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fireorm's Issues

Issues with integration tests

From travis documentation:

Pull requests sent from forked repositories do not have access to encrypted variables or data even if these are defined in the fork source project.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Document how to run integration test locally
  • Find a way to run integration tests from forks without compromising the env vars

Calling create with an object without an id throws an error

When running example 1, I get this error:

Error: Value for argument "documentPath" is not a valid resource path. Path must be a non-empty string.
    at Object.validateResourcePath (/Users/nathanjones/Projects/fireorm/node_modules/@google-cloud/firestore/build/src/path.js:407:15)
    at CollectionReference.doc (/Users/nathanjones/Projects/fireorm/node_modules/@google-cloud/firestore/build/src/reference.js:1724:20)
    at BaseFirestoreRepository.<anonymous> (/Users/nathanjones/Projects/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreRepository.ts:161:38)
    at step (/Users/nathanjones/Projects/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreRepository.ts:56:23)
    at (/Users/nathanjones/Projects/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreRepository.ts:37:53)
    at /Users/nathanjones/Projects/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreRepository.ts:31:71
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (/Users/nathanjones/Projects/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreRepository.ts:27:12)
    at BaseFirestoreRepository.create (/Users/nathanjones/Projects/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreRepository.ts:165:16)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/nathanjones/Projects/fireorm/examples/1-simple_todo_repository/index.ts:33:43)

This is probably due to the way fireorm creates a new doc without an id.

const doc = this.firestoreColRef.doc( || undefined);

This should probably be updated to use the add() method if the id was not provided (relevant docs)

How to create a new document with a reference?

Hello, how can I create a new ProdutorDadosAdicionais with a referencied property produtor of Produtor class?

export class Produtor {
    id: string
    nome?: string;

export class ProdutorDadosAdicionais {
    id: string;
    nome: string;
    produtor: Produtor;

I tried this, but no gave me a error:

ย  | Error: Value for argument "data" is not a valid Firestore document. Couldn't serialize object of type "Produtor" (found in field produtor). Firestore doesn't support JavaScript objects with custom prototypes (i.e. objects that were created via the "new" operator). -- | -- ย  | at Object.validateUserInput (C:\Users\lucas.didur\Desktop\Nova pasta\functions\node_modules\@Google-Cloud\firestore\build\src\serializer.js:311:15) ย  | at validateDocumentData (C:\Users\lucas.didur\Desktop\Nova pasta\functions\node_modules\@Google-Cloud\firestore\build\src\write-batch.js:611:22) ย  | at WriteBatch.set (C:\Users\lucas.didur\Desktop\Nova pasta\functions\node_modules\@Google-Cloud\firestore\build\src\write-batch.js:232:9) ย  | at DocumentReference.set (C:\Users\lucas.didur\Desktop\Nova pasta\functions\node_modules\@Google-Cloud\firestore\build\src\reference.js:334:14) ย  | at BaseFirestoreRepository. (C:\Users\lucas.didur\Desktop\Nova pasta\functions\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:109:50) ย  | at step (C:\Users\lucas.didur\Desktop\Nova pasta\functions\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:46:23) ย  | at (C:\Users\lucas.didur\Desktop\Nova pasta\functions\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:27:53) ย  | at fulfilled (C:\Users\lucas.didur\Desktop\Nova pasta\functions\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:18:58) ย  | at ย  | at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)
let doc = new ProdutorDadosAdicionais();
doc.nome = "Teste";
doc.produtor = await prod.findById("ITXaj7Gss5dt1cOpT0qf");

await repo.create(doc);

Error: Application has not been initialized. Call Initialize() method

Hello there,

When I launch firebase serve --only functions, i have this error message:

[1] Error: Application has not been initialized. Call Initialize() method
[1]     at Object.exports.getMetadataStorage (E:\Work\www\lbdc-firebase\back\functions\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\MetadataStorage.js:56:15)
[1]     at E:\Work\www\lbdc-firebase\back\functions\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\Decorators\Collection.js:7:27
[1]     at DecorateConstructor (E:\Work\www\lbdc-firebase\back\functions\node_modules\reflect-metadata\Reflect.js:541:33)
[1]     at Object.decorate (E:\Work\www\lbdc-firebase\back\functions\node_modules\reflect-metadata\Reflect.js:130:24)
[1]     at __decorate (E:\Work\www\lbdc-firebase\back\functions\lib\models\band.js:4:92)
[1]     at Object.<anonymous> (E:\Work\www\lbdc-firebase\back\functions\lib\models\band.js:12:8)

And I don't understand because Initialize is called.

