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About TypeRocket

TypeRocket is a WordPress framework that beautifully joins refined UI elements and modern programming architecture together, creating a cohesive developer experience. By bringing TypeRocket into your workflow you can save countless hours of development and painlessly craft WordPress applications with:

  • View and logic separation in your theme templates.
  • Beautiful form UI creation with 29+ custom field types and flexible data binding.
  • Fluent post type, meta box, taxonomy and admin page registration.
  • Powerful ORM with eager loading and deep WordPress integration.
  • Component based page builder that you control.
  • Policy, capability, and role management.
  • WP Cron powered jobs and queue system.
  • Laravel inspired routing and controllers.
  • Modern dependency injection container.
  • Symfony based CLI called Galaxy.

TypeRocket is a sleek, powerful, and modernizes WordPress.

Getting Started

TypeRocket v6 Antennae is well documented, and we have many video tutorials and written articles to help you get started. TypeRocket is easy to install via composer project or as a WordPress plugin.

Pro Version

TypeRocket Pro is a paid upgrade to TypeRocket v6 Antennae. To learn more about TypeRocket Pro see our comparison chart.


TypeRocket is open-sourced software licenced under the GNU General Public License 3.0.

typerocket's People


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typerocket's Issues

Error on theme options

I'm using WP 4.2.4 along with newest TypeRocket inside my theme. From the dashboard, i was testing to save simple data on Theme Options but got this error: Your request had an error. 404 - Not Found

Then i looked into browser console and got this error: PUT 404 (Not Found)

FYI, the theme's debug config is set to be true. And there is Notice: Undefined index: theme-options in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 30

Is this error from my theme side? or TypeRockets?


having metaboxes on template pages

could you tell me how to add a metabox only to certain pages
for ex the front page, or certain template pages
basically how to set all the options to display them like on acf

Multiselect doesn't work

I pass the attribute to select type but it only save the one value(option), I even tried to use "Search" type but both store a single value. Please guide me how to make it work.

Removing editor on pages from a custom field

i need to remove the editor from pages which have a checkbox cf checked

add_action( 'wp', function(){
		remove_post_type_support( 'page', 'editor' );
}, 99 );

Doesn't work
Typerocket is inside a plugin, and this is inside my child theme
if i write this in the plugin even without conditions it doesn't work

in the theme i have var_dump the cf, and it's null, the cf works, as it also add a body class to the page, and that works...
i think it's perhaps a question of hooks order, but i don't find the solution

Error when registering post types on TypeRocket v3

Hi Kevin,

This was never happen on previous version. Because of the powerful & featureful of v3, i decided to use v3.

First, i put TypeRocket into mu-plugins directory. The error appeared. Then i replace it into theme directory as suggested on documentation. The error still appeared. Here is the error message:

Fatal error: Call to a member function add_rewrite_tag() on a non-object in /nas/content/live/questarcadis/wp-includes/rewrite.php on line 172

Is it because im using the API too early? I tried to use hook init and wp, but still error.

Internationalisation - will gettext wraps work?

In standard WP way of registering strings for post types, we wrap them in gettext calls like _('Some Name') and it powers localisation of theme or plugin, making PO and MO production possible.

Will this work in TypeRocket?

Can't get tr_users_field('fieldname') value


I just created custom field on user profile's setting. It shows on that setting page. But, when i want to use it on the theme, it returned nothing with this format $value = tr_users_field('[fieldname]');. The Typerocket version is 2.0.13



are all updates important to be done (is there security ones for ex) ?
because if i use typerocket to build a commercial theme or plugin, i will do the updates, but if i use it for a client website that i sill not maintain after, then the updates will not be done....

Questions on tr_tables() function and Tab

Hi, I have some questions about tr_tables() function:

  1. How can I include Bulk Action select option to tr_tables() like WP table?
  2. How do I include Checkbox as the first column that will work with Bulk Action like WP table?
  3. How do I display data from multiple database tables using model in the tr_tables()?
  4. How do I make a tab selected by default as the page loads and not the first tab?

Thanks in advance.

Pages listing shows the error

I have enabled builder plugin and when I visit the pages listing it shows the error typerocket\vendor\typerocket\core\src\Core\Launcher.php on line 216 while the builder doesn't work too when add/edit page. Can you please have a look at this issue.

Possibility to add custom fields & option fields via Dashboard

Hey, TypeRocket has very clean & clear interfaces and API. Maybe better than the current ACF Pro in skin side.

