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ec's Introduction

Reimplementation Notes


  1. Forked the original repo and ran git clone git submodule update --recursive --init

  2. Created and activated a virtual environment to install dependencies python3 -m venv env-dreamcoder source env-dreamcoder/bin/activate

  3. Install dependencies from requirements.txt file python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

    Installation was stuck upon trying twice on multiprocess==0.70.7 so I removed it from the file.

  4. It seems that installed libraries from step 3 did not show up in pip list. So I manually installed all packages from requriements.txt

    For Box2D-kengz==2.3.3, I had to install brew install swig.

    The following libraries did not have a version match so I installed the latest version: numpy==1.22.3, pillow==9.1.0, pygame==2.1.2, pyzmq==22.3.0, scikit-learn==1.0.2, multiprocess== are latest versions.

Inspecting files

Understanding the main structure of the code using Software Architecture doc

  1. Representation Programs are lambda-calculus expressions. These are represented using the de Bruijn notation which avoids complications caused by variable names. This handout from Cornell provides a good guide for working with this representation.

    A bound variable can be viewed as a pointer to the lambda that binds it. Example, the y in λx.λy.y x points to the first λ and the x points to the second λ when read from rightmost lambda (index 0) to left (index increments by 1).

    de Bruijn notation has the following grammar for lambda expressions: e ::= n | λ.e | e e

    In this grammar, variables are represented by integers n that represent the index of their binder. Standard -> de Bruijn λx.x -> λ.0 λz.z -> λ.0 λx.λy.x -> λ.λ.1 λx.λy.λs.λz.x s (y s z) -> λ.λ.λ.λ.3 1 (2 1 0) (λx.x x)(λ.x.x x) -> (λ.0 0)(λ.0 0) (λx.λx.x)(λy.y) -> (λ.λ.0)(λ.0)

    If there is a type environment that maps variables x, y to some integer, then that mapping is also used in the de Bruijn notation.

    Index shifting can happen.

  2. Structure of different program types Primitive program type specifies programs that make up the initial library.

    Application and Abstraction program types allow nesting of programs within programs during enumeration.

  3. Every program object specifies a type attribute. There are various types: 1. Ground types such as int, bool. 2. Type variables such as alpha, gamma, beta. 3. Types built from type constructors such as list[int], char->bool, alpha->list[alpha] The type objects are used to describe expected input and output type of program, and to check that generated program is well-typed during enumeration.

    There are two files that deal with types, one is dreamcoder/ and the other is has code to create and transform types (instantiate, unify, apply). Enumeration module uses it to check if generated program is well-typed. The Task data with input-output examples also reference Type class to match tasks with suitable programs during enumeration.

    It seems is not called anywhere so far, but has code to interact with json files and defines all the ground types and list types.

  4. Grammar has the initial library of code, and also includes the learned library of code. A Grammar object is made up of Program objects (Primitive and Invented programs) and a numerical weight that is used to calculate the probability of a given program being used when creating new programs. Grammar data is input to Enumeration module as it creates programs from the current library. It is also input to the Dream module which generates training data for updates the library.

Dreamcoder's Workflow


  1. There should be some initial library
  2. Dreaming and Program Enumeration occur parallelly using library in 1
  3. Recognition model gets trained
  4. Program Enumeration runs again using the recognition model
  5. Abstraction/Compression adds refactored code to the library
  6. Visualize library
  7. Checkpoints are saved to binary files using pickle (these can be used to resume training from some state or visualize the system performance during training/testing using the script bin/

(Programmatical Calls)

  1. User runs using cmd-ling args or a checkpoint file to resume training from some saved state.

This file has a class for ECResult which handles how the result is output to the user, and an ecIterator function which invokes all the steps in one iteration of DreamCoder and yields the result. There are some other functions that handle the output formatting, logging, and cmd-line arguments parsing.

The following steps get invoked 1. calls by calling the backgroundHelmholtzEnumeration function which creates multiple background workers to run Ocaml processes in parallel has two functions, one called helmholtzEnumeration and the other backgroundHelmholtzEnumeration which makes calls to the former asynchronously. The workers output a JSON response which is loaded and read as frontiers that need to be searched in a get() function. There is a main function with simple grammar to test enumeration (I will try to run this code tonight).

  2.  in parallel, `` enumerates new programs from current library (isomorphic to generating dreams in step 1). It creates a new child process to run which executes the enumeration. The user can use cmd-line-args to control how many CPUs this runs in parallel. 
  `` "generates programs that successfully solve the input tasks are represented in a lambda calculus and returned in JSON format to the parent Python process."


Running scripts

  1. Ran python bin/ --enumeration 1 but this returns OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error: './logoDrawString' which occurs when the executable has been made for a different architecture. My machine is 64-bit.

Line 42 in invokes this binary file. The Makefile and bash script for logo are in ec/data/geom. Could I make this executable on this machine?

In the Create New Domains doc there is a section that says we need to rebuild the ocaml binaries in root of the repo. I am going to try that.

