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mod-individual-progression's Issues

[Quest] Wolves Across the Border Missing Drop Table

Current Behavior
Creature does not drop quest item.
Young Wolf - 299
Tough Wolf Meat - 750

Quest ID - 33

Expected Blizzlike Behavior
Creature Drops Quest Item


Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Start a Human Character:
  2. Pick up Quest Wolves Across the Border (Quest from Eagan Peltskinner He is outside Northshire Abbey on left side.)
  3. BUG: Young wolf do not drop quest related item (Tough wolf meat)

Extra Notes
While this is a very small bug, it is the first interaction many players will have with the server. The concept that one of the first quests in the game is broken will speak incorrectly that most of the quests are broken.

AC rev. hash/commit
AC> server debug
AC> AzerothCore rev. azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk@8925125 2022-08-25 17:30:24 -0300 (master branch) (Unix, RelWithDebInfo, Static)
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020 (library: OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020)
Using Boost version: 1.71.0
Using MySQL version: 80030
Using CMake version: 3.16.3
Compiled on: Linux 5.4.0-125-generic
Worldserver listening connections on port 8085
Realmlist (Realm Id: 1) configured in port 8085
VMAPs status: Enabled. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
MMAPs status: Enabled
maps directory located in ./maps. Total size: 291014951 bytes
vmaps directory located in ./vmaps. Total size: 658130721 bytes
mmaps directory located in ./mmaps. Total size: 2320900676 bytes
Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: enUS
Using World DB: ACDB 335.8-dev
LoginDatabase queue size: 0
CharacterDatabase queue size: 0
WorldDatabase queue size: 0

List enable modules:


Operating system
Linux wow-ac 5.4.0-125-generic azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk#141 SMP Wed Aug 10 13:42:03 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Fix WotLK Badges

Rework WotLK badges to respect progression. Content should give the badges that were available when the content was released.

[Suggestion] Optional Mount Config

60% Mount at 40 and 100% Mount at 60 is a little bit torture.

Can it be please optional for WOTLK style mount training during earlier phases?

[DK] [Talents] Rune Tap healing effected by healing config.

Rune Tap and Improved Rune Tap should heal for 20% of Max health.

Current Behavior:
healing reduction from IP effects this talent incorrectly healing for 20%*healing reduction

Expected Behavior:
Talent / Skill should not be effected since it is a % based spell.

There may be other % based spells effected by this. Such as

Repeatable Quest do not give XP

This is part of Core which is unlike Vanilla:
If the quest is repeatable, XP will be given only once.

Classic should give XP

WOTLK this was removed

Additional Notes
Troll Necklace Bounty
Classic - Repeatable

Not Repeatable

Fix for this quest in comments.

Cannot verify progression state

I created a character from a GM account (my fault), but in order to fix it I changed the account to be a normal account, and verified that the character no longer has access to gm commands in-game. I've tried setting the characters progression through the console using the individualprogression set XX 0(also tried 1), but it does not seem to work, I can still enter the dark portal and I still get experience at lvl 60. How can I check a characters progressionlevel, or will this character be broken forever?

Items missing stats

I've noticed some inconsistencies which I think should be fixed in the Itemchanges.sql with items being changed back to their vanilla values, to bring the items back to their intended power levels. I only have a few examples, but from what I saw it was consistent with every item with these stat types. The three I've noticed so far are +%Crit chance to SPELLS, +%Hit chance to SPELLS and +Weapon Skills. They're all missing on items with no replacement stats.

For example;
Edgemaster's Handguards - In Vanilla these give +7 to Axes, Daggers and Swords. In WotLK this has been changed to +19 Hit rating, +17 Expertise rating. Currently with this mod, the item has NO stats at all. Now I understand the WotLK version is not how the item was in Vanilla, but it is effectively doing the same thing as the vanilla item, just with WotLK stat types. In Vanilla, +weapon skills lowers your chance of missing and decreases the damage penalty your glancing blows do. There's not a comparable stat for the glancing blows damage, so I think the new WotLK hit and expertise values are fair, as this keeps the item inline with it's intended vanilla use. It is still the best item for warriors to eliminate misses and one of the only items to reduced dodge/block/parries. Having the WotLK stats is better than a blank, unusable item with no stats in my opinion.
Aged Core Leather Gloves - this is another example of this. Missing +5 to Daggers, with no replacement Expertise in the mod to bring the item back to it's intended power level and use.

