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liblcl's Introduction



一个通用的跨平台GUI库,核心使用Lazarus LCL。




所有导出的函数都为标准的c方式。 在Windows上采用__stdcall约定,其它平台采用__cdecl约定。






// 定义
TApplication Application; // 应用程序
TScreen Screen;           // 屏幕
TMouse  Mouse;            // 鼠标
TClipboard  Clipboard;    // 剪切板
TPrinter Printer;         // 打印机

// 获取实例类指针
Application = Application_Instance();
Screen = Screen_Instance();
Mouse = Mouse_Instance();              
Clipboard = Clipboard_Instance();      
Printer = Printer_Instance();          




// x86: sizeof(uintptr_t) = 4
// x64: sizeof(uintptr_t) = 8

// 从指定索引和地址获取事件中的参数
#define getParamOf(index, ptr) \
 (*((uintptr_t*)((uintptr_t)ptr + (uintptr_t)index*sizeof(uintptr_t))))
  • 基本事件回调
typedef void(*ESYSCALL0)();  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL1)(intptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL2)(intptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL3)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL4)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL5)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL6)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL7)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL8)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL9)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL10)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL11)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  
typedef void(*ESYSCALL12)(intptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);  

// 回调函数原型
// f:        通过SetOnXXX传入的Id或者函数指针
// args:     参数组数指针,通过getParamOf来获取每个成员
// argcount: 参数数组长度
// 事件回调
static void* LCLAPI doEventCallbackProc(void* f, void* args, long argCount) {
	// 获取参数的宏  
	#define _A_(index) \
	   getParamOf(index, args)

    switch (argCount) {
    case 0:  ((ESYSCALL0) (f))(); break;
    case 1:  ((ESYSCALL1) (f))(_A_(0)); break;
    case 2:  ((ESYSCALL2) (f))(_A_(0), _A_(1)); break;
    case 3:  ((ESYSCALL3) (f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2)); break;
    case 4:  ((ESYSCALL4) (f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2), _A_(2)); break;
    case 5:  ((ESYSCALL5) (f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2), _A_(3), _A_(4)); break;
    case 6:  ((ESYSCALL6) (f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2), _A_(3), _A_(4), _A_(5)); break;
    case 7:  ((ESYSCALL7) (f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2), _A_(3), _A_(4), _A_(5), _A_(6)); break;
    case 8:  ((ESYSCALL8) (f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2), _A_(3), _A_(4), _A_(5), _A_(6), _A_(7)); break;
    case 9:  ((ESYSCALL9) (f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2), _A_(3), _A_(4), _A_(5), _A_(6), _A_(7), _A_(8)); break;
    case 10: ((ESYSCALL10)(f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2), _A_(3), _A_(4), _A_(5), _A_(6), _A_(7), _A_(8), _A_(9)); break;
    case 11: ((ESYSCALL11)(f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2), _A_(3), _A_(4), _A_(5), _A_(6), _A_(7), _A_(8), _A_(9), _A_(10)); break;
    case 12: ((ESYSCALL12)(f))(_A_(0), _A_(1), _A_(2), _A_(3), _A_(4), _A_(5), _A_(6), _A_(7), _A_(8), _A_(9), _A_(10), _A_(11)); break;
    return NULL;

// 设置回调
  • TForm消息回调
// f: addr
// msg: TMessage
void* LCLAPI doMessageCallbackProc(void* f, void* msg) {
    return NULL;

// 设置回调
  • 线程同步回调
static TThreadProc threadSyncProc;

void* LCLAPI doThreadSyncCallbackProc() {
    if (threadSyncProc) {
        threadSyncProc = NULL;
    return NULL;

// 设置回调

// 线程同步操作
void ThreadSync(TThreadProc fn) {
#ifdef __GNUC__
    threadSyncProc = fn;
    threadSyncProc = NULL;
#ifdef __GNUC__
// 集合加法,val...中存储为位的索引,下标为0
TSet Include(TSet s, uint8_t val) {
    return (TSet)(s | (1 << val));

// 集合减法,val...中存储为位的索引,下标为0
TSet Exclude(TSet s, uint8_t val) {
    return (TSet)(s & (~(1 << val)));

// 集合类型的判断,val表示位数,下标为0
BOOL InSet(uint32_t s, uint8_t val) {
    if ((s&(1 << val)) != 0) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

#define GET_CALLBACK(name) \
static void init_lib_lcl() {
#ifdef __GNUC__
    pthread_mutex_init(&threadSyncMutex, NULL);

