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argent's Issues

Blood/Gore Sounds

One of those things I never quite got around to adding before release. I may spelunk around in nu-Doom's files again to see if there are any useful raw sounds.

ZScript Branch?

Oh boy.

It's probably a bit too early to think about doing this just yet, but ZScript is just about at the point where it's possible to start converting the DECORATE code over. It'll still be a few versions until I'll be able to de-anonymize those functions (the real treat, I think), but it may be worth switching stuff over beforehand to prepare a bit.

This is naturally a massive undertaking, so I'm not going to leap into it without getting things stable-ish (and working with Kate to make sure that we don't turn Orange into Lemon-Lime). Just a thought at least.

BFG: Behavior Revamp

Right now, the BFG is a lazy reskin of OG Doom's. While we all love its confusing-but-lovable behavior, it'd be super-cool to have an option to switch it to something more akin to the modern game, because lasers.

nu-Doom's BFG acts as sort of a mix between Fraggle's BFG11k variant (tracers spawned radially from the impact) and Quake 2's (zappy laser beams during flight), so something along these lines will be a thing. That plus a few projectile visual enhancements will make the new BFG kick some serious bum.

Mod System

'Nuff said. A generalized actor & set of scripts for weapon mod variants needs to be a thing. It also may or may not be a very real work in progress. ;)

Weapon Cooldowns are "sticky"

Couple of places with the mod cooldown system where you can get a cooldown 'stuck':

  • Running out of ammo while firing Micro Missiles
  • Changing maps while the cooldown is active

In both cases, the cooldown can be reset by switching mods, but this a) still shouldn't happen and b) can't be fixed by the player if you just have one mod, so ick! :P

TBH the cooldown system is pretty janky (it's just a temporary looping script that removes one unit of cooldown per-tic until it's done and the script expires), but it's uber-simple to work with so I'd like to keep it if possible. Potential emphasis on 'if'. :P

Plasma can use wrong sprite when dryfiring

Equip the Plasma Gun with a Stun Bomb attachment, then use enough cells so you can't fire the stun bomb and try to alt-fire. The plasma changes sprites and uses the standard idle sprite instead.

Wide Rocket Woes

It's still possible in some circumstances to self-detonate if you hug the right hand wall just right. Welpo.

BFG: New Ammotype

Right now, Dr. BFG obsoletes Gauss and Plasma something fierce, so I'm quite likely to take a note from the new game and give it its own ammotype. I may or may not make this a toggle switch in the eventual options menu so as to not completely kill the balance on things that require mass amounts of murderation (i.e. slaughtermaps).

Suggestions on where to put the new ammo drops are most welcome.

Item Sounds

Powerups, armor, health, and ammo. Whew...

Haste Powerup

Most of the powerups are fairly easy to implement, but Haste is gonna be a barg, since PowerDoubleFiringSpeed doesn't do anything for 1-tic animations. I'll need to come up with something more creative -- hopefully something better than PowerWeaponLevel2 and lots of duplication... :(

Bosses suck.

See title. Mainly:

  • Cyberdemon rockets don't have trails, new sound, or other fun effects.
  • Cybie and Spidey are immune to all forms of radius damage. This is lame. :<

Weapon Mod Pickup

hey look a checklist

  • Mod Kit pickup
  • Improve Mod Kit sprite
  • Menu Display (just the box, ma'am)
  • Menu Interface (uggo)
  • Add navigation instructions
  • Write Mod Descriptions
  • Mod Icon Thingies (nah, do this after v0.3.0)
  • "No Mods Available" Icon
  • Sounds for menu (particularly a nice "install" sound)
  • Give Backpack when mods full
  • Allow "Give Backpack" option in menus maybe? [WFZS :P]
  • Re-Use-ing the kit item ought to dismiss the interface.
  • Inventory HUD icon so you can see that you have the durn thing. :P


Mod support on weapons is one thing: Actually placing a weapon upgrade into the map is another thing entirely, since I've got to include some sort of interface for choosing which weapon you want to mod (and which of the two to pick, when applicable).

Whatever it is, the new item is likely to replace (or sit alongside) the Backpack, since it seems to fit (and 'zerk is gonna be something else). All subject to potential change, of course.

Weapon switching while firing is inconsistent

Copypasta from Baratus:

There's a minor glitch in the way that certain weapons behave when switching weapons while firing. In my experience weapons will normally stop or finish firing upon switching, but as long as the fire button is held down, certain weapons such as the Shotgun and Super Shotgun (but not all weapons) will keep firing rather than switching immediately. This has caught me by surprise a couple of times now while I was trying to switch to a different weapon to save ammunition. Is this something to do with the weapon's A_Refire state?

This is probably due to +NOAUTOFIRE not being applied to all weapons. Should be a quick fix.

