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mpv-scripts's Issues

Delete mark duration

Hello, is it possible to make delete/undelete marks display longer on the screen?
I had no complaints before I added the line "osd-playing-msg=${playlist}" in my mpv.conf file, so on every new file's playback I could see it's position in the playlist. But since then the delete/undelete marks disappear very shrortly (like 0.2 sec) and undelete all mark behaves like it used to, so the change affected only the former two. It looks like there are conflicts between those 2 messages (delete and playlist).
Additional question (and solution in a way) is can I move all those 3 marks below, like in the lower left area? I ask this because there is an alternative playlist option (it's a lua script which automatically displays playlist whenever I play a file - "file-loaded", function()"). The playlist that this lua script displays is actually better since it's font size is smaller and it has less items in the playlist. But the problem is the playlist covers the delete/undelete marks. So I could either move the playlist (found no solution, looks like osc-messages can't be moved around..) or the marks your script produces to the lower position.

I figured out if you change the line mp.osd_message("deleting current file") into mp.osd_message("deleting current file", 10000)
the message indeed stays for 10 seconds.
But together with osd-playing-msg="$playlist" in mpv.conf file there is still some conflict and the marks messages dissapear immediately. I alsto tried to put osd-duration=5000 or 10000 in mpv.conf file to no avail.

Only getting results from podnapisi

Since the current version of script, I am only seeing results from podnapisi apparently. I am guessing that's due to other providers apparently blocked in our area. Is there any workaround for it? I tried using a vpn for it but it still didn't work apparently.

EDIT: Ah, it's an issue with subliminal for now. Multiple providers are currently not working with various errors. For opensubtitles, it needs to be passed down the username and password, meaning one would need an account for it to correctly work right now.