    // 设置事件的回调函数
    // 设置消息回调
    // 设置线程同步回调
    // 初始实例类
    Application = Application_Instance();
    Screen = Screen_Instance();
    Mouse = Mouse_Instance();            
    Clipboard = Clipboard_Instance();    
    Printer = Printer_Instance();        

static void un_init_lib_lcl() {
#ifdef __GNUC__


#include "liblcl.h" 

#ifdef _WIN32
// UTF8解码
char *UTF8Decode(char* str) {
    int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, 0, 0);
    wchar_t* wCharBuffer = (wchar_t*)malloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t) + 1);
    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, wCharBuffer, len);

    len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wCharBuffer, -1, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
    char* aCharBuffer = (char*)malloc(len * sizeof(char) + 1);
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wCharBuffer, -1, aCharBuffer, len, 0, NULL);

    return aCharBuffer;

// 按钮单击事件
void onButton1Click(TObject sender) {
    ShowMessage("Hello world!");

// 文件拖放事件
void onOnDropFiles(TObject sender, void* aFileNames, intptr_t len) {
    printf("aFileNames: %p, len=%d\n", aFileNames, len);
    intptr_t i;
    // GetFPStringArrayMember 为一个从Lazarus的string数组中获取成员的函数。
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
#ifdef _WIN32
        // 由于liblcl使用的是UTF-8编码,所以获取或者传入的在Windows下都要经过UTF-8编/解码 
        char *filename = UTF8Decode(GetFPStringArrayMember(aFileNames, i));
        // Linux与macOS默认都是UTF-8,则无需编/解码
        char *filename = GetFPStringArrayMember(aFileNames, i);
        printf("file[%d]=%s\n", i+1, filename);
#ifdef _WIN32

// 窗口键盘按下事件
void onFormKeyDown(TObject sender, Char* key, TShiftState shift) {
    printf("key=%d, shift=%d\n", *key, shift);
    if (*key == vkReturn) {
        ShowMessage("press Enter!");

    TShiftState s = Include(0, ssAlt);
    if (InSet(s, ssAlt)) {
    s = Exclude(s, ssAlt);
    if (!InSet(s, ssAlt)) {

// 编辑框内容改变事件
void onEditChange(TObject sender) {
    printf("%s\n", Edit_GetText(sender));

int main()
    // 加载库
#ifdef _WIN32
    if (load_liblcl("liblcl.dll")) {
#ifdef __linux__
    if (load_liblcl("")) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
    if (load_liblcl("liblcl.dylib")) {

        // 主窗口显示在任务栏,仅Windows有效
        Application_SetMainFormOnTaskBar(Application, TRUE); 
        // 应用程序标题,影响到:比如ShowMessage的标题。
        Application_SetTitle(Application, "Hello LCL"); 
        // 初始化应用程序

        // 创建窗口
        TForm form = Application_CreateForm(Application, FALSE);
        // 设置窗口标题
        Form_SetCaption(form, "LCL Form");
        // 设置窗口位置
        Form_SetPosition(form, poScreenCenter);

        // --- 拖放文件测试 ---
        // 接受文件拖放
        Form_SetAllowDropFiles(form, TRUE); 
        // 拖放文件事件
        Form_SetOnDropFiles(form, onOnDropFiles);

        // 窗口优先接受按键,不受其它影响
        Form_SetKeyPreview(form, TRUE);

        // 窗口按键事件
        Form_SetOnKeyDown(form, onFormKeyDown);
        // ---------- 从内存流或者文件加载UI布局文件 ----------
        // 从文件加载窗口设置
        // 从流加载
        //TMemoryStream mem = NewMemoryStream();
        //MemoryStream_Write(mem, data, datalen);
        //MemoryStream_SetPosition(mem, 0); 
        //ResFormLoadFromStream(mem, form);
        // 从文件加载
        //ResFormLoadFromFile("./Form1.gfm", form);

        // ----------  动态创建控件 ---------- 
        // 创建一个按钮
        TButton btn = Button_Create(form);
        // 设置子父窗口
        Button_SetParent(btn, form);
        // 设置按钮单击事件
        Button_SetOnClick(btn, onButton1Click);
        // 设置按钮标题
        Button_SetCaption(btn, "button1");
        // 设置按钮在Parent的左边位置
        Button_SetLeft(btn, 100);
        // 设置按钮在Parent的顶边位置
        Button_SetTop(btn, 100);
        // 创建一个单行文件框(多行为TMemo)
        TEdit edit = Edit_Create(form);
        // 设置子父窗口
        Edit_SetParent(edit, form);
        // 设置左边
        Edit_SetLeft(edit, 10);
        // 设置顶边
        Edit_SetTop(edit, 10);
        // 设置编辑器内容改变事件
        Edit_SetOnChange(edit, onEditChange);

