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xunit.gherkin.quick's Introduction

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Xunit.Gherkin.Quick is a lightweight, cross platform BDD test framework (targets .NET Standard, can be used from both .NET and .NET Core test projects). It parses Gherkin language and executes Xunit tests corresponding to scenarios.

Key differences of Xunit.Gherkin.Quick from other BDD frameworks are:

  • You write your expectations in a human-readable Gherkin language, not in code. This approach allows separation of concerns and responsibilities between requirement and code writing.
  • Xunit.Gherkin.Quick is a lightweight framework. No auto-generated code that you fear to change; no Visual Studio dependency where the auto-generation works. With Xunit.Gherkin.Quick, you don't even need an IDE (althought it works conveniently in Visual Studio) - one could write feature text files in a notepad, and code in any dev plugin; then run tests via .NET Core CLI.
  • Supports full spectrum of Gherkin language idioms such as Given/When/Then/And/But/* keywords, Scenario Outlines, Scenario Backgrounds, and native Gherkin argument types (DocString, DataTable).
  • All supported features are fully documented. Scroll down to the Documentation and Reference section after going through the Getting Started topic on this page.

Enjoy coding!

Table of Contents

Project Sponsors

Why sponsor? Some organizations might want to have premium support while using the framework; others might want to prioritize implementing certain new capabilities (if they fit within the framework's vision and roadmap). If you wish to be a sponsor, please find the sponsoring link on this page. Feel free to contact me for more details.

This section will showcase the sponsors' logos, if they wish to do so.

Getting Started

Prefer video format? Watch how to get started with BDD and Xunit.Gherkin.Quick on Youtube.

We'll quickly setup our project, write our first BDD test, and then run it.

Xunit Test Project

Create a new or open existing Xunit test project. Xunit.Gherkin.Quick needs to be used with Xunit.

Install Nuget Package

Package name to search for through GUI: Xunit.Gherkin.Quick

Package Manager:

Install-Package Xunit.Gherkin.Quick

.NET Core:

dotnet add package Xunit.Gherkin.Quick

These steps should take care of the installation, but if you need more info about setup or the nuget package, click here:

Create Gherkin Feature File

Create a new text file. Name it as AddTwoNumbers.feature.

Important: change feature file properties to ensure it gets copied into output directory. Set the value of Copy to Output Directory to Copy Always or Copy if Newer. See Copying Feature Files for more options.

NOTE: In practice, you can name your files in any way you want, and .feature extension is not necessary either.

Copy the below code and paste it into your feature file:

Feature: AddTwoNumbers
	In order to learn Math
	As a regular human
	I want to add two numbers using Calculator

Scenario: Add two numbers
	Given I chose 12 as first number
	And I chose 15 as second number
	When I press add
	Then the result should be 27 on the screen

This is a BDD style feature written in Gherkin language.

Now it's time to implement the code to run scenarios of this feature.

Note: at this point, the new feature file's scenarios will not be discovered by the test runner either via Visual Studio or via the command line execution. By default, you need to have a corresponding feature class in your project which refers to this new feature file. If you want to instead see every new feature file's scenarios right after they are added without the necessity to have the corresponding feature class, please see Handling Not-Implemented Feature Files.

Implement Feature Scenario

Implementing a scenario simply means writing methods in the Feature-derived class. Goal is to ensure that each scenario step above will match a method by using regex syntax. If we miss a step and it does not match a method, we will receive an error when we try to run the scenario test.

Here is how we can implement the scenario of the above feature:

public sealed class AddTwoNumbers : Feature
    private readonly Calculator _calculator = new Calculator();

    [Given(@"I chose (\d+) as first number")]
    public void I_chose_first_number(int firstNumber)

    [And(@"I chose (\d+) as second number")]
    public void I_chose_second_number(int secondNumber)

    [When(@"I press add")]
    public void I_press_add()

    [Then(@"the result should be (\d+) on the screen")]
    public void The_result_should_be_z_on_the_screen(int expectedResult)
        var actualResult = _calculator.Result;

        Assert.Equal(expectedResult, actualResult);

Notice a couple of things:

  • FeatureFile attribute for the class refers to the feature file location (relative to the project root, not relative to the class file). You don't need to apply this attribute if you keep your feature files in the root directory of your project, because that's where it will be located by default. Buf if you keep it under a sub-folder (which I do), then make sure to specify the file location (either relative or absolute) using this attribute. For more information, refer to the FeatureFile attribute docs.

