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zfvimim's Introduction





Input Method by pure vim script, inspired by VimIM

Outstanding features / why another remake:

  • more friendly long sentence match and better predict logic
  • predict from multiple db without switching dbs
  • auto create user word and re-order word priority according to your input history
  • cloud input, auto pull and push your db file from/to Github
  • fetch words from 3rd openapi, asynchronously
  • solve many VimIM's issues:
    • better txt db load performance if executable('python')
    • auto disable and re-enable complete engines when using input method
    • sync input method state acrossing buffers

Why VimIM? Why not system IME?

  • it's a pain to input CJK in ssh env
  • I love inoremap jk <esc> :)

if you like my work, check here for a list of my vim plugins, or buy me a coffee

how to use

minimal config (local db)

  1. recommend env:

    • (optional) vim8 with job or neovim, for better db load performance
    • (optional) executable('python') or executable('python3'), for better db load performance
  2. use Vundle or any other plugin manager you like to install

    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM'
    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimJob' " optional, for better db load performance
  3. prepare your db files, you may copy the txt db files from db samples to any location

  4. config

    function! s:myLocalDb()
        let db = ZFVimIM_dbInit({
                    \   'name' : 'YourDb',
                    \ })
        call ZFVimIM_cloudRegister({
                    \   'mode' : 'local',
                    \   'dbId' : db['dbId'],
                    \   'repoPath' : '/path/to/repo', " path to the db
                    \   'dbFile' : '/YourDbFile', " db file, relative to repoPath
                    \   'dbCountFile' : '/YourDbCountFile', " optional, db count file, relative to repoPath
                    \ })
    if exists('*ZFVimIME_initFlag') && ZFVimIME_initFlag()
        call s:myLocalDb()
        autocmd User ZFVimIM_event_OnDbInit call s:myLocalDb()

recommend config (cloud db)

  1. recommend env:

    • (optional) git, for db update
    • (optional) vim8 with job or neovim, for better db load performance
    • (optional) executable('python') or executable('python3'), for better db load performance
  2. prepare your db repo according to db samples, or simply fork one of the db samples

  3. go to access tokens to generate your Github access token, and make sure it has push permission to your db repo (check repo in Select scopes)

  4. config your access token according to your db repo, for example, for the db samples:

    let g:zf_git_user_email='YourEmail'
    let g:zf_git_user_name='YourUserName'
    let g:zf_git_user_token='YourGithubAccessToken'

    please check the README of each db repo for detail

  5. use Vundle or any other plugin manager you like to install

    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM'
    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimJob' " optional, for better db load performance
    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimGitUtil' " optional, cleanup your db commit history when necessary
    Plugin 'YourUserName/ZFVimIM_pinyin_base' " your db repo
    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM_openapi' " optional, 3rd IME using Baidu

how to use

  • use ;; to toggle input method, and ;: to switch db
  • scroll page by - or =
  • input and choose word by <space> or 0~9
  • choose head or tail word by [ or ]
  • your input history would be recorded locally or push to github automatically, you may use ;, or :IMAdd to add user word, ;. or :IMRemove to remove user word

some tips

  • you may want to add a IME status tip to your :h 'statusline'

    let &statusline='%{ZFVimIME_IMEStatusline()}'.&statusline
  • if it's hard to support async mode, you may also:

    • pull and push manually by :call ZFVimIM_download() and :call ZFVimIM_upload()
    • automatically ask you to input git info to push before exit vim, by let g:ZFVimIM_cloudSync_enable=1
  • since db files are pretty personal, the default db only contains single word, words would be created during your usage, if you prefer other choices, see db samples

  • your db repo may contain many commits after long time usage, which may cause a huge .git dir, it's recommended to clean up it occasionally, by:

    • delete and re-create the repo
    • if you have push --force permission, search and see the g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_autoCleanup detail config below



  • let g:ZFVimIM_autoAddWordLen=3*4

    when you choose word and the word's byte length less than this value, we would add the word to db file automatically (ignored when g:ZFVimIM_autoAddWordChecker is set)

