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fs22_interactivecontrol's Introduction

Interactive Control

'Interactive Control' is a global script mod for Farming Simulator 22. While this mod is active, you are able to use many other mods that support Interactive Control. With IC you have the possibility to interactively control many parts of several (prepared) vehicles. to use many other mods that support Interactive Control. With IC you have the possibility to interactively control many parts of several (prepared) vehicles.



'Interactive Control' provides different possibilities to interact with your vehicles. You can use click icons that appear when you turn on IC or when you are nearby. Another way for interactive handling is a key binding event. The controls are able to be used as switch or to force a state. All interactions are generally possible to use from the inside and the outside of a vehicle.

Using the controls you can steer different things:

  • Play animations (e.g. to open/close windows, fold/unfold warning signs, ...)
  • Call specific functions (e.g. Start/Stop Motor, TurnOn/Off tool, Lift/Lower attacher joints, ...)
  • ObjectChanges (to change translation/rotation/visibility/...)

Thanks goes to:

Wopster, JoPi, SirJoki80 & Flowsen (for the ui elements) and Face (for the initial idea)

& AgrarKadabra for many contributions!

VertexDezign & SchnibblModding for testing and providing demo mods!


The documentation is not finished yet, but should be sufficient for experienced users. If you are in need of some extra help, take a look into the demonstration mods:


Explained XML documentation HTML-file

        <!-- If needed, you can define different configurations -->
                <!-- The outdoor trigger is important, if you want to use IC from the outside of a vehicle -->
                <outdoorTrigger node="node"/>

                <!-- Add a new Interactive Control -->
                <interactiveControl negText="$l10n_actionIC_deactivate" posText="$l10n_actionIC_activate">
                    <!-- Add a clickPoint to toggle the event -->
                    <!-- Possible iconTypes: -->
                    <clickPoint alignToCamera="true" animMaxLimit="1" animMinLimit="0" animName="string" blinkSpeedScale="1" foldMaxLimit="1" foldMinLimit="0" forcedState="boolean" iconType="CROSS" invertX="false" invertZ="false" node="node" scaleOffset="float" size="0.04" type="UNKNOWN"/>

                    <!-- Add a button to toggle the event -->
                    <button animMaxLimit="1" animMinLimit="0" animName="string" foldMaxLimit="1" foldMinLimit="0" forcedState="boolean" input="string" range="5" refNode="node" type="UNKNOWN"/>

                    <!-- Animation to be played on IC event -->
                    <animation initTime="float" name="string" speedScale="float" />

                    <!-- Add a function to your control, don't forget to add a attacherJoint index (or indicies) if required! -->
                    <function name="string">
                        <attacherJoint index="integer" indicies="1 2 .. n"/>

                    <!-- This control should not be functional all the time? Add a configuration restriction -->
                        <restriction indicies="1 2 .. n" name="string"/>

                    <!-- You want to use some extra dashboards for your control? -->
                    <!-- There are three new valueTypes: ic_state (BOOLEAN) | ic_stateValue (FLOAT 0-1) | ic_action (in combination with 'raiseTime', 'activeTime', 'onICActivate', 'onICDeactivate')-->
                    <dashboard activeTime="1" animName="string" baseColor="string" displayType="string" doInterpolation="false" emissiveScale="0.2" emitColor="string"font="DIGIT" fontThickness="1" groups="string" hasNormalMap="false" hiddenColor="string" idleValue="0" intensity="1" interpolationSpeed="0.005" maxRot="string" maxValueAnim="float" maxValueRot="float" maxValueSlider="float" minRot="string" minValueAnim="float" minValueRot="float" minValueSlider="float" node="node" numberColor="string" numbers="node" onICActivate="true" onICDeactivate="true" precision="1" raiseTime="1" rotAxis="float" textAlignment="RIGHT" textColor="string" textMask="00.0" textScaleX="1" textScaleY="1" textSize="0.03" valueType="string">
                        <state rotation="x y z" scale="x y z" translation="x y z" value="1 2 .. n" visibility="boolean"/>

