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webappsec-permissions-policy's Introduction

Permissions Policy (previously named Feature Policy)

A web platform API which gives a website the ability to allow and deny the use of browser features in its own frame, and in iframes that it embeds. Examples of features that could be controlled by permissions policy include:

  • getUserMedia (Camera, Microphone, and Speaker-selection)
  • Fullscreen
  • Geolocation
  • MIDI
  • Payments
  • Synchronous XHR
  • ...

See also: how to integrate a web platform feature with permissions policy.

The Permissions Policy spec is hosted on this repo, at

For more explanation, use cases, examples, etc., please refer to the explainer document.

Where is Document Policy?

Document Policy, which was previously hosted here, has been moved to WICG; it can be found at

Questions, suggestions? Please open an issue or send a pull request!

webappsec-permissions-policy's People


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webappsec-permissions-policy's Issues

Support for declaring feature policy in HTML

In the most recent updates to the explainer and spec, there are two ways to set a policy on a document:

  1. Feature-Policy HTTP header
  2. allow* attributes on <iframe> elements

The HTTP header is the only way for a document to declare its own policy (the iframe attributes are, of course, set by the embedding document), and is the only way to override the policy on the top-level document.

Since not every web page author has the ability to control the headers sent with their documents, it would be good to have a way to set the declared policy in HTML.


Support the <meta http-equiv> alternative to HTTP headers in HTML

We can treat <meta> elements as equivalent to HTTP headers, and allow document authors to include them in <head> elements. This has the advantage of being consistent with the Origin Trials mechanism, as well as with other http-equiv meta tags. We have to be careful in this case to not allow the tag to take effect after scripts have had a chance to run, though, as the policy enforced by the document should be effectively immutable, as far as scripts are concerned. Practically, I think this means we need to do one of two things:

  1. Don't allow the policy to have any effect if it appears after <script> or <link> elements, or if inserted via script. This might cause problems in browsers that can run scripts (like Chrome extensions) that aren't included in the <head>, since it may not be possible to include them early enough.

  2. Require that the policy be delivered within the first 1024 bytes of the response, so that user agents can scan for it before starting to parse the document, like <meta charset>. This isn't a scalable solution if other header-ish mechanisms want to adopt it as well; at some point, it's not going to be possible to cram everything into the first kilobyte.

Make the in-document declared feature policy an attribute on the <html> tag

This means that there can be only one such declared policy (which may be a good thing), and forces it to be declared on the very first element in the document. If very large, it might push a <meta charset> declaration out of the first kilobyte, but we might be able to define a shorthand format for such declarations. (If it doesn't look like it's trying to be an HTTP header, then maybe it doesn't need to have the same format)

Other ideas?

I'm certainly open to other ideas here.

Provide example(s) of enabling disabled-by-default feature(s)

The current Examples focus on disabling features. Since many features are disabled by default on nested contexts, there should be a clear example of this. The one example of enabling is somewhat advanced.

The following text from that example seems out of place, as if it was an intro to such an example:

Some features are disabled by default in embedded contexts. The enable policy allows the application to selectively enable such features for whitelisted origins.

Policy to set maximum content size and other constraints

It would be nice to be able to restrict content size of frames with the same API as it would require all of the same mechanisms. But it's not a feature and it requires an argument. So it's a bit of an awkward fit. How about a new "constraint" directive, like so:

Feature-Policy: {"constraint": {"max-content-size": 500000}, "target": [""]}

Other possible constraints include:

  • max time to load a frame or resource before aborting
  • max content size of various resource types
  • max number of requests (again, maybe break down by type)

What is the purpose of being able to specify the target?

What is the purpose of being able to specify the target/origin the policy should apply to?

I mean, the Origin: header is supplied with each request, thus the web server could supply a dynamic Feature-Policy: that correspond to the server owner's wishes.

So for example, take this example:

SecureCorp Inc. is hosting an application on "" and wants to disable WebRTC on its origin but enable it for a whitelisted embedee (""). It can do so by delivering the following HTTP response header to define a feature policy:

SecureCorp Inc. could simply have code like this (pseduocode, but you understand the idea):

if (Request.header('Origin').equals("") && Request.IsSecure) {
Response.header("Feature-Policy") = '{"enable":["webrtc"]}';
Response.header("Feature-Policy") = '{"disable":["webrtc"]}';

I think dumping the "target" feature completely (and encourage web developers to implement it dynamically instead), would actually make the feature more secure, since the server then does not "leak" the security policy for origins unrelated to the request.