  • let g:ZFVimIM_autoAddWordChecker=[]

    list of function to check whether need to add user word

    function! MyChecker(userWord)
        let needAdd = ...
        return needAdd
    let g:ZFVimIM_autoAddWordChecker=[function('MyChecker')]

    when any of checker returned 0, we won't add user word

  • let g:ZFVimIM_symbolMap = {}

    used to transform unicode symbols during input

    it's empty by default, typical config for Chinese:

    let g:ZFVimIM_symbolMap = {
                \   ' ' : [''],
                \   '`' : ['·'],
                \   '!' : ['!'],
                \   '$' : ['¥'],
                \   '^' : ['……'],
                \   '-' : [''],
                \   '_' : ['——'],
                \   '(' : ['('],
                \   ')' : [')'],
                \   '[' : ['【'],
                \   ']' : ['】'],
                \   '<' : ['《'],
                \   '>' : ['》'],
                \   '\' : ['、'],
                \   '/' : ['、'],
                \   ';' : [';'],
                \   ':' : [':'],
                \   ',' : [','],
                \   '.' : ['。'],
                \   '?' : ['?'],
                \   "'" : ['‘', '’'],
                \   '"' : ['“', '”'],
                \   '0' : [''],
                \   '1' : [''],
                \   '2' : [''],
                \   '3' : [''],
                \   '4' : [''],
                \   '5' : [''],
                \   '6' : [''],
                \   '7' : [''],
                \   '8' : [''],
                \   '9' : [''],
                \ }
    • if you want to change this setting at runtime, you should use call ZFVimIME_stop() | call ZFVimIME_start() to restart to take effect, or, add autocmd to ZFVimIM_event_OnEnable to setup this value

    • it's recommended to add these configs to make vim recognize chinese chars

      set encoding=utf-8
      set fileencoding=utf-8
      set fileencodings=utf-8,ucs-bom,chinese
  • keymaps:

    • let g:ZFVimIM_key_pageUp = ['-']
    • let g:ZFVimIM_key_pageDown = ['=']
    • let g:ZFVimIM_key_chooseL = ['[']
    • let g:ZFVimIM_key_chooseR = [']']
  • let g:ZFVimIM_showKeyHint = 16

    whether show key hint after word

    • 0 : do not show
    • 1 : show without length limit
    • >1 : show with specified length limit
  • let g:ZFVimIM_cachePath=$HOME.'/.vim_cache/ZFVimIM'

    cache path for temp files

  • let g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_outputTo={...}

    for async cloud input, output log to where (see ZFJobOutput), default:

    let g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_outputTo = {
                \   'outputType' : 'statusline',
                \   'outputId' : 'ZFVimIM_cloud_async',
                \ }
  • let g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_autoCleanup=30

    your db repo may contain many commits after long time usage, we would try to remove all history commits if:

    • have these optional plugins installed:

      Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimJob'
      Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimGitUtil'
    • ZFJobAvailable() returned 1 (i.e. async mode available)

      • we have bundled a default fallback for job, which may cause some unexpected lag, you may enable it by let g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_jobFallback = 1
    • g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_autoCleanup greater than 0

    • your git rev-list --count HEAD exceeds g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_autoCleanup


    • this require you have git push --force permission, if not, please disable this feature, otherwise your commits may lost occasionally (each time when commits exceeds g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_autoCleanup)
  • let g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_autoInit=1

    for async cloud input only, when on, we would load db when VimEnter, to reduce the time you first ZFVimIME_start()


  • ZFVimIME_start() ZFVimIME_stop() ZFVimIME_toggle() ZFVimIME_next()

    start or stop, must called during Insert Mode, as <c-r>=ZFVimIME_start()<cr>

  • :IMAdd word key or ZFVimIM_wordAdd(db, word, key)

    manually add word

  • :IMRemove word [key] or ZFVimIM_wordRemove(db, word [, key])

    manually remove word

  • :IMReorder word [key] or ZFVimIM_wordReorder(db, word [, key])

    manually reorder word priority, by reducing it's input history count to a proper value

  • ZFVimIM_complete(key [, option])

