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A Java client for the Slack Web API, Incoming Webhooks, Slackbot Remote Control, RTM(Real Time Messaging) API

Change Logs


fix - setting fields to short ("short": true) does not work


add "usergroups" method(paid team only)

usergroups.create - Create a user group
usergroups.disable - Disable an existing user group
usergroups.enable - Enable a user group
usergroups.list - List all user groups for a team
usergroups.update - Update an existing user group

add "usergroups.users" method(paid team only)

usergroups.users.list - List all users in a user group
usergroups.users.update - Update the list of users for a user group


fix - Return channel ID resulted from call


fix - Channel name reg expression
fix - Attempted read on closed stream


using PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager


add RTM(Real Time Messaging) Client (

public class SlackRealTimeMessagingClientTest {

	private String token = "your slack web api token";

	public void basicTest() {
		SlackRealTimeMessagingClient realTimeMessagingClient = SlackClientFactory.createSlackRealTimeMessagingClient(token);
		realTimeMessagingClient.addListener("hello", new HelloEventListener());
		realTimeMessagingClient.addListener("message", new MessageEventListener());
		realTimeMessagingClient.addListener(Event.MESSAGE, new EventListener() {
			public void handleMessage(JsonNode message) {
				// todo
		try {
			Thread.sleep(60 * 1000);
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {

add "rtm.start" method (

add SlackTextBuilder

String message = SlackTextBuilder.create()
	.text("text message")
	.link("", "Slack")
	.bold("bold message")
	.italic("italic message")
	.strike("strike message")
	.mail("[email protected]")
	.mail("[email protected]", "TestMail")
	.code("code block")
	.preformatted("public class SlackWebhookClientTest() {\n\n\tpublic static void main(String args[]) {\n\n\t}\n}")
	.quote("quote message")


add "team.integrationLogs" method (

Slack Web API compatibility

auth, channels, chat, emoji, files, groups, im, mpim, oauth, pins, reactions, rtm, stars, team, usergroups, usergroups.users, users

public interface SlackWebApiClient {
	void shutdown();
	// auth

	Authentication auth();
	// channels

	boolean archiveChannel(String channel);
	Channel createChannel(String name);
	History getChannelHistory(String channel);
	History getChannelHistory(String channel, int count);
	History getChannelHistory(String channel, String latest, String oldest, boolean inclusive, int count, boolean unreads);
	Channel getChannelInfo(String channel);
	Channel inviteUserToChannel(String channel, String user);
	Channel joinChannel(String name);
	boolean kickUserFormChannel(String channel, String user);
	boolean leaveChannel(String channel);
	List<Channel> getChannelList();
	List<Channel> getChannelList(boolean exclude_archived);
	boolean markChannel(String channel, String ts);
	Channel renameChannel(String channel, String name);
	boolean setChannelPurpose(String channel, String purpose);
	boolean setChannelTopic(String channel, String topic);
	boolean unarchiveChannel(String channel);
	// chat

	boolean deleteMessage(String channel, String ts);
	String postMessage(String channel, String text);
	String postMessage(String channel, String text, String username, boolean as_user);
	String postMessage(String channel, String text, String username, boolean as_user, boolean link_names, List<Attachment> attachments, boolean unfurl_links, boolean unfurl_media, String icon_url,
			String icon_emoji);
	String postMessage(ChatPostMessageMethod method);
	String updateMessage(String channel, String ts, String text);
	String updateMessage(String channel, String ts, String text, List<Attachment> attachments, boolean link_names);

	// emoji
	Map<String, String> getEmojiList();
	// files

	boolean deleteFile(String file);
	FileInfo getFileInfo(String file);
	FileInfo getFileInfo(String file, int page);
	FileInfo getFileInfo(String file, int page, int count);
	FileList getFileList();
	FileList getFileList(int page);
	FileList getFileList(int page, int count);
	FileList getFileList(String user);
	FileList getFileList(String user, int page);
	FileList getFileList(String user, int page, int count);
	FileList getFileList(String user, String ts_from, String ts_to, String types, int page, int count);
	File uploadFile( file, String title, String initial_comment, String channels);
	File uploadFile( file, String filetype, String filename, String title, String initial_comment, String channels);
	File uploadFile(InputStream is, String filetype, String filename, String title, String initial_comment, String channels);