  • Given, When and Then attributes specify scenario step text which they need to match. If you want to extract value from the text, you need to use parentheses. Behind the scenes this is done using .NET Regex syntax. Regex group values are passed as argument values. You can also use And and But attributes, which work similarly.

  • Scenario step method can be async, or can be a regular method, just as shown in the example above.

Run Scenario

Build BDD tests project.

If you use command line to run unit tests, simply run them as always (e.g., run dotnet test command inside a solution or test project folder). You should see the scenario full name in the results as a newly added unit test name.

If you use Visual Studio to run unit tests, open Test Explorer to see the new test item (important: use built-in Test Explorer, not ReSharper or anything else). Right click and run it as you would usually run unit tests through test explorer.

Unit test name in this case will be "AddTwoNumbers :: Add two numbers", which is a combination of feature name "AddTwoNumbers" and scenario name "Add two numbers".

Screenshot of scenario test run

Add More Scenarios

If the feature has multiple scenarios, add them to the same feature file. They will show up as additional tests in the test explorer. And they will need additional methods in the same feature class for execution.

Got Stuck?

Look into our issues if your problem was already resolved. Also try searching StackOverflow.

Feel free to post your question/problem either into our issues repository, or into StackOverflow.

Check out a fully-working sample project with BDD test implementations for every supported feature: ProjectConsumer.

Special Thanks

I want to send special Thank You to all the contributors, which you can see here:

Documentation and Reference

See Also

xunit.gherkin.quick's People


cathalmchale avatar christianpejrup avatar csurfleet avatar enough7 avatar farost avatar jornwildt avatar miguelius avatar salaerts avatar ttutisani avatar videege avatar vinla avatar


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xunit.gherkin.quick's Issues

MetaTag Support

Hi. Is there any support for putting @metatag featureName inside the .feature files so you can filter what tests should be run or not run based on the meta tags? I searched the code, but did not see anything like that.

.NET Core already has test filtering by attributes in the .cs files ( but support for meta tags inside the gherkin files is one of the key attributes of the BDD.

Don't get me wrong. Xunit.Gherkin.Quick is awesome!!!!!!!!! But, testers will not be happy with out support for meta tags inside the gherkin files

Automatically copy all feature files to build output

The README contains this helpful line:

Important: change feature file properties to ensure it gets copied into output directory. Set the value of Copy to Output Directory to Copy Always or Copy if Newer.

Maybe it might be useful to mention that when using the newer Microsoft.NET.Sdk project files that it is very easy to do this automatically for all feature files in the project by adding a glob pattern to the project file. For example:

    <None Update="Features\**\*.feature">

This has the advantage that you don't need to worry about forgetting to set the property on new feature files.
Of course this will only work if the project file starts with <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

Use US Culture for automatic tests that fail to parse with other language configurations

Hi @ttutisani

Just pulled latest master to se the status of your project and if there might be something i could contribute.

I experience that 10 of the tests fail.

  • Given When Then :: Simple parameter types [FAIL]
  • Discounts :: All Deals :: Coupons :: 2 [FAIL]
  • Discounts :: All Deals :: Coupons :: 4 [FAIL]
  • Discounts :: All Deals :: Daily deals :: 1 [FAIL]
  • Discounts :: All Deals :: Bundles :: 1 [FAIL]
  • Discounts :: All Deals :: Coupons :: 5 [FAIL]
  • Discounts :: All Deals :: Coupons :: 1 [FAIL]
  • Discounts :: All Deals :: Coupons :: 3 [FAIL]
  • UnitTests.StepMethodInfoTests.DigestScenarioStepValues_Sets_Primitive_Values [FAIL]
  • UnitTests.PrimitiveTypeArgumentTests.DigestScenarioStepValues_Takes_Value_By_Index(index: 2) [FAIL]

the last two fail with a format exception
System.FormatException : String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

This looks like it is related to the way that parameters are parsed to their specific type in the PrimitiveTypeArgument file.

