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bugzilla-customisation's Issues

Differentiate Environments at one glance

We have serveral "types" of environments:
1- Prod: the production environment accessible at
2- Main Dev: the Main DEV environment for the BZFE accessible at
3- Local DEV: an environment that a developer can create on a local machine (or on an dedicated AWS instance).
4- Demo Environment (does not exist yet) where we can showcase what unee-t does today with demo cases and demo users.
5- Test Environment (does not exist yet) where we can show and test the newest features that are about to be rolled out with demo cases and demo users.

We need to be able to differentiate these environment in one glance to avoid silly mistakes.

We will do that by creating different color scheme for each of these 5 types of environment.
This will be done by:
1- creating a slightly different version of the skin for each of the environment
2- assign this skin (initially manually in the BZ back end and then automatically as we deploy the environment) to the correct environment.

This issue track our progresses to achieve that.

How about some demo cases?

[hendry@t480s tmp]$  curl -s | zgrep -A5 'Data for the table `bugs`'
/*Data for the table `bugs` */

/*Table structure for table `bugs_activity` */

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bugs_activity`;

[hendry@t480s tmp]$

Variables that are environment specific - API key for the Meteor users (ex: Administrator)

The MEFE needs to communicate with the BZFE.
In order to do this, we use the BZ API mechanism.

Each user for each environment needs to have an API key that is properly configured in the MEFE and the BZFE to make sure that the 2 system can communicate.

The first user that we need to worry about it the Admin user (user id 1 in the BZFE).

As of today, the API key for each users are recorded in the table 'user_api_key' in the BZ installation.

We need to make sure that each time we deploy in a new environment (demo, dev, prod, etc...) the correct API is used for the relevant user.

This issue tracks how we will do that.

The current SQL primer in the Docker container only creates 1 admin user.
This is not a problem for now as we know that we need to run a specific SQL script to create demo users for each environment. The script to create demo user is currently available in
We DO NOT want to store the Administrator API key there for any sensitive (i.e non local) environment as this is a public repo.
The only API key that should be visible there is the generic API key that a dev will use in a "local" installation.

Missing test users in demo.sql.gz

Previous prime has other usernames to test as documented upon:

Now there only seems to be a [email protected] account?

If you want just one Administrator to begin with, can you perhaps document how to create users?

Idea of the demo.sql.gz in my mind is to be able to quickly search for bugs, login as a user, ensure permissions are correct. Starting from a blank slate with just an administrator account would be inconvenient and time waste from a testing POV!

Feat - Links in the BZ email point to the BZFE - Should point to the MEFE

When the BZ back end sends an email to a user notifying of a change in a case, the URL is the URL for the dashboard.

It should be the URL for the MEFE instead.

We need to customize the BZ email so that the URL is the URL for the MEFE and NOT the url for the BZFE.

Limit: in order for the URL to work, the user would have to be logged in to the MEFE as himself.
This is NOT a magic link!

This is acceptable in the MVP.

Query Performance issue

After adding bug group and also attach_data the performances of Unee-T becomes agonizingly slow to the point where we are hitting timeout errors in the BZFE.

We need to address this.
One solution is to add more indexes in the database to speed up some key queries.

This issue tracks our progresses to remove that performance bottleneck and make sure perfs are acceptable with a large number of cases, users and unit.

Feature - Capability to send magic link more than once

Feature request for the bridge BZFE/MEFE
Once a user has been invited to a claim via a "magic link" it should be possible to send the same link again.

The scenario is:

  • We need an input from a user is a role (the occupant needs to give his/her availability so we can enter the unit).
  • Invitation is sent once.
  • After a certain period of time (ex: 1 week) still no reply from the occupant.
  • We send a reminder to the occupant so that we can get the information we need.
    This reminded should also include the magic link.

This should not be a problem IMO as the BZFE will automatically send emails to all the people in CC on the case each time the case is changed...

Alter default configuration of the BZFE - 'Closed' Statuses

In order to avoid API errors in the MEFE we need to temporarily change the default configuration of the BZ installation.

This has been done via the BZ back end interface for the DEV, DEMO and PROD environments.
We need to make sure that the docker script uses the same parameters too.

These parameters are in the respective parameters files located here.

Values should be:

  • line 27: "commentonchange_resolution" : "0",
  • line 28: "commentonduplicate" : "0",
  • line 63: "noresolveonopenblockers" : "0",

InnoDB error on "make up" (Windows 10)

db_1 | 2018-04-09 1:12:02 140000618817408 [ERROR] InnoDB: The Auto-extending innodb_system data file './ibdata1' is of a different size 0 pages than specified in the .cnf file: initial 768 pages, max 0 (relevant if non-zero) pages! db_1 | 2018-04-09 1:12:02 140000618817408 [ERROR] InnoDB: Plugin initialization aborted with error Generic error db_1 | 2018-04-09 1:12:02 140000618817408 [Note] InnoDB: Starting shutdown... db_1 | 2018-04-09 1:12:03 140000618817408 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error. db_1 | 2018-04-09 1:12:03 140000618817408 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed. db_1 | 2018-04-09 1:12:03 140000618817408 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled. db_1 | 2018-04-09 1:12:03 140000618817408 [ERROR] Could not open mysql.plugin table. Some plugins may be not loaded db_1 | 2018-04-09 1:12:03 140000618817408 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB db_1 | 2018-04-09 1:12:03 140000618817408 [ERROR] Aborting db_1 | bugzillacustomisation_db_1 exited with code 1

I'm getting this error when trying to get bugzilla running on Windows 10. Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Move aws-env* to parameter store

Idea is that if AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY is correctly set, with the right permissions/role whatever, all the keys values will be set via aws ssm get-parameter.

