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expedition's Issues

EFLN explosion from Tinkers Construct dropping original dense ore blocks

The EFLN is a throwable explosive from Tinkers. In most cases it drops the correct drop, but with dense ore it drops the original "dense ore" block rather than the real ore. This is problematic as these blocks can't be placed again (in survival, with fracturing turned on).

I reported this to boni but it looks like he's using the standard approach to block drops, by calling dropBlockAsItemWithChance(). So it may be an issue on Expedition's end instead.

Bug at Tinkers repo: SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct#2670

Custom Stalagmites Glitched Texture

I added blocks to the stone sets config, but they just show glitched textures in the game. I tried it with Netherrack and hardened clay.
Forge 2092

NPE when accessing array of biome's trees in RTGCompat

You will need to add a null check on this array before trying to access it:

My assumption is that not every realistic biome has a custom tree array, so the array remains null for those biomes. @whichonespink44 would be able say for sure, since he wrote that code.

[00:19:13] [Server thread/ERROR]: Exception caught during firing event net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.PopulateChunkEvent$Post@369dd772:
    at wtf.worldgen.trees.RTGCompat.getRTGTree( ~[RTGCompat.class:?]
    at wtf.worldgen.RTGOverworldGen.getTree( ~[RTGOverworldGen.class:?]
    at wtf.worldgen.OverworldGen.genTrees( ~[OverworldGen.class:?]
    at wtf.worldgen.RTGOverworldGen.genTrees( ~[RTGOverworldGen.class:?]
    at wtf.worldgen.OverworldGen.generate( ~[OverworldGen.class:?]
    at wtf.worldscan.CoreWorldGenListener.doChunk( ~[CoreWorldGenListener.class:?]
    at wtf.worldscan.CoreWorldGenListener.doScanIfAdjArePopulated( ~[CoreWorldGenListener.class:?]
    at wtf.worldscan.CoreWorldGenListener.populate( ~[CoreWorldGenListener.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_956_CoreWorldGenListener_populate_Post.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[ASMEventHandler.class:?]
    at [EventBus.class:?]
    at net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory.onChunkPopulate( [ForgeEventFactory.class:?]
    at [ChunkProviderRTG.class:?]
    at [ChunkProviderRTG.class:?]
    at [ChunkProviderRTG.class:?]

Not creating config file "WTF-Expedition_1.10.2_v1.1"

mod is not creating any config files. when brought in from an older version still not reading them.
have tried with only this mod and forge install, still no luck. forge version

thanks for the mod

No vanilla trees in roofed forest

Using JUST WTF-Expedition_1.10.2_Beta11.4 (no other mods installed)

Using Forge build 1.10.2-

No dark oak, or other vanilla trees in Roofed Forest Biome. Giant Mushrooms however, do generate.

This occurs when using the setting in WTFOverworldGenConfig.cfg

B:"Use custom big trees instead of default trees"=true

Setting this to false and vanilla trees to decorate the Roofed Forest Biome, but I assume none of WFT's big tree variants are called, so that is a partial work around.

This is probably be related to a change made in forge on this issue.

This change to forge was made on build 1.10.2- rolling forge back to the release before that, and vanilla trees generate in roofed forest biome when WFT's big tree set to true.

Missing json Files

Forge 2185
Expedition v1.3
After installing and starting a world, I noticed that most blocks are missing their json files, dirt, dense ores, stalagtites, stalagmites, stones, and the underground Biomes stones. I just see a purple and black pattern on the blocks.
The underground Biomes sand, at least from the creative menu, all place as the silt stone sand.

Crash while exploring

Was just running around, creating new chunks and then eventually crashed with this:

Not sure why this crash log didnt list all the mods and such, but this is my current list:
I chose the Realistic Terrain Gen (version 7).

Version beta 13 of your mod
using forge 2094

Let me know if i can provide anything else to help out!

JEI compatibility issue

Forge version:
WTF's Expedition version: 1.1
JEI version:

The Acacia Roots are missing their texture in the JEI item list.

(1.10.2) Torch can not be registered crash

Issue Description:

Note: Occurs in Modpack All the Mods upon upgrading from it's v1.11 to v1.12 which upgrades WTF-Expedition_v1.10.2_Beta7.jar to WTF-Expedition_v1.10.2_Beta8.jar

What happens:

Upon upgrading, estimate about 30% single player worlds and servers crash upon player login with the message:
"Connection lost:

Internal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The object class wtf.core.blocks.BlockWTFTorch (minecraft:torch) cannot be added to the registry. It is already being used as a substitue for minecraft:torch."

Associated Issues:

Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: upgraded from

[Question] Can ores be made to spawn in non-stone blocks?

A lot of mods add decorative stone types, but it interferes with ore spawning. Will the configs accept changes to allow ores to spawn in other block types, such as diorite? I know the background can be changed, but that won't make it generate within the diorite vein.