// tslint:disable-next-line: no-import-side-effect
import "reflect-metadata";
import * as fireorm from "fireorm";
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import * as onCall from "./onCall"


const firestore = admin.firestore();
  timestampsInSnapshots: true

export = {


import { Collection } from "fireorm";

export default class Band {
  id: string;
  name: string;


import { GetRepository } from "fireorm";
import Band from "./band.model";

const create = async (payload: Band) => {
  const bandRepository = GetRepository(Band);
  let band = new Band();
  band = {, ...payload };
  await bandRepository.create(band);


import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import band from "./band";
import Band from "./band.model";

export const createBand = functions.https.onCall(
  async (payload: Band, context) => {
    await band.create(payload);

Thanks for your help!

Deploy github pages with Semantic Release!

This repo uses semantic release to release to npm and github releases. The API documentation is hosted in github pages and is rdeployed using gh-pages-deploy package (see deploy:documentation script in package.json).

Right now we have a bug in which each merge pull request (to a non-release branch, like next) is triggering a deploy of the documentation. Instead of fixing that issue, let's release the documentation with the same tool we release our npm package.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Remove gh-pages-deploy from the project
  • Check and implement semantic release gh-pages
  • We don't have a semantic-release configuration file, since we will need to create a configuration file for this implementation, ensure that it contains the default configuration (which is the one we use right now)

Firestore Complex Types handling

In #56 we started re-exporting class-transformer's @Type Decorator to be able to cast Firestore GeoPoint fields. That solution is far from final and was only meant as a temporary workaround.

The way Typescript works, types are not available at runtime. If you want to cast Firestore's complex types into your custom classes, you need to tell Typescript the class it should cast it to... via a Decorator.

This issue is more of an exploration in this topic. More information is needed to fully implement a flexible solution.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Explore each of the Firestore Data Types, create unit tests for complex types.
  • Get rid of class transformers @type
  • Create a new Decorator (@Transform?) to store field's type-casting information and (probably) some constraints.
  • The new decorator MUST provide a way to call custom constructors and let the owner of the class "construct" its object. This is to get rid of the current limitation in which in order to parse a GeoPoint, you must provide a class with public latitude and longitude fields
  • The new Decorator MUST enforce the user to provide a way to serialize and deserialize data. How we will be able to store an object with a custom GeoPoint class if we don't now how to serialize it back?

Collection class properties that do not become fields in the corresponding datastore entity.

I propose that there be a mechanism by which to indicate that certain properties/attributes of a @Collection class - which would normally all get written to (and updated from) the datastore - are not intended as datastore fields, so they would be ignored for all datastore operations.

Two possible ways to mark these properties come to mind...

  • properties whose name begins with an underscore (the convention for indicating private which is rather redundant in TS).
  • use a property decorator.

Perhaps this could also be achieved by creating a subclass of the collection class, and putting these non-datastore properties in the subclass, but I think that would be awkward and wouldn't be suitable.

My use case for this is that I want to have a property called 'status' with which I would track whether the entity had been loaded from the DS, whether the instance data was dirty and needed to be written, etc.

For the record, I first brought this up in fireorm's gitter here.

Inconsistencies in function casing

There seems to be a mixture of camel case and pascal case used for functions across the project. Not sure if there's a reason for this? Classes all seem to be pascal case but then functions mix the two, which is confusing to use!

Custom repository instantiated apart from it's declaration does not work

Hi there.

