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nmt's Issues

Hello @tuzhaopeng ,

In file you named a variable dim which is equal to 1000. Is this the dimension of the word vectors or the hidden layer size?

And also could you please tell me what are the meaning/usages of these variables ; could not manage to find their meaning :



SyntaxError: invalid syntax

File "/home/jimmy/Desktop/Attention-Coverage/NMT/", line 496
def run_pipeline(self, state_below, mask_below, init_context=None, c=None, c_mask=None)

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

you forgot ":" sign after define function

numpy.dtype has the wrong size

I've got the following error after running experiment/nmt/

2017-01-22 22:15:55,327: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Create input variables
2017-01-22 22:15:55,335: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Create encoder
2017-01-22 22:15:55,335: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_embedding_layers
2017-01-22 22:15:59,077: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_transition_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:05,818: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_inter_level_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:05,821: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_representation_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:06,360: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Build encoding computation graph
2017-01-22 22:16:06,603: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Create backward encoder
2017-01-22 22:16:06,603: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_embedding_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:09,537: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_transition_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:15,764: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_inter_level_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:15,764: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_representation_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:16,270: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Build backward encoding computation graph
2017-01-22 22:16:16,293: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Create decoder
2017-01-22 22:16:16,293: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_embedding_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:19,108: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_transition_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:19,108: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: RecurrentLayerWithSearch is used
2017-01-22 22:16:26,440: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_inter_level_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:26,440: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_initialization_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:26,685: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_decoding_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:28,107: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_readout_layers
2017-01-22 22:16:31,290: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Build log-likelihood computation graph
2017-01-22 22:16:31,458: groundhog.layers.cost_layers: DEBUG: Get grads
2017-01-22 22:16:34,369: groundhog.layers.cost_layers: DEBUG: Got grads
2017-01-22 22:16:34,369: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Build sampling computation graph
2017-01-22 22:16:35,146: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Create auxiliary variables
2017-01-22 22:16:35,147: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Compile sampler
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/nethome/yzhang3151/project/NMT/experiments/nmt/", line 100, in
File "/nethome/yzhang3151/project/NMT/experiments/nmt/", line 82, in main
lm_model = enc_dec.create_lm_model()
File "/home/yzhang3151/project/NMT/experiments/nmt/", line 1981, in create_lm_model
File "/home/yzhang3151/project/NMT/experiments/nmt/", line 2034, in create_sampler
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/theano/compile/", line 320, in function
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/theano/compile/", line 479, in pfunc
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/theano/compile/", line 1777, in orig_function
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/theano/compile/", line 1641, in create
input_storage=input_storage_lists, storage_map=storage_map)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/theano/gof/", line 690, in make_thunk
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/theano/gof/", line 1003, in make_all
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/theano/scan_module/", line 913, in make_thunk
from . import scan_perform_ext
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/theano/scan_module/", line 141, in
from scan_perform.scan_perform import *
File "init.pxd", line 155, in init theano.scan_module.scan_perform (/home/yzhang3151/.theano/compiledir_Linux-3.13--generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-14.04-trusty-x86_64-2.7.6-64/scan_perform/mod.cpp:9984)
ValueError: ('The following error happened while compiling the node', forall_inplace,cpu,layer_enc_transition_0}(Shape_i{0}.0, Subtensor{int64:int64:int8}.0, Subtensor{int64:int64:int8}.0, Subtensor{int64:int64:int8}.0, IncSubtensor{InplaceSet;:int64:}.0, G_enc_transition_0, R_enc_transition_0, W_enc_transition_0), '\n', 'numpy.dtype has the wrong size, try recompiling')

ERROR:stream:file [./data/train_src.shuffle] do not exist

I had already run and copy folder named data form prepare_data/ to NMT/
here is my :
#configurations for rnnsearch with coverage
def get_config_search_coverage():

config = {}

# added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2016-11-08
# coverage penalty in GNMT
# alpha in the paper
config['length_penalty_factor'] = 0.0
# beta in the paper
config['coverage_penalty_factor'] = 0.0
# pruning
config['with_decoding_pruning'] = False
# beamsize in the paper
config['decoding_pruning_beam'] = 3

