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tinytricks's Introduction

The current modules

Tiny Tricks VCV Rack modules

Tiny Tricks is a collection of (more or less) tiny modules for VCV Rack.

Questions, comments, enhancement suggestions, ideas for modules and everything else: Create a ticket.

All the best, Thomas René Sidor

Utility modules:

Modulation sources, random generators, LFOs:

Mixing and muting:

Simple oscillators

Less simple oscillators


@thomassidor - Project owner.

@baconpaul - Added polyphony to oscillator, logic and arithmetic modules.


Color themes

Several color themes are included for each module:

  • Light (Default)
  • River Bed
  • Oxford Blue
  • Shark
  • Cod Gray
  • Firefly
  • If you want a specific color theme included, let me know.

For all themes you can force the input ports to use a light theme, if you prefer the increased contrast. The option is available via right clicking the modules.

Light (Default)

Default color theme

River Bed

River Bed

Oxford Blue

Oxford Blue



Cod Gray

Cod Gray




Version 2.5.0

  • Update to VCV v2 by @sumpygump
  • Update config options to include new right-click menus for modules
  • Apply additional style autoformatting

Version 1.5.0

  • Added: Random Wrangler (RW)
  • Added: Polyphony to simple oscillators (SIN, SAW, SQR, TRI), plus oscillators (SIN+, SAW+, SQR+, TRI+), Simplex Oscillator (SN-OSC), Wavetable Oscillator (WAVE), TT-A and TT-L. Huge thanks to @baconpaul for contributing with this!
  • Behind the scenes: Refactored WAVE for performance improvements.
  • Behind the scenes: Improved screenshot generation

Version 1.4.2

  • Added: Dark ports for dark themes.
  • Added: Option to force light ports on dark themes.
  • Added: Placeholder waveforms added to WAVE and SN-OSC for when displayed in module browser.
  • Added: Help text to WAVE when no wavetable loaded or captured.
  • Changed: License from MIT to GPLv3
  • Fixed: Readjusted scope height in Simplex Oscillator.
  • Behind the scenes: Added automatic screenshot generation.

Version 1.4.1

  • The changes in this release is based on community feedback. A huge thanks to all who pitched in!
  • Added: Dark themes. Right click module to access them.
  • Changed: Some design details in a bunch of modules.
  • Changed: Simplex Oscillator (SN-OSC) now has a trigger input for the waveform mirroring.
  • Changed: Wavetable Oscillator (WAVE) now has a trigger input for the waveform mirroring plus capturing (this is quite resource intensive).
  • Changed: Added option to turn off scope in Wavetable Oscillator. Useful for improving the UI performance until scope code is improved.
  • Changed: Very slight cosmetic request (#12).
  • Fixed: Modulation Generators (MG1, MG8, MG16) now keeps values within 0-10 when set to UNI.

Version 1.4.0

  • Added: Wavetable Oscillator (WAVE)

Version 1.3.0

  • Added: Simplex Oscillator (SN-OSC)
  • Fixed: Sync out of simple and plus oscillators only giving 1v
  • Fixed: Simplex Noise LFOs stop working after some time
  • Fixed: Random Mix stop working after some time
  • Changed: Random Mute CV as mod instead of override of mute knob
  • Changed: Rebased all oscillators to C4 instead of A4 (#9)

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed: Random Mix x8 (RX8) not working in trigger mode.

Version 1.2.0

  • Added: Random Mix x8 (RX8)
  • Added: Simplex Noise (SN1)
  • Added: Simplex Noise x8 (SN8)
  • Fixed: Tint Trick Logic output to low max 1V (#6)

Version 1.1.1

  • Fixed: RM8Base.svg missing or not needed ? (#4)
  • Fixed: Oscillators not oscillating until you change frequency
  • Fixed: Author name formatting in plugin.json
  • Fixed: Proper saving and restoring of hardsync states in oscillator modules
  • Fixed: Naming of modules to not include Tiny Tricks
  • Changed: Name from Tiny Trick Modules to Tiny Tricks

