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goauthing's Issues

Support auto auth

Set an interval for authing. It could be useful for some servers in the campus without static IP.

[Feature Request] `keepAliveLoop` 失败后,自动重新尝试认证


keepOnline 选项开启时,本工具会在 keepAliveLoop 中定期发送 HTTP 请求至 /,在正常情况可以持续保持在线状态。


Lines 207 to 267 in e42c2fd

func keepAliveLoop(c *cli.Context, campusOnly bool) (ret error) {
logger.Infof("Accessing websites periodically to keep you online")
accessTarget := func(url string, ipv6 bool) (ret error) {
network := "tcp4"
if ipv6 {
network = "tcp6"
netClient := &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 10,
Transport: &http.Transport{
DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, _network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
logger.Debugf("DialContext %s (%s)\n", addr, network)
myDial := &net.Dialer{
Timeout: 6 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 0,
FallbackDelay: -1, // disable RFC 6555 Fast Fallback
return myDial.DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
resp, ret := netClient.Head(url)
if ret != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
logger.Debugf("HTTP status code %d\n", resp.StatusCode)
targetInside := ""
targetOutside := ""
stop := make(chan int, 1)
defer func() { stop <- 1 }()
go func() {
// Keep IPv6 online, ignore any errors
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case <-time.After(13 * time.Minute):
_ = accessTarget(targetInside, true)
for {
target := targetOutside
if campusOnly || settings.V6 {
target = targetInside
if ret = accessTarget(target, settings.V6); ret != nil {
ret = fmt.Errorf("accessing %s failed (re-login might be required): %w", target, ret)
// Consumes ~5MB per day
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)




该参数与 --keepOnline 同时使用,当用户添加该参数时,可支持断线重连功能,即:当 keepAliveLoop 遇到错误后,重新进行认证操作。另外,可以添加指数退避策略防止过多的认证请求。

选项二:直接为 keepAliveLoop 添加断线重连功能

同上,当原始的 keepAliveLoop 失败时,说明校园网已掉线(可能是欠费或其他特殊原因),则重新认证。选项二的副作用是:改变了 keepAliveLoop 函数的语义(由 仅保持在线状态 变为 保持在线状态且断线重连





在树莓派上之前还是可以连通的,这两天突然就上不了网了。使用命令 ip addr发现有地址166.111.132.231,但是上不去认证界面,求救。

  1. 事故现场:FIT楼。
  2. 别的机器连接校园网可以 ping 通我的地址,我不可以 ping 通别人
  3. 可以 ping 通 和
  4. ping 发生错误
ping: Temporary failure in name resolution
  1. 使用命令 curl -L 发生错误
Could not resolve host:
  1. 使用命令 auth-thu --debug 显示下面几行错误
DEBUG libauth requests.go:223 GET ""
DEBUG auth-thu main.go:282 Failed to get ac_id: GET "": dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:33399->[::1]:53: read: connection refused
DEBUG auth-thu main.go:283 Login may fail with 'IP 地址异常'.
DEBUG libauth requests.go:134 GET ""
ERROR auth-thu main.go:340 Login Failed: Get "": dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:60574->[::1]:53: read: connectoin refused


我使用的系统是Arch Linux,安装了aur中auth-thu-bin这一软件包,包里含有systemd的配置文件/usr/lib/systemd/user/[email protected],我用这一命令启动服务systemctl --user start goauthing@<用户名>.service,之后查看运行状态systemctl --user staus goauthing@<用户名>.service显示如下错误

● goauthing@***.service - Authenticating utility for
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/[email protected]; disabled; preset: enabled)
Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2022-09-02 18:03:17 CST; 1s ago
Process: 1808 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/auth-thu --debug -D deauth (code=exited, status=216/GROUP)
Process: 1809 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/auth-thu --debug -D auth (code=exited, status=216/GROUP)
Process: 1810 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/auth-thu --debug -D login (code=exited, status=216/GROUP)
Process: 1811 ExecStart=/usr/bin/auth-thu --debug -D online (code=exited, status=216/GROUP)
Main PID: 1811 (code=exited, status=216/GROUP)
CPU: 7ms


Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[623]: Stopped Authenticating utility for
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[623]: Starting Authenticating utility for
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[3085]: goauthing.service: Failed to determine supplementary groups: Operation not permitted
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[3085]: goauthing.service: Failed at step GROUP spawning /usr/bin/auth-thu: Operation not permitted
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[3086]: goauthing.service: Failed to determine supplementary groups: Operation not permitted
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[3086]: goauthing.service: Failed at step GROUP spawning /usr/bin/auth-thu: Operation not permitted
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[3087]: goauthing.service: Failed to determine supplementary groups: Operation not permitted
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[3087]: goauthing.service: Failed at step GROUP spawning /usr/bin/auth-thu: Operation not permitted
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[623]: Started Authenticating utility for
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[3088]: goauthing.service: Failed to determine supplementary groups: Operation not permitted
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[3088]: goauthing.service: Failed at step GROUP spawning /usr/bin/auth-thu: Operation not permitted
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[623]: goauthing.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=216/GROUP
Sep 02 17:51:05 ****** systemd[623]: goauthing.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Sep 02 17:51:10 ****** systemd[623]: goauthing.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 110.