More feature policy ideas

I think there is opportunity to use this feature to enforce best practices in web development and disable deprecated/inefficient/superseded features. This could help create a sort of "strict mode for HTML", whereby developers can set a HTTP header to encourage sensible design patterns. The no-docwrite is a good example of this. Here are some other ideas (from

  • force-strict-mode: treat all scripts as if they had "use strict"; at the top, eliminating "sloppy mode" from the whole document
  • no-sync-storage to disable local/session storage (the old synchronous APIs superseded by IndexedDB) - the Chrome Web Store already implements this
  • no-prefixed-features - disable all prefixes, forcing standards-compliant uses only
  • no-nonstandard-features - similar to no prefixes, but to turn off all features not actually in the spec, e.g. window.orientation (replaced by screen.orientation), node.innerText (only exists for compatibility reasons), etc.

Defaults aren't clear to me

In particular for embedded contexts, it's not clear to me if features are enabled or disabled by default.

From the examples:

SecureCorp Inc. wants to disable use of Geolocation API within all browsing contexts whose origin is "". It can do so by delivering the following HTTP response header to define a feature policy:

Feature-Policy: {"disable":["geolocation"], "target":[""]}
The target is a list of one or more origins, which can include the applications origin and any third-party origin.

SecureCorp Inc. is hosting an application on "" and wants to disable WebRTC on its origin but enable it for a whitelisted embedee (""). It can do so by delivering the following HTTP response header to define a feature policy:

Feature-Policy: {"disable":["webrtc"], "target":[""]},
{"enable":["webrtc"], "target":[""]}
Some features are disabled by default in embedded contexts. The enable policy allows the application to selectively enable such features for whitelisted origins.

The first example implies that geolocation is enabled by default in frames. The second implies that it depends on the feature. Maybe this is covered elsewhere in the spec and I just didn't see it?

Allow setting via meta http-equiv

The current spec prevents setting a feature-policy based on the meta tag.

The feature policy needs to be set before the response is processed and before any subresource requests are initiated. Once active the policy also needs to apply for the lifetime of the document and is not allowed to be modified at runtime. Due to these requirements, meta element cannot be used to set the policy.

I think this is unfortunate. There are some feature policies that probably deserve to be used in every new web app by default. For example I think there is a good argument that docwrite, sync-script and sync-xhr should be disabled for all new projects; these features exist mainly for backwards compatibility and are best avoided. In issue 24 I also suggest further potentially universal policies like force-strict-mode, no-sync-storage and no-prefixed-features.

While all professional web developers will have control over their HTTP headers, it's worth remembering the web has a broader audience than professionals. Beginners just starting out, developers working with third-party hosting servers, or even experienced developers just sharing a demo on something like a public Dropbox folder can not enforce any feature policy, because they don't know how or aren't allowed to change HTTP headers.

I think an even better argument is that it prevents templates from setting common-sense feature policies. Templates like the Twitter bootstrap, HTML5 boilerplate and others only provide the HTML files, but have no direct control over the HTTP headers. Also beginner's tutorials that want to recommend this as a kind of "use strict" mode for HTML have to delve in to HTTP configuration, instead of just saying "paste this at the top of every HTML file to turn off bad features". So while a common-sense universal feature policy might disable docwrite, sync-script, sync-xhr and possibly others, this cannot easily propagate through templates or guides. This means more developers end up working with these features enabled (possibly accidentally), reducing the effectiveness of their web apps, and ultimately making it harder for browsers to remove these features.

There are technical reasons to disallow setting the meta tag or dynamically changing it, but I think it would still be acceptable to allow the tag but have some restrictions on it:

  • must be specified before any script or sub-resource references or additional connections (so it can affect them)
  • must occur within the first ~4k of HTML content (like the charset) so the search for the tag is bounded
  • cannot be changed dynamically (meta viewport was like this for a long time in some browsers)

In other words, it has to be one of the first tags in the document (probably next after charset) but this still allows for the "paste-in good practices" uses outlined above.


