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Client Profile Page


Create the Front End for the client profile.


  • Client Profile Reducer
  • Client Profile Actions
  • Client Allergy Sensitivity Reducer
  • Client Allergy Sensitivity Actions
  • Client Product Preferences Reducer
  • Client Product Preferences Actions
  • Client Head Shot Reducer
  • Client Head Shot Actions
  • Client Review Reducer
  • Client Review Actions
  • Create Image Input
  • Create Eye Colour Input (Maybe Multi Purpose for all 3)
  • Create Hair Colour Input
  • Create Skin Tone Input
  • Create Client Profile Component
  • Display Client Profile Component
  • Edit Client Profile Component


  • Non-existing client profile displays appropriate message
  • First time user sees create client profile
  • Non-artist, non-owner sees only beauty bio
  • Artist, non-onwer and owner see full profile
  • Profile can be edited

Artist Portfolio API


Create the API for artist portolio data


  • Create the artist-portfolio endpoint
  • Create the artist-portfolio-picture endpoint
  • Create the artist-qualification endpoint
  • Create the artist-makeover-offered endpoint
  • Create the artist-service endpoint
  • Create the artist-service-addon endpoint
  • Create the artist-service-consultation endpoint


  • All endpoints return expected results
  • All endpoints return expected error codes
  • All endpoints do correct authorization

Add Static Data for the Sanitization Quiz


Get the Sanitization Quiz questions and answers from Karistan and add it to the Data folder for the database.


  • Add the Sanitization_Quiz_Question data
    • TBD
  • Add the Sanitization_Quiz_Answer
    • TBD

Artist Application Database Supporting Procedures


Create the supporting database procedures for artist application information.


  • Create GetSanitizationQuizQuestionIds proc to get a list of question ids
  • Create GetSanitizationQuizQuestion proc to get a question by id
  • Create GetSanitizationQuizAnswers proc to get all answers for a question by question id
  • Create CreateArtistApplication proc
  • Create AddExistingPortfolioLink proc
  • Create AddSanitizationQuizSubmission proc


  • GetSanitizationQuizQuestionIds returns all ids
  • GetSanitizationQuizQuestion returns a question by id
  • GetSanitizationQuizQuestion returns an error for non existing id
  • GetSanitizationQuizAnswers returns all answer for question id
  • GetSanitizationQuizAnswers returns error for non existing question id
  • CreateArtistApplication successfully creates application entry
  • CreateArtistApplication returns error for non existing client profile id
  • AddExistingPortfolioLink successfully creates link entry
  • AddExistingPortfolioLink returns error for non existing application id
  • AddSanitizationQuizSubmission successfully creates a submission
  • AddSanitizationQuizSubmission returns error for non existing application id
  • AddSanitizationQuizSubmission returns error for non existing question id
  • AddSanitizationQuizSubmission returns error for non existing answer id

Create Client Trait Tables


Create the tables that describe the traits of a client.


  • Create the Hair_Colour Table
    • Hair_Colour_Id
    • Description
  • Fill the Hair_Colour Table with some initial data
  • Create the Eye_Colour Table
    • Eye_Colour_Id
    • Description
  • Fill the Eye_Colour Table with some initial data
  • Create the Skin_Tone Table
    • Skin_Tone_Id
    • Description
  • Fill the Skin_Tone Table with some initial data



Sanitization Quiz API Endpoint and Artist Application API Endpoint


Create the API endpoint for getting the sanitation quiz data and the endpoint to create an artist application


  • Create sanitization-quiz end point with empty get request
  • Create artist-application end point with empty url and body
  • Add support for uploading PDF/DOCX files for resumes and cover letters
  • Add support for database transactions because creating an application with require multiple calls to be complete


  • sanitization-quiz endpoint returns a 5 question quiz
  • artist-application endpoint successfully adds an application
  • artist-application endpoint rolls back data when encountering an error in the middle of adding an application

Add static data for Allergy/Sensitivity and Preferences


Add the static data for the Client Allergies/Sensitivities and product preferences from Karistan and add it to the Data folder for the database.


  • Add the Allergy/Sensitivity data
    • TBD
  • Add the Product Preference data
    • TBD

Create Sign Up Page


Create a page for people to sign up as the most basic form of user. This allows us to get their information in the application swiftly and allows them to start using the app before setting up any kind of profile.


