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cs1632_monkeysim's Introduction

Exercise 4 Performance Testing Exercise

Summer Semester 2024 - Exercise 4

  • DUE: July 18 (Thursday), 2024 8:30 AM

GitHub Classroom Link: TBD

Before You Begin

Let's start by downloading the VisualVM Java profiler from:

Please click on the download link at the top of the project page. Keep the download running as you read the below instructions and install it when it is ready. The install package is just a ZIP file that you can decompress at a location of your choice. Under it, there is a bin/ directory and within it are the application binaries. Try launching the app and if it does not run properly, please read the troubleshooting guide on the download webpage. One common problem is that it complains that there is no compatible JDK found at launch. Then, you may have to pass the --jdkhome "<path to JDK>" argument as instructed in the webpage, or more preferably, edit the etc/visualvm.conf file found in the installation to uncomment the line, if you don't want to pass that argument every time:

#visualvm_jdkhome=<path to JDK>

and replace the <path to JDK> with your actual path. In my machine, the correct setting was:

visualvm_jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-"


For this exercise, you will test and improve the performance of a monkey simulation software. When you are asked to improve the performance of any code, how would you go about it? Maybe you will start eyeballing the code to guess where the program is wasting a lot of its time and try to refactor the code that way. But what if your code base is millions of lines long? Talk about finding a needle in a haystack. We will learn to use a technique called profiling that takes all the guesswork out of the picture.

Profiling is a form of dynamic program analysis where data is collected during runtime of a program, usually for the purposes of performance optimization. The data is typically collected through some form of instrumentation on the program code, where extra instructions are inserted specifically for the purposes of monitoring the program while it runs and collecting data. For Java, this instrumentation happens at the bytecode level. For example, if the profiler wanted to measure how long a method takes to execute, it may do instrumentation similar to the following:

void foo() {
  // body of foo()

void ___instrumentMethodBegin(String method) {
  beginTime = ___getTime();

void ___instrumentMethodEnd(String method) {
  endTime = ___getTime();
  duration = endTime - beginTime;
  ___addToMethodRunningTime(method, duration);

But enough of profiling theory, how do I actually use it? Performance debugging through profiling is an iterative process. On each iteration, you will do the following:

  1. Profile the program. Sort all methods in descending order of CPU utilization and search for refactoring opportunities starting from the top.
  2. Refactor selected method to be more performant (being careful not to change functionality using pinning tests).
  3. Profile again to determine whether you made enough improvement, otherwise go back to 1.

In this way, on each iteration, you will be able to focus on the method that has the most potential for improvement. It is important to profile at the beginning of each iteration to get the most up-to-date profile since the last refactoring may have had non-local effects (impacted the performance of other methods besides the method refactored).

The code is available under the src/ directory.

MonkeySim Requirements

Sample runs are shown in the sample_runs.txt file. Note that I used the time utility to measure response time of the application. For certain arguments such as 27, it takes more than half an hour to complete! There is obviously something wrong with the implementation that is slowing down the program. It is your job to use VisualVM to measure the CPU utilization of each method to zoom in on the methods that are the culprits!

For those of you who are interested, MonkeySim is a simulation of the Collatz Conjecture ( In summary, given the following rules:

  • There are infinite monkeys numbered #1, #2, #3, etc., and one banana.

  • One of the monkeys is in possession of the banana initially.

  • The monkey who has the banana shall throw it to another monkey during each round.

  • If a monkey is even-numbered (e.g., monkey #2, monkey #4, etc.), then the monkey with the banana shall throw the banana to the monkey equal to one-half of that initial monkey's number (n / 2). For example, monkey #4 shall throw the banana to monkey #2, and monkey #20 shall throw the banana to monkey #10.

  • If a monkey is odd-numbered (and not monkey #1), the monkey with the banana shall throw it to the monkey equal to three times the number of that monkey plus one (3n + 1). For example, monkey #5 shall throw the banana to monkey #16 ((3 * 5) + 1).

  • If Monkey #1 receives the banana, the game terminates.

The conjecture is that no matter which monkey initially has the banana, Monkey #1 will eventually catch the banana in a finite amount of time. Nobody has been able to find an initial monkey which behaves otherwise, but nobody has been able to prove that such a monkey does not exist either (which is why it is called a conjecture)!

Now, in the process of optimizing this code, it is important that you do not break its functionality. Unfortunately, this is legacy code and the requirements document that specify its functionality were lost (or never written to begin with!). But you do know that there are lots of users and dependent software that rely on the correct functioning of MonkeySim, whatever it is. What to do? The safe course of action is to change nothing and nothing at all in terms of functionality. In order to guarantee this, you need to write pinning tests that pin down existing behavior. For the exercise, I did this on your behalf as a demonstration and named the JUnit test All you need to do for the exercise is to run the test suite every time you refactor the code to make sure you didn't break anything. Considerations when writing the pinning tests are detailed in the pinning test section below.