        // 运行app

        // 释放liblcl库
    return 0;


保持跟Lazarus LCL组件采用相同的授权协议: COPYING.modifiedLGPL

liblcl's People


ying32 avatar


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liblcl's Issues


安装GoVCL时报错atflatcontrols_register.pas(80,12) Fatal: Can't find unit atflatcontrols_register used by atflatcontrols_package.


Note: Duplicate unit "wsrichmemo" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\wsrichmemo.ppu"
Note: Duplicate unit "wsrichmemo" in "richmemopackage 1.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\wsrichmemo.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\wsrichmemo.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "win32richmemoproc" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\win32richmemoproc.ppu"
Note: Duplicate unit "win32richmemoproc" in "richmemopackage 1.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\win32richmemoproc.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\win32\win32richmemoproc.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "win32richmemoole" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\win32richmemoole.ppu"
Note: Duplicate unit "win32richmemoole" in "richmemopackage 1.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\win32richmemoole.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\win32\win32richmemoole.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "win32richmemo" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\win32richmemo.ppu"
Note: Duplicate unit "win32richmemo" in "richmemopackage 1.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\win32richmemo.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\win32\win32richmemo.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "" in "richmemopackage 1.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\rtfeditpropdialog.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\rtfeditpropdialog.lfm"
Note: Duplicate unit "rtfeditpropdialog" in "richmemo_design 0.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\rtfeditpropdialog.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\ide\rtfeditpropdialog.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "richmemoutils" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\richmemoutils.ppu"
Note: Duplicate unit "richmemoutils" in "richmemopackage 1.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\richmemoutils.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\richmemoutils.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "richmemohelpers" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\richmemohelpers.ppu"
Note: Duplicate unit "richmemohelpers" in "richmemopackage 1.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\richmemohelpers.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\richmemohelpers.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "richmemofactory" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\richmemofactory.ppu"
Note: Duplicate unit "richmemofactory" in "richmemopackage 1.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\richmemofactory.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\richmemofactory.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "richmemo" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\richmemo.ppu"
Note: Duplicate unit "richmemo" in "richmemopackage 1.0", ppu="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\richmemo.ppu", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\richmemo.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "atgauge" in "atflatcontrols_package 2.0", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\ATFlatControls\atflatcontrols\atgauge.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "atgauge" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\atgauge.ppu"
Note: Duplicate unit "atflatthemes" in "atflatcontrols_package 2.0", source="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\ATFlatControls\atflatcontrols\atflatthemes.pas"
Note: Duplicate unit "atflatthemes" in "mylazpkgs 1.0", orphaned ppu "D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\atflatthemes.ppu"
Warning: Duplicate file "rtfeditpropdialog.lfm" in "richmemopackage 1.0", path="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\lib\x86_64-win64\rtfeditpropdialog.lfm"
Warning: Duplicate file "rtfeditpropdialog.lfm" in "richmemo_design 0.0", path="D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\3rd-party\richmemo\ide\rtfeditpropdialog.lfm"
编译包atflatcontrols_package 2.0: 成功,警告:8,提示:138
atcanvasprimitives.pas(407,19) Hint: Local variable "Points" of a managed type does not seem to be initialized
atcanvasprimitives.pas(25,62) Hint: Parameter "Y1" not used
atcanvasprimitives.pas(480,7) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "UnicodeString"
atcanvasprimitives.pas(488,15) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "UnicodeString"
atcanvasprimitives.pas(489,53) Warning: Implicit string type conversion with potential data loss from "UnicodeString" to "AnsiString"
atcanvasprimitives.pas(497,33) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "UnicodeString"
atcanvasprimitives.pas(498,52) Warning: Implicit string type conversion with potential data loss from "UnicodeString" to "AnsiString"
atcanvasprimitives.pas(506,21) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "UnicodeString"
atcanvasprimitives.pas(507,53) Warning: Implicit string type conversion with potential data loss from "UnicodeString" to "AnsiString"
atcanvasprimitives.pas(511,12) Warning: Implicit string type conversion with potential data loss from "UnicodeString" to "AnsiString"
atbuttons.pas(366,21) Hint: Local type "TControlCracker" is not used
attabs.pas(576,30) Hint: Parameter "ATabMouseOverX" not used
attabs.pas(1408,3) Note: Call to subroutine "procedure TATTabs.UpdateCanvasAntialiasMode(C:TCanvas);" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1414,19) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1412,18) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1421,51) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1422,69) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1423,74) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1429,22) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1438,60) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1446,46) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1454,47) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1467,30) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1469,46) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1477,49) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1529,7) Note: Call to subroutine "procedure TATTabs.DoTextOut(C:TCanvas;AX:LongInt;AY:LongInt;const AClipRect:TRect;const AText:AnsiString);" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1610,52) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1610,64) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1626,26) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1627,28) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1696,20) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.GetPositionInverted(APos:TATTabPosition):<enumeration