Version 1.1.0

  • Added: Simple Sine Oscillator (TT-SINE)
  • Added: Simple Sawtooth Oscillator (TT-SAW)
  • Added: Simple Square Oscillator (TT-SQR)
  • Added: Simple Triangle Oscillator (TT-TRI)
  • Added: Sine+ Oscillator (TT-SINE+)
  • Added: Sawtooth+ Oscillator (TT-SAW+)
  • Added: Square+ Oscillator (TT-SQR+)
  • Added: Triangle+ Oscillator (TT-TRI+)
  • Fixed: Small issues in plugin.json (#1 #2 )

Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed incorrect tags in plugin.json
  • Updated formatting of plugin.json

Version 1.0.1

  • Intial release

tinytricks's People


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tinytricks's Issues

VCV Rack Free v2.0.3 - Random Wrangler crashing

I wanted to select Random Wrangler (RW) in the Rack plugin browser but it crashed. I use v2.0.3 under Win10.

The last few lines of the log.txt look like this:
C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/CountModula/res/G2T.svg [8.347 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/components/PortLight.svg [8.347 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/OneDrive - UNICEF/private/DAW/Rack2Free/res/ComponentLibrary/RoundSmallBlackKnob.svg [8.348 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/OneDrive - UNICEF/private/DAW/Rack2Free/res/ComponentLibrary/RoundSmallBlackKnob_bg.svg [8.349 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/TTTRI.svg [8.350 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/OneDrive - UNICEF/private/DAW/Rack2Free/res/ComponentLibrary/ScrewBlack.svg [8.358 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/RW.svg [8.358 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/OneDrive - UNICEF/private/DAW/Rack2Free/res/ComponentLibrary/LargeLight.svg [8.359 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/TTSQRPLUS.svg [8.359 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/TTA.svg [8.360 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/TTSIN.svg [8.360 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/A8.svg [8.361 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/TTSQR.svg [8.361 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/RX8.svg [8.362 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/RM8S.svg [8.363 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/TTSAWPLUS.svg [8.394 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/LFO8.svg [8.395 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/TTSINPLUS.svg [8.396 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/TTTRIPLUS.svg [8.396 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/LFO16.svg [8.397 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/SH16.svg [8.425 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/TTSAW.svg [8.425 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/LFO1.svg [8.426 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/components/Wavetable.svg [8.426 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/OneDrive - UNICEF/private/DAW/Rack2Free/res/ComponentLibrary/CKSSThree_0.svg [8.426 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/OneDrive - UNICEF/private/DAW/Rack2Free/res/ComponentLibrary/CKSSThree_1.svg [8.427 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/OneDrive - UNICEF/private/DAW/Rack2Free/res/ComponentLibrary/CKSSThree_2.svg [8.428 info src/window/Svg.cpp:28 loadFile] Loaded SVG C:/Users/aszabo/Documents/Rack2/plugins/TinyTricks/res/panels/WAVE.svg [10.240 fatal adapters/standalone.cpp:60 fatalSignalHandler] Fatal signal 22 SIG. Stack trace: 36: 0x0 35: raise 0x7fffc100ac60 34: abort 0x7fffc100f270 33: ZN9TTLWidgetD1Ev 0xcae8f0 32: ZN10WAVEWidgetD1Ev 0xc7ecf0 31: ZSt7shuffleIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPiSt6vectorIiSaIiEEEERSt26linear_congruential_engineIjLj16807ELj0ELj2147483647EEEvT_SA_OT0_ 0xd3f980 30: ZZN4rack11createModelI9RM8Stereo15RM8StereoWidgetEEPNS_6plugin5ModelENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEN6TModelD1Ev 0xd4e000 29: ZZN4rack11createModelI9RM8Stereo15RM8StereoWidgetEEPNS_6plugin5ModelENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEN6TModelD1Ev 0xd4e000 28: ZNSt6vectorIiSaIiEE17_M_realloc_insertIJiEEEvN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPiS1_EEDpOT_ 0xd2e5f0 27: ZN14RANDOMWRANGLERC1Ev 0xc8ada0 26: ZZN4rack11createModelI14RANDOMWRANGLER20RANDOMWRANGLERWidgetEEPNS_6plugin5ModelENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEEN6TModel12createModuleEv 0xd46a40 25: ZN4rack3app11AudioButton8onActionERKNS_6widget6Widget11ActionEventE 0x7fff48faca30 24: ZN4rack3app7browser8ModelBox8onButtonERKNS_6widget6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7fff4944b390 23: ZN4rack6widget6Widget8onButtonERKNS1_11ButtonEventE 0x7fff49471d70 22: ZN4rack6widget6Widget8onButtonERKNS1_11ButtonEventE 0x7fff49471d70 21: ZN4rack6widget6Widget8onButtonERKNS1_11ButtonEventE 0x7fff49471d70 20: ZN4rack2ui12ScrollWidget8onButtonERKNS_6widget6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7fff48fed900 19: ZN4rack3app7browser7Browser8onButtonERKNS_6widget6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7fff49449290 18: ZN4rack2ui11MenuOverlay8onButtonERKNS_6widget6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7fff48fec8e0 17: ZN4rack6widget12OpaqueWidget8onButtonERKNS0_6Widget11ButtonEventE 0x7fff49471080 16: ZN4rack6widget10EventState12handleButtonENS_4math3VecEiii 0x7fff48ff1b30 15: ZN4rack6window3Svg4loadERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE 0x7fff48ff6bc0 14: glfwPlatformUnlockMutex 0x7fff49033f20 13: CallWindowProcW 0x7fffc18f5850 12: CallWindowProcW 0x7fffc18f5850 11: glPushClientAttrib 0x7fff88a53770 10: CallWindowProcW 0x7fffc18f5850 9: DispatchMessageW 0x7fffc18f5410 8: glfwPlatformPollEvents 0x7fff49037920 7: ZN4rack6window6Window4stepEv 0x7fff48ff7f00 6: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7fff48ff88c0 5: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7fff48ff88c0 4: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7fff48ff88c0 3: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7fff48ff88c0 2: ZN4rack6window6Window3runEv 0x7fff48ff88c0 1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0x7fffc1ba7c10 0: RtlUserThreadStart 0x7fffc2fad700
(Other modules like SH16, SN-OSC, A8 work all fine for me.)

