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webm-writer-js's Introduction

WebM Writer for JavaScript

This is a JavaScript-based WebM video encoder based on the ideas from Whammy. It allows you to turn a series of Canvas frames into a WebM video.

This implementation allows you to create very large video files (exceeding the size of available memory), because when running in a privileged context like a Chrome extension or Electron app, it can stream chunks immediately to a file on disk using Chrome's FileWriter while the video is being constructed, instead of needing to buffer the entire video in memory before saving can begin. Video sizes in excess of 4GB can be written. The implementation currently tops out at 32GB, but this could be extended.

When a FileWriter is not available, it can instead buffer the video in memory as a series of Blobs which are eventually returned to the calling code as one composite Blob. This Blob can be displayed in a <video> element, transmitted to a server, or used for some other purpose. Note that some browsers size limits on Blobs, particularly mobile browsers, check out the Blob size limits.


Because this code relies on browser support for encoding a Canvas as a WebP image (using toDataURL()), it is presently only supported in Google Chrome, or a similar environment like Electron. It will throw an exception on other browsers or on vanilla Node.

Usage (Chrome)

Download the script from the Releases tab above. You should end up with a webm-writer-x.x.x.js file to add to your project.

Include the script in your header:

<script type="text/javascript" src="webm-writer-0.3.0.js"></script>

First construct the writer, passing in any options you want to customize:

var videoWriter = new WebMWriter({
    quality: 0.95,    // WebM image quality from 0.0 (worst) to 0.99999 (best), 1.00 (VP8L lossless) is not supported
    fileWriter: null, // FileWriter in order to stream to a file instead of buffering to memory (optional)
    fd: null,         // Node.js file handle to write to instead of buffering to memory (optional)

    // You must supply one of:
    frameDuration: null, // Duration of frames in milliseconds
    frameRate: null,     // Number of frames per second

    transparent: false,      // True if an alpha channel should be included in the video
    alphaQuality: undefined, // Allows you to set the quality level of the alpha channel separately.
                             // If not specified this defaults to the same value as `quality`.

Add as many Canvas frames as you like to build your video:


You can override the duration of a specific frame in milliseconds like so:

videoWriter.addFrame(canvas, 100);

Note that if the canvas' dimensions change between frames, the resulting WebM video may not be compatible with all players, because the frame dimensions will differ from the overall track's dimensions. This could be improved in the future.

When you're done, you must call complete() to finish writing the video:


complete() returns a Promise which resolves when writing is completed.

If you didn't supply a fileWriter or fd in the options, the Promise will resolve to Blob which represents the video. You could display this blob in an HTML5 <video> tag:

videoWriter.complete().then(function(webMBlob) {
    $("video").attr("src", URL.createObjectURL(webMBlob));

Usage (Electron)

The video encoder can use Node.js file APIs to write the video to disk when running under Electron. There is an example in test/electron. Run npm install in that directory to fetch required libraries, then npm start to launch Electron.

Transparent WebM support

Transparent WebM files are supported, check out the example in test/transparent. However, because I'm re-using Chrome's WebP encoder to create the alpha channel, and the alpha channel is taken from the Y channel of a YUV-encoded WebP frame, and Y values are clamped by Chrome to be in the range 22-240 instead of the full 0-255 range, the encoded video can neither be fully opaque or fully transparent :(.

Sorry, I wasn't able to find a workaround to get that to work.


This project is licensed under the WTFPLv2

webm-writer-js's People


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webm-writer-js's Issues

use webm-writer with mediarecorder


Can webm-writer be used to create the final webm output from a mediarecorder blob?

the reason i ask is because chromium browsers don't seem to write the final segment size as its used to stream (hens no final size)

Which causes a playback problem on standard players.

I believe web-writer resolves this issue, but wonder if I can use it like this?

Support for OffscreenCanvas

It would be nice if webm writer support OffscreenCanvas, because I'm trying to do render stuffs inside web worker. As far I know, you can get the WebP blob by using OffscreenCanvas#convertToBlob({type: "image/webp"})

Error when `complete()` without prior `addFrame()`

When calling complete on a WebMWriter that hasn't received any addFrame calls before, the library crashes in fileOffsetToSegmentRelative because ebmlSegment is still undefined.

I would suggest fixing this by adding a check here to check whether writtenHeader is set or not.