                    <!-- You can change the active state of dashboards here.-->
                    <!-- Keep in mind to set an value inactive in most entries, not all dashboards are working with the active state -->
                    <!-- Keep in mind that only vanilla dashboard types are supported! -->
                    <dependingDashboards animName="string" dashboardActive="true" dashboardInactive="true" dashboardValueActive="float" dashboardValueInactive="float" node="node" numbers="node"/>

                    <!-- You can block unused moving parts here -->
                    <dependingMovingPart isInactive="true" node="node"/>

                    <!-- You can block unused moving tools here -->
                    <dependingMovingTool isInactive="true" node="node"/>

                    <!-- You can block depending interactive controls here -->
                    <!-- blockState: Control state to block depending control -->
                    <!-- forcedBlockedState: Forced state of depending control if blocked -->
                    <dependingInteractiveControl index="int" blockState="boolean" forcedBlockedState="boolean"/>

                    <!-- Modify sound here, 'indoorFactor' is the sound percentage factor if control is active -->
                    <!-- Set 'delayedSoundAnimationTime' if the sound should be changed on specific animation time (first animation or 'name') -->
                    <soundModifier indoorFactor="float" delayedSoundAnimationTime="float" name="string"/>

                    <objectChange centerOfMassActive="x y z" centerOfMassInactive="x y z" compoundChildActive="boolean" compoundChildInactive="boolean" interpolation="false" interpolationTime="1" massActive="float" massInactive="float" node="node" parentNodeActive="node" parentNodeInactive="node" rigidBodyTypeActive="string" rigidBodyTypeInactive="string" rotationActive="x y z" rotationInactive="x y z" scaleActive="x y z" scaleInactive="x y z" shaderParameter="string" shaderParameterActive="x y z w" shaderParameterInactive="x y z w" sharedShaderParameter="false" translationActive="x y z" translationInactive="x y z" visibilityActive="boolean" visibilityInactive="boolean"/>

            <objectChange centerOfMassActive="x y z" centerOfMassInactive="x y z" compoundChildActive="boolean" compoundChildInactive="boolean" interpolation="false" interpolationTime="1" massActive="float" massInactive="float" node="node" parentNodeActive="node" parentNodeInactive="node" rigidBodyTypeActive="string" rigidBodyTypeInactive="string" rotationActive="x y z" rotationInactive="x y z" scaleActive="x y z" scaleInactive="x y z" shaderParameter="string" shaderParameterActive="x y z w" shaderParameterInactive="x y z w" sharedShaderParameter="false" translationActive="x y z" translationInactive="x y z" visibilityActive="boolean" visibilityInactive="boolean"/>

    <!-- If you want to use your own click icon, you easily can register it here -->
        <clickIcon blinkSpeed="float" filename="string" name="string" node="string"/>