Can't place ore blocks

I can't place any ore block (included mined with silk touch), only configuring WTFGameplay.cfg to false in WTFCore.cfg. I try to modify many WTFGameplay options, but nothing.

May I include this in my modpack?

May I include this in my modpack?
You set the license as "All rights reserved unless explicitly stated otherwise" in curse forge.
You didn't set a different license anywhere else.
And you don't explicitly give permission to include in modpacks.

I can not accept the default license that came with the forge MDK as being your mods license as it is completely un-changed from the forge mdk download.

Crash with ores for fracturing added

The game crashes on startup when I try to add more than one ore for fracturing.

This worked:
S:"Ores to add for fracturing- modname:blockname"=immersiveengineering:ore

This crashed:
S:"Ores to add for fracturing- modname:blockname"=immersiveengineering:ore, forestry:resources, railcraft:ore
Crash Report

I ran into the same problem when I tried to add the Immersive Engineering Ores one by one a few weeks ago, that's why I assume it has to do with the amount of ores added.

Config's aren't registering

I don't know what the problem is, I tweak all of the config's to remove certain aspects of this mod but it doesn't register in game. Some of the things I do not want are blocks to fall that don't fall in vanilla, and I do not want any cracked blocks or blocks to be effected by breaking a block. Mining cracked stone makes adjacent blocks to become cobble which in turn falls, when the fallen cobble is mined if becomes an "unknown" block that I can't mine because it technically doesn't exist. It is on screen as a block but I can walk through it and it blocks me from mining any blocks through it as if it is still there. I really wan't to use this mod in my mod series but if I can't actually utilized modified configs then I can't use the mod.

Dense Ores like it rough

...or at least they don't respond well to Silk Touch. They will drop themselves as an unplaceable item with no uses and then the two overlays with no item textures.

[1.10.2] Crash on start up when Steves Carts Reborn installed

Client crashes on start up.
I'm using forge-, WTF-Expedition_1.10.2_v1.1 and StevesCarts-1.10.2-

When I remove Steves Carts, Minecraft is loading normally without any problems.

Edit: There was an update on Steves Carts Reborn, but its still not working. Now using StevesCarts-1.10.2-
Edit2: There was another update on Steves Carts Reborn which fixed the bug.

Stone only turns into cobble if custom explosions are enabled + Custom explosions are extremley laggy

Forge: 2076
Latest 1.10.2 mod version (beta 10)

If i turn off custom explosions, and mine stone, it just drops cobblestone. If i leave custom explosions on, stone turns into cobbllestone blocks like they are suppose to.

Using even 1 TNT next to cobblestone will freeze the game for several seconds. Using a couple of TNT at the same time just locks up the game.

I'm also getting following logs when i detonate TNT with custom explosions enabled:

[22:00:50] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [wtf.gameplay.GamePlayEventListener:explosion:173]: null (-67.50999999046326, 65.0612500011921, 270.60831592405185) 4.0
[22:00:57] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [wtf.gameplay.GamePlayEventListener:explosion:173]: null (-66.49000000953674, 62.06125000119209, 268.50999999046326) 4.0 

Let me know if i can provide anything else that would help!


Project-E Morningstar Collects wtfores and fractured stone

Like it said. I had the most recent Expedition and Project-E, and started mass mining with the charged up right-click function of the red matter morningstar (which is a bit buggy still). My inventory filled with various Expedition generated items (dense ores, fractured stone).
I was able to place the ores back down and mine them normally (they turn to maximum density when you place them), but I thought this might be a behavior that needs catching.

Dense Cobalt and Ardite are Swapped

In the nether, dense cobalt and ardite ores pop out the wrong type of ore. Cobalt veins pop out ardite, and vice versa.

I've tried to tweak the ore metadata in the config file but changes don't seem to have any effect. Standard Tinkers ore gen is disabled.

Using WTF's Expedition v1.2 for 1.10.2.

Suggestion - Extra ore/cave generation options

Specifically, chance per chunk, y level restriction, multiple ore types per vein, and an option to change how much cobblestone is generated underground.

Chance per chunk: This would be so you can have reliable sized veins spawn multiple chunks apart, without having to use a negative ore count which can result in really small veins spawning.

Y level restriction: This would enable having specific elevation ores that won't spawn outside that elevation no matter what, rather than using a percentage of the surface level. (think ores that can only be found only in super high cliffs)

Multiple ores per vein: This might be asking too much, but I figured I'd throw it out there anyway. In GT5 oregen, it neatly has up to 4 ore types per vein of similar geology, and even layers them. GT5's layering works via 2 main ores that make up most of the vein on top and bottom, 1 center ore only found in between the top and bottom layer, and lastly sporadic ores found in and around the vein in smaller amounts. I'm not suggesting something that fancy be added, but multiple ores types per vein would be a neat feature for some modpacks, even if the layering wasn't included.

