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symless's Issues

Improve propagation preformance

Current state

Each structure is propagated individually, from its entry point.

  • This does not allow to identify structures interactions (ex: when a ptr on a struct is moved into another struct's field);
  • This is costly, and the same info is propagated multiple times in the same functions.


First find all entry points for propagation (allocations + ctors), then only propagate once in each concerned function, and inject every structure at its entry point.

Re-iterate the step for each new entry point found (virtual functions, ...), and keep injecting every structure at its entry point to save structures interactions info.

Improve members : reset and custom object

reset members quand on passe aux vtables

creer un objet pour le champ members qui contient : type/name/valeur/taille

gestion de conflits sur type/name/valeur/taille

Experimental: Identify every structure

Structures are identified from 2 entry points:

  • Memory allocation;
  • Ctor / dtor.

This misses some structures. Another way might be to search register disp in every functions, meaning that a structure offset is accessed. From there using reverse-propagation we can find every structure creation / entry point (is structure from stack, from parameters, returned by a function..). We can now propagate every structure present in the binary. The only problem is that we do not have information to merge duplicates, leading to create multiple times the same structure.

Finding heuristic to identify duplicates from this state would be interesting.

Reload du model

Faudrait plutôt faire en sorte que le model conserve les candidats aux conflits, si tu relance une passe sur une nouvelle fonction ça peut être utilisé pour répérer les duplicatas / faire en sorte que la nouvelle fonction ne crée pas des structures déjà identifiées. En gros virer le remplacement de type et tout conserver

et le existing.from_structure faut pas le virer, par exemple si on lance l'analyse / le plugin sur une base où quelqu'un a déjà bossé ça peut être utilisé pour retrouver des vtables définies par l'user, en autres

Continue propagation in callers

Structure propagation is applied from an entry point (malloc, ctor) and only goes down into callees. If the entry point function returns the propagated object, it could be interesting to propagate after calls to the function (in the function's callers).

Two cases have to be distinguished:

  • The entry point function is a ctor, returning *this. We do not want to propagate in the ctor callers, as they can be ctors to derived classes and propagating a base class into a derived ctor is wrong;
  • The entry point function returns an allocated object (its type is known). Propagation can be continued in callers.

Unable to use on IDA Pro 8.4

I copied the symless directory and the to /opt/idapro-8.4/plugins, and then when I launch IDA Pro I get the following error, and there is no "symless" entry in the "Edit" -> "Plugins" menu.

/opt/idapro-8.4/plugins/ undefined function __plugins__symless.PLUGIN_ENTRY

Missing xref on structure fields after conflict resolution

Let's say we have two classes A & B, with B inheriting A. Symless has propagated A & B into the same function: A:A() (A constructor).

After conflict resolution A members should be applied to the corresponding offset operands in A:A(). This will create xrefs on members of A, but the corresponding members in B will not have their xrefs. This does not allow to know where these B members are used.

A solution would be to add custom xrefs on those B members. After this every structures fields should have at least one xref, or the field is a padding field.

IDA7.7 has some error

It seems that it does not support IDA7.7. When I use it with ida7.7, IDA crashes.

Registers sizes confusion

In our implementation register size is not taken into account. rax, eax, ax, ah and al are all considered to be the same register.

For example:
mov ax, 1h will set the value of rax to 1. This is not right, only the lower 16 bits should be affected.

Register size should be taken into account:

  • moving to al, ah or ax does not affect the upper bits (except if movzx is used)
  • moving to eax zero-extends the value into rax

Inconsistencies after rebasing binary

In pre-analysis mode, symless will name fields and create repeatable comments based on the binary's base address (and probably many more things are based on it).

Once the database is created, rebasing it will create many inconsistencies (e.g. method names in vtable structures show the wrong address). This is especially annoying for repeatable comments which should automatically link to functions (for instance, repeatable comments that link to implementation candidates for vtable methods).

