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lift-install's Introduction


Installing BMC Lift


  • DockerHub credentials and registered e-mail address are required to install Lift
  • Centos 6.x or 7.x system with 16GB RAM

Run the following in a bash shell as root (substitute with appropriate values in <>, see sample below):

export LIFT_DOWNLOAD_URL=<release tag>; wget -O -<release tag>/ | bash -s -- --reg_user "<DockerHub user>" --reg_password '<DockerHub password>' --reg_email "<DockerHub registered e-mail address>" --default_tag "<release tag>"

Installer Arguments

    --help                      // this will display help info 
    --install_type <arg>        // Default is "BOTH". 
                                // NODE: Installs a kubernetes node. If selecting NODE, 
                                // please provide other parameters: master_hostname, 
                                // sky_dns_ip
    --master_hostname <arg>     // This is required when doing NODE installation
    --sky_dns_ip <arg>          // This is required when doing NODE installation. This 
                                // can be obtained from MASTER/BOTH installenv.out file.
                                // Look for "SKY_DNS_CLUSTER_IP" in the install log.
                                // Install log is typically located at /opt/bmc/lift/logs/
    --reg_user <arg>            // Docker registry user login for accessing BMC docker 
                                // images.
    --reg_password <arg>        // Docker registry user password for accessing BMC docker 
                                // images.
    --reg_email <arg>           // Docker registry user email.
    --db_dir <arg>              // Default is /. If specified, lift and spinnaker db files will be
                                // created under the specified directory. The directory will be created
                                // if it doesn't exist. 
    --base_dir <arg>            // Default is standard /var/lib/... for Docker and Kubelet.  If specific, docker
                                // and kubelet storage will move to the specific directory.  This must be the same
                                // directory for all kuberenetes nodes and the master.   
    --ui_port <arg>             // Default is 8000. This is for spyglass client UI.
    --api_port <arg>            // Default is 9080. This is for API service.
    --aws_port <arg>            // Deprecated
    --ssh_port <arg>            // Deprecated
    --port_range <arg>          // Default is "8000 9999"
                                // Used to configure kubernetes api service where NodePort is 
                                // used. This should be a string with min and max port range 
                                // separated by space
                                // Example: "8001 9001"
    --insecure_regs <arg>       // Internal usage. For specifying one or more insecure docker
                                // registries where the lift related docker images will be pulled
                                // from. It should be in this format:
                                // "<ip:port>,<ip2:port>..."
                                // Example: ","
    --default_tag <arg>         // Default tag from DockerHub to pull for both lift and spinnaker. For Lift images,
                                // it can be overwritten by specific urls lift_<service>_url
    --lift_aws_url <arg>        // Internal usage. For specifying aws service docker
                                // image url.
                                // Example: 
                                // ""
    --lift_admiral_url <arg>    // Internal usage. For specifying admiral service docker
                                // image url.
    --lift_spyglass_url <arg>   // Internal usage. For specifying spyglass service docker
                                // image url.
    --lift_ssh_url <arg>        // Internal usage. For specifying ssh service docker
                                // image url.
    --lift_cassandra_url <arg>  // Internal usage. For specifying cassandra docker
                                // image url.
    --aws_use_public_ip         // Default is false
                                // If passed in, only matters when installing on an aws instance.
                                // This flags whether or not to use
                                // the public or private ip of the aws system to do install with
    --dbnode true/false         // Deprecated.
    --lift_download_url <arg>   // Default:
                                // Specifies where admiral will be downloading
                                // lift installer from for remote hosts.
    --disable_lift_oauth        // Default lift_oauth is enabled. By passing in this flag (no args needed
                                // after arg)
    --client_secret <secret>    // The client secret that is issued by the OAuth provider. Valid only if -auth_enabled is true

Example: To install release tag 0.0.1-beta.2

export LIFT_DOWNLOAD_URL=; wget -O - | bash -s -- --reg_user "<DockerHub user>" --reg_password '<DockerHub password>' --reg_email "<DockerHub registered e-mail address>" --default_tag 0.0.1-beta.2

Example: Installing BMC Lift with Optional Arguments using release tag latest

export LIFT_DOWNLOAD_URL=; wget -O - | bash -s -- --port_range "8000 9000" –ui_port 8081 –api_port 8099

Example: Installing BMC Lift NODE only

export LIFT_DOWNLOAD_URL=; wget -O - | bash -s -- --install_type NODE --master_hostname my-kube-master-host --sky_dns

Example: To see installer help

export LIFT_DOWNLOAD_URL=; wget -O - | bash -s -- --help

Installation Directory


Installing on AWS

Here are suggested steps for installing Lift on AWS.