However, I am not sure what the correct error return mechanism should be.
In my project, I fixed this problem with this code:

if (!writtenHeader)
  return Promise.resolve(null);

I think that returning null instead of a Blob object signals that the operation is not illegal per-se but we simply cannot give the client anything usable.
However, I understand that it can also be considered cleaner to restrict the range of possible return values to error | sth. usable. So Promise.reject({?}) is another possible option.
I'd be happy to come up with a PR for this once this question has been resolved.
What do you think?

Webcodecs Support?

Is there an interest in adding support for webcodecs? webm-writer-js already handles a lot of the data formatting and muxing for webm; it's pretty close to adding support for webcodecs.

If you didn't know, the w3c's webcodecs repository uses a modified version of webm-writer for one of its samples that can save a limited video. I ran into some flaws with that version, and ended up creating my own version here. It can add EncodedVideoChunks to a webm using a new addChunk function.

Let me know if you want me to do a PR, I'd be happy to. Thanks for all the great work on this library!

Using WebMWriter inside a WebWorker

I would like to use the WebMWriter inside a WebWorker, but I get the exception

'window' is not defined

Some digging in the code I found that window is used at:

return window.atob(url.substring("data:image\/webp;base64,".length));

Changing the line to:

return self.atob(url.substring("data:image\/webp;base64,".length)); 

solved the issue.

webm header implementation

I'm currently working on live transcoding and one of the formats is audio only webm using opus encoding. It can't be played on browser nor a media player and I figured out that it's missing a header. I found this repo and checked the source and found a function which builds/write the header.

Can you explain to me how it works? or how can I create my own implementation for it?

Much thanks!

support for alpha transparency

Thanks for great library.

It seems that exporting video with alpha-transparency is not supported yet.

have any plan for supporting alpha transparency?


Slow during recording, toDataUrl() too slow?

I'm seeing my animation loop go from 60fps to 15-8 fps when I begin recording. It runs a little bit faster when I set the quality lower. I'm trying to record a canvas approx 1280x720

My animation loop runs smoothly when I use the MediaReording API so I know my system can encode video fast enough.

When I profile the code, it's spending 70-80ms in toDataUrl()

Is there any trick to get this to run faster?

How to use WebMWriter with Node.js? I get "Couldn't decode WebP frame, does the browser support WebP?"

I try to use WebmWriter like this:

const { createCanvas, loadImage } = require("canvas");
const CANVAS_WIDTH = 1920;
const CANVAS_HEIGHT = 1080;
const canvas = createCanvas(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT);
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");

const videoWriter = new webmWriter({
	quality: 0.9999,
	fileWriter: null,
	fd: null,
	frameRate: 30, 
for (let i = 0; i < 30 * 5; i++) {

But unfortunately I have no luck because evertime I get "Couldn't decode WebP frame, does the browser support WebP?". How to use it with Node.js?

Export with quality of 1 fails

When setting quality to 1, WebMWriter fails to export video since there is no space after VP8 in the generated binary.

keyframeStartIndex = webP.indexOf('VP8 ');

Workaround is to set quality to 0.99 but just wanted to let you know, maybe just to constrain quality to 0.99.

Except for this, the library works just fine, I'm using it to export canvas loops ( thanks a lot ๐Ÿ™

FileWriter constructor name is not FileWriter

Hi! The Betaflight Blackbox Explorer has a little bug since some time ago with your library. For some reason, this was working:

if (destination && === "FileWriter") {

But since some update of something (Node.js, probably), the value of is EventTarget and not FileWriter anymore. If I force this if to be true, all works perfectly, so the FileWriter is valid, but for some reason the name is not valid anymore to verify the FileWriter.
Is there some possibility of patching your library changing this verification? Thanks!

Best way to improve performances

Based on some tests, the recording only uses 1 CPU core. Is there a way to use more cores? Maybe #39 is the solution? To split at least the work in 2 cores and maybe double the performance? Recording 15 seconds full HD video on an Apple M1 requires 50 seconds. It would be great to utilize the machine hardware at its fullest and reduce dramatically the time required. Thanks!

VP9 Support?

What about Googles Vp9 codec? Will it be a Feature next Version?

my webm videos are really big,why?(26 MB for a 10 second animation)

Hello, Does anyone else have the same problem as me?