# added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2016-06-09
config['with_attention'] = True
# added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2016-07-29
config['output_kbest'] = False

# added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2016-05-02
# ACL 2016: Modeling Coverage for Neural Machine Translation
# configurations for coverage model
config['with_coverage'] = False
# the coverage_dim for linguistic coverage is always 1
config['coverage_dim'] = 100
# coverage type: 'linguistic' or 'neural'
config['coverage_type'] = 'neural' 
# max value of fertility, the value of N in the paper
config['max_fertility'] = 2

# added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2016-05-30
# TACL 2017: Context Gates for Neural Machine Translation
# configurations for context gate
config['with_context_gate'] = False

# added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2016-07-11
# AAAI 2017: Neural Machine Translation with Reconstruction
# the reconstruction work
config['with_reconstruction'] = False
config['reconstruction_weight'] = 1.

# added by Zhaopeng Tu, 20170-04-18
config['with_cache'] = False
config['train_cache_parameters_only'] = False
# added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2017-05-11
# use cache only when the number of its values is greater than ``cache_fine''
config['cache_fine'] = 1
config['cache_size'] = 1000
config['cache_nhids'] = 1000
# query: s_i, c_i, y_i-1, readout
config['cache_query'] = ['c_i']
config['cache_query_dim'] = 2000

# Sequences longer than this will be deleted
config['seq_len_src'] = 80
config['seq_len_trg'] = 80

# Number of hidden units in GRU/LSTM
config['nhids_src'] = 1000
config['nhids_trg'] = 1000

# Dimension of the word embedding matrix
config['nembed_src'] = 620
config['nembed_trg'] = 620

# Batch size of train data
config['batch_size'] = 80

# This many batches will be read ahead and sorted
config['sort_k_batches'] = 20

# BeamSize
config['beam_size'] = 10

# Where to save model
config['saveto'] = './model.npz'
config['saveto_best'] = './model_best.npz'

# Dropout ratio, applied only after readout maxout
config['dropout'] = 0.5

# Maxout, set maxout_part=1 to turn off
config['maxout_part'] = 1

# vocabulary size, include '</S>'
config['src_vocab_size'] = 30001
config['trg_vocab_size'] = 30001

# Special tokens and indexes
config['unk_id'] = 1
config['unk_token'] = '<UNK>'
config['bos_token'] = '<S>'
config['eos_token'] = '</S>'

# Root directory for dataset
datadir = './data/'

# added by Zhaopeng Tu, 2016-07-21
config['replace_unk'] = False
config['unk_dict'] = datadir + 'unk_dict'

# Vocabularies
config['vocab_src'] = datadir + 'vocab_src.pkl'
config['vocab_trg'] = datadir + 'vocab_trg.pkl'

# Datasets
config['train_src'] = datadir + 'train_src'
config['train_trg'] = datadir + 'train_trg'
config['valid_src'] = datadir + 'valid_src'
config['valid_trg'] = datadir + 'valid_trg'
config['valid_out'] = datadir + 'valid_out'

# Bleu script that will be used
config['bleu_script'] = datadir + ''
config['res_to_sgm'] = datadir + ''

# Maxmum number of epoch
config['finish_after'] = 20

# Reload model from files if exist
config['reload'] = True

# Save model after this many updates
config['save_freq'] = 5000

# Sample frequence
config['sample_freq'] = 50
# Hook samples
config['hook_samples'] = 3

# Valid frequence
config['valid_freq'] = 10000
config['valid_freq_fine'] = 5000

# Start bleu validation after this many updates
config['val_burn_in'] = 100000
config['val_burn_in_fine'] = 150000

config['method'] = 'GRU'