Custom repository, instantiated somewhere (in another file) apart from it's declaration, does not work. I mean, his custom methods (not inherited from BaseFirestoreRepository) don't work (got error "CustomeRepository.customMethod is not a funcytion")

This happens because @CustomRepository() decorator is not invoked in this case.
Also, we have GetCustomRepository() function, but it is not used (even in examples). How can we use it?

Collection class constructors (implications of only allowing no-arg ctor's)

FireORM requires that my collection class's constructor have no parameters, so I can't pass in the data needed to initialize the class. This means that I have to add the 'undefined' type to all my class attributes, and initialize them after the class has been created, otherwise TS will complain (assuming TS strict mode).

But 'undefined' is an invalid value in the datastore. If an entity doesn't have a value for an attribute it needs to set it to null, not undefined, so I have to add null as a valid type for each non-mandatory attribute too.

But even then, those attributes get written to the DS (with value 'null') so the potential to save storage by omitting unused values is lost.

Have I got this right?

If I do, here are some thoughts/suggestions... would it be possible for

  • Fireorm to allow constructor parameters? (The parameters would be undefined when the constructor is invoked by fireform and the constructor implementation would have to handle that.)

  • for undefined values to not be written to the datastore (rather than causing an error). BTW, the error message I got for this was very informative - thanks!.

Feature Request: Pagination cursors

Firestore supports some pagination cursors such as startAt, endAt and startAfter (the use of offset is uncouraged by google.

I find the naming confusing and non-generic. Let's use this issue to discuss how an implementation of those function would look like in fireorm and from there create issues to do the actual implementation

Errors with Subcollections initialization


To be able to query SubCollections of an entity, the entity must contain at least one field in firestore (without counting the subcollection).


Because Fireorm is using firestore-admin's collection.get(id) to get the User collection and it returns ``collection.exist === false``` for collections that doesn't contain any fields

How to reproduce:

class Message {
  id: string;
  text: string;
  date: Date;

class User {
  id: string;
  messages?: ISubCollection<Message>

const userRepository = GetRepository(User);
const user = await userRepository.findById('id'); 
const messages = await user.messages.find();

if `user` doesn't contain any fields, firestore-admin will set user.exists = false
and subcollections won't be initialized due to this line:


Aceptance Criteria:

  • We should be able to use subcollections of entities that don't contain any field
  • Unit tests are added

Note: for collections created with fireorm, this won't ever happen since fireorm's automatically set's an id field to every document.

Example for Subcollection


First of all thank you soo much for this framework and the documentation is really good as well.
But one example I am unable to find is inserting a 'Subcollection'.

Can you please provide one?

Thank you

AllContributors setup

Recently got my first contribution from external sources, is only fair to recognise the hard work of everybody


  • Modify README with contributors following AllContributions guidelines
  • Setup AllContributions bot

How to mock for testing

First off - this has been a great experience! Thanks for building fireorm. Has anyone had experience with testing/mocking a repository? Could we add a mock repository type? Currently trying to use this in my app and am unable to run tests that import Collection annotated models.

[BUG] Document created w/o id inside entity does not contain it after fetching using fireorm

He there!

We need some workaround for documents that created without id inside js object - see example.

import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'

class Band {
  id: string;
  name: string;

async function createBand(band: Band): string {
  const doc = await admin.firestore().collection('bands').add(band);

async function getById(id: string): Promise<Band> {
  const doc = await admin.firestore().collection('bands').doc(id);
  return {id:,};

// Assume, that we used firestore native sdk to create doc:
const band = new Band(); = 'Nirvana';
const bandId = await createBand(band);

// then we decided to use fireorm
const bandFromFirestore = await getRepository(Band).findById(bandId);

expect(bandFromFirestore); // true
expect(; // error!

I've created pull request (/w tests) that resolved this - #120

Remove transaction patch in firestore mock

To create the Transaction unit tests I had to monkey patch the library fireorm uses to mock firestore in unit tests.