Function Description Requirements
MOTOR_START_STOPP Toggle vehicle motor start and stop
LIGHTS_TOGGLE Toggle lights on and off
LIGHTS_WORKBACK_TOGGLE Toggle worklights back on and off
LIGHTS_WORKFRONT_TOGGLE Toggle worklights front on and off
LIGHTS_HIGHBEAM_TOGGLE Toggle highbeamlights on and off
LIGHTS_TURNLIGHT_HAZARD_TOGGLE Toggle hazard lights on and off
LIGHTS_TURNLIGHT_LEFT_TOGGLE Toggle turnlight left on and off
LIGHTS_TURNLIGHT_RIGHT_TOGGLE Toggle turnlight right on and off
LIGHTS_BEACON_TOGGLE Toggle beaconlight on and off
LIGHTS_PIPE_TOGGLE1 Toggle pipelight on and off
CRUISE_CONTROL_TOGGLE Toggle cruise control on and off
DRIVE_DIRECTION_TOGGLE Toggle vehicle drive direction
COVER_TOGGLE Toggle cover state
ATTACHERJOINT_LIFT_LOWER Lift/lower implement on attacherJoint index or first selected one if more indicies ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINT_TURN_ON_OFF Turn on/off implement on attacherJoint index or first selected one if more indicies ".attacherJoint#index"
TURN_ON_OFF Turn on/off vehicle
ATTACHERJOINT_FOLDING_TOGGLE Fold/unfold implement on attacherJoint index or first selected one if more indicies ".attacherJoint#index"
PIPE_FOLDING_TOGGLE1 Fold/unfold pipe
FOLDING_TOGGLE Fold/unfold vehicle
ATTACHERJOINTS_TOGGLE_DISCHARGE Toggle discharging on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
DISCHARGE_TOGGLE Toggle discharging on vehicle
CRABSTEERING_TOGGLE Toggle crab steering mode to next mode
RADIO_TOGGLE Toggle radio on/off
RADIO_CHANNEL_NEXT1 Next radio channel
RADIO_CHANNEL_PREVIOUS1 Previous radio channel
RADIO_ITEM_NEXT1 Next radio item
RADIO_ITEM_PREVIOUS1 Previous radio item
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_LEFT_INCREASE1 Increase work width left on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_LEFT_DECREASE1 Decrease work width left on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_RIGHT_INCREASE1 Increase work width right on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_RIGHT_DECREASE1 Decrease work width right on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_VARIABLE_WORK_WIDTH_TOGGLE1 Toggle work width on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
ATTACHERJOINTS_ATTACH_DETACH1 Attach or detach vehicle on attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
REVERSEDRIVING_TOGGLE2 Toggle vehicle reverse driving
External Mods:
GPS_TOGGLE Toggle GuidanceSteering on and off
GPS_TOGGLE_ACTIVE2 Toggle GuidanceSteering active mode
PF_CROP_SENSOR_TOGGLE1 Toggle PrecisionFarming crop sensor mode
PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_CROP_SENSOR_TOGGLE1 Toggle PrecisionFarming crop sensor mode on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
PF_SEED_RATE_MODE1 Toggle PrecisionFarming seed rate mode
PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SEED_RATE_MODE1 Toggle PrecisionFarming seed rate mode on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
PF_SEED_RATE_UP1 Increase PrecisionFarming manual seed rate
PF_SEED_RATE_DOWN1 Decrease PrecisionFarming manual seed rate
PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SEED_RATE_UP1 Increase PrecisionFarming manual seed rate on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SEED_RATE_DOWN1 Decrease PrecisionFarming manual seed rate on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
PF_SPRAY_AMOUNT_MODE1 Toggle PrecisionFarming spray amount mode
PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SPRAY_AMOUNT_MODE Toggle PrecisionFarming spray amount mode on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
PF_SPRAY_AMOUNT_UP1 Increase PrecisionFarming manual spray amount
PF_SPRAY_AMOUNT_DOWN1 Decrease PrecisionFarming manual spray amount
PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SPRAY_AMOUNT_UP1 Increase PrecisionFarming manual spray amount on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
PF_ATTACHERJOINTS_SPRAY_AMOUNT_DOWN1 Decrease PrecisionFarming manual spray amount on selected attacherJoint if in 'indices' ".attacherJoint#index" or ".attacherJoint#indicies"
VCA_TOGGLE_AWD1 Toggle VehicleControlAddon all wheel drive mode on and off
VCA_TOGGLE_DIFFLOCK_FRONT1 Toggle VehicleControlAddon front differential lock on and off
VCA_TOGGLE_DIFFLOCK_BACK1 Toggle VehicleControlAddon back differential lock on and off
VCA_TOGGLE_PARKINGBRAKE1 Toggle VehicleControlAddon parking brake on and off
HEADLAND_MANAGEMENT_TOGGLE1 Toggle HeadlandManagement on and off
MS_TOGGLE_PUMP2 Toggle ManureSystem pump on and off
MS_TOGGLE_PUMP_DIRECTION2 Toggle ManureSystem pump direction

1Since version 2Since version


Copyright (c) 2024, John Deere 6930. All rights reserved.

fs22_interactivecontrol's People


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fs22_interactivecontrol's Issues

Mod Conflict With Lizard XT-2

Interactive Control seems to conflict with the Lizard XT-2 bale trailer (

All you need to reproduce the issue is load a game save with the Lizard XT-2 and Interactive Control mods activated. If you do not have the Lizard XT-2 mod already bought and spawned in the game, then pulling it up in the shop hangs the game. It is important to note that you can exit the shop to stop the infinite load, but on attempting to buy it the game will hang with the only remedy being force closing the game.