Neltharion's Tear - In Vanilla this has +44 spell damage, +2% Hit chance for SPELLS. In WotLK this is changed to +44 spell damage, +16 Hit rating (1.6% @ 60). In the mod this item currently just has +44 spell damage and NO Hit at all. This should either be reverted to WotLK values, or given +20 Hit rating to bring it back to vanilla levels.

Benediction - In Vanilla this has +106 Healing power, +2% Crit chance for Holy Spells. In WotLK this was changed to +56 Spell power and a flat +28 Crit rating (2% @ 60). In the mod this item currently only has +56 spell power with no Crit chance. I understand that the Crit was only intended for Holy spells, so adding the full +2% Crit chance would make the item more powerful than vanilla. So perhaps +14 Crit rating (1% @ 60) would be appropriate, as removing it completely nerfs the item too much in my opinion.

I'm assuming all items with these stat types listed will need a review.

Fail on worldserver start dungeon_onyxia.sql Duplicate entry '1-301000-21108-0-0-9-0-8620-0-0' for key 'conditions.PRIMARY'

>> Reapplying update "dungeon_onyxia.sql" '6FCEB9A' -> '47E48B3' (it changed)...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 890 in file: '/home/ubuntu/azerothcore/data/sql/custom/db_world/dungeon_onyxia.sql': Duplicate entry '1-301000-21108-0-0-9-0-8620-0-0' for key 'conditions.PRIMARY'

Applying of file '/home/ubuntu/azerothcore/data/sql/custom/db_world/dungeon_onyxia.sql' to database 'acore_world' failed! If you are a user, please pull the latest revision from the repository. Also make sure you have not applied any of the databases with your sql client. You cannot use auto-update system and import sql files from AzerothCore repository with your sql client. If you are a developer, please fix your sql query.
Could not update the World database, see log for details.

Onyxia lvl60 raid problem

Onyxian Whelps that spawn during phase 2 and from eggs are level 80 and it makes encounter impossible.


After killing the defenders of the Majordomo Executus, he goes to Ragnaros through the textures on a straight trajectory. Very very slowly. You also need to be near him so that he goes

[Quest] The Missing Diplomat XP Needs Adjustment. Not adjusted for catchup?

Current Behavior


Quest ID - 1324

Expected Blizzlike Behavior
XP is inline with other changes.


Steps to reproduce the problem
Complete the Missing Diplomat Series. XP is 1000x what it should be.

AC rev. hash/commit
AC> server debug
AC> AzerothCore rev. azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk@8925125 2022-08-25 17:30:24 -0300 (master branch) (Unix, RelWithDebInfo, Static)
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020 (library: OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020)
Using Boost version: 1.71.0
Using MySQL version: 80030
Using CMake version: 3.16.3
Compiled on: Linux 5.4.0-125-generic
Worldserver listening connections on port 8085
Realmlist (Realm Id: 1) configured in port 8085
VMAPs status: Enabled. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
MMAPs status: Enabled
maps directory located in ./maps. Total size: 291014951 bytes
vmaps directory located in ./vmaps. Total size: 658130721 bytes
mmaps directory located in ./mmaps. Total size: 2320900676 bytes
Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: enUS
Using World DB: ACDB 335.8-dev
LoginDatabase queue size: 0
CharacterDatabase queue size: 0
WorldDatabase queue size: 0

List enable modules:


Operating system
Linux wow-ac 5.4.0-125-generic azerothcore/azerothcore-wotlk#141 SMP Wed Aug 10 13:42:03 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Northspear and Bravery overlap

When you activate the vanilla transports, the bravery and the northspear in Menethil Harbor will appear at the same time sometimes and overlap each other.