  • Get AWS centos 7 ami image for lift installation (i.e. ami-acfd1fcc )

  • Associate instance with an elastic ip

  • Edit security group inbound rules to allow port access for

     9084 (lift)
     9080 (lift)
     8000 (lift)
     9000 (spinnaker)
     8084 (spinnaker)
  • Perform following steps on the aws instance

    • Add following in your /etc/hosts, substituting with your instance's public ip
     sudo vi /etc/hosts
     Add something like the following for your ip
     [centos@ip-10-0y-0-34 ~]$ cat /etc/hosts <public ip>
    • Allow password authentication
     sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
     PasswordAuthentication yes
    • Set password
     sudo passwd
     sudo systemctl restart sshd
    • Disable selinux (reboot)
     sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
     Set the flag to 'disabled' for SELINUX
     reboot the system
    • install wget
     sudo yum -y update
     sudo yum install wget
    • update hostname
      Update the hostname to be the public ip(should be elastic ip) of the aws instance, in case it still isn't
     hostname <public ip>
  • run lift installer as 'root' (example)
    export LIFT_DOWNLOAD_URL=; wget -O - | bash -s -- --reg_user "YOUR_USRNAME" --reg_password "YOUR_PASSWD" --reg_email "YOUR_EMAIL" --default_tag RELEASE_VAL --aws_use_public_ip

Configuring a Spinnaker Stack Outside of BMC Lift

In the event that a Spinnaker configuration is not supported by BMC Lift, a Spinnaker stack that was deployed and configured via Lift can be reconfigured manually by following these steps:

On machine where BMC Lift is installed perform the following steps:

  • Retrieving Admiral container ID
    • Run docker ps | grep admiral and obtain the Admiral container ID
  • Copy template files from Admiral container
    • Run mkdir spkr-templates
    • Run cd spkr-templates
    • Run docker cp <Admiral container ID>:/opt/bmc/lift/kube/spinnaker/templates .
  • Edit Spinnaker yaml configurations
    • cd config
    • Edit config yaml as needed
  • Get Kubernetes update scripts
    • Make a temp directory
    • git clone into the temp directory
    • cp <spinnaker repo dir>/experimental/kubernetes/simple/scripts spkr-templates/.
    • Edit spkr-templates/scripts/ and comment out the below with '#' characters:
     for FILENAME in $CONF_DIR*.yml; do
       rm config/${FILENAME:${#CONF_DIR}}
  • Also edit,, and by updating the namespace values from "spinnaker" to your spinnaker namespace value.

  • Update Spinnaker stack configuration

    • Run cd spkr-templates
    • Run bash scripts/
    • Run bash scripts/

Manually Updating Lift Service Versions

Connect to the machine hosting the Lift application. Perform the following as root.

  • cd /opt/bmc/lift/installer.tmp/kubernetes/lift/rcs
    • Make backups of *.yaml
      • lift-admiral-rc.yaml
      • lift-api-rc.yaml
      • lift-aws-rc.yaml
      • lift-oauth-rc.yaml
      • lift-ssh-rc.yaml
      • lift-cassandra-rc.yaml
      • lift-spyglass-rc.yaml
    • Get existing Docker images versions
      • curl
      • Each entry looks like:
      		        "0.0.1-sprint.30": {
      		            "api": "bmcsoftware/lift-api:0.0.1-sprint.30",
      		            "oauth": "bmcsoftware/lift-oauth-server:0.0.1-sprint.30",
      		            "admiral": "bmcsoftware/lift-admiral:0.0.1-sprint.30",
      		            "spyglass": "bmcsoftware/lift-spyglass:0.0.1-sprint.30",
      		            "aws": "bmcsoftware/lift-aws:0.0.1-sprint.30",
      		            "ssh": "bmcsoftware/lift-ssh:0.0.1-sprint.30",
      		            "cassandra": "bmcsoftware/lift-cassandra:0.0.1-sprint.30"
      		        "timestamp": 1477517811620
    • Edit each lift-XXX-rc.yaml file and replace the "image" property with the Docker image path desired
      • e.g. for lift-aws-rc.yaml
        • From
          • image: bmcsoftware/lift-aws:latest
        • To
          • image: bmcsoftware/lift-aws:0.0.1-sprint.30
    • Use kubectl to delete each of the Lift Kubernetes replication controllers (rc)
      • e.g.
        • kubectl delete rc/aws --namespace=bmclift-ns
    • Create the rcs from the lift-XXX-rc.yaml files
      • e.g.
        • kubectl create -f lift-aws-rc.yaml

