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Repository for the wasmCloud homepage including our community, team, docs, links, and as an ingress point for interested developers. This site is built with Docusarus.

Running the site locally

npm ci
npm run start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


npm run build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.

Serving static content

To serve the generated static content:

npm run serve's People


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Add (sub-)page on what it takes to build a non-Rust provider

Until we can support WASI providers, wasmCloud doesn't have the resources to provider language-specific SDKs for languages other than Rust (and Go, thanks to @jordan-rash). We should add a simple page to which makes this explicit, and describes how interested parties can "roll their own" providers in any language:

  • accept HostData via stdin on startup
  • subscribe to/emit RPC messages with appropriate Invocation and InvocationResponse payloads
  • process link definitions
  • respond to health checks
  • shut down gracefully when instructed by the host

Note that the current page shares this list, but doesn't provide details on how to fulfill these requirements. I'm suggesting that list be moved to this new page and include the details on the "how."

Relevant structs we should point folks to for over-the-wire payloads:

Implement reusable Language Tab Components

We use the <Tabs> and <Tab> components to sync the language selected by the user, however, this requires maintaining the same id everywhere the components are used. It would be helpful to be able to use a component that handles the props for us.

For example:

  <LangTab lang="rust">...</LangTab>
  <LangTab lang="go">...</LangTab>

Alternatively, each language could be a specific component. This would enable specific API for props (i.e. marking a RustTab as a component vs module, or marking a GoTab as the "tiny" or main syntax)


It would also be useful to not have to import these components every time they are used in an mdx file.

Add linting/formatting configuration/instructions/automation

Having contributors open PRs has highlighted a couple of changes that should be updated to make life easier to accept changes.

  • Add
  • Add eslint configuration with a baseline recommended configuration
  • Add husky pre-commit hooks for
    • lint
    • format
  • Add CI check for linting/formatting

No example of using `new_with_link` to make calls to providers with custom link names

A user ran into an issue where their actor was failing to communicate with a provider. I noticed the provider was running with a custom link name and wanted to point them to documentation around using new_with_link when constructing a Sender in our Rust SDK, but couldn't find any documentation covering this. I'm not sure where the best home is for this information, but wanted to file it as a gap

Rework provider bindgen documentation

As provider-wit-bindgen code matures and sees use, the user-facing documentation around creating (and debugging) creating providers needs to be updated.

At the very least the following things need to be considered:

  • information around the arguments to wasmcloud_provider_wit_bindgen::generate!
  • debugging steps (use of RUST_LOG)

Link to the install script in docs

The Installation docs mention the simple install process for Debian:

curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt install wash openssl

But docs should include a link to inspect the script that is about to be run, which is doing quite a bit. There may be some bullet points on what the install does to your system.

"We are hosting all wasmCloud-related packages on and this script will configure apt to access the package repository when using the wash command line utility."

The script:


unknown_os ()
  echo "Unfortunately, your operating system distribution and version are not supported by this script."
  echo "You can override the OS detection by setting os= and dist= prior to running this script."
  echo "You can find a list of supported OSes and distributions on our website:"
  echo "For example, to force Ubuntu Trusty: os=ubuntu dist=trusty ./"
  echo "Please email [email protected] and let us know if you run into any issues."
  exit 1

gpg_check ()
  echo "Checking for gpg..."
  if command -v gpg > /dev/null; then
    echo "Detected gpg..."
    echo "Installing gnupg for GPG verification..."
    apt-get install -y gnupg
    if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
      echo "Unable to install GPG! Your base system has a problem; please check your default OS's package repositories because GPG should work."
      echo "Repository installation aborted."
      exit 1

curl_check ()
  echo "Checking for curl..."
  if command -v curl > /dev/null; then
    echo "Detected curl..."
    echo "Installing curl..."
    apt-get install -q -y curl
    if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
      echo "Unable to install curl! Your base system has a problem; please check your default OS's package repositories because curl should work."
      echo "Repository installation aborted."
      exit 1

install_debian_keyring ()
  if [ "${os,,}" = "debian" ]; then
    echo "Installing debian-archive-keyring which is needed for installing "
    echo "apt-transport-https on many Debian systems."
    apt-get install -y debian-archive-keyring &> /dev/null