A policy to force temporary permissions

@noncombatant points out that it doesn't make sense to remember permission granted to sites like jsfiddle, since every path is controlled by a different person. It might make sense for Feature-Policy to let those sites declare this.

Feature-Policy ∪ Permission Delegation ∪ Origin Trials


We recommend that UAs only allow permissions to be granted to embedded applications via explicit delegation from the embedding application.
A permission, generally, is an affordance in the UA to allow, deny, throttle, or otherwise regulate access to a powerful feature that the user, through the UA, may grant to the web origin. Examples of powerful features include [geolocation-API] and the getUserMedia API from [webrtc].
An embedder can delegate permissions it holds to its embedee(s), thus allowing the embedee to use the powerful feature to which the permission grants access. Similarly, an embedder can undelegate (revoke) a permission from an embedee.

The recommendation is to make powerful features mediated by Permissions API (i.e. features that require user permission) disabled by default in nested context's, and require the parent context to explicitly delegate permission to each embedee to (a) enable access to said feature, and (b) pass along the permission held by the embedder to the embedee.

Functional requirement: some features are off by default in nested contexts and the parent context should have a mechanism to selectively enable access to such features.

Enable Policy

The enable policy allows a developer to turn on certain features for a Document or Worker. The policy may be set and communicated via the Feature-Policy HTTP Header Field, or via a declarative API.

Example A: Site A wants to enable Geolocation for all embedees.

200 OK
Feature-Policy: {enable: ["geolocation"], mode: "cascade"}

Example B: Site B wants to enable a "trials" feature for its origin.

200 OK
Feature-Policy: {enable: ["opaque-token"]}

Example C: Site A wants to also enable notifications for particular embedee.
<iframe enable="notifications" src=""></iframe> has access to geolocation (via Example A) and notifications.

Extensions to the iframe element

partial interface HTMLIFrameElement {
  [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMTokenList enable;

The enable attribute, when specified, enables specified features for the embedee running in the iframe. Its value must be an unordered set of unique space-separated tokens that are ASCII case-insensitive, and is processed by the "parse enable response policy from value" algorithm.

Parse enable response policy from value

Note: this would be called from "process response policy" which processes Feature-Policy header, and "process attribute policy".

Given a list of ASCII case-insensitive tokens, this algorithm returns a list of valid enable features... Rough sketch:

  1. Let enable policy be an empty list.
  2. For each item in list:
    • If item is one of valid PermissionName enum values:
      • If item was defined via enable attribute:
        • Set target to iframe element's src attribute value.
      • Otherwise, set target to target mode's value if present, and self if missing.
      • Set mode to enforce.
      • Set report to to null.
    • Otherwise, if the <insert ref to Origin Trials token processing algorithm> algorithm returns "Enabled" when executed upon item and the document's global object:
      • Set target to self.
      • Set mode to enforce.
      • Set report to to null.
    • Otherwise, go to the next item in list.
    • Append tuple to enable policy.
  3. Return enable policy.

There is a bunch more to work through here, but I think the above would, more or less, allow us to merge Permission Delegation and Origin Trials into a single "enable" mechanism?

  • The processing logic for "trials" would live in the Origin Trials spec; we treat it as opaque token.
  • The Permission Delegation spec can drop the mechanism for defining which features are enabled and instead inspect the "Feature Policy List" and define the desired behavior(s).

Relationship with permissions spec

This (feature policy) spec redefined permissions that are defined in the permissions api spec. Could this spec link to the permission api spec instead, so adding permissions (e.g. bluetooth, contacts, whatever we dream of next) doesn't require both specs to be updated?

Should `target` accept a list of origins?

This came up as an idea while talking with @jyasskin...

Doing so would enable much more flexible enable/disable policies. For example:

Feature-Policy: {"disable":["geolocation"], "target":["cascade"]}, 
           {"enable":["geolocation"], target:[""]}

Conceptually, above would disable Geolocation API for everyone except "": the disable policy is applied first and enable whitelists particular origins.

@mikewest curious to hear your thoughts.

Should we support `<meta http-equiv>` mechanism to set the policy?

From current draft:

The policy must be delivered via an HTTP response header field to be processed by the client; the client must ignore any policy set via meta element's http-equiv attribute.