Last week I created a PR in that library adding the runTransaction method. Let's replace our local implementation with the one provided by the library.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Update mock-cloud-firestore to last version
  • Remove monkeyPatchFirestoreTransaction.ts file
  • Use runTransaction function provided by Firestore constructor directly from mock-cloud-firestore

Edit Readme with commit messages convention

Since implementing semantic-release in #22, every commit that land should trigger a release and we don't want to do that for each commit. We wen't ahead and created a new branch called next that will hold the last version of the code, and doing pull-requests to master will trigger releases.


  • Edit readme with development process

Error when updating entity with Subcollection

I am getting the exception below when updating an entity with a subcollection.



Error: Update() requires either a single JavaScript object or an alternating list of field/value pairs that can be followed by an optional precondition. Value for argument "dataOrField" is not a valid Firestore document. Couldn't serialize object of type "BaseFirestoreRepository" (found in field users). Firestore doesn't support JavaScript objects with custom prototypes (i.e. objects that were created via the "new" operator).
at WriteBatch.update (C:\temp\fireorm-subcol\node_modules@google-cloud\firestore\build\src\write-batch.js:358:23)
at DocumentReference.update (C:\temp\fireorm-subcol\node_modules@google-cloud\firestore\build\src\reference.js:367:14)
at BaseFirestoreRepository. (C:\temp\fireorm-subcol\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:170:80)
at step (C:\temp\fireorm-subcol\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:43:23)
at (C:\temp\fireorm-subcol\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:24:53)
at C:\temp\fireorm-subcol\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:18:71
at new Promise ()
at __awaiter (C:\temp\fireorm-subcol\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:14:12)
at BaseFirestoreRepository.update (C:\temp\fireorm-subcol\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:165:16)
at eval (webpack:///./index.ts?:41:49)


FireORM official roadmap!

Since I'm the only developer working in FireORM at the moment, I use this issue to track what to do with this project :)

Collaborations are welcome! If you want to start working on a feature that is listed below, please create another issue to start the discussion. This issue is only meant to be used as a placeholder.

v1 roadmap

  • Improvements in api documentation #78
  • Support for methods (and getters/setters) in models
  • Integration tests with real firestore db #31
  • Transactions support
  • OrderBy #30
  • Limit #18
  • Stricter typescript rules
  • Better error handling (and custom errors)
  • Lazy subcollections (initialize subcollections without having to query the parent collection first) #51
  • Collection Group Queries

Next major

  • Pagination
  • Firestore events subscription/dispatching support
  • Relationships (1:1, 1:n, n:n, eager, lazy) #32
  • Firebase js client support (probably)
  • Increase the compatibility with Raw Firestore Documents


  • Javascript support
  • Browser support
  • Firebase Realtime database support
  • Investigate if models can be enforced with db rules (cli project)
  • (cli) Migrations
  • Change tracking (instead of updating the entire document, just update the keys that changed)
  • Custom decorators like @createdOnField, @updatedOnField
  • Custom hooks? onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete, onRead
  • (cli) Indexes management: throw custom errors when trying to do range filters for non-indexes for non indexed fields, creation and deletion of indexes.

Batch and transaction writes across multiple collections

Is there currently any way to run transactions or batched writes across multiple collections?

Take the following example: when a user deletes their account, any posts that they have made should also be deleted.

The way FireORM currently stands, it looks like there would need to be multiple transactions.

Is there a general rule on how to do this? Would the transactions be nested? Would a nested transaction still succeed and make writes if the parent failed?

BaseRepository.Create doesn't initialize subcollections


You can access SubCollections of collections initialized by find or findById, but if you try to access Subcollections of collections initialized by create it will result in an error.


Subcollections are initialized by extractTFromDocSnap and that method is not being called when the document is created by BaseFirestoreRepository Create method.

