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wmpagecontroller's Introduction

WMPageController 中文介绍

Platform License CocoaPods Version

An easy solution to page controllers like NetEase News


Change Log

See CHANGELOG for more information.

Basic use

Create an controller extends from WMPageController.There are two ways to init the WMPageController:

Init with Classes

Use the following constructor to init the controller:

- (instancetype)initWithViewControllerClasses:(NSArray *)classes 
                               andTheirTitles:(NSArray *)titles;

Here are two important porperties:

classes :contains the classes of child view controllers, just like [UITableViewController class];
titles  :Each View controller's title to show in the menu view at the top of the view;

Use datasource (Recommend This Way!)

The usage is very familiar to UITableView, these are the methods need to implement:

- (NSInteger)numbersOfChildControllersInPageController:(WMPageController *)pageController;

- (__kindof UIViewController *)pageController:(WMPageController *)pageController viewControllerAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;

- (NSString *)pageController:(WMPageController *)pageController titleAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;

Just implement these datasource methods in YOUR WMPageController after initialize it.

Customize Content's Frame

It's easy for you to customize your controller as following, just implement these two datasource methods.

- (CGRect)pageController:(WMPageController *)pageController preferredFrameForContentView:(WMScrollView *)contentView;

- (CGRect)pageController:(WMPageController *)pageController preferredFrameForMenuView:(WMMenuView *)menuView;

When you want to change the frame of contentView, you need to call -forceLayoutSubViews method. This will recall the datasource method above and re-layout subviews. If you are interested, see viewFrameExample for more detail.

Use Storyboard / xib

1.If you init the WMPageController with child controller's class,override the -init method in WMPageController's childViewController, For example:

- (instancetype)init {
    return [self initWithNibName:@"xxxViewController" bundle:nil];

2.If you are using datasource, Just implement -pageController:viewControllerAtIndex: as following:

- (UIViewController *)pageController:(WMPageController *)pageController viewControllerAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
    UIStoryboard *sb = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Main" bundle:nil];
    UIViewController *vc = [sb instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"WMViewController"];
    return vc;

See StoryboardExample for more detail.


You can easily change style by setting = WMMenuViewStyleLine.
If you want menuView to show on the navigation bar, set .showOnNavigationBar = YES;

Using CocoaPods

If you want the newest version, try 2.4.0 (This has some API modified)

pod 'WMPageController', '~> 2.4.0' 

If you perfer the old, just use 2.3.0 and it's fine.

pod 'WMPageController', '2.3.0' 


  1. If you have any trouble with content controller's frame or size,just try set viewFrame property, which make you free to customize your own size.

  2. You can put every controller in WMPageController,But if you want have a UICollectionViewController in, please have an attention to UICollectionViewController's init method.
    You should override the - init to give UICollectionViewController a UICollectionViewLayout. Here is an example:

- (instancetype)init {
    // init layout here...
    self = [self initWithCollectionViewLayout:layout];
    if (self) {
        // insert code here...
    return self;


This project is under MIT License. See LICENSE file for more information.

wmpagecontroller's People


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wmpagecontroller's Issues


当初始化进去后,viewDidLoad 实现[self addViewControllerAtIndex:self.selectIndex]; 当前index 的view frame为nil,而- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews后也没对index 的view frame进行更新。 所以要对index view 进行赋值,以便后面进行更新,修改如下:

// 添加子控制器
- (void)addViewControllerAtIndex:(int)index {
    Class vcClass = self.viewControllerClasses[index];
    UIViewController *viewController = [[vcClass alloc] init];
    [self addChildViewController:viewController];
    viewController.view.frame = [self.childViewFrames[index] CGRectValue];
    [viewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
    [self.scrollView addSubview:viewController.view];
    [self.displayVC setObject:viewController forKey:@(index)];

   self.currentViewController = viewController;

    [self backToPositionIfNeeded:viewController atIndex:index];



   WMPageController *pageController = [self p_defaultController];
    pageController.menuViewStyle = WMMenuViewStyleLine;
    pageController.titleSizeSelected = 15;
    [self.MainView addSubview:pageController.view];



关于你的PageController 我想禁止手势滑动
我在你的WMPageController 的 addScrollView 方法中加入 scrollView.scrollEnabled = NO; 可以实现效果
但是如果外部调用pageController.scrollview.scollEnable =NO;却无法实现,想请教一下


  • (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    WMPageController *pageController = [self getDefaultController];
    pageController.title = @"Line";

  • (WMPageController *)getDefaultController{
    NSMutableArray *viewControllers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    NSMutableArray *titles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    Class vcClass;
    NSString *title;
    switch (i % 3) {
    case 0:
    vcClass = [YZViewController class];

            title = @"Greetings";
        case 1:
            vcClass = [YZSales_VC class];
            title = @"Hit Me";
            vcClass = [YZViewController class];
            title = @"Fluency";
    [viewControllers addObject:vcClass];
    [titles addObject:title];