The feature policy needs to be set before the response is processed and before any subresource requests are initiated. Once active the policy also needs to apply for the lifetime of the document and is not allowed to be modified at runtime. Due to these requirements, meta element cannot be used to set the policy.

Origin-Trials folks, on the other hand, support <meta> mechanism and are worried that lack of such adds a barrier to adoption ("I can't emit a header, I host my thing on GitHub Pages, or some such").

Practically speaking, I guess we could support meta, but we'd have to put a bunch of caveats:

  • It must come before any script is executed (is this reasonable to enforce and implement?)
  • Once such policy is applied, it cannot be modified: removal or modifications are noops; script-inserted policies are ignored?

Others? Is this practical and/or reasonable to implement?

/cc @jpchase @clelland @mkruisselbrink @mikewest

How should iframe navigations work?

What should we do in the case where an iframe navigates itself to an origin other than the one it is initialized to?

One case to consider here is, the embedder says enable="geolocation" for an iframe initialized to "" but then the iframe is navigated to "". We don't want geolocation to be enabled.

A potential solution is to ignore enable attributes after a cross-origin navigation has occurred, unless the enable attribute is modified and then the iframe reloaded.

We also need to take care to apply the parent frames header policy correctly when an iframe is navigated to a new origin.

@clelland @mikewest @igrigorik @ojanvafai

Spec "disable: MIDI" enforcement

Current proposal is to decline the permissions requests (requestMIDIAccess):

  • Patch the "algorithm to request MIDI access" to check if MIDI is disabled
    • If disabled, "jump to step labeled failure"... Return DOMException with .name set to "SecurityError".

The WebIDL in section 2.4.1 cookie redefines document.cookie

Title says it all. The following WebIDL redefines document.cookie to be something else than it is now.

partial interface Document {
    attribute USVString cookie;

I don't think that this is what you want to do (as it would wreck havoc), but I'm not sure either what it is you want to do.

Specify handling of IDN / Unicode chars in origins

We should specify how IDN origins are handled, and what we do with unicode in the list of origins in in a policy string.

We could probably go one of two ways on this:

  1. Run all non-ASCII origin components in the policy through normalization and punycode, and use the resulting ASCII serialization when constructing the origin, or
  2. Disallow non-ASCII characters in policy strings, and require developers to do the serialization when constructing the policy.

Mechanisms to "disable" a feature

Page author sets a policy that disables features [a, b, c]. How do we enforce said policy?

  1. We can ignore the call and optionally log a console error
  2. We can throw an exception when:
    • the interface constructor is invoked
    • a particular method and/or getter+setter is called (e.g. document.cookie)
    • some method arguments are rejected (e.g. sync-xhr)
  3. We can force PermissionState to 'denied' and return an error explaining why.. for API's that are mediated by Permission API.
  4. We can "hide" the relevant interfaces.
    • Origin Trials selectively enables certain interfaces at runtime, based on provided tokens. Theoretically, we could leverage similar plumbing to hide interfaces as well?

... any other strategies that are missing from the list above? Additional examples:

Given a mix of use cases that we're trying to prevent, ranging from disabling entire interfaces to rejecting calls based on certain method parameters... I don't think we can settle on a single strategy, but it would be nice to develop some ordered preference list.

  • For example, while Origin Trials selectively enables interfaces. Is that a pattern we should consider (prefer?) for disabling interfaces? Pro: we don't have to patch other specs, we just hide the interface. However, is this practical to implement in all the various UA's?
  • If API access is mediated by Permission API, should we prefer the Permission denied route? We have many existing examples of this. Intuitively, I think it makes sense to developers: the result of a user declining access request is the same, we should trigger same (existing) code paths.

/cc @ojanvafai @esprehn @mikewest

Feature Policy ~v1

A rough sketch of a ~v1 MVP based on recent discussions with various folks:

  • Change "target" to accept list of origins: 62afb25
    • TBD: should we support "self" as an additional keyword?
  • Add "Enable" policy
    • Some features are off by default in embedded contexts, enable policy is used to enable said features. This, in effect, merges Permission Delegation into FP.
    • Some features are only enabled for select origins (e.g. Origin Trials).
    • TODO:
      • Update description & examples to cover enable use case.
      • Define processing algorithm:
        • list of valid features?
        • add processing hook for other specs to evaluate policy tokens (e.g. Origin Trials)
  • Sort out IDL to hide / expose interfaces and methods
    • Where possible the preferred method to "disable" and "enable" a feature or API is to hide and expose the relevant interfaces. We need to figure out how to wire this up.
    • Update existing enforcement algorithms to hide interfaces.

