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๐Ÿฆ” YDB ORM for Java (YOJ)

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YDB ORM for Java (YOJ) is a lightweight ORM for immutable entities.

YOJ integrates well with YDB, and it also has an in-memory repository implementation with YDB-like semantics for lightning-fast persistence tests.

YOJ is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.

If you wish to contribute to YOJ, see the Notice to external contributors, and follow the guidelines.

To use YOJ in your project, just add YOJ BOM (Bill of Materials) to your Maven <dependencies>:


Then depend on just the modules you need, specifying only groupId=tech.ydb.yoj and artifactId=yoj-<module> (see <module> names below).

๐Ÿฆ” YOJ consists of the following modules:

  • databind: Core data-binding logic used to convert between Java objects and database rows (or anything representable by a Java Map, really).
  • repository: Core abstractions and APIs for entities, repositories, transactions etc. Entity API is designed to be minimally intrusive, so that your domain objects (with all the juicy business logic!) can easily become entities.
  • repository-ydb-v2: Repository API implementation for YDB. Uses YDB SDK v2.x. Recommended.
  • repository-inmemory: In-Memory Repository API implementation using persistent data structures from Eclipse Collections. Has YDB-like semantics for data modification, to easily and quickly test your business logic without spinning containers or accessing a real YDB installation. Highly recommended.
  • repository-ydb-common: Common Logic for all YDB Repository implementations, regardless of the YDB SDK version used.
  • repository-test: Basic tests which all Repository implementations must pass.
  • json-jackson-v2: Support for JSON serialization and deserialization of entity fields, using Jackson 2.x.
  • aspect: AspectJ aspect and @YojTransactional annotation for usage with AspectJ and Spring AOP. Allows a Spring @Transactional-like experience for your methods that need to initiate or continue a YDB transaction.
  • ext-meta-generator: Annotation processor that generates field paths for each of your Entity fields, to be used with TableQueryBuilder (Table.query() DSL) and YqlPredicate.
  • util: Utility classes used in YOJ implementation.

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yoj-project's Issues

Performance test of YdbSpliterator

YdbSpliterator uses ArrayBlockingQueue<>(1) which produce overhead on threads synchronisation. This decision was made based on the desire to minimize memory usage, but it could be too slow.

We have to know numbers. We need to make a performance test on 1kk amount of data with:

  • current spliterator
  • spliterator with ArrayBlockingQueue<>(N) where N in [100, 1000, 10000]
  • spliterator with non-blocking queue or something which could work better by time

Make annotation @GlobalIndex not too much verbose

I propose to add new annotiation EntityIndex (for backward compatibility):

package tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

public @interface EntityIndex {
     * Class, records or interface that prescribes fields and their order for indexing
     * @return index list
    Class[] value();


  1. Interface:
interface ValueIndexInterface<T> {
    String getValueId();
    String getValueId2();
public class IndexedEntity implements Entity<IndexedEntity>, ValueIndexInterface<IndexedEntity> {

In this case data mapping for fields could be derived based on IndexedEntity mapping

  1. Class or record (more flexible, sometimes flattened fields could be a part of index):
@EntityIndex({IndexedEntity.Key.class, IndexedEntity.Key2.class})
@Table(name = "table_with_indexes")
public class IndexedEntity implements Entity<IndexedEntity> {
    public static class Key {
        @Column(name = "value_id")
        String valueId;
        String valueId2;

    public record Key2 (
            @Column(name = "value_id")
            String valueId,
            String valueId2
    ) {

In both cases filed name can be overridden in index entity using @Colunm annotation.