In the future, is there any possibility to add custom fields & option fields via Dashboard like ACF do? Think it doesn't have to be as feature-rich as ACF Pro. Since it is "Pro". TypeRocket in future could be "TypeRocket Pro" too. But is it good idea to have those (adding fields via dashboard) ability?


is typerocket compatible with something like multilingualpress : ?
lastly i add a project where the client was exiging multilingual press, and i realize after chatting with the plugin support that i cannot use ACF or carbon fields, as they have a way to register the fields in the db that make it not compatible (they told me that there was the risk that the field in one language overwite the others etc..)
so i add to use cmb2 as it is cleaner and register the fields in the wordpress way, which is nice but lacking of features like flexible content which i was using a lot.

Is it also compatible with other multilanguage plugins like wpml and polylang ?
Thanks !

How to install TypeRocket with Docker?

This is a question. I can figure out how to install wordpress and work on some theme or plugin development with Docker. But I can't figure out how can I install TypeRocket in Docker workflow.
Should I use Composer image? But how will I link that to my wordpress working project directory in TypeRocket case?

Theme option's textarea strips the html content

I use textarea on theme option page to embed googlemap code (iframe code). When I save it, then reload, the data is lost.

This only happens when the content is HTML, not text.
Is it possible to skip the filter?


Theme Options

I'm trying to set theme options and i'm a bit lost
i followed the instructions from the doc (but from inside a plugin), and this is what happens
first if i copy the admin file, i don't know how but even if i don't call the file the code is running.
then if i let it as it is i have a first error :
so i put a name instead of $this-> getName()
then new error that seems to be due to the open and close
so if i remove them (but then the save doesn't work...i don't know if there is more doc on how to use the submit / save field, i'm a bit lost with that too)
Then they appear in the options, but very messed up :

Other questions:
-how can i have the options page in another place, for ex directly in the back office menu, or as i am using the genesis framework, inside the theme settings of genesis.

-How work the submit / save field ?

-Checkboxes, i tried to have default false but it doesn't work, the box stayed checked
echo $form->checkbox('Company Open')->setText('Company open for business')->setLabel(false)->setSetting('default', false);

Notice on meta box generation

Hi, i found this Notice when WP_DEBUG is true:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/divrenco/public_html/tobalai/wp-content/themes/tobalai/blackbox/frameworks/typerocket/src/MetaBox.php on line 124

So functions.php require THEME_DIR . 'blackbox/wrapper.php'; and inside wrapper.php:

// TR_FOLDER is correct
require THEME_DIR . 'blackbox/frameworks/typerocket/init.php';

// a class to generate post type & metabox
require THEME_DIR . 'blackbox/wp/Typerocket.php';

the code of post type and metabox is also standard (this is wrapped inside a class):

 * Register Post Type
$produk = tr_post_type('Product', 'Products')
->setArgument('supports', array('title', 'editor'))
->setTitlePlaceholder('Enter the title here');

 * Meta Box: Product Image
tr_meta_box('Product Image')
->setCallback(function () {
    $form = tr_form();
    echo $form->image('product image')->setLabel('Upload image about 500 x 600 pixels');

When the meta box generation block is deleted, the notice was gone. May i know, how to solve that issue Kevin?

Thanks a lot,

Field Dependancy

Really clean and awesome work, you have covered all areas like Laravel. One thing I can't see in the application is field dependency. If it exists in the app then how can I use it ( may be missing the docs ) or if its not in the app then do you have plan to add it. Really appreciate your response.

having fields from builder module in reusable variables

I am doing a builder and i will reuse certain fields in most of modules
for example class.
so i wanted to have a file that i include in the component file where i assign these fields to a variable in order to reuse them .
But it seems that this variables take the same value, when of course each module will have a different class for ex.
how can i accomplish that ?

TypeRocket causes error when using wp_insert_user function in a non-logged in state

Hi Kevin!

Very happy to use the newest version ๐Ÿ‘ . I found something weird. When using wp_insert_user on a not-logged in state, i get one of these:

  1. 500 Internal Server Error with message No Message Set
  2. 401 Unathorized with message same as above

I was confused about what causes the error. Trying to switch theme to default, de-activate plugin/ components. Then i know, it's caused by TypeRocket. Please don't get me wrong, i love this plugin.

I installed TypeRocket on mu-plugins directory. Then move it into theme directory, and error is still happened. I'm still confused about this. What script should be adjusted in TypeRocket?