Why A4?

I want to use your oscillators but I would have to tune them every time. Instead of tuning to C4 like most oscillators yours are tuned to A4. Why is this?

Tiny Tricks - Random Wrangler

Hello Thomas,

I love your modules and find them very useful. I am having an issue with the Random Wrangler, I am able to place this module into my VCV grid but when I save and open the project it crashes the VCV app.

The error Report is;
Rack crashed during the last session, possibly due to a buggy module in your patch. Clear your patch and start over?

It works perfectly in Rack-1 VCV, but crashes Rack-2 VCV. All the other Tiny-Tricks modules work perfectly fine and can save them in my project and open them in Rack-2 VCV with expected result.

I am using Rack2 on a Apple M1 Max, running MAC OS 13.3.1 Ventura.

I hope you can resolve this issue; because these modules are great.

Kind Regards Mark

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 13 23 48
Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 13 23 58
Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 13 34 16

RM8Base.svg missing or not needed ?

Love your set of modules, however...

I think there are reverences to RM8Base.svg in your modules. But the svg is not in the res/panels folder.

[3.855 warn src/window.cpp:75] Failed to load SVG C:\Users\Me\DOCUME~1/Rack/plugins-v1/TinyTricks/res/panels/RM8Base.svg

VCV gives warnings in the log file.

I'm no programmer, do with this info what you want.

Greetings Peter

Invalid license ID in plugin.json

[TinyTricks] Issues found in `plugin.json`:
Invalid license ID: GPLv3
-- License must be a valid Identifier from

weird lfo wave?

I'm trying your fancy MG16, and sometimes I see that generated waveform are a bit "glitchy".

here's a screenshot of a "saw" waveform:

That "jump" in the middle of the period is not intended I think (at least, seeing your code). Is it?