Background info:
-The videos were rendered at 60fps,1920x1080, and at the lowest possible quality setting.
-I am using CCapture,a library for replaying canvas based animations. It uses this project for webm video rendering. (Perhaps CCapture is the culprit)

New version release

It would be much appreciated if a new release could be cut in order to include #17 which has now landed, and is one of the blockers for us continuing to make use of the library

FileWriter from Chrome extension

I'm trying to figure out if I can use webm-writer with a FileWriter using a chrome extension and puppeteer, but it looks like only Chrome apps can in fact use the Storage API, not an extension as mentioned in the

I currently have a web app that when running in Electron it leverages the filesystem to record videos. I'm trying to figure out how I could bring the rendering to the cloud. Thanks!

Error when packing webm-writer with Webpack

Hey Guys,

I tried to include the webm-write with webpack, yet it tries to load the 'fs' (node) module on compile

I figured out (using webpack 4) you can add the following to your webpack config to prevent that error from happening.

  node: {
    fs: 'empty',

Yet, I don't know if it'd possible to remove that requirement, maybe by passing fs as an optional parameter.
This would allow people to add their own implementations of fs as well. (like fs-extra if desired)

Suggestion if you do not need fs:

const videoWriter = new WebMWriter({
  fs: null,

Or with a custom implementation:

const videoWriter = new WebMWriter({
  fs: require('my-custom-fs'),

Could be useful for some unit-tests as well...


Is there a better way to cancel the recording than using the .complete Promise ignoring the outcome?

Changing color space

Looks like the recorded videos have bt470bg as color space. Is there a way to change this?

I use AWS to convert the videos in the cloud from webm to mp4 and they only support:

  • SDR (rec. 601 color space)
  • SDR (rec. 709 color space)

Meaning colors get modified quite a bit.

I guess this is a browser limitation, but maybe I'm very lucky ๐Ÿ˜

How to set correct frameRate or frameDuration when writing images from different input tracks to the same file?


Use webm-writer-js to add frames from multiple input video tracks potentially containing different pixel dimensions.

Commented lines in this.addFrame() to avoid error being thrown

this.addFrame = function(canvas) {
// if (writtenHeader) {
//   if (canvas.width != videoWidth || canvas.height != videoHeight) {
//      throw "Frame size differs from previous frames";
//    }
// } else {
  videoWidth = canvas.width;
  videoHeight = canvas.height;
  writtenHeader = true;
// }

The resulting video frame rate is not consistent relevant to the multiple input tracks.


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script src="webm-writer.js"></script>

  <video controls autoplay></video>

    let width;
    let height;
    let ctx;
    let controller;
    let done;
    const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");

    const video = document.querySelector("video");
    const videoWriter = new WebMWriter({
      quality: 0.9, // WebM image quality from 0.0 (worst) to 1.0 (best)
      fileWriter: null, // FileWriter in order to stream to a file instead of buffering to memory (optional)
      fd: null, // Node.js file handle to write to instead of buffering to memory (optional)
      // You must supply one of:
      frameDuration: null, // Duration of frames in milliseconds
      frameRate: 30 // Number of frames per second
    video.onloadedmetadata = e => {
      canvas.width = video.videoWidth;
      canvas.height = video.videoHeight;
      console.log(canvas.width, canvas.height);
      if (!ctx) {
        ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
        ctx.globalComposite = "copy";
    video.onplay = async e => {
      let frameRate = 0;

      const processData = async({
        }) =>
        ? await reader.closed
        : (await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, !frameRate ? frameRate : (frameRate = 1000/30))), ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0), videoWriter.addFrame(canvas), processData(await;
      const rs = new ReadableStream({
        start(c) {
          return controller = c;
        pull(_) {
      const reader = rs.getReader();
      done = processData(await;
    (async() => {
      const urls = Promise.all([{
        from: 0,
        to: 4,
        src: ""
      }, {
        from: 10,
        to: 20,
        src: ",20"
      }, {
        from: 55,
        to: 60,
        src: ""
      }, {
        from: 0,
        to: 5,
        src: ""
      }, {
        from: 0,
        to: 5,
        src: ""
      }, {
        from: 0,
        to: 5,
        src: ""
      }, {
        from: 0,
        to: 6,
        src: ",6"
      }) => {
        try {
          const request = await fetch(src);
          const blob = await request.blob();
          const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
          const url = new URL(src);
          return blobURL + (url.hash || `#t=${from},${to}`);
        } catch (e) {
          throw e;
      let media = await urls;
      for (const blobURL of media) {
        await new Promise(async resolve => {
          video.addEventListener("pause", e => {
          }, {
            once: true
          video.src = blobURL;
      const blob = await videoWriter.complete();
      const videoStream = document.createElement("video");
      videoStream.onloadedmetadata = e => console.log(videoStream.duration);
      videoStream.onended = e => console.log(videoStream.duration, videoStream.currentTime);
      videoStream.controls = videoStream.autoplay = true;
      const src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
      videoStream.src = src;





The expected duration of the resulting WebM file is 41-42 seconds. The actual duration is 27-28.