    • option

        'sentence' : '0/1, default to g:ZFVimIM_sentence',
        'crossDb' : 'maxNum, default to g:ZFVimIM_crossDbLimit',
        'predict' : 'maxNum, default to g:ZFVimIM_predictLimit',
        'match' : '', // > 0 : limit to this num, allow sub match
                      // = 0 : disable match
                      // < 0 : limit to (0-match) num, disallow sub match
                      // default to g:ZFVimIM_matchLimit
        'db' : {...}, // which db to use, empty for current
    • return

          'dbId' : 'match from which db',
          'len' : 'match count in key',
          'key' : 'matched full key',
          'word' : 'matched word',
          'type' : 'type of completion: sentence/match/predict/subMatchLongest/subMatch',
          'sentenceList' : [ // (optional) for sentence type only, list of word that complete as sentence
              'key' : '',
              'word' : '',

    note, you may supply your own function named ZFVimIM_complete to override the default one, and use ZFVimIM_completeDefault(key, option) to achieve custom IME complete

functions (for db repo)

  • ZFVimIM_dbInit(option)

    to register a db, option:

      'name' : '(required) name of your db',
      'priority' : '(optional) priority of the db, smaller value has higher priority, 100 by default',
      'switchable' : '(optional) 1 by default, when off, won't be enabled by ZFVimIME_keymap_next_n() series',
      'editable' : '(optional) 1 by default, when off, no dbEdit would applied',
      'crossable' : '(optional) g:ZFVimIM_crossable by default, whether to show result when inputing in other db',
                    // 0 : disable
                    // 1 : show only when full match
                    // 2 : show and allow predict
                    // 3 : show and allow predict and sub match
      'crossDbLimit' : '(optional) g:ZFVimIM_crossDbLimit by default, when crossable, limit max result to this num',
      'dbCallback' : '(optional) func(key, option), see ZFVimIM_complete',
                     // when dbCallback supplied, words would be fetched from this callback instead
      'menuLabel' : '(optional) string or function(item), when not empty, show label after key hint',
                    // when not set, or set to number `0`, we would show db name if it's completed from crossDb
      'implData' : { // extra data for impl

    return db object which would stored in g:ZFVimIM_db

  • ZFVimIM_cloudRegister(cloudOption)

    register cloud info, when registered, we would try to pull/push from/to remote repo


      'mode' : '(optional) git/local',
      'cloudInitMode' : '(optional) forceAsync/forceSync/preferAsync/preferSync',
      'dbId' : '(required) dbId generated by ZFVimIM_dbInit()'
      'repoPath' : '(required) git/local repo path',
      'dbFile' : '(required) db file path relative to repoPath, must start with /',
      'dbCountFile' : '(optional) db count file path relative to repoPath, must start with /',
      'gitUserEmail' : '(optional) git user email',
      'gitUserName' : '(optional) git user name',
      'gitUserToken' : '(optional) git access token or password',

make your own db

  1. supply your db file with this format:

    a 啊 阿
    a 锕
    ai 爱 唉
    ohayou お早う おはようございます
    tang _(:з」∠)_
    haha ^\ ^

    key can be a-z, word can be any string (if word contain space, you may escape it by \ )

    save it as utf-8 encoding

  2. format the db file to ensure it's valid

    call ZFVimIM_dbNormalize('/path/to/dbFile')

    this may take a long time, but for only once

  3. put the db file to your git repo, according to the db samples below

db samples


  • Q: strange complete popup?

    A: we use omnifunc to achieve IM popup, which would conflict with most of complete engines, by default, we would automatically disable complete engines when IM started, if your other plugins conflict with IM, you may disable it manually (see this)

    also, if any strange behaviors occurred, :verbose set omnifunc? to check whether it's changed by other plugins

  • Q: meet some weird problem, how to check log?

    A: use :IMCloudLog to check first, if not enough:

    1. put this in your vimrc: let g:ZFJobVerboseLogEnable = 1
    2. restart vim and reproduce your problem
    3. write log file by: :call writefile(g:ZFJobVerboseLog, 'log.txt')

    WARNING : the verbose log may contain your git access token or password, please verify before posting the log file to public

  • Q: How to use in Command-line (search or command) ?