New Weapon: Fists

"Twin birth-mounted meat-pounders. Good for reasoning with the enemy in times of personal stress."

Doom's default fist attack has always felt weak to me, even with Berserk equipped, mostly because of its uber-slow animation and lack of interactivity. Dunno how far I want to take it with the Zhark-Fu, but certainly a more interesting set of hand-to-hand kickassery is gonna be a thing.

HUD scaling issues

Too small on certain resolutions. Can probably remedy the situation just a bit.


Needs to get done at some point.

Smooth out SSG animation

It's not using A_WeaponOffset, so it's not nicely interpolated. Gonna be a huge pain to do, but I'm chucking this in the "eventually" bucket.

Make Rocket Launcher animation not suck.

I tried to get too fancy with this one by zooming in the sprites, but the end result is all jagged and ugly. If anyone's interested in taking a shot at making a better animation, you'd be my uber-hero.

Gauss Precision Shot bugginess

Couple of things:

  • Charge can be initiated even if there isn't enough ammo to fire
  • Charge can get stuck after map transition and/or zero ammo -- Kate ran into this, but I haven't been able to reproduce yet

Uber-Berserk Powerup

Goes hand-in-hand with #4, since there's no real 'zerk without proper meathooks to go along with it.


Something a bit more D44M-y without straying too far from the original. Will probably replace the fullscreen HUD, while the status bar will just be a graphical edit of the existing bar with inventory added somewhere.

Awesome Crosshairs

Nu-Doom has coolio custom crosshairs for each gun. I'd love to not only make this happen but also use it as a solution for the whole "wtf is my weapon cooldown at" problem that exists currently.

This item is really two features rolled into one:

  • Custom crosshairs (i.e. A_SetCrosshair) for all weapons (with modded variants)
  • Crosshair-style ACS overlay for cooldowns & charges (i.e. the cool radial thing).

Thanks to Jimmy for pointing out that HudMessage has an option to hide messages on the automap, which makes the second bullet point cleanly doable. Huzzah!

Expanded Arsenal

Expansion pack weapon plans! Oh no!

Current working MASTER LIST of COOL NEW GUNS to add:

  • 2.EMG Magnum: Next-gen UAC energy pistol. Trades higher power for a limited ammo capacity.
    • Overclock: Highly-accurate quick-charging shot. Makes enemies stumble back.
    • Twin Arms: Two guns for twice the fun. Synth-fire.
  • 4.Burst Rifle: Basic three-shot-burst rifle. 'Nuff said.
    • Reflex Sight: Single-fire ADS mode. (not much different than HAR's scope, but it's a replacement)
    • Piercing Darts: Fires a volley of projectiles which pierce through a few foes. Tiny nailgun!
  • 5.Grenade Launcher: Shoots physics-bound projectiles that go boom. Larger blast radius than rockets.
    • Frag Munitions: Fires a big bomb that bursts into sub-bombs. Fun at parties.
    • Sticky Mines: Primary fire shoots sticky grenades. Alt-fire detonates. Awww yisss.
  • 6.Lightning Gun: Q3A-style short-range directed energy weapon. Zappity-doo.
    • Chain Lightning : Does what it says on the tin. Trendy.
    • Tesla Trap: Fires a sticky shocky fixture that zaps enemies from afar; mini-bfg kinda, single beam.
  • 8.Vortex Rifle: Sniper Weapon One. Builds up weapon charge as you aim down the scope.
    • Thermal Optics: Charged scope mode w/wall-piercing ability. Zoinks!
    • Fusion Dynamo : UT Shock Rifle altfire. Fires an orb you can shoot for massive combo damage.
  • 8.Static Rifle: Sniper Weapon Two. Builds up weapon charge as you move.
    • Static Shock: Releases stored weapon charge in a radial A_Blast that shoves enemies away.
    • Kinetic Booster: Transforms stored weapon charge into a short speed burst. Can ram enemies.
  • 9.Hellshot: Single-shot weapon that fires toxic darts. Poisons enemies for a short DoT.
    • Toxin Refinery: Launches a projectile which leaves a poison cloud behind.
    • Meat Seeker: Enemy-seeking smart missiles, with 100% more pun.
  • 9.Reaper: Launches a volley of 6 bouncy projectiles. Fun for the whole family.
    • Bio-Magnetizer: Charge up and fire a powerful shot that pivots towards enemies when bouncing.
    • Soul Geyser: Evil flamethrower, muddafugga!

...No idea how I'm gonna place these in-game yet, and that's a lot of spritework and tweaks, so this is stricly a post-release thing.

Palette Issues

Need to include some versions of paletted graphics to avoid stuff like this in Linux.