Thank you very much & regards,

Escaping fields

Should i use the usual escaping functions esc_url etc... or the sanitize data function of typerocket and in this case how ?

When should i use the fillable fields, i didn't get very well this part...

Proper way to use register_activation_hook in TypeRocket

I've just started experimenting with TypeRocket for plugin development after I stumbled on it while search for wordpress plugin development framework and I was blown away by the cool features in the framework: MVC, routing, form, cpt, etc.
But it seems to me that TypeRocket team promote it mainly for theme development and there are no much resources on the internet yet on getting started with TypeRocket other than the official website which has been helpful to me. At first I is used for theme dev only till i saw this issue.

In the plugin am working on I want to create some custom database tables on plugin activation, outside TypeRocket I know how to do that but what is the best approach to do it with TypeRocket?

Thanks in advance.

Use Typerocket as plugin

Hi Kevin,
I have not tried it. Can we use Typerocket as a plugin? I didn't find it on documentation/tutorial.


Error when adding comment on a post

Hi Kevin,

When i added comment on a post, the page became blank because of fatal error (although the comment was succesfuly inserted to db). This also happened on fresh WordPress installation with TypeRocket installed inside theme:
Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /nas/content/live/questarcadis/wp-content/mu-plugins/internal/libraries/typerocket/vendor/typerocket/core/src/Controllers/WPCommentController.php on line 21

But, because my TypeRocket installation is on mu-plugins, it also produces additional notice
Notice: Undefined variable: modelClass in /nas/content/live/questarcadis/wp-content/mu-plugins/internal/libraries/typerocket/vendor/typerocket/core/src/Controllers/WPCommentController.php on line 21

Hmm I have no idea to fix this now. I think we need a patch.

Thank you Kevin,

admin css

i just discovered typerocket and i love it, i am planning to build premium themes, and having typerocket in a core plugin, it's great because i was searching for a solution to build my custom fields without depending on an external plugin like acf etc...
i was testing everything, but my backoffice custom fields appear with no css (and effectively looking at the files the sass and css files are empty)
also for ex the insert image doesn't work...
the icons doesn't work neither for me, even the dev item appear with missing icon
and the debug messages doesn't appear
i have followed the install instructions...did i miss something

Thanks in advance !

Issue with creating custom field

I was trying to create custom field as you mentioned Here and getting it $form->number('myfield'); but it gives error undefined method TypeRocket\Elements\Form::number() , Please let me know if I am doing wrong. The directory structure of new field is

  • myplugin
    • typerocket
      • app
        • Fields
          • Number.php

Title Tag dont change

Hi when i use a "title Seo" dont change in the page.

In wordpress documentation said that
add_filter( 'wp_title', [$this, 'title'], 1, 3 );
"wp_title" is deprecated

If i change : now its working. In this file -> typerocket\plugins\seo\init.php
add_filter( 'pre_get_document_title', [$this, 'title'], 9999999999, 3 );

Displaying custom database table data using tr_tables() function


I want to display my custom database table data using tr_tables() function but I can't get it working.

Database table name: wp_amln_stage

Here is my model:

namespace App\Models;
use \TypeRocket\Models\Model;
class Stage extends Model
protected $resource = 'amln_stage';

Used Like this:

$table = tr_tables(25, \App\Models\Stage::class);
$table->setColumns('name', [
'name' => [
'sort' => true,
'label' => 'Name',
'actions' => ['edit', 'view', 'delete']
'id' => [
'sort' => true,
'label' => 'ID'

but the data is not displaying. Please what should I do? am using TypeRocket as plugin.

SubTabs in left

I was looking an option to have sub tabs in left as WordPress has admin menus in left. Its necessary in theme options for. Also it would be good if I can add tab icon as well. Appreciate your help

Making tabs translatable

How can i write the translation functions in tabs
for ex here

tr_tabs()->addTab ('Content', $content)
         ->addTab( 'Settings', $settings )->render();

i need to make translatable content and settings, for fields i use setLabel for that, but here it doesn't work

Also i'm making a builder and i need to have the strings of the title translatable, but if i write it like that <h1><?php _e( 'Content Component', PLUGIN_NAME ); ?></h1> it messed up everything

Issues with Tab and Admin Menu Icon


I created admin page tr_page() function, added it to the admin and specified an icon but the icon did not show. Even TypeRocket Dev plugin icon is not showing as well.