Not a bug per se, but maybe it would be nice to have a feature (like a command line option) to tell symless to automatically rebase binaries to 0x0 during pre-analysis?

Declencher l'analyse depuis la vue alt+i

Parfois pour trouver où une structure est utilisée, je cherche un accès à cette structure (genre [RCX+4243] ). Ici je fais une recherche d'immediate avec la valeur 0x4243
Du coup ça me sort une nouvelle fenêtre avec toutes les fois où IDA a trouvé cette valeur. L'idée serait de déclencher l'analyse en mode "batch" sur tous les résultats de la recherche
ok, et ca serait, à partir de cette instruction, ou tu voudrais que ca remonte aussi dans l'idéal ^^?
Symless peut propager en remontant ?


add github actions to test code/beta branch

Maybe add github actions to auto test plugins. ( not sure)
add custom dockerfile with secrets protected or others method to upload ida software with protection (ida license key) in github actions

also maybe create a beta branch to test experimental feature ?

thanks for the plugins anyway!

Structures members type propagation

This focuses more on the plugin version.

We have the following structure:

struct A {
   struct B* field_0;

Let's say we use our plugin to propagate struct A from register rcx, and we reach this instruction:

mov rdx, [rcx]

rdx now contains a pointer on struct B, we should consider this and also propagate struct B in rdx.


2022-05-30 03:16:19,537 - symless - CRITICAL - generate_structs               - Name of the structure struc_?MakeAndInitialize@?$ProcessLocalStorageData@UProcessLocalData@details_abi@wil@@@details_abi@wil@@CAJPEBG$$QEAV?$unique_any_t@V?$mutex_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAXP6AXPEAX@_E$1?CloseHandle@details@wil@@YAX0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAXPEAX$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@Uerr_returncode_policy@3@@wil@@@3@PEAPEAV123@@Z is not correct
2022-05-30 03:16:19,538 - symless - CRITICAL - generate_structs               - Name of the structure struc_?MakeAndInitialize@?$ProcessLocalStorageData@VFeatureStateData@details_abi@wil@@@details_abi@wil@@CAJPEBG$$QEAV?$unique_any_t@V?$mutex_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAXP6AXPEAX@_E$1?CloseHandle@details@wil@@YAX0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAXPEAX$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@Uerr_returncode_policy@3@@wil@@@3@PEAPEAV123@@Z is not correct
2022-05-30 03:16:19,545 - symless - CRITICAL - generate_structs               - Name of the structure struc_??0?$_Hash@V?$_Uset_traits@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@V?$_Uhash_compare@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@U?$hash@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@std@@U?$equal_to@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@4@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@4@$0A@@std@@@std@@IEAA@AEBV?$_Uhash_compare@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@U?$hash@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@std@@U?$equal_to@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@4@@1@AEBV?$allocator@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@1@@Z is not correct
2022-05-30 03:16:19,545 - symless - CRITICAL - generate_structs               - Name of the structure struc_??0?$_Hash@V?$_Umap_traits@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@U?$pair@$$CBV?$vector@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@@2@@std@@$$CBV12@@2@V?$_Uhash_compare@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@Ucase_insensitive_hash_t@details@PublisherProtection@@Ucase_insensitive_equal_to_t@45@@2@V?$allocator@U?$pair@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@U?$pair@$$CBV?$vector@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@@2@@std@@$$CBV12@@2@@std@@@2@$0A@@std@@@std@@IEAA@AEBV?$_Uhash_compare@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@Ucase_insensitive_hash_t@details@PublisherProtection@@Ucase_insensitive_equal_to_t@45@@1@AEBV?$allocator@U?$pair@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@U?$pair@$$CBV?$vector@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@@2@@std@@$$CBV12@@2@@std@@@1@@Z is not correct
2022-05-30 03:16:19,546 - symless - CRITICAL - generate_structs               - Name of the structure struc_??$emplace@AEBU?$pair@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@U?$pair@$$CBV?$vector@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@@2@@std@@$$CBV12@@2@@std@@@?$_Hash@V?$_Umap_traits@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@U?$pair@$$CBV?$vector@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@@2@@std@@$$CBV12@@2@V?$_Uhash_compare@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@Ucase_insensitive_hash_t@details@PublisherProtection@@Ucase_insensitive_equal_to_t@45@@2@V?$allocator@U?$pair@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@U?$pair@$$CBV?$vector@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@@2@@std@@$$CBV12@@2@@std@@@2@$0A@@std@@@std@@QEAA?AU?$pair@V?$_List_iterator@V?$_List_val@U?$_List_simple_types@U?$pair@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@U?$pair@$$CBV?$vector@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@@2@@std@@$$CBV12@@2@@std@@@std@@@std@@@std@@_N@1@AEBU?$pair@$$CBV?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@U?$pair@$$CBV?$vector@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@@2@@std@@$$CBV12@@2@@1@@Z is not correct
2022-05-30 03:16:19,546 - symless - CRITICAL - generate_structs               - Name of the structure struc_??$emplace@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@?$_Hash@V?$_Uset_traits@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@V?$_Uhash_compare@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@U?$hash@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@std@@U?$equal_to@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@4@@std@@V?$allocator@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@4@$0A@@std@@@std@@QEAA?AU?$pair@V?$_List_const_iterator@V?$_List_val@U?$_List_simple_types@V?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@std@@@std@@@std@@_N@1@$$QEAV?$unique_any_t@V?$unique_storage@U?$resource_policy@PEAUHBITMAP__@@P6AHPEAX@Z$1?DeleteObject@@YAH0@ZU?$integral_constant@_K$0A@@wistd@@PEAU1@PEAU1@$0A@$$T@details@wil@@@details@wil@@@wil@@@Z is not correct