Chrome Apps and FileWriter are deprecated: Substitute File System Access API for FileWriter

Chrome apps are deprecated, see

This API is part of the deprecated Chrome Apps platform. Learn more about migrating your app.

Following the "migrating your app link" to chrome.fileSystem

chrome.fileSystemNative FileSystem API

and #31.

To substitute WritableStreamDefaultWriter for FileWriter in webm-writer-js at

if (destination && === "FileWriter") {

if (
        typeof FileSystemFileHandle !== 'undefined' &&
        destination instanceof WritableStreamDefaultWriter


} else if (fileWriter) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fileWriter.onwriteend = resolve;;
fileWriter.write(new Blob([]));
} else if (!isAppend) {

          } else if (fileWriter) {
            return new Promise(async function (resolve, reject) {
              // fileWriter.onwriteend = resolve;
              if (newEntry.offset === 0) {
                await fileWriter.ready;
              // await
              await fileWriter.write({
                type: 'write',
                position: newEntry.offset,
                data: new Blob([]),


document.querySelector('p').onclick = async () => {
  fileHandle = await showSaveFilePicker({
    suggestedName: 'webm-writer-filesystem-access.webm',
    startIn: 'videos',
    id: 'webm-writer',
    types: [
        description: 'WebM files',
        accept: {
          'video/webm': ['.webm'],
    excludeAcceptAllOption: true,
  writable = await fileHandle.createWritable();
  fileWriter = await writable.getWriter();
  videoWriter = new WebMWriter({
    quality: 0.95, // WebM image quality from 0.0 (worst) to 1.0 (best)
    fileWriter, // FileWriter in order to stream to a file instead of buffering to memory (optional)
    fd: null, // Node.js file handle to write to instead of buffering to memory (optional)
    // You must supply one of:
    frameDuration: null, // Duration of frames in milliseconds
    frameRate: 30, // Number of frames per second
    // add support for variable resolution, variable frame duration, data URL representation of WebP input
    variableResolution: true, // frameRate is not used for variable resolution


Generated webm not working in WhatsApp/Vlc

Hello & thanks for this little nice tool!

The generated webm file is not playable by vlc/WhatsApp other tools, even ffmpeg can't convert it. Its also not possible to share it via WhatsApp etc pp because of "unsupported file format".
All those things are working when using a webm file from here:

So in my naive understanding :), it should also work with those files created by this lib? (or not?)

In my opinion the file is created successfully. It is created out of 4 single pictures (canvas) with 1fps.
(maybe short webm need special header or smth?)

I attached the test file:

Where can i take a look to gain more information about the possible error?

Thanks for your help!


Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'test.webm':
    encoder         : webm-writer-js
  Duration: 00:00:04.00, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 4849 kb/s
    Stream #0:0: Video: vp8, yuv420p(progressive), 1680x882, SAR 1:1 DAR 40:21, 1 fps, 1 tbr, 1k tbn, 1k tbc (default)


ExifTool Version Number         : 11.88
File Name                       : test.webm
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 2.3 MB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2020:10:14 16:56:22+02:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2020:10:14 16:56:37+02:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2020:10:14 16:56:31+02:00
File Permissions                : rw-rw-r--
File Type                       : WEBM
File Type Extension             : webm
MIME Type                       : video/webm
EBML Version                    : 1
EBML Read Version               : 1
Doc Type                        : webm
Doc Type Version                : 2
Doc Type Read Version           : 2
Timecode Scale                  : 1 ms
Muxing App                      : webm-writer-js
Writing App                     : webm-writer-js
Duration                        : 4.00 s
Track Number                    : 1
Track Language                  : und
Codec ID                        : V_VP8
Codec Name                      : VP8
Track Type                      : Video
Image Width                     : 1680
Image Height                    : 882
Image Size                      : 1680x882
Megapixels                      : 1.5

Cannot read property 'getImageData' of null

The writer works fine until I pass the transparent: true prop. With it, I get an error Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'getImageData' of null here

I'm using a three.js canvas with an alpha property. There shouldn't be a problem with it since I am able to take transparent images of the canvas manually. Any help?

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