I'd like to understand this. Many others waveform have those "glitch" sometimes. Here's a triangle one:


Simplex Oscillator crashed on linux

567c70c with rack 2.0.4 linux ubuntu jack2
add Simplex Oscillator on an empty patch.
start rack again
==> segmentation fault
gdb says: seg fault in line 195
this seems to be caused by scope == NULL (as it works when i add a check)
this leads to an interesting issue: the scope is made in the widget code. so then it seems that the module
may be running before the widget is created?

Very slight cosmetic request

I have a very slight cosmetic request, Thomas. Either slightly enlarge or slightly reduce the size of the red circle behind the top jack(s) so that it centers better the jack(s). Right now, it protrudes a bit to the top-left.

Good work!

simplex noise oh yes

Hey, your readme says you're happy to receive requests in issues, so, can I just say, I am super excited about a simplex noise module. I really like pitched noise and smooth random stuff, so this would be very useful to me!

plugin.json issues

MG1: invalid module tags: low-frequency oscilator
MG8: invalid module tags: low-frequency oscilator
MG16: invalid module tags: low-frequency oscilator
-- Valid tags are defined in
Invalid URL:

Opening patch with SimplexOscillator in Rack 2 latest beta crashes Rack (Win10)

Opening patch with SimplexOscillator in Rack 2 latest beta (Rack-2.git.219bbaf1) crashes Rack on Windows 10. Works fine until saved and the Rack restarted and patch reopened later. Will crash Rack hard. Only hint of what is crashing Rack is found in Event Log, log.txt never flushes when Rack crashes so is truncated and devoid of stack trace. 100% reproducible here. remove TinyTricks and all works fine again, patch opens without the SimplexOscillator fine. Interesting part from event log:

Faulting application name: Rack.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: plugin.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000000443f8
Faulting process id: 0x3b68
Faulting application start time: 0x01d7d3ea4ebce065
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\VCV\Rack2\Rack.exe
Faulting module path: E:\Documents\Rack2\plugins\TinyTricks\plugin.dll

Small Issues

Hi Thomas, I think your make file should read:

RACK_DIR ?= ../..

rather than RACK_DIR ?= ....

In the plugin browser module description MG8 is missing an M - it reads Tiny Tricks odulation Generator x8. Small thing, but I just noticed it.

Love the look and functionality of the modules by the way.

Hope you don't mind me having a play with the modules.

Random Wrangler crashes Rack when adding module

platform: windows 11
rack version: 2.0.4
latest library version of the plugin

opening the module browser and attempting to drag Random Rangler into my rack immediately causes the application to crash to desktop. Wrangler seems to be the only problematic module.

About simplex oscillator

Hi . I used your OSC to make a patch , but vcv crash when i open it ! So , i tested with other patch , and same thing ! Perhaps buggy ?

RW duplicate crash

Hi there, I think I might of found a bug in the random Wrangler module. I love it by the way it's really cool thank you for making it and thank you for making it available!
The bug seems to be when I want to duplicate it, it crashes VCV rack. I am using Version 2.3.0 of vcv rack, and I am pretty sure I'm using the latest version of your module. Let me check: yep latest version.
The crash appears to happen when I duplicate the random Wrangler module, and VCV logs don't seem to write anything beyond the point of creating the first instance of the module. This also seems to have a problem when I have saved a patch that has two copies of the same module in it (eg: random Wrangler modules)
I can make the patch. I can run the patch. I can save the patch, but when I try to open it, VCV crashes, so it seems to be that it's doing the same sort of thing here, in creating this instance of the module and then crashing. Again, the logs don't show me anything from this, sorry.

Thanks again for making such a cool modules, really liking them and feel free to reach out if there's anything else I can help with cheers!

Failure to get Working v2

Apologies. I've tried and failed to get this working in rack v2. RM8 is such a great module for my drum channels.
I have tried putting the SRC zip into the v2 plug ins folder. I've tried expanding it. I haven't seen a .vcvplugin file though.
Any help gratefully received.

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