Here's an image demonstrating the problem loading the Lizard XT-2 in the shop:


If you have the Lizard XT already in the game and then activate the Interactive Control Mod, then saving the game results in an error and the savegame corrupts and is subsequently "deleted" and not able to be selected in the savegame selection menu on restarting.

Here's an image demonstrating the savegame corruption when saving with the Lizard XT-2 already in the game:


I suspected that this is due to the latest version, and testing that hypothesis proves to be correct, as with both mods activated in the savegame I can load the Lizard XT-2 in the shop with the old version of Interactive control ( with no issues:


Here is the log for the conflict regarding loading the XT into the shop:

log loading XT in shop.txt

Here is the log for the save conflict:

log saving XT already spawned in.txt

Idea: Functions for Manure System

Hi Tobi :)

With the release of the Manure system, it would be cool to be able to change the filling direction or start filling/emptying via IC.

Best regards

No issui, just a question

Hi Tobias,
I have a question for the interactive xml editing.
I working on an animation for a baler.
With interactive control there is a chamber who loads a visual netwrole into the baler.
This works fine, but interactive control roles back the animation lines in the xml.
So when closing the chamber, the netwrole comes visible again when clicking again on the interactive control button.
Is there a xml editing line to click only one time on the interactive control button?
Or do i need something change in the animation section?

So summarized what i wish, the netwrole goes visible into the baler when clicking the IC point.
Clicking again on the IC point, the animation starts again and not backwards.

Not activating

I've tried changing keybinds multiple times however the mod just won't turn on, i can't interact with anything on the the tractor.
Base game tractors btw, the external buttons are there but they just don’t work

Start Filling


Is it possible to add an IC command for the "Start Filling" action? I've been through the guidance but don't see one, so not sure if an IC can be mapped to a specific keypress, I'm missing it, or it's not available.

Many thanks

First person clickpoints

Hello Tobias,

Because a lot of players play with the first person view, i have a question related to this.
When playing in first person (with the extended mod, or with the easy development controls), the clickpoints from the IC aren't clickable because the player view isn't align with the clickpoint. It's very annoying to switch again back to normal camera view, only for clicking on a marker.
Is it possible to make a solution for this problem? Maybe when a clickpoint is in range, the camera changes or the clickpoint get's bigger or something like that?

Thanks again for your time!

Problem Ic interactive control fs22


I would like to ask how to add an ic to a tractor because there are no instructions on how to add it to tractors, only the lines for the functions and their names, what are they?
How do I add this IC to tractors for fs22?

Warm regards

Function MC

Hello Tobias,

I'm working on a manure barrel and i read the function list in the main page.
How do i need to type the correct line for the pump function with manure system?

I typed it like this below, but it's not correct i think. Because i see the error that the function isn't found :S

				<interactiveControl posText="$l10n_actionIC_fold" negText="$l10n_actionIC_fold">
					<clickPoint node="0>0|10|1" size="0.05" type="OUTDOOR" iconType="TURN_ON"/>
					<function name="MS_TOGGLE_PUMP"/>

Could you help me with it?

Feature Request Attaching

Is there any way to add a attacherjoint attach/detach function? Most tractors have a lever for attaching and detaching the trailer or implement. Would be cool. :)

And a color change function too. When you look at a trigger point, which then changes the color of the trigger. With this you could design nicer trigger areas and do without the overlapping trigger icons.