Search queries not working on clustered environments

In the BZFE when we try to use a pre-configured search like this one (on the bottom of the BZEFE

Another example of a pre-saved query generates the following link:

This is incorrect as the query should be

The source of the issue is that the '%' seems to be escaped twice and converted into '%25'.

The issue only happened in a clustered AWS environment and does NOT happen on a standard AWS EC2 installation.

Replace drop down to select assignee or CC

Now that we have a lot of users displayed it is impractical to choose assignee and CC with a drop down.

We need to switch the parameter 'usemenuforusers' to OFF to have a text entry field instead

Deadline field is not visible on the newly created units

We have one field 'Deadline' in the list of available fields for a case.
This field is part of the 'timetracking' family of fields and is made visible to user who are member of the timetracking group.

The issue:
In case 12345, the 'Deadline' field is visible for a user that is a member of the group 'syst_see_timetracking' (the time tracking group)

In case 61885, the 'Deadline' field is NOT visible for a user that is a member of the group 'syst_see_timetracking' (the time tracking group)

even though other time tracking information are visible on the case

We need to understand why this happens so that the 'Deadline' field is available to users that are member of the group 'syst_see_timetracking' (the time tracking group)

The only apparent difference between the 2 cases is that they are for different units...

@kaihendry do you want to have a crack at this one?

MEFE ids are not int - need to change this to varchar

We want to capture the MEFE id of the objects that we use to alter the BZ database (ex: when we process an invitation for a new user).

The MEFE ids are NOT integers.
We need to alter the BZ tables that record the MEFE ids of these object to be able to accept the MEFE ids.

Params for local installation are not correct

in the folder there are 2 params.json files:

  • dev-params.json
  • prod-params.json

1 is missing:

  • local-params.json
    This should set all the parameters that are needed for a local environment except the values that are specific to the local installation:
  • urlbase
  • maintainer
  • email parameters

@kaihendry can you let me know what should be done so we can deploy a local installation with all the other parameters which are not installation dependent correctly configured?

Debug 502/503 errors on (production 1924-5899-3663)

Related performance issue unee-t/bugzilla#8 does suggest there is an issue.

Request time outs

Can't see the same behaviour on staging 8126-4485-3088. So this is going to be fun.

There are no clues in the bugzilla logs.;streamFilter=typeLogStreamPrefix

On Mozilla IRC, #bugzilla advised for tracing:

22:55 <@dylan> hendry: if you want to do some profiling -- after you've got mod_perl turned on, you can copy:
22:55 <@dylan> this will produce nytprofile files in the data/ directory
22:56 <@dylan> you can turn them into pretty readable reports with nytprofhtml command. you'll need the package Devel::NYTProf for that however.

MEFE not accessible on a local installation

After 538e8ab the MEFE does not seem to be accessible any more.

What I've done:

  • Create a new ECS machine
  • clone the bugzilla-customisation repo
  • build the application (make up)


  • go to the BZFE: [IP address]:8081 -> BZFE is accessible
  • go to to MEFE: [IP address]:8080.
    • Expected result: MEFE is accessible
    • Actual result: Unable to connect.

This can be seen at

@kaihendry any idea why this is happening?

Timetracking information not accessible in prod anymore

We have a weird issue in the prod environment:
Timetracking information are not accessible for users even though they are granted membership to the group that allow visibility and editing of the timetracking information.

This is true for user Nast or Franck for example.

It seems that the group membership is ignored by BZ.

A problem that might be related to that is that admin user are not able to impersonate another user in the LIVE anymore.

This problem does NOT happen in the dev/staging environment.

We need to understand what are the differences between both environments to pinpoint the root cause of the issue.

This documents our investigations.

Enable Mixpanel to Capture metrics and relevant data

We'd like to use Mixpanel to display dashboard and relevant data so we can monitor and improve Unee-T

This issue captures our progress to acheive that.

A new parameter 'MIXPANEL_SNIPPET' has been created in the AWS parameter store for the PROD envo to record the Mixpanel JS snippet for this environment.

Application timeout issue due to slow DB queries

BG: &

mysqldump -h -P 3306 -u root --password=$(aws --profile lmb-dev ssm get-parameters --names MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --with-decryption --query Parameters[0].Value --output text) --ignore-table=bugzilla.attach_data bugzilla  > dev.sql

is ~330M. Full DB with attachments is 17GB: #21 (comment)

Currently RDS configurations between dev and prod are different.