	// groups
	boolean archiveGroup(String channel);
	boolean closeGroup(String channel);
	Group createGroup(String name);
	Group createChildGroup(String name);
	History getGroupHistory(String channel);
	History getGroupHistory(String channel, int count);
	History getGroupHistory(String channel, String latest, String oldest, boolean inclusive, int count, boolean unreads);
	Group getGroupInfo(String channel);
	Group inviteUserToGroup(String channel, String user);
	boolean kickUserFormGroup(String channel, String user);
	boolean leaveGroup(String channel);
	List<Group> getGroupList();
	List<Group> getGroupList(boolean exclude_archived);
	boolean markGroup(String channel, String ts);
	boolean openGroup(String channel);
	Group renameGroup(String channel, String name);
	boolean setGroupPurpose(String channel, String purpose);
	boolean setGroupTopic(String channel, String topic);
	boolean unarchiveGroup(String channel);
	// im (direct message channel)

	boolean closeDirectMessageChannel(String channel);
	History getDirectMessageChannelHistory(String channel);
	History getDirectMessageChannelHistory(String channel, int count);
	History getDirectMessageChannelHistory(String channel, String latest, String oldest, boolean inclusive, int count, boolean unreads);
	List<DirectMessageChannel> getDirectMessageChannelList();
	boolean markDirectMessageChannel(String channel, String ts);
	String openDirectMessageChannel(String user);

	// mpim (multiparty direct message channel)

	boolean closeMultipartyDirectMessageChannel(String channel);
	History getMultipartyDirectMessageChannelHistory(String channel);
	History getMultipartyDirectMessageChannelHistory(String channel, int count);
	History getMultipartyDirectMessageChannelHistory(String channel, String latest, String oldest, boolean inclusive, int count, boolean unreads);
	List<Group> getMultipartyDirectMessageChannelList();
	boolean markMultipartyDirectMessageChannel(String channel, String ts);
	Group openMultipartyDirectMessageChannel(String... users);
	Group openMultipartyDirectMessageChannel(List<String> users);

	// oauth
	OAuthAccessToken accessOAuth(String client_id, String client_secret, String code, String redirect_uri);

	// pins
	boolean pinFile(String channel, String file);
	boolean pinFileComment(String channel, String file_comment);
	boolean pinMessage(String channel, String timestamp);
	List<PinItem> getPinList(String channel);
	boolean unpinFile(String channel, String file);
	boolean unpinFileComment(String channel, String file_comment);
	boolean unpinMessage(String channel, String timestamp);

	// reactions
	boolean addReactionToFile(String emojiName, String file);
	boolean addReactionToFileComment(String emojiName, String file_comment);
	boolean addReactionToMessage(String emojiName, String channel, String timestamp);
	ReactionItem getReactionByFile(String emojiName, String file);
	ReactionItem getReactionByFileComment(String emojiName, String file_comment);
	ReactionItem getReactionByMessage(String emojiName, String channel, String timestamp);
	ReactionList getReactionList(int page);
	ReactionList getReactionList(int page, int count);
	ReactionList getReactionList(String user, int page);
	ReactionList getReactionList(String user, int page, int count);
	boolean removeReactionFromFile(String emojiName, String file);
	boolean removeReactionFromFileComment(String emojiName, String file_comment);
	boolean removeReactionFromMessage(String emojiName, String channel, String timestamp);
	// rtm
	String startRealTimeMessagingApi();
	String startRealTimeMessagingApi(String simple_latest, String no_unreads, String mpim_aware);

	// stars
	boolean addStarToFile(String file);
	boolean addStarToFileComment(String file_comment);
	boolean addStarToMessage(String channel, String timestamp);
	StarList getStarList(int page);
	StarList getStarList(int page, int count);
	StarList getStarList(String user, int page);
	StarList getStarList(String user, int page, int count);
	boolean removeStarFromFile(String file);
	boolean removeStarFromFileComment(String file_comment);
	boolean removeStarFromMessage(String channel, String timestamp);