Folding bug in multiplayer mode

A vehicle and a trailer I've add Interactive Control function to their foldable part. So that I can directly control their foldable parts through IC button. They both work fine in single player mode without any error.


    <interactiveControlConfigurations title="$l10n_actionIC_Animation">
        <interactiveControlConfiguration name="$l10n_actionIC_IC">
                <outdoorTrigger node="0>1|0" />
                <interactiveControl posText="$l10n_foldCrane" negText="$l10n_unfoldCrane" >
                    <clickPoint node="0>0|12|4|6" size="0.1" type="OUTDOOR" iconType="UNFOLD1" alignToCamera="false"/>
                    <function name="FOLDING_TOGGLE"/>
        <clickIcon filename="shared/IC_icons/ic_clickIcon.i3d" name="UNFOLD1" node="13"/>
            <foldingParts posDirectionText="$l10n_foldCrane" negDirectionText="$l10n_unfoldCrane" allowUnfoldingByAI="false">
                <foldingPart animationName="folding" speedScale="1" />

The problem is that in multiplayer mode, their foldable parts automatically unfold while other players join the game. How to solve this problem?

Attach_Detach does not work.

Ich verwende die VIC Version Ich habe mehrere configs versucht. Funktioniert weder via Index noch mit den Indicies. Hab alles durchprobiert. Aber nix geht. Mach ich was falsch oder ist die Funktion defekt?

That are my configs:

               <!-- attacherTrailer VIC-->
				<interactiveControl posText="$l10n_actionIC_closeHitch" negText="$l10n_actionIC_openHitch" >
					<clickPoint node="sic_hebel" size="0.05" type="INDOOR" />
					<animation name="attacherJointNode_ani" speedScale="1.0" initTime="0.0" />
					<soundModifier indoorFactor="0" delayedSoundAnimationTime="0.1"/>
                    <attacherJoint index="3" />
	<!-- <attacherJoint indicies="1 3 4"/> -->
    <attacherJoint node="attacherJointBack" upperRotationOffset="0.16" moveTime="2.5" comboTime="1">
        <distanceToGround lower="0.33" upper="1.26"/>
        <rotationNode node="attacherJointBackRot" lowerRotation="-20 0 0" upperRotation="30 0 0"/>
        <rotationNode2 node="attacherJointBackRot2"/>
        <bottomArm rotationNode="attacherJointBackArmBottom" translationNode="backBottomLink" referenceNode="referencePointBackBottom" zScale="-1" startRotation="-13 0 0"/>
        <topArm baseNode="attacherJointBackArmTop" filename="$data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid03.i3d" zScale="-1" color="KAERCHER_GREY4" color2="KAERCHER_GREY4"/>
        <schema position="1 0" rotation="0" invertX="false"/>
        <objectChange node="trailerAttacherNode" visibilityActive="false" visibilityInactive="true"/>
        <objectChange node="trailerLowNode" visibilityActive="false" visibilityInactive="true"/>
    <attacherJoint node="attacherJointFront" upperRotationOffset="-0.16" moveTime="2.5" comboTime="0">
        <distanceToGround lower="0.32" upper="1.11"/>
        <rotationNode node="attacherJointFrontRot" lowerRotation="20 0 0" upperRotation="-28 0 0"/>
        <rotationNode2 node="attacherJointFrontRot2"/>
        <bottomArm rotationNode="attacherJointFrontArmBottom" translationNode="bottomLinkFront" referenceNode="referencePointFrontBottom" zScale="1" startRotation="-25 0 0"/>
        <topArm baseNode="attacherJointFrontArmTop" filename="$data/shared/assets/upperLinks/johnDeereUpperlink.i3d" zScale="1" color="KAERCHER_GREY4"/>
        <schema position="1 0" rotation="0" invertX="true"/>
        <objectChange node="bottomArmsFront" rotationActive="0 0 0" rotationInactive="-65 0 0"/>

