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rpgmakermv's Issues

CharacterGraphicExtend.js の敵キャラの色相指定について

CharacterGraphicExtend.js の色相についてバグと見られる動きがあったので報告致します。

RPGツクールMZ の機能との認識ですが、
Dragon の色相、例えば 60 を指定すると、データベースでは黄色のドラゴンになるのですが、
<CG敵キャラ: 1,Dragon,60>

恐らく、ソースの以下部分で、hue をマイナス値に

・792 行目


仕様ということであれば、チケットは close していただければと思います。

How to add Fullscreen button in webpage?

Hi, Triacontane. Greetings.
My name is Ryan.

Thank you for creating so many useful plugin and thank you for many tips that you wrote in your blog. I cannot speak Japanese, therefore I use Google Translate to read your articles.

Based on your article here: you wrote a very useful tips for me. But there are some features that was missing in your article:

  1. How to make RPG Maker game screen fit automatically to the iframe window without pressing F3?
  2. How to make a button that will toggle the game into fullscreen mode?
  3. How to disable ESC button to escape full screen, but using F11 instead? Because ESC is used to toggle menu in RPG MV game.

Fortunately, I found solution number 1 and 2. By using this script
I can disable F3 and make the game screen automatically fit the screen. I can also use F4 to fullscreen the iframe window.

The problem is number 3. When going fullscreen, the ESC button will escape fullscreen mode.

Do you have any solution for this?

For information this is my web

I am sorry if I bother you.

HalfMove 1 tile y-axis

Current situation.
I can move up half tile.
GIF 2021-02-07 오후 4-33-56
But in this situation of all tiles, I don't want to move up and down. I tried modifying Game_CharacterBase.isMapPassable but it doesn't work as I want. Where should I modify it?

HalfMove.js for RPG MV - Can't move when using different tile unit


The plugin works great with Chrono Engine. Is it possible to use less that 0.5 Game_Map.tileUnit? Right now, if I change it to 0.25, I am only able to move once, and then I get stuck; the player is unable to move. However, if I hold down the "Ctrl" key to override the passability (I think this turns on the "THROUGH" function for the player), I can move at the 0.25 tile (though the character animation is also slower).

Any assistance on this is greatly appreciated!

再生値の固定化プラグイン(RegenerationFixed.js) のURLが違う

再生値の固定化プラグイン(RegenerationFixed.js) のVer1.0.1 にてURLが間違っていました。
d を t と間違えたものと推察します。優先度は、かなり低いので対応せずにCloseして頂いても構いません。





Is this project active?

Hi all.

I want to help, but I want to know if this project is active. Is this project active?

Better use for touch control in ChangeWindowTouchPolicy.js for MV [Suggestion]

Hi, Triacontane.

Your ChangeWindowTouchPolicy.js is really awesome, especially when combined with MousePointerExtend.js which will greatly improves mouse user experience.

I have some suggestions to improve ChangeWindowTouchPolicy.js for touchscreen user:

  1. Add option for touch user to perform only single touch for selecting menu/command. Currently, touch user need to touch the menu/command two times. First touch for highlighting the menu/command, second is for selecting the menu/command which means too many touch to perform a command.

  2. Skip "Cursor" sound when touching the menu/command, and just play the "Ok" sound, because every single touch will be registered as selection (as Ok).

  3. Add ability to swipe up and down to scroll long list of menu/command.

Thank you for your attention.

PressAnyButton.js のMZ版で フォント情報を指定するとエラーが発生する

PressAnyButton.js のMZ版でフォントを指定し、
fonts フォルダに指定した ttf などのフォントデータを配置すると以下エラーが発生しました。

fontFace is not defined

下記の、修正後のソース(fontFace は存在しないので、font.Face に変更)では、


this.bitmap.fontFace = fontFace;


this.bitmap.fontFace = font.Face;

StartUpFullScreen in MZ

Can we make it full screen the exact moment we set it to On in Window_Options? (I am aware that we can instantly toggle between On and Off with F4, but players don't know)


When I have halfmove.js on as an active plugin it seems to be creating alot of framerate lag when I'm testing my game. Here are the plugins I'm using. Do you have any idea which one could be causing the conflict.

# Nice Project

Looks like a great project, but it's just a language barrier.

HalfMove.js on RPGMakerMZ

HalfMove.js cause below errors in RPGMakerMZ.
I think support for RPGMaker MZ is yet to come, but I will report it.

rmmz_managers.js:2030 TypeError: this.followers(...).forEach is not a function
at Game_Player.resetPrevPos (HalfMove.js:1545)
at Game_Player.locate (HalfMove.js:1387)
at Game_Player.performTransfer (rmmz_objects.js:8135)
at Scene_Map.onMapLoaded (rmmz_scenes.js:677)
at Scene_Map.isReady (rmmz_scenes.js:669)
at Function.SceneManager.updateScene (rmmz_managers.js:2099)
at Function.SceneManager.updateMain (rmmz_managers.js:2057)
at Function.SceneManager.update (rmmz_managers.js:1938)
at Function.Graphics._onTick (rmmz_core.js:800)
at TickerListener.emit (pixi.js:9474)

SceneGlossary with VisuMZ_1_MessageCore

When using SceneGlossary and VisuMZ_1_MessageCore together, an error occurs the moment I open SceneGlossary's window.

To test it, I created a new MZ project, created the simplest event, and ran it.

스크린샷 2023-11-21 211715
스크린샷 2023-11-21 210206
스크린샷 2023-11-21 210215

this is plugin order

스크린샷 2023-11-21 210227

this is event

Is Chronus plugin mz and mv versions different?

