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meteonook's Issues

Fog update needed

There is no way to properly predict weather seeds now that fog is a special weather condition. Absolutely need an update to the coding.

Special cloud data no longer correct

I found my seed using a heavy star night this week. The aurora, rainbow, and light star fall dates and times are still correct. The special clouds are not

Shooting Stars Times in summary don't match times in details

Once you've done your search and received your possible seed, you get a summary block that gives today's weather. If there will be shooting starts, it shows times you're likely to see them. If you then click the See more button to look at the details, the times for shooting stars don't match with the times from the summary.

shooting stars


I can't even predict my wether pattern anymore especially after the 2.0 update and fog was added please update this soon

[feature request] Make a .ical available for the calendar

I'd love to be able to add MeteoNook's reporting into my calendar or similar, so I can take advantage of the notifications there for when the big events like the next heavy star shower/aurora/double rainbows are. I imagine that a file can be generated on the fly in memory, and a download triggered for that.

No Seed

I have input data for roughly a week. I have a couple screenshots but otherwise time traveled. I have double rainbows and almost everything else I made sure to make vague. Even so, it fails to give me a seed and I have triple checked this info and this is actually my second attempt at getting a seed. Any ideas?

Not working, cannot find a seed

I entered a bunch of times across multiple months and it couldn't find a seed. I redid the entire thing to verify my inputs, and it happened again. I cut a few months out and it gave me a seed, but the seed was not correct, as the next day's predicted weather was not accurate.

I returned with 10 minutes of millisecond accurate starfall footage from a heavy star shower night, and it couldn't find a seed for my island. The island was generated at or a few days from ACNH's release.

Maybe the 2.0 update changed something? I've got no idea.

No event day weather on October 31st?

Wasn't sure if this was an issue or not, but I noticed that I'm scheduled to have a meteor shower on October 31st. I figured this day would have the typical "event day weather". Northern hemisphere, seed is 194650881

I can't turn off time traveling!

Sometimes when I reset my time in game, I try to turn off the time travel option on Meteornook it does not save my changes, and I have to delete the island and re-add it to fix the issue.

Incorrect shower time on overview

The time provided on the overview for the star shower of the current day doesn't match the time provided in the day forecast.

I believe the overcast page still use the old system from 1.2
What leads me to think that is that at midnight, which has a fine weather, the time is correct. But at 1, with a cloudy sky, the time is incorrect

Example in following image for seed: 1443633326

German translation: wrong constellations shown

In the german translation the wrong constellation is shown.

Now: Capricorn
Next: Aquarius

English is correct

The offset seems to be exactly 6 months, because the sequence is correct (capricorn preceeds aquarius, but in January/February)

Wrong monthly view with clock offset

If you set two months back of the current date and save the settings, the overview is ok, but when you go to the monthly view it shows 2 months forward.
I guess the problem is in the file model.ts line 360, the minus should be a plus.
Could you correct it please?

Shooting stars time not accurate on preview page.

As for my island, with seed number 1352092830, on preview page of 30 Jan, 2021, it tells me that:

Expect some shooting stars around 19:14, 19:42, ....

and after I click the button "See more", accurate times of shooting stars are like this:

19:06 - :03, :04, :19, :31, :51
19:18 - :06, :10, :14, :21, :48
19:19 - :05, :10, :40, :50, :52
19:40 - :13, :14, :41, :42, :59
19:43 - :00, :16, :35, :39, :43

I understand that there must be some reason that you designed it this way, but sometimes users might be confused, some users might take that as accurate minute of shooting stars.

Especially, in Chinese languages(zh-hans, zh-hant, zh-tw), the translators might have forgotten to translate "around'', that may make more users confusing.

If this inaccurate time is by design, I suppose that at least the translation could be improved.

00 AM/PM should be 12 AM/PM when time format is set to 12 hours

This happens in the time selection drop-down when entering data and in forecast screens e.g. Overview. It really threw me off when entering data, as it doesn't match how the time is shown on the in-game clock. Happens on English (UK) language setting.
Current settings:

Import JSON possible

I needed to delete my cookies, so I exported my data as JSON. Is there a way to import the JSON-File?

Not able to find seed as of ACNH version 1.6.0

As of version 1.4.0 I had no problem getting the seeds for my own ACNH game and 2 of my friends.

My gf started playing in August. Through september/october I entered weatherinfo for her game. Couldn't find the correct seed.

Last week I only entered Celeste visits and the (announced by Isabelle) meteor shower information she had from her island. This to be sure there was no incorrect entered info possible. I am 100% sure this information is all correct. It's down to 2 possible seeds now. Both are not properly refelecting the weather she is having on her island today.

