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<title>Freenet and mercurial</title>
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<h1>Freenet &amp; mercurial</h1>
<p><a href="/?newbookmark=USK@MYLAnId-ZEyXhDGGbYOa1gOtkZZrFNTXjFl1dibLj9E,Xpu27DoAKKc8b0718E-ZteFrGqCYROe7XBBJI57pB4M,AQACAAE/pyFreenetHg/31/&amp;desc=Freenet and Mercurial" target="_blank">add to bookmarks: Freenet and Mercurial</a></p>
<p><a href="/?newbookmark=USK@fQGiK~CfI8zO4cuNyhPRLqYZ5TyGUme8lMiRnS9TCaU,E3S1MLoeeeEM45fDLdVV~n8PCr9pt6GMq0tuH4dRP7c,AQACAAE/freenethg/83/&amp;desc=Freenet and Mercurial (repository)" target="_blank">add to bookmarks: Freenet and Mercurial (repository)</a></p>
<h2><a name="toc">Table of Content</a></h2>
<li><a href="#licence">Licence</a></li>
<li><a href="#about">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="#download">Download</a></li>
<li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li>
<li><a href="#configuration">Configuration</a>
    <li><a href="#conf_setupwitz">Configuration wizard</a></li>
    <li><a href="#conf_defaults">Default settings</a></li>
    <li><a href="#conf_environment">Environment variables</a></li>
    <li><a href="#conf_username">Username</a></li>
    <li><a href="#conf_hooks">Hooks</a>
        <li><a href="#conf_updatestatic_hook">updatestatic_hook</a></li>
        <li><a href="#conf_updatestatic_hook2">updatestatic_hook2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#conf_updatestatic_hook2">updatestatic_hook3</a> (work in progress)</li>
<li><a href="#usage">Usage</a>
    <li><a href="#usage_cmdlineparams">Command line parameters</a></li>
    <li><a href="#usage_sharing">Sharing Changes</a>
        <li><a href="#usage_oneshot">One-shot Repository</a></li>
        <li><a href="#usage_permanent">Creating/updating a more permanent Repository</a></li>
        <li><a href="#usage_bundle">Creating bundles</a></li>
    <li><a href="#usage_get">Getting Changes</a>
        	<li><a href="#usage_unbundle">Unbundling</a></li>
        	<li><a href="#usage_clone">Fetching (cloning) a repository</a></li>
        	<li><a href="#usage_pull">Pulling changes from a repository</a></li>
<li><a href="#templates">Templates</a>
    <li><a href="#templ_indexpage">Repository Indexpage Template</a></li>
    <li><a href="#templ_bundle">Bundle Indexpage Template</a></li>
<li><a href="#notifications">Notifications</a>
    <li><a href="#not_fms">FMS</a></li>
    <li><a href="#not_other">Other ways to get informed on repository updates</a></li>

<h3><a name="licence">Licence</a></h3>
<p>this document and pyFreenetHg is published under the strong WTFPL</p>
<a href="COPYING" target="_blank">licence</a>
<h3><a name="about">About pyFreenetHg</a></h3>
Mercurial is written in python and has a plugin system. so it should not be to much difficulty to get it
working with freenet.</p>
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
the basic idea: wrap around (selected) commands and use freenet as transport instead of files
     hg fcp-bundle   -&gt; wraps around hg bundle and put a chk/usk instead a local file
     hg fcp-unbundle -&gt; wraps around hg unbundle and get it from a chk/usk instead a local file	
     hg fcp-updatestatic -&gt; do a commit hook upload, useful if the insert started from commit hook was failed
commit hooks:
     updatestatic_hook -&gt; does a full upload on each commit
     updatestatic_hook2 -&gt; upload is only triggered on keyword in commit message
     updatestatic_hook3 (in progress) -&gt; upload is only triggered on keyword in commit message
                                      -&gt; SiteToolPlugin is used to reduce upload size on large trees (if plugin is installed)     