detect_os ()
  if [[ ( -z "${os}" ) && ( -z "${dist}" ) ]]; then
    # some systems dont have lsb-release yet have the lsb_release binary and
    # vice-versa
    if [ -e /etc/lsb-release ]; then
      . /etc/lsb-release

      if [ "${ID}" = "raspbian" ]; then
        dist=`cut --delimiter='.' -f1 /etc/debian_version`

        if [ -z "$dist" ]; then

    elif [ `which lsb_release 2>/dev/null` ]; then
      dist=`lsb_release -c | cut -f2`
      os=`lsb_release -i | cut -f2 | awk '{ print tolower($1) }'`

    elif [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then
      # some Debians have jessie/sid in their /etc/debian_version
      # while others have '6.0.7'
      os=`cat /etc/issue | head -1 | awk '{ print tolower($1) }'`
      if grep -q '/' /etc/debian_version; then
        dist=`cut --delimiter='/' -f1 /etc/debian_version`
        dist=`cut --delimiter='.' -f1 /etc/debian_version`


  if [ -z "$dist" ]; then

  # remove whitespace from OS and dist name
  os="${os// /}"
  dist="${dist// /}"

  echo "Detected operating system as $os/$dist."

detect_apt_version ()
  apt_version_full=`apt-get -v | head -1 | awk '{ print $2 }'`
  apt_version_major=`echo $apt_version_full | cut -d. -f1`
  apt_version_minor=`echo $apt_version_full | cut -d. -f2`

  echo "Detected apt version as ${apt_version_full}"

main ()

  # Need to first run apt-get update so that apt-transport-https can be
  # installed
  echo -n "Running apt-get update... "
  apt-get update &> /dev/null
  echo "done."

  # Install the debian-archive-keyring package on debian systems so that
  # apt-transport-https can be installed next

  echo -n "Installing apt-transport-https... "
  apt-get install -y apt-transport-https &> /dev/null
  echo "done."


  if [ ! -d "$apt_keyrings_dir" ]; then
    mkdir -p "$apt_keyrings_dir"

  echo -n "Installing $apt_source_path..."

  # create an apt config file for this repository
  curl -sSf "${apt_config_url}" > $apt_source_path

  if [ "$curl_exit_code" = "22" ]; then
    echo -n "Unable to download repo config from: "
    echo "${apt_config_url}"
    echo "This usually happens if your operating system is not supported by "
    echo ", or this script's OS detection failed."
    echo "You can override the OS detection by setting os= and dist= prior to running this script."
    echo "You can find a list of supported OSes and distributions on our website:"
    echo "For example, to force Ubuntu Trusty: os=ubuntu dist=trusty ./"
    echo "If you are running a supported OS, please email [email protected] and report this."
    [ -e $apt_source_path ] && rm $apt_source_path
    exit 1
  elif [ "$curl_exit_code" = "35" -o "$curl_exit_code" = "60" ]; then
    echo "curl is unable to connect to over TLS when running: "
    echo "    curl ${apt_config_url}"
    echo "This is usually due to one of two things:"
    echo " 1.) Missing CA root certificates (make sure the ca-certificates package is installed)"
    echo " 2.) An old version of libssl. Try upgrading libssl on your system to a more recent version"
    echo "Contact [email protected] with information about your system for help."
    [ -e $apt_source_path ] && rm $apt_source_path
    exit 1
  elif [ "$curl_exit_code" -gt "0" ]; then
    echo "Unable to run: "
    echo "    curl ${apt_config_url}"
    echo "Double check your curl installation and try again."
    [ -e $apt_source_path ] && rm $apt_source_path
    exit 1
    echo "done."

  echo -n "Importing packagecloud gpg key... "
  # import the gpg key
  curl -fsSL "${gpg_key_url}" | gpg --dearmor > ${gpg_keyring_path}
  # grant 644 permisions to gpg keyring path
  chmod 0644 "${gpg_keyring_path}"

  # move gpg key to old path if apt version is older than 1.1
  if [ "${apt_version_modified}" -lt 110 ]; then
    # move to trusted.gpg.d

    mv ${gpg_keyring_path} ${gpg_key_path_old}
    # grant 644 permisions to gpg key path
    chmod 0644 "${gpg_key_path_old}"

    # deletes the keyrings directory if it is empty
    if ! ls -1qA $apt_keyrings_dir | grep -q .;then
      rm -r $apt_keyrings_dir
    echo "Packagecloud gpg key imported to ${gpg_key_path_old}"
    echo "Packagecloud gpg key imported to ${gpg_keyring_path}"
  echo "done."

  echo -n "Running apt-get update... "
  # update apt on this system
  apt-get update &> /dev/null
  echo "done."

  echo "The repository is setup! You can now install packages."