How to reproduce:

class Message {
  id: string;
  text: string;
  date: Date;

class User {
  id: string;
  messages?: ISubCollection<Message>

const userRepository = GetRepository(User);

const user = new User(); = 'test';

const createdUser = await userRepository.create(user);
await createdUser.messages.find() // will result in an error because `messages` subcollection was not initialized

Aceptance Criteria:

  • We should be able to use subcollections for entities initialized by Create method
  • Unit tests are added

Feature Request: Implement findOne function!

Fireorm's .find always return an array of elements (even if only one document matches the query), but there are situations when we want to do a query and just take the first result. We could do something in the line of (await query.limit(1).find())[0] but that's cumbersome and prone to error.

Implement a findOne function in fireorm repositories to support this use case.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Must return null if no document was retrieved
  • Add findOne in IQueryBuilder
  • Modify execute in IQueryExecutor to receive a single: bool prop
  • Edit AbstractFirestoreRepository and BatchFirestoreRepository to implement the new function
  • Add unit tests
  • Add integration test in the simple_repository file

Add more Subcollection tests!

For subcollections, we only test findById. Add more tests including:

  • Subcollection Create
  • Subcollection Update
  • Subcollection Delete

Discussion: Relationships support

I'll start the design process for the Relationships feature. So far the idea is to express explicit relationships between two collection using the provided decorators.


Also, the relationships should provide a way to declare them as Lazy or Eager (and Lazy will be the default). Fireorm will retrieve all the eager relationships when doing a query and will return (non-evaluated) Promises for the lazy ones.

Open Questions:

  • Should we support @manytoone?
  • The whole @manytomany process. In traditional SQL that's achieved by creating an intermediate table which fireorm shouldn't be responsible of.
  • Since Promises are eagerly evaluated, how the Lazy Promise implementation would look like.
  • Decorators signature
  • Type checking???

Querying by subfields

Is there planned support for querying collections using subfields, as is possible in raw Firestore?

For example:

class Person {
  name: {
    first: string,
    last: string
  age: number

const Persons = GetRepository(Person)

... snip ...

const result = await Persons('name.first', 'Sanjay').find()

It looks like the challenge here is type-checking the first argument against all the possible object paths (since fireorm is currently using keyof T to type-check against top-level fields).

TypeScript doesn't have any built-in type for object paths, but there's projects like ts-object-path that allow you to construct a proxy type for all the valid paths in an object.

Using that library, the example above might look like:

const p = createProxy<Person>() // Has type `ObjPathProxy<Person, Person>`.

// Works!
const result = await Persons.whereEqualTo(, 'Sanjay')

// Will not compile.
const bad = await Persons.whereEqualTo(p.height, 'Sanjay')

Internally, fireorm would use the getPath function from ts-object-path to turn the path variable ( into a path array (['name', 'first']), then join the path array to get 'name.first' for the query.

For brevity, it might even be desirable to export a short alias for createProxy like path, and usage would look like:

// The type parameter of `path` can be inferred from the typing of `whereEqualTo`.
const result = await Persons.whereEqualTo(path().name.first, 'Sanjay')

Please let me know your thoughts!

By the way, super excited about this project. It already looks quite powerful, and with transactions/batch writes on the roadmap for 1.0.0, it'll only become more robust.

Add Deal (Opportunity) with tags

Hi everybody,
looks like with .NET API is not possible to add a Deal(Opportunity) with tags.

I also tried with "tags":["Tag1", "Tag2"], the deal was created but withou tags. This is strange becouse the JSON back has the tags.

Serialization doesn't work when a document contains a reference

I know that there is a plan to add relationship support to Fireorm (#32), however I noticed that adding a reference to a document causes an error.

I copied the example from this Medium article as follows which works fine:

class Band {
    id!: string;
    name!: string;
    formationYear!: number;
    genres!: Array<string>;

// Create a band
const band = new Band(); = "A Perfect Circle";
band.formationYear = 1999;
band.genres = ['alternative-rock', 'hard-rock']

const bandDocument = await bandRepository.create(band);
console.log(`Created band with id: ${}`);

As soon as I go into the Firebase Console, locate this document and then add a new field which is a reference to another collection I get the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read property '_settings' of undefined
    at new Serializer (/node_modules/@google-cloud/firestore/build/src/serializer.js:46:23)
    at TransformOperationExecutor.transform 

Is this right, or is there any easy way to fix it? I have an existing Firestore database that contains references so I need Fireorm to fail gracefully with references until it's fully supported.