I assume something was changed in update 1.5 or 1.6 that makes it impossible to get the correct weatherseed for islands.

Update to ACHH 1.10.0

This thing needs to be updated from 1.4.0 to 1.10.0 because it is no longer right in 1.10.0

Daylight Savings time?

I have been trying to find my seed for over a week now and I feel like the one I have might be correct, but it seems to be an hour off on the weather condition times. So my question is, does the MeteoNook take in account for Daylight Savings Time or no?

My weather today says FineRain02, yesterday K.K had his show so I left it blank, and the day before I had Celeste show up and even marked down 2 correct star fall times which match the previous seeds star fall times, went back and noted the weather in past pictures but the new seed it keeps wanting to give me does not match today's weather at all. So does it use DST or not?

got it fixed.

Static clouds in background

The background of the game (the horizon) sometimes shows almost static clouds which changes the way you can "read" the weather.

Are the moving clouds on the top of the sky the only ones that matter? Or do we have to keep the clouds on the horizon in mind?


Seeds not matching

Hi, I keep entering data for a little over a week and some random days throughout other months but when I put enough data in to only have 1 seed, it never matches. I've done this about 5 times and none of them have matched. Is it because of the new update that came out for the game?

[suggestion/enhancement] Multiple island overview page

As in the title, it could be quite useful to show the 'today', 'tomorrow', and 'coming up' cards (and maybe the constellation) for each island at once, to allow for quicker comparison between the player's (friends') islands

(unstable) implementation of dark theme for meteonook [I don't know where in the project layout makes sense so it's going here]

Currently, this is implemented as a userscript, but it could be adapted easily to native code; simply call the relevant update function when elements that modify those elements are clicked

Userscript code:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         MeteoNook dark theme
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
function update_rows() {
    // darkens the 'monthly overview' rows
    for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName('row')) {
    for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName('lightShower')) {

function update_menus() {
    // darkens dropdown menus (settings, island)
    for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName('dropdown-menu')) {
    for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName('dropdown-item')) {
        if (!elem.classList.contains('active')) {

function update_cards() {
    // darkens the overview cards
    for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName('card')) {

function update_page() {
    // darkens the body and navbar
    try { // during page load the 'navbar' element does not exist yet and errors are thrown
        let navbar = document.getElementsByClassName('navbar')[0];
    } catch (e) {} // apparently this is needed to throw away the error

function update_modals() {
    // darkens modals (times)
    for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName('modal-content')) {

function update_tabs() {
    // darkens the navigation tabs
    for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName('nav-link active')) {

function update_calendar() {
    // darkens the calendar; or rather, lightens its text
    for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName('b-calendar-grid-weekdays row no-gutters border-bottom')) {
        elem.classList.add('text-light'); // give the calendar weekdays light text
    // this bit never seems to work the first time
    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        for (let elem of document.getElementsByClassName("btn rounded-circle text-dark")) {
            // make the active days of the month light

function update_all() {
    // darkens everything

function prepare_elements() {
    // makes all clicks redarken the page
    for (let elem of document.querySelectorAll('*')) {
        let old_behaviour = elem.onclick;
        elem.onclick = () => {
            if (window.DARK_DEBUG) {
                console.log(`[${elem.localName}.${elem.classList.toString().replace(/ /g,'.')}] reporting click`);
            if (old_behaviour != null) {
            window.setTimeout(update_menus, window.DARK_DELAY); // hack to make dropdowns work
window.DARK_DEBUG = false; // turn this on to spit output on every click; exposed to the console
window.DARK_DELAY = 20; // 10 is long enough for the island settings menu but 20 is necessary for the app settings menu
window.apply_dark = update_all; // expose to the javascript console
window.setTimeout(prepare_elements, 1000); // prepare the elements after 1sec (meteonook approx loading time)
update_page(); // darken the loading page

Weather no longer accurate as of 2020-12-25

My weather as of today is no longer accurate. 15:00 should be rain clouds when it's actually snowing. Seed is 194650881, northern hemisphere. It found my seed months ago and it has been 100% accurate up until today, with many light/heavy meteor showers correctly identified.

[Suggestion] Predict and track Thunderstorms?

I've been wanting this since the first iteration of meteonook, and sad to see it's not a thing yet.

The tool can predict rain but is unable to determine when I might expect a thunderstorm. I know thunderstorms aren't random occurrences during rain, because there is at least 1 day of last year that I know of having a thunderstorm. Going back to this exact day and time, there is always that thunderstorm there.

