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oak's Introduction


Oak (Off-heap Allocated Keys) is a scalable, concurrent, in-memory Key Value (KV) map.

OakMap is a concurrent Key-Value Map that may keep all keys and values off-heap. This enables working with bigger heap sizes than JVM's managed heap. OakMap implements an API similar to the industry standard Java8 ConcurrentNavigableMap API. It provides strong (atomic) semantics for read, write, and read-modify-write, as well as (non-atomic) range query (scan) operations, both forward and backward. OakMap is optimized for big keys and values, in particular, for incremental maintenance of objects (update in-place). It is faster and scales better with additional CPU cores than the popular Java ConcurrentNavigableMap ConcurrentSkipListMap.

Why OakMap?

  1. OakMap provides great performance: it employs fine-grain synchronization, and thus scales well with numbers of threads; it also achieves cache-friendliness by avoiding memory fragmentation. Performance evaluation.
  2. OakMap takes keys and the data off-heap, and thus allows working with a huge heap (RAM) -- even more than 50G -- without JVM GC overheads.
    • To support off-heap, OakMap has embedded, efficient, epoch-based memory management that mostly eliminates JVM GC overheads.
  3. OakMap provides a rich API for atomic accesses to data. For example, OakMap supports atomic compute() -- in place computations on existing keys -- whereas the current Java ConcurrentSkipListMap implementation does not guarantee the atomicity of compute(). OakMap’s update operations (such as put and compute) take user-provided lambda functions for easy integration in diverse use cases.
  4. Descending Scans: OakMap expedites descending scans without additional complexity. In our experiments, OakMap’s descending scans are 4.8x faster than ConcurrentSkipListMap’s, and perform similarly to their ascending counterparts. Performance evaluation.

Table of Contents


Design Points

  • OakMap consists of an on-heap index to off-heap keys and values. OakMap's index is structured as a list of contiguous chunks of memory; this speeds up searches through the index due to access locality and cache-friendliness. Read more about OakMap design.
  • OakMap's keys and the values are copied and stored in self-managed off-heap byte arrays.

Design Requirements

In order to efficiently manage its content, OakMap requires that the user define two auxiliary tools: an OakSerializer and an OakComparator; both are passed during construction.

  1. OakSerializer: Both keys and values need to provide a (1) serializer, (2) deserializer, and (3) serialized size calculator. All three are parts of OakSerializer.
    • For boosting performance, OakMap allocates space for a given key/value and then uses the given serializer to write the key/value directly to the allocated space. OakMap uses the appropriate size calculator to deduce the amount of space to be allocated. Note that both keys and the values are variable-sized.
  2. OakComparator: In order to compare the internally-kept serialized keys with the deserialized key provided by the API, OakMap requires a (key) comparator. The comparator compares two keys, each of which may be provided either as a deserialized object or as a serialized one, determining whether they are equal, and if not, which is bigger.


OakMap is a library. After downloading Oak, compile it using mvn install package to compile and install. Then update your project's pom.xml file dependencies, as follows:


Finally, import the relevant classes and use OakMap according to the description below.


In order to build OakMap the user should first create the builder, and then use it to construct OakMap:.

OakMapBuilder<K,V> builder = ... \\ create a builder; details provided below
OakMap<K,V> oak =;

OakMap requires multiple parameters to be defined for the builder, as shall be explained below. When constructing off-heap OakMap, the memory capacity (per OakMap instance) needs to be specified. OakMap allocates the off-heap memory with the requested capacity at construction time, and later manages this memory.


As explained above, OakMap<K,V> is given key 'K' and value 'V', which are requested to come with a serializer, deserializer and size calculator. OakMap user is requested to implement the following interface that can be found in the Oak project.

public interface OakSerializer<T> {

  // serializes the object
  void serialize(T source, ByteBuffer targetBuffer);

  // deserializes the given byte buffer
  T deserialize(ByteBuffer byteBuffer);

  // returns the number of bytes needed for serializing the given object
  int calculateSize(T object);

This is how to create those classes in your code:

public class OakKeySerializerImplementation implements OakSerializer<K>

public class OakValueSerializerImplementation implements OakSerializer<V>

Minimal Key

OakMap requires a minimal key that can represent negative infinity according in the user-defined comparision among the keys. The requested minimal key is of type 'K', and is considered by the given comparator to be smaller than every other key (serialized or not). The minimal key is passed as a parameter during builder creation.