Value = Convert.ChangeType(argumentValues[_index], _parameterInfo.ParameterType);

it looks like adding the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture parameter fixes the issue.

KeyWordAttributeBase inheriting from Xunit.FactAttribute

Both ScenarioAttribute and KeyWordAttributeBase inherits from the Xunit.FactAttribute, this means that both the individual steps and the scenario gets picked up by the test runner and displayed in the Test Explorer.

The individual steps are instantiated and invoked in Feature.cs which means that the relationship between KeyWordAttributeBase and FactAttribute does not seem important.

I did a small test where is changed

public abstract class KeyWordAttributeBase : FactAttribute

to just use the Attribute type

public abstract class KeyWordAttributeBase : Attribute

The Scenario seems to run fine and the upside is that Steps no longer show up in the Test Explorer.

Codebase refactoring

I know that several people have already mentioned about refactoring. Before anybody commits to do so, this topic is here to discuss it in advance.

If no actions are observed, I will post my thoughts around it later. Meanwhile:

Regardless of who does it, in my opinion, refactoring should make concepts of this framework more explicit, easier to digest and change further in the future.

Refactoring should be driven by readability and expressiveness, rather than by technical aspects only (such as dependency injection or splitting into smaller interfaces). I believe such focus will ensure successful growth of the project, instead of dragging it down long term and eventually slowing it down.

Hide individual steps from the test runner

While the Specifications and Scenarios show up brilliantly in the test runner, there is also an entry for each step. These extra entries are not runnable, but do clog up the interface, and will do so especially once many scenarios are implemented. I'd like these extras to be hidden if possible.

Tests don't work

Test Explorer cannot find the test also when trying to create a new feature I get a file not found.
Using empty solution with only a single feature/scenario.
Target Framework: .NET Core 2.2
MS Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 Version: 15.9.7
Not sure if it is an issue with Gherkin Quick or local install issue.
Including test solution.

Prolems with Xunit.DependencyInjection

After creating a vanilla project that includes both Xunit.Gherkin.Quick and Xunit.DependencyInjection, Xunit.Gherkin.Quick throws an ArgumentNullException.

System.ArgumentNullException : Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'testOutputHelper')
  Exception doesn't have a stacktrace

This seems to be caused in Xunit.Gherkin.Quick.ScenarioOutput line 20.

In any c# class of the project I can inject the testOutputhelper just fine, any idea whats wrong here?

Minimal reproduction example can be found here:

Output property should be internal only

A recent pull request (#39) made me realize that Output property is null during the feature class constructor execution. However, since it's a derived property from base Feature class, developers may naturally expect that they can use the value in the constructor as well (as if the base class constructor initializes it, but it doesn't).

So, Output property is designed in a misleading way. I should probably make it internal so that derived classes don't even have access to it. If they need to acquire access to output, then they can simply add a constructor parameter of type IOuptutHelper, which will be injected by Xunit out of the box. Then, derived class will have an option to keep the instance of the output as a field/property for later use, or use it inside the constructor as well.

Since in some cases (when usage is needed in the constructor) derived class will need to add the parameter to the constructor, it makes sense to to make it the only way of getting the output instance.

So, Output property on the base class should be internal.

Keeping it here until time allows to do this change.
Also, after this change, major version will increase, because this is not a backwards compatible change (minor incompatibility, but still).

Scenario Outline support

Scenario Outline example:

Scenario Outline: eating
  Given there are <start> cucumbers
  When I eat <eat> cucumbers
  Then I should have <left> cucumbers

    | start | eat | left |
    |    12 |   5 |    7 |
    |    20 |   5 |   15 |

Reporting formats for test outputs

I have not received much demand for report formats for test outputs but there may be some interest (somebody asked this question on Reddit).

If you are reading this issue and want to generate test output in a certain format, please reply here and explain your needs.

All responses will be considered for future development if there is demand and if it fits in the scope of this framework.

Who uses Xunit.Gherkin.Quick and why?

If you use "Xunit.Gherkin.Quick," please post here information around who you are (company/GitHub project name), how you use it (use case), why you like it (deciding factors), and so on. Everything is optional, provide as much or as few details as you want.