    <attacherJoint node="trailerAttacherJointBack" jointType="trailer" lowerRotLimit="10 50 50" upperRotRotationOffset="0" allowsJointLimitMovement="false" comboTime="1">
        <distanceToGround lower="0.59" upper="1.20"/>
        <transNode node="trailerAttacherNode" minY="0.58" maxY="1.175"/>
        <schema position="1 0" rotation="0" invertX="false"/>
        <objectChange node="trailerLowNode" visibilityActive="false" visibilityInactive="true"/>
        <objectChange node="attacherJointBackArmBottom" rotationActive="-20 0 0" rotationInactive="0 0 0"/>

    <attacherJoint node="trailerAttacherJointBackLow" jointType="trailerLow" lowerRotLimit="10 50 50" lowerTransLimit="0 0 0" upperRotRotationOffset="0" allowsJointLimitMovement="false" comboTime="1">
        <distanceToGround lower="0.59" upper="0.71"/>
        <transNode node="trailerLowNode" minY="0.58" maxY="0.70"/>
        <schema position="1 0" rotation="0" invertX="false"/>
        <objectChange node="attacherJointBackArmBottom" rotationActive="32 0 0" rotationInactive="0 0 0"/>
        <objectChange node="trailerAttacherNode" visibilityActive="false" visibilityInactive="true"/>
        <steeringBars leftNode="trailerSteeringLeftRef" rightNode="trailerSteeringRightRef"/>
    <attacherJoint node="trailerAttacherJointFront" jointType="trailer" lowerRotLimit="10 50 50" lowerTransLimit="0 0 0" upperRotRotationOffset="0" allowsJointLimitMovement="false" comboTime="0">
        <schema position="1 0" rotation="0" invertX="true"/>

No separation of raise/lower functions and other functions

Good afternoon or evening. I wanted to animate the levers on my tractor to raise and lower the equipment.

The lever has three positions (-15; 0; 0) (0; 0; 0) (15; 0; 0) But alas, it did not work out, from the tests I realized that the animation works only once. The second time it will not work to start until the attacherjoint lift or lower again.

Is it possible to start another animation in the opposite direction, for example, when lowering the attacherjoint (0; 0; 0) --> (-15; 0; 0), and when raising (0; 0; 0) --> (15; 0; 0) ???

Thanks for the script and in advance for answering my question!

Headland Management Support?

Awesome mod. I absolutely love it.
Would you be able to add support for Headland Management?
So a toggle option like Guidance Steering.

And could you tell me how to convert a mod from Simple IC to Interactive Control?

Select vehicle

Hello Tobias,

I asked a few weeks/ months ago, but i can't find my question anymore.
Did you know or find already a solution for activating interactive control when a implement is selected?
In my case, IC only could be activated when the tractor is selected with the G key. When a front or back implement is selected, the IC won't be activated.

MovingTool question

Hey! I have a question.
Is it possible to add a function where you can control a MovingTool, for example up and down, but the MovingTool only moves as long as you click with the left mouse button? Similar to a MouseButtonDown event. So you would have 2 buttons, one for up and one for down, and move the MovingTool up or down as long as you press the button.

Passenger control

Is it possible that the player can also control the IC click point while sitting on the passenger seat?

Abladen über kornschieber

Guten Tag.
Wollte fragen ob es möglich ist mit dem Script das man einen Anhänger über den kornschieber entleeren kann? Den ic Punkt wir ingame angezeigt aber wenn ich diesen betätige passiert nichts

Spiel hängt sich bei Aufruf von extendedSowingMachine Spezi auf.


in Verbindung mit PrecisionFarming hat die Beta 3 bei mir folgenden Fehler.
Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileAsyncFinished'.
dataS/scripts/internalMods/FS22_precisionFarming/scripts/specializations/ExtendedSowingMachine.lua(72) : attempt to index global 'g_precisionFarming' (a nil value)


Der Fehler tritt entweder beim Laden auf, wenn sich entsprechende Geräte im Spielstand befinden, sonst im Shop.
Bei der specialisation ExtendedSprayer tritt der Fehler ebenfalls auf.