I'm a bit surprised the crosshairs are misbehaving since those are treated specially anyway, but I may have forgotten to greyscale the graphics. Will check that first.

Chaingun/Gauss Random Spawner CVAR

For folks who don't wish to wait for bosses.

I've been shying away from random-spawner-esque stuff, but having it as an opt-in option (hehe) ain't so bad.

New Weapon: Chainsaw

"I can't think of a more useless piece of equipment on Mars than a chain saw."

Doom 3 quote aside, Chainsaws are important, yet this mod doesn't have one yet. Welp!

Although nu-Doom's 'saw was an instant K.O. weapon, ARGENT's chainsaw is likely to be a bit closer to traditional Doom fare; to make up for it, though, it's gonna absolutely shred folks, providing some ridiculous damage to make up for the you-have-to-be-in-their-face factor.

Still, I may consider a special alt-attack that lets you insta-gib enemies if you have enough fuel, similar to the new game, since it's so much fun in practice. Just spitballing ideas here.

All Weapon Mods

THE Major 0.3.0 milestone.

A breakdown of what still needs to be done:

  • Sprites
    • Chaingun
      • Gatling Rotator
      • Mobile Turret
    • Gauss
      • Precision Scope
      • Siege Mode
  • Behavior
    • Rocket
      • Lock-on Burst
    • Gauss
      • Precision Scope
      • Siege Mode

...Also the mod-giver item, of course. Slightly important, that. ;)

Quad Damage powerup

Exists in-game. Just need to make it replace something (Blursphere, likely).

Weapon priorities are out of whack

BFG and Gauss are too far up on the list. Proposed reorder: SSG, CG, BFG, Gauss --- though I may bump BFG all the way down to the bottom of the list since argent-main is going to get a unique ammotype option soonish anyway.

Lock-On Burst doesn't work at long range

Welp. I suspect this is because the player's built-in target acquisition peters out after (IIRC) 1024 units. D:

I'll revisit this post-zscript-conversion. I'm limited in options now.

Plasma Stun Bomb not quite finished

Still a few things missing:

  • Slightly better projectile explosion FX
  • Zappy FX on stunned monsters
  • Customizable stun times & tweaking
  • Better fire animation (animate little spinny thingy on left)
  • Screen Animations on charge-complete and mod-switch.
  • Cyberdemon looping pain sound needs to go, funny as it is. :P

My Rockets are Too Big!

Rockets tend to have a nasty habit of exploding in your face if you're standing too close to a right-hand wall. Either reduce the radius or adjust the offsets to make this quit happening.

Equipment system + Frag Grenade

Official to-do list for Equipment:

  • Create basic infrastructure for equipment
  • Refactor Mods to be classes and set up Merch infrastructure
  • Add equipment-purchasing capability to mod kit menu
    • For Mod-capable weapons
    • For all weapons (yay refactoring!)
  • Add item-recharging feature.
    • Make It Happen(tm)
    • Show the recharge meter on-HUD
  • Show equipment (inventory) correctly on the status bar (i.e. not just the mod kit).
  • Add little rotary equipment display thingy
  • Grey out equipment item in Merch screen when maxed out.
  • Add cycle sounds
  • Shorten boxes and add instructions at the top
  • Proper descriptions for equipment items
  • Create actual functional equipment items:
    • Frag Grenade
    • Hologram Split to #84
    • Siphon Grenade Split to #83
  • Make equipment-tossing hands widescreen-friendly

Side-thought: I wonder if it's worth it to just make Merch derive from Inventory directly and simply give Mod1/Mod2 to the player. I can still keep direct references to them on the weapons, though that would probably mean I'd have to create a bunch of derivative classes. Maybe if I was redesigning the system from scratch, at any rate. noap ๐Ÿ“ฆ

BFG Selection Issues

  • BFG "sticks" on weapprev/weapnext selection
  • BFG is infinitely re-selectable by pressing '7' repeatedly. :P

No idea how to fix either of these at all with the current system. Will explore other options once ZScript is a thing.

SSG sound cuts off when running out of ammo

Need to add a new sound and make it play when firing the last shot.

Aside: this sort of thing used to be a PITA since you had to do a state jump, but anonymous functions make this hella easy now. Whoop!

Redo Cooldown system

Do a "generic" A_Overlay which weapons can use at their whim. Will also allow me to more-permanently fix the rocket launcher detonate issue without requiring a band-aid.

Pistol altfire can't be held after firing

I may need to evaluate if mods "need" this too. It's less significant for things with cooldown though, but consistency...

Thanks to zrrion the insect for the report.

"You got the Rocket (Launcher)!"

The Rocket Launcher's pickup string LANGUAGE uses the same name as Doom's Rocket pickup string, so picking up rockets yields "You got the rocket launcher!". Whoops.

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