[subselect] Subtitle is not saved where the video is being played

mpv -v
[cplayer] Command line options: '-v'
[cplayer] mpv 0.27.0 (C) 2000-2017 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[cplayer]  built on Wed Sep 13 10:50:48 CEST 2017
[cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[cplayer]    libavutil       55.58.100
[cplayer]    libavcodec      57.89.100
[cplayer]    libavformat     57.71.100
[cplayer]    libswscale      4.6.100
[cplayer]    libavfilter     6.82.100
[cplayer]    libswresample   2.7.100
[cplayer] ffmpeg version: 3.3.4
[cplayer] Configuration: ./waf configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mpv --enable-cdda --enable-dvb --enable-dvdnav --enable-encoding --enable-libarchive --enable-libmpv-shared --enable-zsh-comp
[cplayer] List of enabled features: alsa asm atomics avutil-imgcpy-uc avutil-spherical build-date caca cdda cplayer cplugins cuda-hwaccel debug-build drm dvbin dvdnav dvdread-common egl-drm egl-helpers egl-x11 encoding fchmod gbm gbm.h gl gl-wayland gl-x11 glibc-thread-name glob glob-posix gnuc iconv is_ffmpeg jack jpeg lcms2 libarchive libass libass-osd libav libavcodec libavdevice libbluray libdl libm libmpv-shared librt linux-fstatfs lua nanosleep optimize oss-audio plain-gl posix posix-or-mingw posix-spawn pthreads pulse rubberband shm stdatomic termios uchardet vaapi vaapi-drm vaapi-egl vaapi-glx vaapi-hwaccel vaapi-wayland vaapi-x-egl vaapi-x11 vdpau vdpau-gl-x11 vdpau-hwaccel vt.h wayland x11 xv zlib zsh-comp
[global] config path: '' -> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv'
[global] config path: 'encoding-profiles.conf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf'
[global] config path: 'encoding-profiles.conf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/encoding-profiles.conf'
[global] config path: 'encoding-profiles.conf' -> '/etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf'
[cplayer] Reading config file /etc/mpv/encoding-profiles.conf
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/config'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/config'
[global] config path: 'mpv.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/mpv.conf'
[global] config path: 'config' -/-> '/etc/mpv/config'
[cplayer] Reading config file /home/burhan/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
[cplayer] Setting option 'fullscreen' = 'yes' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'screenshot-directory' = '~/Pictures/' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'ytdl-format' = 'bestvideo[height<=?720]+bestaudio/best' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'input-default-bindings' = 'no' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'cache' = 'yes' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'cache-default' = '2097152' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'cache-backbuffer' = '1048576' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'cache-initial' = '0' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'cache-secs' = '20' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'osd-duration' = '2500' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'osd-font' = 'Source Sans Pro' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'osd-font-size' = '32' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'osd-color' = '#CCFFFFFF' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'osd-border-color' = '#DD322640' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'osd-bar-align-y' = '1' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'osd-border-size' = '2' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'osd-bar-h' = '2' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'osd-bar-w' = '60' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll' = '' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'embeddedfonts' = 'yes' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sub-font' = 'Liberation Serif' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sub-font-size' = '40' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sub-color' = '#FFFFFFFF' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sub-border-color' = '#C0000000' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sub-border-size' = '2.6' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sub-shadow-offset' = '1' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sub-shadow-color' = '#33FE0000' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sub-auto' = 'fuzzy' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'slang' = 'eng,en,bn' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'alang' = 'eng,en,bn' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'audio-pitch-correction' = 'yes' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'volume-max' = '600' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'volume' = '100' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'profile' = 'opengl-hq' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'scale' = 'spline36' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'cscale' = 'spline36' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'dscale' = 'mitchell' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'dither-depth' = 'auto' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'correct-downscaling' = 'yes' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sigmoid-upscaling' = 'yes' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'deband' = 'yes' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'hwdec' = 'auto-copy' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'scale' = 'ewa_lanczossharp' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'cscale' = 'ewa_lanczossoft' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'dscale' = 'mitchell' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'scale-antiring' = '0.7' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'cscale-antiring' = '0.7' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'dither-depth' = 'auto' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'correct-downscaling' = 'yes' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'sigmoid-upscaling' = 'yes' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'deband' = 'no' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'input-ipc-server' = '/tmp/mpvsocket' (flags = 4)
[cplayer] Setting option 'v' = '' (flags = 8)
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/input.conf'
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/input.conf'
[global] config path: 'input.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/input.conf'
[global] user path: '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/input.conf' -> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/input.conf'
[ifo] Opening /home/burhan/.config/mpv/input.conf
[ifo_dvdnav] Opening /home/burhan/.config/mpv/input.conf
[bdmv/bluray] Opening /home/burhan/.config/mpv/input.conf
[file] Opening /home/burhan/.config/mpv/input.conf
[file] Stream opened successfully.
[input] Parsing input config file /home/burhan/.config/mpv/input.conf
[input] Input config file /home/burhan/.config/mpv/input.conf parsed: 98 binds
[osc] Loading lua script @osc.lua...
[global] config path: 'scripts' -> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[osc] loading mp.defaults
[osc] loading @osc.lua
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/osc.conf' -> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/lua-settings/osc.conf'
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, mouse_move script-binding osc/__keybinding1
[cplayer] mouse_leave script-binding osc/__keybinding2
[cplayer] , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[showhide, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input, mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding3
[cplayer] shift+mbtn_left script-binding osc/__keybinding4
[cplayer] mbtn_right script-binding osc/__keybinding5
[cplayer] wheel_up script-binding osc/__keybinding6
[cplayer] wheel_down script-binding osc/__keybinding7
[cplayer] mbtn_left_dbl ignore
[cplayer] shift+mbtn_left_dbl ignore
[cplayer] mbtn_right_dbl ignore
[cplayer] , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input, ]
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input_osc, del script-binding osc/__keybinding8
[cplayer] , default]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input_osc, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[cplayer] Run command: define-section, flags=0, args=[input_forced_osc, , force]
[cplayer] Run command: enable-section, flags=0, args=[input_forced_osc, allow-hide-cursor+allow-vo-dragging]
[cplayer] Done loading @osc.lua.
[ytdl_hook] Loading lua script @ytdl_hook.lua...
[global] config path: 'scripts' -> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/scripts'
[global] config path: 'scripts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/scripts'
[ytdl_hook] loading mp.defaults
[cplayer] Run command: disable-section, flags=0, args=[input]
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/fonts'
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/fonts'
[global] config path: 'fonts' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts'
[osd/libass] Shaper: FriBidi 0.19.7 (SIMPLE) HarfBuzz-ng 1.5.1 (COMPLEX)
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'subfont.ttf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/subfont.ttf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/fonts.conf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/fonts.conf'
[global] config path: 'fonts.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/fonts.conf'
[osd/libass] Setting up fonts...
[ytdl_hook] loading @ytdl_hook.lua
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.config/mpv/lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf'
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/home/burhan/.mpv/lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf'
[global] config path: 'lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf' -/-> '/etc/mpv/lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf'
[ytdl_hook] lua-settings/ytdl_hook.conf not found.
[cplayer] Run command: hook-add, flags=0, args=[on_load, 1, 10]
[cplayer] Run command: hook-add, flags=0, args=[on_preloaded, 2, 10]
[cplayer] Done loading @ytdl_hook.lua.
[global] user path: '/tmp/mpvsocket' -> '/tmp/mpvsocket'
[cplayer] mpv 0.27.0 (C) 2000-2017 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
[cplayer]  built on Wed Sep 13 10:50:48 CEST 2017
[cplayer] ffmpeg library versions:
[cplayer]    libavutil       55.58.100
[cplayer]    libavcodec      57.89.100
[cplayer]    libavformat     57.71.100
[cplayer]    libswscale      4.6.100
[cplayer]    libavfilter     6.82.100
[cplayer]    libswresample   2.7.100
[cplayer] ffmpeg version: 3.3.4
[cplayer] Usage:   mpv [options] [url|path/]filename
[cplayer] Basic options:
[cplayer]  --start=<time>    seek to given (percent, seconds, or hh:mm:ss) position
[cplayer]  --no-audio        do not play sound
[cplayer]  --no-video        do not play video
[cplayer]  --fs              fullscreen playback
[cplayer]  --sub-file=<file> specify subtitle file to use
[cplayer]  --playlist=<file> specify playlist file
[cplayer]  --list-options    list all mpv options
[cplayer]  --h=<string>      print options which contain the given string in their name
[ipc] Starting IPC master
[ipc] Listening to IPC socket.
[ytdl_hook] Exiting...
[osd/libass] Using font provider fontconfig
[osd/libass] Done.
[osc] Exiting...