Address addition of new features

The Other and related mechanisms section says, "Feature Policy... provides an extensible mechanism," and the directive definition says, "Future versions of this document may define additional such members and user agents must ignore unknown members when parsing the object." However, there does not appear to be prose about adding new features or how implementations should handle unrecognized features, including those added by new versions of the spec.

It's probably worth addressing backwards compatibility considerations, adding Feature Policy checks to specs early, instructions for adding new features to this document, etc.

Such text may also want to recommend default policies for new features, which I believe would be [self, null] and null.

Error handling while parsing policy strings

We should decide how to handle unrecognized / unparsable input in policy strings.

I feel pretty strongly that we should be ignoring, for the sake of future compatibility, any unrecognized feature names. This way, any implementation can add new features that only they support, and other browsers can ignore them.

Similarly (though less strongly,) if we see an origin that we don't recognize, or doesn't even look like an origin, we should ignore that as well. Currently, we have two non-originy-origins, "self" and "*". I can imagine that in the future, there might be a need for a third one, or that some browsers may recognize as origins strings that other ones don't. In that case, it would be best to ignore them if we encounter them.

On the other hand, some errors might render a whole part of the feature policy string unusable. If we see something like this:

{"cookie": ["*"], "vibrate": [], "geolocation": {"here's something": "that isn't an array"}}

Should we ignore the geolocation policy, but still enforce the cookie and vibrate policies? (I think so, but there might be reasons to just ignore the entire policy at that point)

Spec "disable: webrtc" enforcement

There is a number of different interfaces we need to consider here...

  1. Decline getUserMedia permission request: after, or as part of step 4, check if disable webrtc policy is set. If so, return a promise rejected with a DOMException object...
  2. Patch RTCPeerConnection() constructor to check if disable webrtc policy is set, and throw a... SecurityError?

... any others?

3.2.1 is not a valid example - conflicting with SameSite

In §3.2.1 (cookie) there's an invalid example:

Given the following header:
Feature-Policy: {"disable":["cookie"]}
The following JavaScript code will throw a SecurityError exception:

document.cookie = "a=b;Secure;SameSite";
alert(document.cookie); says:

If "cookie-av"'s "attribute-value" is not a case-sensitive match for "Strict" or "Lax", ignore the "cookie-av".

SameSite is missing an attribute value (Lax or Strict) and therefore will the cookie not be sat (in browsers with support for SameSite that is).

My suggestion is that we should have SameSite in cookie examples but we should add an attribute value, such as Lax.

Add permission-features to feature policy

We should investigate adding the following features to feature policy:
Geolocation (geolocation)
Midi (midi)
Encrypted media extensions (eme)
Microphone and Camera (microphone, camera, speakers)

All of these features currently have failure modes that can occur as the result of the user agent denying permission. The same failure mode can be used if the feature is disabled via feature policy.

We should also investigate changing the default value for these features to be "self" so that they are disabled by default in iframes to protect users from malicious iframes.

Mailing list information needs updating

From front page:

This document was published by the WICG as an Editor's Draft. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (subscribe, archives) with [feature-policy] at the start of your email's subject. All comments are welcome.

That won't work - I assume a specific mailing list was intended, but I don't know which.

eme: Encrypted Media Extensions

I'd like to suggest Encrypted Media Extensions.
My main concern is security / attack surface. The 3rd party plug-ins have to be trusted with parsing and handling user supplied data.
Piece of mind will be asserting that the app, and any of its child scripts, won't be accessing this API at all.

Add information about scope of policy to the Introduction

In the Introduction, the scope of a policy is left completely unclear. It's easy to read it and come to the conclusion that this stuff is about defining policies for the entire browser or browser session, akin to how a .pac file influences proxy policies.

It's clear from the later parts that this is not the intent; the policy is communicated on the response from which a Document object is initialized, and only affects objects within that Document's context (including, I assume, iframes within the Document).