P.S I assume you are using TypeORM as a reference for adding entity relations?


Now that we're approaching v1 release (yeah!) we need to start thinking of writing some type of documentation if we want people to use this library.

I will divide this task in three subtasks which will be worked individually:

  • Write draft documentation in markdown files
  • Find and implement a documentation page builder (GitBook? Docusaurus?)
  • Merge the documentation with the Types documentation (which is generated right now with TypeDoc)

Create OrderBy and Limit integration tests


As soon as features are added, we should provide examples on how to use them to help people using fireorm for the first time.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A new example should be added to /examples implementing OrderBy and Limit
  • README is updated with the new example


  • Dates are not parsed when retrieving from Subcollections
  • Add Initializer and store it in global object to prevent the need of passing firestore reference to every repository
  • Implement IQueryExecutor to encapsulate firestore collection and firebase caller
  • Tests for IQueryBuilder
  • Add return type to _getRepository (BaseRepository)
  • Edit README & Post

Exception when upgraded to 0.6.2


Iam getting the following error when upgraded to 0.6.2 from 0.6.0

"Error:Argument "documentPath" is not a valid ResourcePath. Path must be a non-empty

When I searched more about the root cause I found the below link, in which the solution being provided is



When I rolled back to 0.6.0 application is working as expected.

Is this an issue? or should I change anything in my code ?

Thank you,
Giridhar Duggirala

OrderBy Implementation

As described in the Roadmap, firestore's Order By must be implemented.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • OrderByDescending(keyof entity) and OrderByAscending(keyof entity) are implemented and are chainable
  • I should be able to use OrderBy* at Collection and Subcollection level
  • Unit tests are implemented

Fix: When using test:watch tests fail after saving

If you run yarn test everything is ok and green, but when using test:watch test start failing after a couple of saves.

So far, these tests are failing:

1) BaseFirestoreRepository
         must find by id:
     AssertionError: expected { Object (id, name, ...) } to be an instance of Band
      at /Users/willyovalle/dev/own/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:163:18
      at step (src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:46:23)
      at (src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:27:53)
      at fulfilled (src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:18:58)

  2) BaseFirestoreRepository
         must return T:
     AssertionError: expected { Object (id, name, ...) } to be an instance of Band
      at /Users/willyovalle/dev/own/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:343:28
      at step (src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:46:23)
      at (src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:27:53)
      at fulfilled (src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:18:58)

  3) BaseFirestoreRepository
         should correctly parse geopoints:
     AssertionError: expected { Object (latitude, longitude) } to be an instance of Coordinates
      at /Users/willyovalle/dev/own/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:371:44
      at step (src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:46:23)
      at (src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:27:53)
      at fulfilled (src/BaseFirestoreRepository.spec.ts:18:58)

  4) BaseFirestoreTransactionRepository
         must find by id:
     AssertionError: expected { Object (id, name, ...) } to be an instance of Band
      at /Users/willyovalle/dev/own/fireorm/src/BaseFirestoreTransactionRepository.spec.ts:57:20
      at step (src/BaseFirestoreTransactionRepository.spec.ts:46:23)
      at (src/BaseFirestoreTransactionRepository.spec.ts:27:53)
      at fulfilled (src/BaseFirestoreTransactionRepository.spec.ts:18:58)

I had this error before and I remember the fix was related to the way the entities were declared. It seems that in the last PR's a regression was introduced.

Error retrieving document with GeoPoint type field

I am having an issue with the latest version since class-transformer was introduced. I have a document that has a GeoPoiont field. Whenever I try to read one of these documents, I get the following error message.

Error: Value for argument "latitude" is not a valid number.