delete_file movetofolder not moving to specified folder

Hi, I've got a delete_file.conf made, with


It doesn't move them there, it moves them to the standard

Where else would I specify the path for the deleted files? I've tried in

options = {}
options.MoveToFolder = true
options.DeletedFilesPath = "C:\Users\*****\Videos\Deleted"


if package.config:sub(1,1) == "/" then
options.DeletedFilesPath = utils.join_path(os.getenv("HOME"), "delete_file")
ops = "unix"
options.DeletedFilesPath = utils.join_path(os.getenv("USERPROFILE"), "delete_file")
ops = "win"

But changing this code causes the script not to work at all (no CTRL + DEL "deleting current file"

Not able to invoke subselect

I was unable to invoke subselect using alt + u.

MPV logs are showing this error:

[input] No key binding found for key 'Alt+u'.


I prefer your method of determining the speed transitions. I was hoping you'd be willing to chat so I could address some details that were in my script that I would like to see in yours. I think I have some methods to learn from you and hopefully I can abandon my original script to help on this which I consider superior. If you are interested please respond to... Thanks

speed-transition.lua: Ignore subtitles that match a regex pattern

First of all, thanks for the speed-transition.lua script! It's really useful.

I don't know how easy it is to achieve, but I'd love if the script could ignore subtitles that are shorter than a certain length, since very short subtitles can be read quickly even at high speeds, and often they just contain something like ♪♫ when music is played.

I think regex might be useful for that, so that one could also ignore subtitles where the whole text is enclosed in square brackets, which are often used to describe sounds.

Pattern that could be used:

^([🎵🎶]+.*[🎵🎶]+|[ 🎵🎶]+|\[.*\]|.{0,3})$

[`delete_file.lua` Bug report] `MoveToFolder` not working unless `DeletedFilesPath` is specified and `DeletedFilesPath` is in the same dir as the videos


  1. Videos aren't moved unless DeletedFilesPath is specified and DeletedFilesPath is in the same dir as the videos
  2. I can't move videos from different directories, i.e., I can move videos from ~/Videos but not /run/media/username/MX500/


Hello there. Hope you're doing well.

Thank you for creating this handy tool. I finally don't have to use a file manager to find the video and then delete it. However, I've encountered a bug:

Scenario 1 (fail)




❯ mpv "test-delete.webm"
   cplayer:  (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (vp9 1920x1080 23.976fps)
   cplayer:  (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (opus 2ch 48000Hz)
Cannot load
   cplayer: Saving state.
   cplayer: Exiting... (Quit)
delete_file: moving: /home/username/Videos/test-delete.webm

I can see the dir ~/delete_file is created, but test-delete.webm isn't moved there.

Scenario 2 (success)


❯ mpv "test-delete.webm"
   cplayer:  (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (vp9 1920x1080 23.976fps)
   cplayer:  (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=eng (*) (opus 2ch 48000Hz)
Cannot load
   cplayer: Saving state.
   cplayer: Exiting... (Quit)
delete_file: moving: /home/username/Videos/test-delete.webm

The dir /home/username/Videos/delete_file is created and test-delete.webm is moved there.

Scenario 3 (fail)



Note: this test-delete.webm is in /run/media/username/MX500, so different than ~/Videos above.

❯ mpv "test-delete.webm"
   cplayer:  (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1920x1080 30.000fps)
   cplayer:  (+) Audio --aid=1 (*) (aac 2ch 24000Hz)
Cannot load
progressbar: Playing: "test-delete.webm"
   cplayer: Saving state.
   cplayer: Exiting... (Quit)
delete_file: moving: /run/media/username/MX500/test-delete.webm

The video test-delete.webm is not moved anywhere.

Scenario 4 (fail)



Note: this test-delete.webm is again, in /run/media/username/MX500.