Testspielstand, keine weiteren Mods im Ordner.


is there any support for toggling tip side like for a hopper bottom when unloading ...i wanna control the dumping from the out side controle box

any help would ne awesome

Hupe per click icon auslösen

Hallo .... Ich habe merfach vergeblich versucht die Hupe (Honk event) per clickitem auszulösen.
leider bisher ohne Erfolg ....
Könnte mir jemand da behilflich sein ?

klappt leider nicht.
klappt leider nicht.

Vielen Dank.
Gruß H.Leithoff

[Enhancement] Translation PT-BR


I hereby contribute to your work and provide the PT-BR translation I made for myself. It is already tested and functional.

Any other support you need for translation of mods, I will be available.


Discharge issui


I don't know if it's an issui or just a wrong textcode in the xml.
What i try to do is to make a discharge button outside of the tractor for a mixerwagon.
(just like to activate a pto outside the tractor, but this time for unload forage in a cowshed).
I have tried a lot of codes, but i can't activate the function.
Everything is showing up and i can click the button, but there isn't a function behind it.
I used the ATTACHERJOINTS_TOGGLE_DISCHARGE and the DISCHARGE_TOGGLE but both without succes.

What i'm doing wrong?

                <!-- unload back -->
				<interactiveControl posText="$l10n_actionIC_StopUnloadingImplement" negText="$l10n_actionIC_UnloadImplement" >
                    <clickPoint node="0>0|6|19|7" size="0.05" blinkSpeedScale="0.6" type="OUTDOOR" iconType="TURN_ON" alignToCamera="false" invertZ="true"/>
					<function name="DISCHARGE_TOGGLE"/>

Some functions do not work

Good day! I wanted to include the following functions in the combine

But no matter how hard I tried, they do not work on the combine.

I downloaded a recent mod of the combine from the modhub where the ATTACHERJOINT_LIFT_LOWER function is also implemented

But this combine with the ATTACHERJOINT_LIFT_LOWER function also does not work for me. Maybe the problem is in the scripts or something else?

Weird orange glow

I tried modifying a base game telehandler to have interactive control.
And it works as it should without problems.

There is just a weird orange glow coming from the front of the vehicle. And I don't know why.
If I disable the interactive control mod, It disappears.
Any idea why this happens?

I linked a photo:
2023-02-27 01_28_27-Greenshot

New function request

Hi. I made a rear liftable platform for ProfiLiner. Using the code like this:

                <foldingParts startMoveDirection="1" foldMiddleAnimTime="0.315625" posDirectionText="$l10n_foldPlatform" negDirectionText="$l10n_unfoldPlatform" middlePosDirectionText="$l10n_lowerPlatform" middleNegDirectionText="$l10n_liftPlatform" allowUnfoldingByAI="false">
                    <foldingPart animationName="lowerPlatform" speedScale="0.5" />

Then I set up IC control on the trailer and found that it lacks a function like LIFT_LOWER. Would you add it please~

By the way, is it possible to add IC control to the side curtains of ProfitLiner without modifying its vanilla code? Just curious.

Enhaced support for VCA lane guidance / GPS

Hi @TobiasF92 first, thank you so much for your great mod. I have a dream... :-) Please add functions for VCA lane guidance / GPS tracking. I think the most used are:
"toggle lane guidance"
"disable lane guidance"
"switch to left reverse lane"
"switch to right reverse lane"

Other functions are questions about lane setting before work and can be easily done by menu. Maybe we can call it like "nice to have" in IC.

I'm asking for support, because this lane guidance has a stronger and faster guide to the lane against the Wopster's GPS mod and additional functions like skipping lanes, switching to other lanes on a headland, etc. Thanks for looking into it.
Ticho aka DrewCZ

Frage: andere Anbaugeräte

ist es möglich auch Ladewägen, Miststreuer oder Düngerstreuer zu starten und stoppen, anzuheben oder zu senken oder ein- und auszuklappen über die "AttacherJoint" Funktion?