  • Add common header to be used by any non React pages
  • Add common footer to be used by any non React pages
  • Add input fields
    • Email
    • Password
    • Confirm Password
    • Display Name
    • First Name
    • Last Name
  • Add validation on the front end
    • Email: valid email address
    • Password: minimum 8 chars, max 50
    • Confirm Password: must match password
    • Display Name: only letters, numbers, -, and _
    • First Name: min 1 char, max 100
    • Last Name: min 1 char, max 100


  • Front end doesn't allow submission invalid email
  • Front end doesn't allow submission of invalid password, or unconfirmed
  • Front end doesn't allow submission of invalid display name
  • Front end doesn't allow submission of invalid first or last name

Create Makeover Appointment Pages


Create Makeover Appointment Pages


  • Setup Makeover Appointment Reducer
  • Makeover Appointment Reducer
  • Makeover Appointment Actions
  • Add button to portfolio to link to adding appointment
  • Add setup appointment page
  • Add view appointment page


  • All pages work as expected

Create Authentication Backend


Create the backend procs and endpoint for user authentication and info gathering.


  • Create Stored Proc to get user info from Session Key
    • Display Name
    • IsArtist
    • First Name
    • Last Name
  • Implement API entry point and htaccess
  • Add end point for calling stored proc above


  • API Entry point with htaccess works
  • Proc returns info with valid, active session key
  • Proc returns error with unknown session key
  • Proc returns error with expired session key
  • API endpoint can parse session key from header as bearer token
  • API endpoint returns information from proc

Create the schema for the Sanitization Quiz


Create the schema to store the sanitization quiz questions, answers, and user submitted responses.


  • Create the Sanitization_Quiz_Question table
  • Add some initial sanitization questions
  • Create the Sanitization_Quiz_Answer table
  • Add some initial answers for the questions
  • Create the Sanitization_Quiz_Submission table



Instant Consultation Signalling Servers


Create the signalling (TURN/STUN) servers for live communications


  • STUN traversal
  • TURN traversal
  • Basic server connections for clients using chat


  • All needed data connections work in a live environment without error

Create Makeover Appointment Supporting DB Procedures


Create Makeover Appointment Supporting DB Procedures


  • DoesMakeoverAppointmentIdExist Function
  • IsSessionAuthorizedForMakeoverAppointment Function
  • CreateMakeoverAppointment Procedure
  • GetMakeoverAppointment Procedure
  • AddMakeoverAppointmentAddon Procedure
  • GetMakeoverAppointmentAddons Procedure


  • DoesMakeoverAppointmentIdExist Function returns true if exists, false if not
  • IsSessionAuthorizedForMakeoverAppointment Function returns true if authorized, false if not
  • CreateMakeoverAppointment Procedure returns error codes on errors
  • GetMakeoverAppointment Procedure returns error if id does not exist
  • AddMakeoverAppointmentAddon Procedure returns error if id does not exist
  • GetMakeoverAppointmentAddons Procedure returns error if id does not exist

Create Makeover Appointment Schema


Create the schema that will record makeover appointments. These tables should hold the prices separately from the artist profile tables so we have the price at the time of the appointment.


  • Create the Makeover Appointment table
  • Create the Makeover Appointment Add on table



Add Static Data for Service Description Tables


Get the data that should go in the Makeover Type, Service Type, and Consultation Type tables and add it to the Data folder for the database.


  • Add the static data for the Makeover_Type table
  • Add the static data for the Service_Type table
  • Add the static data for the Consultation_Type table

Create Home Page


Create the first draft of the home page with tiles for some of the key actions in the app.


  • Add tiles for key pages
    • Browse Artists
    • Instant Consult. Search
    • ASAP makeover search
    • Future Appointment Search
    • Schedule
  • Tiles are responsive
    • Sqaure when screen is larger, single stack when screen is smaller


  • Tiles are responsive

Accounts Page Database Procs


Add the stored procedures to support displaying and updating user account information in the database.


  • Get User procedure
  • Update User procedure
  • Deactivate User procedure


  • Get User works with valid user name
  • Get User returns an error code when display name does not exist
  • Update User works with valid info
  • Update User returns an error code when the user id does not exist
  • Update User returns an error code when the email is unavailable
  • Update User returns an error code when the display name is unavailable
  • Deactivate User deactivates the user
  • Deactivate User returns an error code when the user id is not found

Create User/Session Log Schema


Create the table to log user actions (Create, update, delete) and session actions (session created, session closed)


  • Determine actions and columns for tables
  • Create User Log table
  • Create User Action table
  • Create Session Log table
  • Create Session Action table
  • Modify the CreateUser and Login procs to add log messages


  • Test by running through test cases from #6

Create Login Page


Polish up the front end login page from the basic page used for testing the backend.