The weather tool will show me which times will have rain, but not whether rain scenarios are just rain or rain with lightning

Correct info but no seed found.

between a rainbow and meteor showers and weather all accurate no unsure and yet it can't find a seed to match. I exported my data before messing with removing/editing it and still nothing. Could use some insight/help as no matter what I did nothing made a difference in finding me a seed.

"Coming up" section not listing December events

The "Coming up" section is not currently listing any events in December, only January. I have 10 light meteor showers in December, and the first even listed under "Coming up" is Aurora borealis on 1/2. I've checked this in Firefox and Edge with the same issue, including private browsing.

Seed: 194650881, northern hemisphere

[feature request] Suggest when to next check weather.

Sometimes reporting a weather type doesn't narrow down the patterns much or at all e.g. when all patterns agree on the weather at that hour already. However other hours might be guaranteed to specify the pattern, e.g. if the remaining possible patterns each disagree at a specific hour.

To make the process of finding a seed more efficient and save people from checking every hour, it would be cool to display advice on when next to check weather (or simply when it's not needed).

e.g. Check at 13:00 and maybe again at 16:00.
or: No need to check again until 19:00.

Slight anomalies in listed star times versus actual times listed in see more

As you can see based on screenshots it lists 2:25 as a time to be on the lookout for stars but when opening the see more 2:25 is nowhere on the list. Closest being 2:18 and 2:31 respectively.

I would like to mention that besides the slight anomaly between the two the times listed in the see more have been spot on! Creator definitely to be commended for all efforts so far!

(suggestion) Instructions to build/run in ReadMe

I'd like to access MeteoNook for a fan project on iOS. I've never used Rust or Vue and have no idea how to run the program. It would be helpful if the ReadMe could include the build/run instructions!

Handling translations properly

I need to figure out a good way to deal with managing translations so that I can include the ones from #1, #3 and #4, but I don't know what would work best...

Currently, I have the source data in Google Sheets, this is exported to a .tsv (which is in this repository) and then is used to convert it to JSON.

There are a few options possible:

Make the sheet semi-public

If I do this and ask contributors to request edit access, then this would allow the data to be edited there and exported into the format that MeteoNook is already using.

  • ✔️ Requires minimal work to introduce (aside from importing the existing data from the three PRs, which I can do easily)
  • ✔️ Allows for comments to be added, etc, via Google Sheets UI
  • ❌ Makes for weird git diffs when new languages are added

Drop the sheet and TSV, work directly with the translations.js file

  • ✔️ Keeps everything in git/GitHub for easy to read diffs
  • ✔️ Also requires minimal work to introduce
  • ❌ More awkward to compare different columns with each other than the spreadsheet format

... Something else?

I've not got a ton of experience with this kind of thing, so I'd love suggestions on what would work better.

There are also a couple of things I need to think about:

  • what happens when I add new text to the app? (I only speak English and Spanish)
  • is it a good idea to keep the changelog (as it requires quite a bit of translation effort to explain the changes) or not?

Recommending an impossible pattern

Encountered this issue where it claims that Fine02 is a possible pattern, but unless I'm missing something here it shouldn't be, as 7PM is cloudy not sunny.


Overview page showing wrong minutes for shootings stars. 'See More' page is correct.


I can confirm the See More page minutes and seconds in-game.



🌤 Clear all day

🌠 Expect some shooting stars around 19:18, 19:53, 20:22, 20:43, 21:10, 22:09, 22:37, 23:01, 23:39, 00:58, 01:22, 02:49 and 03:43

August 5, 2020
Pattern: Fine04

See More:

19:00: 🍃0 🌤 Sunny

🌠 19:18 - :16, :19, :43, :50, :58

🌠 19:48 - :05, :17, :21, :29, :40

🌠 19:49 - :06, :13, :28, :36, :52

20:00: 🍃1 🌤 Sunny

🌠 20:01 - :30, :34, :36, :42, :59

🌠 20:22 - :19, :28, :39, :57, :58

🌠 20:43 - :03, :21, :25, :49, :52

21:00: 🍃2 ☀ Clear/Fine

🌠 21:07 - :04, :18, :21, :25, :38

🌠 21:12 - :04, :13, :27, :41, :49

The overview tab should give the time of stars

The overview tab currently gives the following information:

  • summary of today's weather
  • summary of tomorrow's weather
  • weather events coming up such as rainbows and heavy star showers
  • information about constellation

All of this is nice to see in a glance, however there is an information that is missing from me on this overview tab: it does not show the upcoming minor star showers. I have to find out about them in the monthly tab instead.

