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commitlint-config-cz's Introduction


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commitlint sharable configuration files for cz-customizable (customizable Commitizen adapter for conventional commits and conventional changelog).

You can now consistently manage your commit types/scopes for cz-customizable and commitlint in one place.

commitlint-config-cz merges {types,scopes,scopeOverrides} (cz-customizable config) with rules.{type-enum,scope-enum} (commitlint config) and includes some modules and API for config conversion.

Supported Config

commitlint-config-cz use only one config in the following order of precedence.

  1. in package.json.
  2. .cz-config.js in your package root (supported by cz-customizable).


  1. Install & setup (commitizen &) cz-customizable.

  2. Install commitlint.

  3. Install commitlint-config-cz as a local dependency.

    npm install commitlint-config-cz --save-dev


Extend your commitlint config by cz in commitlint.config.js.

module.exports = {
    extends: [

Modules & API

commitlint-config-cz includes some modules and API for config conversion.


Gets the converted commitlint config from the cz-customizable config which is defined in package.json or .cz-config.js in your package root.

const config = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/config')();

get(pathOrCzConfig: string | Object, defaultConfig?: Object): Object

Gets the commitlint config from a path to config file.

const getConfig = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/config').get;

// From a path.
const config = getConfig('path/to/.cz-config.js');
const getConfig = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/config').get;
const czConfig  = { /* `cz-customizable` config object. */ };

// From a `cz-customizable` config object.
const config = getConfig(czConfig);
const getConfig     = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/config').get;
const czConfig      = { /* `cz-customizable` config object. */ };
const defaultConfig = {  // The default `commitlint` config.
    rules: {
        'scope-enum': [  // rule
            2,           // [1] level
            'always',    // [2] applicability
            [],          // [3] value
        'type-enum' : [  // rule
            2,           // [1] level
            'always',    // [2] applicability
            [],          // [3] value

// Converts and merges the `cz-customizable` config with the default `commitlint` config.
const config = getConfig(czConfig, defaultConfig);
  1. If cz-customizable config has scopes, scopeOverrides or types field, the value(s) [3] of the default commitlint config is/are REPLACED by converted value(s).
    Level [1] and applicability [2] remain as they are.
  2. scope-enum rule or/and type-enum rule is/are REMOVED, if its value is an empty array.


Gets the cz-customizable config as an object from package.json or .cz-config.js in your package root.

const czConfig = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/cz-config')();

get(path: string): Object

Gets the cz-customizable config as an object from a path.

const getCzConfig = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/cz-config').get;

const czConfig = getCzConfig('path/to/.cz-config.js');


Gets the value for scope-enum rule from package.json or .cz-config.js in your package root.

const scopes = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/scopes')();

get(czConfig: Object): string[]

Gets the value for scope-enum rule from a cz-customizable config object.

const getScopes = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/scopes').get;
const czConfig  = { /* cz-customizable config object. */ };

const scopes = getScopes(czConfig);


Gets the value for type-enum rule from package.json or .cz-config.js in your package root.

const types = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/types')();

get(czConfig: Object): string[]

Gets the value for type-enum rule from package.json or cz-customizable config object.

const getTypes = require('commitlint-config-cz/lib/types').get;
const czConfig = { /* `cz-customizable` config object. */ };

const types = getTypes(czConfig);

commitlint-config-cz's People


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commitlint-config-cz's Issues

Type presence is not checked

When using cz as config for commitlint, the presence of the type is not checked, only its value if it is present. or instance:

  • my bad commit : commitlint does not throw an error
  • foo: my bad commit : commitlint throws an error about the type value

But, if I configure commitlint to extend @commitlint/config-conventional, both cases throw errors.

Didn't work?