  • Use the common header from the sign up page
  • Add in 2 text inputs
  • Login button
  • Sign up link
  • Error Displays


  • Displays real time error with invalid email
  • Displays front end error with empty password
  • Successfully logs in

Add Log Tables to ER Diagram


Add logging tables to the ER diagram for client profiles, artist profiles, artist applications, and reviews.


  • Add logging tables for Client Profiles
  • Add logging tables for Artist Applications
  • Add logging tables to Artist Profiles
  • Add logging tables to Reviews

Create Notification Schema


Create the database schema for user notifications.


  • Create the Notification_Type table
  • Create the Notification Table



Create Sign Up Backend


Create the backend methods for signing up a user.


  • Determine Expected Fields
  • Add method to DAL to create user
  • Add method to DAL to create session
  • Validates all input fields
  • Creates user, then session with user id, then logs the creation of the user


  • Back end rejects invalid email and returns error code
    Test Case 1
    • Email: test
    • Password: password
    • Confirm Password: password
    • Display Name: Test
    • First Name: Test
    • Last Name: Test
  • Back end rejects mismatched passwords and returns error code
    Test Case 1
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: password
    • Confirm Password: asdfg
    • Display Name: Test
    • First Name: Test
    • Last Name: Test
  • Back end rejects too short passwords and returns error code
    Test Case 1
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: password
    • Confirm Password: asdfg
    • Display Name: Test
    • First Name: Test
    • Last Name: Test
  • Back end rejects invalid names and returns error code
    Test Case 1
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: password
    • Confirm Password: password
    • Display Name: Test!@#$
    • First Name: Test
    • Last Name: Test
      Test Case 2
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: password
    • Confirm Password: password
    • Display Name: Test
    • First Name: Test!@#$
    • Last Name: Test
      Test Case 3
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: password
    • Confirm Password: password
    • Display Name: Test
    • First Name: Test
    • Last Name: Test!@#$
  • Back end accepts valid info and returns correct error code
    Test Case 1
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Password: password
    • Confirm Password: password
    • Display Name: Test
    • First Name: Test
    • Last Name: Test

Create App Logo and Splash Screen


The applications will need a logo and splash screen. Make sure to create the required sizes for both Android and iOS.


  • Create logo
  • Create splash screen

Set up the React Code Structure


Set up the React app so its in a runnable state and has shell pages for each known page.


  • Set up the Basic React App with the appropriate names/paths so it builds
  • Bring in the existing common components from other assignments
  • Make containers for each known page on the site map

Create Review Schema


Create the schema to hold Client and Artist reviews.


  • Create the Artist Review table
  • Create the Artist Review reply table
  • Create the Artist Review Portfolio Link table
  • Create the Client Review table



Database Support for "Online" Artists and Artist Search


Create the database components to allow artists to set themselves as online, and artists to be searched by online status and geolocation.


  • Create table for online artists
  • Create function to check if artist is online
  • Create function to calculate distance between coordinates
  • Create procedure to add an entry to the online artists
  • Create procedure to remove an entry from the online artists by artist id
  • Create procedure to search online artists


  • Function checks if artist portfolio id is online
  • Function calculates distance between coordinates
  • Procs successfully control online artist
  • Proc returns online artist within range

Add Splash Screen to Android App


Add a splash screen to the android app to check for the appropriate permissions because they need to be enabled at run time on Android 6.0 and later.


  • Create splash screen
  • Check for appropriate permissions (Video, Mic, Location)


Client Profile Database Support


Create the supporting procedures for the client profile page.


  • GetClientProfile
  • GetClientHeadshots
  • GetClientAllergySensitivities
  • GetClientProductPreferences
  • GetClientReviews
  • CreateClientProfile
  • AddClientHeadshot
  • AddClientAllergySensitivity
  • AddCustomAllergySensitivity
  • AddClientProductPreference
  • AddCustomProductPreference
  • AddClientReview
  • UpdateClientProfile
  • GetAllergySensitivities
  • GetProductPreferences
  • GetHairColours
  • GetEyeColours
  • GetSkinTones
  • UpdateClientReview
  • DeleteClientHeadshot
  • DeleteClientAllergySensitivity
  • DeleteClientProductPreference
  • DeleteClientReview


  • All procs work under expected conditions
  • All procs handle appropriate errors

Accounts Page Front End


Create the React page for the Accounts display/editing.


  • Create Account Reducer
  • Create Account Actions
  • Create Component to display Account Info
  • Create Component to Edit Account Info


  • Account info is successfully displayed
  • Account info can be successfully updated
  • Errors are displayed for invalid info (Email unavailable etc)
  • Account info can be successfully deactivated

Artist Portfolio Page


Create the front end for the artist portfolio page.