Kubernetes will pull the new path for the Docker images for each of the Lift rcs

Manually Updating Spinnaker Service Versions

  • Get admiral CLUSTER-IP

    • kubectl get svc --namespace=bmclift-ns
      • e.g.
      	NAME                CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
      	svc/admiral-svc    <none>        9083/TCP   4h
      	svc/api-svc   <nodes>       9080/TCP   4h
      	svc/aws-svc     <none>        9081/TCP   4h
      	svc/cassandra-svc    <none>        9042/TCP   4h
      	svc/oauth-svc   <nodes>       8080/TCP   4h
      	svc/spyglass-svc    <nodes>       8000/TCP   4h
      	svc/ssh-svc    <none>        9082/TCP   4h
  • Get spinnaker namespace and instance ID

    • Find out your Cassandra container image and set env var for it
     docker ps | grep cassandra
     (i.e. export CASSANDRA_IMAGE=bmcsoftware/lift-cassandra:0.0.1-beta.2)
    • Get the namespace and id for the spinnaker name that you are interested
     docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep $CASSANDRA_IMAGE | awk '{print $1;}') cqlsh
     use admiral;
     select name,id,namespace from spinnaker;

    You will see some printout like the following, NOTE down the namespace and id for next step.

      name          | id                                   | namespace
      jianispintest | 8eb926e0-bc16-11e6-8c50-353e34a2a878 | spinnaker-jianispintest-1481071575274
  • Get Lift admiral Docker image path

    • kubectl get po --namespace=bmclift-ns | grep admiral
      • e.g. admiral-z0tnp 1/1 Running 0 2h
  • kubectl get po/admiral-z0tnp -o jsonpath={.spec.containers[*].image} --namespace=bmclift-ns

    • e.g.
  • Copy Spinnaker rc files for Spinnaker stack from admiral Docker container to current directory (tmp). Substitute the id below with your spinnaker id.

    • docker cp $(docker ps | grep | awk '{print $1;}'):/opt/bmc/lift/kube/spinnaker/templates/8eb926e0-bc16-11e6-8c50-353e34a2a878/rcs/. .
  • Get manifest of Spinnaker Docker image versions

    • curl
    • Each entry looks like:
            "0.0.1-sprint.30": {
                "clouddriver": "bmcsoftware/spinnaker-clouddriver:0.0.1-sprint.30",
                "deck": "bmcsoftware/spinnaker-deck:0.0.1-sprint.30",
                "echo": "bmcsoftware/spinnaker-echo:0.0.1-sprint.30",
                "front50": "bmcsoftware/spinnaker-front50:0.0.1-sprint.30",
                "gate": "bmcsoftware/spinnaker-gate:0.0.1-sprint.30",
                "igor": "bmcsoftware/spinnaker-igor:0.0.1-sprint.30",
                "orca": "bmcsoftware/spinnaker-orca:0.0.1-sprint.30",
                "rosco": "bmcsoftware/spinnaker-rosco:0.0.1-sprint.30"
            "timestamp": 1477519302868
  • For each Spinnaker service whose Docker image is to be updated
    • Edit spkr-XXX.yaml and replace the "image" property with the Docker image path desired
      • e.g. for spkr-igor.yaml
        • From image: bmcsoftware/spinnaker-igor:latest
        • To image: bmcsoftware/spinnaker-igor:0.0.1-sprint.30
    • Use kubectl to delete each of the Spinnaker Kubernetes replication controllers (rc)
      • Delete existing Spinnaker service rc, substitute namespace value with yours retrieved from earlier step
        • kubectl delete rc/spkr-igor-v000 --namespace=spinnaker-jianispintest-1481071575274
    • Create the rcs from the lift-XXX-rc.yaml files
      • e.g.
        • kubectl create -f spkr-igor.yaml
      • Kubernetes will pull the new path for the Docker images for the Spinnaker service
  • Now make the Docker image path updates permanent so that the next Spinnaker stack update or new Spinnaker stack instance will use the desired Spinnaker Docker images
    • Edit the Lift Admiral rc yaml file to set the desired spinnaker image tag /opt/bmc/lift/installer.tmp/kubernetes/lift/rcs/lift-admiral-rc.yaml

      • Under "env:" update SPKR_IMAGE_TAG
          name: SPKR_IMAGE_TAG
          value: "0.0.1-sprint.30"
    • Use kubectl to delete the Lift Kubernetes replication controller for Admimral (rc)

      • e.g. kubectl delete rc/admiral --namespace=bmclift-ns
    • Create the rcs from the lift-admiral-rc.yaml files

      • e.g. kubectl create -f lift-admiral-rc.yaml

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