❯ mpv "test-delete.webm"
   cplayer:  (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1920x1080 30.000fps)
   cplayer:  (+) Audio --aid=1 (*) (aac 2ch 24000Hz)
Cannot load
   cplayer: Saving state.
   cplayer: Exiting... (Quit)
delete_file: moving: /run/media/username/MX500/test-delete.webm

The video test-delete.webm is not moved anywhere as well.

Scenario 5 (success)



Note: this test-delete.webm is in /run/media/username/MX500, so different than ~/Videos above.

❯ mpv "test-delete.webm"
   cplayer:  (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 1920x1080 30.000fps)
   cplayer:  (+) Audio --aid=1 (*) (aac 2ch 24000Hz)
Cannot load
   cplayer: Saving state.
   cplayer: Exiting... (Quit)
delete_file: moving: /run/media/username/MX500/test-delete.webm

The video test-delete.webm is indeed moved to /run/media/username/MX500/delete_file


However, if I specify MoveToFolder=no, then videos are deleted across all mount points. But this is not what I want: I want to move videos to a directory across all mount points. I suspect this is a permission to move files issue? Because given Scenario 1, the video can't be moved to ~/delete_file even it's the same mount point (/home/username).


❯ mpv --version
mpv 0.34.1-dirty Copyright © 2000-2021 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
FFmpeg version: n5.0.1

❯ uname

Any input is much appreciated. Thank you:)

Suggestion: Delete-file OSD mark

If there was a property that could be displayed on the OSD according to if file is marked to be deleted, this can prove useful as when going over long playlists one may forget which files were set for deletion. A console output for a mark can also serve this purpose alternatively, or moreover.

[feature request] delete-file: add an option to delete empty folders

The current version of the delete script only removes files, any orphan directories are left behind. An option to delete the leftover empty folders would be welcomed by many, I'm sure.

Perhaps disabled by default. Should likely have a whitelist to avoid the removal of system directories (e.g. ~/Videos and ~/Music on Gnome).


There's also additional sub colorization that you might should hide at toggle_sub_visibility.

    sub_color3 = mp.get_property("sub-shadow-color", "0/0/0/1")
    mp.set_property("sub-shadow-color", "0/0/0/0")
    mp.set_property("sub-shadow-color", sub_color3)

Nice script.

Error installing the script subselect.lua

I tried to install this script but it ends up giving me an error for tkinter "No module named tkinter."
I've already installed tk and tk-tools along with python-mpv (for the next error)

Additionally after I click okay on the error I get another error as python not found. This is also the case in mpv/mpvnet

I also configured the subselect.conf file appropriately but alas, same error as before. Although, the runs normally and shows me a an input box for entering the name of the subtitles.


Edit: Script works fine, except for inside mpv/mpvnet.

Proposal of improvements

  1. Delete immediately the file, don't wait until closing mpv.
  2. Send the file to recycle bin, don't kill permanently the file.
  3. Support non-English characters (because it doesn't work with files written in other languages and symbols)

[delete-file] No marked files are deleted when EOF is reached

Currently, files are only deleted when mpv is closed by the user.
However, if a user marks a file for deletion but plays it back to the end, the file will not be deleted.
This is a bit unintuitive.

My usecase for this script is to play a bunch of files and delete some of them on the fly (if I don't like them). At the end of the playlist, all marked files should be deleted (which is currently not the case).

In order to fix this, I suggest to add or e.reason == "eof" in the following line:

if e.reason == "quit" then

Speedup-Transition - How can I enable this ON by default (not have to hit Ctrl+J?)


I was wondering how I can enable this add-on to automatically be on (as if I had pressed Ctrl+J upon startup).
I've been trying to figure this out in via a .conf file or by editing the addon, I'm just kinda dumb on this.


I figured it out. I simply added this to the very bottom of the script:


This makes it so that the toggle command is run on startup, after the hotkey commands have been created for mpv.toggle()

speed-transition.lua: Suggestion for youtube generated subtitles (minimum subtitle length forced skip)

Youtube generates subtitles but they are useless with this plugin unfortunately to the way they are generated, each line of subtitle will be shown until the next line is generated leaving no gaps for this plugin to skip through.

This could be solved by implementing an option that will fast foward automatically after a subtitle has being showing for a certain amount of seconds.

An option for example might be useful to call it "forcedLookAhead = x" (After a subtitle has being showing for x seconds it will forcefully speed up to the next subtitle) this is because with youtube the talker has likely already finished, while the subtitles generated by youtube will continue to show forever until it generates more subtitles, leaving massive gaps of silence, that could be skipped if detected showing too long.

delete-file: terminal / command-line use

Similar to the mpv-playlistmanager script, there's no output when the mpv window hasn't been launched and no files are removed when using the delete-file hotkeys.

I always play audio files with the --no-video flag, using this Bash alias:

alias mpva='mpv --no-video'

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