This discussion can help others decide to use or not to use the framework. Also, with more feedback, more people might be interested in considering this fantastic framework. As a result, the framework will be more popular, better tried through more use cases, with better quality, and more features too! Everybody benefits!

Thank you for your time!

Test Discovery does not work for Full Framework test projects

If you reference the xunit.gherkin.quick nuget from a full-framework xunit project, the scenarios will never be discovered.

I'm not sure if this is an extra configuration step I'm missing, something that needs fixing in the nuget, or if it is simply not possible. I can throw up a branch with the consumer project converted to demonstrate too.

Test not discovered in NetCore xunit test project MacOS


I'm trying to work with a simple project in macOS, and when I run dotnet test, any test are discovered.

  1. dotnet info
SDK .NET Core (reflétant tous les global.json) :
 Version:   2.2.100
 Commit:    51868761f2

Environnement d'exécution :
 OS Name:     Mac OS X
 OS Version:  10.14
 OS Platform: Darwin
 RID:         osx.10.14-x64
 Base Path:   /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/2.2.100/

Host (useful for support):
  Version: 2.2.0
  Commit:  1249f08fed
  1. The csproj of my project
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="15.9.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit" Version="2.4.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="Xunit.Gherkin.Quick" Version="3.4.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="xunit.runner.visualstudio" Version="2.4.0" />

    <None Update="features\bookvtc.feature">


  1. The feature file and a simple cs file

Feature: VTC Testing

Given book a vtc

using Xunit.Abstractions;
using Xunit.Gherkin.Quick;
using Feature = Xunit.Gherkin.Quick.Feature;

namespace domainacceptance.steps
    public sealed class bookvtc : Feature
        [Given(@"book a vtc")]
        public void Test()

I already check the feature file location in my bin folder, and it's as it place.

I also followed this quick tutorial, to check if my project is good :

And after some check, I decide to download the project located in github and to run dotnet test, but I have the same issue, any test was discovered.

Have you an idea ?

Accessing same step definition using multiple steps

In specflow we can access the same step definition using multiple steps. For example: A "Given" step in a test scenario can be used as a "When" step in another scenario. So instead of duplicating the code we can use:

[Given(@"I search for '(.)'")]
[When(@"I search for '(.
public void ISearchFor(string searchTerm)

It would be very useful as well in the case of "And" step in Xunit.Gherkin.Quick for example:

[And(@"I search for '(.)'")]
[When(@"I search for '(.
public void ISearchFor(string searchTerm)

Feature file and test not discovered by test runner

The Features text files are very particular about text encoding.
I had an issue where a new Feature file and corresponding test class would not be discovered and would not run (locally or on build box). But many existing features existed and run without issue.
I created new files with new names and cleaned up the text and simplified the Feature and test to absolute basics. Nothing worked, the test would not be discovered.

So I took a Feature file that I knew worked and copied it as a starting point. Then manually edited it so that it eventually looked like the one the didn't work. But this time the test could be discovered and run, without issue.

Looking at the two files (Working.feature and NotWorking.feature) in Notepadd++ with special chars highlighted or in BeyondCompare revealed nothing useful. However, I don't doubt that there was something abnormal about the encoding.

If you have a Feature file that refuses to be discovered by the test runner, but have other files that are being discovered fine, copy one of the good ones as a starting place and avoid copy-paste from PDFs etc.

support for hooks

Specflow supports predefined hooks that can be used to perform additional automatic logic on specific events, such as before/after executing a scenario. For example: [BeforeTestRun], [BeforeFeature], [BeforeScenario], etc. Is there a plan to support this as well?

Explain before/after scenario hooks

Many people asked about hooks for before/after scenario execution. For this test class Constructor and Dispose can be used.
I need to document this so that people find this answer easier.

Pickles Doc compatibility for scenario outlines

We use Pickles ( to package up our results and feature files as a nice readable website as part of our CI/CD process. Currently, Pickles is able to match test results to scenarios correctly for everything but scenario outlines - these all end up blank in the Pickles output despite having entries in the test output.

