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python-glpi-api's Issues


Hello, Is this project still working on GLPI 9.5.5 ?
I just tried a very simple use case, where:

app_token is taken from Application Token (app_token)

and usertoken is the api_token inside user profile page. ( don't worry, tokens regenerated )

But when I try to run the basic python script below it fails with the following log:

    with glpi_api.connect(url=URL, apptoken=APPTOKEN, auth=USERTOKEN, verify_certs=False) as glpi:

Any ideas here ?

Api is enabled

image method loads only first 20 rows

GLPI API search method loads only first 20 rows, if you not specify more in range parameter. But range param is not implemented, sadly does the search method unusable for now.
Anyway repo is very helpful, thank you! Maybe I'll try to implement it by myself.

Invalid path separator while being run under Windows

The method _set_method(self, *endpoints) generates an invalid path due to os.path routine under Windows (invalid path separator):
def _set_method(self, *endpoints): """Generate the URL from ``endpoints``.""" return os.path.join(self.url, *[str(endpoint) for endpoint in endpoints])
We can get the path as:\search/Computer ... then GLPI reports a 404 error.
It's safer to construct path directly from *endpoints together with UNIX path separator.

Type stubs?


Is it possible to provide type hints for the API functions? Many people (myself included) work with static type checkers like mypy or pylance to make sure up to a point that no arbitrary conversions happen between data that haven't been accounted for.

Thanks in advance!

Create two entities in a row

Hi everyone, i'm trying to create two entities...

I've got :
i want :
Root > A > B

So after initializing my glpi_api session here's my code:

glpi.add("Entity", {'entities_id':'0', 'name':'A'}) glpi.add("Entity", {'entities_id: '1', 'name':'B'})

this code is for example. it works fine creating Entity A But then i got this error on entity B : (ERROR_GLPI_ADD) No permission [...]
I'm with a RECURSIVE super-admin profile.

This post in french is the closest i'm able to identify myself. But i didn't find a change_active_entity in glpi_api python module.

Do you have ideas ?

ERROR_BAD_ARRAY when updating

Hello everyone.

I can't seem to update items no matter what input I give.

    with glpi_api.connect(URL, APPTOKEN, USERTOKEN, verify_certs=False) as glpi:
        print(glpi.update('Computer', [{'id': 108, 'name': "test server1"}]))

        print(glpi.update('Computer', {'id': 108, 'name': "test server1"}))

except glpi_api.GLPIError as err:

I've even tried to create a request myself in which I get 200 OK but no message, nor the item is updated.
`def update_location(self, computer_id, location_id):
print("Updating location for computer id:", computer_id)
#-d '{"input": {"id": 11, "otherserial": "abcde"}}'
json_data = '{"input": {"id": ' + str(computer_id) + ', "locations_id": ' + str(location_id) + '}}'

    response = self.session.put(url=self._update_computer_url(),
    print("Status code:", response.status_code)

    return response

Any help will be appreciated.

TLSv1.3 issue


if target GLPI sits on a webserver where only TLSv1.3 is allowed, you will get errot when calling connect:

[SSLError: ("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO', 'sslv3 alert handshake failure')],)",)](

Apache, which is a web server for the GLPI, is configured (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl.conf in my case:

<VirtualHost xxxxxx:443>
    SSLProxyProtocol    +TLSv1.2
    SSLProtocol             all -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1 -TLSv1.2


Downgrade the server to TLSv1.2 solves the issue temporarily for me.

This is probably caused by either requests library or combination of python, requests, urlib and openssl libs.

Ticket FollowUp

I'm looking for a way to add a ticket follow-up after it is already create.

Are you planning to implement this functionality ?

Wrong version for v0.3.1 still mentions 0.3.0 in 0.3.1 release.

Then (on Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)):

python3 -m venv glpi
./glpi/bin/pip install git+[email protected]
./glpi/bin/pip list | grep glpi-api
glpi-api      0.3.0

Same with the tar ball: pip install

adding add_sub_items and update_sub_items

Hi there

As someone really happy about this package, i would like to hear if it would be possible to implement the following functions:
add_sub_items and update_sub_items

I had the need to have both of these functions in a project where we add entries to the glpi installation from another system.

I changed in my local installation, but i'm not sure if you want to do any of the following:

  • want me to submit a pull-request
  • add to your own codebase?
  • Or if there is any need for this in your lib, i will just move along, and you can ignore this request, or close it :)

I basically copied the get_sub_item function and changed the names:
def add_sub_items(self, itemtype, item_id, sub_itemtype, *items):

And changed the method to either post or put, depending on if it is a update request or create.

I know it is not official on the api documentation from glpi, but it seems to work.

Either way let me know what you think.

Mauvaise adresse IP

Hello, j'ai un petit soucis, lorsque je suis en VPN.
Nous avons autorisé les adresses IP en 10.3.X.X sur l'API de GLPI.

import socket
hostname = socket. gethostname()

Me retourne bien l'IP en 10.3, par contre lorsque je veux m'authentifier, j'ai un message d'erreur :
(ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_IP) Il n'y a aucun client de l'API dans la configuration qui vérifie votre adresse IP (193.X.X.X.X)

193.X.X.X étant l'adresse de mon VPN.
Est il possible de forcer l'utilisation de l'IP de la machine?

Is there a way to create a ticket unassigned ?

When I create a new ticket using:
glpi.add('Ticket' , { 'name': 'TicketName , 'content': 'ticket title'} )

The ticket is created assigned to my user and with the state PROCESSING (Assigned ). Is there a way to make it unassigned and in NEW state ?

Alternative auth with user_token?