    WMPageController *pageVC = [[WMPageController alloc] initWithViewControllerClasses:viewControllers andTheirTitles:titles];
    pageVC.pageAnimatable = YES;
    pageVC.menuItemWidth = 85;
    pageVC.postNotification = NO;

    return pageVC;

- WMMenuView Delegate 这里是不是笔误

  • (void)menuView:(WMMenuView _)menu didSelesctedIndex:(NSInteger)index currentIndex:(NSInteger)currentIndex {
    NSInteger gap = (NSInteger)labs(index - currentIndex);
    _selectIndex = (int)index;
    _animate = NO;
    CGPoint targetP = CGPointMake(_viewWidth_index, 0);

    [self.scrollView setContentOffset:targetP animated:gap > 1 ? NO : self.pageAnimatable];
    if (gap > 1 || !self.pageAnimatable) {
    // 由于不触发 -scrollViewDidScroll: 手动处理控制器
    UIViewController *currentViewController = self.displayVC[@(currentIndex)];
    // 最好判断一下,因为在做某个项目时,currentViewController = nil
    if (currentViewController) {
    [self removeViewController:currentViewController atIndex:currentIndex];
    [self layoutChildViewControllers];
    self.currentViewController = self.displayVC[@(self.selectIndex)];
    [self postFullyDisplayedNotificationWithCurrentIndex:(int)index];

#pragma mark - 这里 是不是应该是 index 而不是 currentIndex
[self didEnterController:self.currentViewController atIndex: currentIndex];





感谢你提供这么好用的框架,但是我在实际使用过程中发现 第一个控制器不走viewDidAppear 或 will 方法.





人比较笨,没明白,你说pageController进行传递数据,可是这个没法改变WMViewControlle或者WMTableViewController或者WMCollectionViewController里面的 数据类型 假如这里面的数据是根据外面传入的数据进行改变的,这个应该怎么办?by the way,你的这个写的是我看到的类似控件,用起来最简单的一个控件,非常方便!!!

scrollViewDidScroll 里的操作

感觉一滚动 ,就在不停调用layoutChildViewControllers,做了很多没意思的操作啊,这个该怎么优化呢?

  • (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView{
    [self layoutChildViewControllers];
    if (animate) {
    CGFloat width = scrollView.frame.size.width;
    CGFloat contentOffsetX = scrollView.contentOffset.x;
    CGFloat rate = contentOffsetX / width;
    [self.menuView slideMenuAtProgress:rate];
  • (void)layoutChildViewControllers{
    int currentPage = (int)self.scrollView.contentOffset.x / viewWidth;
    int start,end;
    if (currentPage == 0) {
    start = currentPage;
    end = currentPage + 1;
    }else if (currentPage + 1 == self.viewControllerClasses.count){
    start = currentPage - 1;
    end = currentPage;
    start = currentPage - 1;
    end = currentPage + 1;
    NSLog(@"%s",func); //startPage
    for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    CGRect frame = [self.childViewFrames[i] CGRectValue];
    UIViewController *vc = [self.displayVC objectForKey:@(i)];
    if ([self isInScreen:frame]) {
    if (vc == nil) {
    // 先从 cache 中取
    vc = [self.memCache objectForKey:@(i)];
    if (vc) {
    // cache 中存在,添加到 scrollView 上,并放入display
    [self addCachedViewController:vc atIndex:i];
    // cache 中也不存在,创建并添加到display
    [self addViewControllerAtIndex:i];
    if (vc) {
    // vc不在视野中且存在,移除他
    [self removeViewController:vc atIndex:i];

多次调用 viewDidLayoutSubviews

为什么我在我的项目中使用这些代码,在每次切换菜单的时候都会调用viewDidLayoutSubviews,导致menu每次都从0重新滚动一遍。而你的demo却没有,我自己做个实验,新建一个空白 的项目只放一个uiscrollview 每次向这个scrollview添加view的时候都会调用 viewDidLayoutSubviews。

子控制器 init

// 添加子控制器

  • (void)addViewControllerAtIndex:(int)index {
    Class vcClass = self.viewControllerClasses[index];
    UIViewController *viewController = [[vcClass alloc] init];



我现在遇到的问题是:WMPageController现在在某个Index 比如0. 切换到app的其他地方做了一些操作后,需要跳转到WMPageController的页面的0 index. 我通过设置self.pageView.selectIndex = 0;后调到了对应的index 但是页面是空白的页面。 网络请求的数据是正确的。


Is there a way to update tab item title?

In my case, I need to show a number in the item title, and update them at some times.

It seems that currently there is no method to update the title easily?