"commitlint-config-cz": "^0.12.1"


I use npm install commitlint-config-cz --save-dev install commitlint-config-cz,and I use it with commitizen and cz-customizable, but it not work.

this is my project.json:

 "config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "node_modules/cz-customizable"
  "cz-customizable": {
    "config": "cz-config.js"
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
  "lint-staged": {
    "*.{ts,tsx}": [
      "npm run lint:ts",
      "npm run format",
      "git add"

this is my commitlint.config.js:

module.exports = {
    extends: [

this is my .cz-config.js:

module.exports = {
  types: [
    { value: 'feat✨', name: '特性: 一个新的特性' },
    { value: 'fix🐞', name: '修复: 修复一个Bug' },
    { value: 'docs📚', name: '文档: 变更的只有文档' },
    { value: 'style💅', name: '格式: 空格, 分号等格式修复' },
    { value: 'refactor🛠', name: '重构: 代码重构,注意和特性、修复区分开' },
    { value: 'perf🐎', name: '性能: 提升性能' },
    { value: 'test🏁', name: '测试: 添加一个测试' },
    { value: 'revert⏪', name: '回滚: 代码回退' },
    { value: 'chore🗯', name: '工具:开发工具变动(构建、脚手架工具等)' }
  messages: {
    type: '选择一种你的提交类型:',
    customScope: '请输入修改范围(可选):',
    subject: '短说明:',
    body: '长说明,使用"|"换行(可选):',
    footer: '关联关闭的issue,例如:#31, #34(可选):',
    confirmCommit: '确定提交说明?'
  allowCustomScopes: true,
  allowBreakingChanges: ['特性', '修复'],
  subjectLimit: 100

What's Happening

after i write those,I use git commit -m "xxxx" directly to commit, it's still pass the check,i don't konw why,hope got you resolve! thank you!


this is my repository

Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

  • app-root-path ~3.0.0
  • lodash.clonedeep ~4.5.0
  • @commitlint/cli 15.0.0
  • coveralls 3.1.1
  • intelli-espower-loader 1.1.0
  • mocha 9.1.3
  • nyc 15.1.0
  • power-assert 1.6.1
  • standard-version 9.3.2
  • node 12
  • node 14
  • node 16
  • node 17

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

commlint Always wrong?

Hi,@whizark, I appear some isses again.

What happened

I npm install those:

   "@commitlint/cli": "^8.2.0",
    "commitizen": "^4.0.3",
    "commitlint-config-cz": "^0.12.1",
    "cz-customizable": "^6.2.0",
    "husky": "^3.1.0",

this is my .cz.config.js:

module.exports = {
  types: [
    { value: 'feat✨', name: '特性: 一个新的特性' },
    { value: 'fix🐞', name: '修复: 修复一个Bug' },
    { value: 'docs📚', name: '文档: 变更的只有文档' },
    { value: 'style💅', name: '格式: 空格, 分号等格式修复' },
    { value: 'refactor🛠', name: '重构: 代码重构,注意和特性、修复区分开' },
    { value: 'perf🐎', name: '性能: 提升性能' },
    { value: 'test🏁', name: '测试: 添加一个测试' },
    { value: 'revert⏪', name: '回滚: 代码回退' },
    { value: 'chore🗯', name: '工具:开发工具变动(构建、脚手架工具等)' }
  messages: {
    type: '选择一种你的提交类型:',
    customScope: '请输入修改范围(可选):',
    subject: '短说明:',
    body: '长说明,使用"|"换行(可选):',
    footer: '关联关闭的issue,例如:#31, #34(可选):',
    confirmCommit: '确定提交说明?'
  allowCustomScopes: true,
  allowBreakingChanges: ['特性', '修复'],
  subjectLimit: 100

this is my commitlint.config.js:

module.exports = {
    extends: [
    rules: {
        'type-empty': [2, 'never'],
        'subject-empty': [2, 'never']

and this is my project.json settings:

"config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "node_modules/cz-customizable"
  "cz-customizable": {
    "config": ".cz-config.js"
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"

after I finish those step, I use npm run commit to generate commit message, but the commlint check always fails !😫 Just like this:

屏幕快照 2019-12-22 16 32 55

In fact, I have selected the type and input the subject. you can see:

? 选择一种你的提交类型: 修复: 修复一个Bug   // this is my type
? 短说明: 代码提交bug   // this is my subject

But the commlint check always fails ! I don't know why, hope got your help !!