After a Key-Value pair is inserted into OakMap, it is kept in a serialized (buffered) state. However, OakMap's API gets the input key as an object, the serialization of which is deferred until it proves to be required. Thus, while searching through the map, OakMap might compare between keys in their Object and Serialized modes. OakMap provides the following interface for such a comparator:

public interface OakComparator<K> {

  int compareKeys(K key1, K key2);

  int compareSerializedKeys(ByteBuffer serializedKey1, ByteBuffer serializedKey2);

  int compareSerializedKeyAndKey(ByteBuffer serializedKey, K key);

This is how to create the comparator class in your code:

public class OakKeyComparatorImplementation implements OakComparator<K>


We provide an example how to create OakMapBuilder and OakMap. For a more comprehensive code example please refer to the Usage section.

OakMapBuilder<K,V> builder = new OakMapBuilder()
            .setKeySerializer(new OakKeySerializerImplementation(...))
            .setValueSerializer(new OakValueSerializerImplementation(...))
            .setKeysComparator(new OakKeyComparatorImplementation(...))

OakMap<K,V> oak =;


OakMap Methods

You are welcome to take a look on the OakMap's full API. OakMap's API is similar to the ConcurrentNavigableMap API; some non-standard API methods and special cases are discussed below.


OakMap provides two types of memory buffers: OakRBuffer (read-only) and OakWBuffer (read and write). These buffers support the standard Java API for read-only Java ByteBuffers and writable Java ByteBuffers, respectively.

OakMap buffers allow the user direct access to the underlying serialized key-value pairs, without needing to worry about concurrent accesses and memory management. This access reduces unnecessary copies and deserialization of the underlying mappings. Note, however, that since OakMap's get method avoids copying the value and instead returns access to the same underlying memory buffer that compute operations update in-place, the reader may encounter different values -- and even value deletions -- when accessing the buffer returned from get multiple times. This is of course normal behavior for a concurrent map that avoids copying.

An OakRBuffer can represent either a key or a value. The OakRBuffer's user can use the standard interface of a read-only ByteBuffer, for example, int getInt(int index), char getChar(int index), limit(), etc. Notice that ConcurrentModificationException can be thrown as a result of any OakRBuffer method in case the mapping is concurrently deleted.

Notes on data retrieval

  1. For better performance of data retrieval, OakMap supplies an OakBufferView of the OakMap. The OakBufferView provides the following four methods for data retrieval, whose result is presented as an OakRBuffer:

    • OakRBuffer get(K key)
    • OakCloseableIterator<OakRBuffer> valuesIterator()
    • OakCloseableIterator<Map.Entry<OakRBuffer, OakRBuffer>> entriesIterator()
    • OakCloseableIterator<OakRBuffer> keysIterator()
  2. Without the OakBufferView, OakMap's data can be directly retrieved via the following four methods:

    • V get(K key)
    • OakCloseableIterator<V> valuesIterator()
    • OakCloseableIterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> entriesIterator()
    • OakCloseableIterator<K> keysIterator()

    However, these direct methods return keys and/or values as Objects by applying deseriliazation (copy). This is costly, and we strongly advice to use OakBufferView or OakTransformView to operate directly on the internal data representation.

  3. For further understanding of data retrieval via OakTransformView, please refer to the Transformations section.

  4. Note that OakMap's iterators are OakCloseableIterator (extend AutoCloseable) so it is possible to reuse the memory previously referred by iterator. Be sure to use it within try-statement or call its close() method explicitly when iterator is no longer in use.

Notes on data ingestion

  1. Data can be ingested and updated via the following five methods:
    • void put(K key, V value)
    • boolean putIfAbsent(K key, V value)
    • void remove(K key)
    • boolean computeIfPresent(K key, Consumer<OakWBuffer> computer)
    • void putIfAbsentComputeIfPresent(K key, V value, Consumer<OakWBuffer> computer)
  2. In contrast to the ConcurrentNavigableMap API, void put(K key, V value) does not return the value previously associated with the key, if key existed. Likewise, void remove(K key) does not return a boolean indicating whether key was actually deleted, if key existed.
  3. boolean computeIfPresent(K key, Consumer<OakWBuffer> computer) gets the user-defined computer function. The computer is invoked in case the key exists. The computer is provided with OakWBuffer, representing the serialized value associated with the key. The computer's effect is atomic, meaning that either all updates are seen by concurrent readers, or none are. The compute functionality offers the OakMap user an efficient zero-copy update-in-place, which allows OakMap users to focus on business logic without dealing with the hard problems that data layout and concurrency control present.
  4. OakMap additionally supports an atomic void putIfAbsentComputeIfPresent(K key, V value, Consumer<OakWBuffer> computer) interface, (which is not part of ConcurrentNavigableMap). This API looks for a key. If the key does not exist, it adds a new Serialized key --> Serialized value mapping. Otherwise, the value associated with the key is updated with computer(old value). This interface works concurrently with other updates and requires only one search traversal.