<h3><a name="requirements">Requirements</a></h3>
python &gt;= 2.5<br>
mercurial &gt;= 1.1.2+<br>
last not least: a running freenet node ;)<br>
knowledge about hg native commands <em>bundle/unbundle</em><br>
optional: <a href="/USK@MYLAnId-ZEyXhDGGbYOa1gOtkZZrFNTXjFl1dibLj9E,Xpu27DoAKKc8b0718E-ZteFrGqCYROe7XBBJI57pB4M,AQACAAE/SiteToolPlugin/6/" target="_blank">SiteToolPlugin</a>
<h3><a name="download">Download</a></h3>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">download latest testverion from here</a></p>
<p><a href="/SSK@MYLAnId-ZEyXhDGGbYOa1gOtkZZrFNTXjFl1dibLj9E,Xpu27DoAKKc8b0718E-ZteFrGqCYROe7XBBJI57pB4M,AQACAAE/pyFreenetHg-31/" target="_blank">download version 0.2.1 from here</a></p>
<p><a href="/SSK@MYLAnId-ZEyXhDGGbYOa1gOtkZZrFNTXjFl1dibLj9E,Xpu27DoAKKc8b0718E-ZteFrGqCYROe7XBBJI57pB4M,AQACAAE/pyFreenetHg-30/" target="_blank">download version 0.2 from here</a></p>
<p><a href="/SSK@MYLAnId-ZEyXhDGGbYOa1gOtkZZrFNTXjFl1dibLj9E,Xpu27DoAKKc8b0718E-ZteFrGqCYROe7XBBJI57pB4M,AQACAAE/pyFreenetHg-20/" target="_blank">download version 0.1.1 from here</a></p>
<p>or get the working repository here:<br>

<h3><a name="installation">Installation</a></h3>
<p><strong><em>Important hint:</em></strong> Do not store url encoded keys into hgrc (USK%40MY). Python does not like '%' here!</p>
<p>download <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and put it somewhere.<br>
add the following to your <em>~/.hgrc</em>:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
<h3><a name="configuration">Configuration</a></h3>
Most of the configuration is taking place on a per-repository basis. The config file for this can be found in
each mercurial repository in directory <em>.hg/hgrc</em>. Depending on how many different repositories you manage, some of the
config settings can also be placed in your global config file <em>~/.hgrc</em>.

<h4><a name="conf_setupwitz">Configuration wizard</a></h4>
pyFreenetHg provides a simple setup wizard that configure fcp settings and hooks.
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
hg setupwitz
<h4><a name="conf_defaults">Default settings</a></h4>
If fcp settings are neither configured in hgrc nor environment variables are set nor given as commandline parameters, the fcp settings defaults to following values:
<li>fcp host:</li>
<li>fcp port: 9481</li>
<li>fcp timeout: 30 minutes</li>
<h4><a name="conf_environment">Environment variables</a></h4>
The following environment variables are supported:
<li>"FCP_HOST" - a string that represents the fcp host adress</li>
<li>"FCP_PORT" - the fcp port number (1-65365)</li>
<li>"FCP_TIMEOUT" - the connection timeout in seconds</li>
<li>"FCP_NOVERSION" - if set the fcp version check is omitted</li>
<h4><a name="conf_username">Username</a></h4>
<p>To prevent identity leaks you should add a username to each <em>./hg/hgrc</em>:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
username = Your Name
username = Alice<BR>
username = [email protected]<BR>
username = Charlie &lt;[email protected]&gt;<BR>
<h4><a name="conf_hooks">Hooks</a></h4>
<p>Usually, repositories in freenet can be updated after committing with <em>hg fcp-updatestatic</em> (executed in your repository directory).
To automate this, several hooks can be used.<BR>

Put one of these in per-repository <em>./hg/hgrc</em>:<BR>
<h5><a name="conf_updatestatic_hook">updatestatic_hook</a></h5>
This is the most simple hook. The repository gets updated on every commit.
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
commit = python:freenethg.updatestatic_hook

inserturi = USK@foo,bar/Name/1
requesturi = USK@oof,rab/Name/1
fcphost =
fcpport = 9481
<h5><a name="conf_updatestatic_hook2">updatestatic_hook2</a></h5>
With this hook configuration, update of repository only takes place if the given <em>uploadkeyword</em> is in the commit message.
(The repository can be updated at any time with <em>hg fcp-updatestatic</em>).
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
commit = python:freenethg.updatestatic_hook2

inserturi = USK@foo,bar/Name/1
requesturi = USK@oof,rab/Name/1
fcphost =
fcpport = 9481
uploadkeyword = triggerword
<h5><a name="conf_updatestatic_hook3">updatestatic_hook3</a></h5>
This hook is still under development. It will use the SiteToolPlugin to reduce the size of inserts for big repositories.