Health Regeneration too low

Noticed my warrior and mages HP regen seemed too low. Checked a few classic videos and formulas and confirmed suspicions. Below is the data I could find on the formulas, though they're not 100% accurate as some of the numbers don't match up and it is definitely different for lower levels. It's hard to find specifics as private server values seem to differ from retail. List currently incomplete, I'll add more data and video evidence when I have the time so we can start figuring out the formulas to get close enough to retail numbers.


60 Rogue Mod - 56 spirit, 19hp per tick
60 Rogue Classic - 53 spirit, 28.5hp per tick -
40 Rogue Classic - 54 spirit, 27hp per tick -

1 Warrior Mod - 23 spirit, 6hp per tick
1 Warrior Classic - 23 spirit, 4.5hp per tick
60 Warrior Mod - 48 spirit, 30hp per tick
60 Warrior classic - 51 spirit, 48.5hp per tick -
39 Warrior classic - 46 spirit, 35hp per tick -

60 DK Mod - 48 spirit, 30hp per tick (assuming this should probably be same value as warrior)

60 Hunter Mod - 74 spirit, 13hp p/tick
60 Hunter Mod - 138 spirit, 21hp p/tick

60 Shaman Mod - 105 spirit, 12hp p/tick
60 Shaman Mod - 172 spirit, 17hp p/tick

60 Paladin Mod - 76 spirit, 16hp per tick
60 Paladin Mod - 140 spirit, 24hp per tick

60 Druid Mod - 115 spirit, 11hp per tick
60 Druid Mod - 183 spirit, 15hp per tick

60 Mage Mod - 122 spirit, 8hp per tick
60 Mage Mod - 178 spirit, 11hp per tick
60 Mage Classic - 176 spirit, 17hp per tick -

60 Warlock Mod - 114 spirit, 9hp per tick
60 Warlock Mod - 182spirit, 12hp per tick

60 Priest Mod - 133 spirit, 13hp per tick
60 Priest Mod - 203 spirit, 15hp per tick

I get this is not that important. Feel free to close if not worried or I'm wrong.

with the current latest azerothcore update, the module causes a build error/failure in visual studio due to Onyxia (i have snippets of the log)

here is the log snippets

22>C:\AzerothCore\modules\mod-individual-progression\src\vanillaScripts\boss_onyxia.cpp(344,1): error C2660: 'ScriptedAI::DoResetThreat': function does not take 0 arguments
22>C:\AzerothCore\src\server\game\AI\ScriptedAI\ScriptedCreature.h(314,10): message : see declaration of 'ScriptedAI::DoResetThreat' (compiling source file C:\AzerothCore\modules\mod-individual-progression\src\vanillaScripts\boss_onyxia.cpp)
22>C:\AzerothCore\modules\mod-individual-progression\src\vanillaScripts\boss_onyxia.cpp(394,1): error C2660: 'ScriptedAI::DoResetThreat': function does not take 0 arguments
22>C:\AzerothCore\src\server\game\AI\ScriptedAI\ScriptedCreature.h(314,10): message : see declaration of 'ScriptedAI::DoResetThreat' (compiling source file C:\AzerothCore\modules\mod-individual-progression\src\vanillaScripts\boss_onyxia.cpp)

Done building project "modules.vcxproj" -- FAILED.

25>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '......\modules\RelWithDebInfo\modules.lib'
25>Done building project "worldserver.vcxproj" -- FAILED

========== Rebuild All: 24 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 skipped ==========

Remove Spell Ranks learned by AQ20 Books

Not sure if this is a design choice or not, but I noticed that spells learnt from AQ20 books were still on the NPC trainers. I went ahead and changed my professions.sql to remove these spells. I'm assuming the warlock books (Shadowbolt X, Immolate VIII, Corruption VII, Shadow Ward IV) will need to be added back to boss tables too if this is added, as well as Deadly Poison V. Below is the updated table of all spells learned through books.