# Gradient clipping
config['clip_c'] = 1.

return config


I run and got these errors
ERROR:stream:file [./data/train_src.shuffle] do not exist
ERROR:stream:file [./data/train_trg.shuffle] do not exist
INFO:main:final result: epoch -1 updates -1 valid_bleu_best -1.0000

how do I generate these two files


Using gpu device 0: GeForce GT 740M (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN not available)
2018-03-07 14:59:15,233: main: DEBUG: State:
{'activ': 'lambda x: TT.tanh(x)',
'adaeps': 1e-06,
'adarho': 0.95,
'algo': 'SGD_adadelta',
'backward': False,
'bias': 0.0,
'bias_code': True,
'bigram': True,
'bs': 64,
'check_first_word': True,
'cutoff': 1.0,
'cutoff_rescale_length': 0.0,
'dec_rec_gater': 'lambda x: TT.nnet.sigmoid(x)',
'dec_rec_gating': True,
'dec_rec_layer': 'RecurrentLayer',
'dec_rec_reseter': 'lambda x: TT.nnet.sigmoid(x)',
'dec_rec_reseting': True,
'decoder_stack': 1,
'decoding_inputs': True,
'deep_out': True,
'dim': 1000,
'divide_lr': 2,
'dropout': 1.0,
'dropout_rec': 1.0,
'enc_rec_gater': 'lambda x: TT.nnet.sigmoid(x)',
'enc_rec_gating': True,
'enc_rec_layer': 'RecurrentLayer',
'enc_rec_reseter': 'lambda x: TT.nnet.sigmoid(x)',
'enc_rec_reseting': True,
'encoder_stack': 1,
'eps': 1e-10,
'forward': False,
'hookFreq': 20,
'indx_word': None,
'indx_word_target': None,
'last_backward': False,
'last_forward': True,
'level': 'DEBUG',
'loopIters': 3000000,
'lr': 1.0,
'maintain_coverage': False,
'maxout_part': 2.0,
'minerr': -1,
'minlr': 0,
'n_examples': 3,
'n_samples': 3,
'n_sym_source': None,
'n_sym_target': None,
'null_sym_source': None,
'null_sym_target': None,
'on_nan': 'raise',
'oov': 'UNK',
'overwrite': 1,
'patience': 1,
'prefix': 'phrase_',
'rank_n_activ': 'lambda x: x',
'rank_n_approx': 100,
'rec_gater': 'lambda x: TT.nnet.sigmoid(x)',
'rec_gating': True,
'rec_layer': 'RecurrentLayer',
'rec_reseter': 'lambda x: TT.nnet.sigmoid(x)',
'rec_reseting': True,
'rec_weight_init_fn': 'sample_weights_orth',
'rec_weight_scale': 1.0,
'reload': True,
'reset': -1,
'saveFreq': 10,
'search': False,
'seed': 1234,
'seqlen': 30,
'shuffle': False,
'sort_k_batches': 10,
'source': [None],
'take_top': True,
'target': [None],
'timeStop': 44640,
'trainFreq': 1,
'trim_batches': True,
'unary_activ': 'Maxout(2)',
'unk_sym_source': 1,
'unk_sym_target': 1,
'use_context_gate': False,
'use_current_context_for_context_gate': True,
'use_decoding_state_for_context_gate': True,
'use_infinite_loop': True,
'use_nce': False,
'use_previous_target_word_for_context_gate': True,
'validFreq': 500,
'weight_init_fn': 'sample_weights_classic',
'weight_noise': False,
'weight_noise_amount': 0.01,
'weight_noise_rec': False,
'weight_scale': 0.01,
'word_indx': None,
'word_indx_trgt': None}
2018-03-07 14:59:15,233: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Create input variables
2018-03-07 14:59:15,233: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: Create encoder
2018-03-07 14:59:15,234: experiments.nmt.encdec: DEBUG: _create_embedding_layers
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 100, in
File "", line 81, in main
File "/home/yanmengqi/下载/beifen/NMT-master/experiments/nmt/", line 1882, in build
File "/home/yanmengqi/下载/beifen/NMT-master/experiments/nmt/", line 1124, in create_layers
File "/home/yanmengqi/下载/beifen/NMT-master/experiments/nmt/", line 1016, in _create_embedding_layers
File "/home/yanmengqi/下载/beifen/NMT-master/groundhog/layers/", line 174, in init
File "/home/yanmengqi/下载/beifen/NMT-master/groundhog/layers/", line 205, in _init_params
File "/home/yanmengqi/下载/beifen/NMT-master/groundhog/utils/", line 108, in sample_weights_classic
sizeX = int(sizeX)
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'

Transliteration in preprocessing

Did you used transliteration in preprocessing ? In the paper you did not mention about it. I wonder did you used it or not.


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