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api-docs's Introduction

Welcome to API Docs

This repository is the first attempt to achieve

  • A Swagger UI to be able to explore APIs (see Swagger UI)
  • A Slate app to be able to document APIs (see Slate)

The repository contains a Dockerfile that basically manages how the Swagger UI and Slate apps should be run.

In order to run Slate we take the already generated swagger.json file and convert it into markdown compatible with slate and then feed it to the running slate app to serve it.


Ensure that you have the following

  • Latest Node (v8.x) and NPM (v5.x)
  • Docker
  • Enabled the Swagger flag in mt-parent/mt-service/yml/server-mysql.yml
  • Have swagger.json handy

Note: A swagger.json can be downloaded by visiting http://localhost:8080/api/swagger/v2 of a mt-server instance that has the swagger-generation flag on.

Get Started

In order to start the Swagger UI and Slate execute the first 3 commands from the Setup section

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Build the docker image

  3. Run the docker image with appropriate port binding

  4. Modify the annotations in java code and allowList.json to add endpoints to be displayed

    (refer to Action section at the end for steps)

  5. Download Swagger.json file from http://localhost:8080/api/swagger/v2 and feed it to http://localhost:8081/home

    to access http://localhost:8080/api/swagger/v2 and download the file, you need

    • mt-server running

    • Enabled the Swagger flag in mt-parent/mt-service/yml/server-mysql.yml

      (ctrl-F for swagger , and set enableSwaggerEndpoints to true)

(refer to the Setup Section below for more detailed walk-through)


Use the following links to navigate around (update the default server URL and port)

First, making sure to upload a valid swagger.json file (see section below how to obtain swagger.json). In order to make sure that swagger.json is valid, navigate to Swagger UI link and the API documentation should load. In order to see the API documentation in Slate you need to click on slateit link and then navigate to slate documentation.

Note: Swagger UI runs in one port (8081) and Slate runs in another (8082)

How does it work?

  • Swagger UI renders a swagger.json and a version of Swagger UI is run inside docker
  • Custom endpoints to point Swagger UI to newly uploaded swagger.json
  • The slateit endpoint reads the current swagger.json and converts it to slate compatible markdown and then updates the /source/includes/ file that is rendered in slate UI.
  • See details of what each file does at the end of this file



In order to setup the Swagger UI for use ensure that you have Docker , latest Node and NPM installed and working.

Clone the repository (change the URL if forked)

Navigate inside apidocs and run the docker build command

sudo docker build -t apidocs .

After successful build start a docker container

sudo docker run --name apidocs -p 8086:8080 -p 8082:4567 apidocs

(it's likely you will need to rm existing docker container with steps in the following section)


While running the container should you come across The container name "/apidocs" is already in use by container error message, then delete the container using the following command and given container hash and retry

sudo docker rm {container_hash}

Port being used

if you come across issues to do with port being in use, which depends on which port it is find out what is using the port using the following command

lsof -i :8081

you can either:

  • Pick the port id from the output of the above command and then run the following command to kill the process that is using it

    sudo kill -9 {outputedProcessId} After the process is killed try running the docker again and it should work as expected.


  • simply run on another port
sudo docker build -t apidocs .
sudo docker run --name apidocs -p 8086:8080 -p 8082:4567 apidocs

Get the followig error messages while building docker container

npm ERR! code EAI_AGAIN
npm ERR! errno EAI_AGAIN
npm ERR! request to failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN

here are several things you can try:

  • restart your computer

  • restart services (docker engine and docker service)

    sudo service docker restart
  • if it is still not working, checkout the following



unable to access github when creating docker container

if you get error messages like

fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:

try running

sudo service docker restart

Libraries used

The following nodejs modules are used

  • express (nodejs framework)
  • multer (file upload)
  • pug (view template)
  • widdershins (swagger/openapi to markdown convertor)

Other tools/libraries

  • Docker
  • PM2*
  • node-slate**
  • Swagger UI (recent release, see docker file)

*PM2 is a process management library very useful for running and managing node processes. In this context, the pm2-runtime command is used to start a expressjs app that hosts Swagger UI as well as to run the node-slate (see node-slate).