  • Direct user to artist application page if not artist and has not been accepted
  • Create Artist Portfolio Page when user first goes to the page and has been accepted
  • Display profile pic and bio side by side at the top
  • Create 3 tabs: Portfolio, Services, About
  • Show Portfolio Pictures of portfolio tab
  • Modal to add new picture
  • Show services and allow editting of services of service tab
  • Show qualifications on about tab


  • User can successfully create artist portfolio base
  • User can add and remove portfolio pics
  • User can add and remove qualifications
  • User can add and remove makeover offered entries
  • User can add and remove services
  • User can add and remove service addons
  • User can add and remove service consultations
  • User can see all this info and request a service that will link them to the request form

Create Notification Backend


Add the stored procs and api end point for notifcations.


  • Added proc to get latest notifications for user
  • Add proc to add notifications for user
  • Add proc to acknowledge notifications for user
  • Add api endpoint for notifications


  • API returns notifications for user
  • API returns 'more' notifications for user
  • API acknowledges notifications for user

Client Profile API


Create the end points for the client profile api.


  • Client Profile End Point
  • Client Head Shot End Point
  • Client Allergy Sensitivity End Point
  • Allergy Sensitivity End Point
  • Client Product Preference End Point
  • Product Preference End Point
  • Client Review End Point


  • All end points work with expected parameters
  • All end points handle unauthorized requests
  • All end points handle invalid parameters

Artist Portfolio Database


Implement the database procs for the artist application page.


  • Add the preliminary functions for the procs
  • Add the procs to support artist portfolios
  • Add the procs to support artist portfolio pictures
  • Add the procs to support artist qualifications
  • Add the procs to support artist makeover type
  • Add the procs to support artist services
  • Add the procs to support artist service addons
  • Add the procs to support artist service consultation


  • All procs work as expected
  • All procs return error codes
  • All procs return error codes

Create User/Session Schema


Create the tables to hold the information about a user obtained on a sign up and the session information from a log in.


  • Determine the schema
  • Create the User table
    • User_Id INT
    • Email VARCHAR(256)
    • Password_Hash VARCHAR(256)
    • Display_Name VARCHAR(50)
    • First_Name VARCHAR(100)
    • Last_Name VARCHAR(100)
    • Deactivated TINYINT
  • Create the Session table
    • Session_Id INT
    • User_Id INT
    • Session_Key VARCHAR (256)
    • Created DATETIME
    • Expires DATETIME
    • Ip_Address VARCHAR(45)
  • Create stored procedure to sign up a user
    • CreateUser(email, password_hash, display_name, first_name, last_name)
  • Create stored procedure to login a user
    • Login(username, password_hash)
    • Logout(session_key)
  • Determine stored procedures needed for user maintenance (ie change password etc)
    • UpdateUser(session_key, email, password_hash, display_name, first_name, last_name)
    • DeactivateUser(session_key, email)


  • Stored proc successfully adds a user
    Test Case 1
  • Stored proc successfully creates session
    Test Case 1
    • CALL CreateSession(<Id returned from creating user>, '');
  • Stored proc successfully updates user
    Test Case 1
    • CALL UpdateUser('<Session key from creating session>', <Id returned from creating user>, NULL, NULL, 'NewDisplayName', NULL, NULL);
  • Stored proc successfully blocks duplicate display names
    Test Case 1
    • CALL UpdateUser('<Session key from creating session>', <Id returned from creating user>, NULL, NULL, 'NewDisplayName', NULL, NULL);
  • Stored proc successfully deactivates user
    Test Case 1
    • CALL DeactivateUser('<Session key from creating session>', <Id returned from creating user>);
  • Stored proc successfully deactivates session
    Test Case 1
    • CALL DeactivateSession('<Session key from creating session>');

Create Client Preference Schema


Create the schema that will store the Client allergies and sensitivities information and the product preference information.


  • Create the Client_Allergy_Sensitivity table
  • Create the Allergy_Sensitivity table
  • Add some initial information for allergy/sensitivity
  • Create the Client_Product_Preference table
  • Create the Product_Preference table
  • Add some initial information to the product preferences



Create Login Page Backend


Create the backend for the login page. This includes checking an email and password against a store password hash.


  • Add basic login page
  • Add stored proc to get password hash
  • Add DAL method to call above stored proc
  • Verify password with password_verify


  • Displays an error when an email is not found
  • Displays an error when password is incorrect
  • Successfully logs in user and sets session cookie

Fix Page Links in React


I forgot to finish all the page links in the React Pages.js file.

Reproduction Steps:

Go to ../Website/React/constants/Pages.js and see some page links still from the NAD project.