Memory Management

As explained above, when constructing off-heap OakMap, the memory capacity (per OakMap instance) needs to be specified. OakMap allocates the off-heap memory with the requested capacity at construction time, and later manages this memory. This memory (the entire given capacity) needs to be released later, thus OakMap implements AutoClosable. Be sure to use it within try-statement or better invoke OakMap's close() method when OakMap is no longer in use.

Please pay attention that multiple views can be defined to the same underlying memory of OakMap. That is when other sub-maps and views (OakBufferView/OakTransformView) are created. Do not worry, the true memory release will happen only when last of those views is closed. However, note that each sub-map is in particular an OakMap and thus AutoCloseable and needs to be closed (explicitly or implicitly). Similarly, OakBufferView and OakTransformView are AutoCloseable objects and need to be closed. Again, close() can be invoked on different objects referring to the same underlying memory, but the final release will happen only once.


An Integer to Integer build example can be seen in Code Examples. Here we illustrate individual operations.

Code Examples

Simple Put and Get
Integer i = oak.get((Integer)10);
boolean res = oak.putIfAbsent((Integer)11,(Integer)110);
Get OakRBuffer
OakBufferView oakView = oak.createBufferView();
OakRBuffer buffer = oakView.get((Integer)10);
if(buffer != null) {
    try {
        int get = buffer.getInt(0);
    } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e){
Scan&Copy with OakRBuffer
Integer targetBuffer[] = new Integer[oak.entries()]; // might not be correct with multiple threads
OakBufferView oakView = oak.createBufferView();
try (OakCloseableIterator<Integer>  iter = oakView.valuesIterator()) {
		int i = 0;
		while (iter.hasNext()) {
            targetBuffer[i++] =;
Consumer<OakWBuffer> func = buf -> {
    Integer cnt = buf.getInt(0); // read integer from position 0
    buf.putInt(0, (cnt+1));			 // accumulate counter, position back to 0
oak.computeIfPresent((Integer)10, func);
Conditional Compute
Consumer<OakWBuffer> func = buf -> {
    if (buf.getInt(0) == 0) {	// check integer at position 0
        buf.putInt(1);				// position in the buffer is promoted
oak.computeIfPresent((Integer)10, func);
Simple Iterator
try (OakCloseableIterator<Integer> iterator = oak.keysIterator()) {
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Integer i =;
Simple Descending Iterator
try (OakCloseableIterator<Integer, Integer> iter = oak.descendingMap().entriesIterator()) {
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e =;
Simple Range Iterator
Integer from = (Integer)4;
Integer to = (Integer)6;

OakMap sub = oak.subMap(from, false, to, true);
try (OakCloseableIterator<Integer>  iter = sub.valuesIterator()) {
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Integer i =;


In addition to the OakBufferView explained above, OakMap provides the OakTransformView, which allows manipulating ByteBuffers instead of OakRBuffers. This abstraction is for backward compatibility with applications that are already based on the use of ByteBuffers. The OakTransformView might be useful for directly retrieving modified (transformed) data from the OakMap.

Transform view is created via OakTransformView createTransformView(Function<Map.Entry<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer>, T> transformer). It requires a transform function Function<Map.Entry<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer>, T> transformer that transforms key-value pairs given as read-only ByteBuffers into arbitrary T objects. The first ByteBuffer parameter (of the Entry) is the key and the second is the value. The API of OakTransformView is the same as that of OakBufferView, except that the return value type is T; namely:

- T get(K key)
- OakCloseableIterator<T> valuesIterator()
- OakCloseableIterator<Map.Entry<T, T>> entriesIterator()
- OakCloseableIterator<T> keysIterator()

Code example

Function<Map.Entry<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer>, Integer> func = (e) -> {
    if (e.getKey().getInt(0) == 1) {
        return e.getKey().getInt(0)*e.getValue().getInt(0);
    } else return 0;

try (OakTransformView oakView = oak.createTransformView(func)) {

	try (OakCloseableIterator<Integer> iter = oakView.entriesIterator()) {
  	  while (iter.hasNext()) {
    	    Integer i =;



Please refer to the contributing file for information about how to get involved. We welcome issues, questions, and pull requests.


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license.

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