Cobblestone Generation: Self explanatory. I like the cracked stone as it fits well with the surrounding vanilla stone, and it does it's job of creating hazards when it converts to cobble. But the natural cobble that spawns everywhere, looks out of place to me and I'd like the option to reduce or prevent it from spawning. Or even the option to have cracked stone spawn in it's place (I almost like that idea better actually).

Edit: typos

Block-state ore texture overlay is glitchy

The block-state ore texture overlay is glitchy.
It near-constantly flashes between being visible, and not being visible, while I'm moving.
While seemingly stabilizing at it's current state when I stand still, even if that state is not being visible.
Also, the custom ore texture overlay just flat out doesn't work in my inventory.
This seems to only happen with block-state ore textures.
Maybe it's glitchy like this because the mod tells forge to put all of the block-state "layers" on the same actual layer in the texture?
However I'm just pulling a guess out of my rear on that one.

possible xmod issue - mobs spawning inside walls


I have both WTF's Exped and Roguelike Dungeons in my test pack and I'm wandering around a dungeon in creative at the moment. I'm finding it's a pretty constant cacophony of "suffocating in walls" noises.

TheOneProbe shows mobs as being from wtfcore or vanilla. With this many mobs around it's hard to get an accurate assessment but it seems that the wtfcore mobs are the ones spawning with their heads inside blocks. That's observation is based on many of the wtfcore having some damage and none of the vanilla mobs being damaged.

Is this one for you or the author of Roguelike Dungeons?


forge 2185

Home scroll leaves bad recipe when disabled.

When the Gameplay module is disabled a ghost recipe for home scrolls remains that crashes the game when placed into a table. The scroll is missing from the output in JEI and throws a null pointer exception for the crash.

Leaves of big trees decay after update

The trees in this mod are awesome, but when 1 leaf block gets an update, all the trees in a whole forest (espescially roofed forest) can lose their leaves because they are to far away from a wood block. And when it is done the tree top looks awful an jagged. Best fix i could think of is increasing the distance leafs can be away from a wood block before decaying.

Feature Request: A way to bypass the stone -> cobblestone block conversion

As discussed here:

Basically a way to prevent stone turning into cobblestone blocks under certain conditions, such as:

  • Pick with silk touch
  • Pick of specific quality (like diamond, config option for determine quality, item or harvestlevel?)
  • A new enchant that can be applied to picks (might be useful in case someone doesnt want silk touch but still want to bypass the stone -> cobble block conversion)


Update with accurate information

the seems to be the default exemple file from the Forge team.

Providing the accurate information would be appreciated when looking at mods within the game and using MultiMC.

WTFGameplay 'false' being ignored in WTFCore.cfg

Just updated to the latest version available in Curse (1.10.2_Beta11.4.jar). I had previously set the line:

B:"Set to false to disable all gameplay tweaks for a vanilla gameplay experience.  This override ALL options set inside WTFGameplay.cfg"=false

After updating, all of the vanilla recipes were removed. If I went into WTFGameplay.cfg and set:

B:"Remove recipes for vanilla tools (Requires Tinkers Construct to be installed)"=false

Restarted and the vanilla recipes were present again. I also noticed that "Home Scrolls" were enabled again thinking that maybe WTFGameplay.cfg was being partially ignored and that perhaps the one feature that disabled vanilla tools or the 'loot and crafting' section had been exempted from the gameplay disabling.

Please let me know if you need additional info.

EDIT Did some testing. It looks like it works as expected in Beta 10 (the version I originally upgraded from). I worked backwards from 11.4 and this behavior started in the original Beta 11 released on 9/6.

Torches don't have vanilla behavior (cosmetic)

When I explicitly disabled gameplay tweaks in wtfcore.cfg and separately disabled finiate torches in the other config file vanilla torches placed in multiplayer environment still behave like "right click to light." The server itself doesn't support forge mods so it shouldn't be allowing me to place the wtfcore items in environment.

screenshot (part of one) []

settings are:
B:"Set to false to disable all gameplay tweaks for a vanilla gameplay experience. This override ALL options set inside WTFGameplay.cfg"=false
I:"0 = disable finite torches, 1 = Relight torches with a right click, 2= relight torches with a flint and steel only"=0
I:"Chance in 100 per block tick (avg every 45 seconds) that an unattended torch will go out, 0 disables torches going out, -1 prevents torch replacement entirely"=0

forge: 2052

Can Expedition spawn nether materials in the overworld?

Is it possible to get Expedition to spawn nether quartz in overworld smooth stone? Can it spawn glowstone? I'm playing with using Expedition with Underworld and wanted some flavor.
I tried doing it and my changes were deleted from the config files, but I did find this:
2016-12-17_14 31 02
Though, it might have been Underworld's doing.

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