	// team
	TeamAccessLogList getTeamAccessLogList(int page);
	TeamAccessLogList getTeamAccessLogList(int page, int count);
	Team getTeamInfo();
	TeamIntegrationLogList getTeamIntegrationLogList(int page);
	TeamIntegrationLogList getTeamIntegrationLogList(int page, int count);
	TeamIntegrationLogList getTeamIntegrationLogList(String service_id, String app_id, String user, String change_type, int page, int count);
	// usergroups
	Usergroup createUsergroup(String name, String handle, String description, List<String> channels);
	Usergroup createUsergroup(String name, String handle, String description, List<String> channels, boolean include_count);
	Usergroup disableUsergroup(String usergroup);
	Usergroup disableUsergroup(String usergroup, boolean include_count);
	Usergroup enableUsergroup(String usergroup);
	Usergroup enableUsergroup(String usergroup, boolean include_count);
	List<Usergroup> getUsergroupList();
	List<Usergroup> getUsergroupList(boolean include_disabled, boolean include_count, boolean include_users);
	Usergroup updateUsergroup(String name, String handle, String description, List<String> channels);
	Usergroup updateUsergroup(String name, String handle, String description, List<String> channels, boolean include_count);
	// usergroups.users
	List<String> getUsergroupUserList(String usergroup);
	List<String> getUsergroupUserList(String usergroup, boolean include_disabled);
	Usergroup updateUsergroupUser(String usergroup, List<String> users);
	Usergroup updateUsergroupUser(String usergroup, List<String> users, boolean include_count);
	// users

	UserPresence getUserPresence(String user);
	User getUserInfo(String user);
	List<User> getUserList();
	List<User> getUserListWithPresence();
	boolean setActiveUser();
	boolean setPresenceUser(Presence presence);



Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file


Step 2. Add the dependency in the form


Slack client factory

SlackWebApiClient webApiClient = SlackClientFactory.createWebApiClient(token);

SlackWebhookClient webhookClient = SlackClientFactory.createWebhookClient(webhookUrl);

SlackbotClient slackbotClient = SlackClientFactory.createSlackbotClient(slackbotUrl);


public class SlackWebApiClientTest {

	private String token = "your slack web api token";
	private SlackWebApiClient webApiClient;
	private File testfile;

	public void setup() {
		webApiClient = SlackClientFactory.createWebApiClient(token);
		testfile = new File("d:\\2.jpg");

	public void MultipartyDirectMessageChannelTest() {
		String user1 = "userId1";
		String user2 = "userId2";

		Group group = webApiClient.openMultipartyDirectMessageChannel(user1, user2);

		List<Group> messageChannels = webApiClient.getMultipartyDirectMessageChannelList();
		Assert.assertTrue(messageChannels.size() > 0);

		History history = webApiClient.getMultipartyDirectMessageChannelHistory(group.getId());
		Assert.assertTrue(history.getHas_more() != null);


	public void directMessageChannelTest() {
		List<DirectMessageChannel> messageChannels = webApiClient.getDirectMessageChannelList();

		DirectMessageChannel slackbot = null;
		for (DirectMessageChannel channel : messageChannels) {
			if (channel.getUser().contains("SLACKBOT")) {
				slackbot = channel;


		History history = webApiClient.getDirectMessageChannelHistory(slackbot.getId());
		Assert.assertTrue(history.getMessages().size() > 0);

	public void userTest() {

		List<User> users = webApiClient.getUserList();
		User user = users.get(0);
		user = webApiClient.getUserInfo(user.getId());

		UserPresence userPresence = webApiClient.getUserPresence(user.getId());
		Assert.assertTrue(userPresence.getPresence() != null);

	public void basicTest() {
		Authentication authentication = webApiClient.auth();
		String user = authentication.getUser();
		String userId = authentication.getUser_id();

		Assert.assertTrue(user != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(userId != null);