Ran make clean. I got this error bin/sh: jbuilder: command not found make: *** [all] Error 127 possibly because I am not running within the singularity container, so I need to install the Ocaml libraries dependencies first.

opam update opam switch 4.06.1+flambda this didn't work because I have opam 4.11.1 eval `opam config env opam install ppx_jane core re2 yojson vg cairo2 camlimages menhir ocaml-protoc zmq

make and make clean still didn't work, when I looked up the issue was that jbuilder has now been replaced with dune in opam. I just replaced all occurences of jbuilder in the Makefile in root with dune. make clean worked.

make did not work, it complained that File "jbuild", line 1 characters 0-0: Error: jbuild files are no longer supported, please convert this file to a dune file instead. Note: You can use "dune upgrade" to convert your project to dune. eval $(opam config env) no change dune upgrade make clean removed all files again make complained library re2 not found opam switch default opam install ppx_jane core re2 yojson vg cairo2 camlimages menhir ocaml-protoc zmq make clean worked make worked but errors Error: dune__exe__Protonet-tester corresponds to an invalid module name -> required by _build/default/solvers/.solver.eobjs/ -> required by _build/default/solvers/.solver.eobjs/native/dune__exe.cmx -> required by _build/default/solvers/solver.exe The dune__exe__ problem occurs because dune is building wrapped executables by default since version 2.0, I disabled this by adding (wrapped_executables false) in dune-project file. Reference. make ran with just warnings.

dune treats warnings as errors so I followed the docs and created a file called dune in the root and made the warnings non-fatal. There still are some type errors,,,

I am going to try to run the singularity container

-- looking at how judith fan implemented dreamcoder -- seems like they manually extracted the tower task into python files.

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Getting Started
    1. Getting the code
    2. Running using singularity
    3. Running tasks from the commandline
    4. Understanding console output
    5. Graphing the results
  3. Additional Information
    1. Creating new domains
    2. Installing Python dependencies
    3. Building the OCaml binaries
    4. Build rust compressor
    5. PyPy
  4. Software Architecture
  5. protonet-networks


DreamCoder is a wake-sleep algorithm that finds programs to solve a given set of tasks in a particular domain.

Getting Started

This section will provide the basic information necessary to run DreamCoder.


Getting the code

Clone the codebase and its submodules.

The codebase has several git submodule dependencies.

If you’ve already cloned the repo and did not clone the submodules, run:

git submodule update --recursive --init

Running using Singularity

If you don't want to manually install all the of the software dependencies locally you can instead use a singularity container. To build the container, you can use the recipe singularity in the repository, and run the following from the root directory of the repository (tested using singularity version 2.5):

sudo singularity build container.img singularity

Then run the following to open a shell in the container environment:


Alternatively, one can run tasks within the container via the singularity command:

singularity exec container.img  python <commandline arguments>

Running tasks from the commandline

The codebase has a few scripts already defined for running tasks for a particular domain located in the bin/ directory.

The general usage pattern is to run the script from the root of the repo as follows:

python bin/ <commandline arguments>

For example, see the following modules:

  • bin/ - trains the system on automatically generated text-editing tasks.
  • bin/ - trains the system on automatically generated list processing tasks.
  • bin/
  • bin/

In general, the scripts should specify the commandline options if you run the script with --help:

python bin/ --help

An example training task command might be:

python -t 20 -RS 5000

This runs with an enumeration timeout and recognition timeout of 20 seconds (since recognition timeout defaults to enumeration timeout if -R is not provided) and 5000 recognition steps.

Use the --testingTimeout flag to ensure the testing tasks are run. Otherwise, they will be skipped.

See more examples of commands in the docs/official_experiments file.

Understanding console output

The first output of the DreamCoder scripts - after some commandline debugging statements - is typically output from launching tasks, and will appear as follows:

(python) Launching list(int) -> list(int) (1 tasks) w/ 1 CPUs. 15.000000 <= MDL < 16.500000. Timeout 10.201876.
(python) Launching list(int) -> list(int) (1 tasks) w/ 1 CPUs. 15.000000 <= MDL < 16.500000. Timeout 9.884262.
(python) Launching list(int) -> list(int) (1 tasks) w/ 1 CPUs. 15.000000 <= MDL < 16.500000. Timeout 2.449733.
	(ocaml: 1 CPUs. shatter: 1. |fringe| = 1. |finished| = 0.)
	(ocaml: 1 CPUs. shatter: 1. |fringe| = 1. |finished| = 0.)
(python) Launching list(int) -> list(int) (1 tasks) w/ 1 CPUs. 15.000000 <= MDL < 16.500000. Timeout 4.865186.
	(ocaml: 1 CPUs. shatter: 1. |fringe| = 1. |finished| = 0.)

MDL corresponds to the space used for the definition language to store the program expressions. The MDL can be tuned by changing the -t timeout option, which will alter the length of time the algorithm runs as well as its performance in solving tasks.