**node-slate is a nodejs wrapper for slate . We clone the repo, and update the and logo.png to show specific content.

Known Issues

  • Both Swagger UI and node-slate are pulled from public repos
  • Clicking the /slateit will replace the source/includes/ with markdown generated off swagger.json
  • Not sure how the future changes from Swagger (i.e. new endpoints, updates, etc.) will get synced with work that's done with documentation (i.e. markdown sources for slate)
  • Not built for production
  • The Dockerfile could use some refactoring and best practices
  • The existing workflow of /slateit pushing changes to slate is non-final
  • The Slate Styling file might change overtime, right now in we are just replace a certain string with our desired styling, which is not robust enough

Contribution Guidelines

  • Please do not version node_modules or any IDE-specific files (make use of .gitignore)

Page Structure





  • this section contains all the endpoints, with all the methods in the sub-level

  • this section is related to allowList.json shown below:

    { "/api/manager/etlJobs" :			---> the endpoint to display
      {"methods":						---> an array of methods to display
        ["get"],						---> just display the `Get` method
        "name":"Jobs"					---> name the endpoint to Jobs


  • All the entities related to the endpoints in allowList

  • notice in the image above, there are clickable cells in the response schema section

    those cell are related endpoints of this entities and are automatically added to the page when its related endpoint is in allowList


Code Structure

this section explainshow each file functions

Utils Folder

  • contains some md file of the text we want to add/remove from system styling files / the md file we generated
  • contains utils.js with some helper functions

Test Folder

  • test.js : the actual test file

  • allowListAll: the allowList containing all the endpoints(thus all the entities) until the date this is written. For testing purpose, all the display name of each endpoint is simply set to its path

  • allowListTest is used to generate a light md file for testing function modifyMdFile in modifyStrying.js

  • v2.json contains all the endpoints and all the entities in json form, it is the same as the raw json data extracted from java code, but description field is already added to each entity for testing purpose.

    The description is set to entityName + "DisplayName", so Id will be displayed as IdDisplayName




convert swagger.json file to slate-compatible markdown and rebuilding slate with new content


  1. modifySlate: modify slate styling files to be able to add one more level of nesting on nav bar
  2. JSON.parse: read the obj from the swagger file
  3. restrict_data: go through the json file and filter it to only contain endpoints in the allowList and entities related to that endpoint
  4. converter: widdershins converter to convert .json to .md
  5. modifyMdFile: change fonts in .md file to accommodate the changes made to slate styling
  6. fs write to file

Note the naming used in the files

in the obj (represents the swagger.json file) there are two major fields

  • Paths

    an json object containing all paths (endpoints)

    we store all endpoints in allowList in allowedEndpoints

  • Definitions

    a json object containing definitions (entities)

    we store all entities related to all endpoints in allowList in allowedEntities


  1. create two new lists to add in the modified endpoints and entities in the allowList

  2. loop through all endpoints (obj.paths)

    if the endpoint is in allowList, loop through its methods and match with the allowed methods in the allowList

  3. for that endpoint, we get related entities in its parameters (getParamsEntity) and responses (getResponsesEntity)

  4. compare the two entities (since they can be undefined as there is no entity in parameters/responses) and add to allowedEntities(with addEntityToAllowedEntities)

  5. add the endpoint to allowedEndpoints

  6. replace parts of the obj with the new lists

  1. change the entity name to its description (which is the description we set in its Java code)

  2. add the entity to allowedEntities and delete the description section as we already changed the entity entry name in allowedEntities

    (eg. allowedEntities[Jobs] gives you the obj that belongs to obj.definitions[ETLJobDTO])

  3. for this entity (parent entity), there are some entities in its properties field that we want to link to, so we go through all its properties and look for $ref field

  4. if the refEntity is not in allowedEntities add it by recursively calling addEntityToAllowedEntities

  5. return allowedEntities


find related entity for an endpoint in its parameters

  1. if there is a field namedbody, check if there is a $ref field in the body, which links to the related entity
  2. return the name of the related entity

find related entity for an endpoint in its responses

  1. loop through the responses of the endpoint, and search for the ones with 200 status code
  2. if there is a $ref field in the body, which links to the related entity. get the entityName
  3. return the name of the related entity


all the imported files


    text at the top of the md file that is generated by slate


    part of the styling to be added into the scss file


    a certain part of the scss file that controls the slate styling that needs to be replaced

  1. replace the text at the top of the file that we want to discard

  2. replace all h3 and ### with **** (bold)

  3. go through all the endpoints in the allowList, if they are the first method of the endpoint, then add before them a header that represents the endpoint

    eg. add before the Get job method, the Job subheader

  4. return md file in String

  1. in _toc.js file, add h3 selector
  2. in scss file, replace certain styling, to add in ones for the h3 subheader


all helper functions


get the $ref field when given a schema obj

deal with the case when the different structure which $ref` field is in

it can either be one related entity in the following structure:

 "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/BlueprintDTO" }

or be an array of a certain entity in the following structure

"schema": {
    "type": "array",
    "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/AssignableDTO" }



include info of the endpoints you want to display under Resources


  • a json object, in the form of:
{ "/api/manager/etlJobs" :	---> the path of the endpoint
    ["get"],				---> the array of methods to display
    "name":"jobs"			---> the proper naming of this endpoint

then the hierarchy displayed will be:

		Get Jobs
  • There will also be cases when for different endpoints, we want them to all be displayed under one subtitle

    for example, for the following two endpoints


    if we want them to be all under the subtitle Blueprint, then we need to list them in the allowList consecutively, because we modify the md file assuming methods under one subtitile are listed consecutively.


introduction and authentication text that is added to


file purpose

the slate settings file exists in docker container

changes made

modify the language tab to only inlcude shell, http, javascript


this section gives instruction for you to add/modify the api docs

Add endpoints to be displayed in docs

  • Add endpoints to allowList, and specify in the methods array what methods you want to display

    refer to Resources section under Page Structure for visual examples

    refer to the allowList.json structure in the section above for its structure and how to add

  • you may want to also modify the naming of endpoints and entities you display >>>

Add better naming for endpoints and entities

  1. Change the naming of the entities related to this endpoint in java code, by using @ApiModel with the value field


    public class ETLStepDTO {...}

    then ETLStepDTO will be renamed to Step


  2. Change the name of the endpoints using @ApiOperation with field nickname

    Change the tags the endpoint belongs to (eg. Resources) using field tags


    @ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve a list of all manager-level jobs.", response = ETLJobDTO.class, responseContainer = "list", tags="Resources", nickname = "Get Jobs")
    @CheckPermissions(value = "read:etlJob")
    public List<ETLJobDTO> getETLJobs() {...}

Add description to endpoints and objects

  1. Add descripitons to the entities related to this endpoint in java code, by using @ApiModel with the description field


@ApiModel(description="This is the description for Job")
public class ETLJobDTO {...}

then ETLJobDTO will have a brief description


  1. Change the name of the endpoints using @ApiOperation with field value


    @ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve a list of all manager-level jobs.", response = ETLJobDTO.class, responseContainer = "list", tags="Resources", nickname = "Get Jobs")
    @CheckPermissions(value = "read:etlJob")
    public List<ETLJobDTO> getETLJobs() {...}


Add sample data for entities in right side-bar

use @ApiModelProperty


public class ETLJobDTO extends BaseEntityDTO {
	private String name;

then on the final example generated by slate the name field shows "Test" instead of "string"


Change Tag/Header endpoints belong to

Change the tags the endpoint belongs to (eg. Resources) using field tags


@ApiOperation(value = "Retrieve a list of all manager-level jobs.", response = ETLJobDTO.class, responseContainer = "list", tags="Resources", nickname = "Get Jobs")
@CheckPermissions(value = "read:etlJob")
public List<ETLJobDTO> getETLJobs() {...}

Now at this point you have successfully added the endpoints, test it by running apidocs server with instructions in the Quick Getting Started section !

Here are instructions of some optional steps to improve the API Docs >>>

Add content to introduction and authentication section

  • Modify exisiting text in utils/ file

Show more requests in right sidebar

  • Modify the utils/index.yml file, which is a slate system file to decide language_tabs
  • Modify options.language_tabs object in utils.js, which tells widdershins what language tabs to convert to

Add deeper nesting in the left navbar

Add descriptions for Tags

  • in the json file widdershins generated, there is a field called tags, which is an array of objects, and controls all the tags shown

example of how to use:

"tags": [
      "name": "pet",
      "description": "Everything about your Pets",
      "externalDocs": {
        "description": "Find out more",
        "url": ""
      "name": "store",
      "description": "Access to Petstore orders"
      "name": "user",
      "description": "Operations about user",
      "externalDocs": {
        "description": "Find out more about our store",
        "url": ""

Useful Resources

example of how to use widdershins converter

example of how the styling files in slate works

useful options in widdershins

Future Development

Use Hidden field instead of allowList

when the endpoints in the allowList grows, we might want to add hidden = "true" field to annotations of endpoints, so to avoid manually maintaining allowList

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