    A: ZFVimIM can be used inside command-line-window, you may:

    • (in normal mode) use q: or q/ to enter command-line-window

    • (inside command line) use these keymaps to edit in command-line-window:

      function! ZF_Setting_cmdEdit()
          let cmdtype = getcmdtype()
          if cmdtype != ':' && cmdtype != '/'
              return ''
          call feedkeys("\<c-c>q" . cmdtype . 'k0' . (getcmdpos() - 1) . 'li', 'nt')
          return ''
      cnoremap <silent><expr> ;; ZF_Setting_cmdEdit()

      to use it: press ;; while editing in Command-line

  • Q: How to use in :terminal?

    A: since terminal does not support omnifunc, there's no direct way to support in it

    a workaround by command-line-window:

    if has('terminal') || has('nvim')
        function! PassToTerm(text)
            let @t = a:text
            if has('nvim')
                call feedkeys('"tpa', 'nt')
                call feedkeys("a\<c-w>\"t", 'nt')
        command! -nargs=* PassToTerm :call PassToTerm(<q-args>)
        tnoremap ;; <c-\><c-n>q:a:PassToTerm<space>

    to use it: press ;; while inside :terminal window's Insert-mode

  • Q: external db source?

    A: the ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM_openapi is a good example, which achieves:

    • using external source to supply db contents
    • async mode
  • Q: lazy db load?

    A: you may manually use these methods to achieve lazy load:

    • register:
      • ZFVimIM_dbInit(...) : register a empty db that can be toggle by ZFVimIME_keymap_toggle_n() or ZFVimIME_keymap_next_n()
    • db load:
      • ZFVimIM_cloudRegister(...) : (recommended) register cloud setting, and would load db content when called
      • ZFVimIM_dbLoad(...) : to load actual db content, can be called separately for split db, new data would be merged to old data
      • g:ZFVimIM_db : (not recommended) manually modify internal db data
  • Q: arrow keys not work?

    A: see this

known issue

  • too slow

    check first: executable('python') or executable('python3') and ZFVimJob is installed and available (you may check them by call ZFVimIM_DEBUG_checkHealth()), without them, the pure vim script fallback is always very slow (about 2 seconds for 200KB db file)

    if your db file is very large, it's slow to save and load db even if executable('python'), because reading and processing large files also takes a long time

    this plugin is designed lightweight that can fallback to pure vimscript, so, there's no plan to completely move db data to python side (further more, async complete popup would break :lmap logic, and require features like LSP plugins, no plan to achieve this too)

    PS: you may want to check ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM_openapi for how to use external tool to supply db contents

    if you want to benchmark:

    1. let g:ZFVimIM_DEBUG_profile = 1
    2. input freely
    3. call ZFVimIM_DEBUG_profileInfo() to check which step consumed most time

    if issue still occurs, please supply log file before opening issue:

    1. call ZFVimIM_DEBUG_start('/path/to/log')
    2. input freely
    3. call ZFVimIM_DEBUG_stop()
    4. open issue and supply the log file
  • use with LSP plugins

    it's possible, but it's a better design to make a external executable for LSP plugins, not some vimscript like this plugin, so, no plan on this

    if you really want to hack, there's two idea:

    • use ZFVimIM_complete() to get word completion, and supply things like omnifunc for LSP plugins
    • use python or other tools to parse db files and supply LSP plugins
  • can not use in input()

    unfortunately, I've no idea how to make lmap work in input(), and there's no plan to make complex cmap to achieve this

    of course, if you have better solution, PR is always welcomed

zfvimim's People


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zfvimim's Issues


我的vim是配置了YCM的,写C时使用的补全函数是 ccomplete,切成输入法就是ZFVimIME_omnifunc,一般不会出问题,但是还是会偶尔遇到问题,这问题由来已久,我一直没报就是想找找复现步骤,但是我失败了,只能描述一下现象。

问题发生时状态栏显示当前的模式为-- INSERT (lang) --,当我按下键进行输入时,状态栏显示=ZFVimIME_callOmni(),然后C语言函数补全列表就弹出来了,此时查看omnifunc的值是ccomplete。如果我手动将omnifunc改回去,那就可以继续用。不晓得这是个什么问题。