-- Class skills taught by dropped items
FROM npc_trainer
WHERE SpellID IN (26991,

Restrict Patch 2.3 Recipes

Patch 2.3 added several recipes that made previous reward not worth getting, such as leatherworking quiver better than existing rep reward. These should only be available when player progression reaches this point.

Unable to complete "Bang a gong" is unable to be accepted, also the gong in silithis for this quest is showing in game as gameobject 180718(listed as type 5-GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GENERIC in gameobject_template), when wowhead stats the gong for the quest is 180717(listed as type 10-GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBERin gameobject_template).

spawned both, added both to gameobject_queststarter, set data1 for 180717 to the correct quest id, no changes the quest is still unable to be picked up or completed even with the mallet in the inventory

[Feature Request] Starting Zone Chooser

It's nice to lvl in a different starting zone, GMs can do .tele, but players must suffer.

Can we have an optional config to choose our own starting zone? You could attach it to the same menu as the challenge mode object gossip so that only lvl 1 characters can use the service.

Few ideas

Hello, just found this module a few days ago I was just starting a completionist/progression run from 1.12.1 and onwards but This is way better! This way I don’t have to mess with different servers and clients.

I was thinking a bit regarding spells and talents. Maybe it could be tied/locked to progression that before you hit Outland/TBC then you have the spells and talents pre-tbc so that would mean Paladins for exemple have 30 second seals again and the talents would be reverted to their pre-tbc state as well so that means no crusader strike for Paladins either.
And then do same for when you hit TBC content the TBC variants unlock and do same for Wrath content.

and then about questmarkers on minimap and quest objectives on the map those could be turned off before you hit Wrath/ICC content. Maybe turn those on for when you hit ICC raid and same with dungeon finder. Of course these would all be toggleable because I understand these ideas are not for everyone same with talents and questmarkers/objectives etc.

Also a last question, would you be thinking about doing a similar module for LegionCore 7.3.5. But instead it starts with Cata-MoP-WoD-Legion. I understand the Legion content there is pretty broken but maybe someday it will be good. At least the other content seems to be working.

Consumables being affected by % healing decrease

Wondering if this is intentional or not. Currently, "IndividualProgression.VanillaHealingAdjustment = 0.5" is affecting things like potions, bandages, jewelcrafting statues, trinkets, items etc.

This isn't too major, but it mostly affects classes without any other means of healing themselves. Would there be a way to make only player healing spells be affected by this, or certain classes? Also, to save me making a separate post. I'm assuming stuff like Draenei racial, bloodthirst, evocation glyph, drain life etc. are suffering from this as well? I can understand non-vanilla/tbc stuff getting scaled, though I think stuff that was in the original should give their full values. It makes solo'ing on certain classes a lot more difficult otherwise.


Npc_ipp_aq script prevents Dungeon 2 class set questline completion

Hey, these 2 npcs are phased out until "AQ" progression, at the same time they are involved in dungeon set quest chain. That set is pre-raid/molten core tier.

As a result, this quest cannot be completed because you cannot summon the Duke in Silithus without doing some quests from Aurel Goldleaf first.

Restore Flavor Abilities

Though we are design to keep WotLK class design, there are a few spell removed that would not impact gameplay and can be restored. For example, Mage Detect Magic.. Also examine Priest racial abilities to see if they can be restored (or at least quests restored.)

DB-Errors, SQL Query Errors and a question

Hi! At first i would like to thank you for this module. I really like the idea of it and i'm excited to try it out.
I hope you will put it in the AC catalogue aswell, so it's get's more traction.

Secondly i have a question about the pre-AQ quests. In the config file it says:

Please note that this is a very grindly quest chain requiring quests to be completed 200+ times - to make this more reasonable, some optional quest nerfs can be found in the module's SQL files.

Unfortunately i couldn't find anything in that regard. Is there a change i have to make or is it already included?