This ought to be clear from the introduction.

Spec "Trials Policy" to expose experimental features to specific origin (Origin Trials)

Implement a framework for exposing experimental features in the browser, but only to specific/registered origins, for limited duration and subject to global usage caps.

In effect, it's the opposite of the "Disable Policy". We should be able to share the same infrastructure, e.g..

Feature-Policy: {"trial":["token1", "token2"]}, {"disable":["webrtc","geolocation"]}

As far as FP is concerned, "trial policy" is a list of opaque tokens: we parse them out and we expose them, but we don't act on them... Other specs can hook in and run their own logic on said policy.

A "trial policy" has the following properties:

  1. mode is always set to enforce
  2. target is always set to self
  3. report-to is always set to null
    • or, we just refactor to avoid 1-3 for trial policies altogether..
  4. is not advertised on subrequests and does not need to be reflected back.

~ish? /cc @mikewest @jpchase

Support for enable/disable attribute on iframes

As a developer I need access to document.cookie on my origin, but I want to disable access for one or more embedded contexts (for whatever reason). Today this is not possible...

Should we allow such use cases?

partial interface HTMLIFrameElement {
  [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMTokenList disable;

Where disable is a list of disable policy values for the embedee...

Understand relationship of OriginPolicy with FeaturePolicy/ContentSecurityPolicy

This is forking the discussion from #16 to focus on the OriginPolicy vs FeaturePolicy side of it.

My mental model on OriginPolicy is a bit different than what @mikewest and @igrigorik were discussing. I was picturing that we'd have FeaturePolicy and ContentSecurityPolicy. OriginPolicy would just be a way to enable either of those at an origin-wide level.

I think it would be really confusing for OriginPolicy to have it's own set of things it can control. How would we decide what makes sense for OriginPolicy vs the others.

Incidentally, the reason FeaturePolicy only allows toggles is because that makes for a simple platform for developers to understand and for browser vendors to implement. The benefits are defeated if we just add another kind of policy that can avoid that. If we were to do that, we may as well just loosen up FeaturePolicy.

ContentSecurityPolicy is a different beast. Where we can it should just control toggles on APIs, but when security is involved, that's not always an option. The benefit of security is such that we're more willing to take on some platform technical complexity. It's hard to make the argument for FeaturePolicy that the benefits are larger than the platform complexity of doing something more nuanced.

Define disable policy for Permissions API?

An idea/request from @jyasskin:

  • Provide a mechanism to disable Permissions API - i.e. no prompts on this origin!
  • Enforcement: don't hide the interface but return all requests as "denied".
    • ... is it possible to extend this to whitelist what prompts are allowed? E.g. disable all prompts except Geolocation?

How vibrate will work with Feature Policy given the user gesture requirement?

Given the interventions of gating vibrate with user gesture, the semantics of using Feature Policy for vibrate might change, eg.,

  • Giving the permission of vibrate from the top-level page to subframe (something like "allow='vibrate'") may not make sense any more since vibrate is currently allowed after user gesture in cross-origin iframes;
  • It might make sense to only disallow vibrate with Feature Policy (something like "disallow='vibrate'");

/cc @ojanvafai @RByers @clelland @raymeskhoury @VicenteDiaz

See the two interventions below for context:

Limit reporting to same-origin?

As a developer I want to enforce policy on my page and all subframes (i.e. "cascade" the policy), and I would also like to receive reports of any violations.

However... Forcing cross-origin embedee to report to the report-to endpoint defined by the embedder is probably a risky proposition - e.g. it could leak sensitive URL's that the embedee may not want to expose.

Q: Should we restrict reporting to same-origin violations only?

  • We can enforce the cascaded policy but skip delivery of cross-origin violation reports.
  • The advertised policy sent to the cross-origin embedee would skip the report-to directives, and that would also allow the embedee to define own reporting group.. i.e. embedee's response can specify a different report-to group associated with their own origin.

Feature proposal: opener

Raised in whatwg/html#2122 (comment), it might be possible to put a noopener policy into FP; rather than insisting that developers annotate every <a> tag. Something like:

{"opener": ["self", ""]}

would make any links in the current page, except those to the whitelisted domains, behave as if the rel=noopener attribute was added.