How to Run MonkeySim

Let's first invoke the Maven test-compile phase to generate class files for both the main and test source code folders:

mvn test-compile

Then you can execute MonkeySim using the exec-maven-plugin included in the pom.xml file, passing 4 as an argument in this example, or passing as argument any other desired starting monkey number:

mvn exec:java "-Dexec.args=4"

What to do

Profile to Find Candidate Methods

In order to determine the "hot spots" of the application, you will need to run a profiler such as VisualVM. Using the profiler, determine a method you can modify to measurably increase the speed of the application without modifying behavior.

Please run the below commandline for profiling purposes.

mvn exec:java "-Dexec.args=23"

I will demonstrate how to profile in class, but if you need a refresher here are two helpful guides:

Overview of VisualVM:

Guide to using Profiling:

Follow these steps in order to attach VisualVM to your running application. Yes, you first have to run your application before you can attach VisualVM.

  1. No matter how quick you are in attaching VisualVM, you will have missed a few seconds of program execution in the beginning. To capture the entirety of execution please insert a 30 second sleep() at the beginning of the main() method:

    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException iex) {

    If you are able to attach VisualVM within the 30 seconds, all methods would be instrumeted with time measuring instructions by the time the program resumes.

  2. After inserting the sleep, launch the app using the given commandline.

    mvn exec:java "-Dexec.args=23"
  3. When the org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher app shows up on the left panel, double click on it, or right click on it then click "Open" in the context menu, to open the app for profiling.

  4. Then click on the "Profiler" tab to open the Profiler window.

  5. Then in the "Profile classes:" box under "CPU settings", replace the contents with the following string:


    This will direct VisualVM to only profile classes that matches the above pattern (the ** is a wild card), and not other classes (such as classes inside the maven-exec-plugin).

  6. Then click on the "CPU" button to start profiling CPU usage. Once you click on the button, you should see the status message "profiling running (12 methods instrumented)" below the button. You need to perform all these steps within the 30 second sleep window given above. If you need more time, just extend the sleep window. If all goes well, your VisualVM window should look like below:

    alt text

  7. After the app wakes up, you will see profile information continue to get collected as the program is running. Snapshots allow you to freeze the profile at a certain point of time so that you can analyze it later. You can also save a snapshot to a file for later analysis. Please review the below guide:

    VisualVM automatically asks whether to take a snapshot at the end of program execution. In our case, we want to profile the entire run, so we will wait until the end to generate a snapshot.

After opening the snapshot tab, click on the "Hot spots" button to get a list of hot spot methods. Make sure the "Hot spots" view lists the methods sorted in descending order of running time (Self Time). Now let's try saving the hot spots list to a file. You can export by clicking on the down arrow beside the save button (that looks like a floppy disk) to pull down the menu and then clicking on "Export Hotspots". You are given an option between CSV, HTML, XML, and PNG. Choose the PNG option and save to a file named hotspots-before.png. Refer to the below figure while following these instructions.

alt text

The exported hotspots-before.png file should look like the following:

alt text

The exact runtimes will be different for you since we are running on different machines but the ranking should look similar. I want you to refactor four of the most time consuming methods in MonkeySim, looking at the profile.

Now, given a method such as getFirstMonkey, you may want to know in which context that method was called before starting optimization. If you right click on one of the methods in the "Hot spots" methods list, you'll get a context menu. If you click on a the "Find in Forward Calls" item, you can see the call tree that got you to that method.

Refactor Candidate Methods

Now you are ready to modify the candidate method. Remember, the program should work EXACTLY the same as before, except it should be faster and take up less CPU time.

When refactoring the four methods, you should not change the behavior of any of the methods; only refactor the implementation so that they are more efficient. Three of the methods will be very straightforward because they contain obviously redundant computation.

One method (generateId) is less straightforward. All the computation seems necessary to generate the monkey IDs that are displayed in the output. Naively removing the ID generation will result in a different output. Hint: Do we really need to generate all those IDs for the output?

Make sure that all the pinning tests pass after you are done.

Rerun Profile for Refactored Methods

Now that you are done optimizing, rerun the profile again with the same argument and see if you made a satisfactory difference:

java -cp target/classes edu.pitt.cs.MonkeySim 23

Repeat the steps described above to generate a new hot spots list named hotspots-after.png. This is what I got after optimizing:

alt text

Note that I achieved marked improvement for all four candidate methods. You should see similar improvements. If you do, this is when you pat yourself on the back and declare victory.

Run Pinning Tests for Candidate Methods

After refactoring a candidate method to improve performance, you need a guarantee that the functional behavior of the program did not change due to the refactoring. We learned that writing pinning tests and running them after every code change is a way of guaranteeing this. Lucky for you, I have already wrote a set of pinning tests for you in the file using JUnit. You can run them as part of the Maven test lifecycle phase as before:

mvn test

Make sure they pass with output like the following:

 T E S T S
Running edu.pitt.cs.MonkeySimPinningTest
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.755 sec

Results :

Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The tests pass with the original MonkeySim, obviously because the pinning tests were based on the existing behavior of MonkeySim to begin with. Your job is to make sure that they stay that way while refactoring.