		TeamAccessLogList teamAccessLogList = null;
		try {
			teamAccessLogList = webApiClient.getTeamAccessLogList(1);
			Assert.assertTrue(teamAccessLogList.getLogins().size() > 0);
		} catch (Exception e) {

		Team team = webApiClient.getTeamInfo();
		Assert.assertTrue(team.getId() != null);

		Channel channel = webApiClient.createChannel("test_channel");
		String channelId = channel.getId();

		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getId() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getName() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getCreated() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getCreator() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getCreator() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getIs_archived() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getIs_member() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getIs_general() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getLast_read() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getUnread_count() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getUnread_count_display() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getMembers().size() > 0);

		channel = webApiClient.getChannelInfo(channelId);
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getId() != null);
		channelId = channel.getId();

		channel = webApiClient.renameChannel(channelId, "changed_test_channel");
		Assert.assertTrue(channel.getId() != null);
		channelId = channel.getId();

		boolean purpose = webApiClient.setChannelPurpose(channelId, "test purpose");
		boolean topic = webApiClient.setChannelTopic(channelId, "test topic");

		Map<String, String> emojis = webApiClient.getEmojiList();
		Assert.assertTrue(emojis.size() > 0);

		ChatPostMessageMethod postMessage = new ChatPostMessageMethod(channelId, "test message");
		String ts = webApiClient.postMessage(postMessage);
		Assert.assertTrue(ts != null);

		webApiClient.addStarToMessage(channelId, ts);
		webApiClient.addReactionToMessage("squirrel", channelId, ts);
		webApiClient.pinMessage(channelId, ts);

		String ts2 = webApiClient.postMessage(channelId, "test message");
		Assert.assertTrue(ts2 != null);

		if (testfile != null && testfile.exists()) {
			flowctrl.integration.slack.type.File slackFile = webApiClient.uploadFile(testfile, "test file", "test comment", channelId);
			String fileId = slackFile.getId();

			FileInfo fileInfo = webApiClient.getFileInfo(fileId);
			fileId = fileInfo.getFile().getId();

			webApiClient.addReactionToFile("squirrel", fileId);
			webApiClient.pinFile(channelId, fileId);

			webApiClient.removeReactionToFile("squirrel", fileId);
			webApiClient.unpinFile(channelId, fileId);

		List<PinItem> pinItems = webApiClient.getPinList(channelId);
		Assert.assertTrue(pinItems.size() > 0);

		ReactionList reactionList = webApiClient.getReactionList(1);
		Assert.assertTrue(reactionList.getItems().size() > 0);

		StarList starList = webApiClient.getStarList(1);
		Assert.assertTrue(starList.getItems().size() > 0);

		boolean is_archive = webApiClient.archiveChannel(channelId);
		boolean is_unarchive = webApiClient.unarchiveChannel(channelId);

		History history = webApiClient.getChannelHistory(channelId);
		Assert.assertTrue(history.getMessages().size() > 0);

		Message message = history.getMessages().get(0);
		Assert.assertTrue(message.getType() != null);
		Assert.assertTrue(message.getTs() != null);


public class SlackWebhookClientTest {

	private String webhookUrl = "{id_1}/{id_2}/{token}";
	private SlackWebhookClient webhookClient;

	public void setup() {
		webhookClient = SlackClientFactory.createWebhookClient(webhookUrl);

	public void basicTest() {
		Payload payload = new Payload();
		payload.setText("test text");
		payload.setUsername("send user");

		Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
		attachment.setTitle("test attachment title");
		attachment.setText("test attachment text");
		attachment.addField(new Field("test field title 1", "test field value 1"));
		attachment.addField(new Field("test field title 2", "test field value 2"));


public class SlackbotClientTest {

	private String slackbotUrl = "https://{yourteam}{token}";
	private SlackbotClient slackbotClient;

	public void setup() {
		slackbotClient = SlackClientFactory.createSlackbotClient(slackbotUrl);

	public void basicTest() {"#channelName", "test message 1");"@userName", "test message 2");


Coming soon next


slack-api's People


allbegray avatar zerpet avatar


Alex Xiao avatar

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