This may be an abuse of the whitelist; we've only used it for policy propagation, rather than selectively changing behaviour of parts of the current document, but it might be worth discussing.

(Possibly another interesting thing about making this part of FP is that we could apply it to windows created with as well, which isn't possible with an attribute on <a>.)

Delivery section should address new/unrecognized features and directive members says:

When the user agent receives a Feature-Policy header field, it MUST process and enforce the serialized policy as described in 5.1 Integration with HTML.

Related to #44, including the current directive definition text, this section should acknowledge that clients may not recognize all features or directives members and thus may not process or enforce them as the server intends. In other words, while user agents should do the correct thing for their users, there is no mechanism for the server to guarantee that they are being applied. (In a compliant implementation, the feature policy advertised by each fetch could be used to check.)

"The meta element" section should have similar MUST language and acknowledgement.

Clearly define how the policies of embedded documents combine/interact

A top level document can have a policy that it sets which apply to itself and its children. It may have embedded documents (in iframes) that also have policies which they sets. These iframes may themselves embed documents which also have policies. We need to define how these things get composed/cascade down the frame tree.

Emit feature policy on subrequests & validate reflected policy

  1. User requests
  2. Server responds with...
  200 OK
  Content-Type: text/html
  Feature-Policy: {"disable":["sync-script"]}

   <script src=/oops.js> 
   <script src=/app.js async> 
  • The browser will skip executing "oops.js" because it's a blocking script.
  • The browser will initiate a request for "app.js" and advertise the set Feature-Policy...
GET /app.js
Feature-Policy: {"disable":["sync-script"]}
  • The server must (?) reflect back the policy in it's response
    • The policy can be a superset of the requested policy.
    • If the response policy is not reflected, fail (?) the request - i.e. script is not executed, client can abort the request (?).

Beginnings of this logic in

target: "self" doesn't help defend against XSS.

Imagine that a site wants to run relatively loosely-audited code on, but restrict code that uses permissions to The idea is that if gets XSS'ed, none of the site's permissions can be mis-used by the attacker. With the current Feature Policy and Permission Delegation proposals, the site writes this like:
Feature-Policy: {"disable":["geolocation", "midi", "notifications", "push", "webrtc"], "target":"self"}

<iframe src="" permissions="geolocation"></iframe>

And would be careful to validate requests from its embedder to be "safe" in some way.

However, if gets XSS'ed, this doesn't help. The attacker can add a new <iframe src="" permissions="geolocation"></iframe> element to the page, and get full access without a prompt.

I think we need a whitelist of enabled origins in the Feature Policy line, if we want it to help protect against XSSes.

Disable Set-Cookie also + other storage

It would be useful to also disable cookie storage via Set-Cookie headers as well as document.cookie writes, i.e. not just for iframes but for any resource.

Along the same lines it would also be useful to have disable feature directives for localStorage, indexDB etc.

The implications of the default disable/enable policy are unclear

The implications of the default disable/enable policies defined in the Feature sections is unclear. They are set for all features and one can infer the meaning, but I did not see a reference to them in the algorithms or prose. Also, I believe the corresponding table headers should contain the word "Default".

(Updated) Feature Policy v1 explainer

We've been making steady progress on this end on Feature Policy and, as is usually the case, once you start implementing, you discover all kinds of opportunities to clarify and simplify things.

Latest explainer and a couple of highlights below:

You'll notice that the explainer takes a slightly different (whitelist based) approach from the one we were exploring in earlier drafts of this proposal (note: the spec doc is out of date, ignore it for now and refer to the explainer instead). The end result is the same but—I think—much cleaner both conceptually and in terms of implementation.

Speaking of implementation, @clelland and @raymeskhoury have been busy building out a prototype in Chrome and are making great progress - we should have a working demo soon! For the first version we're targeting a small set of features that will be controlled via this mechanism: Vibrate API, getUserMedia, and maybe a few other related permissions based APIs. At a minimum, this would bring coherence into the growing mess of "allowX" iframe attribute proposals, which would already be a nice win for the platform! From there (v2+), we can then reuse the same mechanism to expose control over the long list of other features that folks have been asking for.

Would love to hear any thoughts and feedback!

Outstanding v1 issues:

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