Now let's look at the @Before setUp() method in because there a few interesting things to note there:

  1. Note how I redirected the output stream for testing purposes:

    // Back up the old output stream
    stdout = System.out;
    // Redirect the output stream
    System.setOut(new PrintStream(out));

    This was done to be able to test system output. In the last test testArgument5RunSimulation(), lines printed to the screen using System.out.println can now be compared to a String. I also made sure I restored the original output stream in the @After teadDown() method:


    Please read textbook Chapter 14.6 Testing System Output, for further explanation.

  2. Note how I used Java Reflection to force reset Monkey.monkeyNum, which is a private static field, to 0:

    Field f = Monkey.class.getDeclaredField("monkeyNum");
    f.set(null, 0);

    Previously, we have called private methods, but this is the first time we accessed a private field. The field is first made accessible and then set to 0. The first instance argument in f.set(null, 0) is null because this is a static field and there is no instance. Please see textbook Chapter 24 Using Reflection to Test Private Methods in Java, for related material.

    Legacy code is often not written with ease-of-testing in mind and the same goes for this one. Monkey.monkeyNum is the monkey number assigned to a newly created monkey and is incremented by one each time so that each monkey in the list will get a monotonically increasing number. The developer did not think to put in a method to be able to reset Monkey.monkeyNum to 0, because it's not needed for the program itself as the monkey list is only created once. But in a test scenario, we need to constantly reset Monkey.monkeyNum to 0 as we repeatedly recreate the list of monkeys in our setUp() method. So we are forced to use Java reflection to force reset that number.

  3. Note how I used real objects instead of mocked objects, even for external classes when I initialized the test fixture. I made the conscious choice of doing integration testing instead of unit testing for the pinning tests. This is often done when you receive legacy code without any unit testing infrastructure. Rather than look for "seams" in the code to construct unit tests and emulating behavior of mocked objects, which is time consuming, end-to-end systems tests are slapped on for the purposes of pinning down existing behavior, which is much easier. Eventually, unit pinning tests are added into the mix, by finding seams or potentially modifying the code to create seams using dependency injection and other techniques. But when code modification is performed, it is done under the cover of systems pinning tests so any divergence in system behavior would be detected.

    For Deliverable 4, I will ask you to write pinning tests yourself. And for these pinning tests, I'm going to ask you to write unit pinning tests.


The submission is divided into two parts:

  1. Submit the repository created by GitHub Classroom for your team to GradeScope at the Exercise 4 GitHub link. Once you submit, GradeScope will run the autograder to grade you and give feedback. If you get deductions, fix your code based on the feedback and resubmit. Repeat until you don't get deductions.

  2. Please use the ReportTemplate.docx file provided in this directory to write a short report. A PDF version of the file is at ReportTemplate.pdf. On the first page, attach hotspots-before.png generated before refactoring. On the second page, attach hotspots-after.png generated after refactoring. Submit the report to GradeScope at the Exercise 4 Report link.

GradeScope Feedback

It is encouraged that you submit to GradeScope early and often. Please use the feedback you get on each submission to improve your code! All the tests have been performed after having called the @Before setUp() method which sets up the test fixture with Monkey #5 having the banana initially (just like when argument 5 has been passed on the commandline).

The GradeScope autograder works in 2 phases:

  1. MonkeySim method pinning tests

    These are the JUnit pinning tests in MonkeySimPinningTest applied to Monkey sim. They all pass with the original MonkeySim and they should stay that way.

  2. MonkeySim method performance tests

    These are JUnit tests that I wrote to see if you made improvements on the four most time consuming methods in MonkeySim. I set a timeout of 10 ms for each of them and if you don't complete the task within that amount of time, the test fails. I also test the entire program using runSimulation() after setting up the monkey list to begin with monkey #5. The simulation has a timeout of 300 ms. You could potentially try to glean the time consuming methods from looking at the methods that I test, but please don't do that. See if you can extract that information from the VisualVM tool. The test output will not be so revealing on your deliverable!

Groupwork Plan

I expect each group member to try running VisualVM and experience profiling for him/herself. I created individual repositories for each of you, so optimize your own code after profiling. Please do individual submissions after you are done.


Method profiling is not the only thing that VisualVM knows how to do. It can also profile overall CPU usage, heap memory usage, thread creation/termination, class loading/unloading, Java just-in-time compiler activity, etc. It can also profile heap memory in a detailed way to show which types of objects are filling the memory and where their allocation sites were. And needless to say, VisualVM is not the only profiling tool out there.

In the unlikely case you can't find what you are looking for in existing profilers, you can even write your own profiler using the Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVMTI). JVMTI is what was used to build VisualVM.

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