type>;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1710,29) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1711,29) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1721,29) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1722,29) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1753,28) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1773,24) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1775,35) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1776,13) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1786,24) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1788,35) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1789,35) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1833,35) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1834,13) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1846,35) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1847,35) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1904,15) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1938,11) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1939,71) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1945,12) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1954,24) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1959,20) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1961,20) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(1962,23) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2019,64) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2019,62) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2020,78) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2020,50) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2021,16) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.GetInitialVerticalIndent:LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2032,49) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2040,25) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2043,23) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2058,17) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2061,28) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2063,11) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2064,20) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2076,48) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2095,33) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2106,49) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2108,20) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2109,21) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2110,20) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2111,21) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2121,26) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2122,26) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2137,23) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2153,40) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2158,24) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2159,40) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2169,40) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2170,40) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2174,95) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2174,73) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2175,89) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2175,61) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2176,24) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.GetInitialVerticalIndent:LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2177,40) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2187,19) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2189,7) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2204,6) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.GetTabFlatEffective(AIndex:LongInt):Boolean;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2290,21) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2291,22) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2327,38) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2329,31) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2329,51) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2337,58) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2345,32) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2353,52) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2527,29) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2528,30) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2533,28) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2534,30) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2560,31) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2587,50) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2587,75) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2588,30) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2593,42) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2592,21) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2595,30) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2603,19) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.GetInitialVerticalIndent:LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2612,42) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2611,23) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2614,30) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2619,32) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(2624,32) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(681,68) Hint: Parameter "MousePos" not used
attabs.pas(3324,44) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3342,14) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3345,40) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3347,41) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3355,41) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3357,40) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3387,18) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3391,30) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3476,23) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3482,31) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3482,56) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3485,9) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3487,12) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3488,13) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3490,12) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3491,13) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3526,22) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATTabs.DoScale(AValue:LongInt):LongInt;" marked as inline is not inlined
attabs.pas(3697,3) Note: Local variable "IsX" not used
atgroups.pas(49,7) Hint: Parameter "AType" not used
atgroups.pas(49,30) Hint: Parameter "ATabIndex" not used
atgroups.pas(50,7) Hint: Parameter "C" not used
atgroups.pas(50,25) Hint: Parameter "ARect" not used
atscrollbar.pas(367,6) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATScrollbar.IsHorz:Boolean;" marked as inline is not inlined
atscrollbar.pas(415,6) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATScrollbar.IsHorz:Boolean;" marked as inline is not inlined
atscrollbar.pas(488,6) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATScrollbar.IsHorz:Boolean;" marked as inline is not inlined
atscrollbar.pas(497,6) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATScrollbar.IsHorz:Boolean;" marked as inline is not inlined
atscrollbar.pas(525,6) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATScrollbar.IsHorz:Boolean;" marked as inline is not inlined
atscrollbar.pas(668,6) Note: Call to subroutine "function TATScrollbar.IsHorz:Boolean;" marked as inline is not inlined
atlistbox.pas(1092,3) Note: Local variable "R" not used
atlistbox.pas(131,40) Hint: Parameter "Shift" not used
构建IDE: 退出代码2,错误: 1,警告:2
Warning: svn not in path.
Warning: Recompiling atflatcontrols_register, checksum changed for D:\GitHub\cutmovie\liblcl-master\src\lib\x86_64-win64\atgauge.ppu
atflatcontrols_register.pas(80,12) Fatal: Can't find unit atflatcontrols_register used by atflatcontrols_package



Lazarus IDE2.2.0和IDE2.2.4 Mac版本编译liblcl时,会发生如下错误: (1040,1) Error: Compilation raised exception internally
Fatal: No memory left.


如 (Name: 'rsSelectionFontTitle'; ValuePtr: @rsSelectionFontTitle)


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