[DOCS] Architecture Diagrams

We have a few architecture diagrams in the quickstart that should be reevaluated for relationships (how to represent the lattice vs host) and we have additional need on our concepts page for more diagrams for how things relate.

As a rule of thumb, if we're introducing a new concept, we should have a diagram showing how it all relates. Over the quickstart it could be helpful to have an evolving diagram with increasing complexity

[DOCS] NATSonomicon (All things NATS)

NATS is a core part of our ability to run distributed Wasm components, and there's a few big pieces we should document and describe better for those looking to dive deeper.

  • How queue subscriptions work
  • The wRPC implementation for NATS
  • Our use of NATS APIs (core NATS for pubsub RPC and ctl API, KV buckets / Jetstream for persistent storage)
  • Supercluster pattern, with geo-affinity + leaf nodes
  • Identity and authentication to a lattice with accounts and users
  • Websocket connections

Add documentation on link names


From the 06-20 community call, we spoke extensively about the use of link names in wasmCloud to use logically named different links, potentially between the same two components. The search docs don't pull up a heading for this, so there must not be a piece under the linking at runtime docs that mention link names.

[DOCS] Add documentation on WIT best practices

It would be great to have a few pages/headings including information about:

  • What is an import/export
  • When to use an import/export
  • How to design a WIT interface (best practices)
  • When to use/not use resources

Update CTL interface docs

This have not been updated for the latest 1.0 topics. Most data is still accurate, but we need to update the topics and remove old things we aren't using

Actor to Actor Example

No e2e example of actor to actor communication.
The docs explain some of this but I'd like to see an example with all parts are included, when I current try to make actor talk to another actor via actorReceive: true flag in interface, I get the following error:

Host send error Guest call failed for method Rpc.Convert: method not handled Rpc.Convert - unknown method

[DOCS] Difference between providers and built-in providers

We should document the difference between built-ins and external providers. Specifically the pros and cons.

  • External providers may be updated at runtime independent of the host.
  • External providers may scale independent of a host.
  • Built-ins do not go over NATS and run in the same process as the host process.
  • Updating a built-in requires a host update.

Add first-party provider documentation

Including specific documentation for each first-party provider in the docs will make it easier for users to get started with those providers, and will give us a centralized spot to document them.

Zero-to-twelve factor wasmCloud apps

We could use some meatier examples for wasmCloud apps, e.g. full CRUD API examples like blobby, in showcases on the website that demonstrate "twelve factor wasmCloud apps"

[DOCS] Debugging and where-to-look

When it comes to debugging, it's important for developers to know where to look for issues. Under a debugging document we should have pointers to:

  • Where log files exist
  • How to debug (logging, printing to stderr)
  • How to increase the verbosity of logging
  • Common issues / FAQ (some of this exists already)
  • How to use the NATS CLI to debug (subbing on topics for events, rpc, etc)

Update Docusaurus to Version 3.0

Docusaurus has released a new major version which includes support for React 18.

They have released an upgrade guide, which is quite detailed. The biggest change—aside from React 18—is that it now uses MDX 3 instead of MDX 1. This may mean that some of the markdown content needs to be adjusted. Fortunately, the build will highlight issues pretty quickly.

It would be great to make this upgrade for the wasmCloud docs sooner rather than later. If someone from the community would like to create a PR, please comment and I'll assign the issue.

Setup a devcontainer for codespace editing

It would be awesome for this repository to include a devcontainer with at the very least NPM installed so that developers can directly edit the site using the codebase and use npm run start to view the live changes in the site. Ideally we should also run npm i as a part of the devcontainer startup

Extend documentation on NATS connections to provide comprehensive recommendations

We have one documentation page on our RPC/CTL connections, but it does not include examples on how to create a lattice with stronger security boundaries. As per wasmCloud/wasmCloud#1119, we depend on our NATS connection security to protect the lattice from bad actors.

We should offer recommendations and pointers to NATS documentation on how to set up a secure NATS server environment.

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

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  • D3 photo D3

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

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  • Game

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