I saw in the boss_drakkisath.cpp you weren't sure about the Thunderclap Spell ID


creature_template: 10363
creature_template_spell: 23462,20691,23023,23931 (don't know if that helps)
SPELL_THUNDERCLAP = 23931 (not 15548)

[WOTLK with SpellID](

While applying the SQL files manually in HeidiSQL (i know, i'm new), there were some errors and a warning.

SQL's not used:

SQL Query Errors:

mounts_and_riding.sql (row 2)

WARNING: Run unsafe queries without a WHERE clause?
(`disables`WHERE <- missing space)
SOLUTION: DELETE FROM `disables` WHERE `sourceType`=1 AND `entry` IN (3631, 4487, 4488, 4489, 4490);

quest_missing_diplomat.sql (row 7,16,21,22,24)

INSERT INTO creature_queststarter(id, quest) VALUES (1748, 11223);
ERROR: SQL Error (1062): Duplicate entry '1748-11223' for key 'PRIMARY'

UPDATE creature_questender SET id=1748 WHERE quest=396;
ERROR: SQL Error (1062): Duplicate entry '1748-396' for key 'PRIMARY'

UPDATE creature_queststarter SET id=1748 WHERE quest=396;
ERROR: SQL Error (1062): Duplicate entry '1748-396' for key 'PRIMARY'

UPDATE creature_queststarter SET id=1748 WHERE quest=6182;
ERROR: SQL Error (1062): Duplicate entry '1748-6182' for key 'PRIMARY'

UPDATE creature_queststarter SET id=1748 WHERE quest=7782;
ERROR: SQL Error (1062): Duplicate entry '1748-7782' for key 'PRIMARY'

After successfully compling, the database would spit out some errors.


> Incorrect value '315' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'fire_res'

> Incorrect value '315' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'nature_res'

> Incorrect value '315' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'frost_res'

> Incorrect value '315' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'shadow_res'

> Incorrect value '315' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'arcane_res'

> Incorrect value '-10' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'	(-> therefore 'Petrospill Leggings' (9509) don't show the '-10 Fire Resistance' stat on the item)
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'fire_res'

> Incorrect value '-50' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'holy_res'

> Incorrect value '-50' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'fire_res'

> Incorrect value '-50' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'nature_res'

> Incorrect value '-50' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'frost_res'

> Incorrect value '-50' for type 'unsigned char'. Value is raw ? 'false'
> Table name 'item_template'. Field name 'shadow_res'

Creature (Entry: 12580) has assigned gossip menu 12580, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_GOSSIP (1).

Table `creature` have creature (SpawnId: 156950 Entries: 12397, 0, 0) with a `creature_template`.`flags_extra` in one or more entries including CREATURE_FLAG_EXTRA_INSTANCE_BIND but creature are not in instance.
Table `creature` have creature (SpawnId: 156950 Entries: 12397, 0, 0) with `MovementType`=0 (idle) have `wander_distance`<>0, set to 0.

Table `creature_queststarter` has creature entry (3412) for quest 2841, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER
Table `creature_queststarter` has creature entry (3412) for quest 2950, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

Table `creature_questender` has creature entry (3412) for quest 2841, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER
Table `creature_questender` has creature entry (3412) for quest 2949, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER
Table `creature_questender` has creature entry (3412) for quest 2950, but npcflag does not include UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER

Table 'creature_loot_template' Entry 10184 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and thus useless.

Table 'creature_loot_template' Entry 12129 isn't creature entry and not referenced from loot, and thus useless.

addToGossipMenuItems: GossipMenuId 5747 Item 60040 not found
Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 5747

addToGossipMenuItems: GossipMenuId 5747 Item 60040 not found
Not handled grouped condition, SourceGroup 5747

Script named 'spell_bwl_chromaggus_time_lapse_60_2_A' is not assigned in the database.
Script named 'gobject_ipp_wotlk' is not assigned in the database.

Zul'gurub can't be entered

Zul'gurub currently can't be entered regardless of progression. It should be available after completing Blackwing Lair.

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