I am generating a XML results file by running dotnet test --test-adapter-path:. --logger:xunit -r /results. Scenario outline results in the file look like this:

    <test name="Feature Name :: Scenario Outline Name :: Example Name :: #1" type="Path.To.Namespace" method="ScenarioOutline" time="0.5140000" result="Pass">
        <output>Given A: PASSED

          <trait name="FeatureTitle" value="Feature Name" />
          <trait name="Description" value="Feature Name :: Scenario Outline Name :: Example Name :: #1" />
          <trait name="Category" value="@tag1" />
          <trait name="Category" value="@tag2" />
          <trait name="Category" value="@tag3" />

I'm not sure if the issue is with Xunit.Gherkin.Quick or PicklesDoc not interpreting correctly (it claims to understand 'xunit2' results files, but I'm not sure if this is universal or just SpecFlow-specific xunit results.), so I figured I'd ask.

Tests stuck in Starting test execution, please wait when using async synchronously

I have been struggling a bit with a strange issue since I added a constructor to my Features in order to have a before and after scenarios as per

I included a constructor that contains an asynchronous call that should be awaited.

public class MyFeature
    : Feature
    public MyFeature()
        var container = MyDIHelper.RegisterAllDependencies();
        var eventStoreManager = container.Resolve<IEventStoreManager>();

    public async Task GivenWhateverAsync()
        // whatever given

    [When(@"something happens")]
    public async Task WhenSomethingHappensAsync()
           // whatever operation

    public void ThenWhatever()
          // whatever assertion

I have several features working in a similar way. I think this is important to notice.

When I run the whole test project either with resharper (All tests from solution) or with
dotnet test MyApp.ComponentTests/MyApp.ComponentTests.csproj -c Release
or with
dotnet vstest *ComponentTests/bin/Release/**/*ComponentTests.dll

I ran the dotnet commands in Windows and Linux, it didn't make any difference.

The test execution gets stuck at the Starting test execution, please wait.. step. However if I run the Features one by one it executes properly and it succeeds. So I suspected it had something to do with a bunch execution (in parallel or not).

I tried adding a xunit.runner.json with

  "parallelizeTestCollections": false,
  "maxParallelThreads": -1

but the result was the same, test execution stuck, no errors, just stuck forever.

Then I decided to make the asynchronous call without awaiting inside my constructors, like this:

and it worked properly although sometimes the tests fail as you can imagine because sometimes the event store has not yet started the connection by the time the connection is used. So it's not ideal.

I suspect there is some issue with this framework.

Scenario outlines don't push values into Data Table objects

If you use a scenario:

Scenario Outline: Register fails for under 18s
Given 'Sue Smith' registers with the site
        | Age     |
        | <Age> |
When she registers
Then the registration fails
    | Age |
    | 17   |

With c#:

[Given(@"'(\w+ \w+)' registers with the site")]
 public void Given_Registration(string name, DataTable data)

I would expect data to include '17' rather than '<Age>'

I'm happy to do the work for this if you agree with the way it should work @ttutisani ?

Visual studio extension + IOC

Hello Tengiz,

I didn't see/know how to contact you so I created this issue.

I really appreciate the work that you've put into this project, so I've created a visual studio extension to help get this thing up to par(or close to) the specflow project. I'll be looking to contributing here as well.
VS extension:

Right now it doesn't do much, it adds two item templates for the "Calculator.feature" and the Calculator.cs, and it automatically sets the "CopyToOutputFolder" flag to true.

Looking to add towards automatic navigation, step generation and code completion.

I use specflow extensively for .net framework projects and I'm wondering if there is some sort of IoC mechanism that this framework can take advantage on. For example, at the start of each scenario it would be cool if the application under test could create the containers and behave just like the main application would. If not, how can I help?


Support Rule

As of Gherkin 6, but I am not yet sure whether the AST produces Rule objects yet.

Table & Multiline text support?

Hi, was wondering if tables or multi-line text is supported in this implementation? My attempts to use them weren't working.

Thanks much.

Reusable steps across features?

Can you confirm that currently it is not possible to define reusable steps in a separate implementation file, to which several features can be mapped?

I see that there is an inheritance-based approach chosen, however it requires all steps to be in 1 file, and at a first glance does not allow to have several features "sharing" them ...