Stricter all-args constructor search for POJOs

Remove deprecated logic for all-args constructor detection in POJOs. It currently relies on Class.getDeclaredFields() being in a predictable order and matching that order with a constructor (which is an absolute madness, which surprisingly somewhat works for both Lombok and Kotlin classes)

Move projections to separate module

The projection feature was originally not designed very well and has a number of issues:

  • Unsafe modifying methods issue - the delete and save methods can be called without read, so there will be no objects in the cache, making it impossible to read previous projections, which leads to memory leaks. Due to this behavior, many methods like deleteIfExist have appeared, and because of the use of regular delete, we have repeatedly encountered bugs in production.
  • Projection isn't found in tx cache after save in tx Issue #31
  • Fix #66
  • This is a separable functionality and should not be in the core part. Because of this feature, I personally had to create workarounds, bypass maneuvers, and think a lot about how not to break anything while making changes in the transaction and inMemory parts.

Where we want to go:

  • There is a ProjectionTable which acts as a proxy to Table, with overridden insert, save, and delete methods that implement the logic for working with projections.
  • createProjections becomes a field of ProjectionTable in the form of Supplier<List<Entity<?>>>.
  • ProjectionCache is removed.
  • Since ProjectionTable is no longer a general solution but works only with Entity with projections, we can fail in save and delete if the object is not in the cache. This ensures that working with projections will be safe, and we can forget about unsafe methods and methods like deleteIfExists.

How the migration process will look:

  1. First, implement the new MigrationProjectionsCache, which immediately calls the methods table.{save,delete} without waiting for a commit.
  2. Initially, enable it without a flag and run tests for all projects, ensuring they are green.
  3. Then, leave the feature under a flag and release the service, ensuring that the service also works.
  4. Add a method withoutProjections() to the table that sets a property indicating that projections should not be processed.
  5. Remove ProjectionCache, leaving the logic from MigrationProjectionsCache directly in the Table methods under the withoutProjections flag.
  6. Create a ProjectionsTable proxy that accepts Table<E> in the constructor and sets withoutProjections() on the proxied object.
  7. In ProjectionsTable, override only the insert, save, and delete methods with the projection logic and new error handling.
  8. In the Entity class with the base implementation of createProjections, throw a special CreateProjectionNotOverridedException.
  9. In Table, catch the exception and if withoutProjections is set, fail; otherwise, log an error with a requirement to migrate to the new logic.
  10. After all services migrated remove logic from table, withoutProjections flag and method and move all projection code to separate module

TODO: think how to protect services which can call tx.table(MyEntityWithProjections.class).{insert,save,delete} directly

Unexpected behaviour in query builder: using `where` after `and`

I wrote this code and after it I spend an hour for detect a problem

    private TableQueryBuilder<Binding> getBindingsByTargetQuery(Binding.Type type, String target) {
        return db().BindingTable().query()

The problem in where after and. This query will generate a filter WHERE id_target = "$my_target" without using id.type. This bug could be easy to get on copy-pasting.

It looks like this case should be uncompilable, or at least generate an exception.

Kotlin detection throws an exception in java project

Seems like KotlinReflectionDetector.detectKotlinReflection not suitable for checking presence of Kotlin in the project, since java project can have dependencies on Kotlin library in this case it throws exception

2024-02-08T17:08:52.847+01:00 WARN 7670 --- [ Test worker] t.y.y.d.s.r.KotlinReflectionDetector : YOJ has detected Kotlin but not kotlin-reflect. Kotlin data classes won't work as Entities.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.reflect.full.KClasses
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:?]
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:?]
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[?:?]
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:?]
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName( ~[?:?]
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName( ~[?:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.reflect.KotlinReflectionDetector.detectKotlinReflection( ~[yoj-databind-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.reflect.KotlinReflectionDetector.( ~[yoj-databind-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.reflect.KotlinDataClassTypeFactory.matches( ~[yoj-databind-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.reflect.StdReflector.reflectFor( ~[yoj-databind-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.reflect.StdReflector.reflectRootType( ~[yoj-databind-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.Schema.( ~[yoj-databind-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.db.EntitySchema.( ~[yoj-repository-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.db.EntitySchema.lambda$of$0( ~[yoj-repository-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.configuration.SchemaRegistry$Schemas.lambda$getOrCreate$0( ~[yoj-databind-1.1.2.jar:?]
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent( ~[?:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.configuration.SchemaRegistry$Schemas.getOrCreate( ~[yoj-databind-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.configuration.SchemaRegistry.getOrCreate( ~[yoj-databind-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.db.EntitySchema.of( ~[yoj-repository-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.db.EntitySchema.of( ~[yoj-repository-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.db.EntitySchema.of( ~[yoj-repository-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.db.EntitySchema.of( ~[yoj-repository-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.test.inmemory.InMemoryDataShard.( ~[yoj-repository-inmemory-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.test.inmemory.InMemoryStorage.createTable( ~[yoj-repository-inmemory-1.1.2.jar:?]
at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.test.inmemory.InMemoryRepository$1.create( ~[yoj-repository-inmemory-1.1.2.jar:?]