My Project

Accept cz config as an object

I'm not sure what kind of API works here, but let me describe my problem.

I built which lints the title of Pull Requests with commitlint. As my project has custom types, I also use cz and thus I really appreciate you making this package which wires it all up very nicely. (thanks!)

But here's my challenge: The bot pulls the commitlint.config and cz-config over the github API, and then uses them to lint the title. All good so far, but I run this bot on which doesn't allow you to write to disk. And since commitlint-config-cz will only read the .cz-config.js from disk, I can't supply the configuration correctly.

Unfortunately I don't have a concrete proposal for how this could be done, but I'd be happy with something a little hacky if that's fine with you. :)


How to generate custom commit CHANGELOG

I used the self -defined commit type

// .cz-config.js
'use strict';

module.exports = {
  types: [
      value: ':rocket: release',
      name: '🚀  release:  发布版本/发布标签',
      value: ':construction: WIP',
      name: '💪  WIP:      正在进行的工作',
      value: ':sparkles: feat',
      name: '✨  feat:     新的特性',
      value: ':bug: fix',
      name: '🐛  fix:      修复Bug',
      value: ':wrench: CI',
      name: '🔧  CI:       目录结构变更(CI, Building, Tool...)',

      value: ':pencil: docs',
      name: '📝  docs:     仅文档更改',
      value: ':twisted_rightwards_arrows: merge',
      name: '🔀  merge:    合并分支',
      value: ':rewind: revert',
      name: '⏪  revert:   版本回滚',
      value: ':white_check_mark: test',
      name: '✅  test:     添加缺失的测试或更正现有测试',
      value: ':chart_with_upwards_trend: perf',
      name: '📈  perf:     提高性能的代码更改',
      value: ':thought_balloon: chore',
      name: '🗯   chore:    不修改src或测试文件的更改。例如更新构建任务、包管理器',
      value: ':lipstick: ui',
      name: '💄  UI:       更新UI和样式文件。',
      value: ':art: style',
      name: '🎨  style:    不影响代码含义的更改(空白、格式、缺少分号等)',
      value: ':package: dep_up',
      name: '📦  dep_up:   更新已编译的文件或包。',

      value: ':hammer: refactor',
      name: '🔨  refactor: 既不修复错误也不添加功能的代码更改',
      value: ':truck: mv',
      name: '🚚  mv:       移动或重命名文件。',

  scopes: [],
  messages: {
    type: '选择一种你的提交类型:',
    scope: '选择一个scope (可选):',
    // used if allowCustomScopes is true
    customScope: '表示该变更的范围:',
    subject: '短说明:\n',
    body: '长说明,使用"|"换行(可选):\n',
    breaking: '非兼容性说明 (可选):\n',
    footer: '关联关闭的issue,例如:#31, #34(可选):\n',
    confirmCommit: '确定提交说明? yes/no',
  allowCustomScopes: true,
  allowBreakingChanges: ['feat', 'fix'],

There is no problem in submitting all of this

But when I generated CHANGELOG, the format was incorrect

"version": "conventional-changelog -p cz-customizable -i -s -r 0 -n && git add "

I specify the parser as cz-customizable,

Otherwise, these custom commit type cannot be written to CHANGELOG normally


something wrong with lerna

when I lerna publish or lerna version, it will show lerna ERR! Error: Command failed with exit code 1: git commit -F /.../lerna-commit.txt, even if I config the commitlint.config.js like this extends: ['lerna','cz'], It will show Error: Cannot find module "conventional-changelog-lint-config-lerna" from , So, how can I resolve this problem, please give your advice, thanks very much

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