[BUG] 在从插入模式退出到普通模式时出现意外输入的情况




CleanShot 2023-03-29 at 10 56 41


CleanShot 2023-03-29 at 11 01 00


不知怎么触发了 Omni 补全后就乱套了







function! s:apc_enable()
    if get(g:, 'ZFVimIM_autoDisable_apc', 1) && get(g:, 'apc_enable', 0) == 0
function! s:apc_disable()
    if get(g:, 'ZFVimIM_autoDisable_apc', 1) && get(b:, 'apc_enable', 0) == 1
call add(s:callback, ['s:apc_enable', 's:apc_disable'])


先感谢大佬的插件, 很好用

  1. 我想关闭词频修改, 最好能根据字典里的顺序固定顺序
  2. 我想关闭长句输入, 因为我的字典这样输入可能不太方便, 会有冲突
  3. 次选键能自定义吗


和这个有点像,而且我也设置了 autogroup #18
neovim 0.4.4没有问题,正常输入
然后zfvim就不能正常输入中文文字了。奇怪的是,同样是vim8.2, 有些机器上又是没事的。






$ cat ~/.vimrc
set nocompatible

filetype plugin on

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimJob'
Plug 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimGitUtil'
Plug 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM'
"Plug 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM_openapi' " 百度云输入法
call plug#end()
function! s:myLocalDb()
    let db = ZFVimIM_dbInit({
                \   'name' : 'latex',
                \ })
    call ZFVimIM_cloudRegister({
                \   'mode' : 'local',
                \   'dbId' : db['dbId'],
                \   'repoPath' : '/home/yuanchenpu/Workspace/Tools/latex-words/', 
                \   'dbFile' : '/latex.txt', 
                \   'dbCountFile' : '/latex_count.txt',
                \ })
autocmd User ZFVimIM_event_OnDbInit call s:myLocalDb()
let g:ZFVimIM_symbolMap = {
            \   ',' : [''],
            \   '.' : [''],
            \ }
ZFJobAvailable: 1
    vim version: 801
    vim job: 1
    nvim job: 0
python: 1
    python: 1 /usr/bin/python
        Python 2.7.18
    python3: 1 /usr/bin/python3
        Python 3.8.5




我想在neovide中使用这个插件,因为neovide使用中文输入法似乎有些问题,因此我想借助于这个插件。 但是在使用这个插件时会出现下面这种问题



我有时候在输入法模式下想临时输入几个单词,又不想切回英文模式,于是会在输入单词后后直接敲回车让英文上屏,不知道这种操作在不在设计范围内...这种行为当时没问题,但是后期再切英文模式就会触发一个 bug,复现步骤如下:

  1. vim 打开,进入 insert mode,然后 ;; 切到输入法
  2. 输入几个字母比如 yingwen,直接敲回车让英文上屏
  3. ;; 切回 insert mode
  4. 再输入任意字母键比如 c,报错就出现了
E764: Option 'omnifunc' is not set
Press ENTER or type command to continue

要想让这个问题不出现的话,第三步要再加一次 ;; 才行,也就是说当我连续使用两次 ;;,vim 状态栏显示的模式虽然都是 -- INSERT --,但第一次是假的,第二次才是真的。如果只使用一次 ;; 在假的 -- INSERT -- 下输入就会报错。

这个问题出现之后如果不重启 vim,之后输入法切 insertinsert 切输入法都要使出两次 ;;


能不能把上面标出的地方去掉?我之前用的老版本是去掉了后面的拼音的 但是忘记改的是哪里

Async `upload` when using `local mode`

Entering Vim and ZFVimIM is fast,
but not when quit Vim.
It seems only when :q ZFVimIM update the pinyin_count.txt which is time consuming.