Run repository-ydb-v2 integration tests daily

  • Ensure that every integration test in repository-ydb-v2 uses YDB TestContainers
  • Add GitHub action that runs mvn [...std args] -Pintegration-test -Plombok clean verify on commit
  • Ensure that the new GitHub action works properly
  • Make GitHub action run daily instead

Don't send rollback on server errors

All tech.ydb.core.StatusCode except {SUCCESS, TRANSPORT_UNAVAILABLE, CLIENT_*} means that YDB already invalidate a tx and rollback in this case isn't needed

Experimental: Allow Entity IDs to be string-valued types

This almost works already, except when matching entities by ID using in-memory table: this relies on, ID) which is inconsistent with ID.equals() in case of string-valued types. We should compare IDs as their toString() values and not their components in this case.

Custom byte array and number conversion logic

Add converter logic & annotations to make your custom types convertible to a basic repertoire of YOJ types hard-coded in FieldValueType.

Note that at this time there is no attempt to make such types fully workable for complex scenarios, e.g. in-memory listing with filtering.

Projection isn't found in tx cache

let's imagine Entity(id, value) with projection ValueIndex(id_value, entity_id). If we save in tx some entity and after it try to find projections - they will be unchanged

For example: this test is green

    public void savedIndexIsNotInCache() {
        Book.Id bookId = new Book.Id("1");

        Book.ByAuthor index1 = db.tx(() -> {
            db.table(Book.class).save(new Book(bookId, 1, "title1", List.of("author1")));
            return db.table(Book.ByAuthor.class).find(new Book.ByAuthor.Id("author1", bookId));

        Book.ByAuthor index2 = db.tx(() -> {
            return db.table(Book.ByAuthor.class).find(new Book.ByAuthor.Id("author1", bookId));


Check that read happend before save.

In our service, we predominantly do not use blind writes. We encountered a bug in the user code where we read an object in one transaction and saved it in another without a preliminary read. As a result, we ended up with an incorrect value in the database.

It's difficult to protect against such issues, however, an optional check can be added in the InMemoryRepository before saving: if the object is present in the database, we check the cache, and if the required object is not there, we fail. There are several problems here:

  • In our current implementation, we often use readAll(), so we cannot rely solely on the storage output.
  • Relying on the standard cache is not feasible, as it does not always contain all read objects. A custom cache is needed.
  • We need to consider how to add exceptions for cases where blind writing is justified. For example, adding a wrapper similar to the one in FullScanDetector.

Support Kotlin value classes

It would be nice to support value classes from Kotlin.