I think the "today" and "tomorrow" summary in overview could be enriched by showing (1) whether there is any stars on that day and (2) the time of the shower.

Export as iCal

It would be cool to be able to export as iCal so I don't have to copy events like heavy meteor showers over.

Suggestion: Save possible seeds to speed up subsequent runs

When I used this tool, I put in a few data points, searched for a seed, put in a few more, searched again, etc.

It appears that each time it searched through all possible seeds, even though most of them had already been excluded from previous data.

I'd suggest limiting the search to previously found seeds if the user adds data without deleting or editing other data points.

If for instance a user puts in enough data to narrow down the search to 30 seeds, then adds another data point, it should search those 30 seeds first.

Deleted islands will not stay deleted

Islands that I've deleted via the 'remove island' function keep reappearing in my list.

Please let me know what other data you may need to assess this defect. Thank you!

[feature request] Mystery island weather forecast

Feature suggestion:

Anecdotal evidence suggests mystery islands have a weather pattern as well, just different from the home island weather (visiting multiple mystery islands during the same hour, they all have the same weather).

If mystery island weather is somehow based on the same seed, it could be forecast as well.

Knowing when it will be raining on a mystery island can be useful for fishing and increasing scorpion spawns.

"None of the Above"" does not exclude Aurora australis

When selecting "None of the above" under Special Patterns, this does not exclude the "Aurora australis" pattern.

To reproduce:

  • Set island to Southern Hemisphere
  • Select "Aurora australis" under Special Patterns, and check any of the boxes. Note Possible patterns: Fine01, Fine03, Fine05.
  • Change Special Patterns to "None of the above". Note Possible patterns includes those from previous step: Fine01, Fine03, Fine05.

(suggestion) make it possible to download?

I'd like to be able to download meteonook so that I can use it offline. I like to sometimes go camping, and usually, the internet connection (if there is any) isn't very good, and I'd like to be able to access meteonook even when it's like that. Also, if you already can download meteonook on a phone, please let me know how.

Overview Page is Gone

Overview page is blank. Tab is there but the page is blank. Can’t enter my seed to see info on other tabs. Refreshing the page and current update checked.

No Seed despite "correct" data

A couple hourly slots I got data around the 30-50 minute mark, so its data isn't exactly accurate:

I am aware there are some large gaps, but that's just how life goes. The meteor showers are accurate. The later meteor shower had no visit from celeste, and no one said anything about it.

Eventdays prior to resident service upgrade

When entering data while resident services isn't yet upgraded, on a day that would have otherwise been an event, no seeds will be possible.

I haven't upgraded resident services, I dont have a bug off today, no other data is entered other than this one hour.


Suggestion: Timer Until Next Star

Would be awesome to have a "Next star in: HH:MM:SS" timer on the current day card, especially for light shower days, so you can know if you have a big 45 minute gap between stars, or if you have two within 2-3 minutes of one another.

Example mockup:


It should use the system's current clock. If that is aksew from the Switch's clock - oh well! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Most people's clocks are in sync enough for this to be useful, though.

KK affects the weather?

I found my seed and everything was accurate until today, but tonight I must have pattern FineCloud02. What does mean rain in the evening, but it's not. Is the problem in the pattern or because of the KK concert today?

Problem with Aurora borealis option

I tried to find my seed and had an aurora that night at 22:00. When I selected the special pattern option it shows 3 different patterns that are possible but none match mine. All of the 3 patterns told me I should have an aurora from 03:00 -04:00 but there is none in my game. I also checked other times (19:00-23:00) but there was no aurora.
Those 3 patterns don't seem to be up to date anymore as there are cleary patterns that don't match. Is it possible to update this option?

French translation: constellations offset

Basically the same issue as the German translation. The order of constellations differes from the English order.

current EN (correct): Capricorn%%Aquarius%%Pisces%%Aries%%Taurus%%Gemini%%Cancer%%Leo%%Virgo%%Libra%%Scorpio%%Sagittarius
EN in FR: Capricorne%%Verseau%%Poisson%%Bélier%%Taureau%%Gémeaux%%Cancer%%Lion%%Vierge%%Balance%%Scorpion%%Sagittaire

current FR (wrong): Verseau%%Poisson%%Bélier%%Taureau%%Gémeaux%%Cancer%%Lion%%Vierge%%Balance%%Scorpion%%Sagittaire%%Capricorne

ciruclar order is correct, starting point should be Capricorne (now last element)

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