I installed ZFVimJob, and ZFJobAvailable() is 1.
This is my config file:

" config
let g:ZFVimIM_cloudSync_enable=1
let g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_autoInit=1
let g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_enable=5000
let g:ZFVimIM_cloudAsync_timeout=30000

" path(git/local)
let s:repoPath=expand('<sfile>:p:h:h')
function! s:dbInit()
    let repoPath = s:repoPath
    let dbFile = '/misc/pinyin.txt'
    let dbCountFile = '/misc/pinyin_count.txt'

    let db = ZFVimIM_dbInit({
                \   'name' : 'zh_CN',
                \ })

    call ZFVimIM_cloudRegister({
                \   'mode' : 'local',
                \   'repoPath' : repoPath,
                \   'dbFile' : dbFile,
                \   'dbCountFile' : dbCountFile,
                \   'dbId' : db['dbId'],
                \ })

augroup ZFVimIM_pinyin_augroup
    autocmd User ZFVimIM_event_OnDbInit call s:dbInit()
augroup END

repoPath 和 dbFile 拼接成路径的方式不符合直觉

目前的配置,repoPath 最后的 / 不能少,少了 /, 如果 dbFile 的路径前面没有 /,那么拼接成完整路径的时候就出错,这太反直觉了。例如如下的配置是错的:

    call ZFVimIM_cloudRegister({
                \   'mode': 'local',
                \   'dbId' : db['dbId'],
                \   'repoPath' : expand('~/Projects/trial_error'),
                \   'dbFile' : 'pinyin_huge.txt',
                \   'dbCountFile': 'pinyin_huge_count.txt'
                \ })

就是因为 trial_error 后面 或者 pinyin_huge.txt 前面少了反斜杠。

理想的方式,repoPath 指定的路径,加不加反斜杠均可,dbFile 的路径最好前面不加反斜杠,加了反斜杠很违和,好像代表的是 Linux 根目录下的某个目录一样。

这种字符串拼接的活,应该用 os.path.join() 类似的方法去完成,手工来搞,太容易出问题了。




再见iPad pro。matepad pro + termux + texlive + vimtex,起飞就完事了。

neovim 加载大词库速度太慢了

试了一下你提供的 pinyin_huge.txt 作为 db 文件,我掐表计时,从输入 nvim 命令,到显示 buffer 内容,需要大约 30 秒。









第一次加载插件,提示 unknown function: ZFVimIM_dbInit


set runtimepath+=/data/haojiedong/.local/share/nvim/plugged/ZFVimIM
set runtimepath+=/data/haojiedong/.local/share/nvim/plugged/ZFVimJob
let db = ZFVimIM_dbInit({
            \   'name' : 'jd_db',
            \ })
call ZFVimIM_cloudRegister({
            \   'mode' : 'local',
            \   'dbId' : db['dbId'],
            \   'repoPath' : expand('~/scratch_dir/'),
            \   'dbFile' : 'pinyin.txt',
            \ })

runtimepath 设置的是两个插件安装的位置,然后使用 nvim -u init.vim 启动,提示: unknown function: ZFVimIM_dbInit。

但是在 nvim 里面,重新 source 这个配置 :so init.vim,就不会报错了。后续可以正常使用 ZFVimIM

Input History didn't work

Is this bind together with cloudinput instead of separated function?
Or I miss some necessary config?

" profile
let g:ZFVimIM_DEBUG_profile = 1

" keymap
let g:ZFVimIM_keymap = 0
nnoremap <expr><silent><Leader>ikm ZFVimIME_keymap_toggle_n()
inoremap <expr><Leader>ikm         ZFVimIME_keymap_toggle_i()
vnoremap <expr><Leader>ikm         ZFVimIME_keymap_toggle_v()
nnoremap <expr><silent><Leader>ijm ZFVimIME_keymap_next_n()
inoremap <expr><Leader>ijm         ZFVimIME_keymap_next_i()
vnoremap <expr><Leader>ijm         ZFVimIME_keymap_next_v()
" nnoremap <expr><silent> ;, ZFVimIME_keymap_add_n()
" inoremap <expr> ;, ZFVimIME_keymap_add_i()
" xnoremap <expr> ;, ZFVimIME_keymap_add_v()

" nnoremap <expr><silent> ;. ZFVimIME_keymap_remove_n()
" inoremap <expr> ;. ZFVimIME_keymap_remove_i()
" xnoremap <expr> ;. ZFVimIME_keymap_remove_v()

" config
let g:ZFVimIM_autoAddWordLen=3*4
let g:ZFVimIM_cachePath=$HOME.'/_vim/.cache' 

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