?), Jekyll, CI tools and so on.

Skills and domains

You'll need to be able to at least read C++ of hunspell's sources. And expect a lot of optimization practice.

tlaw: generic HTTP API wrapper


tlaw is a somewhat experimental library/DSL for creating fast, thin and reliable wrappers for HTTP APIs. Currently, it supports only GET APIs and lacks some deeper HTTP features (like headers passing or authorization), yet already proven to be a promising way to the "right" thickness balance.

The idea is to develop several generally useful TLAW-based wrappers for common APIs, adding new TLAW features on the way, when necessary.


  1. Go through lists of public APIs (like this one) and select those of general importance or interesting to you personally.
  2. Create TLAW-based wrappers for them and commit those to tlaws repo.
  3. Good wrapper should include:
    • Wrapper itself, with inline docs and proper hierarchical structure
    • Sanity tests for the wrapper (that it works and does what it is expected to do)
    • README/offline docs for it.

It is expected, that alongside the wrappers themselves, participants of the project also will/should:

  1. Develop some generic good ways of testing and describing small API wrappers;
  2. Enhance TLAW library with (no particular order):
    • Headers support
    • Authorization support
    • Non-GET requests support


Good abstractions layer for "thin" API wrappers, which can be developed by one person in a few hours and still be robust and useful, seems of general importance for the entire Ruby ecosystem. Also, some regular, small, well-documented wrappers for common APIs, working in the same manner on small yet solid foundation could become a project of huge popularity.

Skills and domains

This task will require a lot of experimenting with API and architecture, and serious intent to write less code, and rewrite a lot, and document a lot.

languagetool port to Ruby


LanguageTool is an opensource style and grammar checker, written in Java.

We want to port it to Ruby (codename proofreader).


Is already formalized as a GitHub project.


This project is much more ambitious than hunspell port, as LanguagTool's rules format (deeply nested XML) and logic are much more complicated than simple Hunspell's dictionaries; besides that, not all of the grammar checking logic is stored in data, some rules and services are represented by Java classes.

Nevertheless, the task is bearable, and first useful results could be achieved rather quickly. The gain for the community (integrating style checks into checking markdown, docs, running in CI pipelines) seem to be even more than with spellchecker.

Skills and domains

The task will include a reading of Java, obviously some linguistics stuff, a lot of optimizations and comprehensive text processing.

bundle whatsup: Bundler extension to report dependency updates


The idea is to have bundle whatsup command (currently, bundler will translate that to separate bundle-whatsup executable, if it is installed as a separate gem), which can for all, or for specified dependencies from your bundle, report "what have been changed in versions you've missed".


  1. Make a changelog parser which is working for most of the popular variations of format (because vandamme is not).
  2. Investigate ways for extracting the Changelog/History file for gem (through GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab repo, if present; by gem downloading and unpacking; probably through
  3. Investigate ways to report the significant changes in a terse yet readable manner;
  4. Pack everything into library/executable.


The tool envisioned seems more fun, than a really important piece of infrastructure, yet can be pretty useful and popular. Powerful changelog parser able to consume more formats than currently existing ones can be useful on itself for code analysis tools.

Skills and domains

The most non-trivial parts are the reliable parsing of a fuzzy text format and robust changelog finder. Also, some knowledge of Bundler and gems infrastructure could be used or obtained in the process.

The repository of conference talks videos


Gather (automatically and semi-automatically) as much talk videos from Ruby conferences as there are exist, and provide a nice browsing interface for them.


  1. Go through
  2. For each conference, define in Ruby (with the help of wombat?) its site (or copy of it) parser to extract structured list of talks, speakers, topics and so on;
  3. For each conference, find (on site, or in linked YouTube/Confreaks playlist) list of talks, and define extractor for it, and matcher with conference's program;
  4. Define (with the help of Jekyll or another nice static site renderer) the rendering of this data, and provide extensive navigations by years, by speakers, by talk topics, keywords and so on; joining the same talk given on several conferences into "versions".
  5. Publish to GitHub pages
  6. Make sure to have a "framework" of scripts to update the site after future conferences
  7. Provide an ability for collaborative editing of talk classifications.


There are a lot of good material over there gathered through 25 years of Ruby, and a huge part if it is available online, providing learning, discovery and historical interest. Somebody just should do something about it.

Skills and domains

You will do a lot of automated web scraping, and site generation, as well as generalizing a lot of non-generic data in a bearable way.

worldize: drawing of geographical data


worldize is an early prototype of geographical drawing library, but when it was published, it received some good amount of attention.

There is a clear plan of development, but unfortunately, I never had enough time to continue.


  1. Make generic "map drawing" API (line from this geo point to that geo point, rectangle, polygon, write text near those coordinates, and so on): most of the work is already prototyped in the map branch of repo, yet never finished.
  2. Different slices of the map, not always entire world;
  3. Different globe projections and other map transformations;
  4. Map frame: title, legend and so on.
  5. Map tiles from open servers

Ideally, the (1) should be released as a new useful gem, with docs and some specs, and then small releases should be made every now and then, following what (possible) library users could want and what use cases would emerge.


While most of the today's visualizations are indeed done in a browser with D3.js or something like it, server-side generation still can be useful (for PDF reports, including in emails, visualizing simple scripting experiments, this kind of things).

Skills and domains

Ruby's graphical libraries, geographical calculations (they are HARD), external APIs (for tiles).

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