<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
commit = python:freenethg.updatestatic_hook3

inserturi = USK@foo,bar/Name/1
requesturi = USK@oof,rab/Name/1
fcphost =
fcpport = 9481
uploadkeyword = triggerword

<h3><a name="usage">Usage</a></h3>
<h4><a name="usage_cmdlineparams">Command line parameters</a></h4>
<h5>fcp configuration parameters</h5>
<dt>--fcphost hostnameorip</dt><dd>specify fcphost if not</dd>
<dt>--fcpport portnumber</dt><dd>specify fcpport if not 9481</dd>
<dt>--fcptimeout seconds</dt><dd>specify fcp timeout if not 30 minutes</dd>
<dt>--fcplog</dt><dd>log fcp to mercurials output</dd>
<dt>--fcpnoversion</dt><dd>omit fcp version check</dd>
<h5>fcp put parameters</h5>
<dt>--fcpdontcompress</dt><dd>if specified node compression is turned off</dd>
<dt>--globalput</dt><dd>use gloabal queue and persistance "forever" for fcp put</dd>
<h5>notify parameters</h5>
<dt>--nonotify</dt><dd>suppress all notifies</dd>

<h4><a name="usage_sharing">Sharing Changes</a></h4>
<h5><a name="usage_oneshot">One-shot Repository</a></h5>
To insert a repository with a unique key, change to your repository working directory and use this command:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
hg fcp-updatestatic --uri=CHK@
This circumvents your inserturi settings of the config file and uses a simple CHK key.
<h5><a name="usage_permanent">Creating/updating a more permanent Repository</a></h5>
To create and update a repository under a USK, just change to your repository working directory and use this command:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
hg fcp-updatestatic
This will use the inserturi from your configfile. The node will take care of USK versioning.
<h5><a name="usage_bundle">Creating bundles</a></h5>
You can bundle specific changesets and insert them as CHK. Example:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
hg fcp-bundle --base 5345e333a19b --rev 80f52220ea7c
This creates a hg bundle of changes between revision 5345e333a19b and 80f52220ea7c and inserts this as CHK.
For more information on bundle command, see the mercurial documentation.
<h4><a name="usage_get">Getting Changes</a></h4>
<h5><a name="usage_unbundle">Unbundling</a></h5>
To merge a bundled changeset into your repository, change to the working directory and use:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
hg fcp-unbundle CHK@....
<li><a name="usage_clone"><em>without pyFreenetHg installed or version 0.1.1 or earlier</em></a>
<h5>Fetching (cloning) a repository</h5>
To clone another repository, just use the normal hg command <em>clone</em> and use static-http as transport:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
hg clone static-;version&gt;
<h5><a name="usage_pull">Pulling changes from a repository</a></h5>
The same applies for pulling changes into an existing repository:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
hg pull static-;version&gt;
<li><a name="usage_clone_fcp"><em>this pyFreenetHg version or later installed</em></a>
<h5>Fetching (cloning) a repository</h5>
To clone another repository, just use the normal hg command <em>clone</em> and use FCP (Freenet Client Protocol) as transport:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
hg clone fcp://;version&gt;
<h5><a name="usage_pull_fcp">Pulling changes from a repository</a></h5>
The same applies for pulling changes into an existing repository:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
hg pull fcp://;version&gt;
<h5><a name="fcp_uri_scheme">FCP uri scheme</a></h5>
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
The fcp uri scheme looks like the http uri scheme. Username and password are defined for future use, but currently ignored.
If the host or port is not given, the value from hgrc or environment is taken. If none is found, it defaults to<br>
<li>connection parameters. have only effect if new connections are created
<dt>FCPLog</dt><dd>if the parameter is set, any value turns logging on (<em>default: off</em>)</dd>
<dt>NoVersion</dt><dd>if the parameter is set, any value turns the fcp version check off (<em>default: on</em>)</dd>
<dt>Timeout</dt><dd>set timeout to the amount of seconds (<em>default: 1800</em>)</dd>
<li>command parameters
<dt>Priority</dt><dd>the priority class for the request (0...6) (<em>default: 1</em>)</dd>
<dt>MaxRetries</dt><dd>set the max retry count. -1 retries forever (<em>default: 5</em>)</dd>
Sample uris:
<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">