Proposed Solution:

Fix the links,

Create the Client Profile Schema


Create the schema that stores client profile information and client head shots in the database.


  • Create the Client_Profile table
  • Create the Headshot_Type table
  • Add some initial data to the Headshot_Type table (Front, Left Side, Right Side)
  • Create the Client_Headshot table



Create Notifications Page


Create the notifications page and add notification alerts to the hamburger in the header. (using set interval to keep checking)


  • Add notification stack to page
  • Add actions to call API
  • Add little red circle to hamburger for new notifications


  • Can display notifications
  • Gets new notification
  • Acknowledges notifications when notification page is opened

Accounts API Endpoints


Create the API endpoints that will be used to access, update, and deactivate user accounts.


  • Add the get user by display name end point
  • Add the update user by user id end point
  • Add the deactivate user by id end point


  • Get user end point returns info for authorized session key (session belongs to user)
  • Get user end point returns unauthorized when session key is not authorized
  • Update user end point successfully updates the user with valid input
  • Update user end point rejects unauthorized session key
  • Update user end point rejects invalid all fields
  • Deactivate user end point works successfully for authorized session key
  • Deactivate user rejects unauthorized session key

Create Schema for Service Description Tables


Add the schema for the Makeover Type, Service Type, and Consultation Type tables to describe the different services an Artist can provide.


  • Create the Makeover_Type table
  • Add some initial data to the Makeover_Type table
    • Formal
    • Bridal
    • Glam
  • Create the Service_Type table
  • Add some initial data to the Service_Type table
    • Instant Consultation
    • ASAP Makeover
    • Future Makeover
  • Create the Consultation_Type table
  • Add some initial data to the Consultation_Type table
    • 10 minutes
    • 20 minutes
    • 30 minutes



Artist Application Page


Add the artist application page for submitting new artist applications


  • Add a link for clients on the home screen
  • Create Artist Application reducer
  • Create Artist Application actions
  • Create file input to select a type of file and show file name
  • Create list component to make a list on the client side before submitting from a textbox
  • Create components to display quiz


  • Page successfully renders the application with quiz
  • Page successfully submits an application
  • Page displays errors if they occur

Create schema for Artist Applications


Create the schema for artist applications and storing the information received with them.


  • Create Artist_Application table
  • Create the Artist_Credential table
  • Create the Existing_Portfolio_Link table



Create Schema for Artist Profile


Create all the tables that handle the information for Artist profiles/portfolios.


  • Create the Artist_Portfolio table
  • Create the Artist_Makeover_Offered table
  • Create the Artist_Service table
  • Create the Artist_Service_Consultation table
  • Create the Artist_Service_Addon table
  • Create the Artist Qualification table
  • Create the Artist_Portfolio_Picture table



Instant Consultation API


Create the end points for instant consultation chat API


  • Instant Consultation End Point for initial chatroom launch

  • Instant Consultation End Point for live chat room

  • Client Review End Point


  • All end points work with expected parameters
  • All end points handle unauthorized requests
  • All end points handle invalid parameters

Create Header and Footer for React Pages


Create the common Header and Footer for the React pages, place them in the main app so they are on every page, and get the session key from the cookie. This should be used to get some basic User information that will be needed for navigating to different pages from the header.


  • Create Header with Hamburger and Navigation
  • Create Footer with links to privacy policyand ToS
  • Add action to get the cookie with session key and call new end point
  • Add reducer for user data


  • Header is responsive by size of window
  • Header hamburger opens and closes menu
  • Footer links work
  • React app displays error when no session cookie is found
  • React app can get session key from cookie and get user info

Set up the Database folder structure


Set up the Database folder structure to make development easier.


  • Add scripts to root folder
    • Backup Database
    • Deploy Database
    • Drop Database
    • Restore Database
  • Create Error codes page on the wiki
  • Create sub folders
    • Data
    • Functions
    • Stored Procedures
    • Tables
    • Test Data
    • Views

Create Makeover Appointment API


Create Makeover Appointment API


  • Create Makeover Appointment DAL
  • Add Authorization for Makeover Appointments
  • Create Makeover Appointment endpoint
  • Create Makeover Appointment Addon endpoint


  • Create makeover appointment returns error if session does not own client
  • Get makeover appointment returns error if session does not own client or artist
  • Get Addons does the same as above

Add Static Data for Client Traits


Get the static data for the client traits from Karistan and add it to the Data folder in the database.


  • Add the Hair_Colour static data
    • TBD
  • Add the Eye_Colour static data
    • TBD
  • Add the Skin_Tone static data
    • TBD

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