Having this code:

    import requests

    init_headers = {
        'User-Agent': 'SOMETHING',
        'Authorization': 'user_token [ API-TOKEN HERE]'

    init_response = requests.get('', headers=init_headers)
    session_token = init_response.json()['session_token']

    post_headers = {
        'User-Agent': 'SOMETHING',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'user_token [ API-TOKEN HERE]',
        'Session-Token': session_token

    # Define the query parameters to get all open tickets
    query_params = {
        'itemtype': 'Ticket',

    data_response = requests.get('https://mydomain.comapirest.php/search/Ticket/', headers=post_headers,


I am able to get the tickets by the API. Is it possible to add the user_token method to the authentication methods?

Update fields from plugin Fields


J'essaie de modifier les valeurs de certains champs de mon "Applicatif" au sein de GLPI via l'api. J'utilise le plugin Fields qui m'a permis d'ajouter des champs particulier au sein de chaque Applicatif.

Lorsque j'utilise cette commande, tout fonctionne bien :
glpi.update('Appliance', {'id' : '1', 'name': 'monnouveaunom})
Si je veux update un champ créé par le plugin Field je n'y arrive pas.
glpi.update('Appliance', {'id' : '1', 'PluginFieldsApplianceobjetapplicatif.monchampfield': 'monnouveauchamp})
En revanche si je ne prends que la fin cela fonctionne :
glpi.update('Appliance', {'id' : '1', 'monchampfield': 'monnouveauchamp})

Ma question est la suivante, le cas précédemment vu concerne le cas ou les champs sont à texte simple...
J'ai un champ que je veux updater mais qui se présente sous la forme d'un DropDown...

Comment suis-je censé l'updater ?
Je veux lui attribuer la modalité "S" du dropdown (qui a pour id 12)
glpi.update('Appliance', {'id' : '1', '': 'S'})

Ne fonctionne pas...
J'ai essayé juste avec "name" mais ca me change l'intitulé de mon Appliance...
J'ai également essayé avec ["12"] ou "["12"]" ou [12] ou "[12] pour les valeurs mais sans succès...

Auriez vous une idée ?
Bien cordialement,

_map_fields removes the itemtype from the fields uid incorrectly

Method _map_fields replaces the fields uid to remove the itemtype from it.

I've one field with uid Ticket.Group_Ticket.Group.completename that gets translated to Group_Group.completename, but should be Group_Ticket.Group.completename

The itemtype should be deleted only from the beginning of the uid

Search Criteria NOT, AND , OR

Hi, I am having problems trying to make a search with multiple criterias.
I have created a ticket using this api and if I do a simple search by name using the following criteria I can get the result as expected:
criteria = [ {'field': 'name' , 'searchtype': 'contains', 'value': "^" + ticketName + "$" }

    "2": 2021070035,
    "1": "serverName - disk failure",
    "80": "ORG",
    "15": "2021-07-14 11:07:41",
    "12": 1,
    "7": null,
    "4": "4785",
    "5": null,
    "19": "2021-07-14 11:07:41"

But I can not find a way to search for tickets with that name and status not '5' ( solved ).
First I tried the following:
criteria = [ {'field': 'name' , 'searchtype': 'contains', 'value': "^" + ticketName + "$" } ,{'field': 'status' , 'searchtype': 'notequals', 'value': "5" } ]
but it returned empty.

Then I tried
criteria = [ {'field': 'name' , 'searchtype': 'contains', 'value': "^" + subject + "$" } , { 'link': 'NOT', 'criteria': [ {'field': 'status' , 'searchtype': 'equals', 'value': "5" } ] } ]
Also empty.

What am I doing wrong ?

Criteria building modifies input dict

>>> criteria = [{"link": "AND", "criteria": [{"field": "", "searchtype": "contains", "value": ""}]}]
>>>"Computer", criteria=criteria)
# returns the expected result
>>> print(criteria)
[{"link": "AND"}]

This is a problem when the input criteria are supposed to be used for another invocation, like when you have children groups in an Ansible GLPI inventory.

I'll open a PR fixing this in a minute.

Nested search criteria

The API supports "search criteria groups" like so:

  - field: name
    searchtype: contains
  - link: AND
      - field:
        searchtype: contains
        value: Debian
      - link: OR
        searchtype: contains
        value: Ubuntu     

The library doesn't, however:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 96, in wrapper
    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "", line 615, in search
    for param in ('criteria', 'metacriteria')
  File "", line 617, in <dictcomp>
    for filter_param, value in c.items()})
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'replace'

Assign a group to a ticket

Hi, thanks again for this awesome project!

This is not really a issue, but more like a help request. I read a lot the glpi documentation and this module's documentation and I already can do lots of things, but there is one "simple" thing that I am not able to do: I can not find a way to assign a group to a ticket.

I have tried: glpi.update('Group_Ticket' , { 'tickets_id': 2021060118, 'groups_id': 16, type: '2' } )

Do you think you could help me with this ?

I found a PHP code that works, but I would lile to use only python for this.
This is the PHP code that works( extracted from this link ):

$url=$api_url . "/Ticket/".$ticket_id."/group_ticket/";
		$ch = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
		$json = curl_exec($ch);
		curl_close ($ch);
		$obj = json_decode($json,true);
		$gp_ticket_id= $obj[0][id]; //Get the ID value
		//And Update it //
		$url=$api_url . "/group_ticket/".$gp_ticket_id."/";
		$input='{ "input": {"id" : "'.$gp_ticket_id.'","groups_id": "'.$group_id.'","type": "2","use_notification": "1"}}';

			$ch = curl_init();
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$input);
				$request_result = curl_exec($ch);
				curl_close ($ch);
				$obj = json_decode($request_result,true);

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