It will provide more convenient way to validate data and will be consistent with the domain model.
For example:

value class Password(private val s: String) {
    init {
        require(s.length >= 6) { "Password is too short" }
        require(s.contains(Regex("[a-z]"))) { "Password must contain at least one lowercase letter" }
        require(s.contains(Regex("[A-Z]"))) { "Password must contain at least one uppercase letter" }
        require(s.contains(Regex("[0-9]"))) { "Password must contain at least one digit" }
        // etc

As I can see from the decompiled code, the value class uses the hashCode() and equals() methods of the incapsulated class.

public final class Password {
   private final String s;

   public static int hashCode_impl/* $FF was: hashCode-impl*/(String arg0) {
      return arg0.hashCode();

   public int hashCode() {
      return hashCode-impl(this.s);

   public static boolean equals_impl/* $FF was: equals-impl*/(String arg0, Object other) {
      if (!(other instanceof Password)) {
         return false;
      } else {
         return Intrinsics.areEqual(arg0, ((Password)other).unbox-impl());

   public boolean equals(Object other) {
      return equals-impl(this.s, other);

   // $FF: synthetic method
   private Password(String s) {
      this.s = s;

   public static String constructor_impl/* $FF was: constructor-impl*/(@NotNull String s) {
      Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(s, "s");
      return s;

   // $FF: synthetic method
   public static final Password box_impl/* $FF was: box-impl*/(String v) {
      return new Password(v);

   // $FF: synthetic method
   public final String unbox_impl/* $FF was: unbox-impl*/() {
      return this.s;

   public static final boolean equals_impl0/* $FF was: equals-impl0*/(String p1, String p2) {
      return Intrinsics.areEqual(p1, p2);

Commit transaction on last write operation

The YDB SDK has a feature in TableTransaction where we can commit a transaction in one query with executeDataQuery. This can save time on network communication if we send this flag instead of a separate commit. For read queries, we can't determine if the query is the last in the transaction or not. However, we have a queue for write queries that executes at the end of user-code transactions, and in this case, we know which query is the last.

Generate constants with names of fields


Right now, if we want to use find methods that accept YqlStatementPart, we need to write field names of an entity as string constants. E.g.:


This is an error-prone approach since we can make a typo, there is no code completion, and we can forget to rename these constants if fields in the entity are renamed.

Also, we cannot use Lombok's @FieldNameConstants because it cannot connect fields inside of nested classes in a chain ("id.topic")


Write an annotation processor which will generate classes with the constants. For instance, if we have an entity:

@Table(name = "audit_event_record")
public class TypicalEntity {
    private final Id id;

    public static class Id {
        private final String topicName;
        private final int topicPartition;
        private final long offset;
    private final Instant lastUpdated;

the annotation processor will generate:

public class TypicalEntityFields {
    public static final String LAST_UPDATED = "lastUpdated";
    public class Id {
        public static final String TOPIC_NAME = "id.topicName";
        public static final String TOPIC_PARTITION = "id.topicPartition";
        public static final String OFFSET = "id.offset";

Thus, the example of the find-method above will look:


Support multiple tables under one entity

We need a possibility to work with couple tables under one Entity.

The most convenient way for us - create table with something like tableName by Tx.Current.get().getRepositoryTransaction().table(entityCls, tableName)

In this case we have to think at least about:

  • names in projections
  • behavior in SchemaChecker

YdbSchemaCompatibilityChecker fails on new table in unexisted directory

I add to project new table with annotation @table(name = "newDir/MyTable"). It is the first table in this dir and YdbRepository can create it because it have a code for create dirs. But YdbSchemaCompatibilityChecker got this

 tech.ydb.core.UnexpectedResultException: Cannot get value, code: SCHEME_ERROR, issues: [Path not found (S_ERROR)]
        at tech.ydb.core.Result$Fail.getValue(
        at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.ydb.client.YdbSchemaOperations.listDirectory(
        at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.ydb.client.YdbSchemaOperations.tables(
        at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.ydb.client.YdbSchemaOperations.tableStream(
        at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.ydb.client.YdbSchemaOperations.getTables(
        at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.ydb.client.YdbSchemaOperations.getTables(
        at tech.ydb.yoj.repository.ydb.compatibility.YdbSchemaCompatibilityChecker.lambda$run$0(
        at java.base/$7$1.accept(

Convenient way to create custom query

Nowadays, creating custom queries in YOJ is very difficult, which restrict users and forces them to dodge. We need to provide a convenient way.