Secondly, I created tabs with tr_tabs() function in my options page but it seem like the tab is not being format with CSS on rendering. When I use $tabs->render( 'box' ); it displays well but I want to use tabs that appears at the top not the ones that appears by the side.

Please any help in correcting this is appreciated.

How to remove the toggle editor from the the builder plugin

I am using the builder, but i have deleted the standard editor, so i don't want the toggle anymore.
Also i would like to know how i can have the builder to other cpt
of course i can build a new builder, but as this one is here i have used it

Contract repeater by default

Is there a way to have repeater fields contracted by default
and also is there a way to have different width to the fields (in back office) or this is to do by css ?

Can't make pagebuilder Work

Hi, i can't seem to make the page builder work.

I can see the switch to switch between Builder & Standard Editor.

I also have the button for "Add new" with the dropdown of component (i can see new ones that i added, in the dropdown).

But when i click on the "content component" in the dropdown, it doesn't do anything.

Any idea ?

Editor options

i really like the editor from typerocket (more than the wp one), but there is no media button
it seems to be there are there is image in the default settings, but it's not there
also i don't understand how to implement the options

TypeRocket.redactorSettings = {
    buttons: ['formatting','bold','italic']

i want to use shortcake ui inside the editor : and it works with the media button.
it works if i add the wpEditor , and why is it bad to use the wpEditor in the builder ?

Failed to save data on theme options

Hi, thank you very much for the responses on the permalink issue.

Following the updated documentation, the previous problem has been solved. But I got a flash message: "Invalid CSRF Token", when I save the data. Of course, the data is not stored.

There is no message in the browser console. How do you solve this?


Front-end form processing in TypeRocket

I want to submit a form I created through shortcode and embedded in a page to TypeRocket controller through custom route but am getting this error message:

Sorry, you don't have enough rights.

I did not use TypeRocket tr_form() function to create the form but complied to TypeRocket fields naming convention like: tr[first_name], tr[last_name], tr[phone_no] etc.

Please why am I getting the error message above?
Is there any configuration I need to do with Kernel or Middleware? If yes, how do I go about that?

Note: the user don't have to login before submitting the form because it is a custom registration form with extra fields more than default WP registration form.

Thanks in advance.

How to display builder and matrix fields ?

i'm exploring the builder and matrix fields.
i understand how to register the fields, and the front end, but i don't understand how to display them.
For ex the example builder, if i write something in it, it doesn't appear.
I use typerocket from a plugin, nor from the theme, perhaps that's the reason.

But even if i was using it in a theme, i want my components to display in certain places, for ex certain components need to be displayed only after the header (a top slider for ex) , and before the content.
and others at the bottom after the #content, i work with genesis, so i make all the work trough hooks
here the front end component is built in typerocket, but i don't find where i can choose to display it.

Also i would like to write the front end code inside my theme when typerocket is inside a plugin, i know i have to change the route in config/paths and then in visuals but what do i need to put ?
get_stylesheet_directory_uri() instead of TR_PATH ( i work on child themes)

Thanks !

Displaying repeater fields

i am doing a repeater field for a slider, but it doesn't display as i want

   	<!-- Additional required wrapper -->
   	<div class="swiper-wrapper">
   		<!-- Slides -->
   		<?php $slides = tr_posts_field('slides');?>
   		<?php foreach ($slides as $slide){?>
   		<?php $img_id = $slide['slide_image'];?>

   		<div class="swiper-slide" style="background-image:url(<?php  wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id)  ?>)">

   			<div class="uk-container uk-overlay uk-position-bottom">
   				<div class="slider-text">
   					<?php echo $slide['slide_text']; ?>
   				<div class="spacer"></div>
   				<div class="slider-subtext">
   					<?php echo $slide['slide_subtext']; ?>
   	<!-- If we need pagination -->
   	<div class="swiper-pagination"></div>

   	<?php }?>

and it seems that all the slides are in one slide (when i dump the slide i have several slides inside)

Removing archive from cpt

i need to remove the archive from cpt,
so i have written that

$story = tr_post_type( 'Story', 'Stories' );
$story->setId( 'stories' );
$story->setIcon( 'newspaper-o' );
$story->setArgument( 'supports', [ 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail' ] );
$story->setArgument( 'has_archive', false );

but it doesn't work

Conditional fields

Is it possible to make a field conditional ?
for if field 1 is checked, then display field 2

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