Hi, triacontane, I want to use the Chronus plugin on my RPGMaker MV, but I found that Chronus in mz_master branch has recently fixed some issues, and Chronus in the master branch has not been updated for a long time, should I use Chronus from the master branch or Chronus from mz_master branch? My software is RPGMaker MV, and although I saw that the documentation says that MV should use the master branch, I'm not sure, please help me...

HalfMove.js 1.11.3 において イベントが上下から近づく際にプレイヤーに隣接できない




isCollidedFromPlayer フラグはトリガー拡大が有効の場合のみ使用されているようなので、そこに注目して衝突と接触の判定を分離できれば良いのかなと思います。

CursedAction.js で、CurseRate が使用できない。

CursedAction.js で、
CurseRate が使えないバグがありましたので報告します。

MZ と MV で作りの変化はないのですが、確認が大変なので、
MZ での修正方法を記載しました。
仕様の勘違いの可能性もありますので、その場合は Close してください。


var rate = this.getMetaInfoCursedAction(['呪い確率', 'CurseCond'], index);


var rate = this.getMetaInfoCursedAction(['呪い確率', 'CurseRate'], index);

ChangeWindowTouchPolicy.js doesn't work in Core v1.3.2


私が使用しているプラグインの1つは、ChangeWindowTouchPolicy.jsです。 ただし、プラグインのMZバージョンを試すと、次のエラーメッセージが表示されます。
ChangeWindowTouchPolicy error



Conflict HalfMove.js and TemplateEvent.js

Hi there.
I'm using these two plugins in my project. But it seems that some note tags from HalfMove.js don't work with Template Events.
I have a Template Event in the Template Map.
Then I put him in another map with the note tags:
But the Expansion trigger doenst work.
I also tried to put the Expansion Trigger in the note tag of the Template Event in the Template map, then call the event only with:
But doenst seem to work either.
I swap the order in the plugin manager, but no results.
Thanks for your great plugins. I learn a lot from the codes ^^

Translate the to English

I really liked your project, but I believe it would be more inclusive to have the option to at least read the documentation in English. I believe it would be one less barrier for other people. That said, I'd like to contribute by translating the file

[Request] Window Option Screen Scale

When you have time or interest it would be cool a simple plugin for screen scaling changing to window option, let's say the game is using sprites made for a 320x180 screen and scaling them 2x for 640x360 and 4x for 1280x720. A parameter to show the scale times or the resolution that will be changed would be nice, as well as compatibility with the electron window

A small issue with the DynamicEquipParam

a.special('aaa') # メモ欄の[aaa]の値(※)

The above attribute seems to be invalid, I have already noted it in the armor<aaa: 100>
After I set it this way, the value immediately became invalid.


MoviePicture.js freezing problem

hi does this plugin stable
because I find many random freezing from add messege show other pictur delete other pic etc
and other weird bug like it delete itself(then I turn of auto delete now it freez)
in fresh project with no other plugin and little 350 kb size video

I use ysp video player
in alternative
That plugin got some freeze too(rarely)
because of the preload plugin of his
but still as I say there will be rarely found the freezing problem
and the dev would not work on it any further

so I see this plugin had update recently
would you consider to adding some preload method to fix the freezing
or this plugin need other of your plugin in combo to working

anyway thank you for your amazing plugin

EventReSpawn - Variables in Plugin Commands

Hi Triacontane!
This is not an issue, but I want to ask if you can add the possibility to use variables in plugin commands.
Thanks anyway ^^



AttackChain.js (Suggestion)

Nice plugin! I will definitely use it! Just one suggestion: It would be great if the total amount of damage of the chain could also be shown on screen.



I really like your window message popup
but I want to show some popup that don't need to press button to close(a time period)
so I went to use
but the problem is galv window popups is the normal size
and I like your fitting message window very much
so now it kind of awkward to have these not match window pop up in the same game
would you consider to add the pop up time period feature to window message popup
or create the difference plugin by this work
if not never mind
thank you for reading and for your excellent plugin

MZ上のTitleNewGameOnly.jsでfileExistAction 2の時にマップの自動更新が機能しない

ものすごく限定的なのですが、「MZ上」かつ「fileExistAction 2」の時に、セーブデータを作り、その後にゲーム本体の方をツクールエディタ上で更新してセーブを行ったマップ上に新しいイベントを追加したり元あったイベントを削除すると、そのセーブデータをロードした際に、追加した筈のイベントがまだなかったり(同じマップに入り直すと出現します)、削除されたイベントを参照しようとして例外が出たりします。

本来なら、そのような状況になると onLoadSuccess()の中にある Scene_Load.prototype.reloadMapIfUpdated がゲームデータの更新を検知してロード直後に今いるマップの再読み込みを行ってくれるのでよかったのですが、これが何故かMZでは動いておらず(MVでは動いています)、どうしてか調べました。

MVでは DataManager.loadGame() は真偽値を返すのですが、 MZでは DataManager.loadGame() はPromiseを返すように変更になっており(つまりロード処理が即座には完了しないという事です…)、そのせいでロード完了前の何かよくわからないものを参照して「ゲームデータは更新されていない」と判定されているみたいな雰囲気でした。

ここのloadGame()を実行している箇所を以下のようにすると、きちんとロード後の自動更新が機能するようになったようです(then回りの処理はMZ本体の Scene_Load.prototype.executeLoad を参考にしました)。

                this._sceneLoad = new Scene_Load();
                var t = this;
                .then(function () {
                }).catch(() => t._sceneLoad.onLoadFailure());


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