What's difficult now:

  • Need to inherit from YdbRepositoryTransaction to gain access to execute
  • Need to inherit from InMemoryRepositoryTransaction to implement logic over inMemory
  • You cannot conveniently write the code in one place and then simply call it.

What we want:

  • Have a main YOJ-way to implement custom query in one file for YDB and InMemory (can split if desired)
  • Don't need to register query or touch any code around


  • public interface CustomQuery<PARAMS, RESULT> {}
  • Extend the Tx interface by adding the method <PARAMS, RESULT> RESULT customQuery(CustomQuery<PARAMS, RESULT> query, PARAMS params)
  • YDB interface
public interface YdbCustomQuery<PARAMS, RESULT> extends CustomQuery<PARAMS, RESULT> {
     Statement<PARAMS, RESULT> executeOnYdb(PARAMS params);
  • InMemory interface
public interface InMemoryCustomQuery<PARAMS, RESULT> extends CustomQuery<PARAMS, RESULT> {
      RESULT executeOnInMemory(PARAMS params, {public interfaces to InMemoryStorage});
  • In this case, the implementation of the custom request will be in one file
public class MySelect implements YdbCustomQuery<List<MyEntity.Id>, List<MyEntity>>, InMemoryCustomQuery<List<MyEntity.Id>, List<MyEntity>> {
     // ...
  • Usage:
List<MyEntity> entities = tx.customQuery(MySelect.INSTANCE, List.of(,,
  • If you don't use InMemory you can implement only YdbCustomQuery

Change outdated and/or deprecated data binding defaults for String, Instant and Duration

Change outdated and/or deprecated data binding defaults, while supporting older defaults for backwards compatibility. 1-2 months after initial commit

  • String <-> UTF8 (because a YDB STRING is actually a byte array)
  • Instant <-> TIMESTAMP, Duration <-> INTERVAL.
  • Mapping Instant <-> [U]INT64 should use MILLISECONDS qualifier by default, for maximum backwards compatibility (YOJ initially supported only milliseconds precision when storing Instants)

Problem with Kotlin data class using an interface-typed property


kotlin entity


import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
import tech.ydb.yoj.databind.schema.Column
import tech.ydb.yoj.repository.db.Entity

data class OperationEntity @JsonCreator constructor(
        @JsonProperty("id") private val id: Id,
        @JsonProperty("data") @Column(flatten = false) val data: Data?,
) : Entity<OperationEntity> {
    override fun getId() = id

    data class Id @JsonCreator constructor(
            @JsonProperty("value") val value: String
    ) : Entity.Id<OperationEntity>

Java field classs


import lombok.Value;

public class Data {
    Object requestParameters;

It raise error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.Object cannot be used in databinding

Add a default mapping for java.util.UUID

In the next YOJ minor version (2.3.0), we should introduce new FieldValueType.UUID which corresponds to a java.util.UUID value and is stored as a single column of type UTF8 (modern mapping)/STRING (legacy mapping) in YDB.
In InMemory database it will be stored as a String, to make UUID sorting consistent with YDB (Java's java.util.UUID has the weirdest compareTo() implementation possible, -100/10 don't recommend.)

This is safe because there is no existing default mapping for UUID: it currently might get detected as FieldValueType.COMPOSITE but we have no access through Java reflection because it is in the jdk.base module. Any current mapping for UUID is therefore custom, e.g. (@Column(flatten=false) for JSON mapping, or a custom value type via e.g. @StringColumn or FieldValueType.registerStringValueType()).

Existing @StringColumn and FieldValueType.registerStringValueType() conversions will just continue to work (they might be a bit more inefficient than the direct mapping, but the cost is generally negligible).

This can also be extended to support other UUID implementations in the future, e.g., newer UUID versions which Java's java.util.UUID does not generate.

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