<h3><a name="templates">Templates</a></h3>
<h4><a name="templ_indexpage">Repository Indexpage Template</a></h4>
The standard hg repository is not a regular freesite, so you get usually a "Not in Archive" error if you access the repository
uri in fproxy.<br>
To resolve this problem, pyFreenetHg generates a simple index page.<br>
You can provide your own html template by adding this option to section <em>freenethg</em>:<br>

<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
indextemplate = /path/to/template

You can use variables in the template which will be replaced by pyFreenetHg.<br>
At the moment following variables are available:
<li>$uri - the URI of your repository
<li>$fmsuser - your fms username, if provided in the config (see section about notifications)

<h4><a name="templ_bundle">Bundle Indexpage Template</a></h4>
This is still work in progress. Bundles will get a history freesite with list of changeset for a specific repository.

<h3><a name="notifications">Notifications</a></h3>
<p>pyFreenetHg can notify configurable groups of people about your repository and bundle inserts. At the moment,
only FMS is supported, but email and several other will follow soon.</p>
<p>If you do an insert via commandline notify can be suppressed with '--nonotify'</p>
First, put a <em>notify=&lt;group&gt;</em> in your <em>.hg/hgrc</em>, then add a special config section for this group.<br>

<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
notify = name name2 ...

type = fmsnntp

type = freemail


Look at the example for FMS notification for better explanation.
<h4><a name="not_fms">FMS</a></h4>
This is an example notification config for FMS:

<pre xml:space="preserve" class="wiki">
notify = fmstest

type = fmsnntp
updatestatic_message_template = /path/to/fmstemplate.txt (optional)
bundle_message_template = /path/to/fmstemplate_bundle.txt (optional)
fmsuser = Alice
fmshost =
fmsport = 1119
fmsgroups = pyfreenethg, programming

This will send an FMS post to groups <em>pyfreenethg, programming</em> with FMS user <em>Alice</em> everytime you execute one
of the commands fcp-updatestatic or fcp-bundle.
<strong>custom message templates</strong><br>
You can specify custom message templates. The first line of the template will be used as additin to the Subject line. The rest is treated
as body.<br>
Following variables are available for updatestatic templates:
<li>$uri - the URI of your repository
Following variables are available for bundle templates:
<li>$base - the base changeset of your bundle
<li>$rev - the revision of your bundle
Both of these variables are taken from the commandline of your <em>hg fcp-bundle</em> command, e.g.:
hg fcp-bundle --base ff3a3454cd13 --rev c293b1bd3182

<h4><a name="not_other">Other ways to get informed on repository updates</a></h4>
<p>way #1<br>
use -1 instaed 1 as edition number to force the node to look for newer editions before delivering data</p>
<p>way #2<br>
add the repository USK to your bookmarks, so you get notified if a new edition is found</p>

<!-- h3>eclipse</h3>
<p>modified MercurialEclipse plugin (vectrace, 0.1.102) to fire fcp-createstatic and fcp-updatestatic from within eclipse</p>
<p>use this key as eclipse update site or open it in your browser and download &amp; install it manually.</p>
<p><a href="USK@MYLAnId-ZEyXhDGGbYOa1gOtkZZrFNTXjFl1dibLj9E,Xpu27DoAKKc8b0718E-ZteFrGqCYROe7XBBJI57pB4M,AQACAAE/FreenetUpdateSite/1/" target="_blank">,Xpu27DoAKKc8b0718E-ZteFrGqCYROe7XBBJI57pB4M,AQACAAE/EclipseUpdateSite/1/</a></p -->

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