BZ default configuration should use UTC

To minimize the risk of time zone issue, the installation should use UTC as the default timezone.

In the BZ back-end, this is done as administrator by going to /editsettings.cgi and change the parameter 'Timezone used to display dates and times ' to UTC.

We need to alter the default parameters when we build Unee-T to reflect that.

Create a persistent Demo Environment

I order to let user experience Unee-T in a controlled/stable environment we need to have a demo environment up and running.

The existing solution (docker image on a specific EC2 instance) sorta work but is not optimal for several reasons, 1 of these reasons is that each time a new master is released, the Mongo DB is nuked and this creates a few extra steps.

Ideally, we'll need to have the demo environment setup similar to the prod (using demo specific environment variable and auto update each time a new tag is created in the master)?

It does NOT need to be on a cluster though, a standard EC2 instance should work fine.

PROCEDURE bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_by_environment does not exist

When developing locally, demo.sql.gz seems to be missing some schema. Therefore fails to run and fails to invoke an invitation.

by_environment does not exist * nFKobGdSNewju7DP7 Error 1305: PROCEDURE bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_by_environment does not exist * QxdJo7oebbACkqhRm Err
or 1305: PROCEDURE bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_by_environment does not exist * p43fdzfRG2PsD3KhK Error 1305: PROCEDURE bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_
by_environment does not exist * xSnMusxGBE67XnDFT Error 1305: PROCEDURE bugzilla.table...]
I20180614-13:51:51.665(8)?   response:
I20180614-13:51:51.668(8)?    { statusCode: 500,
I20180614-13:51:51.669(8)?      content: '6 errors occurred:\n\n* HjBiNS9Ravjs9w7TH Error 1305: PROCEDURE bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_by_environment does
 not exist\n* nFKobGdSNewju7DP7 Error 1305: PROCEDURE bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_by_environment does not exist\n* QxdJo7oebbACkqhRm Error 1305: PROCEDUR
E bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_by_environment does not exist\n* p43fdzfRG2PsD3KhK Error 1305: PROCEDURE bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_by_environment d
oes not exist\n* xSnMusxGBE67XnDFT Error 1305: PROCEDURE bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_by_environment does not exist\n* BedKAbRt5osMYxawY Error 1305: PROCE
DURE bugzilla.table_to_list_dummy_user_by_environment does not exist\n',
I20180614-13:51:51.672(8)?      headers:
I20180614-13:51:51.673(8)?       { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
I20180614-13:51:51.674(8)?         'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
I20180614-13:51:51.675(8)?         'x-robots-tag': 'none',
I20180614-13:51:51.676(8)?         date: 'Thu, 14 Jun 2018 05:51:51 GMT',
I20180614-13:51:51.677(8)?         'content-length': '656',
I20180614-13:51:51.678(8)?         connection: 'close' },
I20180614-13:51:51.679(8)?      data: null } }

Apache2::SizeLimit httpd process too big

This has something to do with

[Mon Jun 18 06:42:51 2018] (9129) Apache2::SizeLimit httpd process too big, exiting at SIZE=417048 KB SHARE=9544 KB UNSHARED=407504 REQUESTS=82 LIFETIME=1188 s
[Mon Jun 18 06:43:03 2018] (9130) Apache2::SizeLimit httpd process too big, exiting at SIZE=419272 KB SHARE=9644 KB UNSHARED=409628 REQUESTS=72 LIFETIME=1011 s
[Mon Jun 18 06:45:11 2018] (9122) Apache2::SizeLimit httpd process too big, exiting at SIZE=424428 KB SHARE=9504 KB UNSHARED=414924 REQUESTS=192 LIFETIME=2485
[Mon Jun 18 06:45:18 2018] (9124) Apache2::SizeLimit httpd process too big, exiting at SIZE=411324 KB SHARE=9564 KB UNSHARED=401760 REQUESTS=188 LIFETIME=2456
[Mon Jun 18 06:53:00 2018] (9134) Apache2::SizeLimit httpd process too big, exiting at SIZE=440412 KB SHARE=9564 KB UNSHARED=430848 REQUESTS=89 LIFETIME=1017 s
[Mon Jun 18 06:54:38 2018] (9155) Apache2::SizeLimit httpd process too big, exiting at SIZE=410844 KB SHARE=9544 KB UNSHARED=401300 REQUESTS=62 LIFETIME=689 se
[Mon Jun 18 06:56:08 2018] (9133) Apache2::SizeLimit httpd process too big, exiting at SIZE=423492 KB SHARE=9564 KB UNSHARED=413928 REQUESTS=102 LIFETIME=1229
[Mon Jun 18 07:12:15 2018] (9157) Apache2::SizeLimit httpd process too big, exiting at SIZE=412612 KB SHARE=9564 KB UNSHARED=403048 REQUESTS=139 LIFETIME=1606

I'm going to assume the 400MB limit is being exceeded and needs to be tweaked to be a bit higher.

Document administrator user/pass

If something goes wrong with Bugzilla, I don't have access to the administrator user name or pass word to debug settings. I could go straight into the database, but it's easier to look at /admin.cgi in light of the params.json.



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