Test explorer shows Scenario and ScenarioOutline methods if no matches

This started happening with visual studio 2019 I guess because I have not seen it before.

If I have a feature that has no scenario or scenario outline, then I can see the base Feature class respective method in the test explorer. It is grayed out and does not execute, but it's still not good user experience. For example, this is what I see for the feature without outlines in the feature file:


I should not be seeing ScenarioOutline method ideally.

Multiple scenarios per feature file do not show in the VS Code Test Explorer

I create a feature file with 2 scenarios, but when I looked at the VS Code/.NET Test Explorer I see only 1 test for the feature, not 1 for each scenario, as stated here:

"If the feature has multiple scenarios, add them to the same feature file. They will show up as additional tests in the test explorer. And they will need additional methods in the same feature class for execution."

Did something change recently, or I have done something wrong?

Question about debugging the base project

Wondering if you can give me any pointers on how to debug the base project so as to observe it discover and define the scenarios, etc. This appears to be something that's happening at compile time? Thanks much.

Async support

Step definitions do not appear to support async methods. You can execute async methods just fine but scenario execution immediately continues to the next step, which obviously causes problems.

I think this issue is here:

matchingStepMethod.method.Invoke(this, methodParamValues);

This would need to be made a bit more clever to detect the return type of the step function.

Is there a way to access @tags and if a test passed or failed from with code

This is more a questions than issues. I've being using the Xunit.Gherkin.Quick to run UI tests in .netcore and selenium. I have got this working but have these issues:

  1. I use the tags on the scenario to perform various functions. e.g Set the browser windowsize. I need to be able to access the current scenerios tags and perform so code on start. Is this possible?
  2. At the end of scenario, can we the determine in the steps code if the test has passed or failed. I want to keep the web browser open and just navigate home if the test passed and shutdown the browser if it failed. This help performance of running these tests. (approx 1500 scenarios)

Newbie: How to run test from command line

I have used Cucumber with Java and Python in the past, but need to test a .NET console app. In the readme file there is a statement "If you use command line to run unit tests, simply run them as always. You should see the scenario full name in the results as a newly added unit test name."

Can anyone provide a specific example of how to do this?

If I run the command "dotnet test", I get a message "Starting test execution, please wait..." and then get a warning "No test is available in [DIRECTORY] Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again."

Default feature file location in the subfolder by namespace

By default, when the [FeatureFile] attribute is missing, the framework finds the feature file in the base folder. By looking at the class namespace, it could also check the subfolder, assuming that the class namespace follows the folder structure.

Single feature class handling multiple feature files

This can be convenient when splitting various scenarios into separate feature files. In practice, need to split scenarios between different files comes when they have different backgrounds. Since there can only be one background per feature file, split will be necessary.
After splitting, same feature class cannot handle both feature files. If the feature class could support multiple feature file attributes, then this limitation would be removed.

e.g. currently in the test solution there are 2 feature classes: AddTwoNumbers, and AddNumbersTo5. These 2 feature classes could be consolidated into 1 if the above limitation is resolved.

ignoring or skipping a test

In specflow we can use the tag '@ignore' to skip a test. The use case for it, for example, if the test is failing for a known bug and you want to skip running it until the bug is closed. Are you going to support it?

Shared steps for features


On my team we use Specflow/Gherkin tests to describe the various white box test of our services.

The tests are perfect for release documentation as we can map them one to one to the release documentation/protocol we need to satisfy with every software update.

The tests are very comprehensive and can some times span multiple services to enable testing of the last link in a long chain of events.

One of the key functionalities we use is sharing steps between different features.

eg. most of the tests will start by authenticating with username and password before progressing to the next step in the process.


Specflow has a implementation that is parsed along with every scenario that allows for grouping and sharing important information - namely the ScenarioContext.


There are probably other options - but something more native to xUnit is probably the best solution.

Please share any suggestions - or if you dont feel like this belongs in the package at all.

Async void step methods always pass

If you write your code like this:

[Given("I do something")]
public async void Do_Something() => throw new NotImplementedException();

the step will always pass.

I think this is something to do with how we consume the Task object - I'm happy to go fix it

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