For fixed width items it should be easily to be updated since no frame recalculation is needed?

if you wanna set wmmenuview as titleview,you should add this

i wanna set wmmenuview as titleview,but i notice that if you push to another viewcontroller,after pull back,the wmmenuview will increase more subviews.

i check the thread stack finded that the reason is when push viewcontroller,the parent controller will call "willMoveToSuperview" again,so the wmmenuview will add new items,but obversely you dont want that happen.

so a simple way to fix the problem is to add a bool variable and add a if control,like below:

  • (void)willMoveToSuperview:(UIView *)newSuperview {
    [self addScrollView];
    [self addItems];
    [self makeStyle];

works fine on me.hope will help somebody

建议修改- (void)menuView:(WMMenuView *)menu didSelesctedIndex:(NSInteger)index currentIndex:(NSInteger)currentIndex


- (void)menuView:(WMMenuView *)menu didSelesctedIndex:(NSInteger)index currentIndex:(NSInteger)currentIndex {
    NSInteger gap = (NSInteger)labs(index - currentIndex);
    animate = NO;
    CGPoint targetP = CGPointMake(viewWidth*index, 0);

    [self.scrollView setContentOffset:targetP animated:gap > 1?NO:self.pageAnimatable];

    _selectIndex = (int)index;

    UIViewController *vc = [self.displayVC objectForKey:@(_selectIndex)];
    if (vc == nil) {
        // 先从 cache 中取
        vc = [self.memCache objectForKey:@(_selectIndex)];
        if (vc) {
            // cache 中存在,添加到 scrollView 上,并放入display
            [self addCachedViewController:vc atIndex:_selectIndex];
            self.currentViewController = vc;
        } else {
            // cache 中也不存在,创建并添加到display
            [self addViewControllerAtIndex:_selectIndex];

            self.currentViewController = self.displayVC[@(_selectIndex)];
    } else {
        self.currentViewController = vc;

    if (gap > 1 || !self.pageAnimatable) {
        [self postFullyDisplayedNotificationWithCurrentIndex:(int)index];
        // 由于不触发 -scrollViewDidScroll: 手动清除控制器..
        UIViewController *vc = [self.displayVC objectForKey:@(currentIndex)];
        if (vc) {
            [self removeViewController:vc atIndex:currentIndex];





然后在互联网设置(wanSettingsVC)中又加了几个navitationController(而不是viewController)作为childViewControllers.用于切换不同的上网方式。这时上面的menuView 的高度就变成下面这样了。请教下在哪里可以修改。THX





有个页面是需要登录才能展示的, 但是滚动的时候代理并不会被触发,有什么好的解决办法么?

我目前是在viewWillAppear 里面判断,如果未登录就手动设置menu选中上个页面.

将要展示某个页面时,根据代理返回的bool值 决定是否展示.



iOS 9 Split View support required

Please support - (void)viewWillTransitionToSize:(CGSize)size withTransitionCoordinator:(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator>)coordinator in iOS 9.



NavigationBar 颜色被改变

我的项目里,当显示WMPageController时,Navigation Bar 的颜色会变成亮灰色,而我的项目所有其他部分都是白色。我尝试在WMPageController初始化时设置view的背景颜色为白色也是无效。
Navigation Bar的颜色是在切换动画完成后改变的,也就是动画之中颜色还是正常,一旦动画结束颜色就变成亮灰了。


menuView selected bug?

it calls the method:addMenuView when I scroll , and go to below lines:

  • if (self.selectIndex != 0) {
  • [self.menuView selectItemAtIndex:self.selectIndex];
  • }

then in the WMMenuView.m:
-(void)selectItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {

  • NSInteger tag = index + kTagGap;
  • NSInteger currentIndex = self.selItem.tag - kTagGap;
  • WMMenuItem *item = (WMMenuItem *)[self viewWithTag:tag];
  • [self.selItem deselectedItemWithoutAnimation];
  • self.selItem = item;
  • [self.selItem selectedItemWithoutAnimation];
  • [self.progressView setProgressWithOutAnimate:index];
  • if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(menuView:didSelesctedIndex:currentIndex:)]) {
    [self.delegate menuView:self didSelesctedIndex:index currentIndex:currentIndex];
  • }
  • [self refreshContenOffset];

there is a delegate method @selector(menuView:didSelesctedIndex:currentIndex:), it will send to its delegate and responds to it. _animate will become NO, the bug comes:when I scroll again, the menuView couldn't add its view, cause in the method below:

  • -(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView, menuView can not call slideMenuAtProgress:.

it works well when I delete some delegate codes in the WMMenuView.m: - (void)selectItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index:

// if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(menuView:didSelesctedIndex:currentIndex:)]) {
// [self.delegate menuView:self didSelesctedIndex:index currentIndex:currentIndex];
// }

is it?


你在WMPageController.m中的viewDidLoad方法中有这么一句话self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;这样子controller的view就不能全屏显示了哦。我在WMPageController中的calculateSize方法里面添加了这么一句代码
if (self.edgesForExtendedLayout == UIRectEdgeAll) {
_viewY = self.viewFrame.origin.y + 64.0f;

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