IC errors in log

I've tried to add an IC control for the Front/Back Diff Lock, and AWD. The log is giving me the following error:

Loaded interactive control does not allow saving 'vehicles.vehicle(22).FS22_interactiveControl.interactiveControl.control(14)', skipping this control

This is my entry in the xml:

	  <interactiveControl posText="$l10n_actionIC_backDiffLock_toggle" negText="$l10n_actionIC_backDiffLock_toggle">
        <clickPoint node="interactiveControlBDL" size="0.05" type="INDOOR" iconType="CROSS" />
        <function name="VCA_TOGGLE_DIFFLOCK_BACK" />
	  <interactiveControl posText="$l10n_actionIC_AWD_toggle" negText="$l10n_actionIC_AWD_toggle">
        <clickPoint node="interactiveControlAWD" size="0.05" type="INDOOR" iconType="CROSS" />
        <function name="VCA_TOGGLE_AWD" />
      </interactiveControl> `

The entries exist in the ModDesc, and nodes are set in the 13d mappings
What have I done wrong please?

Für uns unerklärlicher Fehler / An inexplicable error for us

Newst modhub version of IC.
Hi, unfortunately we couldn't pinpoint why the error occurred.
Dedi, only one person in the MP had the error and then couldn't move anymore.
It then appeared several times in the server log.
Happens while applying Manure.
LS Version

Perhaps you have an idea and/or can fix it.

 Error: Running LUA method 'packetReceived'.
D:/home/sid_5904742/farmingSim_2022/profile/mods/FS22_interactiveControl/src/events/ICStateEvent.lua:39: attempt to index field 'object' (a nil value)

Options in Settingsmenu

I would like to collect ideas for the settings menu, so every one can set up IC for their own uses.

IC Settings:

  • Deactivate IC while leaving vehicle ->[true/false]

Feel free to answer with your ideas :)

Eigentlich kein Problem eher eine Frage.

Erstmal vielen Dank für dieses Script, geniale Arbeit wie man es vom gesammten Vertex Team ja gewohnt ist.

Nun zu meiner Frage is es möglich iwo einen Eintrag zu ändern, damit die Marker dauerhaft sichtbar bleiben ?? Wenn ja wo?
Ich hab mir die Script schon angesehen nur hab ich nix finden können, das ich das hätte vllt selbst ändern können.

In diesem Sinne vielen Dank im vorraus.

Need a code sample

Node "0>0|13|0|3|0" is a functional paddle.

        <movingTool node="supportArm" playSound="true">
            <controls axis="AXIS_CRANE_TOOL2" invertAxis="false" mouseSpeedFactor="0.8" iconName="CRANE_EC_TRANSLATE_Y" />
            <animation animSpeed="1" animAcceleration="200" animName="folding4" />
       <dashboard displayType="ROT" valueType="movingTool" node="0>0|13|0|3|0" rotAxis="3" minRot="20" maxRot="-20" axis="AXIS_CRANE_TOOL2"  doInterpolation="true"/>

How to make node"0>0|13|0|3|0" perform the same rotation action using ic? This doesn't work.


                <interactiveControl posText="$l10n_actionIC_liftSupportArm" negText="$l10n_actionIC_lowerSupportArm" >
                    <clickPoint node="0>0|13|0|3|3" size="0.1" type="OUTDOOR" iconType="SUPPORTARM" alignToCamera="false"/>
                    <animation name="folding4" speedScale="1.0" initTime="0.0" />
                    <dependingMovingTool isInactive="false" node="supportArm"/>
                    <dashboard raiseTime="1" activeTime="1" maxRot="20" minRot="-20" onICActivate="true" onICDeactivate="true" node="0>0|13|0|3|0" rotAxis="3" valueType="ic_action">


Problem at Schwarze Pumpe MP

Hello, unfortunately I have a problem with the Black Pump map. The interactive controls keep showing me errors and the charge level stays at 99% - it's a Dediserver multiplayer save. Attached is the log from the server and game.
Same problem with Version and 1.2.0

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