The next phase of the script will show whether the algorithm is able to match programs to tasks. A HIT indicates a match and a MISS indicates a failure to find a suitable program for a task:

Generative model enumeration results:
HIT sum w/ (lambda (fold $0 0 (lambda (lambda (+ $0 $1))))) ; log prior = -5.545748 ; log likelihood = 0.000000
HIT take-k with k=2 w/ (lambda (cons (car $0) (cons (car (cdr $0)) empty))) ; log prior = -10.024556 ; log likelihood = 0.000000
MISS take-k with k=3
MISS remove eq 3
MISS keep gt 3
MISS remove gt 3
Hits 2/6 tasks

The program output also contains some information about the programs that the algorithm is trying to solve each task with:

Showing the top 5 programs in each frontier being sent to the compressor:
0.00    (lambda (incr $0))

-0.29   (lambda (incr2 $0))
-1.39   (lambda (incr (incr $0)))

-0.85   (lambda (incr (incr2 $0)))
-0.85   (lambda (incr2 (incr $0)))
-1.95   (lambda (incr (incr (incr $0))))

The program will cycle through multiple iterations of wake and sleep phases (controlled by the -i flag). It is worth noting that after each iteration the scripts will export checkpoint files in Python's "pickle" data format.

Exported checkpoint to experimentOutputs/demo/2019-06-06T18:00:38.264452_aic=1.0_arity=3_ET=2_it=2_MF=10_noConsolidation=False_pc=30.0_RW=False_solver=ocaml_STM=True_L=1.0_TRR=default_K=2_topkNotMAP=False_rec=False.pickle

These pickle checkpoint files are input to another script that can graph the results of the algorithm, which will be discussed in the next section.

Graphing the results

The bin/ script can be used to graph the results of the program's output, which can be much easier than trying to interpret the pickle files and console output.

An example invocation is as follows:

python bin/ --checkpoints <pickle_file> --export test.png

The script takes a path to a pickle file and an export path for the image the graph will be saved at.

Here's an example of the output: example output

This script has a number of other options which can be viewed via the --help command.

See the Installing Python dependencies section below if the bin/ script is complaining about missing dependencies.

Also the following error occurs if in some cases:

feh ERROR: Can't open X display. It *is* running, yeah?

If you see that error, you can run this in your terminal before running to fix the issue:

export DISPLAY=:0

Additional Information

This section includes additional information, such as the steps to rebuild the OCaml binaries, or extend DreamCoder to solve new problems in new domains.

Creating new domains

To create new domains of problems to solve, a number of things must be done. Follow the steps in Creating New Domains to get started.

Note that after a new domain is created, if any of the OCaml code has been edited it is required that you rebuild the OCaml binaries. See Building the OCaml binaries for more info.

Installing Python dependencies

It's useful to install the Python dependencies in case you want to run certain scripts (e.g. bin/ from your local machine.

To install Python dependencies, activate a virtual environment (or don't) and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For macOS, there are some additional system dependencies required to install these libraries in requirements.txt. To install these system dependencies locally, you can use homebrew to download them:

brew install swig
brew install libomp
brew cask install xquartz
brew install feh
brew install imagemagick

Building the OCaml binaries

If you introduce new primitives for new domains of tasks, or modify the OCaml codebase (in solvers/) for any reason, you will need to rebuild the OCaml binaries before rerunning the Python scripts.

To rebuild the OCaml binaires, run the following from the root of the repo:

make clean

If you are not running within the singularity container, you will need to install the OCaml libraries dependencies first. Currently, in order to build the solver on a fresh opam switch, the following packages (anecdotal data from Arch x64, assuming you have opam) are required:

opam update                 # Seriously, do that one
opam switch 4.06.1+flambda  #
eval `opam config env`      # *sight*
opam install ppx_jane core re2 yojson vg cairo2 camlimages menhir ocaml-protoc zmq

Now try to run make in the root folder, it should build several ocaml binaries.

Build rust compressor

Get Rust (e.g. curl -sSf | sh according to

Now running make in the rust_compressor folder should install the right packages and build the binary.


If for some reason you want to run something in pypy, install it from:

Be sure to add pypy3 to the path. Really though you should try to use the rust compressor and the ocaml solver. You will have to (annoyingly) install parallel libraries on the pypy side even if you have them installed on the Python side:

pypy3 -m ensurepip
pypy3 -m pip install --user vmprof
pypy3 -m pip install --user dill
pypy3 -m pip install --user psutil

Software Architecture

To better understand how dreamcoder works under the hood, see the Software Architecture document.


Credit of (most of) the protonet code

The protonet-networks folder contains some modifications over a big chunk of code from this repository, here is the attribution information :

Code for the NIPS 2017 paper Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning

If you use that part of the code, please cite their paper, and check out what they did:

  title={Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning},
  author={Snell, Jake and Swersky, Kevin and Zemel, Richard},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},

LICENSE of protonets-networks folder

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Jake Snell

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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