[BUG] subcommand `login` got stuck when some HTTP request headers are not provided


Thank you so much for maintaining such a brilliant tool.

Currently, the Go-Authing tool does not include the User-Agent header in its HTTP requests, which could result in these requests being filtered by firewalls.

By adding a User-Agent header, this issue can be resolved. I am eager to address this and submit a pull request to implement the solution.

Expected Behavior

$ go run cli/main.go -c config.json --debug login 
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:55 Read config file "config.json" succeeded
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:93 Settings Username: "******"
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:94 Settings Ip: ""
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:95 Settings Host: ""
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:96 Settings HookSucc: ""
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:97 Settings NoCheck: false
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:98 Settings V6: true
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:99 Settings KeepOn: false
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:100 Settings Insecure: false
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:101 Settings Daemon: true
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:102 Settings Debug: true
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:103 Settings AcID: ""
2023-08-27 09:58:12 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:104 Settings Campus: false
2023-08-27 09:58:12 ERROR auth-thu main.go:399 Login error: IP has been online, please logout.
exit status 1

Current Behavior

$ go run cli/main.go -c config.json --debug login
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:55 Read config file "config.json" succeeded
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:93 Settings Username: "*****"
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:94 Settings Ip: ""
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:95 Settings Host: ""
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:96 Settings HookSucc: ""
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:97 Settings NoCheck: false
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:98 Settings V6: true
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:99 Settings KeepOn: false
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:100 Settings Insecure: false
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:101 Settings Daemon: true
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:102 Settings Debug: true
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:103 Settings AcID: ""
2023-08-27 09:56:21 DEBUG auth-thu main.go:104 Settings Campus: false
2023-08-27 09:56:23 ERROR auth-thu main.go:399 Login error: Get "********************************&username=******": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
exit status 1

How to run the prebuilt binary on macOS

Device: MacBook Air M2
macOS version: 13.0 (22A380)

I downloaded the prebuilt binary for macOS arm64. Running ./auth-thu.macos.arm64 from terminal leads to the warning in this picture.
Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 09 26 44

Then I tried open it from Finder. Another warning shows up and still I cannot open it.
Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 09 27 54

So I wanna ask how I can run this on my MacBook. Thanks!

Could not auth under ipv6 in OpenWrt

I tried to use GoAuthing on my OpenWrt system using ./auth-thu -u <MY_USERNAME> -p <MY_PASSWORD> auth --ipv6 and got the following error:

2023-08-25 15:24:14 ERROR auth-thu main.go:362 Auth error: Login Failed: Get "<MY_USERNAME>": dial tcp: lookup on no such host

Directly authing ipv4 is OK in my environment. I wonder if there are any suggestions on how to successfully auth6? Thanks!

使用 UCI 的 init.d 脚本在 OpenWRT 21.02 无法运行

在 OpenWRT 21.02 版本上,文档中提供的 uci set goauthing.config.username='<YOUR-TUNET-ACCOUNT-NAME>' 运行报错,提示 uci: Invalid argument ;尝试手写配置文件后,goauthing@ init.d 脚本中所用的 config_get 函数也无法获取到相应的配置值。



touch /etc/config/goauthing
uci add goauthing goauthing
uci set goauthing.@goauthing[0].username='<YOUR-TUNET-ACCOUNT-NAME>'
uci set goauthing.@goauthing[0].password='<YOUR-TUNET-PASSWORD>'
uci commit

对应的 /etc/config/goauthing 配置文件格式:

config goauthing
        option username '<YOUR-TUNET-ACCOUNT-NAME>'
        option password '<YOUR-TUNET-PASSWORD>'

在 init.d 脚本中,需要修改获取配置的命令如下:

start_instance() {
  local config=$1
  local username password
  config_get username $config username
  config_get password $config password

logout() {
  local config=$1
  local username password
  config_get username $config username
  config_get password $config password

`auth -o` would deauthenticate all clients

Reproduced on v1.6.1, v.1.7, v1.9.2

Both auth -o and auth -6 -o suffer from this issue.

Several days ago when developing v1.7, this wasn't happening. It is suspected that usereg changed somehow in the meantime, which broke auth -o.

Also reported by @NickCao

Questions on contribution


我最近在 OpenWRT (mips) 上用 GoAuthing,由于 boot 仅支持 /etc/init.d 的 init script(参考),所以自己写了一份,用一阵子了。考虑到身边用路由器的朋友不少,是否有可以提交到 GoAuthing/docs 中?可以的话我就 PR 了。

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