Stack Trace:
[1] > at TransformOperationExecutor.transform (C:\MaxxInnova\workspaces\pilotcar\node_modules\fireorm\node_modules\class-transformer\TransformOperationExecutor.js:260:17)
[1] > at ClassTransformer.plainToClass (C:\MaxxInnova\workspaces\pilotcar\node_modules\fireorm\node_modules\class-transformer\ClassTransformer.js:17:25)
[1] > at Object.plainToClass (C:\MaxxInnova\workspaces\pilotcar\node_modules\fireorm\node_modules\class-transformer\index.js:20:29)
[1] > at BaseFirestoreRepository.extractTFromDocSnap (C:\MaxxInnova\workspaces\pilotcar\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:79:46)
[1] > at ()
[1] > at BaseFirestoreRepository.extractTFromColSnap (C:\MaxxInnova\workspaces\pilotcar\node_modules\fireorm\lib\src\BaseFirestoreRepository.js:96:27)


Usage with Cloud function triggers

Hi there!

Awesome work with that library, that was really missed!
I'm interested in using the ORM in cloud functions DB trigger and I was wondering, is it possible to retrieve a Model from the DocumentSnapshot provided by the trigger?

Cheers! :)

Don't understand update or missing methods?


On an existing document:

  id: 'rush'
  a: 'a',
  b: 'b'

if made this:

const bandRepository = GetRepository(Band);
const rush = await bandRepository.findById('rush');
delete rush.a // remove the a entry
await bandRepository.update(rush);

the document should be:

  id: 'rush'
  b: 'b'

But actually it keeps the a entry...

On Firestore we have the merge option to define if we want to merge or replace:

  {merge: true}

What is the equivalent for fireorm ? I can't find it on the documentation.


Support for Document References in where methods

In firestore you can pass a document reference to a where method as the value in order to query by references tied to documents. If we had a collection of todos and each document had a user reference tied to it who owned the todo, I might write something like this.

todoCollection.where("user", "==", userRef).get();

Per our discussion of Twitter, it seems that this should be as simple as updating the typings and writing some tests.

Id in the collection is not populated.

When trying to find the collection with various other attributes, the id inside the collection is not being populated.
In the "1-simple_todo_repository" when added the following code.

  const todoText = 'my super todo';
  const myAnotherSuperTodo: Todo[] = await todoRepository.whereEqualTo('text' as 'id', todoText).find();
  console.log('Got todo with name ', todoText);

The o/p that I am getting is

| (index) โ”‚      text               โ”‚ done  โ”‚
โ”‚    0       โ”‚ 'my super todo' โ”‚ false โ”‚
โ”‚    1       โ”‚ 'my super todo'  โ”‚ false โ”‚

Where as the actual expected output is

| (index) โ”‚      text               โ”‚ done  โ”‚ id                                    |
โ”‚    0       โ”‚ 'my super todo' โ”‚ false โ”‚ idGeneratedByFirebase |
โ”‚    1       โ”‚ 'my super todo'  โ”‚ false โ”‚ idGeneratedByFirebase |

Thank you,

Mocha memory leak: Saving files alter tests result

I noticed that when watching the tests, the number of objects stored in Metadata Storage keeps growing even if we have not edited the entities. This is making subsequently builds fail after #56 because the reference of the stored collections gets updated and tests fail.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Fix the memory leak by only storing one reference of each class.

Feature Request: Test Coverage

I think we are mature enough to have some test coverage in our project.

Let's take some time to plan the tooling around it:

  • What tool will we be using?
  • Can it be run with the CI?
  • Can we maintain the same test runner?

Initially, I'd like NOT to block pull requests if the coverage goes down, but I want a way for the coverage to be visible. Maybe an automated comment in the PR?

Integration tests

This project is being used in several production apps. It's time to actually use a real Firestore db to ensure we don't break anything on each release ๐Ÿ˜„

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Refactor the existing fixtures to plain json files so they can be used for unit/integration tests
  • Predictable setup/teardown process
  • Generate collection names with random ids to prevent collisions

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