These names seem to be not demangled correctly by the idaapi and then the name is invalid
Nevertheless, in HexRays name are demangled ..

improve usage of model reload

Reflechir au mode incremental, flagger toutes les decisions prises sur les conflits pour savoir si ca vient de l'user ou de symless.
Quelle est la priorité user vs symless. Est ce que ca ecrase les anciens conflits .. etc ?

Avoir symless stable lorsqu'on l'applique deux fois sur la base

Automatic field typing

Right now the only typed structure fields are:

  • __vftable pointers in structures;
  • methods members of vtables structures.

We could use IDA type information while propagating to automatically type more fields.

For example if we created a struc_A with a field field_c from the following assignement:

   A.field_c = "some_string";

We can guess that field_c type is char*, and automatically type it.

Or if we have the following call:


And knowing fct prototype to be:

   void fct(char* str);

We can guess the same.

Remove propagation dependence to calling convention

Right now the information forwarded during a function call depend on the callee's calling convention: Only the register / stack parameters are forwarded to callee.

Current approach problems

  • The binary possible calling conventions have to be guessed depending on the binary arch, only a few cc are supported;
  • A lot of messy code is used to guess a function calling convention.

The only advantage of knowing a function's cc is that it can be used to know if it is worth to propagate in a callee, by looking if any interesting info is present in its parameters. For performance sake this is required, but could be avoided by improving how the propagation is done.

How to improve

Do not consider callee's cc when propagating information in a call:

  • Keep all registers values;
  • Keep the stack state (be sure to shift it the right way).

The calling convention is only required when setting a function's type. For that we need to track what registers / stack offsets are used in the function without beeing set before, and guess the function's cc from that. This should be easy for register-parameters, less for stack parameters.


Hooks are very limited and described by JSON => Replace it with Python functions with examples on some syscalls like socket/files/registry/etc.

doublon sid et sid_ida

est-ce possible d'eviter le doublon : self.sid = -1 # set by context_t
self.sid_ida = -1 # set when add_struc is called

Regression tests

Add usage of regression tests in README

Make regression tests more resistant/communicative about errors when applying symless or dumping information

Regression tests only on branch or on commit ?

Dont run make apply and make dump when it has already been done for a given branch/commit

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